De Cuoi Ky 2 Tieng Anh 11 Nam 2021 2022 Truong THPT Lac Long Quan Ben Tre PDF

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(Đề có 03 trang) Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút, không tính thời gian giao đề
Mã đề: 01 Học sinh làm bài trực tiếp trên đề thi

-Họ và tên:.........................................................
-Lớp: ............................................................. -SBD: ...................... -Điểm: ......................


I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others. (0.5 pt)
Question 1. A. meditation B. prescription C. expectancy D. precaution
Question 2. A. liveable B. reliable C. familiar D. prestigious
II. Choose the word that has the stress differently from the others. (0.5 pt)
Question 3. A. diploma B. monument C. dynasty D. elegance
Question 4. A. pursue B. broaden C. consult D. comprise
III. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting. (0.5 pt)
Question 5. Peter apologised to Mary of not coming to her birthday party.
Question 6. If you met Mary, tell her I want to see her.
IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions. (0.5 pt)
Question 7. You should exercise regularly and eat less salt and fat to boost your health
A. improve B. decrease C. reduce D. impress
Question 8. Most of the students in our country are interested in pursuing higher education to get
bachelor's degrees.
A. interrupting B. giving up C. trying D. following
V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions. (0.5 pt)
Question 9. A lot of ancient houses in Hoi An remain intact even after several hundred years.
A. in perfection B. in ruins C. in chaos D. in completion
Question 10. Visitors with more abundant travel budgets can enjoy the comfort of five-star hotels and
luxury cruise ships.
A. huge B. plentiful C. rich D. scarce
VI. Choose the word or phrase – A, B, C or D – that best completes the sentence. (2.5 pts)
Question 11. Most of us probably ____ too many carbohydrates.
A. flirt B. destroy C. consume D. ban
Question 12. Diet can help you to keep your skin healthy, so eat plenty of ________ foods.
A. anti-acne B. ageing C. anti-cholesterol D. stress-free
Question 13. In order to avoid bad eating habits, you'll have to replace unhealthy fat with more __ food.
A. nutrition B. nutritional C. nutritious D. nutritive
Question 14. The Complex of Hue Monuments is a _______ of many royal monuments from the
Nguyen Dynasty.
A. combining B. combination C. combine D. combinable
Question 15. This increase can be attributed _____three main factors.
A. for B. on C. to D. from

Question 16. Kim's father reminded ____ to his fitness class.

Đề kiểm tra cuối kỳ II- Môn TIẾNG ANH 11 (CT 10 năm) – Mã đề 01 1

A. to him going B. him go C. him to go D. he goes
Question 17. __________all necessary information, he started writing his report.
A. Have collected B. Have been collecting C. collected D. Having collected
Question 18. If they have no homework, they usually________ soccer.
A. play B. would play C. will play D. plays
Question 19. Situated on Cam Khe Hill, Tomb of Minh Mang is one of the most interesting royal tombs
____ in Hue.
A. to visit B. visited C. visiting D. being visited
Question 20. She ____ a report on further education since last Monday. She will finish it this Sunday.
A. has read B. has been reading C. read D. is reading
VII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best
completes each of the following exchanges. (0.5 pt)
Question 21. Hana and Jenifer are talking about what to do at the weekend.
- Hana: “What's about going to the waterpark?” - Jenifer: “___________.”
A. That's a good idea. B. That's right. C. Of course! D. I'm sorry I can't.
Question 22. Peter is paying Ann a compliment on her dress.
- Peter: "You look very pretty in this dress." – Ann“____”
A. It's so nice of you to say that. B. Yes, it is fairly expensive.
C. I see what you mean. D. I’d like
VIII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions. (1.25 pts)
Every one of us produces garbage of one kind or another. Some of the garbage is thrown into the
sea. Some is burnt or buried under the ground. Every year we need to find about 800.000 cubic meters
of empty land just to bury the garbage.
This is the same as filling one football stadium with garbage up to 20 meters high! This garbage
damages the environment. Although a lot of garbage is buried in the ground, some of it gets blown
about in the wind. Also, when garbage is burnt, poisonous gases are given off into the air. The garbage
thrown into the sea will pollute the water.
What can we do about these problems? One very easy answer is to produce less garbage. We can
recycle things made from glass and paper as well as tin cans. People can refuse to take the plastic bags
from the shops and supermarkets by bringing with them their own bags or baskets when they go
The government should tell people about the dangers of garbage pollution. Education is perhaps
the most important factor for keeping our environment healthy for the future.
Question 23: According to paragraph 2, poisonous gases are given off when we__________.
A. throw the garbage into the sea B. recycle the garbage
C. burn the garbage D. blow the garbage about
Question 24: According to paragraph 3, when we go shopping, we should__________.
A. use our own baskets or bags B. tell other people about recycling
C. buy less food D. ask for more plastic bags
Question 25: All of these can be recycled EXCEPT__________.
A. glass B. paper C. tin cans D. poisonous gases
Question 26: The word "it" in paragraph 2 refers to__________.
A. environment B. garbage C. stadium D. ground
Question 27: The word "poisonous” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to__________.
A. toxic B. clean C. healthy D. pleasant
IX. Choose the word among A, B, C, D that best fits the blank in the following passage. (1.25 pt)
Now is the year 2060. Barbara is an engineer (28) _____ for Hi-tech Operation Centre of
Superstar City. Her job is to detect and analyze any threats to public safety such (29) ___ floods,
earthquakes, and even (30) ____. Thanks (31) _____various sensors installed in every home and public

Đề kiểm tra cuối kỳ II- Môn TIẾNG ANH 11 (CT 10 năm) – Mã đề 01 2

place, Barbara's center can predict probable disasters, identify their locations and send a rescue team to
help the people in danger. If warnings and assistance are given in good time, people's lives are well
protected. Barbara's husband, Mark, is working for Eco Infrastructure Network, (32) ____ main
function is to deal with urban environmental problems to make Superstar City greener, cleaner and more
Question 28. A. working B. to work C. worked D. work
Question 29. A. or B. as C. like D. and
Question 30. A. pollute B. polluting C. polluted D. pollution
Question 31. A. to B. for C. on D. with
Question 32. A. that B. when C. whose D. what

01). 09). 17). 25).

02). 10). 18). 26).
03). 11). 19). 27).
04). 12). 20). 28).
05). 13). 21). 29).
06). 14). 22). 30).
07). 15). 23). 31).
08). 16). 24). 32).


I. Complete each question, using the correct question tag. (0.75 pt)
1. Nobody wanted to live in polluted air, ___________?
2. Let’s go to her birthday party, ___________?
3. These tables are expensive, ____________?

II. Rewrite the following sentences as directed (1.25pts)

4. “Would you like to come with me?” John said to Mary.
John invited ______________________________________________ (using reported speech)
5. “You cheated in the exam,” the teacher said to Jack.
The teacher accused ________________________________________ (using reported speech)
6. Since they have used up the fossil fuel resources in their country, they have to find some types of
alternative energy.

_______________________________________________________ (using perfect participle)

7. The books which were written by Nam Cao are interesting.
The books__________________________________________________ (reducing relative clause)
8. He started learning how to play the violin two months ago. He’s still learning it.
He ________________________________________________ (using present perfect continuous)


Đề kiểm tra cuối kỳ II- Môn TIẾNG ANH 11 (CT 10 năm) – Mã đề 01 3

Môn: TIẾNG ANH - Lớp: 11 (10 NĂM)
Mã đề: 01


0.25 X 32 = 8pts

1 A 17 D
2 B 18 A
3 A 19 A
4 B 20 B
5 C 21 A
6 A 22 A
7 A 23 C
8 D 24 A
9 B 25 D
10 D 26 B
11 C 27 A
12 A 28 A
13 C 29 B
14 B 30 D
15 C 31 A
16 C 32 C

PART 2: WRITING: 0.25 X 8 = 2pts

I. 0.25 X 3 = 0.75 pts

1. Nobody wanted to live in polluted air, did they ?

2. Let’s go to her birthday party, shall we?
3. These tables are expensive, aren’t they?

II. 0.25 X 5 = 1.25 pts

4. John invited Mary to come with him.

5. The teacher accused Jack of cheating in the exam.
The teacher accused Jack of having cheated in the exam.
6. Having used up the fossil fuel resources in their country, they have to find some types of alternative
7. The books written by Nam Cao are interesting.
8. He has been learning how to play the violin for two months.


Đề kiểm tra cuối kỳ II- Môn TIẾNG ANH 11 (CT 10 năm) – Mã đề 01 4

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