F Rules 7085 30102017

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No. F. 15(1 )FD(Rules)/2017 Jaipur, dated : 30th October, 2017

Subject : - Fixation of pay of Government servants in the Rajasthan Civil

Service (Revised Pay) Rules, 2017.

The undersigned is directed to invite attention to this Department Notification

No. F. 15(1)FD/Rules/2017 dated 30.10.2017 under which the Rajasthan Civil
Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2017 have been promulgated. The Part ‘A ’ & Part ‘B’
of Schedule-I and Section ‘A ’,B’ & ‘C’ of Schedule -II have been appended to the
aforesaid rules with a view to facilitating and expediting fixation of pay in the Pay
2. The rules provide that the Government servants should exercise option within
three months from the date of publication of these rules indicating whether they
desire to come over to the prescribed Level in the Pay Matrix or to retain existing
running pay band and grade pay. In the case of Government servants who does not
exercise option to retain the existing Running Pay Band and Grade Pay within the
prescribed time, he will be deemed to have opted for the Rajasthan Civil Services
(Revised Pay) Rules, 2017 and thereupon his pay shall be fixed in Level in the Pay
Matrix. The option given by the Government servant may be pasted in his Service
Book and a true copy of it be placed in his personal file. The fixation of pay in Level in
the Pay Matrix of the individual Government servant may, therefore, be done as and
when option is received. The Heads of Departments/Offices should not wait or
postpone action in this respect until options from all Government servants serving
under them are received.
3 (i) The pay of Government servants may be drawn in Level in the Pay Matrix
thereon after pay fixation statements have been checked by the Accounts
o ffice rs)/ Assistant Accounts officer-l of the Department or the officer(s)
specially authorized in this connection. A Proforma for the purpose of
fixation of pay in Level in the Pay Matrix is enclosed.
(if) The Head of Offices/ Departments shall prepare pay fixation statements of
each Government servant in the prescribed Proforma in triplicate and
send the same to the authorities as specified in para 5 of this
Memorandum. The original and duplicate copy of the fixation statement,
after checking by Accounts Officer/ Assistant Accounts Officer-l or
Treasury Officer/ Assistant Treasury Officer as the case may be, shall be
returned to the concerned Head of Office/ Department of the employee.
The triplicate copy shall be retained by the checking authority for record of
his office. The Head of Office shall attach original copy of the pay fixation
statement with the arrear bill and retain duplicate copy in his office in the
personal file of the respective employee.
4. In the absence of pre-audit, there is a possibility of fixation of pay being done
wrongly resulting in over-payments which shall have to be recovered subsequently,
* To safeguard against such a contingency, the disbursing officers shall obtain

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undertaking from each Government servant that in the event of overpayment as a
result of incorrect fixation of pay, recovery may be made from his pay,
5. The Accounts O fficers)/ Assistant Accounts Qfficers-I(s) are hereby
authorized to check the pay fixation statements of employees serving in their
respective Departments. Where there is no Accounts Officer/Assistant Accounts
Officer-1 in a Department the fixation statement for checking will be sent by the Head
of Office to the Treasury Officer who passes salary claims of that office. The Treasury
officer(s) and Assistant Treasury Officer(s) of such Treasuries are authorized to
check such fixation statements.
6. The fixation of pay of Government servants on deputation to various
undertakings, autonomous bodies etc. in Level in the Pay Matrix under Rajasthan
Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2017 shall be done by the Accounts
Officers/Assistant Accounts Officer-I of their parent departments to which they
belong. In case of members of Rajasthan Administrative Service and Rajasthan
Accounts Service and Rajasthan Subordinate Accounts Services, fixation of pay of
deputationists in Level in the Pay Matrix, shall be done by the Department of
Personnel, Government of Rajasthan and Director, Treasuries & Accounts,
Rajasthan, Jaipur respectively.
7. (i) Fixation of pay in Level in the Pay Matrix under Rajasthan Civil Services
(Revised Pay) Rules, 2017 in respect to left out posts which do not find
place in the department-wise Schedule-ll, appended to these rules, may
not be done until the posts have been included in Section 'A', ‘B’ and ‘C’ of
Schedule-ll of the rules.
(ii) No payment of Special Pay be made in any case where the entry of
Special Pay has not been included in Schedule-Ill appended to these
rules, regardless of drawal of Special Pay in the existing running pay band
and grade pay.
8. The Heads of Offices/Departments will ensure that entries with respect to
fixation of pay in Level in the Pay Matrix are made on the basis of fixation statements
approved by the Accounts Officer/ Treasury Officer/ Assistant Accounts Officer-I/
Assistant Treasury Officer in the Service Book of the employees under his
9. The fixation statement checked and approved by the authorities
specified in para 5 & 6 above will be subject to check by the audit parties of the
Accountant General’s Office and internal check/ audit parties of the State
Government when they visit Offices/Departments for conducting normal audit.

By order of the Governor,

Secret; ^ nment
Finance (Budget)

(71 )

Name of Department/Office ...............................................................................

1. Name and Designation of the Government Servant :

2. For substantive/officiating post:

0) Existing Running Pay Band

(ii) Existing Grade Pay

( liiT Existing Grade Pay No.

3. Date of Last increment in the Running Pay Band & Grade Pay

4. Date from which Rajasthan Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules,

2017 Opted (permissible as per rules)
5. Existing Emoluments as defined in Rule 5(iv)

(A) Basic Pay as defined in Rule 5(i) ,

<B) Personal Pay, if any

(C) Dearness Allowance at the rate of 125% of Basic Pay

(D) Total Emoluments (A+B+C)

6. Applicable Level in the Pay Matrix corresponding to Running

Pay Band and Grade Pay shown at SI.No. 2

7. Amount arrived at by multiplying basic pay as at SI.No. 5{A)

by 2.57 (rounded in Rs.)

8. Revised em olum ents:

Pay in the Level in the Pay Matrix
9. Difference of existing emoluments and revised emolument:
(i) Existing emoluments as at SI.No.5
(ii) Revised emoluments as at SI. No.8
(ill) Personal Pay under Rule 11(6) i.e difference of item (i)-(ii)
(To b e ab s o rb e d in fu tu re in c re a s e s in P ay) '

10. Date of next increment under Rule 13

11. Remarks :

( 72)
Certified that >
(i) Pay in the Level in the Pay Matrix has been fixed Rs..................................... as above in accordance with
the Rajasthan Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2017
(ii) The entry of the post is appearing in the aforesaid rules at Sr. No.............. of Schedule -II Section ’AV’B’/’C’
(a) Name of Department:
(b) Name of Service :
(iii) An undertaking has been obtained from the employee to refund overpayments, if any, which may
subsequently detected.

Place Signature & Designation of

Date : Head of Office/ Head of Department

Checked and Approved

Accounts officer/ Asstt. Accounts Officer - 1

Date :
No. : F .......... Date :
Copy to
1 Head of office/Department.............................................................
2 Accounts officer/ Asstt. Accounts officer-l.......................................
3 Employee concern Sh./Smt./Kumari.................................................

Accounts officer/ Asstt. Accounts Officer -I


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