Pay and Allowances

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1. The claim is not admissible before expiry of month.

[ Authority: Art 72 of A P Financial Code Volume-I ]

2. All enclosures to the Pay Bill should be in ink signed by the competent authority.

3. Indication as to whether the posts is/are permanent or temporary. If temporary

the G.O.No. and date in which the posts were last sanctioned is to be noted
[ Authority: SR 7 of TR 16 A.P.Treasury Code Vol-I ]

4. Declaration from the controlling officer in respect of temporary establishment

beyond the period of sanction is to be enclosed. (This is applicable for a period
of three months after expiry of last sanction)
a) When the staff is for a specified period this will not arise
b) When the schemes is continuous one and the original sanction is given at
least for a period of one year , the certificate is acceptable
[Authority: G.O.Ms.No.163 Fin.(Accts.) Dept. Dt. 28-6-73 and G.O. Ms.
No.268Finance (Accts.)Dept.

5. Indication as to AIS officers, Gazetted or Non- Gazetted is to be noted on the

Right side top of the bill in red ink, separate claim has to be preferred in respect
of AIS officers duly supported by pay slips in original issued by the PAO
Hyderabad when the claim is either preferred for the first time or an increase in
pay is noticed and other recovery schedules.

6. Separate bills for permanent and temporary establishment and separate bills for
Plan and Non Plan shall be presented
Authority: SR 7 of TR 16 A.P.Treasury Code – I ]

7. Correct schedules in respect of all deductions like GPF, Class IV GPF, CSS,
APGLI, PT, GIS, all loans and advances,Interest on loans except FA, Spl.FA &
EA, interest on loans, IT etc., are to be enclosed in Prescribed proforma in
triplicate duly signed by the DDO separately. Employee I.D. Number should be
noted in all employee related claims and all schedules.
[Authority: SR 2(1) of TR 16] and [Rule 10 of GPF Rules and Govt Act No
87789/B/dt 21-5-68] A.P.Treasury Code Volume – I.]

8. Total deductions should be tallied with reference to schedules.

[ Authority: SR 2(i) of TR 16 A.P.Treasury Code Volume-I ]

10. Gross and Net amount of the bill should agree with the total recoveries

11. The Accountant concerned is totally responsible for Arithmetical accuracy of the
[Authority: SR 7 of TR 16 A.P.Treasury Code Volume-I ]
12. Certificate for the drawl of HRA and other compensatory allowances should be
[ Authority: Note 2 of SR 4 under FR 44

13. If, the bill relates to leave salary, the period of leave, nature of leave should be
noted in the bill duly Supported by leave sanction orders issued by the
competent authority . The leave already availed and balance of leave at their
credit should be noted in leave proceedings.
[Authority: G.O.Ms.No.384 F & P (FW TR I) Dept.dt.05-11-1977]

16. Number of posts in each category/designation/ scale of pay and pay drawn by
the Individual to be tallied with reference to entries in fly leaves besides
maintaining SLO Register for observation of cadre strength.
[ Authority: Article 72 of A P Financial Code Volume –I]

17. G.O. No. and Date in which the Permanent/ Temporary Estt. Of the Drawing
Officer is to be noted on the Top of the bill in the Red Ink, TBR No. and Date
should be noted at appropriate Column and also indicate Plan and Non
Plan on the bill. [ Authority: S.R.7 T.R. 16 A.P. Treasury Code Vol-I]

18. Sanction of continuance of Temporary Post with the period should be noted in
the bill
[ Authority: S.R.7 T.R. 16 A.P.Treasury Code Vol-I ]
19. Certificate should be furnished in respect of the persons whose names have
been omitted in the pay bill with reasons.
[Authority: S.R.9 T.R. 16Treasury Code Vol-I ]

20. The claim in respect of each item Under Pay, DA, HRA, CCA etc., in the bill shall
be rounded off to the nearest rupee.
[ Authority: S.R.2 (g) T.R.16 Treasury Code Volume – I and Art.321 and 322
of A.P. Financial Code Volume-I ]

21. Schedule in form 41[c] should be enclosed in triplicate in support of the

deduction made in compliance with the order of court
[ Authority: S.R.2 (k) T.R. 16 A.P.Treasury Code Volume-I

22. The pay bill for the month of February shall contain the certificate regarding
recovery of Income Tax.

23. A certificate to the effect that the APEWF Contribution @ 20/- for all cadres shall
be deducted in the March Salary bill payable on April may be appended.
[ Authority: Note under Art.325 of A.P.Financial Code Volume-I ]

24. The DTOs is empowered to return the DDOs Salary bill of April payable in May
every financial year due to Non-accompany of P.A. Acknowledgement Form.
25. The pay bill relating to the month of MAY payable in JUNE should contain the
Service verification Certificate for the year ending 31st March
[Authority: Note under Art 325 of A P Financial Code Volume-I ]

26. In the Pay bill for the month of December, recovery of flag day fund @ Rs.20/-
from NGOs and @ Rs. 50/- from Gazetted Officers may be effected. This should
be shown in the salary bill form in Non Govt. deductions column.
(G.O.Ms.No.299 Home (Gen. C) Dept.dt.18-12-2007)

27. The certificate prescribed G.O.Ms.No.183 F&P dt.28-6-73 and G.O.Ms.No.67

F&P, Dt. 16-2-76 in respect of the Temporary Estt. continued beyond the
sanction period should be enclosed to the pay bill.

28. The entries in respect of all kinds of bills should be noted in the flyleaf in
respective ledger sheet of the individual and cadre strength particulars with
regard to Duty pay-leave salary subsistence allowance and vacancy particulars
should be noted in the S.L.O. Register along with token number and date.

29. In respect of claims of fresh appointments the relevant orders of the selection
authority /Government and appointing authority should be obtained and bill is to
be presented in duplicate and entry is to be made in the first appointments watch

30. In case of 1st salary bill of a newly recruited employee, a certificate to the effect
that the Physical fitness certificate has been obtained and filed in the DDOs

31. In case of 1st pay bill of a newly recruited employee an amount of Rs 50/- is to
be recovered towards APEWF subscription compulsorily.

32. In case of first salary bill of a new employee, a certificate to the effect that the
appointment was made in accordance with the provisions contained in Section 4
of Act 2 of 1994 issued by the appointing authority only. Other wise the pay bill
shall be returned by the treasury officer. The Pay bill should be preferred in
duplicate by the DDO. Original should be passed and the duplicate should be
retained in the treasury, making an entry the separate register maintained for
this purpose.
[ Authority: GO MS NO 68 F&P FW PC-I DEPT DT 24-4-92 &
Memo.No.P2/28950/6 dt. 18-10-96 of DTA AP Hyderabad.

33. Original LPC should be insisted for 1st drawl of salary bill of the transferred
employee duly noting the date of joining of the individual in the post under
proper attestation of the DDO who presents the pay bill.[TR.23of APTC Vol.I]

34. In respect of GIS claims, subscription shall be recovered from the employee
Irrespective of his being on duty, leave or suspension
35. No interest on arrears of subscription due, shall be levied, if the non-recovery is
due to delayed payment of salary

36. If an employee is EOL during which no salary is payable, his subscription for the
month for which no payment of salary is made to him, shall be recovered with
interest admissible under the scheme is not more than 3 installments from his
Salary for the months following the month in which he resumes duty after leave.
If an employee dies while on EOL, the subscription due from his shall be
recovered with interest from his family under the scheme.


[1] When a Government servant is transferred from one department to another

where there is change in the controlling authority
[2] When a Government servant is promoted from NGO to Gazetted post or
reverted from GO and NGO involving a transfer
[3] When a Government servant finally quits the service
[4] When one is transferred to foreign service/ deputation

[5] When one is transferred from one public works division to another or forest

[6] In case of transfer out side the audit circle

[7] When deputed to famine duty

[Authority: Art. 72 of A P Financial Code Volume-I ]



1] If an employee has disappeared leaving his family and if his where aboutsare
not known the family should have lodged a complaint with concerned police

2] The police authorities after due investigation should have issued a report that
the employee has not been traced after all the efforts had been made by the
3] The said report of the police in original should be filed by the family preferring
the claims due to the Govt. servant

4] The family should also execute a indemnity bond that all the payments made
will be adjusted against the payment due to employee in case he appears on
the scene and makes any claim

5] While making payments of above dues, the Head of the office will assess all
Govt. dues against the Govt. servant and effect the recovery
6] The family can be paid salary due for the duty period of the Govt. servant till
the date of disappearance, the encashment of leave if any due to the legal
heir after lapse of one year from the date of filing of FIR

7] In respect of GPF amount standing at his credit, it shall be paid to the nominee
as per the nomination filed by the Govt. servant after lapse of one year from
the date of filing of FIR

8] After lapse of one year from the date of disappearance, the family pension and
retirement gratuity proposals may be entertained from the family

9] After lapse of seven years from the date of filing of FIR, an application for
compassionate appointment shall only be entertained from the eligible family
member for consideration GOMsNo.378, GAD (SER.A) dept.dt.24-08-99

10] A fresh police report shall be obtained that the missing Govt. employee is not
traceable while considering the application for compassionate appointment

11] The application for compassionate appointment shall be entertained within one
year from the date of completion of seven years from the date of filing of FIR
with police.

12] This benefit shall not be applied to the cases of Govt. servant who had less
than 7 years of service to retire on the date from which the FIR is filed.
13] Who is suspected to have committed fraud, are suspected to join any terrorist,
extremist organization or suspected to have gone abroad, the application for
compassionate appointment shall not be considered.

14] A bond shall be obtained from the dependent at the time of appointment with a
condition that if such missing Govt. employee is alive anywhere at a later date,
the services of the person so appointed are liable for termination.

15] GIS,APGLI and insurance claims shall be settled after completion of 7 years
from the date of filing of FIR


1] Payment of obsequies charges in respect of deceased Government employees

is Rs. 5,000/-
[Authority: G.O.Ms.No. 569 GAD [Ser.Wel.I] Dept. dt. 6-8-07]

2] The obsequies charges of a Govt. employee who retired from service but
whose pensionery benefits are not yet received shall be drawn and paid by
the DDO from where the employee retired by debiting the amount to 2071-
Pension head.

3] Allow Obsequies charges to Village Servants who died while in service

[G.O.Ms.No. 101 Revenue(VO) Dept. dt. 27-01-1992]
4] The Detailed and Sub-detailed head for Obsequies Charges is 310/318 and bill
should be preferred in A.P.T.C. Form 102


[ ART. 80 OF APFC VOL.I & G.O.Ms.No. 301 dt. 24-8-1987]

1] Pay Leave Salary and other emoluments of a Government Employee died can
be drawn for the day of death irrespective of the hour a which the death has
taken place.

2] The payment can be made without production of legal heir certificate unless
there is doubt,

3] In respect of N.G.Os, the Pay and Allowances of all kinds including TA relating
to deceased employee can be drawn and paid by the Head of the Office in
which the Government Servant last employed, if the Gross Amount of the
Claim does not exceed Rs. 5,000/-.

4] If the Head of the Office is N.G.O., the Claim should be sanctioned by the
immediate Gazetted Officer.

5] If the amount exceeds Rs. 5,000/- it should be drawn and paid with the
sanction of HOD after obtaining indemnity bond in From VI.

6] One Surety can be accepted upto Rs. 7,500/- if the surety is financially sound
and 2 Sureties are required beyond Rs. 7500/-


1] The employees who were recruited on or after 01-09-2004, a monthly
contribution of 10% of the Basic Pay + DA from their salary shall
be credited to the Contributory pension scheme
[ G.O.Ms.No. 655 Finance(Pensions-I) Dept. dt. 22-9-2004]

2] No separate G.P.F.Account is required for persons who appointed

after 01-09-2004 and who comes under Contributory Pension Scheme
[ G.O.Ms.No. 655 Finance(Pensions-I) Dept. dt. 22-9-2004)

3] In all cases where an in-service employee who was covered under the earlier
pension rules joins another organization/department where the same rules
were applicable after submitting a technical resignation, such employee will be
treated outside the purview of the C.P.S.
[Govt. Memo.No.21944/ 379/A2/Pen.I/2005.dt.26-09-2005]
1. The incremental arrear bill shall be preferred in A.P.T.C. form 47

2. Increment should ordinarily be drawn unless it is withheld on account of

misconduct or Unsatisfactory work by the competent authority under CCA Rules
(FR 24) after completing one year of satisfactory service on duty.

3. All duty in a post on time scale counts for increment FR 26(a)

4. Leave with all allowances will count for increment FR 26(b)(i)

5. EOL on MC or for any other cause beyond the Government Servants control or
for Prosecuting higher scientific or technical studies within an understanding to
serve the Government on return of leave for a period of five years shall also
count for increment and this should be one time in entire service. For sanction
of increment for period of EOL, below six months HOD is competent and beyond
6 months the Government is competent authority.
[Authority: FR 26 b (ii) & Cir Memo.No. 21102-B/371/A2/FR.I/98 dt.7-8-98 of
F&P [FW.FR.I] Department.]

6. Increment will be drawn from the 1st of the month in which it is due.
[ Authority: G.O.Ms.No.133, F & P, Dt.13-05-74 and GOMsNo192, F & P Dt.1-
7. Periods that do not count for increments.
a) EOL on private affairs
b) Period treated as Dies-Non-under FR18
c) Over stayal of Joining Time not regularized.
d) Unauthorized Absence in continuation of authorized absence of leave not
e) Suspension treated as “NOT DUTY”
f) Period of interruption
g) Service rendered at less than the minimum of the time
scale under FR 35
h) Service as apprentice
8. If the increment fallen due during the period of leave(other than E.O.L.) which
was regulated later, the Increment shall be sanctioned from the date of accrual
with the monetary benefit from the date of joining after expiry of leave. In case of
EOL, the increment shall also be postponed accordingly.

10. The increment certificate in APTC form 49 in 15 columns duly signed by the
DDO should be enclosed along with sanction proceedings issued by the
competent authority.
[Authority: SR 13 & 15 OF TR 16 A.P.Treasury Code Volume-I]

12. No increment shall be sanctioned during suspension period.


Automatic Advancement Scheme shall be applicable to all those who are

drawing in Grade-I to XXI i.e., upto and inclusive of Revised Scales under
RPS, 2005of Rs. 10845-25600 as indicated in G.O.(P)No.241 Finance (P.C.II)
Dept.dt. 28-9-2005 and G.O.(P) No.201 Fin(PC II) Dept.dt.18-07-2006

1] The pay of the employee is to be fixed on promotion involving higher

responsibilities and time scale be fixed at under FR 22(a)(i) from the date of
promotion to fix his pay in the next stage in the time scale attached to the
promotion post.

2] The pay is also to be re-fixed under FR 31(2) from the date of accrual of
increment in the lower cadre.

3] If the Govt. servant promoted to the higher post after appointment to Automatic
Advancement Scheme (SG & SPP-I) in the lower post on or after 01-07-2003,
the pay of the individual shall be fixed under FR 22(B).
[G.O.(P) No. 241 Fin.(P.C.II)Dept dt. 28-09-2005]

4] If the Govt. servant promoted to the higher post from the lower category with out
getting appointment to the AAS, the pay of the individual shall be fixed under
FR 22(B) by allowing notional increment at the time of fixation

5] When once the pay is fixed under FR 22-B, the provisions of Rule
31(2) shall not be applicable in any case.

6] If a Govt. servant opted to fix his pay under FR 22(B) from the date of
promotion, One increment has to be added notionally to the pay already drawn
in the lower post, and fix the pay so arrived in the next stage in the promotion

7] If a Govt. servant opted to fix his pay under FR 22(B) from the date of accrual of
increment in the lower Category, One increment has to be released as per FR
26 (regular increment in the lower category) and add another increment
notionally to the pay already drawn in the lower post, and fix the pay so arrived
in the next stage in the promotion post
8] In respect of Govt. servants who promoted, they may be given only one
opportunity to revise their options provided such revised option shall be within a
period of one year from the date of promotion
(G.O.Ms.No.102, F & P (FW FR II) Dept.Dt.19-03-91)

9] The Govt. servants who promoted from the lower category shall exercise his
option for fixation of pay within 30 days from the date of joining in the promotion

10] Where a Govt. servant has reached the maximum of the time scale, or if he has
drawn all(3) stagnation increments, option is not necessary and his pay shall be
fixed from the date of promotion only and his next increment will be released
after completion of one year from the date of promotion only. In such cases
fixation of pay under FR 22(B), FR 31(2) is not applicable
[Cir.Memo.No.40304/692/A1/FR.II/2001 dt. 16-01-2002]

11] Family planning increments, higher education qualification increments does not
count for fixation of pay in the higher post.
12] In respect of typists and stenographers whose services have been regularized
prior to 24-08-98, their special pay shall be taken into consideration for pay
fixation in the promotion post.
(G.O.Ms.No.190,F & P,(FW FR II)Dept.Dt.24-08-98)

13] An employee carrying time scale upto 10845-25600 after completion of 8 years
incremental service in one cadre shall be eligible for appointment to the special
grade post and his pay shall be fixed in the SG post scale under FR 22(a)(i)
read with FR 31(2)

14] An employee after completion of 16 years incremental service in one cadre and
after acquiring the requisite qualification for appointment to the promotion post,
shall be eligible for appointment to the special promotion post and his pay shall
be fixed in the SPP post scale under FR 22(a)(i) read with FR 31(2) only.

15] An employee who does not acquire requisite qualification to become eligible for
promotion (1st level promotion) should not be eligible for appointment to the
SPP scale even after completion of 16 years of service.
16] An employee who has relinquished the right of promotion to the 1 st level
promotion post under Rule 45 of AP State and Subordinate Service Rules,
should not be appointed to SPP - I
(Govt.Memo.No.0007/375/PRC I/88.Dt.26-10-98)

17] The services rendered in two different categories i.e. Typist/Junior Assistant can
be computed for the purpose of appointment in SPP I

18] If an employee who has no promotional avenues according to service rules like
Shroffs, Attenders, Record assistants, Jeep drivers etc., after completion of 16
years of service, appointment shall be made under SAPP I

19] On completion of 24 years of service which counts for increments an employee shall be
eligible to be placed in the scale applicable to the next promotion scale over the First
Special Promotion post which happens tobe the next promotion post to the first
level promotion post to the original post held by him under relevant rules. This is
subject to condition that he is fully qualified tobe promoted to such promotion post,
and also such post should belong to the regular line and not outside the regular
line. This scale shall be called as “SPP Scale-II” [G.O.(P) No. 241 Finance (P.C.II)
Dept. dt. 28-09-2005]

20] In case an employee holding a post for which there is no promotion post under the
relevant service rules, he shall be eligible to be placed on completion of 24 years, inthe
scale of pay, next above the scale applicable to SAPP Scale-I. This scale shall be
“SAPP-II. [G.O.(P) No. 241 Finance (P.C.II) Dept. dt. 28-09-2005]
21] As per G.O.Ms.No. 241 Finance(PC II)Dept.Dt. 28-09-2005, the existing system of
awarding Automatic Advancement Grades for every 8/ 16/ 24 shall be continued in

22] The stagnation increments are treated as normal increments for all purposes such as
pension, pay fixation etc., and also sanctioned at the higher rate as admissible to the
(Memo. No.5763/59/PC-I/99-1,Dt.27-02-99 of F & P(FW PC I)Dept.)

23] The employees on completion of 45 years of age be exempted from passing the
departmental tests as prescribed in the service rules to get one level promotion, for
appointment to SPP also subject to conditions laid down in G.O.Ms.No.225 GAD Dt.18-

24] If the pay of the senior has been stepped-up on par with his junior, the DDO shall
present the bill in APTC Form 47 with the following documents

a) Proceedings issued by the competent authority (self –explanatory)

b) Comparative Statement
c) Seniority list
d) SR s of both junior and senior
e) Due drawn particulars

Note : The increment of the senior will be allowed after completion

of one year from the date of step-up of pay only.

25] Govt. clarified that the period during which the increments have been stopped without
cumulative effect, will count for purpose of AAS (Govt.Memo.No.41082 /574/A1/ PC
II/95,Dt.30-12-96 of F & P (FW PC II) Dept.

26] Pay fixation statements and appointment orders for AAS shall be enclosed in original
with ink-signed copy to the bill and also necessary increment certificates wherever
necessary be enclosed to the bill.

27] Fixation of pay on appointment to SG/SPP-I/SAPP-I/SPP-II/ SAPP-II, shall be under FR

22(a)(i) read with FR 31(2) only.

28] An employee should not be placed in ‘8’ years scale of S.G. post in the promotion
post, if he was promoted from SPP-II Scale in the lower cadre.

29] The Services rendered in the categories of Attender, Dafedar and Jamedar put
together or the service rendered in the categories of Attender and Record Assistant
Put together as the case may be shall continued tobe reckoned for purpose of
[G.O.(P) No. 241 Fin.(P.C) Dept dt. 28-09-2005]

30] In case of Government Servant appointed directly to another post nder the
Government by APPSC, the pay should be fixed under FR 22(a)(iv) and no rule
for protection of date of increment in the previous post.
[Memo.No.14497/188/A1/FR.II/2000 dt. 15-10-2004 of Finance FR.IIDept.]

31] Any employee working in Grants-in-Aid post are not Government

32] The cases of stepping up of pay of the senior Govt. servants on par with the pay of their
juniors as per rules, the request /representation of the senior Govt. servant must be
received upto a period of 5 years after promotion of their junior can be allowed.
(Cir. Memo.NO.5476-A/137/FR II/07.dt.12-03-2007 of Finance (FR II) Dept. )

33] The anomaly of junior drawing more pay than senior cannot be rectified if the pay of the
junior is fixed under FR 22(B) who promoted on or after 01-07-2003.
(Cir.Memo.No.2620-A/65/FR II/07.dt.20-02-2007 of Finance(FR II) Dept.

34] If an individual has failed to exercise his option for fixation of pay under FR 22(B)after
getting promotion, the Controlling Officer has to fix his pay under FR 22(B) either from
the date of promotion or from the date of accrual of next increment in the lower cadre
whichever is beneficial.


FROM 1-11-58 TO 1-7-98


(G.O.Ms. No.1044.Fin (PC) Dept. Dt.24/6/59)

Date of Effect: 1-11-1958

Date of Option:1-11-1958

Principles of fixation of pay:- The pay of an officer shall be fixed from 1-11-58 in
the R.P Scales at the stage next above the existing scale of pay whether it is a stage
or not in the revised scale. Provided that if his present pay less than the minimum of
the revised scale his pay shall be fixed at the minimum of the new scales.

Weightage: - Weightage of one increment for service up to 5 years, 2 increments for

service of five years or over up to 10 years and 3 increments for service of 10 years
or over in his present grade.

Next increment: - On completion of required period of 12 months.


(G.O. Ms. No 426. Fin. (PC) Date 15-11-61)

Date of effect:1-11-1961

Date of option:1-11-1961 or on the date of entry into revised scale.

Principles of fixation of pay : resent scale i.e. Basic pay, DA admissible on 1-11-
1961 or on the date of entry into the revised scale shall first be arrived at by
deducting the amount as specified in Column No. 2 below. The pay of government
servant shall be fixed in the revised scale at the stage next above whether it is a
stage or not in the revised scale of pay.
Weightages:- No weightages.

Pay of graduates and persons with higher qualifications:- Newly appointed

L.D.Cs, steno’s typists will start at Rs.100/- in the pay scale of 80-150 and holders of
recognized certificates or diploma in commerce of Banking with 2 advance
increments in that scale.


G.O.Ms.No.173,fin (PC) 13-2-1969

G.O.Ms.No.105, fin. (PC) Dept. date 13-4-70

Date of effect : 19-3-1969

Monetary Benfit : 1-4-1970

Date of option: 19-3-69 or on the date of next increment.

Principles of pay fixation :- The pay of Government servant shall be fixed in the
revised scale of the stage next above his pay in the existing scale whether it is a
stage or not in the new scale.

Weightage:- All Non-gazetted officers shall be allowed weightage of one increment

for service of 3 years and above up to 6years , and 2 increments for service of
6years above.
For other employees the orders already issued will continue to be in force.

Pay of graduates & persons with higher qualification:- Appointed as LDC,

Stenos or Typists will start @ Rs.114/- in the scale of pay Rs.90-6-150-7-192
(G.O.Ms.No.115 Fin.(PC)Dt.24/4/70.


(G.O.Ms.No. 180 Fin. & Plg. Dept. dt. 5-7-78)

Date of effect: 1-1-1974

Monetary benefit :1-5-1975

Date of option : 1-1-74 or next increment of subsequent increment in the existing

scale of pay
Existing Emoluments

1. pay as on 1-1-74 or as other date of entry into the Revised Pay Scales
2. DA as on 31-12-73
3. Add 5% of basic pay minimum 10/- maximum 25/-

Fixation of pay:- After the existing emoluments are increased above the pay shall
be fixed in the R.P scale of 1974 at the stage next above the amount of the existing
emoluments as so increased irrespective whether it is a stage or not in the
R.P.Scales 1974.

Fraction of 50 paise and above to be rounded of to next rupee and fractions of less
than 50 paise to be ignored.

Weightage:- No weightages
Pay of graduates of persons with higher qualification:- No Higher start as per
government Dt. 12/11/75.


1.G.O.P No235 , finance and planning, date 17/9//79.
2. G.O.Ms.No.41, finance and planning, date 4/2/80.

Date of Effect : 1-4-78

Monetary Benefit:1-3-79

Option:- 1-4-78 or date of next increment or date of subsequent increment in the

existing scale of pay accruing after 1/4/79 but not beyond 1-4-80.

Exercising Option:- Within a period of 6 months from the date of publication in the
A.P.Gazette up to 31-5-80 extended up to 31-7-80 and further extended up to 31-12-
80, vide G OMs No.208 dated 23-6-80, & G.O.Ms No.297 dated 9-10-80.

Employee who are on long leave or deputation or under suspension for

exercising option:-Within a period of one month from the date of joining duty after
the expiry of leave or from the date of his joining in government service on the
termination of his deputation of reinstatement, as the case my be.
Existing Emoluments
1. Basic pay as on 1/4/78 or as other date of entry in to revised pay scale 1978.
2. DA admissible on basic pay as on 1/4/78

Principles of fixation:- The pay of an employee shall be fixed on 1-4-78 or any

other date of entry into revised scale of pay 1978 at the stage next above to existing
scale of pay whether it is a stage or not in the new scale.

Weightage:- Grade: I to grade XVII 290-425 to 800-1450

1. one increment for service of 3 years and above up to 5 years.
2. 2 increments for service of 5 years and above up to 7years.
3. 3 increments for service of 7 years and above.
Grade XVIII 900-1500 and above:

1. one increment for the service of 3 years and above up to 5 years

2. 2 increments for the service of 5 years and above.

Next date of Increment:- The date of next increment in the R.P.Scale 1978 will be
the date on which they would have drawn their increments had they continue in the
existing scale of pay.
Stagnation increments :
Grades Biannual Annual
1-4-78 to31-3-81 from 1/4/81
I to XI - 5 5
XII to XIV - 3 3
XV - 2 3
XVI to XVIII - 2 2
XIX to XXI - 2 4
XXII to XXV - - 2 Biannual


(G.O.Ms No.288 Finance & Planning, date 17-11-86)

Date of Effect: 1-7-86

Monetary Benefit: 1-7-86
Option: Either from 1-7-86 or from the date on which he earns his next increment in
the existing scale of pay but before 30-6-87, the option once exercised shall be final.

Time for Exercising of option: - With in a period of 6 months from the date of
publication of these rules in the AP gazette. Government employees who are on
leave or on deputation or under suspension may exercise option with in a period of
one month from the date of resumption of duty after expiry of the leave or from the
date of his rejoining in service on the termination of his deputation or reinstatement
as the case may be.

Principles of fixation: - The pay of an employee shall be fixed on 1-7-86 or on the

date of entry into the revised scale at the stage next above the existing scale of pay
whether it is a stage or not in the new scale.

Existing Emoluments:

1. Basic pay as on 1/786 or as on the date of next increment.

2. DA admissible as on 1-1-86 (up to pay 640/- 90% above pay 640/- 72%)
3. PP under rule 9(23) a.
4. PP under rule 6(b).
5. PP under rule 6 ( c).
6. DA admissible on Family Planning increment.
7. Add 10% on Basic pay PP& FPP
8. Adhoc addition for fitment Rs25/- up to scale of 410-625 and Rs. 30/- from
425-650 and above.

Weightage:- No Weightages
Stagnation increments :-3 stagnation increments to all grades.
Next date of increment:- After fixation of pay in the R.P.Scale 1986 the next
increment should be given on the day on which he would have drawn his increment
in the existing scale.
G.O.P.No.162 Finance and Planning (FWPC) dt 20/5/93
G.O.P.No18 Finance and planning 19/1/94
Date of Effect : 1-7-92
Monetary benefit : 1-4-93

Option :- Either from 1-7-92 or from the date on which he earns his next increment,
any subsequent increment in the existing scale of pay, but before 30-6-94. The
option once exercised is final (G.O.P.No.317 Finance & Planning 19-9-94)

Exercising option :- With in a 6 months from the date of publication of these rules in
AP gazette. Government employees who are on leave or deputation or under
suspension may exercise option with in a period of one month from the date of
resumption of duty.

Principles for pay fixation:- The pay of an employee shall be fixed on 1-7-92 or on
the date of entry into R.P.S, at the stage next above the existing scale of pay
whether it is a stage or not in the new scale.

Master Scale :- The pay revision commissioner has evolved as master scale of Rs.
4400-160-5200-190-6150-230-7300-280-10380-, of which all the revised scales are

Existing Emoluments:
1. Basic pay as on 1/7/92 or as on the date of increment including stagnation
2. DA admissible as on 1/7/92.
3. DA on P P s.
4. DA on FP increment.
5. DA on typist special pay, drivers special Pay.
6. Add 10% on basic pay minimum 100/-

Weightage :- No weightage
Stagnation increments:- 3 stagnation increments to all cadres.
Date of next increment:- Normal date of increment.
(G.O.(P)No.114 Finance and Planning date 11-8-99)

Date of Effect : 1-7-1998

Monetary Benefit : 1-4-1999
Credit to G.P.F : 1-4-99 to 30-6-99
Cash payment : 1-7-1999

Option : Either from 1-7-1998 or from the date on which he earns next
increment in the existing scale of pay, but not beyond 30-6-99. The option once
exercised shall be final.

Time for Exercising option:- The option shall be exercised with in a period of 6
months from the date of publication of the notification in AP gazette.

Employees under suspension/ on leave/depuatation:- With in one month from

the date of joining duty/expiry of leave return from deputation or re-instatement.

Master Scale:- The Pay Revison commission evolved a master scale of

200-7150-250-8400-300-9900-350-11650-450-13900-525-19675 of which all the
revised scale are segments.

Fresh recruites to the last grade service:- Will be fixed by allowing 2

increments in the time scale of 2550-4550 by allowling them minimum basic pay
of Rs. 2650/-.

Existing Emoluments:
1. Basic pay including stagnation increments as on the date of option.
2. PP under Rule 9(23)(a)
3. PP under Rule 5 (b)
4. DA admissible as on 1-7-98
5. Add 25% on basic pay as fitment
Principle of fixation of pay in R.P.S 1999:-Pay shall be fixed in the R.P.Scale
1999 at the stage next above the amount of the existing emolument as so
increased wheter it is a stage or not in the R.P.Scale of 1999.
Stagnation increments:- Three stagnation increments to all cadres
Weightage: - No weightages
If the amount of the existing emoluments as so increased under column (a) is
less than the minimum of the R.P.Scale of 1999, the pay shall be fixing at the
minimum of the scale.

If the amount of the existing emoluments as so increased under clasue (a) is

more than the maximum of the R.P.Scale 99, the pay shall be fixed at maximum of
that scale, lthe difference shall be treated as P.P.

Next date of increment:- Next increment shall accrue on the date on which
he would have drawn his increment had he continued in the existing of pay.
(G.O.(P)NO.213,Fin.(PC I) Dept.Dt.27-08-2005.]
& G,O.(P).NO.180 Fin (PC I)Dept.dt.29-6-2006
Date of Effect : 01-07-2003
Monetary Benefit: 01-04-2005

Credited to GPF: 01-04-2005 to 31-07-2005.

Cash Payment: 01-08-2005.RPS 2005

Cash Payment: 01-06-2006 RPS 2005(OMC)

Option: Either from 01-07-2003 or from the date on which he earns next increment
in the existing scale of pay before 30-06-2004.

The option once exercised is final.

The option shall be exercised within a period of six months from the date of
publication of the notification in AP Gazette.

Employees who are under suspension/ long leave / deputation shall exercise their
option within one month from the date of joining duty.

MASTER SCALE: 3850-100-4150-110-4480-115-4825-125-5200-135-5605-145-


Fixation :

1) Basic Pay as on 01-07-2003 or

Next date of increment
2) DA as on 01-07-2003(30.266%) on the basic pay

3) Fitment 16% on basic pay.

If an employee not exercised his option within the stipulated time his pay should be
fixed w.e.f.01-07-03 only.

If the date of increment of an employee is modified by any court order or any

government order, he should exercise his revised option within one month from the
date of order.

The next increment shall accrue on the normal date of the employee

In case of Govt. employee who has reached maximum of the pre-revised scales and
has exhausted all the stagnation increments beyond the maximum of the scale and
stagnated for less than one year as on 1st July 2003, the next increment shall be
allowed on completion of one year from the date he has reached that stage.

In case of employee who has reached maximum of the pre-revised scale and has
exhausted all stagnation increments beyond the maximum of the scale and
stagnated for more than one year as on 01-07-03, the next increment shall be
allowed on 01-07-03.

If the amount so fixed under RPS 2005 is less than the Minimum of the Time Scale,
His pay should be fixed at the Minimum of the Time Scale.

If the amount so fixed under RPS 2005 is more than the maximum of the time scale
attached to the post, the pay should be fixed at maximum of time scale and the
difference shall be shown as PP and it should be absorbed in future increases.

A Govt employee who is on leave or under suspension as on 01-07-2003, shall also

be entitled to have his pay fixed inaccordance with these principles, subject to the
condition that the monetary benefit shall accrue to him only from the date of
resumption of duty by him.

If an employee who is re-instated after discharge from service shall enter the RPS,
2005 only on the date of reinstatement.

Where the pay of a Govt. employee is a higher officiating is less than or equal to the
pay fixed in the lower post, his pay in the higher post shall be fixed at the stage next
above his substantive pay in the lower post under 6(g)(i)

1. Copy of suspension orders issued by the competent authority should be

enclosed to the bill.
[Authority: FR 53 read with G.O.Ms.No.215 GAD (Ser.C) Dt.17-3-90.

2. Payment of subsistence allowance up to 3 months from the date of suspension

is equal to leave salary on half pay leave “i.e.” half pay + proportionate DA + full
HRA and CCA.
[Authority: FR 53 [I] [ii][a]

3. After 3 months if suspension is prolonged for reasons not directly attributed to

the employee then the amount of subsistence allowance may be increased by a
suitable amount up to 50%
[ Authority: FR 53 [I] [ii][a] ( I )

4. In case reasons directly attributable to the employee, then the amount of

subsistence allowance may be reduced a suitable amount up to 50%
[ Authority: [ FR 53 [I] [ii][a] [ ii ]
5. During suspension the subsistence allowance should be regulated and half of
the pay drawn prior to suspension. DA should be based on subsistence
payable. HRA and CCA should be on the pay prior to suspension
[Authority: Memo. No. 47710/A/245/A2/Admn.98 dt. 4-1-98. and Govt.
Memo. No7982 /212/A2/FR.II/2000 F&P [FW.FR.II] Dept.dt. 23-8-2000

6. No increment shall be sanctioned during suspension period.

7. No leave should be sanctioned during suspension period.

[Authority: FR 55]

8. Government ordered that the Govt. servant under suspension whether he is

lodged in Prison, or released on bail on his conviction, pending
consideration of his appeal, be paid Subsistence allowance.
[Authority: Govt. Memo. No. 39071/471/A2/FR.II/99 dt. 28-2-2000]

9. The suspended official shall submit a certificate to the competent authority that
he/she is not engaged in any other employment, business, profession every
month while getting subsistence allowance.
[Authority: FR.53 [2]

10. The vacant post of suspended official shall not be filled in by way of promotion,
Appointment by transfer or regular transfer except making additional charge
[Authority: G.O.Ms.No. 189 GAD[SER.C] Dept. dt. 20-4-99 read with Memo.
No.20225/219/FR.II/99 dt. 23-7-99 of F&P

11. During the period of suspension, the family of the suspended official can be
sanctioned and availed L.T.C. except suspended official.
12. Review on suspension:
[Authority: G.O.Ms.No. 578 GAD[Ser.C]dt. 31-12-99]
a] First six months period to be reviewed by the appointing authority
b] Next six months period shall be reviewed by the Higher Authority/HOD
c] Next review by the Government.

13. If an employee dies, while under suspension, the period between date of
suspension and he date of death shall be treated as duty and the family shall be
paid full pay and allowances, after deducting the substance allowance and other
allowances paid to the Employee, if any
[Authority: Rule 54-B[2]]
14. The recovery of A.P.G.L.I and G.I.S. P.T. shall be made compulsorily during
suspension period also.

15. The subscription and recovery of loan of G.P.F. shall not be made at the request
of the Suspended official during suspension.

Declaration to be given by the Suspened Employee

Certified that I have not been engaged in any profession or trade or
employment during the period from……… to ……...for which the Subsistence
allowance was drawn and paid during previous month.

Signature of Suspended Employee

16] The amount of subsistance allowance shall be restricted to

50% in all cases where a prima-facie case is established on
charges of corruption, misappropriation, and demand or
acceptance of illegal gratification until finalisation of the
disciplinary case.
[Clause (iv) in Sub-Clause(a) of Sub-rule 1of Rule 53 of
FR incorporated in G.O.Ms.No. 2 Finance (FR.II) Dept.
dt. 04-01-2006]

17] Suspension vacancy may be filled by transfer and the sub-

sistance allowance can be drawn elsewhere where there is a
[Cir.Memo.No. 14572-B/297/A2/W&M/2004 dt. 17-6-2004
communicated by the DTA AP Hyd. Endt.No. K(1)2/
11004/2004 dt. 13-12-2005]
Additional Charge Arrangements [F.R. 49]
[1] The claim for additional charge allowances shall be drawn in A.P.T.C. Form
47 in regular salary head of Account
[2] The State Government may appoint one Government servant to hold another
post as a temporary measure or to officiate in, not more than two independent
posts at one time

[3] For first 3 months H.O.D. is empowered to appoint Gaz/NGO below regional
level i.e., confined to a single District.
[Authority: G.O.Ms.No. 282 F&P[F.W.FR.I]Dept. dt. 11-8-77 and Govt.Cir.
Memo. No. 3917/127/FR.II/82 dt. 23-3-82

[4] Beyond 3 months Government is competent to make additional charge

[Authority: Govt.Cir. Memo. No. 3917/127/FR.II/82 dt. 23-3-82]
[5] From II nd level Gazetted officer even for first 3 months, Government is the
competent authority.
[6] No additional pay beyond six months is entitled

[7] For first 3 months of 1/5 of his pay or half of initial pay of time scale of
additional post Which ever is less.
[8] For next 3 months of 1/10 th of his pay

[9] Chowkidars, Class IV employees, Record assistants and Drivers are

prohibited to hold full additional charge of another post and for payment of
additional pay.
[Authority: Govt. Memo No.0166/16/A2/ FR II/90,dt. 25.2.90

10] the compensatory allowance such as H.R.A & CCA should not exceed to
larger of the two allowances i.e., either the rate of allowance attached to the
additional post or his own whichever is more [Authority:Govt. Memo.
24587/376/FR.I/73-1 dated 19-2-74 of F&P [FR. I&L ] Dept. ]
11] Special pay attached to the additional post shall not be allowed during the
period of additional charge.

12] The Full Additional Charge/ additional charge arrangements shall be made
against the vacant posts of retirement/leave and suspension vacancies.
[Authority: Govt. Memo. No. B-92-7/044/450/FR.II/A2/92 of F&P dt. 28-10-
92] &Govt. Memo. No. 20225/219/FR.II/99 dt. 23-7-99 ]

13] A certificate to the effect that there are no persons in approved panel awaiting
promotion. is required.
[14] No additional charge arrangements should be made against newly created
[Authority: Govt. memo No.8345/175/FR.II/85-1,dt. 6.4.1985.
15] Additional pay does not count for pension purpose
16] The Govt. servant shall hold FAC Post for more than 14 working days is
eligible for drawl of additional charge allowance, otherwise he is not eligible
for the same
17] The sanction of additional charge allowance should be made by the authority
who appoints the person to FAC/AC post
18] Handing over of charge where CTC is required on orders placing the
individual in full additional charge before the date of taking over charge.
[Authority: FR49]
19] Additional charge arrangements are to be made against one post equal or
higher post but not to the subordinate post.
[Authority: FR 49]
20] The claim is supported with a copy of proceedings placing the Government
servant in Full Additional charge and Financial sanction by the competent
21] Employees working in Govt. Corporations etc., shall not be appointed FAC for
the Govt. posts.

[Rule 206 of A.P Educational rules published in supplement to part. I of A.P
Gazette. dt 26.5.1966]

1] Bill should preferred in APTC FORM 47 in regular salary head of A/c.

2] Sanction orders supported by the school fee receipts in original or school fee
card has to be enclosed in the event of school fee receipts being lost.
[Authority: Govt. Memo No. 155 P2/66-4 Dt. 16/3/1966 of Education

3] School should be recognized by Govt. of A.P irrespective of whether Grant in

Aid is received or not (Registered schools or recognized by CBSE or studying in
institutions of other states.) [Authority:G.O.Ms.No.1725 Edn Dt. 26.5.59

4] If the pupil remains for more than one year in one and the same class, the
concession shall does be withdrawn /shall be revived when the pupil is
promoted to the next higher class.

5] A pupil one of whose parents is gazetted officer and the other is a non-gazette
officer, the concession is not admissible.

6] Certificate stating that spouse is employed either in State or Central / Quasi

Govt. etc. where similar concessions are available and not availed those
concessions is furnished by the Govt. servant duly attested by the D.D.O.

7] If the Govt. servant is under suspension the concession is admissible pending

outcome of the enquiry against the Govt. employee concerned.
8] If the N.G.O is appointed as gazetted officer, the concession is not admissible
from the next month, proceeding the month of promotion. If reverted to non-
gazetted cadre the concession is not admissible during the month of reversion.

9] The concession is claimed up to the month in which the NGO is ousted for want
of Vacancy/dismissed / retired from service and not till the end of the school

10] Govt clarified that the N.G.O’s children who are studying Intermediate
Ist and IInd year are eligible for reimbursement of tution fee of
Rs.300/- per annum, per pupil and the scheme shall be limited to
to two children of the N.G.Os
[Memo.No. 17531/Ser.IV-2/2002-1 dt. 23-9-2002 of Edn.(Ser.IV)
Dept. ]

11] The Education reimbursement concession is restricted to two children only. The
rate of Reimbursement is Rs 400/- for all classes from I to X for those NGOs
who are in RPS 2005 Scale of Rs. 7770-18575 and below; subject to the
condition that the scheme should be limited to two children of the employee. And
in r/o other classes the previous orders issued by the Govt fixing the
Reimbursement of Rs 65/- and Rs. 70/- remains the same w.e.f. 2005-2006
academic year.
[G.o.Ms.No.119 EDN [Ser.IV] Dept dt 22-09-05]

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