LP 6 INO (3 Apr) - 30 MIN

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T & L Details

Subject English

Date 3 April 2023

Time 10.50.00 am – 11.20 am

Class 6 Inovatif
Number of Pupils 36

Theme World of Knowledge

Topic Unit 1: It’s an emergency!

Focus Skills: L/S/R/W/LA MAIN: Listening

Pupils already learned about the emergency situation in
Pupils’ Prior Knowledge
the previous lesson.
1.1 Recognise and reproduce target language sounds
Content Standard
1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts

1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce independently a wide
range of target language phonemes

Learning Standard COMPLEMENTARY:

1.2.2 Understand with little or no support specific
information and details of longer simple texts on a range of
familiar topics

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to state at
least 5 words related to emergency with correct
Learning Objectives pronunciation.

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to underline at
least 3 out of 5 correct answers based on the audio.
Pupils can:
1. State at least 5 words related to emergency with
Success Criteria correct pronunciation.
2. Underline at least 3 out of 5 correct answers based
on the audio.
Assessment Formative assessment – underline the answers

Thinking Skills (KBAT) Analysing

Cross Curricular Elements (EMK) Global sustainability

Moral values Help others

Teaching Materials Audio, Flashcards, Worksheet


Focused Theme during Supervision

(Planning, Development of lesson, Reflection, Soft Development of lesson
skills, New Pedagogies)

Elements of guidance

Soft Skills (KI)

New Pedagogies (PMI)

(ICT, I- Think, Traffic lights)

Steps / Time
Content T & L Activities Remarks

1. Teacher shows flashcards to

the pupils.
Pre- Lesson 2. Teacher elicits ideas from the Teaching Aids:

(± 3 minutes) Vocabulary pupils.  Flashcards

3. Pupils share their ideas,
opinions and thoughts.

Listening activity Activity 1 (± 20 minutes) Teaching Aids:

Lesson 1. Teacher explains about the  Audio
Development topic briefly.  Worksheet
2. Then, teacher distributes the
(± 25 minutes) Thinking Skills (KBAT):
worksheet to the pupils.
3. Teacher introduces the words  Analysing
LO1 with the sound to the pupils.
4. Pupils follow after the teacher
in pronouncing the words.
5. Teacher asks pupils to state
the words from the worksheet
6. Pupils volunteer to state the
words in front of the class.
7. Teacher does correction if
Activity 2 (± 30 minutes) Soft Skills (KI)
LO2 8. Teacher explains to the pupils 
that they are going to listen to
an audio and underline the
correct answers.
9. Pupils listen to the audio and
do the task given.
10. Teacher plays the audio again
for pupils to check their
11. Teacher discusses the
answers with the pupils.

1. Teacher recaps the lesson.

Post-Lesson 2. Teacher emphasizes the Moral Value:

(± 2 minutes) moral value learned.  Help others

Student’s Reflection
Cooperating Teacher’s / Supervisor’s

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