Taxation PDF
Taxation PDF
Taxation PDF
In accordance with the spirit of the age, most of the countries are Welfare
State s and the f unctio ns and re s p onsib i lities of thes e go v ernm ents are
continuously expanding. The states cannot perform functions in the absence of
finance or revenue which can be raised from various sources such as taxes, loans,
creation of money, profits of public undertakings etc. As you have read in lesson
No. 7, of all these, most important source of revenue in modern times is taxation. It
is clearly a desired characteristic of taxes that they should be fair. Apart from the
ethical desirability of equity, there is need on practical grounds also, that taxes
should be acceptable to tax paying public, otherwise “the consequences may range,
from wide-spread evasion to revolution.”1 Mrs. Ursula Hicks has emphasized in
this connection that, “tax bankruptcy was an important contributory factor to the
fall of Roman Empire. Unjust and inefficient taxes set France aflame. An important
part of the explanation of Germany’s failure in the War 1914-18 was her antiquated
tax structure.....inefficient taxes helped to lose Britain the American colonies.”2
This explains that the burden of taxation should be just and equally
There is no doubt that in a democracy taxes cannot be imposed unless they
meet the approval of a majority of the representatives of the people but once they
are levied and an individual falls within its range, he does not have the choice of
paying or not paying. “Because of this compulsory aspect, the collection of taxes
may have very significant effect upon the behaviour of the individuals and in the
functioning of the economy, which must be taken into consideration in the selection
of taxes, if tax structure is not to interfere with the attainment of economic goals of
society.”3Furthermore, if the goals of society are to be realised, the distribution of
tax burden among various persons must conform to the accepted standard of equity.
This depends upon value judgement relating to the overall pattern of income
distribution which is regarded as desirable by the society. In other words, the most
fundamental problem of taxation is the problem of justice. Everybody expects the
Finance Minister to so arrange his taxation proposals as to ensure that the burden
falls on those who can bear it.
1. Charles, M. Allan : The Theory of Taxation, Penguin Modern Economics, 1971, p.33
2. Mrs. Ursula Hicks : Public Finance, 1948, p. 10
3. John F. Due : Government Finance 1963, P-102.
The welfare approach to distribution of tax burden grew out of the equity
view. The problem of equity has two major aspects :
The first is HORIZONTAL EQUITY that people in similar circumstances should
be treated similarly.
The other is VERTICAL EQUITY that people in dis-similar circumstances
should be treated differently.
There is almost unanimity among economists that persons in the same
circumstances should be taxed to the same extent, but the treatment of persons
in dissimilar circumstances poses complex problems. While vertical equity has
great merit as an ideal but it is very hard to achieve it in practice. This is because
there are many views held as to what is the appropriate degree of inequality with
which persons in dissimilar circumstances should be treated.
There are several approaches to the theory of taxation. The Benefit and
Ability to Pay approaches are the subject matter of this lesson.
12.2 The Benefit Approach or Voluntary Exchange Principle
In the Benefit Approach, the relation of taxpayer and government is seen
in quid-pro-quo term. Since the relation is one of exchange, the benefit approach
involves the application of the rules of one sector to the entire government sector.
Benefit principle is based on the idea that people should pay taxes based on the
benefits they receive from government services. It tries to make public goods similar
to private goods. The more you use, the more you pay. According to this theory, the
total tax burden should be so distributed among the people that each of them pays
that proportion of the total expenses, which his benefits bear to the total benefits of
the society. Adherents of this approach feel that equity is best served if the
beneficiaries of the government expenditure pay for these benefits through taxation
in proportion to the benefit they enjoy and it is unfair to make some persons pay for
what others get. The second advantage of the benefit approach is that it gives
simultaneous determination of the tax level and of the level of government
expenditure incurred. This happens in the same way as in the market where the
prices that people are willing to pay and the amounts that they are willing to buy
are determined simultaneously. So, this can be called a willingness to pay theory.
In other words, the benefit approach has the advantage of providing a simultaneous
determination of public service and the tax shown, thus combining both sides of
the budget process.4 In short, tax liability under the benefit approach depends
upon the taxpayer’s estimate of how much social goods are worth to them. The
taxpayer’s willingness to pay is determined by his desire for the social goods and
by his income. “To the extent that the rich are willing to pay more for the social
goods, the benefit approach encompasses an estimate of....the taxpayer’s estimate
of his true ability to pay.”5
In analysing the benefit approach, several models have been developed and
the important among them being : 1. Lindahl Model and 2. Bowen Model have been
discussed here:
12.2.1 The Lindahl (1989)Model
Lindahl tries to solve three problems :
- Extent of state activity
- Allocation of the total expenditure among various goods and services.
- Allocation of tax burden.
This model makes four assumptions. First, that there is one social good.
Secondly, that the social good is enjoyed by two tax-payers A and B. Thirdly, the
distribution of income is ideal, and fourthly, that the social good is produced under
conditions of constant costs.
Fig. 2 may be adopted to conditions of constant cost changing the principle
of Lindahl's arguments.
Here we have one social good and two taxpayers/consumers A and B. The
demand curves of consumers A and B respectively for social goods are represented
by a and b and the curve a + b is the total demand curve for social goods, the sum
of a and b. The supply curve of social good is represented by SS showing that
these goods are produced under conditions of increasing costs. But the cost of
producing social goods is the value of the private goods foregone to make their
production possible. This means that the curve a + b although being the supply
curve of social goods, is also the demand curve of private goods.
The intersection of the cost and demand schedules for social goods at T
gives us the determination of how a given national income, OK, should, according
to the consumer-tax payer’s desires, be divided between the social goods and
private goods. There should be OE of the social goods and EK of private goods.
But simultaneously, the tax shares of A and B are determined according
to the consumer’s own valuation of the benefits they receive from social goods.
The total tax requirement is represented by area ATEO in Fig. 2. The shares of A
and B are found by reference to a and b. At the level of provision of social goods,
A is willing to pay GCEO and B is willing to pay FDEO. But ATEO = GCEO + FDEO.
Musgrave also favours the Bowen Model because of its easy generalization of the
real world.
To sum up, the great virtue of the benefit approach is the simultaneous
determination of both tax shares and extent of the provision of social goods. This is
thought desirable by many, as it means the consumers/tax payers' preferences are
the important criteria and the discretion of political decision-makers is eliminated.
However, if we look at the benefit principle as an equity rule, there remains the
vital question of just how benefits are to be determined. If we think that benefit
principle is implemented by the market mechanism, we have to make the unrealistic
assumption that the principles of voluntary exchange are applicable to the
satisfaction of public wants.6 In fact, the benefit principle is contrary to the whole
philosophy of the welfare activities of the government where the main objective is
to increase the economic well-being of the lower income group people. If the benefit
rule is followed, it would lead to regressive taxation, as the poor are more in need
of protection.
Limitations of Benefit Approach
Practical application of the benefit approach to taxation also poses a number
of problems. First, the benefit approach limits the scope of government activities.
The government can neither support the poor nor take steps to stabilise the
economy. This implies that many of the services now rendered by the government
should be done away with. Secondly, the benefit theory can be applied only where
point was not attained, shifting of tax burden from some persons to others would
reduce the sacrifice of some persons more than it would increase the sacrifice of
others, and thus lessen aggregate sacrifice. To take an example,13, let us suppose
that there are only four tax-payers A, B, C and D and let us suppose that the
sacrifices imposed by different rupees on A, B, C and D are as follows :
Sacrifice imposed (in units)
In paying the lst rupee 3 4 6 7
In paying 2nd rupee 4 5 7 9
In paying 3rd rupee 6 7 9 11
In paying the 4th rupee 7 8 12 14
In paying the 5th rupee 9 10 14 17
In paying the 6th rupee 11 13 18 19
We know the law of diminishing marginal utility that as the stock of a
commodity goes on increasing with the consumer, the marginal utility goes on
declining. From this, it logically follows that as the stock diminish, the marginal
utility would increase. Now when a person has to pay only one rupee as tax, he
will pay his last rupee—the rupee which has least utility to him. If he is asked to
pay the second rupee, his disutility to sacrifice in payment of rupee will increase.
It is clear from the above example that if the state has to raise one rupee, it should
be realized from A in order to make the sacrifices least. The second rupee should
be collected from either A or B and so on. So if the state has to raise ten rupees, the
tax on A, B, C and D should be 4, 3, 2 and 1 rupees, respectively. Here the marginal
sacrifice of each tax payer is the same and is 7 units. But if 2 rupees are realized
from D and only 3 from A, the increase in sacrifice of D is 9 units, whereas the
decrease in A’s sacrifice is only 7, so that the aggregate sacrifice will go up by 2
units, and it will not be the least.
Emphasising the importance of this principle, Professor Pigou opines that
the principle of the least aggregate sacrifice is the only second principle of taxation
whose claim to superiority is undisputed.
On the basis of the assumptions made in the sacrifice principle, it can be
concluded that the principle of least aggregate sacrifice leads to progressive taxation.
Inadequacies of the Sacrifice Approach
The principle of the least aggregate sacrifice has been criticised by several
economists on many grounds. Criticizing the assumption of measurability of
utility, Sir Josiah Stamp writes, “It is very difficult for a man to say that one boot
pinches three times as much as the other. Even when both are his own and much
more difficult it is for one man to say that his boot pinches twice as much as of
another’s. 14 But such an accurate measurement of utility is not at all required
12. R. N. Bhargava-The Theory and Working of Union Finance in India, 1974, P. 39.
13. Ibid.
14. Sir Josiah Stamp, The Fundamental Principles of Taxation pp. 53-54.
for our purpose. We need to know only the fact that the common marginal utility
curve is downward sloping and not the precise rate at which it declines.
Sir Sidney Chapman 15 has criticised the assumption of diminishing marginal
utility of income. “It is reasonable to assume”, writes Richard A. Musgrave, “that
successive units of commodity become less useful related to commodity which is
held constant; also it is reasonable to assume that successive increments of X and
Y should become less useful relative to leisure, holding leisure constant.”
Economists also do not agree that inter-personal comparisons of utility can
be made. In this connection, A.R. Prest points out that “the comparability of
satisfaction between individuals does not command itself today as an acceptable
procedure. If introspection is the only means of demonstrating that two people
with equal incomes derive equal satisfaction from their income, most economists
would not feel they could rely heavily on this line of approach.” It is true that it
cannot be scientifically proved that the utility of an additional or marginal rupee
is less to a rich man than to poor man yet, there is surely such a thing as utility
from the receipt of income. Evidence on measurable characteristics of people—
physical, mental or emotional lends credence to the assumption that there is a
fair degree of similarity among individuals living in a given society. If this is the
case, it may not be unreasonable to expect that a similar situation prevails with
regard to satisfaction derived from income. Since individual differences on
measureable traits follow a more or less systematic pattern of distribution. It
would not be surprising to find the same hold with regard to satisfaction derived
from income.
It is clear, therefore, that there are three interpretations of equal sacrifice.
In a mixed economy equal absolute sacrifice or equal proportional sacrifice would
command considerable support for attaining vertical equity rather than equal
marginal sacrifice which implies equalisation of all post-tax income. But if it is
considered from the point of view of aggregate utility of income that can be derived
after equal marginal sacrifice is considered best, next come equal proportional
sacrifice. This is ‘possible’ because as long as there is a difference between the
marginal unity of income from the rich man and giving it to the poor man. This
implies that when the principle of equal marginal sacrifice is employed, no
reallocation of the tax burden will be capable of producing an increase in the total
utility of the community.
Equal marginal sacrifice, then emerges as the best principle on ground of
minimising the total burden of taxation. A.C. Pigou has, therefore, rightly said
that equal marginal sacrifice is the only acceptable rule on welfare grounds,
because, it is equitable and derived from the basic utilitarian principle of
maximum welfare.
15. The utili ty of Inc ome a n d P rog res siv e Tax a tion" in the Readings in the
economics of taxation, E.,. pp 3-12.