1922 B.SC Cs Batchno 43 PDF
1922 B.SC Cs Batchno 43 PDF
1922 B.SC Cs Batchno 43 PDF
Sivaprakash M (39290095)
Varunkumar S (39290120)
Accredited with Grade “A” by NAAC
MARCH - 2022
This is to certify that this Project Report is the bonafide work of Sivaprakash M (39290095) and
Varunkumar s(39290120) who carried out the project entitled as “Pharmacy management
system” under our supervision from Dec 2021 to March 2022.
Internal Guide
Dr.Malini Deepika
I, Sivaprakash M (39290095) and Varunkumar S (39290120) hereby declare that the Project
Dr.Mrs.Malini Deepika is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of
I would like to express my sincere and deep sense of gratitude to my Project Guide Dr./Mr./Ms
for his valuable guidance, suggestions and constant encouragement paved way for the
successful completion of my project work.
I wish to express my thanks to all Teaching and Non-teaching staff members of the
Department of Computer Science and Engineering who were helpful in many ways for the
completion of the project.
However, most pharmacies faced problems such as insufficient service promotions, lack
of coherence of pharmacy services in hospitals, poor drug information systems and the
inconsistency of the pharmacy information management due to its manual processes.
Now these are the problems that must be solved with this Pharmacy Management
System Project Proposal.
Chapter Page
No. No.
1.1. Overview of the project 1
3.1 Aim of the project 6
3.2 scope and objective 6
3.3 System requirements 7
3.3.1 Hardware requirements 7
3.3.2 Software requirements 7
3.4 Software used 8
3.4.1 Python language 8
3.4.2 Python characteristics 8
3.4.3 Applications of python programming 9
3.4.4 Opencv package 10
3.5 Anaconda navigator 11
3.5.1 Anaconda 11
3.5.2 Applications of anaconda 11
3.5.3 Pycharm IDE 12
3.5.4 SQLlite 3 13
3.5.5 New features of Anaconda 5.3 13
3.5.6 Tkinter 15
4.1 Design methodology 20
4.1.1 Existing system 20
4.1.2 Proposed system 20
4.2 Module description 21
4.3 System implementation 22
4.4 Architecture diagram 22
4.4.1 Application architecture diagram 25
5.1 Homepage 27
5.2 Login page 28
5.3 Add new customer 28
5.4 Add new product 29
5.5 Delete product 29
5.6 Modify product 30
5.7 Expiry check 30
5.8 Billing system 31
5.9 Check revenue 31
6.1 Conclusion 32
6.2 Future enhancements 32
The main aim of the project is the management of the database of the pharmaceutical
shop. This project is insight into the design and implementation of a Pharmacy
Management System. This is done by creating a database of the available medicines in
the shop. The primary aim of pharmacy management system is to improve accuracy
and enhance safety and efficiency in the pharmaceutical store. The aim of this project is
to develop software for the effective management of a pharmaceutical store. We have
developed this software for ensuring effective policing by providing statistics of the
drugs in stock. The database is then connected to the main program by using
interconnection of the Visual Basic program and the database already created.
Pharmacy management system is useful to maintain correct database by providing an
option to update the drugs in stock. This is pharmacy management system; it is used to
manage most pharmacy related activities in the pharmacy.
involves manual entry upon arrival of new batches of drugs and upon drug movement
out of the pharmacy for a certain period. Pharmacy management system is being build.
Pharmacy management system is robust, integrated technology. every month, the
pharmacist may want to generate report for the movement of drugs in and out of the
pharmacy, getting information about the drugs e.g. expiry date, date purchased, number
of drug type left, location of a drug in the pharmacy. Pharmacy management system
deals with the maintenance of drugs and consumables in the pharmacy unit. This
pharmacy management system is user friendly.
1. Medicines management
Health service delivery in the Philippines has been repeatedly disrupted as a result of
disasters and emergencies – particularly so after Typhoon Haiyan in November 2013.
The objectives of this study were to document existing policies for medicines
management in the Philippines during emergency and non-emergency periods and to
assess the public sector medicines management system in Haiyan-affected areas
during the response.
2. Log-in
According to Dan Brian (2011) a lot of the websites we visit nowadays are testing and
requiring that we create so-called “strong” passwords. Unfortunately, it is not a practice
that every site accommodates, whether because it has not update, edits code to meet
these most recent standards, or simply because it lacks the resources to do so. It is
then up to the user to create its own personal “Security Best Practices”.
As a stated at the book of Passion (2011), to improve their efficiency and reduce
their cost of operation. Reports are more timely and accurate. Computers have a
large capacity to store data and tremendous speed to manipulate and recall data to
the format a user wished to use which introduction of microcomputer computation of
business is more affordable (Espinosa, n.d.). The similarities of the proposed system
to the Computer Based System are almost the same in terms of Automated System,
Connectivity, Platforms (PC or Android), Point of Sale, and Payroll.
Cashman stated in her book “System Analysis and Design” (2011) that transaction
processing system data generated by day-to-day business operations. Transaction
processing are efficient because they process a set of transaction related commands as
a group rather than individually to protect data integrity however, TP systems ensure
that if any single element of a transaction fails, the system does not process the next
It may help collecting perfect management in details. In a very short time, the collection
will be obvious, simple and sensible. It will help a person to know the management of
passed year perfectly and vividly. It also helps in current all works relative to Pharmacy
Management System. It will be also reduced the cost of collecting the management &
collection procedure will go on smoothly.
In computer system the person has to fill the various forms & number of copies
of the forms can be easily generated at a time.
In computer system, it is not necessary to create the manifest but we can directly
print it, which saves our time.
To assist the staff in capturing the effort spent on their respective working areas.
To utilize resources in an efficient manner by increasing their productivity through
The most common set of requirements defined by any operating system or software
application is the physical computer resources, also known as hardware. The minimal
hardware requirements are as follows,
1. Processor : Pentium IV
2. RAM : 4GB ram
3. Processor : 2.4GHZ
4. Main memory : 4GB
It provides rich data types and easier to read syntax than any other programming
A module in Python may have one or more classes and free functions
Python supports functional and structured programming as well as OOP
In Python, since there is no compilation step, editing, debugging and testing is fast.
You can create scalable Web Apps using frameworks and CMS (Content
Management System) that are built on Python. Some of the popular platforms for
creating Web Apps are: Django, Flask, Pyramid, Plone, Django CMS. Sites like
Mozilla, Reddit, Instagram and PBS are written in Python.
There are numerous libraries available in Python for scientific and numeric
computing. There are libraries like: SciPy and NumPy that are used in general
purpose computing. And, there are specific libraries like: Earthy for earth science,
Astray for Astronomy and so on. Also, the language is heavily used in machine
learning, data mining and deep learning.
Python is slow compared to compiled languages like C++ and Java. It might
not be a good choice if resources are limited and efficiency is a must. However,
Python is a great language for creating prototypes. For example: You can use
Pygmy (library for creating games) to create your game's prototype first. If you like
the prototype, you can use language like C++ to create the actual game.
Good Language to Teach Programming:
3.5.1 Anaconda:
Anaconda is a free and open source, easy to install distribution of Python
and R programming languages. Anaconda provides a working environment which is
used for scientific computing, data science, statistical analysis and machine
The latest distribution of Anaconda is Anaconda 5.3 and is released in
October, 2018. It has the conda package, environment manager and a collection of
1000+ open source packages long with free community support.
3.5.3 Pycharm IDE:
Professional (paid) : for professional Python, web, and data science development,
including code assistance, refactorings, visual debugging, version control integration,
remote configurations, deployment, support for popular web frameworks, such as
Django and Flask, database support, scientific tools (including Jupyter notebook
support), big data tools.
Edu (free and open-sourced): for learning programming languages and related
technologies with integrated educational tools.
Supported languages:
Besides, in the Professional edition, one can develop Django , Flask, and Pyramid
applications. Also, it fully supports HTML (including HTML5), CSS, JavaScript, and
XML: these languages are bundled in the IDE via plugins and are switched on for you
by default. Support for the other languages and frameworks can also be added via
plugins (go to Settings | Plugins or PyCharm | Preferences | Plugins for macOS users,
to find out more or set them up during the first IDE launch).
3.5.4 SQLlite3
Python SQLite3 module is used to integrate the SQLite database with Python. It is a
standardized Python DBI API 2.0 and provides a straightforward and simple-to-use
interface for interacting with SQLite databases. There is no need to install this module
separately as it comes along with Python after the 2.5x version.
Better Reliability:
The Intel Math Kernel Library 2019 for Deep Neural Networks(MKL
2019) has been introduced in Anaconda 5.3 distribution. Users deploying TensorFlow
can make use of MKL 2019 for Deep Neural Networks. These
Python binary packages are provided to achieve high CPU performance.
There are over 230 packages which has been updated and added in
the new release.
Work in Progress:
There is a casting bug in Numpy with Python 3.7 but the team is
currently working on patching it until Numpy is updated.
3.5.6 Tkinter
This Tkinter tutorial introduces you to the exciting world of GUI programming in python.
Tkinter is pronounced as tea-kay-inter. Tkinter is the Python interface to Tk, which is the
GUI toolkit for Tcl/Tk.
Tcl (pronounced as tickle) is a scripting language often used in testing, prototyping, and
GUI development. Tk is an open-source, cross-platform widget toolkit used by many
different programming languages to build GUI programs.Python implements the Tkinter
as a module. Tkinter is a wrapper of C extensions that use Tcl/Tk libraries. Tkinter
allows you to develop desktop applications. It’s a very good tool for GUI programming in
Easy to learn.
Layered design.
Portable across all operating systems including Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Tkinter is the standard GUI library for Python. Python when combined with Tkinter
provides a fast and easy way to create GUI applications. Tkinter provides a powerful
object-oriented interface to the Tk GUI toolkit.
Tkinter is not a thin wrapper, but adds a fair amount of its own logic to make the
experience more pythonic. This documentation will concentrate on these additions and
changes, and refer to the official Tcl/Tk documentation for details that are unchanged.
1.Tkinter Fundamentals
Tkinter Hello, World! – show you how to develop the first Tkinter program called
Hello, World!
Window – learn how to manipulate various attributes of a Tkinter window
including title, size, location, resizability, transparency, and stacking order.
Tk Themed Widgets – introduce you to Tk themed widgets.
Setting options for a widget – learn various ways to set options for a widget.
Command Binding – learn how to respond to events using command bindings
Event Binding – show you how to use the bind() method to bind an event of a widget
Label – learn how to use the Label widget to show a text or image on a frame or
Button – walk you through the step of creating buttons.
Entry – learn how to create a textbox using the Entry widget.
2. Layout Managements
Geometry managers allow you to specify the positions of widgets inside a top-level
or parent window.
pack – show you how to use the pack geometry manager to arrange widgets
on a window.
grid – learn how to use the grid geometry manager to place widgets on a
place – show you how to use the place geometry manager to precisely
position widgets within its container using the (x, y) coordinate system.
Tkinter provides you with some commonly used widgets, which allow you to start
developing applications more quickly.
Scrolled Text – show you how to create a scrolled text widget that consists of
Text and vertical scrollbar widgets.
Radio Button – learn how to use radio buttons to allow users to select one of a
number of mutually exclusive choices.
Combo box – walk you through the steps of creating a combo box widget.
List box – show you how to display a list of single-line text items on a Lis tbox.
Paned Window – show you how to use the Paned Window to divide the space
of a frame or a window.
Slider – learn how to create a slider by using the Tkinter Scale widget.
Size grip – guide you on how to use the Size grip widget to allow users to
resize the entire application window.
Label Frame – show you how to group related widgets in a group using
the Label Frame widget.
Progress bar – show you how to use the progress bar widget to give feedback
to the user about the progress of a long-running task.
Notebook – guide you on how to use the Notebook widget to create tabs.
Tree view – walk you through the steps of creating tree view widgets that
display tabular and hierarchical data.
Frame – learn how to use the Frame widget to group other widgets.
4. Tkinter Examples
Tkinter example – show you how to build a simple application that converts a
temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius.
5. Object-Oriented Programming with Tkinter
Displaying a message box – show you how to display various message boxes
including information, warning, and error message boxes.
Displaying a Yes/No Dialog – show you how to use the askyes no() function to
display a yes/no dialog.
Show an Open File Dialog – display an open file dialog to allow users to
select one or more files.
Displaying the Native Color Chooser – show you how to display the native
color-chooser dialog.
Option Menu – Walk you through the steps of creating an Option Menu widget
that provides a list of options in a drop-down menu.
7. Tkinter Themes and Styles
Changing the ttk theme – how to change the default ttk theme to the new one.
Modifying ttk style – show you how to change the appearance of widgets by
modifying or extending the ttk style.
Understanding ttk elements – help you understand ttk elements and how to
use them to change the appearance of widgets.
Modifying the appearance of a widget based on its states – show you how to
dynamically change the appearance of a widget based on its specific state.
Tkinter MVC – structure a tkinter application using the MVC design pattern.
Tkinter validation – show you how to use the Tkinter validation to validate user
Tkinter & Matplotlib – show you how to display a bar chart from the matplotlib
in Python.
Scheduling a task with the after() method – how to use the after() method to
schedule a task that will run after a timeout has elapsed.
Displaying a progress bar while a thread is running – walk you through the
steps of connecting a progress bar with a running thread.
Currently, the medical works are based on the manual process, and each work is
maintained in the paper. The details of purchasing drugs, audits, sell reports maintained
on the paper while anyone can enter into the system and can make changes in these
reports, so it is not a safe method to keep the information on the paper. The pharmacist
faces problem in searching the products from the self as it is not an easy method to
remember about the place of each medicine. There no Pharmacy Management System
which can alert the pharmacist about the end of the drugs.
The design of the pharmacy management system is based on the computer which will
simplify the maintenance of the information, accessible and efficient. The Pharmacy
Management System will provide the information about the end of the drugs in the
medical so that the physician can order them drugs before the end. The pharmacist and
nurses will get more accurate results at the time sell, about the details of the use of
medicines and the dosages so that the system will become more reliable to use than
the present system. The records of each work will be secure as to access the
information the user must have to provide the ID and password in the system.
To manage medicines modules will assess the need for and use of medication, the
patient’s response to medication, and the patient’s level of understanding of the drug
and how to take it with the patient.
Categorizing the drugs available in the pharmacy will be much easier for the admin
through the help of this module. This will do the monitoring and checking of the
medicine information to identify its category.
This module will help the Pharmacist with the sales and stocks management that
includes ordering, storing, tracking, and monitoring stock levels as well as monitoring
their revenue.
is used to keep track of dates and events throughout the process chain, from placing an
order with an external vendor to presenting goods in a store or receiving goods in a
distribution center.
Module 6: Generate Processes Reports:
In all organization or business, reports are very essential. To help the admin in these
matters, this module generates the transaction reports to keep track of the pharmacy
The application is going to be constructed through pycharm IDE for GUI, Python for
OOP and SQLlite3 for database management. It is designed to improve the accuracy,
enhance safety and effieciency in the pharmaceutical store.It is a computer based
system which helps the pharmacist to improve inventory management,cost,medical
safety.The homepage with a banner explains the app’s monologue with a huge title front.
users can log in to their accounts by entering their username and password. Once the
user log in to application , they can see the features of this application and users can
use this based on thier requirements.Users can log out anytime they want and their
activity inside the application will be completely secure. The application has a neat user
interface for better interaction and it works smoothly.
Architecture is defined as the art and science of designing buildings and structures. A
wider definition would include within this scope the design of any built environment,
structure or object, from town planning, urban design, and landscape architecture to
furniture and objects.
When user open this desktop application, it automatically connects to the python Tkinter
GUI it’s a graphical user interface.Tkinter is a GUI library of Python which is designed to
help Python developers create system programs with a comprehendible user
interface.Tkinter can easily be called the de facto standard GUI of Python. Apart from
being an open-source GUI library, it is popular for its sheer simplicity and interactive
graphical user interface. Then it connects to the Logic layer it’s a two way connection. It
is used to do calculations inside the application and also used to store full source of this
Project.Logic layer handles all of the business rules, calculations and actual logic within
your application that makes it actually "do" things and it may often use some of the
objects retrieved from your data-access layer.A data access layer (DAL) in computer
software is a layer of a computer program which provides simplified access to data
stored in persistent storage of some kind, such as an entity-relational database. Then
data taken by data access layer send the information to the admin based on the user
need, then admin can easily able to maintain stocks without any loss and also able to
avoid unnecessary losses. Then admin easily take invoice bill based on user needs.
The Data Flow Diagram (DFD) represents the flow of data and the transformations in
Pharmacy management system. These transformations occurs as data enters and exits
a system.In the DFD, input, processing, and output are used to represent and define the
overall system.
Pharmacy Management System DFD – is created or should be created to determine the
flow of data inside a system. This Pharmacy Management System will guide the
programmer regarding with what to do and handle in building the system. To give you
more ideas about this Pharmacy Management System .
Managing Customer
Generating Reports
In this data flow diagram you will see the general process done in Pharmacy
management. This will also serve as a guide as you go through the deeper processes of
the Pharmacy management system data flow diagrams.
As you see, when you build the levels of data flow diagrams, the connections of the
transactions and data also broadens and gets more specific.
With being knowledgeable about the DFD level 1 of the Pharmacy Management System,
you will know then its broaden context terms. In addition to that, this may also serve as
your reference on how the inputs or data fed on the system. Then you will be also
informed about the outputs that the system gives.These processes shown in the DFD
were all based on the concept of Pharmacy Management System.
data flow diagram level 2
DFD level 2 let’s you know the ideas on where does the data inputs goes and inputs
comes within the Pharmacy management system. Considering the the dataflow levels
mentioned above, you can determine well the work of breaking the processes into more
specific manner.
The presented level not only shows you the detailed processes of system, but also
gives you precise destination of the data that flows in the system.
This DFD will also be your references as you make your own management system DFD
levels 0, 1 and 2.
This is the homepage of this desktop application. The homepage covers a navigation
bar at the top with the title, new customer, modify, billing, add product, search, check
revenue, delete product, expiry check and logout buttons embedded on it. The UI
buttons are responds smoothly.
The login page displays the text fields for both username and password. When admin
enters the correct username and password it automatically redirect to Homepage
This how new customers are created in this application by entering their new customer
ID, name and address, then press the submit button to complete the process. It
automatically save to database.
This is how new products are created by entering their medicine name, quantity of that
product, purpose of that medicine, rack location, type of the medicine, cost of the
product, expiry date of that product and manufacturer of the medicine, at last click the
submit button to finish the entire process.
This is how admin can able to delete the unnecessary medicine by entering their
product name and quantity of the medicine want to delete. By pressing the delete button
to finish the process.
This is how admin can able to modify the medicine details by entering their name of the
medicine they want to change and enter changed value of that product then press
submit button to finish the process.
This is how admin can able to check the upcoming expiry of the medicine, by entering
their name of the medicine and press the button it will show the all about the medicine.
This is how admin can able to print the invoice bill by entering customer name,
customer address, customer ID if available, select the customer bought medicine name
in the available stocks and select the quantity and press the save bill button to save the
bill, if you have any source to print the bill it will automatically print.
This is how admin can able to check overall revenue of the day to reduce unwanted
loss of money.
6.1. Conclusion
It is recommended that the new system should be used with the necessary
specifications of the system requirements and provision for an uninterrupted power
supply should be made available throughout the hours of operation of the pharmacy to
avoid power outage. There should also be basic computer knowledge for the users of
the software.It is recommended that the software be improved especially in areas of
accounting as it will be of great impact to the development of retail pharmacy.
Python For Desktop Applications: How to develop, pack and deliver Python
applications with TkInter by Tran Duc Loi.
Python in A Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference, Third Edition by Alex
Martelli , Anna Ravenscroft , Steve Holden.
The Python Language Reference Manual (version 3.2) by Guido van Rossum, and
Fred L. Drake, Jr. (Editor)
Barbara Griggs.
Green Pharmacy: The History and Evolution of Western Herbal Medicine, Second
Edition. Viking press, (1982). Pg 93-97.
Charles E. Rosenberg, Morris J. Vogel.
The Therapeutic Revolution: Essays in the socialhistory of American Medicine, Second
Edition. University of Pennsylvania press, (1979). Pg 174.
Peter G Homan, Briony Hudson, Raymond C Row.
Popular Medicines: An illustrated
Leslie G. Mathews.
History of Pharmacy in Britain. Edinburgh, E&S. Livingstone(1962). Pg 213-223.
History, Fourth Edition. Trade paperback, Pharmaceutical press (2008). Pg. 127 .
Stuart Anderson.
Making Medicines: A Brief History of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals,Sixth Edition.
Jessica Kingsley publisher, (2005). Pg 214.
Charles E. Rosenberg.
History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, Seventh Edition.University of Pennsylvania
press, (2003). Pg 197.
George A. Bender.
Great moments in Medicine, Cambridge university press (1967). Pg118.
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import font
import time
from datetime import datetime
import sqlite3
import ctypes
import random
from tkinter import messagebox
from tkinter import ttk
user32 = ctypes.windll.user32
xpos = int((user32.GetSystemMetrics(0) -960) / 2)
ypos = int((user32.GetSystemMetrics(1) - 600) / 2)
f = ''
flag = ''
flags = ''
login = sqlite3.connect("admin.db")
l = login.cursor()
c = sqlite3.connect("medicine.db")
cur = c.cursor()
columns = ('Sl No', 'Name', 'Type', 'Quantity Left', 'Cost', 'Purpose', 'Expiry Date', 'Rack
location', 'Manufacture')
def open_win():
global win, flag,ft,hft
flag = 'win'
win = Tk()
win.geometry('960x600+{}+{}'.format(xpos, ypos))
win.title('ABC MEDICAL SHOP')
hft = font.Font(size=18)
ft = font.Font(size=14)
def delete_stock():
global cur, c, flag, lb2, d,ft,hft,serials,medicines,details
flag = 'd'
d = Tk()
d.geometry('960x600+{}+{}'.format(xpos, ypos))
hft = font.Font(size=18)
ft = font.Font(size=14)
def loadmedicine():
global serials,medicines,lb2
cur.execute("select *from medicine")
for i in cur:
def getmedicine(evt):
global lb2,details,serials,sl2,sl1
details['text']='{} - {} - {} '.format(data[3], data[6], data[4])
def getmedicinedetails(evt):
global lb2,details,serials,sl2
details['text']='{} - {} - {} '.format(data[7], data[3], data[4])
def sel_del(e):
global lb1, d, cur, c, p, sl2
p = lb1.curselection()
sl2 = ''
cur.execute("select * from medicine")
for i in cur:
# print(x, p[0])
if x == int(p[0]):
sl2 = i[0]
x += 1
# print(sl2)
Label(d, text=' ', bg='white', width=20).grid(row=0, column=1)
cur.execute('Select * from med')
for i in cur:
if i[0] == sl2:
Label(d, text=i[0] + '. ' + i[1], bg='white').grid(row=0, column=1)
def delt():
global p, c, cur, d
cur.execute("delete from medicine where serial=?", (sl2,))
def modify():
global cur, c, accept, dfrm, flag, att, up, n, name_, win, st, col, col_n,mrows
col = ('category', 'quantity', 'cost', 'purpose', 'expdate', 'location', 'manufacturer')
col_n = ('Category', 'Quantity', 'Cost', 'Purpose', 'Expiry Date', 'Rack location',
flag = 'st'
name_ = ''