SS Sample Paper 16 Unsolved

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CBSE Social Science Class 10

Sample Paper 16 Page 1

Sample Paper 16
Social Science (Code 087)
Class X Session 2022-23
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80
General Instructions:
i. Question paper comprises five Sections – A, B, C, D and E. There are 37 questions in the question
paper. All questions are compulsory.
ii. Section A – From question 1 to 20 are MCQs of 1 mark each.
iii. Section B – Question no. 21 to 24 are Very Short Answer Type Questions, carrying 2 marks each.
Answer to each question should not exceed 40 words.
iv. Section C contains Q.25to Q.29 are Short Answer Type Questions, carrying 3 marks each. Answer to
each question should not exceed 60 words
v. Section D – Question no. 30 to 33 are long answer type questions, carrying 5 marks each. Answer to
each question should not exceed 120 words.
vi. Section-E - Questions no from 34 to 36 are case based questions with three sub questions and are of 4
marks each.
vii. Section F – Question no. 37 is map based, carrying 5 marks with two parts, 37a from History (2 marks)
and 37b from Geography (3 marks).
viii. There is no overall choice in the question paper. However, an internal choice has been provided in few
questions. Only one of the choices in such questions have to be attempted.
ix. In addition to this, separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary.

Multiple Choice Questions (Q 1 to 20) 1X20=20

1. Which type of the erosion can be seen in the given picture?

(a) Sheet erosion. (b) Wind erosion. (c) Gully erosion. (d) Stream bank erosion.

2. In which of the following countries, the participation of women is not very large?
(a) Finland (b) India (c) Norway (d) Sweden

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3. Who among the following said that religion can never be separated from politics? He believed that
politics must be guided by ethics drawn from religion.
(a) Mahatma Gandhi (b) Rajendra Prasad (c) B. R. Ambedkar (d) Jawaharlal Nehru

4. In the question given below, there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read the
statements and choose the correct option.
Assertion (A): MNCs set up offices and factories for production in different parts of the world.
Reason (R): It makes the cost of production low and the greater profits.
(a) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is false, but R is true.
(d) A is true, but R is false.

5. In which part of Sri Lanka are the Sri Lankan Tamils concentrated?
(a) North and East (b) South and East (c) North and South (d) East and West

6. This city became the hub of the new print culture, catering to the Western-style schools:
(a) New York (b) Shanghai (c) Tokyo (d) Mumbai

7. Which one of the following options best describe primary sector?

(a) Banking (b) Transport (c) Agriculture (d) Industry

8. Match the following:

Dams Rivers
A. Rana Pratap Sagar I. Bhagirathi
B. Hirakud II. Chenab
C. Tehri III. Mahanadi
D. Salal IV. Chambal
(a) A-II, B-III, C-IV, D-I (b) A-III, B-I, C-IV, D-II
(c) A-I, B-IV, C-II, D-III (d) A-IV, B-III, C-I, D-II

9. Which of the following was not one of the initial demands of Sri Lankan Tamils?
(a) Equal opportunities in securing jobs and education
(b) Regional autonomy
(c) Creation of an independent Tamil Eelam (state)
(d) Recognition of Tamil as an official language

10. Fill in the blank:

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Sector Related Economic Activity

Secondary Manufacturing
Tertiary ?
(a) Weaving (b) Teaching (c) Agriculture (d) None of these

11. Identify the correct statement/s about MGNREGA:

I. It was passed by the Parliament in August 2005.
II. It was implemented in about 725 districts of India.
III. It is also referred to as ‘Right to Work’.
IV. On annual basis, it provides guaranteed 150 days of employment to the unemployed people in rural
(a) I & III (b) III & IV (c) I, II & III (d) I & II

12. What was the arrangement made by the European powers to prevent French expansion in future?
(a) An agreement was made with France.
(b) Their country’s military was made strong.
(c) Military of France was dissolved.
(d) A series of states were set up on the boundaries of France.

13. Which form of power sharing is most commonly referred to as federalism?

(a) Vertical division of power
(b) Horizontal division of power
(c) Sharing of power among political parties
(d) Division of power among various communities

14. Which one among the following pairs is correctly matched?

List-I List-II
(a) Cement Industry Light industry
(b) Oil India Ltd. Joint sector industry
(c) BHEL Private sector industry
(d) Iron and Steel Industry Agro based industry

15. Read the given data and find out which state has high HDI?
State Infant Mortality Rate per 1000 live births (2016) Literacy Rate % (2011)
Punjab 21 76.68
Kerala 10 93.41
Haryana 33 76.64
(a) Kerala (b) Punjab (c) Haryana (d) None of these

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16. Identify the crop with the help of the following information:
• It is the third most important food crop with respect to area and production.
• It is a rain-fed crop which hardly needs irrigation.
• It has very high nutritional value.
(a) Rice (b) Gram (c) Maize (d) Jowar

17. Find the odd one out from the following:

(a) Postman, Bank cashier, Soldier and Police constable
(b) MTNL, Indian Railways, Jet Airways, All India Radio
(c) Teacher, Doctor, Tourist guide, Lawyer
(d) Cobbler, Washerman, Tailor, Potter

18. Study the given pie-chart carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Which is the main source of credit for rural household in India?

(a) Commercial Banks (b) Landlords
(c) Relatives and Friends (d) Money-lenders

19. Arrange the following in chronological order:

I. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development was set up to finance post-war
II. The Great Depression was caused by a combination of several factors.
III. Rinderpest killed 90% of the cattle in Africa.
IV. The First World War was fought between two power blocs.
(a) I, II, III, IV (b) IV, I, II, III (c) III, IV, II, I (d) I, III, IV, II

20. Roza believes that she is overweight. She tries different methods to lose her weight. She uses to search
on internet about her problem. Her papa and mummy say to her that she is not overweight. One day, they
took her to consult doctor. Doctor asked her age. Then she checked her weight and height. She told her

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about a scientific calculation on nutrition. This is used to know whether a person is undernourished or
Analyse the information given above, considering one of the following correct option:
(a) Life Expectancy (b) Human Development Index
(c) Body Mass Index (d) None of these

Very Short Answer Question (Q 21 to 24) 2X4=8

21. How the Rowlatt Act affected the National Movement?

22. When was the Communist Party of India founded? What were its ideologies?

23. What do you understand by the term investment? Name a few companies which make foreign investments.

24. Why soil in some parts is red and yellow in colour?

Why only 93% of the total geographical area is measured for land use pattern in India?

Short Answer Based Question (Q 25 to 29) 3X5=15

25. Do you agree that agriculture in India takes place in the unorganised sector? Give three points.

26. How can we say that globalisation has been advantageous to consumers as well as the producers? Give

27. Explain the effects of worldwide economic depression on India, towards late 1920’s.
Why did Mahatma Gandhi start the Civil Disobedience Movement? How did this movement unite the
country ? Explain.

28. Analyse the term sexual division of labour.

29. Evaluate the various impacts of First World War on the economy of Britain.

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Long Answer Based Question (Q 30 to 33) 5X4=20

30. Briefly discuss the resources based on ownership.

Write down the features of alluvial soil with respect to its formation, area classification and inclusion of

31. Why are better public facilities needed for the development of the country? Explain any four public
Elucidate the significance of secondary sector in Indian economy.

32. “Dalit participation was limited in the Civil Disobedience Movement.” Examine the statement.
When was the Civil Disobedience Movement started? What were the significant effects of it on Indians?

33. Do you think that political parties are necessary for democracy? Give reasons.
“Political parties are rightly called the government in disguise.” Justify the statement with reference to
democratic politics by four arguments.

Case Based Question (Q 34 to 36) 4X3=12

34. Read the given extract and answer the following questions.
However, for comparison between countries, total income is not such an useful measure. Since, countries
have different populations, comparing total income will not tell us what an average person is likely to
earn. Hence, we compare the average income which is the total income of the country divided by its total
population. The average income is also called Per Capita Income.
In World Development Reports, brought out by the World Bank, this criterion is used in classifying
countries. Countries with Per Capita Income of US $ 12,056 per annum and above in 2017, are called
rich countries and those with her capita income of US $ 955 or less are called low-income-countries.
India comes in the category of low middle income countries because its Per Capita Income in 2017 was
just US $ 1820 per annum. The rich countries, excluding countries of Middle East and certain other
small countries, are generally called developed countries.
(i) Which factors are not considered while calculating total income?
(ii) What is the significance of classification of countries by the World Bank?

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(iii) World Development Report has categorised the India as low middle income country. Do you agree
with theresults of this report.

35. Read the given extract and answer the following questions.
The distribution pattern of the Railway network in the country has been largely influenced by
Physiographic, economic and administrative factors. The Northern plains with their vast level land,
high population density and rich agricultural resources provided the most favourable condition for their
growth. However, a large number of rivers requiring construction of bridges across their wide beds
posed some obstacles. In the hilly terrains of the peninsular region, railway tracts are laid through low
hills, gaps or tunnels.
The Himalayan mountainous regions too are unfavourable for the construction of railway lines due
to high relief, sparse population and lack of economic opportunities. Likewise, it was difficult to lay
railway lines on the sandy plain of Western Rajasthan, swamps of Gujarat, forested tracks of Madhya
Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Odisha and Jharkhand. The contiguous stretch of Sahyadri could be crossed only
through gaps or passes (Ghats).
In recent times, the development of the Konkan railway along the West coast has facilitated the movement
of passengers and goods in this most important economic region of India. It has also faced a number of
problem such as sinking of track in some stretches and landslides.
Today, the railways have become more important in our National economy than all other means of
transport put together. However, rail transport suffers from certain problems as well. Many passengers
travel without tickets. Thefts and damaging of railway property has not yet stopped completely. People
stop the trains, pull the chain unnecessarily and this causes heavy damage to the railway.
(i) State the factors which influence the railway network in India.
(ii) Constructing the railways in the Penisular region, Himalayan region, Rajasthan and Gujarat is a
difficult task. State any two reasons which are responsible behind this.
(iii) Railways are important part of our national economy, but still it is facing a number of problems.
State any two reasons behind this.

36. Read the given extract and answer the following questions.
Communalism becomes more acute when religion is expressed in politics in exclusive and partisan
terms, when one religion and its followers are pitted against another. This happens when beliefs of
one religion are presented as superior to those of other religions, when the demands of one religious
group are formed in opposition to another and when state power is used to establish domination of one
religious group over the rest. This manner of using religion in politics is communal politics.
Communal politics is based on the idea that religion is the principal basis of social community.
Communalism involves thinking along the following lines. The followers of a particular religion must
belong to one community. Their fundamental interests are the same. Any difference that they may have is
irrelevant or trivial for community life. It also follows that people who follow different religions cannot
belong to the same social community. If the followers of different, religion have some commonalities
these are superficial and immaterial. Their interests are bound to be different and involve a conflict. In
its extreme form communalism leads to the belief that people belonging to different religions cannot live
as equal citizens within one nation.
Either, one of them has to dominate the rest or they have to form different Nations.
This belief is fundamentally flawed. People of one religion do not have the same interests and aspirations
in every context. Everyone has several other roles, positions and identities. There are many voices inside
every community. All these voices have a right to be heard. Therefore, any attempt to bring all followers

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of one religion together in context other than religion is bound to suppress many voices within that
(i) State the circumstances due to which communalism happen in our society
(ii) What are the consequences faced when the followers of different religion have some communalities?
(iii) When does a communal politics is able to suppress many voices within same community?

Map Skill Based Question (Q 37a and 37b) 2+3=5

37. (a) Two places A and B are marked on the given outline map of India. Identify them and write their
correct names on the lines drawn near them.
A. The place associated with the Jallianwala Bagh incident.
B. The place where the December 1920 session of the Indian National Congress took place.

(b) On the outline map of India, mark and locate the following with suitable symbols.
C. An airport
D. A software technology park
E. A dam
F. A seaport in Goa
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