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J. Paleont., 74(3), 2000, pp.

Copyright q 2000, The Paleontological Society


Laboratoire de Paléontologie, UMR 8569 du CNRS, Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle,
8 rue Buffon, 75005 Paris, France ,[email protected]., and
Departamento de Paleontologı́a de Vertebrados, Museo de La Plata, Paseo del Bosque, 1900 La Plata, Argentina
,[email protected].

ABSTRACT—Two ichthyosaurian specimens from the Upper Jurassic lithographic limestones of Bavaria, namely an almost complete
skeleton with soft tissue impression and another partial one, are described for the first time. Both belong to the same taxon, which is
mainly characterized by a long and slender snout; numerous small, delicate, packed, and well-anchored teeth; a medium size orbit; a
reduced triangular squamosal in the cheek region; an angular largely exposed laterally reaching as far anteriorly as the surangular; a
humerus with three distal facets for radius, intermedium and ulna; an extrazeugopodial element anterior to the radius; a very reduced
hindlimb; packed polygonal paddle elements; and a bipartite pelvis with a distally greatly expanded puboischiatic complex. This
combination of characters permits differentiation from all other known genera; moreover, it could be compared to the species inquirendae
Ichthyosaurus leptospondylus Wagner, 1853a. A new genus, Aegirosaurus, is created and proposed as a new combination for this
species. Aegirosaurus clearly belongs to the clade Ophthalmosauria because of an angular largely exposed laterally and reaching as far
anteriorly as the surangular, and the occurrence of an extrazeugopodial element anterior to the radius and the associated digit distal to
it. A systematic review of ichthyosaurs from the lithographic limestone of Bavaria (most of them destroyed during World War II)
reveals the occurrence of probably three different taxa, namely Aegirosaurus, an indeterminate form close to Ophthalmosaurus or
Caypullisaurus, and an indeterminate one possibly close to Nannopterygius.

INTRODUCTION and figured the Häberlein specimen and referred it to I. leptos-

Jurassic lithographic limestones of Bavaria are pondylus because of its great similarity with the type specimen
known worldwide for their excellently preserved fossils,
the most famous being Archaeopteryx. The lagoonal conditions
(Wagner, 1861). Meyer (1863) described a new fragmentary
skull and referred it also to I. leptospondylus. Later, Lydekker
that prevailed during the Tithonian in the Solnhofen area were (1889a) synonymized I. posthumus, together with Ichthyosaurus
favorable to the fossilization of impressive marine and conti- cuvieri Valenciennes, 1861a, and Ichthyosaurus normanniae Va-
nental floras and faunas, these last ones including both inverte- lenciennes, 1861b, both from the Late Jurassic of Normandy (see
brate and vertebrate representatives (see Barthel et al., 1990; discussion in Bardet et al., 1997), with Ichthyosaurus trigonus
Frickhinger, 1994). The vertebrate fauna consists of a high di- Owen, 1840, from the Late Jurassic of England. Ichthyosaurus
versity of bony fish and selachians as well as reptiles, mainly leptospondylus was retained as a valid species, close or identical
chelonians, lacertilians, crocodilians and pterosaurs. Because of to Nannopterygius enthekiodon (Hulke, 1870) (Lydekker,
the slightly hypersaline restricted environment, limited from the 1889a). Fraas (1891) was the only author to consider the Hä-
open-sea by coral-reefs, occurrence of nektonic marine reptiles berlein and the Oberndorfer specimens as belonging to different
such as plesiosaurs and ichthyosaurs remains comparatively taxa, a view that we share (see Appendix). As a result, he re-
scarce in the Solnhofen lagoon (Barthel et al., 1990). ferred the Oberndorfer specimen (type of I. leptospondylus;
Despite the facts that Solnhofen ichthyosaurs have been Wagner, 1853a, 1853b) and the specimen described by Meyer
known since 1852 and that several taxa have been named, they (1863) to I. posthumus. Indeed, he considered the Häberlein
have been only poorly described and figured. This has led to a specimen (Quenstedt, 1852; Wagner, 1861) as the new type of
very confused systematic situation and, probably as a result, I. leptospondylus. Because of the short vertebrae and the great
Bavarian ichthyosaurs have received little scientific attention. number of paddle elements in both I. posthumus and I. leptos-
The aims of this paper are to describe two new specimens pondylus, close affinities with Ophthalmosaurus Seeley, 1874,
and to make a systematic review of the ichthyosaurs from the and Baptanodon Marsh, 1880, were suggested. The only over-
lithographic limestones of Bavaria. view of Late Jurassic Bavarian ichthyosaurs was made by Bauer
Institutional abbreviations used are: BMNH (NHM), the Nat- (1898). The Häberlein, Oberndorfer, and four new specimens
ural History Museum, London; BSPHGM, Bayerische Staats- were all referred to I. trigonus var. posthumus, because the dif-
sammlung für Paläontologie und historische Geologie Museum, ferences observed in their respective size and teeth ornamenta-
Munich; SM, Schwegler Museum, Langenaltheim. tion were explained in terms of ontogenetic rather than system-
atic variations. Ichthyosaurus leptospondylus was thus synony-
mized with I. posthumus. Moreover, I. posthumus and several
other taxa, including Ophthalmosaurus, I. cuvieri and I. nor-
(see Appendix for further detail)
manniae, were considered junior synonyms of I. trigonus (Bauer,
The first mention of ichthyosaurs from the lithographic lime- 1898). Later, the genus Macropterygius Huene, 1922 was cre-
stones of Bavaria was made by Quenstedt (1852, p. 129), on the ated for the species I. trigonus (Huene, 1922). As the type of I.
basis of a partial skeleton known as the ‘‘Häberlein specimen’’. trigonus is a single vertebra, it is suspected that Huene’s diag-
At the same time, Wagner created two specific names: Ichthy- nosis was composite and mainly based on the material from
osaurus posthumus, based on an isolated tooth (Wagner, 1852) Bavaria and Normandy, previously reassigned to I. trigonus by
and Ichthyosaurus leptospondylus, based on a poorly described Lydekker (1889a) and Bauer (1898). As suggested by McGowan
and figured skeleton, known as the ‘‘Oberndorfer specimen’’ (1976) and Kirton (1983), I. trigonus and thus Macropterygius
(Wagner 1853a, 1853b). These two taxa were only differentiated are nomina dubia because they are based on inadequate and
by their tooth morphology. Then, Wagner succinctly described composite material. Ichthyosaurus posthumus is also considered

TABLE 1—Skeleton measurements (in cm) of Aegirosaurus leptospondylus. packed polygonal elements becoming more spaced and rounded
distally; bipartite pelvis composed of a puboischiatic complex
Measurements BSPHGM SM without foramen and with a distal end expanded more than twice
L (jaw length) 31.4 56.5 the width of the proximal one.
K (skull length) 29.4 56 Etymology.—From Aegir, God of the oceans and the sea-
J (snout length) 19.5 41.5 shores in the Germanic and Scandinavian mythology and Sau-
D (postorbital segment) 1.9? 4.5
H (orbital length) 8.4 10.4 ros, lizard in Greek.
A (orbit center–anterior skull) 23.8 47
C (orbit center–hindmost skull) 5.6 8 AEGIROSAURUS LEPTOSPONDYLUS (Wagner, 1853a)
I (premaxillar segment) 15.2 31.3 new combination
B (prenarial segment) 16 38
Figures 1–8, Tables 1, 2

Ichthyosaurus leptospondylus WAGNER, 1853a, p. 26;

a nomen dubium because of inadequate type material and I. Ichthyosaurus leptospondylus WAGNER, 1853b, p. 264, pl. 6, figs. 14,
leptospondylus as a species inquirendae, an available name 15;
whose type material is lost (McGowan, 1976). Ichthyosaurus leptospondylus MEYER, 1863, p. 223, pl. 33;
Indeed, with the exception of the Meyer’s (1863) skull, kept Ichthyosaurus trigonus var. posthumus BAUER, 1898, p. 291, pl. 25, figs.
at London, the ichthyosaur collections from the lithographic 1–5;
limestones of Bavaria (then housed in the Munich State Muse- Macropterygius posthumus BARTHEL ET AL., 1990, p. 180, fig. 7.74;
um) were completely destroyed during World War II. Recently, Macropterygius trigonus FRICKHINGER, 1994, p. 249, fig. 514;
new specimens have been unearthed, but remain undescribed Brachypterygius extremus FERNÁNDEZ, 1997, p. 483.
until now. Among them are a partial skeleton (BSPHGM 1954 Diagnosis.—As for genus.
I 608, Munich), referred to as Macropterygius posthumus by Types.—Oberndorfer specimen, type of Ichthyosaurus leptos-
Barthel et al. (1990), and an almost complete skeleton (SM, pondylus Wagner, 1853a, from the lithographic limestones of
Langenaltheim), assigned to Macropterygius trigonus by Frick- Borscheim near Kelheim, Bavaria (destroyed during World War
hinger (1994). These two specimens are herein described and II). SM, neotype, an almost complete skeleton with soft tissue
systematically reassigned. impression, Schwegler Museum, Langenaltheim, Bavaria (cast
available in the BSPHGM of Munich), from the Solnhofen For-
mation, Malm Zeta 2b, early Lower Tithonian, uppermost Ju-
ICHTHYOSAURIA Blainville, 1835 rassic (Zeiss, 1977) of the Schrandel quarry district, South of
OPHTHALMOSAURIA Motani, 1999a Langenaltheim, Bavaria.
Genus AEGIROSAURUS new genus Referred specimens.—BSPHGM 1954 I 608, a partial skele-
Type species.—Ichthyosaurus leptospondylus Wagner, 1853a ton, Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und historis-
Diagnosis.—A medium size ichthyosaur less than 2 m long, che Geologie Museum (Munich), from the Solnhofen Formation,
characterized by a long and slender snout (snout ratio 0.73 to Malm Zeta 2b, early Lower Tithonian, uppermost Jurassic
0.62), not markedly demarcated from the skull; delicate and (Zeiss, 1977) of Steinbruch am Geisberg quarry, Apfeltal, South
small packed teeth strongly anchored in the dental groove, with of Solnhofen, Bavaria; BMNH 42833, a partial skull, Natural
enamel crown minutely ridged or smooth; medium sized orbit History Museum (London), from the lithographic limestones of
(orbital ratio 0.18 to 0.26), filled with 14 sclerotic plates and Eichstätt, Bavaria.
dorsally bordered by a flange; external naris with a dorsal pro- General remarks.—The Schwegler Museum specimen (SM,
tuberance; short jugal slightly exceeding anteriorly the orbital neotype) is an almost complete articulated skeleton, 1.77 m long,
margin; postorbital segment of the skull very narrow (postorbital with soft tissue impression on the micritic matrix (Fig. 1). The
ratio 0.08 to 0.06); postorbital covering quadratojugal; presence specimen was found at the lower surface of a lithographic lime-
in the cheek region of a reduced, triangular and laterally exposed stone bed and was thus preserved with its dorsolateral surface
squamosal, which is excluded from the temporal fenestra by a downward facing. Only the girdles and the left paddles are com-
postfrontal-supratemporal bar; angular largely exposed laterally pletely lacking. The skull is exposed in dorsal view, the body
reaching as far anteriorly as the surangular; forepaddle with mas- in right dorsolateral position and the tail in right lateral exposure.
sive humerus bearing three distal articulations for radius, inter- The carcass of the animal probably landed on the sea floor in a
medium (the smallest) and ulna, an extrazeugopodial element dorsal position. As usual in dorsal-down specimens, the verte-
and its associated digit distally to the radius, six digits of which bral column is quite perfectly articulated (Martill, 1993). The
the fourth is the longest and comprised 23 elements; short hind- skull may have intruded the sediment first because of its higher
limb with massive femur one half the humerus length and small- density. Then, a right lateral rotation of the body occurred before
er than the puboischiatic complex, articulating distally with two its complete intrusion in the sediment, a common situation ob-
elements, and four digits; both paddles composed of proximally served in many carcasses that arrive in a dorsal position (Martill,

TABLE 2—Ratios of Aegirosaurus leptospondylus and of other Ophthalmosauria (sensu Motani, 1999a, 1999b). Ratios as defined by McGowan (1976) and
Kirton (1983): OR 5 Orbital ratio (H/L), SR 5 Snout ratio (J/L), PmxR 5 Premaxillary ratio (I/J sensu Kirton, 1983), PnR 5 Prenarial ratio (B/L), PoR
5 Postorbital ratio (D/L), OPI 5 Orbital position index (C/A). Ratios of Brachypterygius, Ophthalmosaurus, Caypullisaurus and Platypterygius based on
McGowan (1976) and Fernández (1997).


Aegirosaurus 0.18–0.26 0.62–0.73 0.48–0.55 0.51–0.68 0.06–0.08 0.17–0.23
Brachypterygius 0.18 0.71 0.59 0.60 0.08 0.21
Ophthalmosaurus 0.24 0.65 0.73 0.52 0.05 0.22
Caypullisaurus 0.16 0.68 — — 0.10 —
Platypterygius 0.11 0.75 — 0.64 0.09 0.18

FIGURE 1—Aegirosaurus leptospondylus n. comb., SM (neotype), almost complete skeleton with soft tissue impression, Solnhofen Formation, early
Lower Tithonian, Schrandel quarry district, South of Langenaltheim, Bavaria. Global view. Scale equals 20 cm.

1993) and leading to the final buried position mentioned above. sea floor in a lateral position depends on the depth to which they
The lateral rotation of the body could explain the loss of both sank. Here, the carcass has probably intruded the sediment by
the left paddle and girdle. As suggested by Allison (1988), the about 50 percent (see Martill, 1993, fig. 6). This specimen,
soft tissues are subject to bacterial degradation whether the water called ‘‘Munich 5’’ by McGowan (1976), was erroneously en-
column is oxic or anoxic. Thus, the preservation of soft tissue visaged to be Wagner’s more complete skeleton (Häberlein spec-
impression, as well as the complete lack of any scavenger or imen). As previously noted, the old collections from the Munich
epifauna activity on the specimen suggest that its burial was Museum were completely destroyed and BSPHGM 1954 I 608
rapid. was purchased after the war (P. Wellnhofer, personal commun.).
BSPHGM 1954 I 608 is a partial articulated skeleton, 0.70 m Skull and mandible.—In both specimens the skull and man-
long, exposed on a lithographic slab in left lateral view (Fig. 2). dible are complete and articulated. The SM skull is 56 cm long
The preserved parts of the skeleton are the completety articu- and lacks only the anteriormost part of the premaxillae (Fig. 3).
lated skull and trunk region with disarticulated girdles and pad- The BSPHGM skull is complete and is about 30 cm long (Fig.
dles. The tail region is absent. According to Martill (1993), the 4). Both skulls are mainly characterized by a delicate and long
completeness of the body outline of carcasses that arrive on the snout fitted with numerous teeth, and a medium size orbit. The

FIGURE 2—Aegirosaurus leptospondylus n. comb., BSPHGM 1954 I 608 (referred specimen), partial skeleton, Solnhofen Formation, early Lower
Tithonian, Steinbruch am Geisberg quarry, Apfeltal, South of Solnhofen, Bavaria. Global view. Scale equals 20 cm.

FIGURE 3—Aegirosaurus leptospondylus n. comb., SM (neotype), Sol-

nhofen Formation, early Lower Tithonian, Schrandel quarry district,
South of Langenaltheim, Bavaria. Skull; 1, photograph ; 2, interpreta-
tive drawing. Abbreviations: an, angular; d, dentary; f, frontal; ju, jugal; FIGURE 4—Aegirosaurus leptospondylus n. comb., BSPHGM 1954 I 608
la, lacrymal; mx, maxilla; na, nasal; pa, parietal; pf, prefrontal; pmx, (referred specimen), Solnhofen Formation, early Lower Tithonian,
premaxilla; po, postorbital; pof, postfrontal; sa, surangular; sq, squa- Steinbruch am Geisberg quarry, Apfeltal, South of Solnhofen, Bavaria.
mosal; st, supratemporal. Scale equals 10 cm. Skull; 1, photograph; 2, interpretative drawing. Abbreviations: an, an-
gular; d, dentary; ju, jugal; la, lacrymal; mx, maxilla; na, nasal; pf,
prefrontal; pmx, premaxilla; po, postorbital; pof, postfrontal; q, quad-
rate; qj, quadratojugal; sa, surangular; sc, sclerotic ring; sq, squamosal;
rostrum is long, slender and not markedly demarcated from the st, supratemporal. Scale equals 10 cm.
skull. The snout ratios are 0.73 (SM) and 0.62 (BSPHGM) and
comparable to other Middle-Late Jurassic ichthyosaurs (see Ta-
ble 2). The teeth are numerous, small, delicate, closely packed, the postorbital, as in Ophthalmosaurus (Kirton, 1983). In both
and strongly anchored in the dental groove; thus, they differ specimens, the posterior cheek region exhibits three bones,
from all other Middle-Late Jurassic genera. In SM, the teeth are which are here interpreted as the supratemporal, squamosal and
less numerous and less packed than in BSPHGM. Moreover, the quadratojugal (instead squamosal, supranumeral bone and quad-
enamel crown bears minute ridges, whereas it is smooth in ratojugal), following Motani et al. (1998). The squamosal is a
BSPHGM. The orbits are of medium size. The orbital ratio of small, triangular and laterally exposed bone, which is excluded
SM (0.18) resembles more Caypullisaurus Fernández, 1997, and from the temporal fenestra by an extensive postfrontal-supratem-
Brachypterygius Huene, 1922, than that of BSPHGM (0.26), poral contact. In SM, the supraoccipital is preserved and slightly
which is comparable to Ophthalmosaurus (see Table 2). The displaced from its original position. It bears the typical ichthyo-
orbit is oval in SM and the sclerotic ring filled it almost entirely. saurian arch shape.
The orbit is circular and completely filled with the sclerotic ring In both specimens, the mandible is laterally exposed and ex-
in BSPHGM. In both specimens the sclerotic rings are well pre- hibits the same bone arrangement. The dentary is very long and
served and are composed of 14 largely overlapped thin plates slender, ending up posteriorly at the orbital level. The most in-
as compared to about 12 in Brachypterygius and 15 in Ophthal- teresting character is that the angular is largely exposed laterally,
mosaurus (Kirton, 1983). The naris, which bears a diagnostic reaching as far anteriorly as the surangular, an important phy-
dorsal lateral protuberance, is oval to rounded in SM, whereas logenetic character (Motani, 1999b) as will be discussed below.
it is more elongate in BSPHGM (as in BMNH 42833), resem- Vertebral column.—In SM, all centra are roughly articulated
bling Ophthalmosaurus. In both specimens, the bone configu- with neural arches and ribs present (see Fig. 1). The anterior
ration around the orbit and naris is similar to that observed in presacral vertebrae are badly preserved and have been estimated
Ophthalmosaurus (see Kirton 1983, pl. 14). The jugal is short as seven. Behind them, there are 45 presacrals more, as well as
and only slightly exceeds anteriorly the orbital margin. This con- 40 preflexual, four flexual (preserved as matrix impression) and
dition resembles that of Ophthalmosaurus, in contrast to Bra- 61 postflexual (of which about 30 are preserved as matrix im-
chypterygius in which the jugal is very long and reaches the pression) caudals. The total number of vertebrae may thus have
naris region, contacting the premaxillae (Kirton, 1983). The pre- been about 157 divided into 52 presacrals and 105 caudals. The
frontal and postfrontal make a supraorbital flange which looks vertebral count to tail-bend is 92, larger than Ophthalmosaurus
like that of Ophthalmosaurus. This structure, which appear to (69–74), Ichthyosaurus De La Beche and Conybeare, 1821 (69–
be common in ichthyosaurs (Motani et al., 1998), could have 79), Stenopterygius Jaekel, 1904 (78–85) and Leptonectes
acted as an orbit protector in light of its large size (Kirton, 1983). McGowan, 1996 (83–85), and is within the range of Temnodon-
Sutures of the skull roof are hardly observed in SM and are not tosaurus Lydekker, 1889b (88–95). The downturn of the verte-
available in BSPHGM because of its lateral preservation. As bral column after the tail-bend is about 45 degrees. It is lower
usual, the pineal foramen is located at the frontal-parietal suture. than the value (about 80 degrees) of two specimens from Sol-
Apparently, the frontal takes part in the anteromedial border of nhofen (Bauer, 1898, pl. 27; Martill, 1995, fig. 2A) and is within
the upper temporal fossa. The postorbital segment of the skull the range of Stenopterygius from Holzmaden (Martill, 1995, fig.
is very short, the ratios being of 0.08 in SM and of 0.06 in 2B). In contrast to Nannopterygius, there is no clear size increase
BSPHGM. The quadratojugal is almost completely covered by in the posterior presacrals and anterior caudals (Kirton, 1983).

FIGURE 6—Aegirosaurus leptospondylus n. comb., SM (neotype), Sol-

nhofen Formation, early Lower Tithonian, Schrandel quarry district,
South of Langenaltheim, Bavaria. Hindlimb with soft tissue impres-
sion; 1, photograph; 2, interpretative drawing. Abbreviations: F, femur;
f, fibula; t, tibia; ti, tissue impression; dotted line elements are pre-
served as matrix impression.

FIGURE 5—Aegirosaurus leptospondylus n. comb., SM (neotype), Sol- trapezoidal and larger than the radius; the radiale is ovoid; the
nhofen Formation, early Lower Tithonian, Schrandel quarry district, intermediium is wedge-shaped and elongated; the ulnare is qua-
South of Langenaltheim, Bavaria. Forelimb with soft tissue impression, drangular; there is a pentagonal extrazeugopodial element an-
1, photograph; 2, interpretative drawing. Abbreviations: e, extrazeu- terior to the radius and a pisiform posterodistal to the ulna, nei-
gopodial element; H, humerus; i, intermedium; p, pisiform; R, radius; ther in contact with the humerus; the metacarpal V contacts the
r, radiale; ti, tissue impression; U, ulna; u, ulnare; 2–4, distal carpals; ulnare and the distal carpal 4; digit I is considered to be lost;
ii-v, metacarpals; grey zones are covered with matrix; dotted line ele- there are three digits anterior to the primary axis (sensu Motani,
ments are preserved as matrix impression. 1999a), which corresponds to digit IV, the longest one with 23
elements. It should be noted that between digits III and IV there
In BSPHGM, only about 34 presacral vertebrae are preserved are two small isolated elements that may or not be remains of
in articulation (see Fig. 2). an additional extra digit. The elements are strongly packed and
In both specimens, the height of the presacral centra is about polygonal in the proximal part of the paddle but become more
twice their length. The neural arches are rather low, rectangular, rounded and spaced in its distal part, as in Brachypterygius and
and slightly posteriorly recurved in the trunk region. They be- Caypullisaurus. The epipodial construction of Aegirosaurus (in-
come very low in the caudal region. In BSPHGM, some dis- termedium contacting the humerus) is comparable to that of Bra-
placed vertebrae show that the neural canal was large. chypterygius (McGowan, 1997) and is quite different from that
Ribs are preserved in articulation with the vertebrae in both of Ophthalmosaurus, Platypterygius and Caypullisaurus in
specimens. The anterior presacral ribs are short, wide and bear
confluent parapophyses and diapophyses located anteriorly. The
other ribs are very long and slender, as usual in ichthyosaurs.
Some delicate gastralia are preserved disarticulated in
Limbs.—Right fore- and hindlimbs are completely preserved
in articulation and with soft tissue impression in SM (Figs. 1, 5,
6). In BSPHGM, disarticulated elements of possibly both fore-
paddles and of the right hindlimb are preserved (Figs. 2, 7). In
both specimens, the hindlimb is strongly reduced compared to
the animal size, and is about half the size of the forelimb.
The humerus is a massive, short element, clearly belonging
to the derived ‘morphotype 3’ of Motani (1999a). As in Bra-
chypterygius, Ophthalmosaurus, Caypullisaurus and Platypter-
ygius, there are three distal facets. Those for the radius and ulna
are similar in size whereas the third facet is smaller and herein
interpreted as for the intermedium, like in Brachypterygius. The
facets are angulated and clearly separated from each other, es- FIGURE 7—Aegirosaurus leptospondylus n. comb., BSPHGM 1954 I 608
pecially the radial facet which is antero-distally oriented, also (referred specimen), Solnhofen Formation, early Lower Tithonian,
Steinbruch am Geisberg quarry, Apfeltal, South of Solnhofen, Bavaria.
like in Brachypterygius. The humerus proximal head is almost Limb and girdle interpretative drawings; 1, forepaddle and pectoral
flat and the distal extremity is wider than the proximal one. girdle; 2, hindpaddle and pelvic girdle. Abbreviations: c, centra; cl,
Based on the conservative topological features of the primary clavicle; co, coracoid; F, femur; H, humerus; ic, interclavicle; il, ilium;
axis and digital arch as described by Motani (1999a), the ho- m, mandible; o, orbit; pi, puboischiatic complex; r, ribs; s, skull; sc,
mology of the Aegirosaurus forefin elements is identified as fol- scapula. Grey zones indicate cuts on the lithographical slab. Scale
lows (see Fig. 5.2): the radius is roughly pentagonal; the ulna is equals 5 cm.

which the humerus bears three distal facets for an extrazeugo-

podial element, radius and ulna (Kirton, 1983; Kuhn, 1946; Fer-
nández, 1997, 1998).
The femur is half the humerus length and in BSPHGM it is
smaller than the puboischiatic complex. It articulates distally
with two bones. The tibia is pentagonal. The fibula is rectangular
with a posterior notch and is larger than the tibia. There are four
digits, versus three digits in Ophthalmosaurus and five in Cay-
pullisaurus. As in the forelimb, the posterior paddle is composed
of packed polygonal elements which distally become more
rounded and spaced.
Girdles.—Girdles are completely lacking in SM. They are
preserved in BSPHGM, disarticulated but only slightly displaced
from their original position (see Figs. 2, 7).
The pectoral girdle preserves interclavicle, the two clavicles FIGURE 8—Aegirosaurus leptospondylus n. comb., SM (neotype), Sol-
nhofen Formation, early Lower Tithonian, Schrandel quarry district,
and scapulae, as well as one coracoid (Fig. 7.1). The interclav- South of Langenaltheim, Bavaria. Soft tissue impression back to the
icle is stout and typically T-shaped. The clavicles are robust, pelvic region. Note the rippled textures and the perpendicular straight
curved elements, bearing interdigitating surfaces in their junc- fibers in the area located between the ruler and the vertebrae. When
tion zones, as in Ophthalmosaurus. Only the dorsal rami of the combined, they produce a ‘‘cross-hatched’’ texture.
scapulae are preserved. The preserved coracoid is large and
The pelvic girdle is bipartite (Fig. 7.2). One ilium and both by epifaunal activity and are here tentatively interpreted as mi-
puboischiatic complexes are preserved. The ilium is a recurved nute scales covering the ichthyosaurian skin, an opposite opinion
stick of bone. Ischium and pubis are completely fused. No fo- to Martill (1995). The occurrence of such a skin structure on at
ramen marking the suture between the two bones is visible, un- least this ichthyosaurian taxon must be confirmed by detailed
like Ophthalmosaurus and Stenopterygius. In ichthyosaurs, pu- microscopic analysis.
bis and ischium are usually wider distally than proximally, but
in Aegirosaurus the distal end of the complex is diagnostically DISCUSSION
expanded, being more than twice the width of the proximal ex- According to the descriptions given by Wagner (1853a, p. 28–
tremity (1.7 cm versus 0.7 cm). 29) and Bauer (1898, p. 291–294) of its type specimen (Obern-
Ontogenetic variation.—Using Johnson’s (1977) criterion for dorfer specimen), the species I. leptospondylus was mainly char-
the shape of the humeral head, both specimens are probably acterized by a long and slender snout fitted with numerous, small
immature, as they have very flat humeral head surfaces. How- teeth; a rather large orbit filled almost completely by the scle-
ever, SM was probably older than BSPHGM, because of its rotic ring; elongated and narrow nares; small, short vertebrae
greater size. It should be noted that the orbital and snout differ- with a diameter about twice the length, bearing diapophyses con-
ences observed between the two specimens of Aegirosaurus are fluent with neurapophyses and parapophyses anteriorly located
here interpreted in terms of ontogenetic rather than taxonomic on the centra; a narrow scapula expanded at both extremities
differences. The differences in ratios are within the interval ex- and medially slender; and polygonal paddle elements without a
pected from a intraspecific growth series [see McGowan, 1994 notch. These characters are also shared by the two specimens
for Temnodontosaurus platyodon (Conybeare, 1822)]. The dif- described in this paper. It thus can be assumed that the Obern-
ference in tooth form and ornamentation could also be related dorfer specimen, SM and BSPHGM belongs to the same species,
to ontogenetic variation (Kiprijanoff, 1881). namely I. leptospondylus. As the Oberndorfer specimen has been
Soft tissue impression.—In SM, soft tissue impression is pre- destroyed, I. leptospondylus is a species inquirendae (McGowan,
served all around the body, except the skull (see Fig. 1). The 1976) and SM is here proposed as the neotype of this species.
caudal fin is perfectly preserved and bears the typically lunate Concerning the two generic names commonly combined with
form. The soft tissue impression also reveals important details leptospondylus, none of them applies: Ichthyosaurus is not ap-
concerning the limb shape. The forelimb outline follows closely propriate because of significant diagnostic differences (see
the skeleton anteriorly, distally and posteriorly, revealing that McGowan, 1974; Godefroit, 1994b) and Macropterygius is a
the forepaddle was long, narrow and deeply concave posteriorly nomen dubium, as previously noted (see McGowan, 1976; Kir-
(see Fig. 5). It differs from an Ichthyosaurus specimen from ton, 1983). Moreover, the combination of characters exhibited
England, in which the outline is almost straight and extends by the Oberndorfer specimen, SM and BSPHGM, differentiates
distally well beyond the limb bones (Owen, 1841). In the hind- them from all other known genera. As a result, the new genus
limb, the outline extends anteriorly, distally and posteriorly be- Aegirosaurus is here proposed as a new combination for the
yond the limb skeleton, indicating that the hindpaddle was short species leptospondylus.
and very broad (see Fig. 6). Until recently no global phylogenetic analysis of Ichthyopter-
With grazing lighting, three different types of soft tissue im- ygia has been made, so that the relationships within this group
pression, interpreted here as skin impression, have been recog- remain poorly known. Preliminary analyses of post-Triassic
nized: 1) longitudinal rippled-like texture along the back, the ichthyopterygian phylogeny have been performed by Kirton
base of the paddles and the pelvic region (see Figs. 5, 6, 8), (1983), Godefroit (1994a) and Maisch (1998) and a comprehen-
looking like some already described in the litterature (Lydekker, sive phylogenetic analysis has been carried out recently by Mo-
1889c; Martill,1993, pl. 5, figs. 2, 4); 2) straight fibers perpen- tani (1999b). According to this analysis, Aegirosaurus clearly
dicular to the rippled-like texture, at the abdomen and back lev- belongs to the Ophthalmosauria because of the following syna-
els producing a ‘‘cross-hatched’’ pattern (Fig. 8) which could be pomorphies: 1) the angular is largely exposed laterally, reaching
comparable with that described by Martill (1993, pl. 5, figs. 5, as far anteriorly as the surangular; and 2) the occurrence of an
6); and 3) rounded millimeter-scale structures in the dorsal part extrazeugopodial element anterior to the radius and the associ-
of the lunate tail. These last impressions have not been produced ated digit distal to it (Motani, 1999a, 1999b). This clade includes

at least Ophthalmosaurus, Brachypterygius, Caypullisaurus and BARTHEL, K. W., N. H. M., SWINBURNE, AND S., CONWAY MORRIS.
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der aus den Plattenkalken bekannten Tiere und Pflanzen—The Fossils
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The authors greatly thank M. Schwegler (Schwegler Museum, . 1994b. Les reptiles marins du Toarcien (Jurassique inférieur) bel-
Langenaltheim, Bavaria) for his generosity of making available go-luxembourgeois. Mémoires pour servir à l’Explication des Cartes
the neotype specimen for study and for his hospitality. We Géologiques et Minières de la Belgique, 39:1–98.
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giving us the opportunity to study the specimens, as well as for HULKE, J. W. 1870. Note on some teeth associated with two fragments
his great assistance and kindness. Many thanks also to S. Chap- of jaw from Kimmeridge Bay. Quartely Journal of the Geological
man (NHM, London) for the access to the ichthyosaurian col- Society of London, 26:172–174.
lections in her care. Special thanks to M-A. Lançon (CNRS, JAECKEL, O. 1904. Eine neue Darstellung von Ichthyosaurus. Zeitschrift
Paris) for her extensive help in the German literature translations der deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft, 56:26–34.
and to P. K. Tubbs (ICZN, NHM, London) for his helpful no- JOHNSON, R. 1977. Size independent criteria for estimating relative age
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structive comments which have permitted us to greatly improve oder Osteolith der Kreide-Gruppe. Mémoires de l’Académie Impéri-
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Contribution, Royal Ontario Museum, 100:1–30. dorfer collection (Kelheim) and type of the species Ichthyosaurus pos-
. 1976. The description and phenetic relationships of a new ich- thumus Wagner, 1852. It was slightly recurved and bore a short, rounded
thyosaur genus from the Upper Jurassic of England. Canadian Journal enamel crown, ornamented by longitudinal striations, with a robust,
of Earth Sciences, 13:668–683. oval, strongly ridged root. This tooth is typically ichthyosaurian but
. 1994. Temnodontosaurus risor is a juvenile of T. platyodon (Rep- does not exhibit any specific diagnostic character so that it is assigned
tilia: Ichthyosauria). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 14:472–479. to an indeterminate ichthyosaur.
. 1996. The taxonomic status of Leptopterygius Huene, 1922 (Rep- Oberndorfer specimen (Munich State Museum, destroyed during
tilia, Ichthyosauria). Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 33:439– WWII).—A partial skeleton from the Oberndorfer collection, type of
443. Ichthyosaurus leptospondylus Wagner, 1853a, partially figured by Wag-
. 1997. The taxonomic status of the late Jurassic ichthyosaur Gren- ner (1853b, pl. 6, figs. 14, 15) and Bauer (1898, pl. 25, figs. 1–5). It
delius mordax: a preliminary report. Journal of Vertebrate Palaeon- consists of fragments of both jaws, a sclerotic ring, a quadrate, six teeth,
tology, 17:428–430. a scapula, several vertebrae, ribs and paddle elements, of a single in-
dividual found during mining works in the lithographic limestones of
MERRIAM, J. C. 1908. Triassic Ichthyosauria, with special reference to
the american forms. Memoirs of the University of California, 1(1), According to the descriptions given by Wagner (1853a, p. 28–29),
196 p. Fraas (1891, p. 73–74) and Bauer (1898, p. 291–294), this specimen
MEYER, H. VON 1863. Ichthyosaurus leptospondylus Wag.? aus dem was a medium size (about 2 m), but not an adult. It was mainly char-
lithographischen Schiefer von Eichstätt. Palaeontographica, 11:222– acterized by a long, slender snout fitted with numerous small, striated
225. teeth (height between 1.2 and 2 cm); a large orbit filled almost com-
MOTANI, R. 1999a. On the evolution and homology of ichthyosaurian pletely by the sclerotic ring (diameter about 7 cm); a large postorbital
forefins. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 19:28–41. (height about 6 cm); long and narrow nares; a massive reniform quad-
. 1999b. Phylogeny of the Ichthyopterygia. Journal of Vertebrate rate (height about 5.5 cm) bearing an oval stapedial facet; a powerful
Paleontology, 19:473–496. mandible; small and short, biconcave vertebrae with a diameter about
, N., MINOURA, AND T. ANDO. 1998. Ichthyosaurian relationships twice the length (diameter about 3 cm, length about 1 cm), with di-
illuminated by new primitive skeletons from Japan. Nature, 393:255– apophyses confluent with neurapophyses and parapophyses located an-
257. teriorly on the centra; a narrow scapula, expanded at both extremities
OWEN, R. 1840. Report on British fossil reptiles. Reports of the British and slender medially; and finally irregular penta- or hexagonal paddles
Association for the Advancement of Sciences for 1839, 9:43–126. elements without any notch.
. 1841. A description of some of the soft parts, with the integu- The only character used by Wagner (1853a, p. 29) to justify the
ment, of the hind fin of the Ichthyosaurus, indicating the shape of the creation of this new species was the extraordinary difference in teeth
fin when recent. Transactions of the Geological Society of London, with I. posthumus. According to Fraas (1891, p. 74), the short vertebrae
2(6):199–201. and great number of paddle elements indicate a species close to
QUENSTEDT, A. 1852. Handbuch der Petrefaktenkunde. Tübingen, Ophthalmosaurus or Baptanodon. This specimen roughly shares the
792 p. same character combination that the two new skeletons here described.
SEELEY, H. G. 1874. On the pectoral arch and forelimb of Ophthal- The specific name leptospondylus is thus kept as valid and newly com-
mosaurus, a new ichthyosaurian genus from the Oxford Clay. Quar- bined to Aegirosaurus (see discussion for more details).
tely Journal of the Geological Society of London, 30:699–707. Häberlein specimen (Munich State Museum, destroyed during
VALENCIENNES, A. 1861a. D’une tête de grand Ichthyosaure trouvée WWII).—This first ichthyosaurian specimen to have be found in the
dans l’argile de Kimmeridge par M. Lennier, au Cap de la Hève près lithographic limestones of Bavaria was mentioned as ‘an exemplar
le Havre. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires de l’Académie des Sci- found with polygonal bones in the flippers and draughtboard-shaped
ences, 53:267–273. vertebral centra’ (Quenstedt, 1852, p. 129). It was assigned to I. lep-
. 1861b. D’un nouveau reptile très voisin du genre Ichthyosaurus, tospondylus by Wagner (1861) and later considered by Fraas (1891, p.
trouvé dans l’argile du Kimmeridge de Bléville, au nord du cap la 74) as the new type of this species. This small and rather well preserved
specimen came from Solnhofen and was part of the Häberlein collection
Hève du Havre. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires de l’Académie des
(Pappenheim). This specimen was 90 cm long and included the skull
Sciences, 53:999–1001. and mandible, teeth, vertebrae, ribs, pectoral girdle and paddle elements.
WAGNER, A. 1852. Neu aufgefundene Saurier Ueberreste aus den lith- Following the description given by Wagner (1861, p. 120–121), Fraas
ographischen Schiefern und dem obern Jurakalke. Abhandlungen der (1891, p. 74–75) and Bauer (1898, p. 295–299), this individual was
Mathematische-Physische Classe der königlische bayerische Akade- estimated to have been about 1.5 m long, of which the skull occupies
mie der Wissenschaft, 6:661–710. 35 cm. It was mainly characterized by a large orbit (compared to the
. 1853a. Die Characteristic einer neuen Art von Ichthyosaurus aus animal size) filled entirely by the sclerotic ring; numerous, small, slen-
den lithographischen Schiefern und eines Zahnes von Polyptychodon der and almost smooth teeth (height about 1.2 cm) weakly anchored in
aus dem Gründsandsteine von Kelheim. Bulletin der königlische Aka- the jaws (they were all preserved separately); a robust mandible; short
demie der Wissenschaft, Gelehrte Anzeigen, 3:25–35. vertebrae with a diameter more than twice the length (diameter about
. 1853b. Beschreibung einer fossilen Schildkröte und etlicher an- 2.3 cm, length about 0.8 cm); a pectoral girdle composed of slender
derer Reptilien—Ueberreste aus den lithographischen Schiefern und scapula, rounded and unnotched coracoid and pointed interclavicle; and
dem Gründsandsteine von Kelheim. Abhandlungen der Mathematis- a pelvic girdle represented only by an elongated ilium (pubis of Wagner,
che-Physische Classe der königlische bayerische Akademie der Wis- 1861; Bauer, 1898, p. 299). The most diagnostic elements described by
senschaft, 7(1):239–264. Bauer (1898, p. 299) were those of the paddle. The humerus (basi-
. 1861. Neue Beiträge zur Kenntniss der urweltlichen Fauna des phenoid of Wagner, 1861) was described as short and robust (length 5

3.2 cm, proximal width 5 2.4 cm, distal width 5 3.2 cm) with three The specimen was 1.45 m long (estimated length about 2–2.5 m) and
distal facets. The two largest for radius and ulna were almost equal in mainly characterized by a long and slender skull about 41 cm long;
size (1.6 cm and 2 cm) and at 131 degrees to each other; whereas the large orbits (diameter about 7 cm) completely filled by the sclerotic
smallest (few mm) for the pisiform was dorsally oriented. The femur ring; elongated nares tapering anteriorly as in the Meyer specimen; pre-
was preserved as an impression in the matrix. It was described as short maxillae long and slender, forming part of the lower narial opening;
(length 5 1.9 cm, proximal width 5 1 cm, distal width 5 1.5 cm) with maxillae excluded from the nares; jugals located above the maxillary
two distal facets (0.9 cm and 0.7 cm). Finally, about 100 paddle ele- and forming the lower orbital margin; triangular nasals taking part in
ments, ranging from 1.5 cm to 0.3 cm were preserved, the largest being the nares and articulating with premaxillae and lacrymals; pterygoids
penta- or hexagonal whereas the smallest being rounded. bearing two branches at an angle of 50–60 degrees; basicranium robust;
According to Wagner (1861), this specimen belongs to the same spe- teeth small (height about 0.7 to 1.5 cm) and very variable in crown
cies as the Oberndorfer one and differs from it only in its relative size ornamentation, being either smooth or striated; mandible about 37.5 cm
and mandible height. On the contrary, for Fraas (1891, p. 74–75), the long with a powerful dentary; fifty short vertebrae (diameter about 2
Häberlein specimen was clearly different from the Oberndorfer one and cm, length about 1.2 cm) with diapophyses confluent with neurapo-
considered as the new type and only specimen referable to I. leptos- physes; short and robust femur (height 5 2 cm) with two articular
pondylus. Finally, Bauer (1898), considered these two specimens as facets; polygonous paddle elements (2 mm to 2 cm); pectoral girdle
belonging to the same species, the Häberlein one being considered as including elongated coracoids (length 5 6.54 cm, width 5 4.4 cm) with
a juvenile. Bauer (1898) also noted that the humerus of the Häberlein an anterior notch, scapulae (length 5 7.5 cm) and clavicle (length 5
specimen looks like that of Ophthalmosaurus cantabrigiensis and that 11 cm); and a tripartite pelvic girdle composed of rodlike ilium (length
its hindlimb was very reduced compared to the forepaddle. 5 4.24 cm), bootlike ischium (length 5 2.93 cm) and sticklike pubis
For Fraas (1891), the short vertebrae and great number of paddle (length 5 1.98 cm).
elements suggest a species close to Ophthalmosaurus or Baptanodon. This specimen was assigned by Bauer (1898) to I. trigonus var. pos-
We confirm here his view, arguing that the Oberndorfer and Häberlein thumus along with all the ichthyosaurs from the Late Jurassic of Ba-
specimens belong to different taxa. The above mentioned characters, varia. Some characters exhibited by the Solnhofen specimen such as a
namely a large orbit, small teeth all preserved out of the jaws (which slender skull, a medium size orbit (ratio estimated to about 0.19), small
seem thus edentulous), the humerus shape and the important reduction teeth, small and short thoracic vertebrae, an elongated and anteriorly
of the hindlimb, indicate that the Häberlein specimen has possible af- notched coracoid, a tripartite pelvis and finally a femur with two distal
finities with Ophthalmosaurus or Caypullisaurus. Nevertheless, the very facets, tend to exclude Brachypterygius and Ophthalmosaurus but are
poor illustration of the material prevents any accurate identification. It comparable to Nannopterygius. However, because of the scarcity of the
is considered as an indeterminate form, possibly close to Ophthalmo- illustrations given by Bauer (1898) it is not possible to assign the Sol-
saurus or Caypullisaurus. nhofen specimen with certainty to this genus and it is thus only con-
sidered as an indeterminate ichthyosaur, possibly close to Nannoptery-
BMNH 42833 (London).— An incomplete skull from the lithograph-
ical limestones of Eichstätt, part of the Krantz collection (Bonn), re-
Tail (Munich State Museum, destroyed during WWII).—The lunate
ferred to I. leptospondylus (Meyer, 1863, p. 222) and later to I. posthu- tail 90 cm high, with soft tissue impression, was from a large specimen
mus (Fraas, 1891, p. 73). estimated to be about 4 m long, referred to I. trigonus var. posthumus
This portion of skull, 31.2 cm long, preserved the snout back to the (Bauer, 1898; Merriam, 1908). It comes from the lithographic lime-
nares. Its total length was estimated to about 42 cm (Meyer, 1863). The stones of an indeterminate locality in Bavaria. The angle of downturn
snout is long, slender (length about 28 cm) and not markedly demar- (about 80 degrees) was very high. There were about 12 vertebrae pre-
cated from the skull in lateral view. It bears numerous minutely ridged served before the tail-bend and 70 after, the last one being elongated
or smooth, small teeth, well anchored in the dental groove and extend- with bulged borders. This specimen does not exhibit characters permit-
ing almost under orbit. The nares is elongated (2.7 cm) and tapers an- ting a precise identification and may be only assigned to an indeter-
teriorly. On the basis of these combination of characters, this specimen minate ichthyosaur.
is here referred as to cf. Aegirosaurus leptospondylus. Rib and vertebrae (Munich State Museum, destroyed during
One tooth and two vertebrae (Munich State Museum, destroyed dur- WWII).—A slab from Kelheim mentioned by Bauer (1898, p. 295) in-
ing WWII).—An isolated tooth from Eichstätt (Fraas, 1891, pl. 11, fig. cluded about 8 abdominal ribs and 12 vertebrae. As no description was
18) and a vertebra from Solnhofen (Fraas, 1891, pl. 12, fig. 5) were given and as the material is poorly diagnostic, it could only be assigned
attributed to I. posthumus. Another vertebra from Kelheim (Fraas, 1891, to an indeterminate ichthyosaur.
pl. 12, fig. 6) was referred to as I. leptospondylus. These three speci- Paddle elements (Munich State Museum, destroyed during WWII).—
mens do not show any diagnostic character permitting a precise iden- A slab from Solnhofen mentioned by Bauer (1898, p. 300) consisted of
tification and they are assigned to indeterminate ichthyosaurs. articulated paddle elements exhibiting four primary digits (radial, ulnar,
Solnhofen specimen (Munich State Museum, destroyed during intermedium and pisiform). No detailed description was given of this
WWII).—An incomplete skeleton unearthed from the lithographic lime- material. The limb construction and especially the occurrence of an
stones of Solnhofen, including skull elements, vertebrae, ribs, parts of intermedium suggests either Aegirosaurus or Brachypterygius but it is
pectoral and pelvic girdles. The description given by Bauer (1898, p. impossible to determine in this specimen, which is referred as an in-
300–309) was extensive but the illustrations were very poor. determinate ichthyosaur.

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