Catalogue of The World Gonocephalum

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A N N A L E S Z O O L O G I C I (Warszawa), 2010, 60(2): 245-304




Museum and Institute of Zoology Polish Academy of Sciences, Wilcza 64,
00-679 Warszawa, Poland; e-mail: [email protected]
2Department of Entomology, The Swedish Museum of Natural History,

S-10405 Stockholm, Sweden; e-mail: [email protected]

3Departament of Zoology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Zielona

Góra, Zielona Góra, Poland; e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract.— The catalogue of all known World species of the genus Gonocephalum Solier,
1834 is presented: 3 subgenera, 415 species and subspecies are listed. The data of primary
types and distribution for known species and subspecies are included. Gonocephalum
zoltani nom. nov. is proposed as replacement name for Gonocephalum parallelum
Kaszab, 1952 (nec Gonocephalum setulosum var. parallelum Normand, 1936) which is
junior homonym; Gonocephalum neoblairi nom. nov. is proposed as replacement name
for Gonocephalum Blairi Kaszab, 1952 (nec Opatrum blairi Gebien, 1922, presently
placed in Gonocephalum) which is junior homonym. The following new homonyms are
presented for the species presently placed in Gonocephalum: Hopatrum arenarium
Fairmaire, 1894 nom. preoccup., nec Opatrum arenarium Fabricius, 1775; Gonoce-
phalum curvicolle Gridelli, 1934 nom. preoccup., nec Gonocephalum curvicolle Reitter,
1889; Gonocephalum pubens Gebien, 1913 nom. preoccup., nec Opatrum pubens
Marseul, 1876; Opatrum pusillum Küster, 1849 nom. preoccup., nec Opatrum pusillum
Fabricius, 1791; Opatrum viennense Küster, 1849 nom. preoccup., nec Gonocephalum
viennense Duftschmid, 1812; Opatrum modestum Küster, 1849 name preoccup. nec
Opatrum modestum Reiche, 1847; Opatrum patruele Küster, 1849 nom. preoccup. nec
Opatrum patruele Erichson, 1843; Opatrum setulosum Küster, 1849 nom. preoccup.,
nec Opatrum setulosum Faldermann, 1837. Incertae sedis taxa are listed separately.

Key words.— Entomology, taxonomy, catalogue, World, Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae,


INTRODUCTION Distributional data on palaearctic species are

based mainly on Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleo-
Gonocephalum was established by Solier (1834: ptera [I. Löbl i A. Smetana, red.): Iwan D., I. Löbl I.
498) with the type species Opatrum pygmaeum 2008. Opatrini. 5: 258–277. Apollo Books, Stenstrup].
Steven, 1829 (designated by Medvedev 1968). Lists Kaszab in his paper of 1952 [Die indomalaischen
of the subgenera and species are arranged in und ostasiatischen Arten der Gattung Gonocepha-
alphabetical order (3 subgenera, 415 species and sub- lum Solier (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae). Entomolog-
species). ische Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, 3: 416–688]

PL ISSN 0003-4541 © Fundacja Natura optima dux

doi: 10.3161/000345410X516920
246 D. IWAN, J. FERRER and M. RAŚ

presented the data on the studied material in three CATALOGUE

separated parts: 1. “Untersuchungsmaterial” (num-
ber of studied specimens and places of their preserva-
tion); 2. “Verbreitung” (data from labels ordered
according to the distribution); 3. “Typus befindet sich Genus Gonocephalum Solier, 1834
in der...” (type designation and place of preserva-
tion, without detailed information on the specimen). Gonocephalum Solier, 1834: 498.
We included whole data (“Type data”) on the stud-
ied material (Kaszab 1952) because identification of Type species. Opatrum pygmaeum Steven, 1829.
the type specimen is not possible based only on the
The second part of the catalogue will include “Ref- Subgenus Gonocephalum Solier, 1834
Gonocephalum Solier, 1834: 498.
Megadasus Reitter, 1904: 146 (type species: Opatrum lefranci Fair-
maire, 1863, original designation).
Dasus Motschulsky 1845: 78 (type species: Opatrum fuscum “Fabri-
ABBREVIATIONS FOR DEPOSITORIES OF cius” = Opatrum rusticum Olivier, 1811, original designation).
Type species. Opatrum pygmaeum Steven, 1829.
ADAS/SLL – Slought Labolatory (ADAS), London, Great
CCEC – Centre de Conservation et Étude des Collec- G. abnormale Kaszab, 1952
tions, Muséum de Lyon, Lyon, France;
DECB – Department of Entomology Collection, Ber- Gonocephalum abnormale Kaszab, 1952a: 634.

nice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu, USA;

FAKU – Entomological Laboratory, Faculty of Agricul- Type data. Syntypes: 2 ex. (HNHM).
ture, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan; Material studied. Madura; Trichinopoly; Hardwar
BMNH – (NHM) Natural History Museum, London, or Rurki (leg. T. W. M.); Burma, Amherst Distr., Kaw-
Great Britain; kareih to Thord Camp, 21.XI.–1.XII.1911 (leg. F. H.
HNHM – Hungarian Natural History Museum, Buda- Gravely).
pest, Hungary; Material depositories. BMNH (4 ex.), NHMB (1 ex.).
IRSN – Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Bel- Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Burma, India.
gique, Bruxelles, Belgium;
JFCS – Julio Ferrer Collection, Haninge, Sweden;
MAKB – Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn, Germany; G. acanthocnemis acanthocnemis Gridelli, 1945
MCSN – Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Trieste,
Gonocephalum acanthocnemis Gridelli, 1945: 10.
Italy; Gonocephalum acanthocnemis acanthocnemis Gridelli, 1945.
MCSG – Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genova, – Ferrer, 1993a: 79, 1995a: 15; (stat. subsp.).
MNDG – Museum für Naturkunde, Dresden, Germany; Type data. Cotype: male (MCSN), Somalie, Belet
MNHN – Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, Amin, Basso Giuba, Patrizi leg. 1934.
France; Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Port
MZUF – Museo Zoologico dell’Universita de Firenze, Amelia. Somalia.
Florence, Italy;
NHMA – Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien, Austria;
NHMB – Naturhistorisches Museum (G. Frey coll.), Ba- G. acanthocnemis mourgliai Ferrer, 1995
sel, Switzerland;
NHRS – Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm, Gonocephalum acanthocnemis mourgliai Ferrer, 1995a: 15.
NMPC – National Museum, Prague, Czech Republic; Type data. Holotype: male (ZSMB), “Kenya, Meru
RGCG – Roland Grimm Collection, Tübingen, Ger- distr. Gatunga, IV–V.1987, M. Marini leg. don. R. Mour-
many; glia”.
SDEI – Senckenberg Deutsches Entomologisches In- Paratypes: Kenya, Meru distr. Gatunga, IV–V.1987,
stitut, Müncheberg, Germany; M. Marini leg. don. R. Mourglia, 1 male, 1 female
SMNS – Staatliches Museum fur Naturkunde, Stutt- (ZSMB), 1 female (JFCS).
gart, Germany. Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Kenya.

G. acoriaceum Chûjô, 1975 G. adpressum (Germar, 1824)

Gonocephalum acoriaceum Chûjô, 1975: 15. – Iwan and Löbl 2008: Opatrum adpressum Germar, 1824: 145.
262. Hopatrum adpressum Germar, 1824. – Gemminger, 1870: 1930.
Gonocephalum adpressum (Germar, 1824). – Gebien, 1910b: 322,
1913: 376; 1939: 448; Kaszab 1952a: 652.
Type data. Holotype: male (FAKU No. 2044), “Mt.
Opatrum complanatum Guérin-Méneville, 1830: 98.
Banna, Ishigaki I., the Ryukyus, at light, 24.V.1975, Hopatrum complanatum Guérin-Méneville, 1830. – Gemminger,
H. Makihara leg.”. 1870: 1931.
Paratypes: Kurio, Is. Yaku-shima, 3.VII.1959, M. et Gonocephalum complanatum (Guérin-Méneville, 1830). – Boisduval,
T. Okadome leg., 1 male (FAKU); Kukibachi, Tane- 1835: 252; Gebien, 1910b: 322, 1939: 448; Kaszab, 1952a: 683.

gashima I., 17.X.1961, K. Baba leg., 2 males (FAKU);

Kukibachi, Tanegashima I., 17.X.1961, K. Baba leg., Type data. Unknown.
2 females (FAKU); Ishigaki I., the Ryukyus, 3.IV.1969, Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Indonesia (Mo-
R. Takubo leg., 1 male (FAKU); Ishigaki City, the luku Isl.), Philippines.
Ryukyus, at light, 28.V.1975, H. Makihara leg., 1 male
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and G. aequale (Erichson, 1843)
Löbl 2008): Asia: Japan. Opatrum aequale Erichson, 1843: 247.
Hopatrum aequale Erichson, 1843. – Gemminger 1870: 1930; Kolbe
1902: 578.
G. acuticolle Kaszab, 1952 Gonocephalum aequale (Erichson, 1843). – Gebien 1910b: 326
(= Opatrum simplex Fabricius, 1801), 1939: 450 (= Opatrum
Gonocephalum acuticolle Kaszab, 1952a: 616. simplex Fabricius, 1801); Ferrer 1993a: 100, 2000b: 106.
Gonocephalum brazzaville Kaszab, 1969a: 236. – Kaszab 1969a: 236.
Opatrum crenatum Erichson, 1843: 248. – Gebien 1939: 450 (= Opa-
Type data. Syntypes: 18 ex. (NMPC). trum simplex Fabricius, 1801).
Material studied. Mysore Stte, Shimoga (leg. P. S. Gonocephalum crenatum Erichson, 1843. – Gebien 1910b: 326
Nathan); Poonah, V.1908 (leg. G. E. Bryant). (= Opatrum simplex Fabricius, 1801).
Other depository. BMNH (1 ex.). Gonocephalum vincenti Ardoin, 1965b: 78. – Ardoin 1965a: 968;
Kaszab 1969a: 227; Ferrer 2000b: 106 (syn.).
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India.

Type data. Gonocephalum aequale (Erichson,

1843). Lectotype (designated by Ferrer 2000b: 106):
G. adelaide (Blackburn, 1894)
(ZMHB) “O. aequale Er.; Angola; Schönl. (47940)”.
Opatrum adelaïdae Blackburn, 1894: 214. – Champion, 1895: 115. Paralectotypes: O. aequale Er.; Angola; Schönl.
Gonocephalum adelaide (Blackburn, 1894). – Blackburn, 1907: 287; (47940), 2 ex. (ZMHB).
Gebien, 1910b: 322. Gonocephalum brazzaville Kaszab, 1969. Holo-
Gonocephalum adelaidae (Blackburn, 1894). – Gebien, 1910b: 322,
type: male (HNHM), “Bazzaville-Congo: Jacob, sugar-
1939: 450.
cane plantation near Loudima, 7.XII.1963, leg. Balogh
and Zicsi (No. 382)”.
Type data. Syntypes: Adelaide, York Peninsule
Paratypes: Loudima, SAGRO, 6.XII.1963, leg.
Balogh and Zicsi (No. 376), 2 ex. (HNHM).
Gonocephalum vincenti Ardoin, 1965. Syntypes:
GIONS: South Australia.
(MNHN), “Sibiti, XI-63”.
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Angola,
Republic of Congo (Brazzaville-Congo).
G. adpressiforme Kaszab, 1951

Gonocephalum adpressiforme Kaszab, 1951: 182. – Kaszab 1952a:

651, 1985: 25; Hua Li 2002: 138; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 262. G. aequatoriale (Blanchard, 1853)

Opatrum aequatoriale Blanchard, 1853: 152.

Type data. Holotype, paratype, “China: Tsichili
Hopatrum aequatoriale Blanchard, 1853. – Gemminger 1870: 1930.
(HNHM). Gonocephalum aequatoriale (Blanchard, 1853). – Mulsant 1859: 129,
Distribution. AUSTRALIAN AND PACIFIC RE- 1859: 67; Gebien, 1910b: 322, 1939: 448; Kaszab, 1952a: 571; Hua Li,
GIONS: Kanton Isl., Hawaii, Mariana Isl., New Zealand, 2002: 138; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 262.
Republic of Kiribati; ORIENTAL REGION: Indonesia Gonocephalum aequatoriale a. acutangulum Fairmaire, 1882:
(Sumatra), Micronesia, Philippines. PALAEARCTIC
Gonocephalum acutangulum (Fairmaire, 1882). – Champion 1895:
REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia: China: Guandong 115; Gebien 1910b: 322; 1914: 61, 1927: 23, 1939: 448; Blair, 1928:
(Kwantung); Japan (Volcano Is.); Taiwan (Formosa). 24; Kaszab, 1952a: 678.
248 D. IWAN, J. FERRER and M. RAŚ

Type data. Unknown. G. alternicostis somalicum Gridelli, 1945

Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India, Indone-
Gonocephalum somalicum Gridelli, 1945: 14. – Ferrer 1993a: 93,
sia (Borneo, Celebes, Java, Krakatau, Molucca Isl.,
Gonocephalum alternicostis somalicum Gridelli, 1945. – Ferrer
Lesser Sunda Isl., Sumatra), Philippines. PALAE- 1995a: 69 (stat. subsp.).
ARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia: China:
Hainan. Type data. Holotype: male (MCSN), “Somalie,
Remarks. Taiwan (Formosa) (Hua Li 2002: 138). Grabredarre, 4.IV.1937, Dr. Facca leg.”.
Paratype: Somalie, Grabredarre, 4.IV.1937, Dr. Fac-
ca leg., 1 female (HNHM); Avare Haud, 7.V.1955, E. J.
G. alaticolle (Fairmaire, 1893)
van Ingen leg., 1male (BMNH); Karo Lula, 6.V.1901, B.
Bradymerus alaticolle Fairmaire, 1893: 23. – Chatanay 1917: 245. v. Erlanger leg., 1 male (BMNH); Dagabuhr Ogaden,
Gonocephalum alaticolle (Fairmaire, 1893). – Gebien 1939: 448; V.1942, T.H.E. Jackson leg., 1 male (TMNH); Obbia
Kaszab 1952a: 475, 1964: 235; Kaszab and Chûjô 1964: 235; Iwan scarpement, VII.1958, C. Koch leg., 7 ex. (JFCS).
and Löbl 2008: 262. Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Somalia.

Type data. “Indrapora et dans le 220 district,

Rawas, Muséum de Leyden”. G. alticola alticola Chatanay, 1914
Distribution . ORIENTAL REGION: Cambodia,
Laos, Tonkin, Thailand,Vietnam. PALAEARCTIC RE- Gonocephalum alticola Chatanay, 1914: 471. – Gebien 1939: 451; Fer-
GION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia: India: Sikkim (Dar- rer 2001: 230.
Gonocephalum alticola alticola Chatanay, 1914. – Ferrer 1993a:
jeeling District).
104, 2000b: 104 (stat. subsp.).

Type data. Syntypes: 1 male (MNHN), “Tanzanie:

G. albertii Ferrer, 1995
Kilimandjaro, zone inférieure. Alluaud leg. I–IV.1904;
Gonocephalum albertii Ferrer, 1995a: 10. id. Versant Sud-est, id.”, 13 ex. (MNHN).
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Tanzania.
Type data. Holotype: male (MCSN), “Congo belg.
prolixum var.? det. Gridelli 1943”.
Paratypes: Congo belg. prolixum var.? det. Gridelli G. alticola exile Ferrer, 2000
1943, 1 male (MCSN); Tanzanie: Manow, Jauer leg.,
Gonocephalum alticola exile Ferrer, 2000b: 105.
1 male (ZMHB).
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Republic
of Congo, Tanazania, Zaire. Type data. Holotype: male (MNHN), “Mozambique,
Vallée de Revoué. env. d’Andrada, G. Vasse leg.”
Paratypes: Zambèze, Vallée de Muza, 30.18.S, 1.000
G. alternatum Carter, 1915 m, id. 2 ex.; Lourenco Marques. XII.1951, G.W. Ferreira
leg., 9 ex. (TMNH); ZIMBAWBE: Cipinga, 1.200–1.300 m,
Gonocephalum alternatum Carter, 1915: 532. – Gebien 1939: 450. VII.1960, savanne boisée marécageuse N. Leleup leg.,
4 ex. (MRAC); Mashonaland, Gaza, Chirinda Forest,
Type data. Syntypes: “Raine Islands, Queensland.” III.1907, O. Odendale leg., 1 ex. (BMNH).
GIONS: Australia (Queensland). Zimbabwe.

G. alternicostis alternicostis Gebien, 1910 G. alticola kinschassae Ferrer, 2000

Gonocephalum alternicostis Gebien, 1910a: 378. – Gebien 1910b:
Gonocephalum alticola kinschassae Ferrer, 2000b: 104.
322, 1939: 452; Ferrer 1993a: 93.
Gonocephalum alternicostis alternicostis Gebien, 1910a. – Ferrer
1995a: 68 (stat. subsp.). Type data. Holotype: male (TMNH), “R. D. Congo:
Kinschassa, 21.V.1899, Welbroeck leg.”.
Type data. Lectotype (designated by Ferrer 1995a: Paratypes: R. D. Congo: Kinschassa, 21.V.1899, Wel-
68): Type 1 male, “von Usambara: Bomole in meinem broeck leg., 10 males et 7 females (TMNH), 3 ex.
Samlung”. 4 Ex.: Meru-Niederung, Jan., und Kilimand- (JFCS); Leopoldville, VII.1957, P. Jobels leg., 1 ex.
jaro: Kibonto, 1,300 m., 29. April (NHRS). (MRAC).
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Kenya, Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Republic
Tanazania, Zimbabwe. of Congo, Zaire?.

G. alticola nossibense Ferrer, 2000 Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Republic

of South Africa (KwaZulu-Natal).
Gonocephalum alticola nossibense Ferrer, 2000b: 106.

Type data. Holotype: male (MNHN), “Madagascar: G. amplicollis Fairmaire, 1894

Ile de Nossibé; A. Bonhoure leg.”
Paratypes: Madagascar: Ile de Nossibé; A. Bon- Gonocephalum amplicollis Fairmaire, 1894: 659. – Chatanay 1914:
houre leg., 24 ex. (MNHN). 470; Gebien 1939: 451; Gridelli, 1940: 241.

Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Mada-

gascar. Type data. Holotype (MNHN) “Abyss Raffray”.
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Erithrea,
Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia.
G. alticola seychellense Ferrer, 2000

Gonocephalum alticola seychellense Ferrer, 2000b: 106. – Ferrer G. amplithorax (Fairmaire, 1894)
2004: 90.
Opatrum amplithorax Fairmaire, 1894: 659. – Champion 1895: 115.
Gonocephalum amplithorax (Fairmaire, 1894: 659). – Gebien 1910b:
Type data. Holotype: male (MRAC), “Seychelles,
322; Gridelli 1940 (1939): 240 (syn. Gonocephalum simplex
Mahé Sud, Anche à la Mouche, 16–25.VII.1972, P.L.G. (Fabricius, 1801); Ferrer 1993a: 95 (bona species); Ferrer 2000b:
Benoit, J.J. Van Moi leg.”. 71, 2004: 88.
Paratypes: Seychelles, Mahé Sud, Anche à la
Mouche, 16–25.VII.1972, P.L.G. Benoit, J.J. Van Moi Type data. Holotype, male (MNHN), “Abyss. Raf-
leg., 5 males, 7 females (MRAC), 2 ex. (JFCS); Sey- fray”.
chelles 2 ex. (BMNH); Mahé, Mamella, A. Brauer leg., Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Erythrea.
32 ex. (ZMHB); Andasibé, Perinet, 930–1.000 m
6–8.II.1993, G. Dunay, J. Janàk leg., 70 ex. (ZSMB);
Ranomafana, 11.V.1989, L. Bartolozzi, S. Taiti, C. G. andamanense Kaszab, 1952
Raharimina, E. Randrianosolo leg., 3 ex. (MZUF 7809),
Gonocephalum andamanense Kaszab, 1952a: 539.
1 ex. (JFCS); Ambanja, Benanemiky-Morovato, 21.IX.
1989, L. Bartolozzi, S. Taiti, C. Raharimina leg., 2 ex.
(MZUF 7810); Tsimbazaza, Antananarivo, 7.XII.1989, Type data. Holotype (NHMB).
id., 1 ex. (MZUF 7811); Sambirano, Andimanka, 20.IX. Material studied. “Andaman-Insel (leg. Wimberley)”.
Other depository. BMNH (2 ex.)
1989, 1 ex. (MZUF 7812); Perinet, 7–8.IX.1989, id., 1 ex.
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Andaman Isl.
(MZUF 7813); Massif d’Ambondrombe (Madagascar
Est) 1.200–1.300 m., env. d’Ikoka, crête d’Ambroasa,
camo 1, 9–10.III.1996, Janak, P. Moravec leg. (forêt
G. andrewesi Kaszab, 1952
humide, sous écorces) 1 ex. (ZSMG); Mayotte, 1884,
L. Humboldt leg., 35 ex. (MNHN), 1 ex. (JFCS); Sey- Gonocephalum Andrewesi Kaszab, 1952a: 649. – Chûjô 1968: 21.
chelles, ex coll. L. Fairmaire, 1 ex. (MNHN). Gonocephalum andrewesi Kaszab 1952a. – Hau Li 2002: 138; Iwan
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Mada- and Löbl 2008: 262.
gascar (Ankaratra, Erakoka), Seychelles.
Type data. Syntypes: 5 ex. (SDEI).
Material studied. Christmas-Insel, I–IV.1933; S. O.
G. alticola zulu Ferrer, 2000 Borneo (leg. Grabowsky); Sarawak, Brooketon (leg. D.
S. Mjöberg); Brit. N. Borneo, Labuan Id. (leg. Dr. E.
Gonocephalum alticola zulu Ferrer, 2000b: 105. Mjöberg); Buitenzoorg (leg. M. Fleischer); Nongkodjad-
jar, 4000 ft (leg. J. P. A. Kalis); Sindanglaya, 1870 (leg.
Type data. Holotype: male (TMNH), “Afrique du J. Xántus); Preanger Reg., Tjisorve pan., 4300 ft, 24.IV.
Sud: Transvaal, Zululand, Sordwana Bay, 10.XI.1984, 1923 (leg. H. M. Pendlebury); Tjibodas, 1400 m, VIII.
Scholtz et Bellamy leg.”. 1921; Semongkat am Nordhang der Batoe Lanteh
Paratypes: Afrique du Sud: Transvaal, Zululand, Gebirge (leg. Rensch); Sumbawa, Dempoe (leg. Ren-
Sordwana Bay, 10.XI.1984, Scholtz et Bellamy leg., sch); Timor, Atapupu (leg. v. Martens); Lombok, Sapit,
femelle (TMNH), 1 ex. (JFCS); Mtunzini, 30.XI.1963, 2000 ft (leg. H. Fruhstorfer); Lombok, Sumbalun, 4000
L. Vari leg., 2 ex. (TMNH); Durban, 3.I.1966, M. Webb ft (leg. H. Fruhstorfer); Bali, Selat; Flores (coll.
leg., 2 ex. (TMNH); Zululand, XI.1905, I. Trägårdh Fry); Ceram Küste (leg. E. Streesemann); Key-Insel,
leg., 3 ex.; Pinetown, II.1896, Cragoe leg., 2 ex. Gu. Daab, 300 m (leg. H. C. Siebers); Tual (leg. C.
(MNHN). Ribbe); Roma-Insel; Larat-Insel (=Tenimber Insel);
250 D. IWAN, J. FERRER and M. RAŚ

Kisser-Insel (leg. Rolle); Saleyer-Insel; Cocos-Keeling- G. angolense subtilistriatum Kolbe, 1887

Insel, Direction Id., VI–VII.1923 (leg. W. E. Pennifold);
Gonocephalum subtilistriatum Kolbe, 1887: 292. – Ardoin 1965a:
Damma-Insel (leg. I. J. Walker); Amboina (leg. I. J.
967; Kaszab 1969a: 227.
Walker); Stiller Ocean; Marianen-Insel, Saipan (leg. S. Gonocephalum angolense var. subtilistriatum Kolbe, 1887 – Ge-
Fritz); Perak, Laiping, “at leight”, III–IV.1929 (leg. M. bien 1939: 452.
R. Henderson); Indien (leg. Bowring). Gonocephalum angolense subtilistriatum Kolbe, 1887. – Ferrer
Other depositories. BMNH (42 ex.), HNHM (6 ex.), 1993a: 99 (stat. subsp.), 2000b: 113.
Gonocephalum granicolle Gebien, 1921: 15 [1920]. – Gebien 1939:
ZMHB (56 ex.), NHMB (5 ex.), NMPC (14 ex.), ZSMG
(9 ex.), MCSN (9 ex.), MNDG (1 ex.).
Type data. Gonocephalum subtilistriatum
GIONS: Christmas Isl, Mariana Isl. ORIENTAL RE-
Kolbe, 1887. Lectotype (designated by Ferrer 2000b:
GION: Borneo, India, Indonesia (Java, Lesser Sunda
113) male (MCSN), ”Congo, Banana, Hesse IV.1886”\
Isl., Maluku Isl.), Malaka. PALAEARCTIC REGION
det. Gridelli, typus”.
(Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia: Taiwan (Formosa).
Paralectotypes: “Chinchoxo, Falkenstein (73983)” 2
ex. (ZMHB).
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Republic
G. angelicae Ferrer, 1995
of Congo (Brazzaville-Congo).
Gonocephalum angelicae Ferrer, 1995a: 50. – Ferrer 2004: 87; Lillig
and Bremer 2002: 68.
G. angustatum Chevrolat, 1873
Type data. Holotype: female (TMNH), “Somalie:
Barbera rd. 139-90 m Hargeisa, XII.1961, C.F. Hem- Gonocephalum angustatum Chevrolat, 1873: 204. – Champion 1895:
115; Gebien 1910b: 322, 1939: 447; Schuster 1928: 989; Reichardt
ming leg.”.
1936: 113.
Paratypes: Somalie: Barbera rd. 139-90 m Hargeisa,
XII.1961, C.F. Hemming leg., 2 female (TMNH et JFCS);
Type data. Unknown.
Soudan: Erkowit, 7.IV.1964, M. Menander leg. (C192),
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION: Syria
coll. P. Ardoin, 2 female (MNHN).
(Champion 1895: 115).
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Djibouti,
G. angusticolle angusticolle (Gerstaecker, 1855)
G. angolense angolense Erichson, 1843 Opatrum angusticolle Gerstaecker, 1855: 638.
Hopatrum angusticolle Gerstaecker, 1855. – Gemminger 1870: 1930.
Gonocephalum angolense Erichson, 1843: 247. – Gebien 1910b: 322, Gonocephalum angusticolle (Gerstaecker, 1855). – Gerstecker
1939: 452; Ferrer 1993a: 94. Peters Reise 1862: 289; Gebien 1910b: 322, 1939: 451; Español and
Hopatrum angolense (Erichson, 1843). – Gemminger 1870: 1930. Viñolas 1983: 36; Lillig and Bremer 2002: 66.
Gonocephalum angolense angolense Erichson, 1843. – Ferrer Gonocephalum angusticolle angusticolle (Gerstaecker, 1855). –
1993a: 99 (stat. subsp.), 2000b: 113. Ferrer 1993a: 86 (stat. subsp.), 1995a: 38, 2004: 86.

Type data. Lectotype (designated by Ferrer 2000b: Type data. Holotype: female (ZMHB), “Mozam-
113): male (ZMHB), “Angola, Schonlein leg. (47938) typ!”. bique, Tete, Peters leg.”, designe comme lectotype;
Paralectotype: Angola, Schonlein leg. (47938) typ!, Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Mada-
male (ZMHB). gascar, Mozambique, Republic of South Afrika, Soma-
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Angola lia, Zimbabwe.
(Namib Desert). Remarks. Gonocephalum angusticolle (Ger-
staecker) determined by Español and Viñolas (1983:
36) belongs to Gonocephalum indictum Ferrer, 1995.
G. angolense escalerai Ferrer, 2000

Gonocephalum angolense escalerai Ferrer, 2000: 113.

G. angusticolle parvithorax Gridelli, 1948
Type data. Holotype: male (HNHM), “Rio Muni: Gonocephalum parvithorax Gridelli, 1948: 25. – Kaszab 1971a: 227.
Biafra, Cabo S. Juan, VII.1901, M. Escalera leg.” Gonocephalum angusticolle parvithorax Gridelli, 1948 . – Ferrer
Paratypes: Guinea esp. Bata, 12.VI.1948, J. Mateu 1993a: 87 (stat. subsp.), 1995a: 38, 1998a: 15.
leg., 2 femelles (HNHM).
Distribution . AFROTROPICAL REGION: West Type data. Type: male (MNHN), “Sénègal, Sebiko-
Sahara, Guinea. tane, VI.1946, Villiers leg.” , designe lectotype.

Cotype: Sénègal, Sebikotane, VIII.1946, A. Villiers G. ardoinicum Kaszab, 1972

leg., male (MNHN); Sénègal, Sebikotane, VIII.1946,
Gonocephalum ardoinicum Kaszab, 1972: 291.
A. Villiers leg., 1 male (MNHN);
Paralectotypes: Sénègal, Komeoudou, Nioroi,
Type data. Holotype and 2 paratypes: “Ban Kheun,
VI.1911, R. Chudeau leg., 1 male.
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Kenya, 70 km NW Vientiane, III.1969, J. Rondon (MNHN,
Senegal, Sudan, Somalia, Tanzania.
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Laos.

G. angusticolle lucidipenne Ardoin, 1961

G. arenarium (Fabricius, 1775)
Gonocephalum lucidipenne Ardoin, 1961: 143.
Gonocephalum angusticolle lucidipenne Ardoin, 1961. – Ferrer Opatrum arenarium Fabricius, 1775: 76. – Herbst 1793: 219.
Hopatrum arenarium Fabricius, 1775. – Olivier 1811: 498; Steven
1993a: 87 (stat. subsp.), 1995a: 40.
1829: 89; Miedel 1880: 139; Gemminger 1870: 1930.
Gonocephalum arenarium (Fabricius, 1775). – Gebien 1910b: 322;
Type data. Holotype, male (MNHN), “Sénegal, Ferrer 1993a: 89, 1995a: 58.
Badi, Miss, I.F.A.N. Parc. Nat. Niokolo Kobe 1956”.
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Gambia, Type data. Syntypes “Cap B Spei Museo Banks”
Senegal. (BMNH).
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Republic
of South Africa.
G. annamita Chatanay, 1917 Remarks. Opatrum arenarium Fabricius, 1775
listed by Miedel (1880: 139) is interpreted by Ferrer
Gonocephaplum annamita Chatanay, 1917: 236. – Gebien 1939: 448;
(1995b: 59) as Scleropatrum crenatum (Fabricius,
Kaszab 1952: 589, 1980b: 171; Hua Li 2002: 138; Iwan and Löbl
2008: 262. 1801); Gonocephalum arenarium (Fabricius, 1775)
Gonocephalum pubens Gravely, 1915: 520 (hom. nov. nom. pre- listed by Matthews and Bouchard (2008: 323) is inter-
occup., nec Opatrum pubens Marseul, 1876: 97 nec Gonoce- preted by Ferrer (1993a: 89, 1995a: 58) as Scleropa-
phalum pubens Gebien, 1913: 4). trum arenarium (Fabricius, 1798).

Type data. Syntypes: Tonking, Hanoi, Sunkong,

Conchichine, coll. Chatanay; Chine, coll. Fairmaire; G. arisi Reitter, 1905
Moluques, coll. E. Marseul (MNHN).
Distribution. AUSTRALIAN AND PACIFIC RE- Gonocephalum Arisi Reitter, 1905: 92. – Schuster 1928: 989; Gebien
1939: 444; Gridelli 1954: 282.
GIONS, ORIENTAL REGION: India, Indonesia (Java,
Gonocephalum Arrisi Reitter, 1905. – Kaszab 1960a: 142.
Lesser Sunda Islands, Malaysia, Molukki Islands, Sula- Gonocephalum arrisi Reitter, 1905. – Reichardt 1936: 101; Medvedev
wesi Isl.), Laos, Thailand, Vietnam; PALAEARCTIC RE- and Nepesova 1985: 131.
GION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia: China: Anhui Gonocephalum arisi Reitter, 1905. – Kaszab 1965b: 669, 1968b: 20,
(Anhwei), Fujian (Fukien), Guandong (Kwantung), Hai- 1970c: 147, 1973b: 55; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 262.

nan, Henan (Honana), Hongkong, Nei Mongol (Inner

Mongolia), Yunnan; India: Arunachal Pradesh; Japan. Type data. Unknown.
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Löbl 2008): Asia: Afghanistan; Iran; Turkmenistan.
G. apterum Koch, 1955

Gonocephalum apterum Koch, 1955a: 528. – Ferrer 1993a: 74, G. asperatum Gebien, 1920
1995a: 6.
Gonocephalum asperatum Gebien, 1920: 232. – Gebien 1939: 450;
Kaszab 1952a: 557.
Type data. Holotype: (TMNH), “South-central Cape
Province: Zwartkops, Algoa Bay, November 1921, H.
Brauns”. Type data. Unknown.
Allotype: (TMNH), “South-central Cape Province:
GIONS: Australia, New Guinea.
Zwartkops, Algoa Bay, November 1921, H. Brauns”.
Paratypes: South-central Cape Province: Zwart-
kops, Algoa Bay, November 1921, H. Brauns., 4 ex.
G. assimile (Küster, 1849)
(TMNH); Port Elizabeth, C. G. C. Dicson, 2 ex. (TMNH).
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Republic of Opatrum assimile Küster, 1849a: 52.
South Africa (Cape Province). Hopatrum assimile Küster, 1849. – Gemminger 1870: 1930.
252 D. IWAN, J. FERRER and M. RAŚ

Gonocephalum assimile (Küster, 1849). – Baudi 1876 (1875?): 67, G. bartolozzii Ferrer, 1995
(232?); Seidlitz 1894: 439; Reitter 1904: 144; Gebien 1910b: 322,
1939: 444; Portevin 1934: 13; Schuster 1928: 989; Reichardt 1936: Gonocephalum bartolozzii Ferrer, 1995a: 23. – Ferrer 1995b: 40,
102; Espanol 1952: 5; Gardini 1975: 685; Canzoneri 1977: 274; Can- 1998a: 40;
zoneri and Vienna 1987: 20; Ferrer 1993a: 76, 1995a: 5; Iwan and
Löbl 2008: 262.
Type data. Holotype: male (MZUF)(HT 7824),
“Somalie, Bud Bud, 15.VIII.1968 (S.B.S.)”.
Type data. „In Sardinien. Beschreiben nach dem
Paratypes: Somalie: Karora, I–III.1938, «Gono-
Originalexemplar der Sturm’schen Sammlung“. cephalum – Gridelli det. 1941», PT 7825: 1 female
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and (MZUF); PT 7841: Ola Uager, Chisimaio, 14.IX.1964,
Löbl 2008): Europe: Italy (incl. Sardinia, Sicily, San Miss. Biol. Somalia 1964, 1 female (MZUF); PT 7826:
Marino). Afmadu, 8.IX.1964, Miss. Biol. 64, PT 7826: 1 female
Remarks. France (Canzoneri and Vienna 1987: (MZUF); PT 7842: km 39.48 O Garoe/Gardo, 4.X.1977
20). (S.B.S.) 3 ex. (MZUF), 2 ex. (JFCS).
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Somalia.

G. aterrimum (Montrouzier, 1860)

G. batesi Ferrer, 2000
Opatrum aterrimum Montrouzier, 1860: 289.
Hopatrum aterrimum Montrouzier, 1860. – Gemminger 1870: 1930.
Gonocephalum batesi Ferrer, 2000b: 75.
Gonocephalum aterrimum (Montrouzier, 1860). – Fauvel 1904: 164;
Gebien 1910b: 322, 1939: 449; Kaszab 1952a: 643, 1982a: 42.
Opatrum australe Montrouzier, 1860: 288 (nom. preocc. nec Gono- Type data. Holotype: male (ZMUL), “Afrique du
cephalum australe Boisduval, 1835: 251). Sud: Cape Prov. Franschoek Bos Reserve, Upperberg
Hopatrum australe Montrouzier, 1860. – Gemminger 1870: 1931. River, 1.500 fts. 1.XI.1950, G. Rudebeck leg.”.
Gonocephalum australe Montrouzier, 1860. – Gebien 1910b: 322,
Paratypes: Afrique du Sud: Cape Prov. Franschoek
1939: 449; Kaszab 1952a: 682.
Opatrum caledonicum Chevrolat, in: Montrouzier 1860: 288 (nota). Bos Reserve, Upperberg River, 1.500 fts. 1.XI.1950, G.
Hopatrum caledonicum Chevrolat, 1860. – Gemminger 1870: Rudebeck leg., female (ZMUL), 3 ex. (JFCS); Bain-
1931. skloof, 5–10 miles Wellington, I.VII.1951, (n 346),
Gonocephalum caledonicum Chevrolat, 1860. – Gebien 1910b: 322, Brinck et Rudebeck leg., 1 ex. female, (ZMUL); SW
1939: 449; Kaszab 1952a: 682.
Cape: Hawaquas, 8.XI.1973 (singled) Endrödy-Younga
leg., 6 ex. (TMNH); SW Ceres, Michaell’s pass, Vildwars
Type data. Opatrum aterrimum Montrouzier, River, 12.II.1951, Brinck et Rudebeck leg., 1 ex.
1860. Lectotype: female (IRSN) designated by Kaszab (TMNH); Orange Free state: W Pretorius Reserv, 15.
(1982: 42), “Lifu prés des rivages”. VI.1961, D. W. Rorke leg., 6 ex. (TMNH), 4 ex. (JFCS).
Opatrum australe Montrouzier, 1860. Lectotype Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Republic
(designated by Kaszab 1982: 42): male (IRSN), “Ile Art”. of South Africa.
GIONS: N. Caledonia.
G. belli Kaszab, 1952

G. australe Boisduval, 1835 Gonocephalum Belli Kaszab, 1952a: 513.

Gonocephalum belli Kaszab, 1952a. – Schawaller 1997a: 3; Iwan and
Gonocephalum australe Boisduval, 1835: 251. – Gebien 1939: 450. Löbl 2008: 262.
Hopatrum australe (Boisduval, 1835). – Montrouzier 1860: 288;
Gemminger 1870: 1931. Type data. Syntypes 4 ex. (BMNH), “Khandesh, “to
light”, 29.IV.1903 (leg. T. R. Bell); Calcutta (coll. Ind.
Type data. Syntypes: “New Holland”. Mus.)”.
GIONS: Australia. ARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia: Nepal.

G. balmeae Kaszab, 1952 G. bengalense Kaszab, 1952

Gonocephalum Balmeae Kaszab, 1952a: 541. Gonocephalum bengalense Kaszab, 1952a: 637.

Type data. Syntypes: 2 ex. (BMNH), “Satara Distr., Type data. Syntypes: 5 ex. (NHMB), “Bengalen;
3700 ft, 23.IV.1912 (leg. F. H. B.)”. Swada”.
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India. Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India.

G. besnardi besnardi Kaszab, 1982 Gonocephalum bilineatum (Walker, 1858). – Gebien 1910b: 322,
1921: 269, 1939: 446; Chatanay 1917: 238; Blair 1921: 269; Schuster
Gonocephalum besnardi Kaszab, 1982a: 163. – Ferrer 1995a: 58 1928: 989; Reichardt 1936: 109; Kaszab 1952a: 641, 1954: 75, 1965a:
(stat. subsp.); Kaszab 1982b: 163; Schawaller 2010: 268; Iwan and 114, 1965d: 287, 1970a: 424, 1977: 257, 1979a: 260, 1979b: 65, 1980b:
Löbl 2008: 262. 171; Boddy 1965: 171; Kwon and Choi 1986: 106; Schawaller 1997a:
3; Hua Li 2002: 138; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 263.
Gonocephalum Kamtschaticum Motschulsky, 1860: 139.
Type data. Holotype: male (ZSMG), “Ver. Arab.
Hopatrum kamtschaticum Motschulsky, 1860. – Gemminger 1870:
Emirate, Ras Al-Khayma, 24.II.1978, Cl. Besnard”. 1932.
Paratypes: Ver. Arab. Emirate, Ras Al-Khayma, Gonocephalum kamtschaticum Motschulsky, 1860. – Reitter 1904:
24.II.1978, Cl. Besnard, 15 ex. (ZSMG, TTM); Arabia 146; Gebien 1910b: 323; Schuster 1928: 989; Reichardt 1936: 109;
[Oman], Aiyum, 5.III.1947, W. Thesiger, 2 ex. (BMNH). Kaszab 1952a: 682, 1965d: 287.
Blapstinus latifrons LeConte, 1874: 70. – Casey 1890: 393;
(Ferrer 1995a: 58) Couple comparée a l’holotype (Ras
Gonocephalum latifrons (LeConte, 1874). – Champion 1895: 115;
el Khaima) par le Dr. O. Mérkl (HNHM). Gebien 1910b: 323, 1939: 452; Kaszab 1952a: 682; Ferrer 2000: 129.
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Opatrum orarium Lewis, 1894: 380. – Champion 1895: 117.
Löbl 2008): Asia: Arab Emirates; Oman; Saudi Arabia. Gonocephalum orarium (Lewis, 1894). – Gebien 1910b: 324;
Remarks. Afghanistan (Kaszab 1982b). Reichardt 1936: 109; Schuster 1928: 989; Kaszab 1952a: 682.

Type data. Gonocephalum kamtschaticum

G. besnardi muehlei Ferrer, 1995 Motschulsky, 1860. Syntypes: “Du Kamtschatka”.
Gonocephalum besnardi muehlei Ferrer, 1995a: 58. – Ferrer 2004: GIONS: Carolinen Is., Fiji, Hawaii, N Caledonia.
87, Iwan and Löbl 2008: 262.
NEARCTIC REGION: Vancouver Is. (introduced).
ORIENTAL REGION: Andaman Isl., Borneo, India,
Type data. Holotype: male (ZSMB), “Yemen, Ha-
Indonesia (Celebes, Java, Molluken, Lesser Sunda Isl.),
raz, Manache, 3.VI.1987, H. Mühle leg.”
Malaysia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Vietnam. PALAE-
Paratypes: Arabie Saudite: Al Mackwan, Wadi
ARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia: Bhutan;
Nawan (19°7’N, 41°35’E) Ulf and H.J. Bremer leg., 13
China: Fujian (Fukien), Guandong (Kwantung), Guang-
ex. (ZSMB), 5 ex. (JFCS); Gebirgstal (21°15’N, 40°08’E)
xi (Kwangsi), Hainan, Hongkong, Hunan, Sichuan
SO Mekka, 16.XII.1993, Ulf Bremer leg., 1 ex. (JFCS).
(Szechwan), Yunnan, “Korea”; India: Sikkim, Darjeel-
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
ing District, Uttaranchal, Uttar Pradesh; Japan; Nepal;
Löbl 2008): Asia: Saudi Arabia; Yemen (incl. Socotra).
Russia: Far East.
Remarks. Hunan, Guangxi (Kwangsi) (Hua Li
2002: 138), South Korea (Kwon and Choi 1986: 106).
G. besnardi pierrei Ferrer, 2004

Gonocephalum besnardi pierrei Ferrer, 2004: 87. – Iwan and Löbl

2008: 262. G. bimaculatum Ferrer, 1995

Type data. Holotype: male (MNHN), “Iran: Shadat, Gonocephalum bimaculatum Ferrer, 1995a: 61.
Lut, Iran, 12.III.1965, F. Pierre leg.”.
Paratypes: Iran, Iranshaar, 14.IV.1965, Mission Type data. Holotype: male (HNHM), “S. Afrique:
franco-iranienne, 3 females (MNHN at Ferrer coll.). Natal, 1924, «bimaculatum n. sp. Blair det. (in litt.).”.
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Paratypes: S. Afrique: Natal, 1924, «bimaculatum n.
Löbl 2008): Asia: Iran. sp. Blair det. (in litt.), 1 male, 2 females (HNHM); Trans-
vaal: «Caffraria», J. Wahlberg leg. (1838?) «O. magicum
Bhm» (Boheman det. in litt.), 3 ex. (TMNH); Cape Prov.:
G. bigranulatum Kaszab, 1952 28 km SW of Barkly East, II.1967, L. Schultze leg., 6 ex.
(TMNH); Rodhes, 10.III.1951, 3 ex.Brinck and Rude-
Gonocephalum bigranulatum Kaszab, 1952a: 491.
beck, 1 ex. (TMNH); NE of Barkly East, 8–9.III.1992,
H.J. Bremer leg. 20 ex. (ZSMB), 3 ex. (JFCS); Her-
Type data. Holotype: single specimen (HNHM), schell, 1 ex. (TMNH); Springfontein, XII.1947–I.1948,
“Madras, Ramandroog”. P. Jackson leg., 2 ex. (TMNH); Koosfontein, XII.1908,
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India. S. Viljoen leg., 1 ex. (TMNH); Reitz, 16.VII.1977, Mar-
querd leg., 1 ex. (HNHM); Lesotho: Nasareth, 20 miles
ESE Maseru, 26.III.1951, Brinck and Rudebeck leg.,
G. bilineatum (Walker, 1858)
1 ex. (ZMUL); Mt Machache, 25 miles E Maseru, 1951,
Opatrum bilineatum Walker, 1858: 284. id., 2 ex. (ZMUL); Makheke Mts, 10 miles ENE Mokoth-
Hopatrum bilineatum Walker, 1858. – Gemminger 1870: 1931. long, 7.IV.1951, id., 29 ex. (ZMUL); 4 ex. (JFCS);
254 D. IWAN, J. FERRER and M. RAŚ

Chocolan 27.IX.1977, T. W. Drinkwater leg., 1 ex. G. neoblairi nom. nov.

(TMNH); Basutoland, 1915, R. Ellenberg, 2 ex. (MNHN).
Gonocephalum Blairi Kaszab, 1952a: 553. hom. nov. nom. preoccup.,
Namibie: Naus (Bethanie) 2.II.1969, H. Roer leg., 1 ex.
nec Opatrum blairi Gebien, 1922: 276.
(HNHM); Okahandja, 1240 m. 8–12.III.1979, id., 1 ex.
Type data. Syntypes: 4 ex. (NHMB).
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Lesotho,
Material studied. “Obi-Inseln, 1902 (Leg. S. Water-
Namibia, Republic of South Africa.
stradt); Bantimurang (leg. C. Ribbe)”.
Other depositories. BMNH (1 ex.), HNHM (2 ex.),
ZMHB (21 ex.), ZSMG (2 ex.), MNDG (4 ex.).
G. binotatum Ardoin, 1967 Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Indonesia (Ma-
Gonocephalum binotatum Ardoin, 1967: 212. – Ferrer 1993a: 95,
luku, Celebes).
2000b: 111.

Type data. Paratypes: Erythree, Eritrea, Asmara G. borosi Kaszab, 1952

(ex coll. H. Gebien), 1 male (HNHM).
Gonocephalum Borosi Kaszab, 1952a: 543.
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Ethiopia,
Type data. Holotype: single specimen (HNHM),
“Mysore, Shimoga”.
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India.
G. biroi Kaszab, 1952

Gonocephalum Birói Kaszab, 1952a: 560. – Kaszab 1970b: 257.

G. brachelytra Kaszab, 1952

Type data. Syntypes: 5 ex. (HNHM). Gonocephalum brachelytra Kaszab, 1952a: 632. – Kaszab 1968b: 20,
Material studied. “Astrilabe Bay, Stephansort, 1897 1970c: 152; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 263.

(leg. L. Biró); Erima, 1896-97 (leg. L. Biró).”

Distribution. AUSTRALIAN AND PACIFIC RE- Type data. Syntypes: 6 ex. (NHMB).
GIONS: Australia, New Guinea. Material studied. “Calcutta; Hardwar, Rurki (leg. T.
W. M.); Lucknow, 4.II.1908 (leg. R. H.); N. Bengal,
Siripur Saran, 25.IX.1910 (coll. Ind. Mus.); Waziristan,
N. W. Indien, III. bis IV.1930 (leg. Rev. G. Palacios);
G. birmanicum Kaszab, 1952
India or. (leg. Duld); Burma, Pegu.”
Gonocephalum birmanicum Kaszab, 1952a: 484. – Kaszab 1977: 256, Other depositories. BMNH (16 ex.), HNHM (1 ex.),
1979b: 62, 1979a: 260; Schawaller 1997a: 4; Hua Li 2002: 138; Iwan ZMHB (1 ex.).
and Löbl 2008: 263. Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Burma, India.
PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia: Af-
Type data. Holotype (HNHM). ghanistan; India: Uttaranchal, Uttar Pradesh; Pakistan.
Material studied. “Burma, Bhamo, IV.1886
(leg. Fea); Manipur (leg. Doherty); Dehra-Dun, 20.VII.
1922 (leg. Dr. Cameron); Nilgiri Hills (leg. H. L. G. bradymeroides Chatanay, 1917
Gonocephalum bradymeroides Chatanay, 1917: 248. – Gebien 1939:
Other depository. BMNH (4 ex.). 448; Kaszab 1952a: 497.
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Burma, India,
Sri Lanka, Thailand. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan Type data. Syntypes: “Cambodge, Pnom Pehn, coll.
and Löbl 2008): Asia: India: Uttaranchal, Uttar Pra- Chatanay” (4 ex. MNHN); “Prion Pek, coll. Chatanay”
desh; Nepal; Taiwan (Formosa). (2 ex. MNHN).
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Kambodja,
Laos, Thailand, Vietnam.
G. biseriatum Kaszab, 1975

Gonocephalum biseriatum Kaszab, 1975: 121. – Iwan and Löbl 2008:

G. bremeri Ferrer, 1955
Gonocephalum bremeri Ferrer, 1995a: 55. – Ferrer 2004: 87.
Type data. Unknown.
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Type data. Holotype: male (HNHM), “Tanzanie Dar
Löbl 2008): Asia: Nepal. es Salam”.

Paratypes: Kenya or. Malindi, 13–29.VIII.1983, H.J. Transvaal prov. Ermelo, 26.III.1985, no. 2048, T.W.
Bremer leg., 4 ex. (HNHM), 9 ex. (ZSMB), 1 ex. (JFCS); Drinkwater leg., 3 ex.; id. 11.IV. no. 2567 (1) id. 18.IV.
Lake Baringo Lodge, 31.III.1988, R. Grimm leg., 1 ex. no. 2037, 5 ex., et no. 2048, 4 ex.; id. 30.III.1986, no.
coll. R. Grimm; Zanzibar, Hildbrandt, 2664, 1 ex. 2596, 1 ex.; id. 12.III, no.2513, 13 ex., no.2515, 1 ex. et
(ZMHB); Tanzanie: Île de Zanzibar, Bububu, Alluaud no.591, 1 ex. (ZMUB); Johannesburg, III.1953, G. Rude-
and Jeannel, IV.1912, 21 ex. (MNHN); 3 ex. (JFCS). beck, III.1953, 4 ex. (TMNH); Lydenburg, P.A. Kraatz
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Kenya, leg. 1896, 1 ex. (TMNH); Orange Free State: Bothaville,
Tanzania (Zanzibar). 18.IV.1979, T.W. Drinkwater leg. no. 1209, 2 ex.; id.
4.IV, no. 1221, 2 ex.; id. 25.IV; no. 1260, 1 ex.; id. 6.IV.
no.1323, 1 ex.; Clocolan, 23.IV.1985, no. 2070, 5 ex.;
G. brenieri Chatanay, 1917 Dewotsdorp; 26.III, no.2008; Exxelsior, 3.IV, no. 2215,
1 ex.; Frankfort, 3.I.1974, no. 1119, 1 ex.; Klerksdorp,
Gonocephalum Brenieri Chatanay, 1917: 238. – Gebien 1939: 448;
Kaszab 1952a: 659. 27.III.1977, n°1049, 4 ex.; 24.III.1983, no. 1566, 5 ex., et
no. 1569, 2 ex.; Ladybrand, 18.IV.1985, no. 2037, 5 ex.;
Type data. Syntypes: “Song Kong, coll. Chatanay” id. no. 2077 2 ex.; id. 23.IV, no.2181, 3 ex.; Lichtenburg,
(2 ex. MNHN). 12.V.1985, no. 1746, 1 ex.; Marquard, 23.IV.1985, no.
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Vietnam. 2048, 4 ex., no. 2089; id. 16.IV, no. 2062, 1 ex.; Thenuis-
sen, 25.III. 1985, no. 1894, 1 ex.; id. 16.IV, no. 2062, 1
ex.; Virginia, 3.IV.1985, no. 2208, 1 ex.; id. 25.IV, no.
G. brevicorne Chatanay, 1917 2143, 1 ex.; Wesselsbron, 17.I.1979, no. 1138, 1 ex.; id.
11.IV.1979, no. 1241, 1 ex., et no. 1248, 2 ex. (ZMUB); 14
Gonocephalum brevicorne Chatanay, 1917: 247. – Blair 1928: 23;
km W Harrismith, XI.1963, M.L. Penrih lrg., 1 ex.; Farm
Gebien 1939: 448; Kaszab 1952a: 500; Kaszab and Chûjô 1966: 53.
Die River (11 miles S Ficksburg, XII. 1970, R. Joens,
K.M. Mathabathe leg., 14 ex. (ZMUB).
Type data. Syntypes: “Martapura, S.E de Borneo,
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Lesotho,
1891, Doherty, coll. Chatanay” (MNHN).
Republic of South Africa (Transvaal, Orange Free State).
GIONS: Australia. ORIENTAL REGION: India, Indo-
nesia (Borneo, Java, Krakatau, Molukken, Sumatra), G. brittoni Kaszab, 1952
Malaysia, Thailand.
Gonocephalum Brittoni Kaszab, 1952a: 618.

G. brevisetosum Kaszab, 1952 Type data. Syntypes: 2 ex. (BMNH).

Material studied. Belgaum (leg. H. L. Andrewes);
Gonocephalum brevisetosum Kaszab, 1952a: 476. Shimoga.
Other depository. HNHM (1 ex.).
Type data . Holotype (HNHM), “Tenasserim, Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India.
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Burma, India.
G. buitenzorgense Kaszab, 1952

Gonocephalum buitenzorgense Kaszab, 1952a: 489.

G. brincki Ferrer, 2000

Gonocephalum brincki Ferrer, 2000b: 107. – Ferrer 2004: 90. Type data. Syntypes: 1 ex. (NHMB), 1 ex. (HNHM),
“Java, Buitenzorg”, “Sumatra, leg. Dr. Machik”.
Type data. Holotype: male (ZMUL), “Lesotho: Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Indonesia
Nazareth MS; 20 miles SE Maseru, 24.III.1951, P. (Java, Sumatra).
Brinck, G. Rudebeck leg.”
Paratypes: Mt Machache, 25 miles E Maseru,
20.III.1951, id., 1 ex. (JFCS); Mamathes, 5 miles NE G. caesum Steven, 1829
Teytenayeng, 20.III.1951, id., 1 ex. (ZMUL); id. III.1954, Gonocephalum caesum Steven, 1829: 96. – Gebien 1910b: 322, 1939:
C. Jacot leg. 1 ex.; Vallée de Mt Orange, 1.500 m, R. 452; Ferrer 2000: 122.
Ellenberger leg. 1906, Basutoland: Machlatsa, 30.III. Hopatrum caesum (Steven, 1829). – Gemminger 1870: 1931.
1954, Gillarmed leg., 10 ex. (TMNH); Afrique du Sud:
Cape prov. “Gonocephalum capensis n. sp. Ardoin Type data. Syntypes: “Ex Insula Macarena (Ile
det.” [in litt.], 2 ex. (MNHN); OFS: Barberspan, 45 km Burbon) D. Roux”.
SW Lichtenburg, 29.V.1954, G. Rudebeck leg., 1 ex. Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Bourbon
(ZMUL); OFS Christiana N. Persson leg., 8 ex. (ZMUB); Isl., Mauritania.
256 D. IWAN, J. FERRER and M. RAŚ

G. calcaripes (Karsch, 1881) G. catenulatum (Fairmaire, 1896)

Opatrum calcaripes Karsch, 1881: 59. – Champion 1895: 115. Hopatrum catenulatum Fairmaire, 1896: 19.
Gonocephalum calcaripes (Karsch, 1881). – Kolbe 1902: 578; Gebien Gonocephalum catenulatum (Fairmaire, 1896). – Gebien 1910b: 322,
1910b: 322, 1939: 452; Ferrer 1993a: 78, 1995a: 12, 2007: 92; Iwan 1939: 447; Kaszab 1952a: 463; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 263.
and Löbl 2008: 263.
Gonocephalum yelamosi Español et Viñolas, 1983: 37. – Ferrer
Type data. Syntypes (BMNH).“Kanara, Bombay,
1993a: 78, 1995a: 11, 2004: 84, 2007: 92 (syn.).
Andrewes leg.”.
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India, Hima-
Type data. Opatrum calcaripes Karsch, 1881.
laya. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008):
Holotype: male (ZMHB) “Rolas, Groeff (60988)”.
Gonocephalum yelamosi Español et Viñolas, Asia: India: Sikkim, Darjeeling District.
1983. Holotype: male (Mus. Barcelona), “Les Cases
d’Alcanar (Tarrangona), 14-III-1982 (T. Yélamos leg.)”
Paratypes: Granollers (X-1932); río Besós (XI-1940); G. celebense Kaszab, 1952
Móra d’Ebre (IV-1953); L’Ampolla (IX-1933); Les Cases Gonocephalum celebense Kaszab, 1952a: 558.
d’Alcanar (14-III-1982); Benicàssim (V-1956); El Grau
(IV-1957); Castelló de la Plana (IV-1946); Manises (III- Type data. Syntypes: 2 ex. (NHMB).
1959); Totana (V-1954); Pórtugos (VI-1959); San Roque Material studied. “Minahassa; Süd-Celebes; Cele-
(26-I-1956, III-1959); Cádiz (XII-1939, V-1940); Belén (26- bes, 1855 (leg. Pfeiffer)”.
VIII-1950); Nador (XII-1942); Ceuta (28-I-1930); Casa- Other depositories. ZMHG (2 ex.), NHMA (2 ex.).
blanca (V-1937); 31 males, 21 females (Mus. Barcelona). Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Indonesia (Ce-
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Benin,
Ghana, Guinea, Nigeria, Saint Thomas. PALAEARCTIC
REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Europe: France (incl.
Corsica, Monaco); Portugal; Spain (incl. Gibraltar).
G. charbonnelae Ferrer, 2004
North Africa: Algeria; Morocco (incl. Western Sahara).
Gonocephalum charbonnelae Ferrer, 2004: 85.

G. calvulum (Olliff, 1889) Type data. Holotype: male (MNHN), „Sènègal,

Opatrum calvulum Olliff, 1889: 87. – Champion 1895: 115. Haut-Sènègal”, „coll. P. Ardoin, 1978”, „sp. nouvelle,
Gonocephalum calvulum (Olliff, 1889). – Gebien 1910b: 322, 1939: 449. joues concaves avant les yeux”.
Paratypes: „Sènègal, Haut-Sènègal”, „coll. P.
Type data. Syntypes: “Lord Lowe Isl”. Ardoin, 1978”, manuscrite label by P. Ardoin: „sp. nou-
Distribution. AUSTRALIAN AND PACIFIC RE- velle, joues concaves avant les yeux”, 2 females
GIONS: Lord Howe Isl. (MNHN, Ferrer collection); “Mali, Bamako, S. Breun-
ing leg., 1974, coll. P. Ardoin”, 1 male (MNHN, Ferrer
collection); „Tchad, Moyen-Chari, Fort-Archambault,
G. camerunense Gridelli, 1945 mission Chari-Tchad”, Dr. J. Decorse, mai 1904, 1 fe-
male (MNHN).
Gonocephalum camerunensis Gridelli, 1945: 3. – Ferrer 1993a: 87,
1995a: 38, 2000a: 828. Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Chad,
Mali, Senegal.
Type data. Holotype: male (MCSN), “Cameroun,
Joko (ex coll. Gebien)”.
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Came- G. chinense Gebien, 1910
roon, Ghana, Ivory Coast.
Ginocephalum chinense Gebien, 1910b: 322 (replaced name).
– Schuster 1928: 989; Reichardt 1936: 109; Gebien 1939: 446
(= Hopatrum subspinosum (Fairmaire, 1894); Kaszab 1952a:
G. carpentariae (Blackburn, 1894) 675 (= Hopatrum subspinosum (Fairmaire, 1894); Hua Li 2002:
139 (= Gonocephalum subspinosum (Fairmaire, 1894); Iwan
Opatrum carpentariae (Blackburn, 1894): 213. – Champion 1895: 116. and Löbl 2008: 263.
Gonocephalum carpentariae Blackburn, 1894. – Blackburn, 1907: Gonocephalum subsetosum Reitter, 1904: 147. – Gebien 1910b: 322
287; Gebien 1910b: 322, 1939: 449. (nom. preoccup., nec Gonocephalum subsetosum Kolbe, 1883),
Schuster 1928: 989; Hua Li 2002: 139 (= Gonocephalum sub-
Type data. Syntypes: Gulf of Carpentaria, Thurs- spinosum (Fairmaire, 1894).
day Isl. Etc. (BMNH).
Distribution. AUSTRALIAN AND PACIFIC RE- Type data. Syntypes: (NHMB), “Canton, Hainan”.
GIONS: North Australia. Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India (Assam).

PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia: Type data. Holotype (NHMB).
China: Hainan, Yunnan. Material studied. “Indus; India or. (coll. F. Bates)”.
Remarks. China (Kanton), India (Assam) (Rei- Other depository. BMNH (1 ex.).
chardt 1936). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Löbl 2008): Asia: “Indus”.

G. civicum Kaszab, 1952

G. coenosum Kaszab, 1952
Gonocephalum civicum Kaszab, 1952a: 612. – Kaszab 1970a: 423,
1977: 257; Schawaller 1997a: 4; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 263. Gonocephalum coenosum Kaszab, 1952a: 643. – Chûjô 1966: 6, 1978b:
1; Kwon and Choi 1986: 106; Hua Li 2002: 138; Iwan and Löbl 2008:
Type data. Syntypes: 26 ex (NHMB). 263; Matsumoto and Akita 2008: 121.
Material studied. Ranchi (leg. W. H. Trvine); Gonocephalum japanum Marseul, 1876: 96. – Kaszab 1952a: 683.
Gonocephalum depressum Miwa, 1931: 152. – Kaszab 1952a: 683.
Chaibasa (leg. Konietzko); Ahmed nagar (leg. Tiefer-
Gonocephalum recticolle Kaszab, 1941: 51. – Kaszab 1952a: 683.
mann); Juranda; Chota Nagpore; Belgaum; Mysore
State, Shimoga (leg. P. S. Nathan); Belgaum, S. (leg. H.
Type data. Gonocephalum coenosum Kaszab,
L. Andrewes); Calcutta; Utited Prov., Fyzahad (leg. R.
1952. Syntypes: 60 ex. (HNHM).
W. Hingston); Sahebanj (coll. Ind. Mus.); N. W. India,
Material studied. Canton (leg. Mell); Tsche-Kiang,
1884; Nord-Indien (leg. Melly); Hardwar or Rurki (leg.
Ningpo (leg. Eidmann); Chinkiang; Hongkong; Shang-
T. W. M.); Darjeeling; Sikkim; Burma, Tharrawaddy,
hai; Jinfa; Thinthong, 1870 (leg. J. Xántus); Timbu,
Mandalay (leg. Fea); Tenasserim (leg. Helfer); Carin
1870 (leg. J. Xántus); Hupei, Wu-Schan Gebirge;
Cheba, 900–1100 m (leg. Fea); Rangoon (leg. Prof. F. J.
Meggitt); Upper Burma, Shan Hills (leg. J. C. Brown); Ischang; Szetschuan; Paoschon; Fukien, Amoy (leg. S.
Bangkok, 1870 (leg. J. Xántus); Laos. F. Light); Foochow, 1936 (leg. M. S. Yang); Namoa-Insel
Material depostories. BMNH (25 ex.), HNHM (3 ex.), (leg. I. J. Walker); Chusan-Insel (leg. I. J. Walker);
ZMHB (5 ex.), SDEI (7 ex.), NMPC (2 ex.), ZSMG (3 ex.). Ningpo, Niphou (nach Marseul); Tonomine, Jamato;
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Burma, Thai- Sagamira, Kudagori, Jamashiro; Hagi (leg. Hiller); Osa-
land, Vietnam. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl ka, Tennoji (leg. T. Lenz); Fucasatoge, Echizen (leg. T.
2008): Asia: India: Sikkim (Darjeeling District), Uttar- Lenz); Kiushiu, Oita (coll. Emm. Reitter); Nagasaki,
anchal (Uttar Pradesh); Nepal. 1870 (leg. J. Xántus); Tsushima (leg. H. Fruhstorfer);
Tainan (leg. H. Sauter); Anping (leg. H. Sauter);
Kosempo (leg. H. Sauter); Taihorin (leg. H. Sauter);
G. clavigerum Kaszab, 1980 Pilam (leg. H. Sauter); Lake Candidus (leg. H. Sauter);
Kagi (leg. H. Sauter); Takao (leg. H. Sauter); Ho-
Gonocephalum clavigerum Kaszab, 1980: 139. – Kaszab 1979b: 63. koto (leg. H. Sauter); Arisan (nach Miwa); Ho-
risha (nach Miwa); Jentempo (leg. H. Sauter); Ischiga-
Type data. Holotype (HNHM), “N.C. Province, ki (leg. H. Sauter); Kyiso (leg. H. Sauter); Jamano
Wedikacchi”. Taiko (leg. H. Sauter); Quellpart; Tschu-Schima bei
Paratype: “Smithsonian Institute, U.S. National Korea.
Museum, Washington, C. Prov. Kan Dist. Arupola, Other depositories. BMNH (28 ex.), ZMHB (51 ex.),
27–29.X.1972, P. B. Karunaratne leg, ohne Abdomen” NHMB (95 ex.), SDEI (9 ex.), ZMHG (27 ex.), MCSN
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Sri Lanka. (2 ex.), ZSMG (8 ex.), NHMA (23 ex.), Mus. Stettin
(2 ex.).
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
G. clypeatum Gebien, 1920 Löbl 2008): Asia: China: Fujian (Fukien), Guandong
Gonocephalum clypeatum Gebien, 1920: 237. – Gebien 1935: 55,
(Kwantung), Hongkong, Hubei (Hupeh), Jiangsu (Kiang-
1939: 450; Kaszab 1952a: 552, 1970b: 261. su), Sichuan (Szechwan), Xizang (Tibet), Zhejiang
(Chekiang); Japan; South Korea; Taiwan (Formosa).
Type data. Unknown. Remarks. Mongolia, Siberia (Hua Li 2002).
GIONS: Australia, New Britain, New Guinea. ORIEN-
TAL REGION: Phlippines. G. compressum Ferrer, 1995

Gonocephalum compressum Ferrer, 1995a: 25.

G. coarcticolle Kaszab, 1952

Type data. Holotype: male (BMNH), “Angola, Roca-
Gonocephalum coarcticolle Kaszab, 1952a: 500. das, Rio Cunene, 19–22.II.1972, Brit. Mus. Vernay Exp.”.
258 D. IWAN, J. FERRER and M. RAŚ

Paratype: Namibie: Kavango prov., Rundu, I.1992, Gonocephalum contractum Gerstaecker, 1871: 61. – Gerstaecker
1873: 179; Gebien 1910b: 322, 1939: 451; Ferrer 1993a: 106, 1994:
Rautenstrauch leg., 1 female (ZSMB).
201, 2000b: 96, 2001: 230; Kaszab, 1971a: 227.
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Angola,
Type data. Lectotype (designated by Ferrer 2000b:
96): male (ZMHB), “Lac Djipe, v. Decken (types
G. condamini Ardoin, 1963
Paratypes: Lac Djipe, v. Decken (types 56624), 4 ex.
Gonocephalum condamini Ardoin, 1963: 1379. – Ferrer 1995a: 15, (ZMHB).
2004: 84. Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Burundi,
Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia (Caprivi Strep),
Type data. Holotype: male (MNHN), “Sénègal, Republic of South Africa (Basutholand), Ruanda, Tan-
Basse Cassamance, Fôret classé de Tobor, 13.XI.1961, zania, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
A. Villiers leg.”.
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Benin,
Burkina Faso, Chad, Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal. G. controversum Gridelli, 1948

Gonocephalum controversum Gridelli, 1948: 11. – Kaszab 1963a:

346, 1963b: 456, 1969a: 228, 1979d: 267, 1982b: 165, 1986e: 147; Fer-
G. confusum Ferrer, 2000
rer 1993a: 83, 1995a: 32; Lillig and Bremer 2002: 66; Iwan and Löbl
2008: 263.
Gonocephalum confusum Ferrer, 2000b: 95. – Ferrer 2004; 89.

Type data. Paratype: Erythrée, Tessenei, Reme-

Type data. Holotype: male (IRSN), “Ethiopie, Goba
delli leg. 1938 Gridelli det., 1 male (MCSN/ HNHM). Syn-
prov. 1934-1935, R. de Meulenaere leg.”
types: 2 ex.! (ZSMB), “Erithr. Ghinda, G. prolixum inor-
Paratypes: Ethiopie, Goba prov. 1934-1935, R. de
natum Schouster and Gebien”.
Meulenaere leg., 1 femele (IRSN); Harar, 1905, M. de
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Chad,
Rotschild exp., 4 ex.; Abyssinia, Vallis Erer, Kovacs
Eritrea, Etiopia, Niger, Republic of Congo (Brazzaville-
leg. “simplex variatio Gridelli det. 1939”, 4 females
Congo), Sudan, Uganda. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan
(HNHM); Lake Langane (baited traps) A. Demeter leg.,
and Löbl 2008): North Africa: Egypt. Asia: Bahrain; Jor-
8 ex. (HNHM); Soudan: Kapeba River, I.I.1934,
dan; Saudi Arabia; Syria; Yemen (incl. Socotra).
Miss. M. Steele leg., 1 ex. (HNHM); Burundi: Plaine
de la Ruzizi, 17.II.1966, S N’Dani leg., 9 ex. (MRAC);
R. D. Congo: Lac Albert (=Lac Kawa), Forêt de Kawa,
G. cookae Kaszab, 1952
6.IV.1929, A. Collart leg., 411 ex. (IRSNB), 20 ex
(JFCS). Gonocephalum Cookae Kaszab, 1952a: 569.
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Ethiopia,
Tanzania. Type data. Syntypes: 2 ex. (BMNH), “Satara Distr.,
Kudal, Kudali Valley, 2300 ft, 28.IV.1913 (leg. S. P. A.)”.
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India.
G. consobrinum Blair, 1923

Gonocephalum consobrinum Blair, 1923: 122. – Schuster 1928: 989;

Reichardt 1936: 97; Gebien 1939: 443; Kaszab 1952a: 629, 1960a: G. corallinum Kaszab, 1961
149, 1968b: 20, 1970c: 152, 1974a: 193, 1982b: 164; Ferrer 1993a: 92,
1995a: 69; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 263. Gonocephalum corallinum Kaszab, 1961: 224.

Type data. Holotype: female (BMNH), “Irak, Ama- Type data. Unknown.
ra, 18.II.1914, (under clods), W.E. Evans leg.”. Distribution. AUSTRALIAN AND PACIFIC RE-
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Erithrea, GIONS: Torres Isl.
Ethiopia. ORIENTAL REGION: Burma, India. PALAE-
ARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia: Afgha-
nistan; India: Uttaranchal (Uttar Pradesh); Iran; Iraq; G. coriaceum Motschulsky, 1858
Pakistan; Saudi Arabia; Yemen (incl. Socotra).
Gonocephalum coriaceum Motschulsky, 1858 [1857]: 34. – Motschul-
sky 1866: 173; Harold 1876: 130; Marseul 1876: 96; Reitter 1904:
143; Gebien 1910b: 322, 1913: 6, 1939: 447; Schuster 1928: 989;
G. contractum Gerstaecker, 1871 Reichardt 1936: 112; Kaszab 1941a: 51, 1952a: 667, 1954b: 248;
Chûjô, 1966: 7; Kwon and Choi 1986: 106; Hua Li 2002: 138; Iwan
Opatrum contactum Gerstaecker, 1861: 61. – Champion 1895: 116. and Löbl 2008: 263.

Opatrum coriaceum (Motschulsky, 1858). – Lewis 1894: 381. G. cowardense Blackburn, 1894
Hopatrum coriaceum (Motschulsky, 1858) – Gemminger 1870:
1931. Gonocephalum cowardense Blackburn, 1894: 215. – Blackburn, 1907:
287; Gebien 1910b: 323, 1939: 450.
Type data. Unknown.
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Type data. Syntypes: “Cowards Springs” (BMNH).
Löbl 2008): Asia: China: Fujian (Fukien), Guandong Distribution. AUSTRALIAN AND PACIFIC RE-
(Kwantung), Guanxi (Kwangsi), Nei Mongol (Inner GIONS: South Australia.
Mongolia), Sichuan (Szechwan), Shandong (Shantung),
Zhejiang (Chekiang); Japan; Nepal; Russia: Far East;
South Korea; Taiwan (Formosa).
G. crassepunctatum Kaszab, 1952

Gonocephalum crassepunctatum Kaszab, 1952a: 526. – Kaszab

1980b: 171; Schawaller 1997: 5; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 263.
G. costatum costatum (Brullé, 1832)

Opatrum costatum Brullé, 1832: 218. Type data. Syntypes: 6 ex. (HNHM).
Hopatrum costatum Brullé, 1832. – Gemminger 1870: 1931. Material studied. “Trichinopoly; Fyzabad, United.
Gonocephalum costatum (Brullé, 1832). – Baudi 1875: 229; Seidlitz
Prov. (leg. R. W. G. Hingston); Tenasserim; Kowkereel
1894: 440; Reitter 1904: 143; Gebien 1910b: 322, 1939: 445; Schus-
ter 1928: 989; Reichardt 1936: 106; Kaszab 1939: 588, 1961a: 4,
(leg. Fea); Burma, Rangoon, VII.1935 (leg. L. N. Johri);
1967b: 551; Kühnelt 1965: 35; Grimm 1991: 28. 25. bis 30.XI.1934 (leg. R. Malaise); Hanoi”.
Gonocephalum costatum costatum (Brullé, 1832). – Ferrer 1993a: Other depository. BMNH (5 ex.).
87 (stat. subsp.), 1995a: 45; and Fattorini 2002: 160; Iwan and Löbl Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Burma, India,
2008: 263.
Vietnam. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl
Opatrum lineare Küster, 1849a: 54.
Hopatrum lineare Küster, 1849. – Gemminger 1870: 1932. 2008): Asia: Bhutan; Nepal.
Gonocephalum lineare (Küster, 1849). – Kraatz 1873: 438; Seidlitz
1894: 440; Reitter 1904: 143; Gebien 1910b: 322; Reichardt 1936:

G. cristovallense (Montrouzier, 1855)

Type data. Opatrum lineare Küster, 1849. “Au
Corfu. Nach einem Exemplar aus Parreiss Hand in Opatrum cristovallense Montrouzier, 1855: 30.
Sturms Sammlung beschreiben”. Hopatrum cristovallense (Montrouzier, 1855). – Gemminger 1870:
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Algieria 1931.
Gonocephalum cristovallense (Montrouzier, 1855). – Gebien 1910b:
(Desert). PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 323, 1939: 450; Kaszab 1986a: 152.
2008): Europe: Azerbaijan; Armenia; Croatia; Greece Gonocephalum ochthebioides Fairmaire, 1862. – Kaszab 1985a: 26.
(incl. Crete); Italy (incl. Sardinia, Sicily, San Marino); Hopatrum ochthebioides Fauvel, 1862. – Gemminger 1870: 1932.
Spain (incl. Gibraltar); Turkey. Asia: Cyprus; Iran; Gonocephalum ochthebioides Fauvel, 1862; 145. – Fauvel 1904: 165;
Israel; Syria; Turkey. Gebien 1910b: 324, 1920: 231; 1939: 450; Kaszab 1939: 187, 1952a:
557, 1980: 34, 1982a: 40, 1986a: 152 (syn.); Chûjô 1968: 21.
Remarks. Yougoslavia (Kaszab 1969b: 551).

Type data. Opatrum cristovallense Montrouzier,

1855. Lectotype (designated by Kaszab 1986a: 152):
G. costatum rugulosum (Küster, 1849) (MNHN), “Woodlark, San Cristoval”.
Gonocephalum ochthebioides Fauvel, 1862. Syn-
Opatrum rugulosum Küster, 1849a: 55. types: “Novelle Calédonie, Lifu”.
Hopatrum rugulosum Küster, 1849. – Gemminger 1870: 1933. Distribution. AUSTRALIAN AND PACIFIC RE-
Gonocephalum rugulosum (Küster, 1849). – Seidlitz 1894: 440; Reit- GIONS: Australia (PNG), Bismarck Is., Fiji, N. He-
ter 1904: 143; Gebien 1910b: 325, 1939: 445; Schuster 1928: 989;
brides, N. Caledonia, New Guinea, Solomon Is., Vanu-
Reichardt 1936: 105; Kaszab 1939: 588, 1940: 6, 1961c: 173; Grimm
1991: 28. atu. ORIENTAL REGION: Indonesia (Celebes).
Gonocephalum costatum rugulosum (Küster, 1849). – Ferrer 1993a:
87 (stat. subsp.), 1995a: 45; Chikatunov et al. 1997: 369; Ferrer and
Soldati 1999: 61; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 263.

G. csikii Kaszab, 1952

Type data. “In der Türkey, von M. Wagner gesam-
melt”. Gonocephalum Csikii Kaszab, 1952a: 535.
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Löbl 2008): Europe: Armenia. Asia: Cyprus; Iran; Type data. Holotype (HNHM), “Burma”.
Israel; Syria; Turkey. Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Burma.
260 D. IWAN, J. FERRER and M. RAŚ

G. curiosum Kaszab, 1952 G. deliense Kaszab, 1952

Gonocephalum curiosum Kaszab, 1952a: 460. – Schawaller 1997a: 5; Gonocephalum deliensis Kaszab, 1952a: 505. – Iwan and Löbl 2008:
Iwan and Löbl 2008: 263. 263.

Type data. Syntypes: 4 ex. (Frey Museum, coll. Type data. Holotype (HNHM).
Gebien, in München) NHMB. Material studied. “Deli; Nord-Ost-Sumatra”.
Material studied. “Bengal, Pusa (leg. H. L. An- Other depository. NHMB (1 ex.).
drewes); Bengalen, Raymahal; Sychel, 1863 (leg. Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Sumatra.
Bowring); Peneng, 1963 (leg. Bowring); Bihar, Saheb- PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia:
ganj (coll. Ind. Mus.); Calcutta; Assam; Tezpur, Mangal- China: Guanxi (Kwangsi).
dai Distr., 8–9.X.1910 (leg. Kemp); Burma; Katha Bur-
ma, Monnyin (leg. C. F. C. Beeson); Tenaserim”.
Other depositories. BMNH (11 ex.), HNHM (2 ex.), G. dentipes Kaszab, 1952
SDEI (2 ex.), ZMHG (1 ex.).
Gonocephalum dentipes Kaszab, 1952a: 655. – Hua Li 2002: 138;
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Burma, India. Iwan and Löbl 2008: 263.
PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia:
Nepal. Type data. Syntypes: 11 ex. (NHMB).
Material studied. Kajo-Tanam (leg. Klein); Battak
Gebirge (leg. H. Fruhstorfer); Palaboen, 1870 (leg. J.
G. curlettii Ferrer, 2000 Xántus); Salak (leg. K. Kraepelin); Buitenzoorg, 1919
(leg. W. C. van Heurn); Lombok, Soembalon (leg. Ren-
Gonocephalum curlettii Ferrer, 2000b: 134.
sch); Sambalum (leg. H. Fruhstorfer); Sapit, 2000 ft
(leg. H. Fruhstorfer); Semongkat am Nordhang der
Type data. Holotype: female (MNHN), “Soudan
Batoe Langkat Gebirge (leg. Rensch); Sumbawa, Dom-
Egyptien, Roseires; Haut Nil Bleu, Ch. Alluaud leg.
poe (leg. Rensch).
1904, coll. Alluaud”.
Other depositories. BMNH (3 ex.), HNHM (2 ex.),
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Sudan.
ZMHB (33 ex.), SDEI (11 ex.), ZMHG (3 ex.), ZSMG (3
ex.), MCSN (3 ex.).
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Indonesia (Su-
G. curvicolle Reitter, 1889
matra, Java, Lesser Sunda Isl.). PALAEARCTIC RE-
Gonocephalum curvicolle Reitter, 1889: 705. – Champion 1895: 115; GION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia: Taiwan (Formosa).
Reitter 1904: 142; Gebien 1910b: 323, 1939: 446; Schuster 1928: 989;
Gridelli 1934: 66; Reichardt 1936: 107; Kaszab 1952a: 654; Iwan and
Löbl 2008: 263. G. dentitibia airense Gridelli, 1948
Gonocephalum curvicollis Reitter, 1889. – Hua Li 2002: 138.
Gonocephalum airensis Gridelli, 1948: 28.
Type data. Unknown. Gonocephalum dentitibia airense Gridelli, 1948. – Ferrer 1993a: 92
(stat. subsp.), 1995a: 65, 2004: 88.
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Löbl 2008): Asia: China: Nei Mongol (Inner Mongolia),
Type data. Holotype: male (MCSN), “Niger, Air,
Gansu (Kansu), Sichuan (Szechwan), Xizang (Tibet);
Agadez, «Tabello Air Est, 800 m. 24–26.VIII.1947, L.
India: Himachal Pradesh, Kashmir; Mongolia.
Chopard-Villiers leg.”.
Remarks. Mongolia (Hua Li 2002: 138).
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Niger.

G. dasiforme Kaszab, 1952

G. dentitibia dentitibia Gebien, 1920
Gonocephalum dasiforme Kaszab, 1952a: 493. – Kaszab 1961b: 352,
Gonocephalum dentitibia Gebien, 1920: 18. – Gebien 1939: 452.
1979b: 63; Schawaller 1997a: 5.
Gonocephalum dentitibia dentitibia Gebien, 1920. – Ferrer 1993a:
92 (stat. subsp.), 1995a: 65; 2010: 236; Grimm 2002: 368; Lillig and
Type data. Syntypes: 12 ex. NHMB. Bremer 2002: 68.
Material studied. “Madura; Dekan; Poonach, V.
1908 (leg. G. E. Bryant); Kandy, VI.1908 (leg. G. E. Type data. Syntype: 1 male (ZSMB), “Guinee, Port.
Bryant)”. Bolama, VI–XII.1899, Fea leg. Mus. Frey”.
Other depository. BMNH (3 ex.). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Benin,
Distribution . ORIENTAL REGION: India, Sri Central African Republic, Gambia, Guinea, Nigeria,
Lanka. Senegal, Sudan.

G. dentitibia iwani Ferrer, 2010 G. dermestoides latum Ferrer, 1995

Gonocephalum dentitibia iwani Ferrer, 2010: 236. Gonocephalum dermestoides latum Ferrer, 1995: 54. – Ferrer 2004:
Type data. Holotype: female (MIZ), “Livingstone,
N. Rhodesia, I.1942, W. Eichler leg.”. Type data. Holotype: male (ZSMB), “Kenya, env.
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: “North Malindi, 13–29.VIII.1983, H.J. Bremer leg.”
Rhodesia”. Paratypes: Kenya, env. Malindi, 13–29.VIII.1983,
H.J. Bremer leg., 22 ex. (ZSMB), 1 male (JFCS); Burun-
di: Bulumburu Boom, 10.VII.1985, Mühle leg., 1 female
G. demeteri Ferrer, 1995 (ZSMB).
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Kenya,
Gonocephalrum demeteri Ferrer, 1995a: 30. Somalia.

Type data. Holotype: male (HNHM), “Etiopie:

Awash River, Awash N.P. 8.XI.1980 (baited traps, n.
406), leg. A. Demeter.” G. dermestoides pupieri Chatanay, 1913
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Ethiopia.
Gonocephalum Pupieri Chatanay, 1913: 769. – Gebien 1939: 451.
Gonocephalum dermestoides pupieri Chatanay, 1913. – Ferrer
1993a: 91 (stat. subsp.), 1995a: 54.
G. depressum (Fabricius, 1801)
Type data. Type: male (MNHN), “Îles Comores,
Opatrum depressum Fabricius, 1801: 117. – Steven 1829: 95.
Hopatrum depressum Fabricius, 1801. – Gemminger 1870: 1931;
Moheh, Djoma Dougma, Pupier leg., (etiquette bleu et
Fairmaire 1893: 20, 1894: 17. etiquette rouge la mention: TYPUS). Il doit etre con-
Gonocephalum depressum (Fabricius, 1801). – Gebien 1906: 213; sidere comme Lectotype.”.
1910b: 323, 1913: 376, 1939: 447; Gravely 1913: 520; Blair 1922: 292; Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Comores
Kaszab 1952a: 635, 1974a: 193, 1979a: 260, 1979b: 65; Kwieton
Isl., Madagascar.
1981: 17; Schawaller 1997a: 5; Hua Li 2002: 138; Iwan and Löbl
2008: 263.
Opatrum contrahens Walker, 1858: 284. – Blair 1921: 269.
Hopatrum contrahens Walker, 1858. – Gemminger 1870: 1931.
Gonocephalum contrahens (Walker, 1858). – Gebien 1910b: 322, G. deserticola Ferrer, 2000
1939: 447; Kaszab 1952a: 681.
Gonocephalum deserticola Ferrer, 2000b: 93.

Type data. Unknown.

Distribution. AUSTRALIAN AND PACIFIC RE- Type data. Holotype: male (HNHM), “Botswana:
GIONS: New Guinea. ORIENTAL REGION: Burma, N’gami, V.1972”.
India, Indonesia (Mollukes), Laos, Philippines, Sri Lan- Paratypes: Botswana: N’gami, V.1972, 1 male
ka, Vietnam. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl (HNHM); Nol N’ganu, V.1982, M. Fransson leg., 9 ex.
2008): Asia: Afghanistan; China: Guandong (Kwan- (JFCS); Namibie: Okahandjia, V.1901; Kaoko Otavi,
tung), Guanxi (Kwangsi), Hainan, Yunnan; India: Kaokoveld, VI.1951, C. Koch leg., 43 ex.; Otuhemba,
Arunachal Pradesh, Bhutan, Himachal Pradesh, Kash- 40 miles SE Opoho, Kaokoveld, 4.VI.1951, Brinck et
mir, Sikkim (Darjeeling District); Nepal; Pakistan; Rudebeck leg., 7 ex.; Ashikango, Ovamboland, VII.1948,
Taiwan (Formosa). C. Koch leg., 4 ex.; Stamprietfont, XI.1948, C. Koch et
Van Son leg., 1 ex.; Grootfontain, Mariabronn Farm,
28.I–1.II.1975, H. Roher leg. 1 ex.; Windhoek, 8.II.
G. dermestoides dermestoides (Gerstaecker, 1871) 1975, H. Roher leg., 2 ex.; Orjneru farm, id., 1 ex.
(TMNH); R. Afrique du Sud: Bothaville, Brauns leg.,
Opatrum dermestoides Gerstaecker, 1871: 61. – Champion 1895: 116. 1 ex. (TMNH); Tunkwa, VIII.1951, C. Koch, 28 ex.;
Gonocephalum dermestoides (Gerstaecker, 1871). – Gerstaecker, Central Hardap Dam, 9.II.1984, Penrith et Müller leg.,
1873: 180; Gebien 1910b: 323, 1939: 451; Dickens Reise Ill 1873: 180;
Kaszab, 1971a: 226; Ferrer 1994: 201, 1996a: 60.
44 ex.; Transvaal, 1904, 2 ex.; env. Pretoria, 18.VII.
Gonocephalum dermestoides dermestoides (Gerstaecker, 1871). – 1953, A.V. Paez leg., 1 ex.; Pretoria, 30.I.1978 (on light)
Ferrer 1993a: 91 (stat. subsp.), 1995a: 53. S. Endrödy-Younga leg., 2 ex.; Nylsvley, Smith Farm,
20.VIII.1975, id., 201 ex. (TMNH); Zimbabwé: Wankie
Type data. Syntypes: 5 ex. (ZMHB), «Aruscha, v. Game Reserve, 18.XII.1970, J. Sedlacek leg., 3 ex.
Deck.» types 56622. (MNHN).
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Angola, Bu- Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Botswa-
rundi, Kenya, Mozambique, Namibia, Tanzania, Zambia. na, Namibia.
262 D. IWAN, J. FERRER and M. RAŚ

G. devylderi Ferrer, 1995 South India, Mysore State, Shimoga Dist., Agumbe
Ghat, 2000 ft., V.1980, 1 male (J. Ferrer coll.).
Gonocephalum devylderi Ferrer, 1995a: 65.
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India.

Type data. Holotype: male (NHRS), “Namibie:

«Damara», De Vylder leg.”.
G. dubium (Arrow, 1900)
Paratypes: Namibie: «Damara», De Vylder leg., 2 ex.
(TMNH); Andana Bagani, Okawango, XI.1951, leg. R.G. Opatrum dubium Arrow, 1900: 103.
Strey, 1 female; Omaruru, Odangatze, II.1958, Mrs. Gonocephalum dubium (Arrow, 1900). – Gebien 1910b: 323, 1939:
Koch leg., 1 male (TMNH); Otjivarongo Dist. Abachias, 447; Kaszab 1952a: 643.
I.1959, G. Hobolm leg., 1 ex. (MNHN).
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Na- Type data. Unknown.
mibia. Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Christmas Isl.

G. dilatatum (Wollaston, 1854) G. duplegranulatum Gridelli, 1948

Opatrum dilatatum Wollaston, 1854: 501. – Wollaston 1865: 413. Gonocephalum duplegranulatum Gridelli, 1948: 30. – Ferrer 1993a:
Hopatrum dilatatum Wollaston, 1854. – Gemminger 1870: 1931. 93, 1995a: 66; Grimm 2002: 369; Lillig and Bremer 2002: 68.
Gonocephalum dilatatum (Wollaston, 1854). – Gebien 1910b: 323,
1939: 447; Schuster 1928: 989; Reichardt 1936: 113; Ferrer 1993a:
76, 1995a: 5; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 263.
Type data. Paratype: Guinea Bissau, XII.1898–
XII.1899, Fea leg., 1 female (HNHM).
Type data. Holotype: (BMNH), “dilatatum Woll. Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Burkina
The Madeira Isl. T. V. Wollaston, (BMNH 1855-7)”, Faso, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Republic of Con-
“Habitat in insulis «Salvages» dictis, a Dom. Leacock go, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sudan.
benigne communicatum.” Remarks. The specimens determined as “Gono-
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL RREGION: Repub- cephalum duplegranulatum Gridelli” by Ardoin (1961)
lic of South Africa. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and belongs to Gonocephalum granosum Gebien, 1920.
Löbl 2008): North Africa: Madeira Archipelago (Sal-
G. elderi (Blackburn, 1892)

Opatrum Elderi Blackburn, 1892: 39. – Champion 1895: 116.

G. dorsogranosum (Fairmaire, 1896) Hopatrum Elderi Blackburn, 1892.
Gonocephalum Elderi (Blackburn, 1892). – Blackburn, 1907: 287;
Hopatrum dorsogranosum Fairmaire, 1896: 14. Gebien 1910b: 323, 1939: 449.
Gonocephalum dorsogranosum (Fairmaire, 1896). – Gebien 1910b:
323, 1939: 448; Kaszab 1940: 149, 1952a: 627, 1960a: 149, 1968b: 20,
1970c: 152, 1974a: 193; Kwieton 1981: 17; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 263.
Type data. Unknown.
Gonocephalum foveolatus Kaszab, 1963: 343. Distribution. AUSTRALIAN AND PACIFIC RE-
GIONS: West Australia, New Zealand (introduced).
Type data. Syntypes: India, whitout locality, prob-
ably Madura, Bombay (BMNH)
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Burma, India. G. elegans Chatanay, 1917
PALEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia:
Gonocephalum elegans Chatanay, 1917: 242. – Gebien 1939: 447;
Afghanista, India: Sikkim (Darjeeling District), Uttar- Kaszab 1952a: 470.
akhand (Uttar Paradesh); Pakistan.
Type data. Holotype (MNHN), “Pnom Pehn, Lejoye,
coll. Chatanay”.
G. dravidum Bremer et Ferrer, 1992 Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Vietnam.

Gonocephalum dravidum Bremer et Ferrer, 1992: 85.

G. elytrale Kaszab, 1952

Type data. Holotype: male (ZSMB), “South India,
Mysore State, Shimoga Dist., Agumbe Ghat, 2000 ft., Gonocephalum elytrale Kaszab, 1952a: 620. – Kaszab 1979b: 64.
May 1974”.
Paratypes: South India, Mysore State, Shimoga Type data. Syntypes: 7 ex. (BMNH) “Deccan (leg.
Dist., Agumbe Ghat, 2000 ft., V.1980, 1 female (ZSMB); Dr. Day); Madras pres., Ganjam Distr., Barkuda Id.,

Chilka Lake, 24.X.1920 “at leight” (leg. Annandale); Somalie ex ital. Giuba, Belet Amin, VII.1934, Patrizi leg.
Orissa coast, nr. Puri, Sur Lake, 19.VIII.1911 (leg. (Type!) (HNHM);
Annandale and Gravely); Anuradhapura (Low coun- Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Somalia,
try), 8–20.X.1911 (leg. N. Annandale); Jissa, 29.VII. Zimbabwe.
1921, 3.VIII.1921 (leg. S. P.)”.
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India, Sri
Lanka. G. feae Gebien, 1920

Gonocephalum feae Gebien, 1920: 19. – Ferrer 1993a: 97, 2000b:

G. endroedii Kaszab, 1952

Gonocephalum Endrödii Kaszab, 1952a: 480.

Type data. Lectotype (designated by Ferrer 2000b:
Gonocephalum endroedii Kaszab, 1952a. – Kaszab 1979b: 62. 70): male (MCSG), “Guinee, Ins. Annobon, dint. del
Pueblo, 0–100 m., IV–V.1902, L. Fea leg.”
Type data. Holotype (HNHM), “Tanjore Distr., Paralectotype: (HNHM) Guinee, Ins. Annobon, dint.
Nedungadu”. del pueblo, 0–100 m., IV–V.1902, L. Fea leg., cotype 846,
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India, Sri Lanka. ex coll. Gebien.
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Annobon
Isl., Guinea.
G. ermischi Kaszab, 1960

Gonocephalum Ermischi Kaszab, 1960a: 139. G. fernandezi Ferrer, 2004

Gonocephalum ermischi Kaszab, 1960. – Kaszab 1965: 669, 1968b:
19, 1970c:145, 1973b: 55; Kaszab and Lindberg 1960: 30; Iwan and Gonocephalum fernandezi Ferrer, 2004: 84.
Löbl 2008: 263.

Type data. Holotype: male (MNHN), “Burkina

Type data. Holotype, allotype, 66 paratypes (prob- Faso: Haute-Volta, Pabré, X.1970, P. Fernandez
ably HNHM), “Afghanistan: Nuristan, Bashgultal, leg.”.
1100 m, 6.V., 14.VII.1953; 1150 m 9, 12, 13.V.1953; Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Burkina
1200 m, 15.IV., 7, 11.V.1953; 1300 m, 21, 24.V.1953, Faso.
J. Klapperich; Bashgultal, Achmede Dewane, 2800 m,
29.VII.1952, J. Klapperich; Panchirtal, Bazarak,
2200 m, 27.VI.1952, J. Klapperich; Umgebung von Ka- G. ficifolium Chûjô, 1995
bul, 1740 m, 12, 14.V.1952; 21.VI.1953; J. Klapperich”.
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India. PALAE- Gonocephalum ficifolium Chûjô, 1995: 113. – Matsumoto and Akita
2008: 121.
ARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia: Afghan-
istan; Pakistan.
Type data. Gonocephalum ficifolium Chûjô,
1995. Paratypes of G. ficifolium M. T. Chûjô: 2 males,
2 females, [Shikoku], (Fig vinyl house), Takamatsu,
G. espagnoli Kaszab, 1965
Kagawa 22.II.1994, coll. E. Matsumoto; Paratype
Gonocephalum espagnoli Kaszab, 1965a: 111. – Kaszab 1979a: 260; G. ficifolium, M. T. Chûjô, 1994.
Iwan and Löbl 2008: 263. Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Löbl 2008): Asia: Japan.
Type data . Holotype, male (HNHM), “Assam,
Laibeyungkot, 4800 ft, 14.III.1960, leg. F. Schmid,”.
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India. PALAE- G. folini Ferrer, 1995
ARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia: India:
Gonocephalum folini Ferrer, 1995a: 69. – Ferrer 2004: 88.
Arunachal Pradesh.

Type data. Holotype: male (TMNH), “Somalie, Ga-

lagalo, IX.1959, C. Koch leg.”.
G. fallaciosum Gridelli, 1948
Paratypes: Somalie, Galagalo, IX.1959, C. Koch leg.,
Gonocephalum fallaciosum Gridelli, 1948: 38. – Ferrer 1993a: 99, 11 ex. (TMNH), 1 ex. (JFCS); entre Senscuibas et Hor-
2000b: 119. dio, IX.1959, C. Koch, 11 ex. (TMNH), 2 ex. (JFCS); W.
Ghibieti, 32 N Hordio, XI.1959, G. Hemming leg., 3 ex.
Type data. Syntypes: male (MCSN), Somalie ex (TMNH).
ital. Giuba, Belet Amin, VII.1934, Patrizi leg. (Type!); Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Somalia.
264 D. IWAN, J. FERRER and M. RAŚ

G. formosanum Gebien, 1913 2400 m, 27.VI.1952, J. Klapperich; Panchirtal, Baza-

rak, 2200 m, 27.VI.1952, J. Klapperich; Ghorbandtal,
Gonocephalum formosanum Gebien, 1913 : 4. – Miwa 1931: 151;
1900 m, 26.VIII.1952, J. Klapperich; Nuristan, Bashgultal,
Gebien 1939: 448; Kaszab 1952a: 522; Hua Li 2002: 138; Iwan and
Löbl 2008: 263. 1100 m, 14.IV.1953; 1200 m, 10.IV., 7.V.1953, J. Klap-
Type data. Holotype: 1 male, “Koroton 15.IX.1907 Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India. PALAE-
(Sauter) in meiner Samlung.” ARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia: Afghan-
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and istan; Pakistan.
Löbl 2008): Asia: Taiwan (Formosa).

G. freyi Kaszab, 1952

G. foveicolle Kaszab, 1952
Gonocephalum freyi Kaszab, 1952a: 539, 675 (replaced name).
Gonocephalum foveicolle Kaszab, 1952a: 520. Gonocephalum spinicolle Chatanay, 1917: ccc . – Gebien 1939: 448;
Kaszab 1952a: 539, 675 (nom. praeoccup., nec Bradymerus
spinicollis Fairmaire, 1896).
Type data. Holotype (HNHM).
Material studied. “Madura; Shembaganur; Nilgiri
Type data. Unknown.
Other depositories. BMNH (2 ex.), NHMB (12 ex.). Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Indonesia (Ja-
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India. va, Krakatau).

G. foveoseriatum Chatanay, 1914 G. fuscosetosum Chatanay, 1917

Gonocephalum foveoseriatum Chatanay, 1914: 470. – Gebien 1939: Gonocephalum fuscosetosum Chatanay, 1917: 250. – Gebien 1939:
451; Ferrer 1993a: 99, 1996a: 61, 2000b: 119. 448; Kaszab 1952a: 612.

Type data. Syntype: 1 male (MNHN), “Kenya: Ch. Type data. Syntypes: “Indochina: Cochinchina,
Alluaud et Jeannel leg. oct. 1911, St. Côté d’Afrique or. coll. Chatanay”, 1 male, 1 female (MNHN).
anglaise, Ile de Mombasa”. Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Vietnam.
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Kenya.

G. gallagheri Ferrer, 1997

G. frederici Ferrer, 1995
Gonocephalum gallagheri Ferrer, 1997: 214. – Iwan and Löbl 2008:
Gonocephalum frederici Ferrer, 1995a: 26. 263.

Type data. Holotype: male (TMNH), (Burkina Type data. Holotype (NHRS): “Oman, prés de
Faso), “Ob. Volta, Pundu, Olsufiew leg.” Quarayar, 100 m h, aux lumières, (in footchills) 12.III.
Paratypes: Ob. Volta, Pundu, Olsufiew leg., 1 female 1990, M. D. Gallagher leg. ref. n. 8243”.
(TMNH); 1 male (id., JFCS). Paratypes: Oman: Baushar, 140 m h, 3.IV.1991
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Burkina (JFCS); Oman: Siya, M. D. Gallagher leg. ref. n. 5410,
Faso. 21.III.1991, Natural History Museum, Oman.
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Löbl 2008): Asia: Oman.
G. freudei Kaszab, 1960

Gonocephalum Freudei Kaszab, 1960a: 143. – Kaszab 1961d:

236. G. gebieni Gridelli, 1945
Gonocephalum freudei Kaszab, 1960a. – Kaszab 1968b: 20, 1970c:
147, 1973b: 55; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 263. Gonocephalum gebieni Gridelli, 1945: 10. – Español and Viñolas
1983: 38; Ferrer 1993a: 79, 1995a: 15; Grimm 2002: 368.
Type data . Holotype: Allotype, 36 paratypes
(pabably in HNHM). Type data. Holotype: male (MCSN), “Togo, coll.
Material studied. “Afghanistan: Tangi-Gharuh am Bennigsen”.
Kabulfluß, 40 km südöstlich von Kabul, 1600 m, 10, 18.V., Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Central
20, 30.IX.1952, J. Klapperich; Sarobi am Kabulfluß, Afrikan Republic, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Ivory Coast,
900 m, 12.VI.1952, J. Klapperich; Panchirtal, Mars, Nigeria, Senegal, Togo.

G. gebienianum Kaszab, 1952 Nelspruit, 26.II.1986 no. 2427, T.W. Drinkwater leg., 6
ex. (MZUF); Vryburg, 14.III.1985, id. no. 1767, id., 1 ex.
Gonocephalum Gebienianum Kaszab, 1952a: 470. – Kaszab 1979a:
(MZUF); Beaufort, Tiddbury, I,1961 (dans l’humus) N.
Gonocephalum gebienianum Kaszab, 1952a. – Iwan and Löbl 2008: Leleup leg., 16 ex. (TMNH); Natal (ex coll. Oberthür), 1
263. ex. (MNHN); Tugela river, near Kranskop, Lawrence,
Hacke, leg., 2 ex. (JFCS); Natal\ “Opatrum lateritium
Type data. Syntypes: 29 ex. (SDEI). Buq.coll. Thomson”, 1 ex. (IRSN); Natal, 1901, H. Ertl
Material studied. “Darjiling Distr., 1–3000 ft, V.1912 leg., 2 ex. (TMNH); id. 1904, Pauks leg., 16 ex. (TMNH);
(coll. Lord Carmichael); Darjeeling, Gopaldhara, BW., Zulu(land), 22.VI.(1904?), I. Träghård leg., 1 ex.; id.
4720 ft, 1914 (leg. H. Stevens); Malang; Preanger (leg. 9.I.–7.II.(1904?), 1 ex. (NHRS); Durban, id. 16.XI–I.1904,
P. F. Sijthoff); Pengalengan, 4000 ft (leg. H. Fruhstor- id., 11 ex. (NHRS); Isipingo, A.H.N., 1 ex. (JFCS); Isipin-
fer); Lombok, Soembalon (leg. Rensch)”. go, A.H.N., 28.XI.1958, L. Schulze leg., 35 ex. (TMNH);
Other depositories. BMNH (3 ex.), NHMB (2 ex.), Kloof, 1.500 fts, IX.1926, R.E. Turner leg., 6 ex.
ZMHB (3 ex.). (TMNH); Tongaat, VII.1950, Miss. R. Hoffmann leg., 1
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India, Indone- ex. (JFCS); Tongaat, V.1953, mrs. Koch leg., 1 ex.
sia (Java, Lesser Sunda Isl.). PALAEARCTIC REGION (TMNH); Port Natal, J. Schulze leg.\” Gonocephalum
(Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia: India: Sikkim (Darjeeling bettoni Blair in litt.”, 1 ex. (BMNH); Empangeni Uni-
District). versity, IX.–X.1975, P.E. Reavel leg., 1 ex. (TMNH);
Orange Free State: Bloemfontein no. 2059, T.W.
Drinkwater leg., 3 ex.; Brandfort, 26.III.1985, no. 2088,
G. geneirotundum Ren, 1998 3 ex.; Globbelaarl, 5.III.1986, id. no. 2536, 1 ex.; Wes-
selsbron, 31.I.1979; no.1162, id. 10 ex.; Winburg,
Gonocephalum geneirotundum Ren, 1998: 111. – Iwan and Löbl
2008: 263. 9.IV.1981, no.1453, id., 3 ex.; 16.IV.1985, no.2116, id.,
1 ex.; Wolmaransstad, 30.III.1982, no.1496, id., 1 ex.
Type data. Unknown. (MZUF); Mozambique: Umbeluzi sidt. 6.XII.1952, C.
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Koch leg., 1 ex. (JFCS); env. Vila Péry; bord du
Löbl 2008): Asia: China: Zhejiang (Chekiang). M’zingazé, Pied de Cabeza de Velho, 20.V.1929, P.
Lesne leg., 1 ex.; Sentier de Chizombeze, Vila Péry,
XI.1929, id., 2 ex. (MNHN); Lourenço Marques,
G. germari germari Ferrer, 2000 6.II.1950, P. Valerio leg., 148 ex.; id. VIII.1950, id., 61 ex.
(TMNH); Pafuri, IV.1981, D.W. Rorke leg., 14 ex.
Gonocephalum germari germari Ferrer, 2000b: 116. – Ferrer 2004: 90. (TMNH); Zimbabwé: “Rhodesia”\”G. rhodesianum n.
sp. Blair det.” (in litt.), 1 ex. (BMNH); Rusape, 25.XII.
Type data. Holotype: male (TMNH), “Afrique 1992, K.P. Adlbauer leg., 1 ex. (BMNH); Chianigani,
du Sud: Transvaal, Ohrigstad, 15 km S, 11.XI.1980, 27.XI.1992, G. Wallsberger leg., 1 ex. (TMNH); Pen-
S. Endrödy-Younga leg.”. tridge, 11.I.1928, R.H.R. Stevenson leg., 1 ex. (TMNH);
Paratypes: Afrique du Sud: Transvaal, Ohrigstad, Zimbabwe, VIII.1930, G. von Son leg., 2 ex. (TMNH).
15 km S, 11.XI.1980, S. Endrödy-Younga leg., (HNHM); Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Mozam-
Ohristad, 1.VII.1962, N. Leleup leg., 21 ex. (TMNH); bique, Republic of South Africa (Transvaal, Natal, Cape
“Cape prov. Krtz coll” (ex coll. Kraatz) Haag- Province), Zimbabwe.
Rutenberg, 3 ex. (SSM); Cap B Spei, Dunbrody\”Opa-
trum micans Germ. det. L. Fairmaire, 1 ex. (IRSN);
Shilovane, 1906-1907, N.A. Junod leg., 3 ex. (MNHN); G. germari hemmingi Ferrer, 2000
Kalahari, Kabula Bula, Chobe River, 11–24.VII.1930,
Vernay Transvaal Mus. exp. (sp. dubiosa, gra- Gonocephalum germari hemmingi Ferrer, 2000b: 118. – Ferrer
nohispidum? Det. H.J. Hesse, 1 ex. (TMNH); S. Afr. 2004: 90.
Barbeton, X.1927, G.V.D. leg. granulipennis mihi s.
sp. aut spec. nov. det. Gridelli 1950, ex coll. Koch, 1 ex. Type data. Holotype: male (TMNH), “Somalie:
(TMNH); Barbeton, Miss. L. C de Beer leg. 1900, 6 ex. North Region, Talch 10 (2.000 fts) IX–XI.1960, C.F.
(MNHN); Hluluwe Game Reserve, 18.IV.1951, no. 277; Hemming leg.”.
Brinck, Rudebeck leg., 1 ex. (TMNH); Margate, I.1943, Paratypes: Somalie: North Region, Talch 10 (2.000
W.G. Kobrow leg., 2 ex. (TMNH); Victoria East, fts) IX–XI.1960, C.F. Hemming leg., 51 ex., 5 ex. (JFCS);
VII.1948, M. Mc Gilliway leg., 1 ex. (TMNH); Pretoria, Galgalo, IX.1950, C. Koch leg., 49 ex. (TMNH); Galgalo
X.1958, L. Schulze leg., 26 ex. (TMNH); Pretoria, Oasis, 10.X.1973, Spediz. Boilog. in Somalia (S.B.S),
II.1962, L. Vari leg., 44 ex. (TMNH); Branvlei, VIII.1937, 5 ex., (MZUF 8401), 1 ex. (JFCS); Afgoi, 29.IX.1973,
1 ex. (TMNH); Port Shepstone, I.1953, 13 ex. (TMNH); S.B.S., 4 ex. (MZUF 8402).
266 D. IWAN, J. FERRER and M. RAŚ

Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Somalia. G. girardi Ferrer, 1995

Gonocephalum girardi Ferrer, 1995a: 63.

G. gerstaeckeri Ferrer, 1995

Type data. Holotype: male (MNHN), “Somalie,
Gonocephalum gerstaeckeri Ferrer, 1995a: 18. – Ferrer 2007: 92. Révoil leg. 1885”.
Paratypes: «Somalie» sans autre indication, 1 fe-
Type data. Holotype: male (MNHN), “Mozambique, male (HNHM); Migiurtinia, Mt. Bahaja, S of Candula,
Tendos de l’Urema, II.1907, G. Vasse leg.”. 8.VII.1953, G. Scortecci leg., 1 male (JFCS); Galgalo,
Paratypes: Mozambique: Vallèe de Pungouè, Guen- 4.VIII.1955, 1 female (MCSG).
guère, II.1906, 3 ex.; Nova Choupanga, près, de Chem- Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Somalia.
ba, XII–I.1929, P. Lesne leg., 5 ex. (MNHN); Umbeluzi,
Patel (Maputo), II.X.1950, M.C. Ferreria, leg., 1 ex.
(TMNH); Afrique du Sud: Transvaal: Nelshoogte
G. giraudini giraudini Ardoin, 1965
Gallery Forest (25.51°S, 30.53°E), 10.II.1987, Endrödy-
Younga leg., 1 ex. (TMNH); Nyalazi Forest, 25.III.1968, Gonocephalum giraudini Ardoin, 1956: 76. – Kaszab 1969a: 228.
Potgieter and Goode leg., 1 female (TMNH); Natal: Ndu- Gonocephalum giraudini giraudini Ardoin, 1956. – Ferrer 1993a:
mu, XII.1960, Van Son leg., 1 male (TMNH); Jonction of 89, 1995a: 47 (stat. subsp.).

the Umfolosi, V–VI.1905, I. Trägårdh leg., 1 male

(ZMUL), 1 male id. (JFCS). Type data. Holotype: male (MNHN), “Congo Belge,
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Mozam- Bururi Urundi, III.1959, R.P. Giraudin leg.”.
bique, Republic of South Africa (Transvaal, Natal.). PA- Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Came-
LAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia: Iran. roon, Mozambique, Republic of Congo Sierra Leone,
Urundi, Zaire, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

G. gestroi gestroi Gebien, 1920

G. giraudini rex Ferrer, 1995
Gonocephalum Gestroi Gebien, 1921 [1920]: 18. – Gebien 1939: 451.
Gonocephalum gestroi gestroi Gebien, 1921. – Ferrer 1993a: 85,
Gonocephalum giraudini giraudini Ferrer, 1995a: 47.
1995a: 34 (stat. subsp.).

Type data. Holotype: female (HNHM), “R. Mala-

Type data. Type: male (MCSN), “Guinea Bissau,
gashy, Île Nossibè (Pierron) ex coll. Bonhoure, 1909“.
Port. Guinea, Bolama, VI–XII.1899, L. Fea leg.”. Cotype:
Paratype: R. Malagashy, Marovoay, VIII.1962,
female (HNHM), Guinea Bissau, Port. Guinea, Bolama,
(lampe UV), J. Dubois leg., 1 female (MRAC).
VI–XII.1899, L. Fea leg.
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Mada-
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Guinea,
gascar (Nossi bé).
Guinea Bissau.

G. gestroi mali Ferrer, 1995 G. gracile (Bates, 1879)

Gonocephalum gestroi mali Ferrer, 1995: 34. Penthicus gracilis Bates, 1879: 482. – Bates 1890: 19.
Loboderus gracile Bates, 1879: 482. – Bates 1890: 75.
Lobodera gracile (Bates, 1879). – Reichardt 1936: 169.
Type data. Holotype: male (IRSN), “R. Cen-
Gonocephalum gracile (Bates, 1879). – Gebien 1939: 447; Kaszab
treafrique, Bangui, IV.1981, N. Degallier leg.” 1952a: 546, 1961b: 351, 1977: 257, 1978b: 230; Schawaller and
Paratypes: R. Centreafrique, Bangui, IV.1981, N. De- Skopin 1978: 230; Schawaller 1997a: 6; Hua Li 2002: 138; Iwan and
gallier leg., 1 female (IRSN); Rep. Centreafrique, Ouban- Löbl 2008: 263.
Gonocephalum ruficorne Gravely, 1915: 250. – Kaszab 1952a:
gui Chari, Bangui, 1.III.1968, ex. coll. Breuning, 3 ex.
(MRAC); Cameroun: Neu Quella, IV.1913, S.G. Houy leg., Gonocephalum curvicolle Gridelli, 1934: 66. – Kaszab 1952a: 676;
1 ex. (BMNH); Neu (2475-95) Tessman leg., 1 ex. (ZMHB); hom. nov. nom. preoccup., nec Gonocephalum curvicolle Reit-
Cote d’Ivoire: Bouake, 1946, R. Delattre leg., 1 male, ter, 1889: 705.
1 female coll. Noël Mal, Bruxelles; Tchad: Dar Band mèr.
Krebedje, Fort Sibuti, IX.1904 Dr Decorse leg., 2 ex. Type data. Unknown.
(MNHN); Zaire: Njam, Schlüter leg., 1 female (ZMHB). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Came- Löbl 2008): Asia: China: Xizang (Tibet), Xinjiang (Sink-
roon, Central African Republic, Chad, Ivory Coast, iang); India: Himachal Pradesh, Kashmir, Sikkim (Dar-
Zaire. jeeling District); Nepal.

G. granohispidum Kolbe, 1897 Gonocephalum granulatum afghanicum Gridelli, 1954. – Ferrer

1993a: 86 (stat. subsp.), 1995a: 43; Ferrer and Soldati 1999: 61;
Gonocephalum granohispidum Kolbe in Stuhlmann, 1897: 238. Iwan and Löbl 2008: 263.
– Gebien 1910b: 323, 1939: 451; Ferrer 1993a: 90, 1995a: 55.
Type data. Holotype: male (ZMC), “Afghanistan,
Type data. Holotype: female (ZMHB)(73986), Panjao 28.VII.1948, H. Haarlov leg. Dansk Zool. Exp.
“Tanzanie, Dar es Salam”. Central Asien”.
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Ethiopie, Paratypes: 20 et. 27.VII.1948 respectivment, id.,
Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Uganda. 1 male, 1 female (ZMC); Turkménistan, Kopet Daghmt,
Kara-Kala, 300–600 m., 14–19.V.1993, H.J. Bremer leg.,
7 ex. (ZSMB).
G. granosum Gebien, 1921 Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Löbl 2008): Asia: Afghanistan; Turkey; Turkmeni-
Gonocephalum granosum Gebien, 1921: 17 [1920]. – Gebien 1939:
451; Ferrer 1993a: 99, 2000b: 115.
Gonocephalum baloghi Kaszab, 1969a: 237. – Ferrer 2000b: 115
G. granulatum granulatum (Fabricius, 1791)
Type data. Gonocephalum baloghi Kaszab,
Opatrum granulatum Fabricius, 1791: 90. – Herbst 1793: 220.
1969a. Holotype: male (HNHM), “Brazzaville, 20 km W,
Gonocephalum granulatum granulatum (Fabricius, 1791). – Fer-
riverside de Congo, 30.XII.1963, leg. Balogh and Zicsi rer 1993a: 86 (stat. subsp.), 1995a: 41; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 263.
(No. 556)”.
Gonocephalum granosum Gebien, 1921. Lecto- Type data. Neotype: male (ZMC), “Marokko, neo-
type (designated by Ferrer 2000b: 115): female (IRSN), type et syntype (?), det. J. Ferrer 1988”.
“Bas Zaire, Boma (Pongo, Boma) Tschoffen leg. (ex Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
coll. Gebien)” Löbl 2008): North Africa: Morocco (incl. Western
Paralectotype: Bas Zaire, Boma (Pongo, Boma) Sahara).
Tschoffen leg. (ex coll. Gebien), 2 ex. (TMNH). Remarks. According to the original description the
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Republic
locus typicus was “Berberia sabulosis” and the collec-
of Congo. tor was Desfontaines. Both historical specimens was
probably collected by Peter Kofoe Anker Schusboe
(1760–1832), consul of Danmark in Tanger, and com-
G. granulipenne Gridelli, 1945 municated to Sehested Tonder Lund. The specimen
without label is perhaps a syntype or the lost type
Gonocephalum granulipenne Gridelli, 1945: 18. – Ferrer 1993a: 99,
1995b: 16, 1996a: 61, 1998a: 16, 2000b: 118.
(without locality precise).

Type data. Paratype: Ethiopie, Asile, VII.1939,

Zavattari leg., 1 male (HNHM). G. granulatum meridionale (Küster, 1849)
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Ethiopia, Opatrum meridionale Küster, 1849a: 57.
Kenya, Somalia. Hopatrum meridionale Küster, 1849. – Gemminger 1870: 1934.
Gonocephalum meridionale (Küster, 1849). – Seidlitz 1894: 446
(= Opatrum pusillum Fabricius, 1791).
G. granulatipenne Kaszab, 1978 Gonocephalum pusillum var. meridionale (Küster, 1849). – Reitter
1904: 144; Gebien 1910b: 325, 1939: 444 (= Opatrum pusillum
Gonocephalum granulatipenne Kaszab, 1978: 173. – Iwan and Löbl Fabricius, 1791); Schuster 1928: 989.
2008: 263. Gonocephalum pusillum meridionale (Küster, 1849). – Reichardt
1936: 105.
Gonocephalum granulatum meridionale (Küster, 1849). – Ferrer
Type data. Unknown. 1993a: 86 (stat. subsp.), 1995a: 42; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 263.
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Löbl 2008): Asia: Bhutan; India: Sikkim (Darjeeling Type data. Opatrum meridionale Küster, 1849.
District). “Bei Carthagena in Spanien (Handschuch)”.
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Löbl 2008): Europe: Italy (incl. Sardinia, Sicily, San
G. granulatum afghanicum Gridelli, 1954 Marino); Spain (incl. Gibraltar). North Africa: Algeria;
Gonocephalum pusillum afghanicum Gridelli, 1954: 283 [= 1955:
72]. – Kaszab 1960a: 147, 1968b: 20, 1970c: 149, 1973b: 56, 1974a: Remarks. Palaearctic region: Syria, France, Croat-
193; Medvedev and Nepesova 1985: 132. ia (Reichardt 1936).
268 D. IWAN, J. FERRER and M. RAŚ

G. granulatum nigrum (Küster, 1849) Hopatrum pruinosum Fischer von Waldheim, 1844. – Gemminger
1870: 1933.
Opatrum nigrum Küster, 1849a: 58.. Gonocephalum pruinosum (Fischer von Waldheim, 1844). – Schus-
Hopatrum nigrum Küster, 1849. – Gemminger 1870: 1932. ter 1934: 128.
Gonocephalum nigrum (Küster, 1849). – Sturm 1843: 152; Mulsant Opatrum ragusanum Küster, 1849b: 52.
1854: 168; Brisout 1863: 45; Baudi 1875: 702; 1875: 231; Tenebrion- Hopatrum ragusanum Küster, 1849. – Gemminger 1870: 1933;
iti, p. 67; Rey 1892: 42; Seidlitz 1894: 446 (= Opatrum pusillum Gonocephalum ragusanum (Küster, 1849). – Seidlitz 1894: 446; Reit-
Fabricius, 1791); Reitter 1904: 144 (= Opatrum pusillum ter 1904: 144; Gebien 1910b: 325.
Fabricius, 1791); Gebien 1910b: 325 (= Opatrum pusillum Gonocephalum pusillum var. subnodosum Rey, 1892: 42.
Fabricius, 1791), 1939: 444 (= Opatrum pusillum Fabricius, Gonocephalum subnodosum Rey, 1892. – Gebien 1910b: 325
1791); Reichardt 1936: 102 (= Opatrum pusillum Fabricius, (= Gonocephalum pygmaeum Steven, 1829), 1939: 443
1791). (= Gonocephalum pygmaeum Steven, 1829).
Gonocephalum granulatum nigrum (Küster, 1849). – Ferrer 1993a: Opatrum viennense Duftschmid, 1812: 293.
86 (stat. subsp.), 1995a: 42; Leo and Fattorini 2002: 160; Iwan and Gonocephalum viennense (Duftschmid, 1812). – Küster 1849b: 53;
Löbl 2008: 263. Redtenbacher 1849: 597, 1858: 569, 1874: 99; Bach 1856: 216; Rey
1892: 42; Seidlitz 1894: 446; Desbrochers 1901: 93; Reitter 1904:
144; Gebien 1910b: 325.
Type data. “Im südlichen Frankreich bei Montpel-
Hopatrum viennense (Duftschmid, 1812). – Gemminger 1870: 1934.
lier. Männchen und Weibchen zur Beschreibung aus
Sturms Sammlung”.
Type data. Opatrum pusillum Fabricius, 1791.
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Lectotype (designated by Ferrer 1995a: 43) Syntypes:
Löbl 2008): Europe: France (incl. Corsica, Monaco);
1 male, 4 female, «pusillum» sans autre indication, le
Italy (incl. Sardinia, Sicily, San Marino); Spain (incl.
mâle en tres mauvais état, sans avant corps, désigné ici
comme Lectotype (ZMC);
Remarks. Palearctic Region: Turquie, Bulgarie,
Opatrum interstitiale Küster, 1849. “In Montene-
Yougoslavie, Greece (Leo and Fattorini 2002).
gro bei Cettigne auf trockenen Grasplätzen”.
Opatrum nitidulum Küster, 1849. “In der Türkey,
G. granulatum pusillum (Fabricius, 1791) von M. Wagner gesammelt”.
Opatrum ragusanum Küster, 1849. “Bei Ragusa
Opatrum pusillum Fabricius, 1791: 91. – Herbst 1793: 224; Fabricius ziemlich selten an trocken Abhängen”.
1801: 91; Sturm 1807: 172; Duftschmitd 1812: 293; Thunberg 1821: Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
54; Besser 1832: 17; Krynicki 1832: 135; Bach 1856: 216; Redten-
Löbl 2008): Europe: Azerbaijan; Albania; Armenia;
bacher 1858: 569, 1874; Baudi 1876: 67; Lindemann 1888: 58; Sei-
dlitz 1891: 551, Muller 1920: 200; Portvein 1934: 14; Ogloblin and
Austria; Bulgaria; Croatia; Czech Republic; Hungary;
Kolobowa 1927: 19. Greece (incl. Crete); Italy (incl. Sardinia, Sicily, San
Hopatrum pusillum Fabricius, 1791. – Gemminger 1870: 1933. Marino); Macedonia; Poland; Romania; Slovakia; Spain
Gonocephalum pusillum (Fabricius, 1791). – Brisout 1863: 45; Rey (incl. Gibraltar); Russia: South European Territory;
1892: 42; Seidlitz 1894: 446; Reitter 1904: 144, 1911: 335; Gebien
Ukraine; Yugoslavia (Serbia, Montenegro). North
1910b: 324, 1939: 444; Schuster 1928: 989; Reichardt 1936: 102;
Kaszab 1939: 589, 1940: 6, 1959:, 1961a: 4, 1961c: 173, 1967: 333, Africa: Morocco (incl. Western Sahara). Asia: Afghan-
1967b: 550; Español 1959: 246, 1969: 85; Samedov 1963:; Kühnelt istan; China: Ningxia (Ningsia), Xizang (Tibet); Iran;
1965: 35; Canzoneri 1968: 103, 1970: 75; Skopin 1968:, Marcuzzi Kazakhstan; Mongolia; Syria; Turkmenistan; Turkey.
1970: 89; Knor 1973: 99; Medvedev 1974, 1990: 1701; Minoranskij
Remarks. Algieria (Gemminger 1870: 1933).
1976; Angelov and Medvedev 1981: 307; Kaluzhnaya 1982: 74;
Grimm 1985: 17; Canzoneri and Vienna 1987: 19; Medvedev and
Küster (1849b: 53) and Redtenbacher (1849: 597,
Lobanov 1990: 187; Schawaller 1996: 9. 1858: 569, 1874: 99) listed species Gonocephalum
Gonocephalum granulatum pusillum Fabricius, 1791: 91. – Ferrer viennense Duftschmid, 1812 which are interpreted by
1993a: 86 (stat. subsp.), 1995a: 43; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 263. Ferrer (2009: 123) as Gonocephalum pygmaeum
Opatrum interstitiale Küster, 1849a: 59.
(Steven, 1829).
Hopatrum interstitiale Küster, 1849. – Gemminger 1870: 1932.
Gonocephalum interstitiale (Küster, 1849). – Seidlitz 1894: 446;
Reitter 1904: 144; Gebien 1910b: 325.
Opatrum muricatum Brullé, 1832: 215. G. greensladei Kaszab, 1980
Hopatrum muricatum Brullé, 1832. – Gemminger 1870: 1932.
Gonocephalum muricatum (Brullé, 1832). – Seidlitz 1894: 446; Reit- Gonocephalum greensladei Kaszab, 1980: 34.
ter 1904: 144; Gebien 1910b: 325, 1939: 444.
Opatrum nitidulum Küster, 1849a: 56.
Hopatrum nitidulum Küster, 1849. – Gemminger 1870: 1932.
Type data. Holotype: male (HNHM), “Guadalca-
Gonocephalum nitidulum (Küster, 1849). – Seidlitz 1894: 446; Reit- nal: Kukum, 29. Okt. 1963, P. G. (No 9734, im Mus.
ter 1904: 144; Gebien 1910b: 325. Budapest)”.
Opatrum parvulum Lucas, 1846: 334. Paratypes: Guadalcanal: Mt. Austin, 15. Jan. 1963,
Hopatrum parvulum Lucas, 1846. – Gemminger 1870: 1933.
P. G. (No 3444), 1 ex (HNHM); Vitale, 6.Jan.1963, P. G.
Gonocephalum parvulum (Lucas, 1846). – Seidlitz 1894: 440
(= Opatrum prolixum Erichson, 1843). (No 3309), 4 ex. (HNHM); Guadalcanal: Vitale, Apr.
Opatrum pruinosum Fischer von Waldheim, 1844: 128. 1965, P. G. (16798), 2 ex. (HNHM); Guadalcanal: Dez.

1920, Jan. 1921, Feb. 1921, J. A. Kusche, 3 ex. (DECB); Type data. Holotype: male (MCSN), “Ethiopie
Guadalcanal: Honiara, 13.–16. Nov. 1953, J. D. B., 1 ex. méridionale: Gota. VIII.1936, Lomi leg. (“Typus,
(BMNH); Tulagi: 10. März 1936, R. A. Lever, 2 ex. G. lomii n. sp. Gridelli det.”) (in litt.) Mojo Atschavo,
(BMNH). 2.VI.1900, 1 ex.”.
Distribution. AUSTRALIAN AND PACIFIC RE- Paratypes: Harar, 14.V.1900 (12); 5.III.1900, 1 ex.
GIONS: Guadalcanal. (ZMHB); Bisidimo, Hararge prov. 1.500 m, XI.1983–
I.1984, Verena Meyer leg., 3 ex. (ZSMB); Somalie:
Hargeisa, 1.300 m, 21–31.VII.1980, Bremer leg., 9 ex.
G. gridellii Koch, 1953 (ZSMB); Tanzanie: Tanganyka, 2 liles to Lake Man-
yara, SE shore, 3.150 fts. 1–26.VI.1965, J. Szunyoghi
Gonocephalum gridellii Koch, 1953: 288. – Ferrer 1993a: 93, 1995a:
leg., 7 ex. (HNHM).
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Djibouti,
Ethiopia, Tanzania.
Type data. Paratype: G. n. sp. Det. Gridelli 1951,
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Republic
G. grimmi Ferrer, 1995
of South Africa (Transvaal).
Gonocephalum grimmi Ferrer, 1995a: 52.

G. gridellianum Kaszab, 1952 Type data. Holotype: male (ZMB), “Nova Rodondo,
Gonocephalum Gridellianum Kaszab, 1952a: 537.
Paratype: Nova Rodondo, Angola, 1 female (ZMB).
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Angola,
Type data. Syntypes: 3 ex. (MCSN) “Nongkodjad-
Republic of Congo.
jar, 4000 ft (leg. J. P. A. Kalis)”.
Distribution . ORIENTAL REGION: Indonesia
(Java). G. gruveli Ferrer, 2004

Gonocephalum gruveli Ferrer, 2004: 83.

G. griseovittatum griseovittatum Gridelli, 1940
Type data. Holotype: male (MNHN), “Tschad, fabre
Gonocephalum griseovittatum Gridelli, 1940 (1939): 241. – Kaszab près de Djamena, 31.V.1976, J. Gruvel leg., Gonoce-
1971a: 227, 1982b: 165; Ferrer 1993a: 101, 2000b: 94, 2004: 88;
Schawaller 2010: 268.
phalum gruveli n. sp. det. P. Ardoin”.
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Chad.
Type data. Holotype (MCSN, “Eritrea, ad Cheren,
Müller leg., 1935”. G. guerryi Chatanay, 1917
Comment. Gridelli designated only one specimen
as type (Holotype) “Ho designato quale tipo un esem- Gonocephalum Guerryi Chatanay, 1917: 244. – Schuster 1928: 989;
plare di Cheren (Müller leg.) del Museo di Trieste”, but Gebien 1939: 447; Gridelli 1954: 282; Kaszab 1952a: 548, 1960a: 146.
description of the species based on the studied ma- Gonocephalum guerryi Chatanay, 1917. – Kaszab 1968b: 20, 1970c:
148; Hua Li 2002: 138; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 264.
terial too: (MZUF, MCSN): Adi Caièh (luglio 1902, Gonocephalum Potanini Reichardt, 1936: 108, 209. – Gebien 1939: 446.
Andreini leg.); Adi Ugri (aprile e maggio 1901, Andrei- Gonocephalum potanini Reichardt, 1936. – Reichardt 1936: 108;
ni leg.); Eritrea, ad Cheren (Müller leg., 1935); Eritrea, Kaszab 1952a: 676.
ad Agordat (Müller leg., 1934); all’Asmara (coll. Gebi-
en); Mai Aini, nel Tigrai (Mingotti leg., 1936); Macallé Type data. Syntypes (MNHN): “Tchou King; Sze
(ex coll. Porta); al torrente Golima, presso Cobbò (Min- Tchuen (male), Chine meridionale, 2 females, coll.
gotti leg.). Chatanay”.
Distribution . AFROTROPICAL REGION:, Eri- Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Burma, India.
trea, Ethiopia, Tanzania. PALAEARCTIC REGION: PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia:
Asia: Oman, United Arab Emirates (Schawaller Afghanistan; China: Hongkong, Hubei (Hupeh), Sichu-
2010). an (Szechwan), Yunnan; India: Sikkim (Darjeeling Dis-
trict); Pakistan.

G. griseovittatum lomii, Ferrer, 2000

G. guignoti Kaszab, 1960
Gonocephalum griseovittatum lomii Ferrer, 2000b: 94. – Ferrer
2004: 88. Gonocephalum Guignoti Kaszab, 1960a: 144.
270 D. IWAN, J. FERRER and M. RAŚ

Gonocephalum guignoti Kaszab, 1960a. – Kaszab 1968b: 20, 1970c: Opatrum hadroides Wollaston, 1851) (error: not “hadroide”);
148, 1973b: 55; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 264. Hua Li 2002: 139 (= Gonocephalum reichardti Gebien, 1939).
Gonocephalum Reichardti Gebien, 1939: 447 (replaced name).
– Kaszab 1952a: 584; Iwan and Löbl 2007: 735 (syn.).
Type data. Holotype, Allotype (NHMB).
Material studied. “Afghanistan: Umgebung von
Kabul, Tangi Gharuh am Kabulfluß, 40 km südöstlich Type data. Syntypes: probably in MNHN.
von Kabul, 1600 m, 10.V., 8.VII., 20.IX.1952, J. Klap- Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
perich; Panchirtal, Bazarak, 2200 m, 27.VI.1952, Löbl 2008): Asia: China: Beijing (Peking or Peiping),
J. Klapperich; Salangtal, Aghelekan, 1900 m, 12.X.1952, Sichuan (Szechwan).
J. Klapperich; Salangtal, Ejan, 2050 m, 11.X.1952,
J. Klapperich; Nuristan, Bashgultal, 1100 m, 14.VII.
1953; 9.XI.1953, J. Klapperich”. G. hauschildi Kaszab, 1952
Other depositories. 71 paratypes (NHMB). Gonocephalum Hauschildi Kaszab, 1952a: 498. – Kaszab 1965a: 113.
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India.. PALAE- Gonocephalum hauschildi Kaszab, 1952a. – Schawaller 1997a: 6;
ARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia: Afghan- Iwan and Löbl 2008: 264.
istan; Pakistan.
Type data. Syntypes: 2 ex. (HNHM).
Material studied. “Darjeeling; Sikkim, Namsov, XI.
G. gustafssoni Ferrer, 1995 1920 (leg. H. Stevens); Bengal, E. Duars (leg. H.
Stevens); Kaligad, Dehra Dum, 19.VI.1921 (leg. Dr.
Gonocephalum gustafssoni Ferrer 1995a: 73.
Cameroon); Sitapahar R., Chittagong H. T., 11.I.1925
(leg. C. F. C. Beeson)”.
Type data. Holotype: male (NHRS), “India (sans
Other depositories. BMNH (9 ex.), NHMB (2 ex.),
autres indications)”.
ZSMG (2 ex.).
Paratypes: N. India, Rishikesh (30.07°N, 78.19°E),
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India, Thai-
VI.1986, K. Werner leg., female (ZSMB); India (sans
land, Vietnam. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl
autres indications) 1 male 2 females.
2008): Asia: China: Guanxi (Kwangsi); India: Sikkim
Distribution. PALEARCTIC REGION: India: Rishi-
(Darjeeling District), Uttaranchal (Uttar Pradesh)
kesh, Thar (Ferrer 1995a).
“Thibet”; Nepal.

G. hackeri Carter, 1928

G. helaeoides Kaszab, 1952
Gonocephalum Hackeri Carter, 1928: 132. – Gebien 1939: 450.
Gonocephalum helaeoides Kaszab, 1952a: 600. – Kaszab 1979b:
Type data. Unknown.
Type data. Syntypes: 17 ex. (SDEI).
GIONS: Australia (Queensland).
Material studied. Trincomali (leg. W. Horn); Colom-
bo, Mt. Lavinia, “on shore”, 9.I.1908 (leg. G. B. Long-
G. hasticolle Chatanay, 1917 staff); Orissa, Puri, 18–19.I.1908 (leg. A. N.).
Other depositories. BMNH (4 ex.), NHMB (6 ex.).
Gonocephalum hasticolle Chatanay, 1917: 245. – Gebien 1939: 448; Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India, Sri
Kaszab 1952a: 500; Bremer and Ferrer, 2002: 223.

Type data. Syntype (MNHN): “Cochinchine, without

locality (female), ex coll. Maindron, coll. Chatanay”. G. helopioide (Fairmaire, 1894)
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Burma, Laos,
Thailand, Vietnam. Hopatrum helopioide Fairmaire, 1894: 19.
Opatrum helopioides (Fairmaire, 1894): 19. – Champion 1895: 116.
Gonocephalum helopioide (Fairmaire, 1894). – Gebien 1910b: 323,
G. hadroide (Fairmaire, 1888) 1939: 448; Kaszab 1952a: 574; Schawaller 1997a: 7; Iwan and Löbl
2008: 264.
Hopatrum hadroide Fairmaire, 1888: 129.
Gonocephalum hadroide (Fairmaire, 1888). – Reichardt 1936: 112; Type data. Syntypes: probably in MNHN.
Kaszab 1952a: 679 (= Gonocephalum Reichardti Gebien, 1939); Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Burma, India.
Iwan and Löbl 2008: 264.
Opatrum hadroides Fairmaire, 1888: 129. – Champion 1895: 116.
PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia:
Gonocephalum hadroides (Fairmaire, 1888). – Gebien 1910b: 323; India: Sikkim (Darjeeling District), Uttar Pradesh;
Schuster 1928: 989; Gebien 1939: 447 (nom. preoccup, nec Nepal.

G. helferi Kaszab, 1952 ft, 12–28.VIII.1936 (leg. R. J. H. Kaulback); Salween

Valley, Dzogang, 8500 ft, 12.X.1936 (leg. R. J. H. Kaul-
Gonocephalum Helferi Kaszab, 1952a: 610.
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Type data. Syntypes: 34 ex. (NMPC). Löbl 2008): Asia: China: Xizang (Tibet).
Material studied. Bengal; Tenasserim (leg. Helfer). Remarks. Japan (Hua Li 2002: 139).
Other material depository. ZMHB (3 ex.).
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India.
G. hiranoi Akita et Masomoto, 2003

G. himalayense Kaszab, 1952 Gonocephalum hiranoi Akita et Masomoto, 2003b: 173. – Iwan and
Löbl 2008: 264.
Gonocephalum himalayense Kaszab, 1952a: 528. – Schawaller
1997a: 8; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 264. Type data. Holotype: 1 ex., “Nishihama~Yana-
gishima-kaigan, Chigasaki City, Kanagawa Pref., Hon-
Type data. Holotype (HNHM). shu, Japan, 23.III.1998, Y. Hirano leg.”
Material studied. “Kurseong, Verschraeghen, 1904 Paratypes: Nishihama~Yanagishima-kaigan, Chi-
(coll. Baron Moffaerts); Sikkim; Calcutta, 23.IV.1910, gasaki City, Kanagawa Pref., Honshu, Japan, 23.III.
“under brichs by rubbin heap” (coll. Ind. Mus.)”. 1998, Y. Hirano leg., 2 ex.; Banyu, Hiratsuka City, Ka-
Other depository. BMNH (2 ex.). nagawa Pref., 15.III.1992, Y. Hirano leg, 5 ex.
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India. PALAE- Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
ARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia: Bhutan, Löbl 2008): Asia: Japan (Honshu).
Nepal, India: Sikkim (Darjeeling District).

G. hispidocostatum (Fairmaire, 1883)

G. hiekei Ferrer, 1995
Opatrum hispidocostatum Fairmaire, 1883: 23. – Champion 1895:
Gonocephalum hiekei Ferrer, 1995a: 7. 116.
Gonocephalum hispidocostatum (Fairmaire, 1883). – Gebien 1910b:
323, 1920: 233, 1939: 450; Carter 1930: 547; Kaszab 1939: 187,
Type data. Holotype: male (ZMHB), “Tanzane: 1952a: 488, 1970b: 257.
«Moshi» (Sans autres indications)”. Gonocephalum costatum Carter, 1914: 222 (nom. preoccup., nec
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Tanzania. Opatrum costatum Brullé, 1832).
Gonocephalum costipenne Carter, 1915: 533 (replaced name).
– Gebien 1939: 450.

G. hingstoni Kaszab, 1952

Type data. Syntypes: ”Nouvelle Bretagne”, proba-
Gonocephalum Hingstoni Kaszab, 1952a: 524. bly in MNHN.
Gonocephalum hingstoni Kaszab, 1952. – Iwan and Löbl 2008: 264. Distribution. AUSTRALIAN AND PACIFIC RE-
GIONS: Australia (PNG, Queensland), New Guinea.
Type data. Syntypes: 3 ex. (HNHM). ORIENTAL REGION: Indonesia (Celebes, Java), Philip-
Materia studied. “Assam, Kairchane (leg. von Wik); pines.
Sikkim, Gopaldhara, Rungbong Valley (leg. H. Stev-
ens); Sikkim, Rongli Chu, 3000 ft, 29.III.1924 (leg. R. W.
G. Hingston); Lucknow, 3.II.1903 (leg. R. H.)”. G. hispidulum Kaszab, 1952
Other depositories. BMNH (12 ex.), NHMB (2 ex.).
Gonocephalum hispidulum Kaszab, 1952a: 657. – Hua Li 2002: 139;
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India. PALAE-
Iwan and Löbl 2008: 264.
ARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia: India:
Sikkim (Darjeeling District).
Type data. Syntypes 2 ex. (NHMB).
Material studied. Hongkong (leg. I. J. Walker);
Fukien, Prov. Amoy, 1922 (leg. S. F. Light); Chusan-
G. hintoni Kaszab, 1952
Insel (leg. I. J. Walker).
Gonocephalum Hintoni Kaszab, 1952a: 668. Other depostory. BMNH (12 ex.).
Gonocephalum hintoni Kaszab, 1952a. – Hua Li 2002: 139; Iwan and Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Löbl 2008: 264. Löbl 2008): Asia: China: Fujian (Fukien), Hongkong,
Zhejiang (Chekiang).
Type data. Syntypes: 10 ex (BMNH), “Poshö, 9500 Remarks. China: Xizang (Tibet) (Hua Li 2002:
ft, 21.VII.1936 (leg. R. J. H. Kaulback); Poshö, 9–12000 139).
272 D. IWAN, J. FERRER and M. RAŚ

G. hoffmannseggi (Steven, 1829) Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Burkina

Faso, Cape Verde Isl., Eritrea, Etiopia, Gambia, Mali,
Opatrum Hoffmannseggi Steven, 1829: 96.
Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, Sudan.
Hopatrum Hoffmannseggi Steven, 1829. – Gemminger 1870: 1932.
Gonocephalum Hoffmannseggi (Steven, 1829). – Gebien 1910b: 323,
1939: 448; Kaszab 1952a: 666, 1970a: 424, 1979a: 260.
Gonocephalum hoffmannseggii (Steven, 1829). – Kaszab 1979b: 67; G. imitator Ferrer, 1995
Schawaller 1997a: 8; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 264.
Gonocephalum imitator Ferrer, 1995a: 57. – Lillig and Bremer 2002:
Type data. Syntypes (ZMHB): „India orientale a
Com. Hoffmansegg missum pro O. Glabrato”. .
Distribution. AUSTRALIAN AND PACIFIC RE- Type data. Holotype: male (ZSMB), “Soudan, prov.
GIONS: New Guinea. ORIENTAL REGION: Burma, Kassala, Erkowit, 1000 m. 10.III.1978. H. J. Bremer
India, Indonesia (Lesser Sunda Isl.) Philipines, Sri Lan- leg.”.
ka, Taiwan. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl Paratypes: Abyssinie, Dire Daoua, III.1904, A. Bon-
2008): Asia: Bhutan; India: Sikkim (Darjeeling Dis- houre leg., 1 female (MNHN); Ethiopie: Awash River,
trict); Nepal. 1000 m, I.1968, Ruchoff leg., 2 males (SMNS); Erythrée:
Cheren, 6.I.1935, Müller leg., 1 male (MCSN).
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Erythrea,
G. horni Kaszab, 1952 Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan.

Gonocephalum Horni Kaszab, 1952a: 567. – Kaszab 1961a:4, 1979a:

260, 1979b: 63.
G. impictum (Fairmaire, 1849)
Type data. Syntypes: 199 ex. (SDEI). Leichenum impictum Fairmaire, 1849: 419. – Gridelli 1939: 208.
Material studied. “Trincomali (leg. Sarasin); Nalan- Caedius impictum (Fairmaire, 1849). – Kaszab 1942: 2.
da (leg. W. Horn); Mack mont., 1886; Yissa, 1.VIII.1921 Gonocephalum impictum (Fairmaire, 1849). – Kaszab 1952a: 643,
1985a: 25.
(coll. Mus. Colombo); Mysore State, Shimoga (leg. P. S.
Type data. Syntypes: probably in MNHN.
Other depositories. BMNH (4 ex.), HNHM (1 ex.), NHMB
(14 ex.), NMPC (1 ex.), ZMHB (49 ex.), NHMA (1 ex.).
GIONS: Fiji, Tabu, Tonga.
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India, Sri

G. impressiceps Kaszab, 1952

G. humeridens humeridens (Fairmaire, 1883)
Gonocephalum impressiceps Kaszab, 1952a: 614.
Opatrum humeridens Fairmaire, 1883: 205. – Fairmaire 1883: 98;
Champion 1895: 116. Type data. Syntypes: 2 ex. (HNHM).
Hopatrum humeridens Fairmaire, 1883. Material studied. Pondichery.
Gonocephalum humeridens (Fairmaire, 1883). – Gebien 1910b: 323,
Other depository. BMNH (1 ex.).
1939: 452; Kaszab 1963a: 345.
Gonocephalum humeridens humeridens (Fairmaire, 1883). – Fer-
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India.
rer 1993a: 84 (stat. subsp.), 1995a: 29; Grimm 2002: 368, Lillig and
Bremer 2002: 66.

G. impressiusculum Gebien, 1920

Type data. Holotype: female (MNHN), “Abyss. Raf-
fray.” Gonocephalum impressiusculum Gebien, 1920: 235. – Gebien 1939:
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Chad, 448; Kaszab 1952a: 553.

Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan.

Type data. Unknown.
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Indonesia (Ce-
G. humeridens occidentale Ardoin, 1965 lebes, Maluku).

Gonocephalum occidentale Ardoin, 1965: 123.

Gonocephalum humeridens occidentale Ardoin, 1965. – Ferrer
1993a: 84 (stat. subsp.), 1995a: 29; Grimm 1986a: 76, 2002: 368. G. inaequale inaequale Gridelli, 1945

Gonocephalum inaequale Gridelli, 1945: 2. – Kaszab 1963a: 345.

Type data. Holotype: male (MNHN), “(Sénegal) Gonocephalum inaequale inaequale Gridelli, 1945. – Ferrer 1993a:
Dakar, Fun, fevier 1961, R. Roy leg.”. 73 (stat. subsp.), 1995a: 27.

Type data. Holotype: 1 male (MCSN), “Cameroun Paratypes: Tanzanie, Africa Or. Katona leg. 1904-
Duli”. 1905, 2 females (ZSMB); Sansibar, Kitui, Hildebrandt
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Burkina leg., 1 male, «D.O.A.»: Tanga, O. Kickel and F. Fischer
Faso, Cameroon, Central African Rrepublic, Chad, leg., 1 female; Pangani steppe: Membo Massinde,
Eritrea, Republic of Congo, Zair. 1 female; Magamba Massinde (700–1600 m. h.), I.1906,
ex. Coll. Dr. C. Schröder, 1 male; Rabai: I–II.1929, A.F.J.
Gedye leg., 1 female (dèterminès par Blair comme des
G. inaequale danielssoni Ferrer, 1995 G. exiguum Blair in litt.) (BMNH); Nioa, IV.1915, Math-
ner leg., 1 ex. [museum]; Kikogwe id., 1 ex.; Ramisi,
Gonocephalum inaequale danielssoni Ferrer, 1995a: 28. – Grimm XI.1915, id., 1 ex.; Trockenwald-Mtotoliou, IV.1916,
2002: 368. «G. prolianum Gebien det.», 2 ex. (ZMHB); Kikogwe,
id., 1 ex. (MCSN).
Type data. Holotype: male (ZMUL), “Gambia, Kotu Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Tanzania.
stream près de Bakau (3 km SW), 22–23.XI.1977, Remark. Español and Viñolas (1983: 36) deter-
R. Danielsson leg.”. mined specimens belonging to Gonocephalum indic-
Paratypes: Gambia, Gunjur (5 km SW), 13.XI.1977, tum indictum Ferrer (described in 1995) as Gonoce-
R. Danielsson leg., 1 female (ZMUL); Kotu stream phalum angusticolle (Gerstaecker).
14.XI.1981, J.A. Janzon leg., 1 male (RSM); Sénègal:
Bambay, 1945, Ribec leg., 2 females, 1 male (MNHN);
Mpak, 11 km S Ziguinchor, 8.XI.1977, R. Danielsson et G. indictum longimanum Ferrer, 1995
al., 2 ex. (ZMUL); «Sénègal» «angustatum Dejean»
ex coll. Thompson, 1 ex. (IRSN); Guinea, Deyrolle «an- Gonocephalum indictum longimanum Ferrer, 1995a: 21. – Ferrer
1995b: 40, 1996a: 60, 1998a: 40.
gustatum», 1 ex. (ZMHB).
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Gambia,
Type data. Holotype: male (ZSMB), “Kenya, envi-
Guinea, Senegal.
rons de Malindi, 13–29.VIII.1983, leg. H.J. Bremer (sub
Paratypes: Kenya, Taru Mombasa, F. Thomas leg.,
G. inaequale inermipes Gridelli, 1945 1 female (BMNH); Kenya: Malindi, 10.XI.–6.XII.1989,
Gonocephalum inermipes Gridelli, 1945: 26.
L. Bartolozzi leg. (Miss. Accad. Naz. Lincei), 2 females
Gonocephalum inaequale inermipes Gridelli, 1945. – Ferrer 1993a: (7815 MZUF), 1 male (JFCS); Malindi, 27.IX–14.X.1992,
73 (stat. subspec.), 1995a: 28 [“inermiceps” lapsus]. L. Bartolozzi leg., 1 female (MZUF 8576); Somalie: Gio-
har, 10/18?–28.IV.1968 (Sped. Biologica in Somalia,
Type data. Syntype: 1 male (ZSMB), “Abyssinie, S.B.S.), 1 female (MZUF PT 892).
Raffray». Semienie 719 saml. Haag Rutenberg, («elon- Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Kenya,
gatum Guér.»)”. Somalia.
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Burkina
Faso, Chad, Ethiopie.
G. indicum (Kaszab, 1952)

Opatrum indicum Kaszab, 1952a: 486.

G. incisum (Blanchard, 1853) Gonocephalum indicum Kaszab, 1952a: 486. – Kaszab 1979b:62;
Schawaller 1997a: 9.
Epilasium incisum Blanchard, 1853: 157.
Gonocephalum incisum (Blanchard, 1853). – Blair 1942: 56; Kaszab
Type data. Syntypes: 2 ex. (HNHM), “Madura”.
1952a: 671, 1985a: 26.
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India, Sri
Type data. Unknown.
GIONS: Guam Isl., Mariana Isl.
G. inquinatum inquinatum (Sahlberg, 1923)

Opatrum inquinatum Sahlberg, 1923: 12. – Baudi 1876: 62.

G. indictum indictum Ferrer, 1995 Gonocephalum inquinatum (Sahlberg, 1923). – Seidlitz 1894: 438;
Reitter 1904: 147; Gebien 1910b: 326 (= Opatrum simplex var.
Gonocephalum indictum indictum Ferrer, 1995a: 19. inquinatum Sahlberg, 1923), 1939: 446 (= Opatrum soricinum
Reiche et Saulcy, 1857); Schuster 1928: 989 (= Opatrum
soricinum Reiche et Saulcy, 1857); Reichardt 1936: 110 (= Opa-
Type data. Holotype: male (MCSN), “Tanzanie, trum soricinum Reiche et Saulcy, 1857); Gridelli 1940 (1939):
Africa Or. Katona leg. 1904-1905”. 242; Ardoin 1965a: 967; Kaszab 1969a: 227; Grimm 1986a: 76.
274 D. IWAN, J. FERRER and M. RAŚ

Gonocephalum inquinatum inquinatum (Sahlberg, 1923). – Ferrer Paratypes: Congo, Luc, I.F.A.N. (ex coll. Fleutiaux),
1993a: 98, 2000b: 97, 2004: 89; Grimm 2002: 369. 1 male, 1 female (MCSN); R. P. Congo: Loudima,
Gonocephalum pubescens var. inquinatum Sahlberg, 1923. – Gebi-
en 1939: 451.
XII.1963, Balogh et Csiki leg., 4 ex. (HNHM); Cameroun:
Victoria, “simplex det. Staudinger” \”suberinitum
mihi in litt. det. Gridelli, 1937”, 1 female (MCSN); R. D.
Type data. Opatrum inquinatum Sahlberg, 1923.
Congo: Ngowa Kwango, 7.X.1937, R.P. Martens leg.
Lectotype (designated by Ferrer 2000b: 97): male
(inquinatum sahlbergi Ferrer in litt.), 27 ex. (IRSN);
(NHRS), “Sierra Leone, Afzelius leg. O. inquinatum,
id. XII.1938, 24 ex.; Kimbouko River, Kinsamba,
Bambesa, III.1937, J.M. Vrigdagh leg., 11 ex.; Libenge,
Paralectotype: Sierra Leone, Afzelius leg. O. inqui-
Miss, Mawuya, 1947, R. Cremer et M. Neuman leg., 27
natum, types, 1 female (NHRS).
ex.; Kiwit Kiriati, 7.VI.1981, P. Lesire leg., 19 ex. (ex
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Burkina
coll. Noël Mal) (IRSN); Haute Congo, Bambili, 1907,
Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Gui-
Ribotti leg., 1 ex. (MCSG); Moyen Congo: Forêt La
nea Bissau, Ivory Coast, Niger, Nigeria, Republic of
Mayombée, 1937, Aubert de la Rue leg., 1 ex. (MNHN);
Congo (Bazzaville-Congo), Senegal, Sierra Leone,
R. Centrafrique; Bangui, V.1981, N. Degallier leg.,
13 ex. (ex coll. Noël Mal) (IRSN); Forêt la Maboqué,
IV.1964, J. Carayon leg. (G. inquinatum sahlbergi
Ferrer in litt.) (MNHN); Bukoko, V.1904, Pujol leg., 3 ex.
G. inquinatum palisoti Ferrer, 2000
Gonocephalum inquinatum palisoti Ferrer, 2000b: 100. Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Came-
roon, Central African Republic, Republic of Congo.
Type data. Holotype: male (TMNH), “Angola, SW
Angola, Ongueria, VI.1954, J. Balfour leg. Vernay exp.”.
Paratypes: Angola, SW Angola, Ongueria, VI.1954, G. insulanum (Olliff, 1887)
J. Balfour leg. Vernay exp., 57 ex. (TMNH); 35 ex. id. Opatrum insulanum Olliff, 1887: 1006. – Champion 1895: 116.
(BMNH); 10 ex. (JFCS); Vana Lombe, VI.1954, Vernay Gonocephalum insulanum (Olliff, 1887). – Gebien 1910b: 323, 1939:
Exp., 4 ex. (TMNH); Dundo, II.1949, A. Barrios Macha- 449; Kaszab 1952a: 643, 1985a: 26.
do leg., 2 ex. (TMNH); Dundundo (Dundo) Forêt de gal-
lerie, 16.II.1954, id., 2 ex. (TMNH); Negola, 13.V.1974, Type data. Syntype: “Norfolk Isl.”.
W.D. Haache leg., 2 ex. (TMNH). Distribution. AUSTRALIAN AND PACIFIC RE-
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Angola. GIONS: Norfolk Isl.

G. inquinatum parcepilosum Gridelli, 1940 G. interruptum Gridelli, 1948

Gonocephalum parcepilosum Gridelli, 1940 (1939): 242. Gonocephalum interruptum Gridelli, 1948: 31. – Ferrer 1993a: 100,
Gonocephalum inquinatum parcepilosum Gridelli, 1940 – Kaszab 2000b: 103.
1963a: 345; Ferrer 1993a: 98, 2000b: 98, 2004: 90; Lillig and Bremer
2002: 69. Type data. Syntypes: female (MCSN), “B.O.A.; lit-
torale Chat. = interruptum Blair in litt. det. Gridelli”;
Type data. Holotype: male (MCSN), “Tessenei, type female (BMNH), “B.O.A. Upangwa, G. inter-
Antonio Remedeli”. ruptum n. sp. Blair det.”; type female (HNHM),
Remark. Gridelli designated only one specimen as “B.O.A., Upangwa” (in coll. Kaszab); Abyssinie, coll.
type (Holotype), but description of the subspecies Kaszab, 1 male (HNHM); Upangwa, XII.1912, 1 male
included specimens listed in the studied material: (ZMHB).
(MZUF) Adi Ugri, Andreini leg., luglio 1902. Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Ethiopia,
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Chad, Somalia, Upangwa.
Eritrea, Senegal, Sudan.

G. irroratum Fauvel, 1867

G. inquinatum suberinitum Ferrer, 2000
Gonocephalum irroratum Fauvel, 1867: 188. – Champion 1895: 115;
Gonocephalum inquinatum suberinitum Ferrer, 2000b: 98. – Fer- Gebien 1910b: 323, 1939: 450; Kaszab 1952a: 562.
rer 2004: 90.
Type data. Unknown.
Type data. Holotype: male (MCSN), “Congo, Luc, Distribution. AUSTRALIAN AND PACIFIC RE-
I.F.A.N. (ex coll. Fleutiaux)”. GIONS: N. Hebrides.

G. japanum Motschulsky, 1860 A. Voehzkov leg. \ “G. juanensis n. sp. Blair det.”
in litt.”
Gonocephalum japanum Motschulsky, 1860: 16. – Motschulsky 1866:
Paratypes: Mozambique: San Juan de Nova, Canal V,
173; Harold 1878: 77; Gebien 1910b: 323, 1939: 447; Schuster 1928:
990; Reichardt 1936: 111; Kaszab 1952a: 574; Kwon and Choi 1986: Mozambique, CII.1994, A. Voehzkov leg. \ “G. juanensis
106; Hua Li 2002: 139; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 264. n. sp. Blair det.” in litt., 13 ex. (ZMHB), 1 ex. (JFCS).
Hopatrum japanum Motschulsky, 1860. – Gemminger and Harold Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Mozam-
1870: 1932. bique.
Opatrum expansicolle Lewis, 1894: 380.
Gonocephalum expansicolle (Lewis, 1894). – Gebien 1910b: 323;
Schuster 1928: 990; Reichardt 1936: 111; Kaszab 1952a: 678.
G. kandaharicum Kaszab, 1960
Type data. Unknown.
Gonocephalum kandaharicum Kaszab, 1960a: 148. – Kaszab 1968b:
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
20, 1970c: 152; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 264.
Löbl 2008): Asia: Japan, “East China”, “Korea”.
Remarks. S. China (Hua Li 2002: 139), South Korea
Type data . Holotype: allotype, 18 paratypes,
(Kwon and Choi 1986: 106).
“Afghanistan: Kandahar, 950 m, 13, 19, 22.II.1953, J.
Klapperich; Kandahar-Kuna, 950 m, 20, 28.I.1953, J.
Klapperich; Scham-Schir-Ror bei Kandahar, 950 m, 14.
G. javae Ferrer, 2010
I.1953, J. Klapperich; Koh-Bak bei Kandahar, 950 m, 13.
Gonocephalum javae Ferrer, 2010: 236 (replaced name). I.1953, J. Klapperich”.
Gonocephalum puberulum Kaszab, 1952a: 594. – Ferrer 2010: 236 Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
(nom. preocc.: Gonocephalum puberulum Fauvel, 1867). Löbl 2008): Asia: Afghanistan.

Type data. Gonocephalum puberulum Kaszab,

1952. Syntypes: 3 ex. (BMNH), “Boeroe, Denin, VII.1913”.
G. karakorumense Kaszab, 1961
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Indonesia (Java).
Gonocephalum karakorumense Kaszab, 1961b: 353. – Kaszab
1970a: 423; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 264.
G. javanicum Kaszab, 1952
Type data. Holotype: (HNHM), “Tasso, Haramosh-
Gonocephalum javanicum Kaszab, 1952a: 563.
Tal, V.1958, leg. Dr. E. Piffl”.
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Type data. Syntypes: 10 ex. (HNHM). Löbl 2008): Asia: India: Kashmir.
Material studied. “Sindanglaya, 1870 (leg. J. Xán- Remarks. Himalaya, Mongolia, Nepal (Kaszab
tus); Megamendong, Moa Mina, 1870 (leg. J. Xántus); 1970a).
Preanger; Lanipa (coll. Frey).
Other depositories. BMNH (1 ex.), ZMHB (1 ex.).
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Indonesia
G. kaszabi Ferrer, 1995
(Java, Sumatra).
Gonocephalum kaszabi Ferrer, 1995a: 34.

G. joliveti Ardoin, 1965 Type data. Holotype: male (HNHM), “Tanzanie,

Tanganyka 2 miles to Lake Manjara, SE Shore, 3150
Gonocephalum joliveti Ardoin, 1965: 78. – Ferrer 1993a: 101, 2000b:
95, 2004: 89; Lillig and Bremer 2002: 69. fts. Dr J. Szunnyoghi leg. singled material, 1–26.VI.
Type data. Holotype: male (MNHN), “Soudan, Sen- Paratypes: Tanzanie, Tanganyka 2 miles to Lake
nar, Nil Bleu, 4.X.1962, P. Jolivet leg.”. Manjara, SE Shore, 3150 fts. Dr J. Szunnyoghi leg.
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Egypt, singled material, 1–26.VI.1965, 1 female (HNHM);
Mali, Nigeria, Sudan. Tanzanie sept. Ngare Nanyuki 3.12 S – 36.54 O (sub
lapide) 3.IV.1981, H.J. Bremer leg. 16 ex. (ZSMG), 6 ex.
G. juanense Ferrer, 2000 Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Tanzania.

Gonocephalum juanense Ferrer, 2000b: 120.

G. kempsteri Ferrer, 2000

Type data. Holotype: male (BMNH), “Mozambique:
San Juan de Nova, Canal V, Mozambique, CII.1994, Gonocephalum kempsteri Ferrer, 2000b: 72. – Ferrer 2004: 88.
276 D. IWAN, J. FERRER and M. RAŚ

Type data. Holotype: male (TMNH), “Madagaskar, Type data. Syntypes: 2 males, 2 females (BMNH),
Ankorokoka, Tulear dist. I.1956, C. Koch leg.”. SWA Hereroland, VIII–IX.1903, L. Schulze leg.
Paratypes: Madagaskar, Ankorokoka, Tulear dist. Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Namibia.
I.1956, C. Koch leg., 31 ex. (TMNH), 1 ex. (BMNH), 1 ex.
(JFCS); Tulear, id., 5 ex.; Androka Ampanihy, id., 1 ex.;
Marovato, Ambovombe distr. id., 1 ex. (BMNH); Tana- G. kondoi Masumoto, 1983
narive, Vadon leg., 1 ex. (MNHN); Madagascar “G. con-
Gonocephalum kondoi Masumoto, 1983: 173. – Iwan and Löbl 2008:
vexifrons Ferrer det.” in litt., 1 ex. (HNHM); Diego
Suarez, Bontemps, ex coll. Perrier de la Bathie, 1906\
Gonocephalum n sp. J. Chatanay vidit.1915., 5 ex.
Type data. Unknown.
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Mada-
Löbl 2008): Asia: Japan (Ryukyus); Taiwan (Formosa).

G. konoi Kaszab, 1952

G. kenyense Ardoin, 1967
Gonocephalum Kônoi Kaszab, 1952a: 482.
Gonocephalum kenyense Ardoin, 1967: 210. – Ferrer 1993a: 100, Gonocephalum konoi Kaszab, 1952a. – Hua Li 2002: 139; Iwan and
1996a: 61, 2000b: 78. Löbl 2008: 264.

Type data . Holotype: male (MNHN), “Kikuyu Type data. Holotype (ZMHB), “Kosempo (leg. H.
Escarpement, 2.300 m., 1932-1933, Arambourg, Chap- Sauter)”.
puis et Jeannel, Miss. de l’Omo”. Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Kenya, Löbl 2008): Asia: Taiwan (Formosa).
Tanzania. Remarks. China: Fujian (Hua Li 2002: 139).

G. klapperichi Kaszab, 1952 G. koreanum Kaszab, 1952

Gonocephalum Klapperichi Kaszab, 1952a: 550. – Kaszab 1954b: 248. Gonocephalum koreanum Kaszab, 1952a: 549. – Iwan and Löbl 2008:
Gonocephalum klapperichi Kaszab, 1952a. – Hua Li 2002: 139; Iwan 264.
and Löbl 2008: 264.
Type data. Holotype (HNHM), “Chemulpo”.
Type data. Syntypes: 3 ex. (HNHM). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Material studied. “Japan, leg. Dönitz; Futschau; Löbl 2008): Asia: South Korea.
Kiautschau; Fukien, Shaovu 500 m (leg. J. Klapperich)”.
Other depositories. NHMB (2 ex.), MAKB (19 ex.).
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and G. kuehnelti Kaszab, 1961
Löbl 2008): Asia: China: Fujian (Fukien), Shaanxi Gonocephalum Kühnelti Kaszab, 1961b: 351.
(Shensi); Japan. Gonocephalum kuehnelti Kaszab, 1961b. – Iwan and Löbl 2008: 264.

Type data. Holotype: male (HNHM), “Tasso, Hara-

G. kochi Kaszab, 1952 mosh-Tal, V.1958, leg. Dr. E. Piffl”.
Allotype: female (HNHM), Sassli, Indus-Tal, V.1958,
Gonocephalum Kochi Kaszab, 1952a: 578. – Kaszab 1954b: 248; Iwan
and Löbl 2008: 264.
leg. Dr. E. Piffl.
Paratypes: Tasso, Haramosh-Tal, V.1958, leg. Dr. E.
Type data. Syntypes: 34 ex. (MAKB). Piffl, 43 ex. (HNHM); Sassli, Indus-Tal, V.1958, leg. Dr.
Material studied. “Fukien (leg. Simssen); Tinfchow E. Piffl, 8 ex. (HNHM); Kaschmir: Pir Punjab, leg. Rost,
(leg. Hoyer); Shaovu, 500 m (leg. J. Klapperich)”. 1 ex. (HNHM); Uri, 1 ex. (HNHM).
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Other depositories. NHMB (1 ex.), ZMHG (3 ex.).
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia: India: Kashmir.
Löbl 2008): Asia: China: Fujian (Fukien).
G. kuluanum Kaszab, 1952

G. kolbei Gridelli, 1945 Gonocephalum kuluanum Kaszab, 1952a: 659. – Kaszab 1960a: 151,
1961a: 4, 1961b: 351,1961d: 236, 1968b: 20, 1970a: 424, 1970c: 153,
Gonocephalum kolbei Gridelli, 1945: 7. – Ferrer 1993a: 92, 1995a: 71. 1974a: 193; Kwieton 1981: 17; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 264.

Type data. Syntypes: 3 ex. (NHMB). G. laticolle Gebien, 1910

Material studied. Kulu, Katrin (leg. Rost); N. W.
Gonocephalum laticolle Gebien, 1910b: 323 (replaced name). – Gebi-
India, Waziristan, III–IV.1930 (leg. Rev. G. Palacios); N.
en 1939: 447; Kaszab 1952a: 463.
Kheri, Dn., “Damaging shorea robusta seeas”, 11.VII. Hopatrum expansicolle Fairmaire, 1896: 19. – Gebien 1910b: 323
1923 (coll. D. F. O.). (nom. preoccup., nec. Opatrum expansicolle Lewis, 1894: 380).
Other depositories. BMNH (8 ex.).
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India. PALAE- Type data. Unknown.
ARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia: Afgha- Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India.
nistan; India: Himachal Pradesh; Nepal; Pakistan.

G. lefranci (Fairmaire, 1863)

G. kulzeri Kaszab, 1952
Opatrum lefranci Fairmaire, 1863: 643.
Gonocephalum kulzeri Kaszab, 1952a: 584. Hopatrum Lefranci Fairmaire, 1863. – Gemminger 1870: 1932.
Gonocephalum Lefranci (Fairmaire, 1863). – Desbroches 1901: 94;
Gebien 1910b: 323, 1939: 446; Chatanay 1914: 470, Schuster 1928:
Type data. Syntypes: 14 ex. (BMNH), “Madras, 989; Portevin 1934: 14; Ferrer 1993a: 95, 2000b: 73.
Nedungayam, Nilambur, VII.1924 (leg. S. K. Pillai); Gonocephalum Lefrance ei (Fairmaire, 1863). – Seidlitz 1894: 438;
Süd-Malabar, Nadengayam, 30.XI.1917 (leg. N. C. Chat- Reitter 1904: 147.
terjee)”. Gonocephalum lefrance ei (Fairmaire, 1863). – Reichardt 1936: 110.
Gonocephalum lefranci (Fairmaire, 1863). – Iwan and Löbl 2008:
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India.

Type data. Lectotype (designed by Ferrer 2000b:

G. kuntzeni Kaszab, 1952
73): female (MNHN), “Algerie. “La Calle \ Opatrum
Gonocephalum Kuntzeni Kaszab, 1952a: 580. lefranci Fairm.”
Gonocephalum kuntzeni Kaszab, 1952a. – Hua Li 2002: 139; Iwan Paralectotypes: O. lefranci Firm. Sard, 2 ex. (MNHN).
and Löbl 2008: 264. Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Löbl 2008): Europe: Italy (incl. Sardinia, Sicily, San
Type data. Syntypes: 7 ex. (ZMHB). Marino) (Sardegna). North Africa: Algeria; Tunisia.
Material studied. Hainan-Insel (leg. H. Schoede).
Other depository. NHMB (11 ex.).
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and G. lesnei Ferrer, 1995
Löbl 2008): Asia: China: Hainan.
Gonocephalum lesnei Ferrer, 1995a: 16.

G. labriquei Ferrer, 2010 Type data. Holotype: male (MNHN), “Mozambique:

Nova Choupanga, Chemba, Zambèze, 24.VII.1928,
Gonocephalum labriquei Ferrer, 2010: 234. P. Lesne leg.”.
Paratypes: Mozambique: Nova Choupanga, Chem-
Type data. Holotype: male (coll. Picka, CCEC):
Chine, Yunnan, 24–29.VI.1994, Daju F. Kucéra leg. ba, Zambèze, 24.VII.1928, P. Lesne leg., 33 ex.
Paratypes: 3 ex., Chine, Yunnan, 24–29.VI.1994, (MNHN).
Daju F. Kucéra leg. (CCEC); 1 ex. (NHRS). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Mozam-
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION: Asia: Yin- bique.

G. lewisi Blair, 1922

G. laosense Kaszab, 1952 Gonocephalum Lewisi Blair, 1922: 291. – Gebien 1939: 448; Kaszab
1952a: 491, 1979b: 62.
Gonocephalum laosense Kaszab, 1952a: 564. – Kaszab 1980b: 171.

Type data. Unknown.

Type data. Syntypes 3 ex. (HNHM).
Distribution . ORIENTAL REGION: India, Sri
Material studied. “Laos; Phuc-Son (leg. H. Fruhstor-
fer); Tonkin; Mysore State, Shimoga”.
Other depostories. ZMHB (5 ex.), MCSN (1 ex.),
NMPC (1 ex). G. litorale Chatanay, 1914
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India, Laos,
Vietnam. Gonocephalum litorale Chatanay, 1914: 471. – Ferrer 1993a: 99.
278 D. IWAN, J. FERRER and M. RAŚ

Gonocephalum littorale Chatanay, 1914: 471. – Gridelli 1945: 4 (bona G. macleay Blackburn, 1907
species); Ferrrer 2000b: 103, 2004: 90.
Gonocephalum alticola var. littorale Chatanay, 1914: 471. – Gebien Gonocephalum Macleay Blackburn, 1907: 288. – Gebien 1910b: 323,
1939: 451. 1939: 449.

Type data. Lectotype (designated by Gridelli 1948: Type data. Syntypes (BMNH), “Toowoomba,
35): male (MNHN), “Kenya: Côte de l’Afrique orientale Queensland”.
Anglaise: Shimoni, Alluaud et Jeannel leg. “litorale Distribution. AUSTRALIAN AND PACIFIC RE-
Chat. typus! det. Gridelli 1948” “Gonocephalum litorale GIONS: Australia (Queensland).
Chat. spec. propries! Nec alticola var. det. Gridelli
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Kenia, G. macrophthalmum Kaszab, 1952
Gonocephalum macrophthalmum Kaszab, 1952a: 582. – Kaszab
1980b: 171; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 264.

G. longitarse Kaszab, 1952

Type data. Syntypes: 3 ex. (HNHM).
Gonocephalum longitarse Kaszab, 1952a: 465. – Iwan and Löbl 2008: Material studied. Laos; Shikoku.
264. Other depository. NHMB (5 ex.).
Gonocephalum longitarsa Kaszab, 1952a. – Hua Li 2002: 139. Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Laos, Vietnam.
PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia:
Type data. Syntypes: 8 ex (BMNH). Japan (Shikoku).
Material studied “Burma, Rangoon, 25. bis 30.XI.
1934, 1.XII.1934 (leg. R. Malaise); S. Shan States,
Shenyang, 900 m, Jule Lake, 26.VIII.1934 (leg. R. Ma- G. madagascariense madagascariense Chatanay, 1914
laise); Upper Burma, Shan Hills (leg. J. C. Brown)”.
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Burma, India. Gonocephalum madagascariense Chatanay, 1914: 463. – Gebien
1939: 451.
PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia:
Gonocephalum madagascariense madagascariense Chatanay,
China: Yunnan. 1914. – Ferrer 1993a: 103 (stat. subsp.), 1998a: 359, 2000b: 111,
2004: 90.

G. longulum Gebien, 1911 Type data. Syntypes (MNHN), “Mahatsinjo, nom-

breux exemplaires, coll. Chatanay”.
Gonocephalum longulum Gebien, 1911 (1912?): 63. – Gebien 1939:
452; Ferrer 1993a: 83, 1995a: 29.
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Mada-
gascar, Reunion.
Type data. Lectotype (designated by Ferrer 1995a:
29): male (TMNH).
G. madagascariense breve Chatanay, 1914
Paralectotypes, (TMNH): “Westlich vom Albert-See:
Route Mawambi-Awakubi am Aruwimi IV.1908, 1 ex.; Gonocephalum breve Chatanay, 1914: 468. – Gebien 1939: 451.
“vom Brit. Uganda, Sesse-Inseln (darunter I male, Gonocephalum madagascariense breve Chatanay, 1914. – Ferrer
I female Type) in meiner Sammlung”, 3 ex.; “Portug. 1993a: 103 (stat. subsp.), 2000b: 111.
Guinea: Bolama VI.–XII.1899, Farim IV–V.1899 (Fea)”,
6 ex. Type data. Syntypes: 3 females (MNHN), “d’Am-
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Guinea, bositra”.
Kamerun, Republic of Congo, Sudan, Tanzania, Ugan- Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Mada-
da, Zaire. gascar.

G. lucidicolle Ardoin, 1965 G. madurense Kaszab, 1952

Gonocephalum lucidicolle Ardoin, 1965: 1321. – Ferrer 1993a: 84, Gonocephalum madurense Kaszab, 1952a: 625.
1995a: 33.
Type data. Syntypes: 10 ex. (HNHM).
Type data. Syntypes (MNHN), “Burkina Faso: Material studied. Madura; Shembaganur; Trichi-
Pabré, Haute Volta, R.P. Fernández leg.” nopoly, 1888 (leg. R. P. Castets).
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Burkina Other depositories. BMNH (1 ex.), NHMB (1 ex.).
Faso, Guinea, Senegal, Sierra Leone. Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India.

G. malayanum Gebien, 1935 N Pretoria, 16.IV.1954, Rudebeck leg., 1 female

(ZMUL); Victoria West, Cape Colony, 1948, P.D. Morris
Gonocephalum malayanum Gebien, 1935: 53. – Gebien 1939:
leg., 1 female (JFCS); «Caffraria», coll. Westermann,
448; Kaszab 1952a: 568, 1980b: 171; Hua Li 2002: 139; Iwan and Löbl
2008: 264.
1 male, 1 female (ZMC).
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Repub-
Type data. Syntypes: “2 Mannchen und 3 Weibhen lic of South Africa (Transvaal, Cape Province, Le-
wurden in den «Kulturen» von Prinz Leopold auf Ban- sotho).
da Neira am 23.II.1929 gesammelt. In meiner Samm-
lung finden sich 12 Exemplare von Lombok: Sapti
2,000’, April 1896 (H. Fruhstorfer leg.), ferner von Java G. marylinneae Ferrer, 2000
ohne genauere Angaben und von Burma.”
Gonocephalum marylinneae Ferrer, 2000a: 826.
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Burma, Indo-
nesia (Java, Molukken, Lesser Sunda Isl.,), Vietnam.
Type data. Holotype: female (MNHN), “Madagas-
PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia:
car, Antalaha,Piste de Maroantsatra, II.1945, Abadie
China: Hainan, Henan (Honana); South Korea.
leg. Institut scientifique de Madagascar, conserve au
Remarks. India (Hua Li 2002: 139).
Labolatoire d’Entomologie, Muséum national d’Histo-
rie naturelle, Paris”.
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Mada-
G. malcyi Ardoin, 1966
Gonocephalum malcyi Ardoin, 1966: 187. – Ferrer 1993a: 100, 2000b:

G. massauense Gridelli, 1945

Type data. Holotype: (MNHN), “l’Ile Europa:
IV.1964, P. Malczy leg.”. Gonocephalum massauensis Gridelli, 1945: 13. – Kaszab 1963a: 346.
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Europe Isl. Gonocephalum massauense Gridelli, 1945. – Ferrer 1993a: 88, 1995a:
50, 1995b: 15, 1998a: 15; Lillig and Bremer 2002: 67.

Type data. Paratypes: Erythrée, Ras Ghedem,

G. marani Kaszab, 1952
Tellini leg., 1 male, 1 female (HNHM).
Gonocephalum Mařani Kaszab, 1952a: 575. Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Chad,
Djibouti, Eritrea, Somalia, Soudan.
Type data. Syntypes: 4 ex. (NMPC), “Mysore State,
Shimoga (leg. P. S. Nathan)”.
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India. G. mastersi (MacLeay, 1872)

Opatrum Mastersi MacLeay, 1872: 227. – Champion 1895: 116.

Gonocephalum Mastersi (MacLeay, 1872: 227). – Blackburn 1907:
G. martensi Kaszab, 1977
287; Gebien 1910b: 323, 1939: 449.
Goncephalum martensi Kaszab, 1977: 258. – Schawaller 2006; Iwan
and Löbl 2008: 264. Type data. Unknown.
Type data. Unknown. GIONS: Australia (Queensland, NSW).
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Löbl 2008): Asia: Nepal.
G. merensi estevezi Ferrer, 2000

G. martini Ferrer, 1995 Gonocephalum merensi estevezi Ferrer, 2000b: 71. – Iwan and Löbl
2008: 264.
Gonocephalum martini Ferrer, 1995a: 36. – Ferrer 2004: 86.
Type data. Holotype: male, “Gran Canaria, Punta
Type data. Holotype: male (BMNH), “Victoria West Arenas, 29.V.1989, M. A. Pena Estevez leg.”.
Cape Colony, 1948, P.D. Morris leg.”. Paratypes: id. 7.V.1989, (sub Launea arbores-
Paratypes: Victoria West Cape Colony, 1948, P.D. cens), 1 ex.; vegetation rastrea, 29.V.1989, coll. Peña
Morris leg., 1 female (BMNH); Basutoland, Dikolobeng Estévez, Servicio Agricola de Gran Canaria, 1 female
River 11 miles NE Quning, 16.III.1951 Brinck-Rudebeck (JFCS); Punta Arenas, 10.VII.1993, P. Oromí leg.,
leg., 2 females (ZMUL); Bon Accord Dam 10 miles 9 ex.
280 D. IWAN, J. FERRER and M. RAŚ

Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Gonocephalum micantipenne Fairmaire, 1893. – Gebien 1910b: 324,
1939: 451; Chatanay 1913: 768; Ferrer 1993a: 80, 1995a: 23.
Löbl 2008): North Africa: Canary Islands (Gran
Type data. Syntypes: probably in MNHN.
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Comores,
Madagascar, Mozambique, Seychelles, Somalia; Tan-
G. merensi merensi Uyttenboogaart, 1929 zania.
Gonocephalum merensi Uyttenboogaart, 1929: 348. – Gebien 1939:
Gonocephalum merensi merensi Uyttenboogaart, 1929. – Ferrer G. michaelseni Gebien, 1920
1993a: 97, 2000b: 71 (stat. subsp.); Iwan and Löbl 2008: 264.
Gonocephalum Michaelseni Gebien, 1921 [1920]: 134. – Gebien 1939:
Type data. Lectotype (designated by Ferrer 2000b:
Gonocephalum michaelseni Gebien, 1921. – Ferrer 1993a: 90, 1995a:
71): male (BMNH), “Gran Canaria, Bahia de Gando, 54.
X.1987, Rijksmuseet Leyden”.
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Type data. Type: “Namibie, Omaruru, Michelsen
Löbl 2008): North Africa: Canary Islands (Gran leg., coll. Gebien Hamburg”.
Canaria). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Namibia.

G. merkli Ferrer, 2000 G. minusculum (Fairmaire, 1894)

Gonocephalum merkli Ferrer 2000b: 101. Opatrum minusculum Fairmaire, 1894: 20. – Champion 1895: 116.
Bradymerus minusculum Fairmaire, 1894: 20.
Gonocephalum minusculum (Fairmaire, 1894). – Gebien 1910b: 324,
Type data. Holotype: male (HNHM), “Tanzanie: Dar 1939: 448; Kaszab 1952a: 481.
es Salam. “Gonocephalum n. sp. det. Dr Kaszab 1982”. Bradymerus bidentulus Fairmaire, 1896: 23 – Gebien 1939: 448;
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Tanzania Kaszab 1952a: 673.
(Dar es Salam).
Type data. Syntypes: probably in MNHN.
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Burma, India.
PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia:
G. mesopotamicum Blair, 1923
India: Uttaranchal (Uttar Pradesh).
Gonocephalum mesopotamicum Blair, 1923: 123. – Schuster 1928:
989; Reichardt 1936: 108; Gebien 1939: 446; Kaszab 1965b: 669;
Iwan and Löbl 2008: 264. G. misellum Blackburn, 1907

Type data. Unknown. Gonocephalum misellum Blackburn, 1907: 288. – Gebien 1910b: 324,
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and 1939: 449.

Löbl 2008): Asia: Iraq.

Type data. Unknown.
GIONS: South Australia.
G. meyricky Blackburn, 1894

Gonocephalum Meyricky Blackburn, 1894: 213. – Blackburn, 1907: 287.

Opatrum Meyricki Blackburn, 1894: 213. – Champion 1895: 116. G. miyakense Nakane, 1963
Gonocephalum Meyricki Blackburn, 1894. – Gebien 1910b: 324, 1939:
449. Gonocephalum miyakense Nakane, 1963: 26. – Iwan and Löbl 2008:
Gonocephalum victoriae Blackburn, 1894: 213. – Blackburn, 1907: 264.
287; Cartter 1915: 533; Gebien 1910b: 327, 1939: 449.
Type data. Unknown.
Type data. Unknown. Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Distribution. AUSTRALIAN AND PACIFIC RE- Löbl 2008): Asia: Japan (Ryukyus).
GIONS: Australia (Victoria).

G. modestum (Reiche, 1847)

G. micantipenne Fairmaire, 1893
Opatrum modestum Reiche, 1847: 369.
Opatrum micantipenne Fairmaire, 1893: 324. – Champion 1895: 116. Hopatrum modestum Reiche, 1847. – Gemminger 1870: 1932.

Gonocephalum modestum (Reiche, 1847). – Gemminger and Harold G. muelleri humerale Gridelli, 1945
1870: 1934 (= Opatrum prolixum Erichson, 1843); Reichardt
1936: 105 (= Opatrum prolixum Erichson, 1843); Gebien 1910b: Gonocephalum mülleri humeralis Gridelli, 1945: 13.
324 (= Opatrum prolixum Erichson, 1843), 1939: 445 (= Opa- Gonocephalum muelleri humerale Gridelli, 1945. – Ferrer 1993a:
trum prolixum Erichson, 1843); Ferrer 1993a: 78, 1995a: 13; Iwan 88, 1995a: 50, 1995b: 15, 1998a: 15.
and Löbl 2008: 264.
Gonocephalum inornatum Schuster, 1938: 61. – Gridelli 1948: 49;
Kaszab 1972: 379, 1982: 166; Ferrer 1993a: 78 (syn.), 1995a: 13. Type data. Syntype: «Typus»: 1 male (MCSN),
Gonocephalum obscurum inorantum Schuster 1938. – Español and “Somalie, Grabedarre, 1937, Fcca leg.”, designe lecto-
Viñolas 1983: 36. type.
Gonocephalum prolixum inornatum Schuster, 1938. – Gri-
Paratypes: Somalie, Grabedarre, 1937, Fcca leg.,
delli 1953: 61; Kaszab 1957: 61, 1972: 379, 1982a: 166; Grimm
1985: 18.
2 female (MCSN);
Opatrum sulcipenne Thomson, 1858: 84. Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Kenya,
Hopatrum sulcipenne Thomson, 1858. – Gemminger 1870: 1934. Somalia, Soudan.
Gonocephalum sulcipenne (Thomson, 1858). – Gebien 1910b: 324
(= Opatrum prolixum Erichson, 1843); Ferrer 1995a: 9 (= Opa-
trum prolixum Erichson, 1843).
G. muelleri muelleri Gridelli, 1945
Type data. Opatrum modestum Reiche, 1847: Gonocephalum muelleri Gridelli, 1945: 13. – Kaszab 1982b: 167; Iwan
2 syntypes “modestum Abyssinie/Reiche (NHRS). and Löbl 2008: 264.
Gonocephalum inornatum Schuster, 1938: Gonocephalum muelleri muelleri Gridelli, 1945. – Ferrer 1993a: 88,
1 male (ZSMB), Dire Daoua «Staud. inornat.»; Syntype: 1995a: 49; Lillig and Bremer 2002: 67.
1 male (ZSMB), Harrar (Abyss.) «Staud. inorn.».
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Gabon, Type data. Paratype: Massaua, Erythrée, 5.XII.
Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan. PALAEARCTIC REGION 1939, Cl. Müller leg., male (MCSN).
(Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia: Iran; Saudi Arabia; Yemen Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Eritrea,
(incl. Socotra). Etiopia, Sudan, Somalia.
PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008):
Asia: Saudi Arabia; Yemen (incl. Socotra).

G. moluccanum (Blanchard, 1853)

G. mysorense Kaszab, 1952
Opatrum moluccanum Blanchard, 1853: 153.
Gonocephalum moluccanum (Blanchard, 1853). – Gebien 1910b: 324, Gonocephalum mysorense Kaszab, 1952a: 496. – Kaszab 1965a:
1939: 448; Kaszab 1952a: 666, 1964b: 40, 1979b: 67; Chûjô 1966: 7; 113.
Hua Li 2002: 139; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 264.
Gonocephalum coriaceum Miwa, 1931: 152 – Kaszab 1952a:
684. Type data. Holotype (HNHM).
Material studied. “Mysore State, Shimoga; South
Type data. Unknown. Mysore”.
Distribution. AUSTRALIAN AND PACIFIC RE- Other depository. NMPC (2 ex.).
GIONS: New Guinea. ORIENTAL REGION: Andaman Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India.
Isl., Borneo, Cambodia, Coco Isl., India, Indonesia
(Celebes, Lesser Sunda Isl., Moluccas Isl., Sumatra),
Laos, Philipines, Sri Lanka, Vietnam. PALAEARCTIC G. nepalicum Kaszab, 1973
REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia: China: Fujian
Gonocephalum nepalicum Kaszab, 1973: 245. – Kaszab 1977: 256;
(Fukien), Guandong (Kwantung), Hainan; Japan; Tai- Schawaller 1997a: 9; Bremer and Ferrer 2002: 223; Iwan and Löbl
wan (Formosa). 2008: 264.

Type data. Unknown.

Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
G. moraguesi Ferrer, 2000 Löbl 2008): Asia: Bhutan; India: Sikkim (Darjeeling
Gonocephalum morguesi Ferrer, 2000a: 830.
District); Nepal.

Type data. Holotype: female (BMNH), “Kenya, Kilif

(J.), IV.1946, Van Someren leg., coll. British Muse- G. niloticum Ardoin, 1965
um 1959-463, Gonocephalum sp. aff. simplex dét. Dr Gonocephalum niloticum Ardoin, 1965: 73. – Ferrer 1993a: 88,
Kaszab”. 1995a: 50; Kaszab 1982b: 165; Lillig and Bremer 2002: 67; Iwan and
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Kenya. Löbl 2008: 264.
282 D. IWAN, J. FERRER and M. RAŚ

Type data. Paratypes: Soudan, Ed Damer Shendi, 1962b: 209, 1963: 207; Lindberg 1962: 47; Israelson et al. 1982: 128;
Oromí 1982: 272; Garcia 1991: 207; Ferrer 1993a: 76, 1995a: 5;
2–5.XI.1962, 1 male, Kassala, Haiya, 1–3.XII.1962,
Grimm 1995: 42; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 264.
1 male; Blue Nile, Wad Medani, 11–14.XI.1962, 2 ex.;
Kosti, 22.I.1963, R. Linnavuori leg., det. P. Ardoin,
Type data. Holotype: “Opatrum oblitum Woll. The
(ZMUH); Karthoum, 10.VII.1974, V. Seichrt leg., coll.
Canary Isl. T. V. Wollaston, B.M. 1864-80”.
J. Picka, 30 ex.; Wad Medani, 12.XII.1952, W.G. Buttik-
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
er leg., 28 ex. (TMNH).
Löbl 2008): North Africa: Canary Islands.
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Sudan,
Uganda. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl
2008): Asia: Saudi Arabia.
G. oblongum (Fabricius, 1801)

Opatrum oblongum Fabricius, 1801: 117.

G. novaecaledoniae Kaszab, 1982 Hopatrum oblongum Fabricius, 1801. – Gemminger 1870: 1932.
Gonocephalum oblongum (Fabricius, 1801). – Gebien 1906: 215,
Gonocephalum novaecaledoniae Kaszab, 1982a: 42. 1910b: 324, 1939: 447; Kaszab 1952a: 459, 1979a: 260; Bremer and
Ferrer 2002: 223; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 264.

Type data. Holotype: (IRSN), “Lifu”.

Paratypes: N. Hebrides, 1 ex. (HNHM), 1 ex. Type data. Unknown.
(MNHN); Santo, coll. François, 3 ex. (MNHN); I. Tanna, Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Burma, India.
Isangel, 1935-36, leg. E. Aubert de la Rüe, 1 ex. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia:
(MNHN); I. Epi. Rég. de Ringdone, 1935-36, leg. E. India: Sikkim (Darjeeling District); Nepal.
Aubert de la Rüe, 1 ex. (MNHN).
GIONS: N. Caledonia, Vanuatu. G. obscurum aethiops Ferrer, 1995

Gonocephalum obscurum aethiops Ferrer, 1995a: 13. – Iwan and

Löbl 2008: 264.
G. nyassae Ferrer, 2000
Type data. Holotype: male (HNHM), “Ethiopie,
Gonocephalum nyassae Ferrer, 2000b: 119.
Sodere, 17.X.1980, A. Demeter leg.”.
Paratypes: Ethiopie, Sodere, 17.X.1980, A. Demeter
Type data. Holotype: female (HNHM), “Nyassa” \
leg., 1 female (HNHM); Awash River, Awash N. Prov.
“Gonocephalum sp. aff. breve Chat.” \ “Gonocephalum
8.XI.1980, A. Demeter leg., 2 ex. (HNHM); Abyss.,
sp. det. Dr Kaszab 1983”.
Stand. and Gassner, prolixum inornatum Schuster
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: “Nyassa”.
and Gebien, 2 syntypes! (ZSMB); Wando Genet,
XII.1985, S.E. Nilsson leg., 6 ex. (JFCS); Bisidimo, prov.
Hararge, XI.1983, V. Meyer leg., 12 ex. (ZSMB), 3 ex.
G. obenbergeri Kaszab, 1952
(JFCS); Asmara, Erythrée, coll. Oberthür, 4 ex.
Gonocephalum Obenbergeri Kaszab, 1952a: 598. – Kaszab 1961a: 4, (MNHN); Erythrée, Staudinger, G. prolixum inorna-
1979b: 64. tum Schuster and Gebien, 2 syntypes! (ZSMB); Soma-
lie: Hargeisa, 1300 m h. 21–31.VII.1980, 3 ex. (ZSMB);
Type data. Syntypes: 121 ex. (NMPC). Tug Wajale, 1500 m h. 1–11.VIII.1980, C.H. Bremer leg.,
Material studied. Kal Aar, IV.1914 (leg. C.F.C. 11 ex. (ZSMG); Thibo, (T236), G. Hemming leg., 16 ex.
Baker); Mysore State, Shimoga, 1865 ft, 21.VI.1937 (leg. (TMNH); Oman Jebel Quara, 10 km N Taetam,
P. S. Nathan); 10.XII.1937; 25.VI.1938, „at light” (leg. P. 28.III.1993, H.J. Bremer leg., 1 ex. (ZSMB); Uganda:
S. Nathan); Kanara; Orissa Coast, Puri, III.1912 (coll. Entebbe, 1907, C. Berti leg., 1 male (MCG); Busso Buso-
Ind. Mus.). ga, 1909, E. Bayon leg., 1 female (MCG).
Other depositories. BMNH (4 ex.), NHMB (1 ex.). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Ethiopia,
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India, Sri Lanka. Eritrea, Somalia, Uganda. PALAEARCTIC REGION
(Iwan and Löbl 2008):Asia: Oman; Saudi Arabia.

G. oblitum (Wollaston, 1864)

G. obscurum obscurum (Küster, 1849)
Opatrum oblitum Wollaston, 1864: 489. – Wollaston 1865: 413.
Hopatrum oblitum Wollaston, 1864. – Gemminger 1870: 1932. Opatrum obscurum Küster, 1849a: 46.
Gonocephalum oblitum (Wollaston, 1864). – Gebien 1910b: 324, 1939: Hopatrum obscurum Küster, 1849. – Sturm 1843: 152; Gemminger
444; Schuster 1928: 989; Uyttenboogaart 1930: 234, 1937: 90; 1870: 1932.
Reichardt 1936: 102; Español 1947: 96, 1959: 111, 1962a: 232, Gonocephalum obscurum (Küster, 1849). – Kraatz 1873: 438; Baudi

1875: 231; Seidlitz 1894: 440 (syn. Opatrum prolixum Erichson, Type data. Syntypes: probably in MNHN.
1843); Reitter 1904: 145 (= Opatrum prolixum Erichson, 1843); Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India, Vietnam.
Gebien 1910b: 324 (= Opatrum prolixum Erichson, 1843), 1939:
445 (= Opatrum prolixum Erichson, 1843); Reichardt 1936: 105
PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia:
(= Opatrum prolixum Erichson, 1843); Grimm 1985: 17. China: Guandong (Kwantung), Hongkong, Yunnan;
Gonocephalum obscurum obscurum (Küster, 1849). – Español and South Korea; Taiwan (Formosa).
Viñolas 1983: 36 (stat. subsp.); Ferrer 1993a: 77, 1995a: 13; Lillig
and Bremer 2002: 66; Soldati 2010: 6; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 264.

G. papuanum Gebien, 1920

Type data. Opatrum obscurum Küster, 1849.
“In Sicilien, zur Beschreibung mitgetheilt von Dr. Gonocephalum papuanum Gebien, 1920: 233. – Gebien 1939: 449;
Sturm”. Kaszab 1952a: 560.
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Sudan.
PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Type data. Known.
Europe: France (incl. Corsica, Monaco) (Alpes-Mar- Distribution. AUSTRALIAN AND PACIFIC RE-
itimes, Corse); Italy (incl. Sardinia, Sicily, San Marino); GIONS: Australia, New Guinea.
Spain (incl. Gibraltar). North Africa: Algeria; Egypt;
Libya; Morocco (incl. Western Sahara).
G. papulosum (Fairmaire, 1896)

Hopatrum papulosum Fairmaire, 1896: 19.

G. oceanicum Kaszab, 1985
Gonocephalum papulosum (Fairmaire, 1896). – Gebien 1910b: 324,
1939: 448; Kaszab 1952a: 627, 1979b: 65; Kwieton 1981: 17; Iwan
Gonocephalum oceanicum Kaszab, 1985a: 41. – Kaszab 1985a: 41.
and Löbl 2008: 264.

Type data. Unknown.

Type data. Unknown.
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Cocos Keel-
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India, Sri Lan-
ing Is.
ka. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008):
Asia: Pakistan.
G. okinawanum Chujô, 1963

Gonocephalum okinawanum Chujô, 1963: 149. – Kaszab 1964b: 40; G. parcesetosum Kaszab, 1952
Chûjô 1966: 7, 1978a: 63; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 264.
Gonocephalum parcesetosum Kaszab, 1952a: 516. – Schawaller
1997a: 10; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 264.
Type data. Holotype (FAKU), “Hentona, Okinava
Is., 28.IV.1958, K. Iha leg.”
Type data. Holotype (NHMB).
Paratypes: Hentona, Okinava Is., 28.IV.1958, K. Iha
Material studied. “Calcutta; Jorhat, Deseme, V.
leg., 9 ex., (Michitaka Chûjô)
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Other depository. HNHM (1 ex.).
Löbl 2008): Asia: Japan (Ryukyus).
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India. PALAE-
ARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia: Nepal;
G. omoense Ardoin, 1967 “North India”.

Gonocephalum omoensis Ardoin, 1967: 207.

Gonocephalum omoense Ardoin, 1967. – Ferrer 1993a: 91, 1995a: 64, G. patricium Kaszab, 1952
1995b: 16, 1998a: 16.
Gonocephalum patricium Kaszab, 1952a: 604. – Iwan and Löbl 2008: 264.
Type data. Syntypes (MNHN) “Ethiopie, region de
l’Omo, Mission Villiers”. Type data. Syntypes: 2 ex. (NHMB).
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Ethiopia, Material studied. Sikkim, Tumlong; Molwar, Delhi
Kenya, Somalia, Uganda. (leg. T. W. M.); Hardwar, Rurki (leg. T. W. M.), Karachi
(leg. T. R. Bell); Gazighat, Multan Div., Punjah, 15.II.
1928 (leg. C. F. C. Beeson), Burma, Pegu.
G. outreyi Chatanay, 1917 Other depositories. BMNH (4 ex.), HNHM (1 ex.).
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Burma, India.
Gonocephalum Outreyi Chatanay, 1917: 240. – Gebien 1939: 448;
PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia:
Kaszab 1952a: 573, 1980b: 171.
Gonocephalum outreyi Chatanay, 1917. – Hua Li 2002: 139; Iwan and India: Sikkim (Darjeeling District), Uttaranchal (Uttar
Löbl 2008: 264. Pradesh); Pakistan.
284 D. IWAN, J. FERRER and M. RAŚ

G. patrizii patrizii Gridelli, 1948 G. patruele turchestanicum Gridelli, 1948

Gonocephalum patrizii Gridelli, 1948: 23. Gonocephalum turchestanicum Gridelli, 1948: 9. – Kaszab 1960a:
Gonocephalum patrizii patrizii Gridelli, 1948. – Ferrer 1993a: 91, 147, 1961d: 236, 1968b: 20, 1970c: 150, 1974a: 193; Medvedev and
1995a: 55 (stat. subsp.), Lillig and Bremer 2002: 68. Nepesova 1985: 132; Hua Li 2002: 139.
Gonocephalum patruele turchestanicum Gridelli, 1948. – Ferrer
1993a: 88, 1995a: 46, 2010: 232; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 265.
Type data. Holotype: male (MCSN), “Somalie,
Belet Amin, 1935, Patrizi leg.”.
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Ethiopia, Type data. Holotype: male (MCSN), “Turkestan,
Kenya, Somalia, Sudan. Issyk-Kue, Terski Tan, Vi.1902 coll. Hauser”.
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Löbl 2008): Asia: Afghanistan; China: Xizang (Tibet),
G. patrizii lagosicum Ferrer, 1995 Kazakhstan; Turkmenistan.
Remark. PALEARCTIC REGION: Tajikistan, Uzbe-
Gonocephalum patrizii lagosicum Ferrer, 1995a: 55. kistan (Kaszab 1968b), Egypt: Sinai Peninsula (Lillig
and Pavlicek 2003).
Type data. Holotype: male (ZSMB),“Nigeria, Lagos
– sans autre indication Cl. Müller”.
Paratypes: Lagos – sans autre indication Cl. Müller, G. peguanum Kaszab, 1952
5 ex. (ZMS), 1 female id. (HNHM).
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Nigeria. Gonocephalum peguanum Kaszab, 1952a: 639.

Type data. Syntypes: 5 ex. (BMNH), Burma, Ran-

G. patruele patruele (Erichson, 1843) goon (leg. A. K. Weld Downing); Tharrawaddy (leg. H.
L. Andrewes).
Opatrum patruele Erichson, 1843: 248. Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Burma.
Hopatrum patruele Erichson, 1843. – Gemminger 1870: 1933.
Gonocephalum patruele (Erichson, 1843). – Wollaston 1867: 187;
Gebien 1910b: 326 (= Opatrum rusticum Olivier, 1811);
Reichardt 1936: 106; Gebien 1939: 445; Español 1959: 112, 1962: G. peregrinum Kolbe, 1902
210, 1963: 208; Kaszab 1960a: 147, 1961c: 170, 1963a: 346, 1965b:
669, 1968b: 20, 1970c: 149, 1979d: 268, 1982b: 167; Lindberg 1962: Gonocephalum peregrinum Kolbe, 1902: 576. – Gebien 1910b: 324;
48; Oromí 1982: 272; Grimm 1995: 43; Labriqe and Chavanon 2008: 1922: 275; 1939: 452; Kaszab 1971a: 227; Ferrer 1993a: 80, 1995a:
24. 23, 1995b: 15, 1996a: 60, 1998a: 15, 2001: 230.
Gonocephalum patruele patruele (Erichson, 1843). – Ferrer 1993a:
88, 1995a: 46, 2010: 232; Lillig and Bremer 2002: 67; Lillig and
Pavlíček 2003: 49; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 265.
Type data. Lectotype (designated by Ferrer
Opatrum lutosum Wollaston, 1864: 486. – Wollaston 1865: 412. 1995a: 23): male (ZMHB), Aldabra Ins. IV.–V.1895,
Hopatrum lutosum Wollaston, 1864. – Gemminger 1870: 1932. A. Voeltzkow.
Gonocephalum lutosum (Wollaston, 1864). – Reichardt 1936: 106; Paralectotypes: Aldabra Ins. IV.–V.1895, A. Voeltz-
Gebien 1910b: 326 (=Opatrum rusticum Olivier, 1811); Chatanay
kow, 3 females (ZMHB)
1914: 470; Gebien 1939: 446 (valid name).
Gonocephalum rusticum var. patruele Erichson, 1843. – Reitter Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Comores,
1904: 145; Gebien 1910b: 326 (= Gonocephalum rusticum, Kenya, Madagascar, Seychelles (Aldabra), Somalia,
Olivier, 1811); Schuster 1928: 989; Gridelli 1930: 301; Koch 1935: Tanzania.

Type data. Opatrum patruele Erichson, 1843.

Syntypes: 3 ex. (ZMHB), “47944, Cap Vert, Fro- G. perplexum (Lucas, 1849)
bert” Opatrum perplexum Lucas, 1849 [1846?]: 334. – Iwan and Löbl 2007:
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Angola, 736 (nomen protectum).
Cap Verte Isl., Chad, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Niger, Republic Hopatrum perplexum Lucas, 1849. – Gemminger 1870: 1933.
of South Africa (Transvaal), Senegal, Somalia, Su- Gonocephalum perplexum (Lucas, 1849). – Rey 1892: 42; Seidlitz
1894: 440; Reitter 1904: 145; Gebien 1910b: 324, 1939: 444; Schus-
dan. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008):
ter 1928: 989; Gridelli 1930: 300, 1953: 63; Reichardt 1936: 105;
North Africa: Algeria; Canary Islands; Egypt; Libya; Koch 1935: 92; 1937: 191, 1939: 281, 1945: 423; Español 1946: 121,
Morocco (incl. Western Sahara); Tunisia. Asia: 1953: 305; Kaszab 1967b: 551, 1982b: 168; Ferrer 1993a: 87, 1995a:
Afghanistan, Arab Emirates; Egypt: Sinai Peninsula; 40; Labrique and Chavanon 2001: 83, 2002: 67; Lillig and Pavlíček
Iran; Israel; Oman; Saudi Arabia; Syria; Yemen (incl. 2003: 50; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 265; Labriqe and Janati-Idrissi 2009:
Socotra). Opatrum famelicum Olivier, 1811: 497. – Iwan and Löbl 2007: 736
Remarks. PALEARCTIC REGION: Iraq (Kaszab (nomen oblitum).
1965b). Hopatrum famelicum Olivier, 1811. – Gemminger 1870: 1931.

Gonocephalum famelicum (A. G. Olivier, 1811). – Mulsant and Rey Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
1859: 70, 1859: 132; Baudi 1875: 229; Reitter 1904: 145; Reichardt
Löbl 2008): Asia: Afghanistan.
1936: 105; Gebien 1939: 444.

Type data. Unknown.

G. podagrarium (Kaszab, 1939)
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Somalia.
PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Hasticollinum podagrarium Kaszab, 1939: 96.
Europe: Croatia; Greece (incl. Crete); Italy (incl. Sar- Gonocephalum podagrarium (Kaszab, 1939). – Ferrer 1995a: 72.
dinia, Sicily, San Marino); (Lampedusa, Pantelleria)
Spain (incl. Gibraltar). North Africa: Algeria; Egypt; Type data. Type: male, Borneo, Kinabalu, coll.
Libya; Morocco (incl. Western Sahara); Tunisia. Asia: Kraatz (SDEI).
Cyprus; Egypt: Sinai Peninsula; Israel; Saudi Arabia; Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Borneo, Male-
Syria; Yemen (incl. Socotra). sia.
Remarks. Jordan (Katbeh-Bader 1996), Yugoslavia
(Kaszab 1969b: 551).
G. politum Ferrer, 2000

Gonocephalum politum Ferrer, 2000b: 77.

G. persimile (Lewis, 1894)

Opatrum persimile Lewis, 1894: 467. – Champion 1895: 117. Type data. Holotype: male (IRSN), “Ethiopie: prov.
Gonocephalum persimile (Lewis, 1894). – Gebien 1910b: 324, 1939: Goba, Bale, 1934-1935, C. de Mouleneare leg.”.
447; Schuster 1928: 990; Reichardt 1936: 113; Kaszab 1952a: 624, Paratypes: Ethiopie: prov. Goba, Bale, 1934-1935, C.
1968a: 8; Kwon and Choi 1986: 106; Hua Li 2002: 139; Iwan and Löbl
de Mouleneare leg., 5 ex. (IRSN), 1 ex. (JFCS);
2008: 265.
“Abyssinie” (Gonocephalum sp. aff. Alticola Chat. det.
Dr Kaszab), 1 ex. (HNHM); “Abyssinie” Gassner leg.
Type data. Unknown.
Coll. Staudinger (coll. Schuster), 12 ex. (ZSMB); Addis
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Abeba, I.1939, E.v.Saalfeld leg., 1 ex. (ZSMB); Shoa
Löbl 2008): Asia: China: Heilongjiang (Heilungkiang),
prov. Valley of Chacha River, 55 km N Addis Abeba,
Nei Mongol (Inner Mongolia); Japan; Mongolia; North
14.VII.1973, R. Clarke leg., 10 ex. (MRAC); Valley of
Korea; Russia: Far East; South Korea.
Dima, 23.VII.1973, id., 1 ex. (MRAC); Akaki, 1XI.1900, 1
ex.; Warangambo, 18.II.1901, 1 ex.; Wollesch Wasam-
bara, 10–16.II.1901, 3 ex.; Fassasa Eksaua, 17.II.1901, 3
G. philippinense Kaszab, 1952
ex.; Nacmaoua, 17.II.1901, 1 ex. v. Erlanger leg., 1 ex.
Gonocephalum philippinense Kaszab, 1952a: 555. (BMHN); Prov. Wallega, Jabdo Kellega, 1.900 m.,
IV–V.1938, F.B. Nauhaus leg., 1 ex. (ZSMB); Harrar, M.
Type data. Holotype (NHMB), “Surigao, Mindanao de Rotschild Exp., 1 ex. (MNHN); Filoa Tchoba, id.
(leg. G. Böttcher)”. (MNHN); Schoa, Tscheratscha, O. Neumann leg., 1 ex.
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Philippines. (ZMHB); Scioa, Argu-Ager, 1877, Antinori leg. “scioen-
sis milhi Gridelli det. 1957, 4 ex. (MCSN); Goggiam,
Ghiso-Abai, 15.IV.1939 (2.800 m), Cap Strobele leg.,
G. planicolle Kaszab, 1952 3 ex. (MCSN); Scioa, Mahal Vonz, Antinori leg., 1 ex.
Gonocephalum planicolle Kaszab, 1952a: 468. Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Ethio-
Type data. Holotype (HNHM), “Bengalen, Raymahal”.
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India.
G. pottsi Kulzer, 1957

Gonocephalum pottsi Kulzer, 1957: 194. – Kaszab 1982: 56; Matsumo-

G. platipenne Kaszab, 1960
to 2006: 152; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 265.
Gonocephalum platipenne Kaszab, 1960a: 149. – Kaszab 1968b: 20,
1970c: 153; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 265. Type data. Unknown.
Type data. Holotype: allotype, paratype “Afghan- GIONS: Caroline Is. (Palu Is., Caroline Atolls, Truck
istan: Umgebung von Kabul, 1740 m, 8.V.1952, J. Klap- Is.), Gilbert Is.; Marina Is., Marschall Is., Micronesia.
perich; Nuristan, Kutiau, 1500 m, 5.V.1953, J. Klap- PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia:
perich”. Japan (Bonin Is.).
286 D. IWAN, J. FERRER and M. RAŚ

G. prolixum prolixum (Erichson, 1843) Type data. Syntypes: 5 ex. (HNHM).

Material studied. Takao (leg. H. Sauter); Taihan-
Opatrum prolixum Erichson, 1843: 248.
roku (leg. H. Sauter); Pilam (leg. H. Sauter); Hoozan
Hopatrum prolixum Erichson, 1843. – Gemminger 1870: 1934;
(= Hopatrum hispidum Brullé, 1838).
(leg. H. Sauter); Anping (leg. H. Sauter); Namo Id. (leg.
Gonocephalum prolixum (Erichson, 1843). – Miedel 1880: 139; Sei- I. J. Walker); Hongkong (leg. I. J. Walker); China.
dlitz 1894: 440; Reitter 1904: 145; Gebien 1910a: 378, 1910b: 324, Other depositories. BMNH (27 ex.); ZMHB (5 ex.);
1939: 445; Schuster 1928: 989; Koch 1935: 93; Reichardt 1936: 105; NHMB (6 ex.), ZMHG (3 ex.); NHMA (3 ex.); Mus. Stet-
Kaszab 1963a: 346, 1963b: 455, 1969a: 227, 1986e: 148; Ardoin
tin (4 ex.).
1965b: 967; Marcuzzi 1970: 89; Canzoneri 1970: 75; Español and
Viñolas 1983: 34; Grimm 1985: 18, 1986a: 75, 2002: 368; Ferrer Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Vietnam.
1993a: 77, 1994: 200, 1995a: 9, 2001: 230, 2004: 84; Lillig and Bre- PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia:
mer 2002: 65; Schawaller 2010: 268; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 265. China: Hainan, Hongkong, Zhejiang (Chekiang); Tai-
Gonocephalum prolixum prolixum (Erichson, 1843). – Kaszab wan (Formosa).
1979d: 267, 1982b: 165.
Opatrum clavipes Wollaston, 1867: 188.
Hopatrum clavipes Wollaston, 1867. – Gemminger 1870: 1931.
Gonocephalum clavipes (Wollaston, 1867). – Gebien 1910b: 324; Fer- G. pubens (Marseul, 1876)
rer 1995a: 9.
Dasus hespericus Motschulsky, 1849: 126. Opatrum pubens Marseul, 1876: 97.
Hopatrum hespericum (Motschulsky, 1849). – Gemminger 1870: 1932. Gonocephalum pubens (Marseul, 1876). – Champion 1895: 115; Ge-
Gonocephalum hespericum (Motschulsky, 1849). – Gebien 1910b: 324. bien 1910b: 324, 1913: 4, 1939: 447; Schuster 1928: 990; Reichardt
Opatrum lugens Küster, 1849a: 50. 1936: 111; Kaszab 1941a: 51, 1952a: 594; Chûjô 1966: 8; Kwon and
Hopatrum lugens Küster, 1849. – Sturm 1843: 153; Gemminger 1870: Choi 1986: 106; Hua Li 2002: 139; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 265.
1932. Opatrum pubens var. obtusicolle Kolbe, 1886: 95.
Gonocephalum lugens (Küster, 1849). – Seidlitz 1894: 440; Reitter
1904: 145. Type data. Unknown.
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Type data. Opatrum prolixum Erichson, 1843. Löbl 2008): Asia: China: Northeast Territory, Hainan,
Lectotype (designated by Ferrer 1995a: 9): (ZMHB), Shandong (Shantung); India: Arunachal Pradesh;
“Angola, Schönlein (48031)”, “This I take to be the type Japan; South Korea.
of G. prolixum Er. (by Kolbe)”. Remarks. Taiwan (Formosa) (Gebien 1913: 4,
Paralectotypes: Angola, Schönl., 1 female (ZMHB); Kaszab 1941a: 51, Kwon and Choi 1986: 106, Hua Li
Senegal, Mion. prolixum Er. det. Blair, 1 male 2002: 139).
(ZMHB); Tête, Peters (48031), 1 female; Abyss. Ehrb,
2 ex.; “Aegypt” 1 female (ZMHB).
Opatrum lugens Küster, 1849. “In Sardinien. G. pubescens (Palisot de Beauvois, 1821)
Beschreiben nach zwei Dahl’schen Originalexemplaren
aus Sturm Sammlung” Opatrum pubescens Palisot de Beauvois, 1821: 142.
Hopatrum pubescens (Palisot de Beauvois, 1821). – Gemminger 1870:
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Angola,
Ascesion Is., Benin, Burundi, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Gonocephalum pubescens (Palisot de Beauvois, 1821). – Gebien
Cape Verde Islands, Central African Republic, Chad, 1910b: 324, 1939: 451.
Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bis-
sau, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Mauretania, Type data. Syntype “Oware”.
Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Republic of Con- Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Oware.
go, Republic of South Africa, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra
Leone, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): G. pubiferum Reitter, 1904
Europe: Italy (incl. Sardinia, Sicily, San Marino); Spain
(incl. Gibraltar). North Africa: Algeria; Canary Islands; Gonocephalum setulosum var. pubiferum Reitter, 1904: 142. –
Reichardt 1936: 101; Gebien 1910b: 326.
Egypt; Libya; Morocco (incl. Western Sahara); Tunisia.
Gonocephalum pubiferum Reitter, 1904. – Kaszab 1960a: 142, 1968b:
Asia: Cyprus; Iran; Saudi Arabia; Syria. 20, 1970c: 146; 1979d: 267, 1982b: 168; Medvedev 1973: 93, 1990:
Remarks. Yemen (Kaszab 1982b, 1986e). 170; Medvedev and Nepesova 1985: 131; and Lobanov 1990: 187;
Hua Li 2002: 139; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 265.
Gonocephalum setulosum pubiferum Reitter, 1904. – Kaszab 1957: 61.
G. pseudopubens Kaszab, 1952
Type data. Syntypes “Central asien: Transcaspien,
Gonocephalum pseudopubens Kaszab, 1952a: 592. – Kaszab 1980b:
Margelan, Sefir-kuh etc.”.
171; Hua Li 2002: 139; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 265.
Gonocephalum pubens Gebien, 1913: 4. – Miwa 1931: 151; Kaszab
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
1941: 51; 1952a: 679; (hom. nov. nom. preoccup., nec Opatrum Löbl 2008): Europe: Azerbaijan; Armenia; Russia:
pubens Marseul, 1876: 97). South European Territory. Asia: Afghanistan; China:

Xizang (Tibet); Iran; Iraq; Kazakhstan; Mongolia; Abkhazia); Hungary; Italy (incl. Sardinia, Sicily, San
Oman; Pakistan; Saudi Arabia; Tajikistan; Turk- Marino); Russia: South European Territory; Slovakia;
menistan; Uzbekistan. Slovenia; Switzerland; Ukraine. Asia: China: Xizang
Remarks. Arab Emirates Union (Lillig and Bremer (Tibet); Kazakhstan; Turkey.
2002). Remarks. Turkmenistan (Reichardt 1936).

G. pulverulentum Olivier, 1811 G. rastellii Ferrer, 1997

Gonocephalum pulverulentum Olivier, 1811: 159. Gonocephalum rastellii Ferrer, 1997: 212.

Type data. Unknown. Type data . Male, Sénégal, Gallel, St. Louis,
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION: Asia centr, 25.V.1992, S. Rastelli le. Rec. G. Curletti (museo Civico
Caucas, Mediterranean Area, Mongolia. di Storia Naturale di Carmagnola).
Patratype: Sénégal, Gallel, St. Louis, 29.VII.1992
Rastelli. Coll. J. Ferrer.
G. pygmaeum (Steven, 1829) Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Senegal.

Opatrum pygmaeum Steven, 1829: 98. – Lacordaire 1859: 254; Fisch-

er 1830: c-g; Küster 1849a: 61; Baudi 1875: 233; Tenebrioniti p. 69;
Desbroches 1901: 96. G. recticolle Motschulsky, 1866
Hopatrum pygmaeum Steven, 1829. – Gemminger 1870: 1933.
Gonocephalum pygmaeum (Steven, 1829). – Brisout 1863: 45; Sei- Gonocephalum recticolle Motschulsky, 1866: 173. – Lewis 1894: 381;
dlitz 1894: 441; Reitter 1904: 141, 1911: 335; Gebien 1910b: 325, Reitter 1904: 142; Gebien 1910b : 325, 1939: 446; Schuster 1928:
1939: 443; Schuster 1928: 989; Portevin 1934: 13; Reichardt 1936: 989; Reichardt 1936: 110; Kaszab 1941a: 51, 1952a: 575; Kwon and
98; Espanol 1952: 5; Medvedev 1968:; Angelov and Medvedev 1981: Choi 1986: 107; Hua Li 2002: 139; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 265.
307; Kaluzhnaya 1982: 74; Scupola 1983: 9; Canzoneri and Vienna
1987: 19; Ferrer 1993a: 75, 1995a: 1; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 265. Type data. Unknown.
Gonocephalum pigmaeum Küster 1849a: 61. – Mulsant 1854: 174.
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Opatrum pesthiense Besser, 1832: 20. – Krynicki 1832: 135; Küster
1849a: 63. Löbl 2008): Asia: China: Gansu (Kansu), Hebei
Hopatrum pesthiense Besser, 1832. – Gemminger 1870: 1933. (Hopeh), Heilongjiang (Heilungkiang), Jilin (Kirin),
Gonocephalum pesthiense (Besser, 1832): – Baudi, 1875: 233; Tene- Liaoning, Ningxia (Ningsia), Nei Mongol (Inner Mongo-
brioniti p. 70; Seidlitz 1894: 441; Reitter 1904: 141; Gebien 1910b: lia), Qinghai (Tsinghai), “Korea”; Japan; Russia: Far
Opatrum pedestre Rosenhauer, 1847: 31.
East; South Korea; Taiwan (Formosa).
Hopatrum pedestre Rosenhauer, 1847. – Gemminger 1870: 1933. Remarks. China: Jiangsu (Kiangsu), Shangdong
Gonocephalum pedestre (Rosenhauer, 1847). – Baudi, 1875: 233; (Shantung), Shanxi (Shansi); Mongolia (Hua Li 2002:
Seidlitz 1894: 441; Reitter 1904: 141; Gebien 1910b: 325. 139).
Opatrum pusillum Küster, 1849a: 60. – hom. nov. nom. preoccup.,
nec Opatrum pusillum Fabricius, 1791.
Gonocephalum pusillum (Küster, 1849). – Seidlitz 1894: 441; Reitter
1904: 141; Gebien 1910b: 325, 1939: 443; Reichardt 1936: 98. G. recurvum Gebien, 1920
Opatrum Sturmii Küster, 1849a: 62.
Hopatrum Sturmi Küster, 1849. – Gemminger 1870: 1934. Gonocephalum recurvum Gebien, 1920: 236. – Gebien 1935: 55, 1939:
Gonocephalum Sturmi (Küster, 1849). – Seidlitz 1894: 441; Reitter 450; Kaszab 1952a: 553.
1904: 141; Gebien 1910b: 325, 1939: 443.
Opatrum viennense Küster, 1849a: 61. – hom. nov. nom. preoccup., Type data. Unknown.
nec Gonocephalum viennense Duftschmid, 1812.
GIONS: Australia (PNG, N. Britania), New Guinea.
Type data. Opatrum pusillum Küster, 1849a. “In
südlichen Tyrol, Oberitalien und Ungarn”.
Opatrum viennense Küster, 1849. “In Tyrol und
G. remedellii Gridelli, 1945
Opatrum Sturmii Küster, 1849. “In Ungarn, in
zwei Exemplaren zur Beschreibung mitgetheilt von Dr. Gonocephalum remedellii Gridelli, 1945: 4. – Ferrer 1993a: 93,
Sturm”. 1995a: 69; Lillig and Bremer 2002: 68.
Opatrum pesthiense Besser, 1832. “Charkoviae
legit cl. Krynicki Universitatis Adjuctus” Type data. Paratype: Erythree, Tessenei, Reme-
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and delli leg. IX.1939, 1 male (HNHM).
Löbl 2008): Europe: Austria; Bulgaria; Croatia; France Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Central
(incl. Corsica, Monaco); Germany; Georgia (incl. African Republic, Eritrea, Somalia, Sudan.
288 D. IWAN, J. FERRER and M. RAŚ

G. reticulatum Motschulsky, 1854 Kumaon, VI.1912; Pindar River, Garhwai, United Prov.,
VI.1937 (leg. J.C.M. Gardner); Nepal, Soondrijal;
Gonocephalum reticulatum Motschulsky, 1854: 47. – Reitter 1904:
Rotung, 1400 ft, 31.XII.1911 (leg. M. de Conrey), Yam-
141; Gebien 1910b: 324, 1939: 443; Reichardt 1936: 99; Kaszab
1952a: 485, 1968a: 8; Kwon and Choi 1986: 107; Medvedev 1990:
bung stream, 1100 ft, 17.I.1912 (leg. Kemp); Kumaun,
170; Medvedev and Lobanov 1990: 187; Hua Li 2002: 139; Iwan and Malwa Tal, 3600 ft, 7.V.1911 (leg. Kemp)”.
Löbl 2008: 265. Other depositories. BMNH (53 ex.), ZSMG (4 ex.).
Hopatrum reticulatum (Motschulsky, 1854). – Gemminger 1870: 1933. Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Gonocephalum mongolicum Reitter, 1889: 706. – Champion 1895:
Löbl 2008): Asia: India: Arunachal Pradesh Bhutan,
115; Reitter 1904: 141; Gebien 1910b: 324, 1939: 443; Schuster 1928:
989; Aoyama 1920; Medvedev 1973: 94.
Uttaranchal, Uttar Pradesh, Sikkim, Darjeeling Dis-
trict; Nepal. Oriental Region.
Type data. Unknown.
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Löbl 2008): Asia: China: Beijing (Peking or Peiping), G. rostratum Bremer et Ferrer, 2002
Gansu (Kansu), Hebei (Hopeh), Heilongjiang (Heilung- Gonocephalum rostratum Bremer et Ferrer, 2002: 222.
kiang), Henan (Honana), Jiangsu (Kiangsu), Jilin
(Kirin), Ningxia (Ningsia), Nei Mongol (Inner Mongo- Type data. Holotype: male (Bremer coll. ZSMG),
lia), Qinghai (Tsinghai), Shaanxi (Shensi), Shandong “Burma, S Sagaing Division, Thandbody Paya env.
(Shantung), Shanxi (Shansi), Tianjin (Tsiensin); Mon- 19 km SE Moniwa, 19–20.VI.1997, J. Kalab leg.”
golia; North Korea; Russia: East Siberia. Paratypes: Burma, S Sagaing Division, Thandbody
Paya env. 19 km SE Moniwa, 19–20.VI.1997, J. Kalab
leg., 4 ex. (ZSMG), 4 ex. (MNHN), 2 ex. (HNHM), 4 ex.
G. rileyi Kaszab, 1952
(NHRS), 8 ex. (JFCS).
Gonocephalum Rileyi Kaszab, 1952a: 473. – Iwan and Löbl 2008: 265. Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Burma.

Type data. Syntypes: 3 ex. (BMNH), “Burma, Thar-

rawaddy (leg. H. L. Andrewes)”. G. rotundatum Gridelli, 1940
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Burma.
Gonocephalum rotundatum Gridelli, 1940 (1939): 241. – Ferrer
PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia: 1993a: 96, 2000b: 111.
China: Northern Territory.
Type data . Holotype: male (MCSN), “Adigrat,
Andreini leg., settembre 1901”.
G. rondoni Kaszab, 1972
Remarks. Gridelli designated only one specimen as
Gonocephalum rondoni Kaszab, 1972: 289. – Bremer and Ferrer type (Holotype), but description of rotundatum
2002: 223. included specimens listed in the “studied material”:
(MZUF) Andreini leg.: Adi Caièh (luglio 1902), Adigrat
Type data. Holotype and 2 paratypes: Laos: (settembre 1901), Saganeiti (aprile 1901), dell’altopi-
Ban Kheun, 70 km NW Vientiane, III.1969, J. Rondon ano Coaito, nell’Assaorta (maggio 1902); (HNHM)
(MNHN). all’Asmara (coll. Gebien), (MCSN) Tellini leg.
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Laos. Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Eri-

G. roseni Kaszab, 1952

G. royi royi Ardoin, 1961
Gonocephalum Roseni Kaszab, 1952a: 546. – Kaszab 1977: 257;
Schawaller 1997a: 10. Gonocephalum royi Ardoin, 1961: 144. – Ardoin 1965b: 967; Kaszab
Gonocephalum roseni Kaszab, 1952a. – Kaszab 1965a: 113, 1970a: 1969a: 227; Girard 1975: 342.
423; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 265. Gonocephalum royi royi Ardoin, 1961. – Ferrer 1993a: 85, 1995a: 44
(stat. subsp.), 2004: 86.
Type data. Holotype (HNHM).
Material studied. “Sikkim; Umgebung Darjeeling; Type data. Paratypes: Guinée, Mont Nimba,
Simla (leg. Schlagintweit); Gopaldhara, Darjeeling, 13.II.1957, Lamotte leg., det. P. Ardoin, 1 male, 1 female
3400 ft. 10.VII.1914 (leg. H. Stevens); Gopaldhara, (HNHM).
Rungbong Valley, 1916 (leg. H. Stevens); Sikkim, Tank- Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Came-
hola, Tista R., 19.XI.1920 (leg. H. Stevens), Sikkim, roon, Central African Republic, Guinea, Ivory Coast,
Dick Chu, Tista Valley, 13.III.1920 (leg. H. Stevens), Republic of Congo, Ruanda, Sierra Leone, Tanzania,
Sikkim, Birk, Tista Valley, 6–9.X.1920 (leg. H. Stevens); Zair, Zimbabwe.

G. royi clarkei Ferrer, 1995 Dasus fuscus Herbst 1793. – Motschulsky 1849: 126.
Hopatrum fuscum Herbst, 1793. – Gemminger, 1870: 1931.
Gonocephalum royi clarkei Ferrer, 1995a: 44. – Ferrer 2004: 86. Gonocephalum fuscum (Herbst, 1793). – Brisout 1863: 45.
Opatrum fuscum Küster, 1849: 51.
Gonocephalum fuscum (Küster, 1849). – Seidlitz 1894: 444; Reitter
Type data. Holotype: male (HNHM), “Ethiopie, 1904: 146; Gebien 1910b: 326.
Gojeb River Valley, 80 km SW Jimma, 1600 m. Opatrum modestum Küster, 1849a: 53. – hom. nov. name preoccup.
24.VII.1971, R.O.S. Clarke leg. «Gonocephalum sp. aff nec Opatrum modestum Reiche, 1847: 369).
hispidocostatum Fairmaire, det. Dr Kaszab 1981»”. Hopatrum modestum Küster, 1849a. – Gemminger 1870: 1933.
Gonocephalum modestum (Küster, 1849a). – Seidlitz 1894: 444; Gebi-
Paratypes: Ethiopie, Gojeb River Valley, 80 km SW
en 1910b: 326.
Jimma, 1600 m. 24.VII.1971, R.O.S. Clarke leg. «Gono- Opatrum obductum Gebler, 1860: 38.
cephalum sp. aff hispidocostatum Fairmaire, det. Dr Hopatrum obductum Gebler, 1860. – Gemminger 1870: 1932.
Kaszab 1981», 1 female (HNHM); Abyssinie, Gibe River, Gonocephalum obductum (Gebler, 1860). – Reitter 1904: 146; Gebien
3.000 fts, 25.IV.1965, Ph. C. Zophiro leg., 1 male (BMNH). 1910b: 326.
Opatrum patruele Küster, 1849a: 51. – hom. nov. nom. preoccup. nec
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Abys-
Opatrum patruele Erichson, 1843.
sinie, Ethiopia, Kenya. Hopatrum patruele Küster, 1849a. – Gemminger 1870: 1934 (=
Hopatrum vicinum Gemminger 1870).
Gonocephalum patruele (Küster, 1849a). – Brisout 1863: 45; Seidlitz
1894: 440; Kraatz 1873: 437.
G. rugatulum (Fairmaire, 1893)
Opatrum pulverulentum Olivier, 1811: 500.
Hopatrum rusticum var. pulverulentum Olivier, 1811. – Gem-
Bradymerus rugatulum Fairmaire, 1893: 23.
minger and Harold 1870: 1933.
Gonocephalum rugatulus (Fairmaire, 1893). – Gebien 1939: 448.
Gonocephalum pulverulentum Olivier, 1811. – Seidlitz 1894: 444;
Gonocephalum rugatulum (Fairmaire, 1893). – Kaszab 1952a: 476.
Gebien 1910b: 326.
Opatrum rusticum Brullé, 1832: 218. (nom. preoccup. nec Opatrum
Type data. Syntypes: probably in MNHN. rusticum Olivier, 1811: 498)
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Burma, Laos, Opatrum setulosum Küster, 1849a: 47. – hom. nov. nom. preoccup.,
Thailand, Vietnam. nec Opatrum setulosum Faldermann, 1837.
Hopatrum setulosum Küster, 1849. – Gemminger and Harold 1870:
Gonocephalum setulosum (Küster, 1849). – Seidlitz 1894: 444; Reit-
G. rusticum (Olivier, 1811) ter 1904: 146; Gebien 1910b: 326.
Gonocephalum spoliatum Rey, 1892: 42 – Reitter 1904: 146.
Opatrum rusticum Olivier, 1811: 498. – Iwan and Löbl 2008: 736 Opatrum substriatum Besser, 1832: 18. – Küster 1849a: 49.
(nomen protectum). Hopatrum substriatum Besser, 1832. – Gemminger 1870: 1934.
Hopatrum rusticum Olivier, 1811. – Gemminger 1870: 1933. Gonocephalum substriatum (Besser, 1832). – Seidlitz 1894: 444;
Gonocephalum rusticum (Olivier, 1811). – Brulle 1832: 218; Lucas Gebien 1910b: 326.
1848: 334; Baudi 1875: 229; Mulsant 1854: 171; Jacqulin du Val Opatrum terrosum Küster, 1845: 28.
1861: 69; Brisout 1863: 45; Miedel 1880: 140; Rey 1892: 42; Seidlitz Hopatrum terrosum Küster, 1845. – Gemminger 1870: 1934.
1894: 444; Reitter 1904: 146, 1911: 335; Gebien 1910b: 325, 1939: Gonocephalum terrosum (Küster, 1845). – Seidlitz 1894: 444; Reitter
445; Muller 1920: 201; Schuster 1928: 989; Uyttenboogaart 1930: 1904: 146; Gebien 1910b: 326.
234, 1931: 11; Reichardt 1936: 106; Koch 1935: 93, 1937: 192; Hopatrum trichopterum Gemminger, 1870: 122. – Gemminger 1870:
Portevin 1934: 13; Kaszab 1940: 6, 1960a: 147, 1961a: 4, 1961c: 170, 1934.
1961d: 236, 1963a: 346,1967b: 551, 1968b: 20, 1970c: 150, 1973b: 56, Gonocephalum trichopterum (Gemminger, 1870). – Seidlitz 1894:
1974a: 193, 1979d: 268, 1982b: 166; Español 1947: 96, 1959: 111, 444; Gebien 1910b: 326.
1962a: 233, 1962b: 210; Lindberg 1962: 47; Skopin 1964:, 1968; Küh- Bolitophagus tricostatum Fischer von Waldheim, 1844: 128. – Schus-
nelt 1965: 36; Shalaby, El-Haidari and Derves 1966: 84; Medvedev ter 1934: 128.
1968, 1974, 1973: 94, 1990: 171; Canzoneri 1970: 76; Grimm 1981: 8, Gonocephalum tricostatum (Fischer von Waldheim, 1844). – Gebien
1985: 18, 1986b: 10, 1991: 28, 1995: 42; Kaluzhnaya 1982: 74; Oromí 1939: 446.
1982: 272; Medvedev and Nepesova 1985: 132; Canzoneri and Vien- Hopatrum vicinum Gemminger, 1870: 122. – Gemminger 1870:
na 1987: 20; Medvedev and Lobanov 1990: 187; Garcia 1991: 207; 1934.
Ferrer 1993a: 88, 1995a: 45; Chikatunov et al. 1997: 369; Ferrer and Gonocephalum vicinum (Gemminger, 1870). – Seidlitz 1894: 444;
Soldati 1999: 61; Hua Li 2002: 139; Leo and Fattorini 2002: 160; Lil- Gebien 1910b: 326.
lig and Bremer 2002: 67; Lillig and Pavlíček 2003: 50; Lo Cascio and Opatrum vestitum Küster, 1849a: 45.
Scupola 2004: 116; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 265; Soldati 2010: 6. Hopatrum vestitum Küster, 1849. – Gemminger 1870: 1934.
Opatrum errans Wollaston, 1854: 501. – Wollaston 1865: 412 (= Opa- Gonocephalum vestitum (Küster, 1849). – Gebien 1910b: 326.
trum fuscum Herbst, 1793). Opatrum villosum Steven, 1829: 97.
Hopatrum errans Wollaston, 1854. – Gemminger 1870: 1931. Hopatrum villosum Steven, 1829. – Gemminger 1870: 1933.
Gonocephalum errans (Wollaston, 1854). – Seidlitz 1894: 444; Gebien Gonocephalum villosum Steven, 1829: 97. – Seidlitz 1894: 444; Gebi-
1910b: 326. en 1910b: 326.
Opatrum famelicum Küster, 1849a: 48.
Gonocephalum famelicum (Küster, 1849). – Seidlitz 1894: 444; Gebi- Type data. Opatrum famelicum Küster, 1849.
en 1910b: 326.
Opatrum fuscum Herbst, 1793: 225. – Brulle 1838: 68; Küster 1849b:
“In Griechenland”.
51; Wollaston 1854: 500, 1864: 487, 1865: 412; Baudi 1876: 68; Iwan Opatrum errans Wollaston, 1854. “Habitat Mader-
and Löbl 2008: 736 (nomen oblitum). am, rariom exemplar in museo Loweano (a Dom.
290 D. IWAN, J. FERRER and M. RAŚ

Heinecken olim captum) conservatur, alterum in mon- G. schelpi Bremer et Ferrer, 1992
tibus prope Curral das Freiras vere novo A. D. 1848
Gonocephalum schelpi Bremer et Ferrer, 1992: 83.
egomet deprehensi, et duo specimina nuperrime com-
municavit Dom. Rousset.”
Opatrum fuscum Herbst, 1793. “Mus. Herbst” Type data. Holotype: male (Bremer coll. ZSMG),
Opatrum modestum Küster, 1849. “Im südlichen “Süd-Thailand, Umgebung Narativath, Mai 1983, ad
Frankreich. Beschreiben nach einem Dejeanischen lucem, Tawee Pongpaew leg.”.
Exemplar aus Sturm Sammlung”. Paratypes: Thailand, Phuket, in detritus of palm
Opatrum patruele Küster, 1849. “In Südfrank- vegetation at beach, 6.X.1990, Torbjörn Renquist leg.,
reich bei Montpellier. Nach dem Sturm’schen Original 1 ex (Bremer coll. ZSMG), 3 ex. (JFCS).
exemplar beschreiben”. Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Thailand.
Opatrum setulosum Küster, 1849. “Bei Carthage-
na in Spanien (Handschuch)”.
Opatrum substriatum Besser, 1832. “Ex Austria G. schneideri Reitter, 1898
superiori a D. Ullrich et nomine O. Linarioe Koll. e Dal-
Gonocephalum Schneideri Reitter, 1898: 14. – Reitter 1904: 142;
matia et ex insula Cephalonia adque Corfu a D. Par- Gebien 1910b: 326, 1939: 444; Schuster 1928: 989.
reiss teneo” Gonocephalum schneideri Reitter, 1898. – Reichardt 1936: 101;
Opatrum vestitum Küster, 1849. “Im südlichen Medvedev and Nepesova 1985: 131; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 265.
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Algeria Type data. Unknown.
(Desert), Chad, Sudan. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
and Löbl 2008): Europe: Albania; Armenia; Azerbaijan; Löbl 2008): Asia: Kazakhstan; Turkmenistan; Uzbe-
Azores; Croatia; France (incl. Corsica, Monaco); kistan.
Greece (incl. Crete); Italy (incl. Sardinia, Sicily, San
Marino); Macedonia; Malta; Spain (incl. Gibraltar);
Russia: South European Territory; Ukraine; North G. schusteri Kaszab, 1952
Africa: Canary Islands; Egypt; Libya; Morocco (incl.
Gonocephalum Schusteri Kaszab, 1952a: 507. – Kaszab 1980b: 171.
Western Sahara); Madeira Archipelago; Tunisia; Asia:
Afghanistan; China: Henan (Honana), Liaoning, Nei
Type data. Holotype (HNHM).
Mongol (Inner Mongolia), Shandong (Shantung),
Material studied. “Chien Hoa (leg. H. Fruhstorfer);
Xizang (Tibet); Egypt: Sinai Peninsula; Iran; Iraq;
Israel; Kazakhstan; Mongolia; Oman; Russia: East
Other depositories. NHMB (3 ex.), ZSMG (2 ex.).
Siberia; Saudi Arabia; Tajikistan; Turkey; Turk-
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Vietnam.
menistan; Uzbekistan; .
Remarks. PALEARCTIC REGION: Jordan (Kath-
beh-Bader 1996), Syria (Seidlitz 1894), China: Xinjiang
(Sinkiang) (Hua Li 2002: 139). G. sculptithorax Gridelli, 1948

Gonocephalum sculptithorax Gridelli, 1948: 15. – Kaszab 1963a: 346;

Ferrer 1993a: 84, 1995a: 33; 2001: 13.
G. sauteri Kaszab, 1952

Gonocephalum Sauteri Kaszab, 1952a: 529.

Type data. Lectotype (designated by Ferrer 1995a:
Gonocephalum sauteri Kaszab, 1952a. – Hua Li 2002: 139; Iwan and 33): male (Mus. Trieste), “Guinea Portuguesa, Farim
Löbl 2008: 265. V–VI.1899, F. Lea leg. G. sculptuthorax mihi det.
Gridelli 1952”.
Type data. Holotype (HNHM), “Takao (leg. H. Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Chad,
Sauter)”. Guinea Bissau, Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal, Sudan.
Distribution.PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Löbl 2008): Asia: Taiwan (Formosa).
G. scutellare (Perty, 1831)
G. sawadai Masumoto, 1985 Opatrum scutellare Perty, 1831: 38.
Hopatrum scutellare Perty, 1831. – Gemminger and Harold 1870:
Gonocephalum sawadai Masumoto, 1985: 28. – Iwan and Löbl 2008: 265. 1933.
Gonocephalum scutellare (Perty, 1831). – Gebien 1910b: 326, 1939:
Type data. Unknown. 448; Chatanay 1917: 243; Kaszab 1952a: 571.
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Löbl 2008): Asia: Japan (Honshu). Type data. Unknown.

Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India, Indone- G. setulosum angustum Lindberg, 1950

sia (Java, Sumatra, Sunda Isl.), Philippines, Vietnam.
Gonocephalum angustum Lindberg, 1950: 11.
Gonocephalum setulosum angustum Lindberg, 1950. – Iwan and
Löbl 2008: 265.
G. semipatruele Kaszab, 1952 Gonocephalum setulosum lindbergi Ferrer, 1995a: 3. – Labrique
and Chavanon 2002: 75.
Gonocephalum semipatruele Kaszab, 1952a: 608. – Gridelli 1953: 63;
Kaszab 1982b: 167; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 265.
Type data. Gonocephalum angustum Lindberg,
1950. Paratype: I. Canarias, Fuerteventura, La Oliva,
Type data. Syntypes: 4 ex. (NHMB).
16.III.1949, Lindberg leg., 1 female (SMHN)
Material studied. Yemen, Beit Bauns, obouts miles
Gonocephalum setulosum lindbergi (Ferrer,
S. of Santa, ca. 7900 ft, 28.I.1938 (leg. H. Scott and E. B.
1995): Holotype: male (NHRS), “Egypte: Hellouan, II.
Britton); Manikpur, Asmed nagar (leg. Tiefermann);
1963, T. Palm leg.”.
Belgaum. S. (leg. H. L. Andrews); Punjab, Banue (leg.
Paratypes: Egypte: Hellouan, II.1963, T. Palm leg.,
Dr. Parnell); N. W. India, Allahabat; United Prov., Fyaz-
1 ex. (JFCS); Egypte: Uad Rishmash, 1.III.1993, W. G.
abad (leg. R. W. G. Hingston); Delhi (leg. T. W. M.).
Ullrich leg., 6 ex. (ZSMB); Italia: Sicilia, Cefalù, 8.IV.
Other depositories. BMNH (18 ex.), NMPC (1 ex.).
1982, Stig Lundberg leg., 4 ex. (JFCS); Caltanis-
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
setta, 12.IX.1982, O. Trottenstam leg., 8 ex (JFCS);
Löbl 2008): Asia: Iran; India: Uttaranchal (Uttar
Tunisie: 1 km SE Kriz, 16.IV.1980, R. Grimm leg.,
Pradesh); Pakistan; Yemen (incl. Socotra).
2 ex. (RGCG); Algerie: Grand Erg occidentale, Beni
Abès, 95 km, 30.III.1980., leg and coll R. Grimm,
2 ex. (RGCG); Tim Fouye, 13.III.1980, leg and coll
G. senkakuense Chujô, 1973
R. Grimm, 1 ex. (RGCG); 43 km S Amenas, leg and coll
Gonocephalum senkakuense Chujô, 1973: 13. – Iwan and Löbl 2008: 265. R. Grimm, 1 ex. (RGCG); Saoura Ben Timoudi
20.III.1980, leg and coll R. Grimm, 2 ex. (RGCG); Hama-
Type data. Unknown. da du Guir, Djebel Zeghamara, Kenin Telaya,
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and 2.IV.1980, leg and coll R. Grimm, 2 ex. (RGCG); Maroc:
Löbl 2008): Asia: Japan (Ryukyus). Grand Atlas, Massa, III.1980, J. Nielsen leg., 6 ex.
(JFCS); Agadir, III.1980, J. Nielsen leg., 6 ex. (JFCS);
West Sahara: Bas Draa, Pozo Nebka, Sequiat Hamra,
G. seriatum (Boisduval, 1835) F. Espanol leg. (G. setulosum Fald. det. F. Espanol),
1 ex (JFCS).
Opatrum seriatum Boisduval, 1835: 252. – Fauvel 1904: 164. Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Hopatrum seriatum Boisduval, 1835. – Gemminger 1870: 1933. Löbl 2008): Europe: Italy (Sicily). North Africa: Alge-
Gonocephalum seriatum (Boisduval, 1835). – Gebien 1910b: 326,
ria; Canary Islands; Egypt; Morocco (incl. Western
1939: 449; Heller 1916: 252 (in Sarazin and Roux) Kaszab 1952a:
682 (= Opatrum bilineatum Walker, 1858) 1982a: 40. Sahara); Tunisia.
Remarks. Lybia (Ferrer 1993a).
Type data. Syntypes:“il a été pris dans I’l´ille
Radack par M. Eschscholtz, coll Dejean”.
GIONS: Australia, Hawaii, Micronesia, N. Caledonia, G. setulosum kashgarense (Bates, 1879)
Papua Mts.
Opatrum kashgarense Bates, 1879: 481. – Champion 1895: 116.
Gonocephalum kashgarense (Bates, 1879). – Gebien 1910b:
323; Schuster 1928: 989; Reichardt 1936: 217 (Opatrum setulo-
G. sericeum (Baudi, 1875) sum Faldermann, 1837, syn.); Kaszab 1965b: 669; Hua Li 2002:
Opatrum sericeum Baudi, 1875: 701 [= 1876: 228]. – Champion 1895: Gonocephalum setulosum var. kashgarense Bates, 1879. – Gridelli
117. 1934: 66; Gebien 1939: 443; Kaszab 1961a: 4.
Gonocephalum sericeum (Baudi 1875). – Gebien 1910b: 326 (= Opa- Gonocephalum setulosum kashgarense Bates, 1879. – Iwan and
trum rusticum Olivier, 1811); Reichardt 1936: 106; Ferrer 2010: Löbl 2008: 265.
Type data. Unknown.
Type data. Syntype: 1 male (MCSN), “O. sericeum Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Baudi, «Persia mérid.» 1862-63, coll. G. Doria”. Löbl 2008): Asia: Iran; India: Kashmir; China: Xizang
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION: Egypt, (Tibet).
Ethiopia, Israel, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Spain (intro- Remarks. Asia: Pakistan (Kaszab 1961a), Iraq
duced), Sudan. (Kaszab 1965b).
292 D. IWAN, J. FERRER and M. RAŚ

G. setulosum setulosum (Faldermann, 1837) Type data. Unknown.

Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Opatrum setulosum Faldermann, 1837: 60.
Löbl 2008): Asia: China: Beijing (Peking or Peiping),
Hopatrum setulosum Faldermann, 1837. – Gemminger 1870:
Sichuan (Szechwan); Japan; North Korea; Russia: Far
Gonocephalum setulosum (Faldermann, 1837). – Seidlitz 1894: 439; East; South Korea.
Reitter 1904: 141; Gebien 1910b: 326, 1939: 443; Schuster 1928: 989;
Gridelli 1930: 299; 1953: 63, 1960: 398; Koch 1935: 92; 1937: 191,
1939: 281; Reichardt 1936: 100; Kaszab 1939: 588, 1960a: 142,
G. shimoganum Kaszab, 1952
1961c: 170, 1961d: 236, 1965b: 669, 1968b: 19, 1970c: 146, 1973b: 55,
1979d: 267, 1982b: 168; Español 1943a: 139, 1953: 305; Kühnelt
Gonocephalum shimoganum Kaszab, 1952a: 597. – Kaszab 1979a:
1965: 35; Shalaby, El-Haidari and Derves 1966: 84; Grimm 1981: 8,
260, 1979b: 64.
1986a: 75, 1986b: 10, 1991: 28; Medvedev and Nepesova 1985: 131;
Ferrer 1993a: 75, 1995a: 2; Labrique and Chavanon 2001: 83; Hua
Li 2002: 139; Schawaller 2010: 268. Type data. Syntypes 2 ex. (NMPC).
Gonocephalum setulosum setulosum (Falderman, 1837). – Lillig Material studied. Mysore State, Shimoga (leg. P. S.
and Bremer 2002: 65; Lillig and Pavlíček 2003: 50; Iwan and Löbl Nathan); Trichinopoly, 1.V.1921 (leg. C. Leigh); Nilgiri
2008: 265.
Gonocephalum Demaisoni Allard, 1883: 32. – (syn.) Bedel 1894: 154;
Champion 1895: 115; Reitter 1904: 141; Gebien 1910b: 326. Other depository. BMNH (2 ex.).
Gonocephalum demaisoni Allard, 1883. – Reichardt 1936: 100. Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India, Sri Lanka.
Gonocephalum setulosum demaisoni Allard, 1883. Kühnelt 1965:
Gonocephalum setulosum var. demaisoni Allard, 1883 – Koch 1935:
92, 1939: 444; Kaszab 1963b: 455.
G. sibuyanum Kaszab, 1952
Gonocephalum setulosum var. parallelum Normand, 1936: 363.
Gonocephalum sibuyanum Kaszab, 1952a: 647.
– Gebien 1939: 444.
Opatrum minutum Ménétriés, 1849: 239.
Hopatrum minutum Ménétriés, 1849. – Gemminger 1870: 1932. Type data. Holotype (NHMB), “Sibuyan-Insel (leg.
Gonocephalum minutum (Ménétriés, 1849). – Seidlitz 1894: 439; MacGregor)”.
Gebien 1910b: 326.
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Philippines.

Type data. Opatrum setulosum Faldermann,

1837. Holotype: male (NHRS), “Turcomania, Falderm.”. G. sikkimense Kaszab, 1952
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Algieria
(Desert), Djibuti, Mauritania, Niger, Sudan. PALAE- Gonocephalum sikkimense Kaszab, 1952a: 517. – Iwan and Löbl
ARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Europe: Arme- 2008: 266.
nia; Greece (incl. Crete); Italy (incl. Sardinia, Sicily,
San Marino); Malta; Russia: South European Territory; Type data. Syntypes: 25 ex. (BMNH), Sikkim,
Spain (incl. Gibraltar). North Africa: Canary Islands; Gopaldhara, Rungbong Valley (leg. H. Stevens).
Egypt; Libya; Morocco (incl. Western Sahara); Tu- Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
nisia. Asia: Afghanistan; China: Xizang (Tibet); Löbl 2008): Asia: India: Sikkim (Darjeeling District).
Cyprus; Egypt: Sinai Peninsula; Iran; Iraq; Israel;
Kazakhstan; Lebanon; Saudi Arabia; Syria; Tajiki-
stan; Turkey; Turkmenistan; Uzbekistan; Yemen (incl. G. simplex aldabraense Ferrer, 2000
Gonocephalum simplex aldabraense Ferrer, 2000b: 92.
Remarks. United Arab Emirates, Mauretania (Lil-
lig and Bremer 2002), China: Xinjiang (Sinkiang) (Hua
Type data. Holotype: male (BMNH), “Aldabra Ins.
Li 2002: 139).
South Island. Cinq Casas, 3–16.I.1968, B. Cogan et A.
Huston leg. Aldabra Atoll. Toyal Soc. exp. 1968 (n 333)”.
Paratypes: Aldabra Ins. South Island. Cinq Ca-
G. sexuale (Marseul, 1876)
sas, 3–16.I.1968, B. Cogan et A. Huston leg. Aldabra
Opatrum sexuale Marseul, 1876: 98. Atoll. Toyal Soc. exp. 1968 (n 333), 2 males (BMNH).
Gonocephalum sexuale (Marseul, 1876). – Champion 1895: 115; Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Aldabra
Lewis 1894: 381; Reitter 1904: 142 (syn. by Harold in 1876: 85, Isl.
= Gonocephalum recticolle Motschulsky, 1866); Gebien 1910b:
325 (= Gonocephalum recticolle Motschulsky, 1866), 1939: 447;
Schuster 1928: 989 (= Gonocephalum recticolle a. sexuale
Marseul, 1876); Reichardt 1936: 112 (= Gonocephalum japanum G. simplex andreinii Ferrer, 2000
Motschulsky, 1860); Kaszab 1952a: 654; Kwon and Choi 1986: 106;
Hua Li 2002: 139 (= Gonocephalum strangulatum Fairmaire, Gonocephalum simplex andreinii Ferrer, 2000b: 89. – Ferrer 2004:
1888); Iwan and Löbl 2008: 266. 88.

Type data. Holotype: male (MCSN), “Erythrèe, G. simplex hadroides (Wollaston, 1861)
Eritrea, Tessenei, IX, 1936, Remedelli leg. (“G.
Opatrum hadroides Wollaston, 1861: 215. – Wollaston 1877: 225.
andreinii n. sp. Gridelli det.”)”.
Hopatrum hadroides Wollaston, 1861. – Gemminger, 1870: 1932.
Paratypes: Asmara, 6.X.1968, K. V. v. Harde leg., 21 Gonocephalum hadroides (Wollaston, 1861). – Gebien 1910b: 326
ex. (SMS); Somalie. NW Tug Wajala, 1.500 m, (Haut (= Opatrum simplex Fabricius, 1801), 1939: 450 (= Opatrum
Plateau) 1–11.VIII.1980, H.J. Bremer leg., 1 ex.; (50.13, simplex Fabricius, 1801); Ardoin 1971, 1972.
N Erigavo, 4.950 fts. Hemming leg., 10 ex.; Thilbo Gonocephalum simplex hadroides (Wollaston, 1861). – Ferrer
1993a: 103 (stat. subsp.), 2000b: 91.
(T236) id., 14 ex. (TMNH); Afr.or.ital. Gimma, VII.1935,
G. Loro leg., 19 ex. (TMNH); Mogadiscio, Breuning leg.,
Type data. Lectotype (designated by Ferrer 2000b:
7 ex. (MRAC); Giballe, 10.XII.1982, S.B.S., (MZUF
91): male (BMNH), “St Helena, T. V. Wollaston, Brit.
8179); Hargeisa, 1.300m, 21–31.VII.1980, Verena Meyer
Mus. 1877.51, Opatrum hadroides Wollaston”.
leg., 9 ex. (ZSMB); Ethiopie: Maraca, Thery leg. (ex.
Paratypes: St Helena, T. V. Wollaston, Brit. Mus.
coll. Schuster), 2 ex.; id. samml. Müller, 1 ex.; Harar,
1877.51, Opatrum hadroides Wollaston, 2 ex. (BMNH).
Gassner (ex. coll. Schuster), 5 ex.; Soisa, Antiniri leg.,
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: St. Hele-
1 ex. (ZSMB); Harrar, VII.1922, G. Babuly; id. pr. de Dir
na Isl., Republic of South Africa.
Daoua, M. de Rotschild exp., 1 ex., Karsa, id., 15 ex.;
Bourka, id. Mieka, id., 2 ex.; Filoa Choba, id., 1 ex.;
Maro, 16.III.1909, A. Bonhoure leg., 1 ex.; Addis Abeba,
G. simplex jeanneli Chatanay, 1914
(S1057) don. Dr Halstead (no sorghum), 6 ex.
(ADAS\SLL); Djourjou Abaji, Didessa Goma, 2.000 fts, Gonocephalum Jeanneli Chatanay, 1914: 472.
10.II.1905, Ph. C. Zaphiro leg., 1 ex.; Ladjo, Arussi prov. Gonocephalum Jeannelli Chatanay, 1914. – Gebien 1939: 451.
10.II.1901, B. v. Erlanger leg., 16 ex.; Negele, 1.500 m, Gonocephalum simplex jeannelli Chatanay, 1914. – Ferrer 1993a:
101, 105 (stat. subsp.), 1994: 201, 1996a: 61, 2000b: 83.
5.VII.1976, A. Tsadaka leg. (chick pea), 1 ex. (BMNH);
Gambela, Ilubabor prov. 27.VIII.1972, R.O.S. Clarke
Type data. Lectotype (designated by Ferrer 2000b:
leg., 8 ex.; Nura, Arussi prov. 1.250 m, 29.IX.1984,
83): male (MNHN), “Ougande: Molo, Mau Escarpment,
Verena Meyer leg., 9 ex. (ZSMB), 2 ex. (JFCS); Bahar
Alluaud et Jeannel leg. XII.1911, 2.420 m. st 19 “G. jean-
Dar, 30 km SW Kl. Nil, 27.X.1968, H. Harde leg., 23 ex.
neli Chat, Gridelli det. Typus!”.
(SMNS), 4 ex. (JFCS); Koka Dam, Lago Koka (Addis
Paratype: Ougande: Molo, Mau Escarpment, Allu-
Abeba) 15–16.I.1989, L. Azzaroli et Tartaglia leg.,
aud et Jeannel leg. XII.1911, 2.420 m. st 19 G. jeanneli
26 ex. (MZUF), 7 ex. (JFCS); Djur Geb, Pachoda,
Chat, Gridelli det. Typus!, 1 male (MNHN).
Schweinfurth leg., 27 ex. (ZMHB); Holuyu Garobabe,
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Burundi,
20.III.1901, v. Erlanger leg. Homologi Sangalo, 2 ex.;
Camerun, Central African Republic, Kenya, Tanzania,
Sonogoro Misa, id., 1 ex.; Umfusa, id., 8 ex.; Buba
Uganda, Urundi, Zaire.
Bua, id., 1 ex. (BMNH); Arsi-Asella, 2.400 m, II.1989,
Sven Person leg., 1 ex. (ZMUL); Arsi-Lole, 8.I.1989,
id., 78 ex. (ZMUL); Harrar, 14.V.1900, 7 ex.; Gan- G. simplex microphthalmum Ardoin, 1965
dali, Harraresa, 30.V.1900, 2 ex.; Kunsi, 6.VI.1900,
2 ex.; Wabbi, 14.VII.1900, 11 ex.; Dalota, 11.VIII.1900, Gonocephalum microphthalmum Ardoin, 1965: 1318. – Kaszab
(ZMHB). 1969a: 228; Girard 1975: 341.
Gonocephalum simplex microphthalmum Ardoin, 1965. – Ferrer
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Djibouti,
1993a: 102 (stat. subsp.), 2000b: 87.
Ethiopie, Kenia, Sudan.
Type data. Paratypes: Sierra Leone, 1er relevé,
1.440 m, Eperons du Rénoncement, Miss. I.F.A.N.
24.V.1963, 1 male (ZSMB); Monts Loma, Piste de Ban-
G. simplex chatanayi Gebien, 1939
dahoro, Miss. I.F.A.N. id., 1 female (HNHM).
Gonocephalum simplex chatanayi Gebien, 1939. – Ferrer 1993a: Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Cameroon,
103 (stat. subsp.), 1998a: 359, 2000b: 92. Ivory Coast, Republic of Congo, Sierra Leone, Zaire.
Gonocephalum chatanayi Gebien, 1939: 451 (replaced name).
– Kaszab, 1971a: 227.
Gonocephalum persimile Chatanay, 1914: 467. – Gebien 1939: 451
G. simplex montisrolandi Ardoin, 1962
(nom. preocc.: Opatrum persimile Lewis, 1894: 381).

Gonocephalum simplex montisrolandi Ardoin, 1962: 357. – Ferrer

Type data. Holotype: male (BMNH), “Madagascar: 1993a: 96, 2000b: 88; Grimm 2002: 369.
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Mada- Type data. Paratype: Senegal: Mont Roland,
gascar, Tanzania. 2.I.1960, R. Roy leg. I.F.A.N., 1 male (HNHM).
294 D. IWAN, J. FERRER and M. RAŚ

Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Gambia, Melut, Upper Nile, 17.2.1979, H.J. Bremer leg., 1 ex.
Guinea Bissau, Senegal. (ZSMB); Taufikia, 100 km S Melut, 25.XII.1913, F.
Konitzko leg., 29 ex. (BMNH); Karthoum, 10.VII.1974,
Seichrt leg., 18 ex. (coll. Picka, Prague); White Nile,
G. simplex segne (Thomson, 1858) Sobat River, Zaphiro leg., 1 ex.; Blue Nile, XII.1906, S.
Flower leg., 5 ex.; Singa Damazin, 15.XII.1962, Lin-
Opatrum segne Thomson, 1858: 85.
navuori, 1 ex.; Wad es Zahi, 10.V.1963, id.; An Nil Shen-
Hopatrum segne Thomson, 1858. – Gemminger 1870: 1933.
Gonocephalum segne (Thomson, 1858). – Gebien 1910b: 326 (= Opa-
di, 2.XI.1962, id., 4 ex.; Kordofan, Lake Neilah,
trum simplex Fabricius, 1801), 1939: 450 (= Opatrum simplex 11.II.1963, Iba Yambio, Equatoria prov, 16.IV.1963, 18
Fabricius, 1801). ex. (ZMUH); Aegypt. Soudan: Sennar, 19–28.II. Ebner
Gonocephalum simplex segne (Thomson, 1858). – Ferrer 1993a: 102 leg. “G. simplex var. inquinatum Schuster det.”
(stat. subsp.), 1996a: 61, 2000b: 83, 2001: 230.
(NHRS); Unter Adjuba, O. Neumann leg., 82 ex.
Type data. Lectotype (designated by Ferrer 2000b: Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Burkina
83): male (IRSN), “Coll RISCNB, Gabon, ex coll. Thom- Faso, Chad, Egypt, Ethiopia, Mali (Alfao), Senegal,
son; Op. segne Thoms. det. J. Thomson”. Sudan.
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Came-
roon, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Kenya,
Republic of Congo, Tanzania. G. simplex ubanguiense Ferrer, 2000

Gonocephalum simplex ubanguiense Ferrer, 2000b: 87.

G. simplex simplex (Fabricius, 1801)
Type data. Holotype: male (IRSN), “R. D. Congo:
Opatrum simplex Fabricius, 1801: 118.
Zaïre, Gemena, IX.1947, R.P. Cremer et M. Neuman
Hopatrum simplex Fabricius, 1801. – Steven; Medel 1880: 139;
Gebien 1906: 213; 1922: 275; Gemminger 1870: 1933; Chatanay 14:
472. Paratypes: R. D. Congo: Zaïre, Gemena, IX.1947,
Gonocephalum simplex (Fabricius, 1801). – Gebien 1910a: 378, R.P. Cremer et M. Neuman leg., 45 ex. (IRSN), 6 ex.
1910b: 326, 1911 (1912?): 63, 1939: 450; Hesse 1935: 566; Gridelli (JFCS); Nyonga, juillet (sans autres indications)
1940 (1939): 241; Kaszab 1963a: 346; 1969a: 226, 1971a: 227, 1982b:
“Gonocephalum sp. aff. alluaudi Chat. det. Kaszab
163, 1982a: 163, 1986e: 147; Ardoin 1965b: 968; Ferrer 1998a: 359.
Gonocephalum simplex simplex (Fabricius, 1801). – Ferrer 1993a: 1983”, 1 male (HNHM).
102 (stat. subsp.), 2000b: 78, 2004: 88. Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Republic
Gonocephalum alluaudi Chatanay, 1914: 466. – Gebien 1939: 451; of Congo: Ubangui, Zaire.
Kaszab 1971a: 227; Ferrer 1993a: 102 (syn.).
Hopatrum micans Germar 1824: 145. – Gemminger 1870: 1932.
Gonocephalum micans Germar 1824. – Gebien 1910b: 326.
G. simplex yemenicum Ferrer, 2000
Type data. Lectotype (designated by Ferrer 2000b: Gonocephalum simplex yemenicum Ferrer, 2000b: 91. – Iwan and
78): male (ZMUC), “Cap Bon Spei, Mus. de Sehestedt, Löbl 2008: 266.
Opatrum simplex F.”
Paralectotype: Cap Bon Spei, Mus. de Sehestedt, Type data. Holotype: male (BMNH), “Yemen, F.
Opatrum simplex F., 1 female (ZMUC). Bates leg. 81-19. (Gonocephalum yemenica Ferrer in
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Bot- litt.)”.
swana, Chad, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Namibia, Paratypes: Yemen, F. Bates leg. 81-19. (Gonoce-
Republic of Congo, Repulic of South Africa, Ruanda, phalum yemenica Ferrer in litt.), 1 female (BMNH);
Tanzania. PALEARCTIC REGION: Asia: Yemen (Kasz- Aden: Mair (Sharp coll.) 1905-1913, 3 ex. (BMNH); Taiz,
ab 1982b). 1963, G. Bernadelli leg., 3 ex. (TMNH); Marib, 2.300 m,
VIII.1988, Zhren leg., 1 ex. (BMNH); Arabie Saoudite:
Semerage Farm (26.15, N-50.10, E) XII.1974, D.A. Pitch-
G. simplex sudanicum Ferrer, 2000 er-Imhoff leg., 1 ex. (BMNH).
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Gonocephalum simplex sudanicum Ferrer, 2000b: 88. – Ferrer
Löbl 2008): Asia: Yemen (incl. Socotra).
2004: 88; Lillig and Bremer 2002: 68.

Type data. Holotype: male, “Soudan, Melut,

G. simplicipes Gridelli, 1948
5.II.1912, G.B. Lonstaff leg. “G. sudanicum Blair det.”.
Paratypes: Soudan, Melut, 5.II.1912, G.B. Lonstaff Gonocephalum simplicipes Gridelli, 1948: 19. – Ferrer 1993a: 81,
leg. “G. sudanicum Blair det., 1 femelle (BMNH); 1995a: 27; Grimm 2002: 368.

Type data. Holotype: male (MCSN), “Soudan, zone G. somalicum Gridelli, 1945
inondé, septembre 1946,, ex coll. I.F.A.N. («Diafarabé»)”.
Gonocephalum somalicum Gridelli, 1945: 19. – Ferrer, 1995: 69;
Paratype: Soudan, zone inondé, septembre 1946,
Schawaller 2004: 451; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 266.
1 male, ex coll. I.F.A.N. («Diafarabé»), 1 male (MNHN)
leg. Pitot.
Type data. Syntypes (MCSN): “Somalia Grabre-
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Gambia,
darre,4.IV.1973, (Facca leg.)”
Guinea, Senegal, Sudan.
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Somalia.
PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia:
Yemen (incl. Socotra), (Suqutra).
G. simulatrix (Fairmaire, 1891)

Pseudoblaps simulatrix Fairmaire, 1891: c.

Gonocephalum simulatrix (Fairmaire, 1891). – Gebien 1935: 317, G. soricinum faraonicum Ferrer, 2000
1939: 446; Reichardt 1936: 107; Schuster 1936: 193; Gridelli 1954:
283; Kaszab 1952a: 653, 1960a: 151, 1961a: 4; 1961b: 351, 1965b: Gonocephalum soricinum faraonicum, Ferrer, 2000b: 74. – Lillig
669, 1968b: 20, 1970c: 153, 1974a: 193, 1977: 259; Schawaller 1997a: and Bremer 2002: 68.
12; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 266.
Scleropatrum infimum Fairmaire, 1896: 57.
Gonocephalum infimum (Fairmaire, 1896). – Gebien 1939: 446; Type data. Holotype: male (JFCS), “Soudan: Kas-
Kaszab 1952a: 683. sala prov. Simhat, 850 m. 9.III.1978, H.J. Bremer leg.
(sub lapide)”.
Type data. Goncephalum martensi Kaszab, Paratypes: Soudan: Kassala prov. Simhat, 850 m.
1977. Holotype: male (SMF C 14586), “Nepal, nördlich- 9.III.1978, H.J. Bremer leg. (sub lapide), 40 ex. (ZSMG);
es Dhaulagiri-Masiv, Dopolo, Tal des Suli Gad, Erkevit (1.000 m) 10.III.1978, H. J. Bremer leg., 2 ex.
2600–3000 m NN; 7.–9.VI.1973 leg. J. Martens”. (JFCS); Ethiopie: Garenta, Courbon leg. 1861, 1 ex.
Paratypes: Nepal, Dopolo, Tal des Suli Gad, 2600– (MNHN).
3000 m NN; 7.–9.VI.1973 leg. J. Martens, 16 ex. (SMF C Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Ethiopia,
14587), 6 ex. (HNHM). Sudan.
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Löbl 2008): Asia: Afghanistan; China: Gansu (Kansu);
India: Himachal Pradesh, Kashmir, Uttaranchal (Uttar G. soricinum insidiosum (Fairmaire, 1880)
Pradesh); Nepal; Pakistan.
Opatrum insidiosum Fairmaire, 1880: 16. – Champion 1895: 116.
Gonocephalum insidiosum (Fairmaire, 1880). – Seidlitz 1894: 438;
Gebien 1910b: 326 (= Opatrum simplex Fabricius, 1801), 1939:
G. sinicum Reichardt, 1936 446 (= Opatrum soricinum Reiche et Saulcy, 1857); Schuster
1928: 989 (= Opatrum soricinum Reiche et Saulcy, 1857);
Gonocephalum sinicum Reichardt, 1936: 109, 209. – Gebien 1939: Reichardt 1936: 110 (= Opatrum soricinum Reiche et Saulcy,
446; Kaszab 1952a: 531; Hua Li 2002: 139; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 266. 1857); Iwan and Löbl 2008: 266.
Gonocephalum soricinum insidiosum (Fairmaire, 1880). – Ferrer
Type data. Syntypes: “Provincia chinensis Se- 1993a: 97 (stat. subsp.), 2000b: 74.
tshuanica: Ta-tsien-lu (collector EMM. Reitteri); inter
Tza-li et Tapa, septentrionem versus a Ta-shien-lu 16. Type data. Syntypes: “Agadir, Sédillot” probably
VII.1893 (Poptanin!); in valle fl. Sjao-tsien-he 27.VII. in MNHN.
1893 (idem!)”. Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Burma. PALAE- Löbl 2008): North Africa: Algeria; Morocco (incl. West-
ARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia: Bhutan; ern Sahara).
China: Gansu (Kansu), Sichuan (Szechwan).

G. soricinum soricinum (Reiche et Saulcy, 1857)

G. soederbomi Ferrer, 2010
Opatrum soricinum Reiche et Saulcy, 1857: 259.
Gonocephalum soederbomi Ferrer, 2010: 232.
Hopatrum soricinum Reiche et Saulcy, 1857. – Gemminger 1870: 1933.
Gonocephalum soricinum (Reiche et Saulcy, 1857). – Reitter 1904:
Type data. Holotype: male (NHRS), “Central Mon- 147 (= Opatrum inquinatum Sahlberg, 1923); Gebien 1910b: 326
golia Exp. (Sven Hedin Exp.), M. Söderbom leg.” (= Opatrum simplex Fabricius, 1801), 1939: 446; Chatanay 1914:
471; Schuster 1928: 989; Koch 1935: 92; Reichardt 1936: 110; Gridel-
Paratypes: Central Mongolia Exp. (Sven Hedin
li 1940 (1939): 240, 1945: 8, 1948: 51, 1953: 61, 1954: 282; Kaszab
Exp.), M. Söderbom leg., 3 ex. (NHRS). 1957: 61, 1960a: 146, 1961b: 350, 1968b: 20, 1970c: 148, 1972: 380,
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION: Asia: Mon- 1973b: 56, 1974a: 193, 1979d: 268, 1982b: 164, 1986e: 147; Scha-
golia. waller 2010: 270.
296 D. IWAN, J. FERRER and M. RAŚ

Gonocephalum soricinum soricinum (Reiche et Saulcy, 1857). Material studied. Trichinopoly; Dekkan (coll. Ind.
– Ferrer 1993a: 97 (stat. subsp.), 2000b: 74; Lillig and Pavlíček
Mus.); Madras (leg. Kirsch; leg. Capt. W. Patton);
2003: 50; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 266.
Pondichery (leg. Mouflet); Chaibasa (leg. Konietzko);
Calcutta; Ober-Assam (leg. Hartert); Coimbatore (leg.
Type data. Syntypes: probably in MNHN, “Bords de
Forst); Nedungadu, Tajore Distr., 28.II.1938 (leg. P. S.
la Mer Rouge”
Nathan); Mysore State, Shimoga (leg. P. S. Nathan);
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Algeria
Madura Db., Arana Kurichi, 8.XII.1937 (leg. P. S.
(Desert), Benin, Chad, Erythrea, Ethiopia, Senegal,
Nathan); Salun, 2.VII.1938 (leg. P. S. Nathan); Kanara;
Senji; Karachi (leg. T. R. Bell); Karachi, Sind (leg. Cum-
GION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia: Afghanistan; Egypt:
ming); Bandra, 1905 (leg. Dr. Jayakar); Nilgiri Hills,
Sinai Peninsula; Iran; Israel; Jordan; Pakistan; Saudi
3500 ft, X.1910 (leg. H. L. Andrewes); Calcutta, V.1914,
Arabia; Syria; Yemen (incl. Socotra).
“at leight” (coll. Ind. Mus.); Calcutta, 12–13.II.1910 (leg.
Remarks. United Arab Emirates (Schawaller 2010:
Kemp); Malabar; Manaparai, S. India; Balugaon, Oris-
sa, 26.I.1914, “at leight” (leg. N. Annandale); Bengal,
Purneah Distr., Katihar (leg. A. Paiva); Chota Nagpur,
Chakardhupur, 29.X.–1.X.1911 (leg. F. H. Gravely);
G. spangleri Kaszab, 1980 Bangalore (leg. Cameron); Bangalore, 3000 ft, 15.X.
1910 (leg. N. Annandale); Berhampur (leg. Atkinson);
Gonocephalum spangleri Kaszab, 1980: 140. – Kaszab 1979b: 63.
W. base of W. Ghats, Kulattupuzha, 19.XI.1908 (leg. N.
Annandale); Orissa, Puri, 24. bis 26.I.1911 (leg. N.
Type data. Holotype “C. Province, Kan District,
Annandale and F. H. Gravely); Orissa, Argul, 1913 (leg.
Hasalaka, Irrigation bungalow, 5 mi. NW of Mahiyan-
J. Taylor); Puri, Bhubanesvar, 4–6.XI.1912 (leg. N.
gana, 10.III–9.IV.1971, P, P, Spangler, Smithsonian
Annandale); Barkul, Chilka Lake, 25.I.1914, “at leight”
Institute, U.S. National Museum, Washington”.
(leg. N. Annandale); Ceylon (leg. Doflein); Süd-Ceylon
Paratyps “wie Holotypes, 4 ex.”.
(leg. H. Fruhstorfer); Trincomali (leg. W. Horn); Colom-
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Sri Lanka.
bo (leg. W. Horn); Paradna (leg. W. Horn); Matale (leg.
W. Horn); Kandy (leg. W. Horn); Kandy, 16.IV.1908 (leg.
G. E. Bryant); Kandy, 22.V.1910 (coll. Ind. Mus.); Ban-
G. spinicolle (Fairmaire, 1896) darawella (leg. W. Horn); Puttalam (leg. W. Horn);
Weligama (leg. W. Horn); Amuradhapura (Low coun-
Bradymerus spinicolle Fairmaire, 1896: 22.
Gonocephalum spinicolle (Fairmaire, 1896). – Kaszab 1952a: 475,
try), 18–20.X.1911 (leg. C. F. C. Baker); Kanthalay, XI.
1979b: 62; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 266. 1915 (leg. C. F. C. Baker).
Other depositories. BMNH (97 ex.), ZMHB (22 ex.),
Type data. Unknown. NHMB (7 ex.), NMPC (205 ex.), SDEI (33 ex.), ZSMG
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Sri Lanka. (16 ex.).
PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia: Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India, Sri Lan-
India: Himachal Pradesh. ka. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008):
Asia: India: Kashmir, Uttaranchal (Uttar Pradesh);
G. stevensi Kaszab, 1952

Gonocephalum Stevensi Kaszab, 1952a: 522. G. strangulatum (Fairmaire, 1888)

Type data. Holotype (NHMB), “Assam, Dejoo, Opatrum strangulatum Fairmaire, 1888: 128. – Champion 1895: 117.
North Lakhimpur, Base of Hills (leg. H. Stevens)”. Hopatrum strangulatum Fairmaire, 1888.
Gonocephalum strangulatum (Fairmaire, 1888). – Gebien 1910b:
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India (Assam).
327, 1939: 446 (= Gonocephalum curvicolle Reitter, 1889);
Schuster 1928: 990; Reichardt 1936: 107 (= Gonocephalum cur-
vicolle Reitter, 1889); Kaszab 1952a: 684 (= Gonocephalum sex-
G. stoeckleini Kaszab, 1952 uale Marseul, 1876); Hua Li 2002: 139; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 266.

Gonocephalum Stöckleini Kaszab, 1952a: 662. – Kaszab 1961b: 351, Type data. Syntypes: probably in MNHN.
1979b: 66.
Gonocephalum stöckleini Kaszab, 1952. – Kaszab 1965a: 114.
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Gonocephalum stoeckleini Kaszab, 1952. – Iwan and Löbl 2008: Löbl 2008): Asia: China: Beijing (Peking or Peiping),
266. Heilongjiang (Heilungkiang).
Remarks. Bangladesh; China: Hainan, Hubei,
Type data. Syntypes: 6 ex. (HNHM). Younnan; Japan; “Korea”; “Siberia” (Hua Li 2002: 139).

G. strigosum (Reiche, 1850) G. subsetosum erichsoni Ferrer, 2000

Opatrum strigosum Reiche, 1850: 369. Gonocephalum subsetosum erichsoni Ferrer, 2000b: 114.
Hopatrum strigosum Reiche, 1850. – Gemminger 1870: 1934; Baudi
1875: 230.
Type data. Holotype: male (TMNH), “Namibie: Kao-
Gonocephalum strigosum (Reiche, 1850). – Rey 1892: 42; Reitter 1904:
145; Gebien 1910b: 327, 1939: 445; Schuster 1928: 989, 1934: 181; koveld, Svartbois, Drift Kunene, VII. =1951, C. Koch leg.”.
Koch 1935: 93; Reichardt 1936: 105; Gridelli 1940 (1939): 242; Ardoin Paratypes: Namibie: Kaokoveld, Svartbois, Drift
1965: 74; Ferrer 1993a: 84, 1995a: 33; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 266. Kunene, VII. =1951, C. Koch leg., 3 ex. (TMNH);
Ongaria, VI.1954, Vernay Transvaal Museum Exp.,
Type data. Lectotype (desinated by Ardoine 1965: 1 ex. (TMNH); Angola: NE Moçamedes, R. Giraul 10 mil
74): female (MNHN), “Gonocephalum strigosum S, 27–29.II.1972, B.M. South leg., 3 ex. (BMNH).
(Reiche) lectotype female, P. Ardoin des. 1965”. Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Angola,
Distribution. AFROTROPIOCAL REGION: Daho- Namibia.
mey, Erithrea, Ethiopia. PALAEARCTIC REGION
(Iwan and Löbl 2008): North Africa: Algeria; Egypt;
Tunisia. Asia: Israel. G. subspinosum (Fairmaire, 1894)

Opatrum subspinosum Fairmaire, 1894: 19. – Champion 1895: 117.

Hopatrum subspinosum Fairmaire, 1894.
G. subcontractum Gridelli, 1945 Gonocephalum subspinosum (Fairmaire, 1894). – Gebien 1910b: 327,
1939: 446; Gravely 1915: 520; Chatanay 1917: 244; Kaszab 1941a: 52,
Gonocephalum subcontractum Gridelli, 1945: 9. – Ferrer 1993a: 100, 1952a: 532, 1954b: 248, 1965a: 113, 1965d: 287, 1980b: 171; Scha-
2000b: 115. waller 1997a: 12; Hua Li 2002: 139; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 266.

Type data. Holotype: male (MCSN), “Afrique du Type data. Syntypes: probably in MNHN.
Sud: Transvaal, Zoutpansberg, 800 m, ex coll. Gebien”. Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Bangladesh,
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Republic India, Indonesia (Sunda Isl.), Sri Lanka, Vietnam.
of South Africa, Zambezi. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia:
Bhutan; China: Fujian (Fukien), Guandong (Kwan-
tung), Guizhou (Kweichow), Hubei (Hupeh), Hunan,
G. subrugulosum Reitter, 1887 Jiangsu (Kiangsu), Sichuan (Szechwan), Xizang
(Tibet), Yunnan; India: Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim
Gonocephalum subrugulosum Reitter, 1887: 388. – Champion 1895:
115; Reitter 1904: 141; Gebien 1919b: 327, 1939: 443; Schuster 1928: (Darjeeling District); Nepal; Taiwan (Formosa).
989; Reichardt 1936: 98; Medvedev 1973: 94, 1990: 170; Medvedev Remarks . China: Guangxi (Kwangsi), Jiangxi
and Lobanov 1990: 187; Hua Li 2002: 139; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 266. (Kiangsi) (Hua Li 2002).

Type data. Unknown.

Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and G. subsulcatum (Reiche, 1850)
Löbl 2008): Asia: China: Nei Mongol (Inner Mongolia),
Hopatrum subsulcatum Reiche, 1850: 367. – Gemminger 1870: 1934.
Xizang (Tibet), Xinjiang (Sinkiang); Kyrgyzstan; Mon- Gonocephalum subsulcatum (Reiche, 1850: 367). – Gebien 1910b:
golia. 327, 1939: 452.

Type data. Syntypes: probably in MNHN.

G. subsetosum subsetosum (Kolbe, 1883) Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Ethi-
Opatrum subsetosum Kolbe, 1883: 24. – Champion 1895: 117.
Gonocephalum subsetosum (Kolbe, 1883: 24). – Gebien 1910b: 327,
1939: 451; Hua Li 2002: 139.
Gonocephalum subsetosum subsetosum Kolbe, 1883. – Ferrer G. swazilandense Ferrer, 1995
1993a: 99 (stat. subsp.), 2000b: 114.
Gonocephalum swazilandense Ferrer, 1995a: 21.
Type data. Lectotypes (designated by Ferrer
2000b: 114): 1 male (ZMHB), “subsetosum Kolbe Type data. Holotype: male (TMNH), “Swaziland,
(61142), Chinchoxo, Falkenstein”. Eranchi, 15–31.XII.1954, A.L. Capener leg.”.
Paralectotypes: subsetosum Kolbe (61142), Chin- Paratypes: Swaziland, Eranchi, 15–31.XII.1954,
choxo, Falkenstein, 2 ex. (ZMHB). A.L. Capener leg., 2 females (TMNH), 1 male (id.)
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: N. Ango- (JFCS).
la, Republic of Congo. Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Republic
Remarks. China: Guangzhou (Hua Li 2002: 139). of South Africa (Swaziland).
298 D. IWAN, J. FERRER and M. RAŚ

G. szekessyi Kaszab, 1952 Hills; Shimoga, Mysore State (leg. P. S. Nathan);

Kurseong, 1908 (leg. Verschraeghen); Burma, Thar-
Gonocephalum Székessyi Kaszab, 1952a: 503.
Other depositories. BMNH (6 ex.), NHMB (6 ex.),
Type data. Syntypes: 4 ex (BMNH), “Calcutta,
NMPC (3 ex.), SDEI (1 ex).
“under brichs by rubin heep”, 23.IV.1910 (coll. Ind.
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Burma, India,
Mus.); “among brichs below verandah”, 25.IV.1910
Sri Lanka, Vietnam. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan
(coll. Ind. Mus.); Mangalday Distr. Tezpur, 8–9.X.1910
and Löbl 2008): Asia: India: Sikkim (Darjeeling Dis-
(leg. Kemp)”.
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India.

G. takara Nakane, 1963 G. tenuipes Kaszab, 1952

Gonocephalum coriaceum takara Nakane, 1963: 26. Gonocephalum tenuipes Kaszab, 1952a: 587. – Kaszab 1980b: 171;
Gonocephalum takara Nakane, 1963. – Kaszab 1946: 40 (bona spe- Schawaller 1997a: 12; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 266.
cies, stat. spec.), 1964b: 40; Chûjô 1966: 8; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 266.
Type data. Holotype (HNHM).
Type data. “Ryukyus”.. Material studied. Tenasserim; Burma, Mergui,
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and I.1927 (leg. R. N. Parker); Tavoy (coll. In. Mus.).
Löbl 2008): Asia: Japan (Ryukyus). Other depository. BMNH (2 ex.).
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Burma, India,
Vietnam. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl
G. tellinii Gridelli, 1945 2008): Asia: Nepal.

Gonocephalum tellinii Gridelli, 1945: 20. – Español and Viñolas 1983:

37; Ferrer 1993a: 78, 1995a: 15; Lillig and Bremer 2002: 66; Iwan
and Löbl 2008: 266. G. terminale Reichardt, 1936

Type data. Paratypes: Ethiopie: Dire Daoua, Gonocephalum recticolle var. terminale Reichardt, 1936: 110, 210. –
Gebien 1939: 446.
Kovacs leg., 1 male. 1 female (HNHM); Harrar, Staud- Gonocephalum terminale Reichardt, 1936. – Kaszab 1952a: 577;
inger, inornatum Schuster and Gebien, 1 male (ZSMB); Kwon and Choi 1986: 106; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 266.
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Djibuti,
Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan. Type data. Syntypes: “Prov. Ussuriensis: flumen
PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Tjumen-ula ad limitem Koreae, 14.V.–23.VII.1913
Asia: Oman; Saudi Arabia; Yemen (incl. Socotra). (tsherskij!); Kamenj-Rybolov as lacum Chanka,
Remarks. United Arabian Emirates (Ferrer 1993a). 17–18.VII.1908 (idem!); Troitzkoe ad lacum Chanka,
5.IX.1914 (idem!); Okeanskaja prope Vladivostok,
6.VI.1914 (idem!); Korea: Paljman, 29.VI.1900 (P.
G. tenasserimicum Kaszab, 1952 Schmidt!)”.
Gonocephalum tenasserimicum Kaszab, 1952a: 602.
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Löbl 2008): Asia: Japan; North Korea; Russia: Far
Type data. Syntypes: 4 ex. (HNHM). East; South Korea.
Material studied. Tranquebar; India or. (leg. Duld);
Tenasserim (leg. Helfer).
Other depositories. ZMHB (1 ex.), NHMB (1 ex.), G. thailandicum Kaszab et Chujô, 1966
NMPC (34 ex.), SDEI (3 ex.), ZSMG (1 ex.).
Gonocephalum thailandicum Kaszab et Chujô, 1966: 53.
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India, Vietnam.

Type data. Holotype: male, “Thailand: Sara Buri,

G. tenuicorne Kaszab, 1952 8.X.1961, leg. K. Yoda”.
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Thailand.
Gonocephalum tenuicorne Kaszab, 1952a: 590. – Kaszab 1979a: 260,
1979b: 63, 1980b: 171; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 266.

G. tibetanum Kaszab, 1952

Type data. Syntypes: 8 ex. (HNHM).
Material studied. Sigiri (leg. W. Horn); Kandy (leg. Gonocephalum tibetanum Kaszab, 1952a: 511. – Kaszab 1961b: 354;
Uzel); Shembaganur; Madura; Trichinopoly; Nilgiri Hua Li 2002: 139; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 266.

Type data. Syntypes: 3 ex. (BMNH), “Tibet”. Gonocephalum torridum (Champion, 1894: 359). – Blackburn 1896:
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and 274; 1907: 287; Gebien 1910b: 327, 1939: 449.

Löbl 2008): Asia: China: Xizang (Tibet).

Type data. Unknown.
GIONS: N.W. Australia.
G. titschacki Kaszab, 1952

Gonocephalum Titschacki Kaszab, 1952a: 509.

Gonocephalum titschacki Kaszab, 1952a. – Hua Li 2002: 139; Iwan G. triste Ferrer, 2000
and Löbl 2008: 266.
Gonocephalum triste Ferrer, 2000b: 109.

Type data. Syntypes: 3 ex. (ZMHG).

Type data. Holotype: male (ZMUL), “Tanzanie:
Material studied. “Fukien (leg. G. Siemssen);
Tumba; Lac Rukwa (limière) 6.XII.1950, H.O. Backlund
Other depository. HNHM (1 ex.).
Paratypes: Tanzanie: Tumba; Lac Rukwa (limière)
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
6.XII.1950, H.O. Backlund leg., 27–30.XI.1950, id., 25 ex.
Löbl 2008): Asia: China: Fujian (Fukien); Japan.
(ZMUL), 4 ex. (JFCS); Rukwa Rift, Tumba, 25.III.1950;
H.D. Brown leg., 4 ex. (TMNH); Lac Rukwa, 1944, H.J.
Bredó leg., 2 ex.; id. 21.I.1946, 3 ex.; Ikuu Camp, XII.
G. tomentosum (Walker, 1871) 1950, 5 ex.; Kati Sunga (Rukwa Valley) I.1951, 4 ex.
(IRSN); Lake Manjara Hotel, 15–16.II.1969, G. Rudebeck
Opatrum tomentosum Walker, 1871: 16. – Champion 1895: 117.
Gonocephalum tomentosum (Walker, 1871). – Peyerimhoff 1908: 38;
leg., 1 ex. (JFCS); Zimbabwé: Mweru-Maulippa, 21.
Gebien 1910b: 327, 1939: 447; Schuster 1928: 989; Kaszab 1982b: 169. I.1944, H.J. Berdó leg., 2 ex. (IRSN); Victoria Falls, 16–
17.V.1951; no. 307, Brinck, Rudebeck leg., 1 ex. (TMNH).
Type data. Unknown. Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Tanzania
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION: Arabia ? (Rukwa).
(Kaszab 1982b)

G. tschilianum Kaszab, 1952

G. tonkinense Kaszab, 1952 Gonocephalum tschilianum Kaszab, 1952a: 630. – Hua Li 2002: 139;
Iwan and Löbl 2008: 266.
Gonocephalum tonkinense Kaszab, 1952a: 532. – Kaszab 1970a: 423,
1980b: 171; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 266.
Type data. Syntypes: 2 ex. (HNHM), “Tschili”.
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Type data. Syntypes: 5 ex. (NHMB).
Löbl 2008): Asia: China: Shanxi (Shansi).
Material studied. “Quang Yen (leg. R. Vitalis de Remarks. China: Fujian; Japan, “S. China” (Hua Li
Salvaza); Chiem Hoa (leg. H. Fruhstorfer)”.
2002: 139)
Other depositories. HNHM (1 ex.), ZSMG (3 ex.).
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Vietnam. PALAE-
ARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia: Nepal. G. tuberculatum (Hope, 1831)

Opatrum tuberculatum Hope, 1831: 31.

G. topali Kaszab 1975 Gonocephalum tuberculatum (Hope, 1831). – Chatanay 1917: 243;
Miwa 1931: 151; Gridelli 1934: 67; Reichardt 1936: 108; Gebien
Gonocephalum topali Kaszab 1975a: 29. 1939: 446; Kaszab 1941a: 51, 1952a: 464, 1960a: 139, 1961d: 236,
1968b: 19, 1970a: 423, 1970c: 145, 1973b: 55, 1974a: 193, 1980b: 171;
Gridelli 1954: 283; Nakane 1966: 243; Schawaller 1997a: 13; Hua Li
Type data. Holotype: male (HNHM), “Maharashra, 2002: 139; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 266.
Karla, 16.VII.1967 (No. 536), leg. Gy. Topál”. Hopatrum elongatum Guérin-Méneville, 1834. – Fairmaire 1894: 17;
Paratypes: Maharashra, Karla, 16.VII.1967 (No. Gemminger, 1870: 1931.
536), leg. Gy. Topál, 19 ex. (HNHM). Opatrum elongatum Guérin-Méneville, 1834: 32.
Gonocephalum elongatum (Guérin-Méneville, 1834) – Gebien 1910b:
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India.
323, 1913: 4; Schuster 1928: 989; Reichardt 1936: 108; Kaszab
1952a: 672.
Gonocephalum quadrinodosum Reitter, 1904: 146. – Gebien 1910b:
G. torridum (Champion, 1894) 325, 1939: 446; Schuster 1928: 989 (= Opatrum elongatum
Guérin-Méneville, 1834); Reichardt 1936: 108 (= Opatrum elon-
Opatrum torridum Champion, 1894: 359. – Champion 1895: 117. gatum Guérin-Méneville, 1834); Kaszab 1952a: 672.
300 D. IWAN, J. FERRER and M. RAŚ

Type data. Gonocephalum quadrinodosum Gonocephalum vagum (Steven, 1829). – Gebien 1910b: 327, 1939: 448;
Reitter, 1904. Syntypes: 3 females, (Frey coll?), Kaszab 1952a: 662, 1979b: 66; Ferrer 1995a: 59; Hua Li 2002: 139;
Iwan and Löbl 2008: 266.
“China”. Hopatrum arenarium Fairmaire, 1894: 17. – Blair 1922: 269. hom.
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Bangladesh, nov. nom. preoccup., nec Opatrum arenarium Fabricius, 1775.
Burma, Philippines, Vietnam. PALAEARCTIC REGION Gonocephalum arenarium (Fairmaire, 1894). – Kaszab 1952a: 684;
(Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia: Afghanistan; China: Ferrer 1995a: 59 (syn.).
Opatrum planatum Walker, 1858: 284.
Hainan, Hongkong, Hubei (Hupeh), Sichuan (Szech-
Hopatrum planatum Walker, 1858. – Gemminger 1870: 1933.
wan), Yunnan; India: Kashmir; Himachal Pradesh, Gonocephalum planatum (Walker, 1858). – Gebien 1910b: 324, 1939:
Sikkim (Darjeeling District), Uttaranchal (Uttar 448 (= Opatrum moluccanum Blanchard, 1853); Blair 1922: 292;
Pradesh); Nepal; Pakistan; Taiwan (Formosa). Kaszab 1952a: 684; Ferrer 1995a: 59 (syn.).

Type data. “India orientalis, ex Coll. Hoffmans-

G. tuberculiferum Ferrer, 1995 egg”.
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India, Sri Lan-
Gonocephalum tuberculiferum Ferrer, 1995a: 48.
ka. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008):
Asia: China: Yunnan; India: Sikkim (Darjeeling Dis-
Type data. Holotype: female (HNHM), “Nyassa
trict); Nepal.
(sans autre indication)”.
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Mozam-
bique, Namibia.
G. validum Ferrer, 2000

Gonocephalum validum Ferrer, 2000b: 99. – Ferrer 2004: 90.

G. uhligi Ferrer, 2002
Type data. Holotype: male (HNHM), “Tanzanie:
Gonocephalum uhligi Ferrer, 2002b: 133.
Morogoro, 20.V.1970 (at light) T. Pocs leg.”.
Paratypes: Tanzanie: Morogoro, 20.V.1970 (at light)
Type data. Holotype: male (ZMHB), “Tanzanie:
T. Pocs leg., (HNHM); Morogoro, Mts Uluguru, IV.1991,
“Afrique or. Moshi” \ “Zool. Mus. Berlin”.
E. Rautenstrauch leg., 19 ex. (ZSMB); Dar es Salam,
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Tanzania.
Kunduchi Hotel, 5.XI.1980, Hintersalier leg. (G. par-
cepilosum det. Kaszab), 2 ex. (HNHM); Dar es Salam,
S.G. Regner leg., 1 ex. (BMNH); Kilimandjaro, 1 ex.
G. ulugurense Ardoin, 1976
(HNHM); Jiheheli, Ostafr. Exp. 15.VI.1939, E. v. Saafeld
Gonocephalum ulugurense Ardoin, 1976: 738. – Ferrer 1993a: 94, leg., 2 ex. (MCSN); Manjara See, XII.1903, Kibwazi (n
2000b: 75. 89) 28–29.XII.1905, Schleffer leg., 1 ex. (TMNH);
Arusha, 22.XII.1961, P. de Moor leg., 25 ex. (TMNH);
Type data. Holotype: male (MRAC), “Tanzanie: Rukwa, Tumba, 22.XII.1951, at light, O. Backlund leg.,
Mts Uluguru, Chenzama, 1.500–1.750 m. 6–13.VI.1971, 1 ex. (JFCS); Kenya: Nairobi. Dr Van Someren leg. (“G.
L. Berger, N. Leleup et J. Debecker leg.”. prominens Blair det. in litt.”), 3 ex. (BMNH); Mombasa,
Allotype: Tanzanie: Mts Uluguru, Chenzama, Ukunda, XI.1980, Demelt leg., 2 ex. (ZSMB); Mombasa,
1.500–1.750 m. 6–13.VI.1971, L. Berger, N. Leleup et 19.I.1978, J. Nielssen rec., 1 ex. (JFCS); id.
J. Debecker leg., female (MRAC). 5–20.VII.1985, R. Mourglia leg., 1 ex. (ZSMB); Malindi,
Paratypes: 1 female MRAC; 1 male HNHM. 13–29.VIII.1983, H.J. Bremer leg., 1 ex. (ZSMB); Brit.
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Tanzania. O. Afr. Narosera River G.B. II.1913, G. Babault leg.,
9 ex. (MNHN); Somalie: Hameshow, 2.XII.1985, S.B.S.,
2 ex. (MZUF 7827); Mogadiscio, XI.1968, Abicar Nur
G. uniseriatum Kaszab, 1952 leg., 1 ex. (MZUF 7828); Giballe, 10.XII.1982, S.B.S.,
1 ex. (MZUF 7829); Giohar, 28.V.1984, S.B.S., 7 ex.
Gonocephalum uniseriatum Kaszab, 1952a: 627.
(MZUF 7830), 7 ex. (7833); 50 km, II–III.1987, R. Marai
leg., 4 ex. (MZUF 7831); Misciani, 12–26.XII.1984, N.
Type data. Syntypes: 2 ex. (HNHM), “India or.”.
Baccetti leg., 7 ex. (MZUF 7832); Garbo, 3.XII.1985,
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India.
S.B.S., 1 ex.; Ceel Cellan (El Ellan) 24.XI.–4.XII.1985,
S.B.S., 1 ex. (MZUF 7835); Bur Akaba, 30.VI.1984,
S.B.S., 2 ex. (MZUF 7836); Bulo Hagi, XI.1986, S.B.S.,
G. vagum (Steven, 1829)
3 ex. (MZUF 8337).
Opatrum vagum Steven, 1829: 96. Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Kenya,
Hopatrum vagum Steven, 1829. – Gemminger 1870: 1934. Republic of South Africa, Somalia, Tanzania.

G. veigae ingae Koch,1955 G. walkeri Champion, 1894

Gonocephalum ingae Koch, 1955a: 527. Opatrum Walkeri Champion, 1894: 360. – Champion 1895: 117.
Gonocephalum veigai ingeai Koch, 1955. – Ferrer 1993a: 92 (stat. Gonocephalum Walkeri Champion, 1894: 360. – Gebien 1908a: 327,
subsp.), 1995a: 71. 1910b: 327.

Type data. Holotype: female (Natal Museum, Type data. Unknown.

Pietermaritzburg), “Eastern Zululand, F. Joppin”. Distribution. AUSTRALIAN AND PACIFIC RE-
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Republic GIONS: Australia (SW Australia).
of South Africa.

G. wau Kaszab, 1970

G. veigae veigae Koch, 1956
Gonocephalum wau Kaszab, 1970b: 259.
Gonocephalum veigai Koch, 1955a: 523.
Gonocephalum veigai veigai Koch, 1956. – Ferrer 1993a: 92 (stat. Type data. Holotype: male (HNHM), “Wau, Bishop
subsp.), 1995a: 71. Museum Field Station, 15–25.IV.1965, leg. Dr. J. Balogh
and Dr. J. J. Szent-Ivány”.
Type data. Holotype: (Mus. Alvaro de Castro), Distribution. AUSTRALIAN AND PACIFIC RE-
”Portuguise East Africa, Nyassa Province: Meponda, GIONS: New Guinea.
August 1955, G. W. da Veiga Ferreira”.
Allotype: ”Portuguise East Africa, Nyassa Province:
Meponda, August 1955, G. W. da Veiga Ferreira”, (Mus. G. wittmeri Kaszab, 1975
Alvaro de Castro).
Gonocephalum wittmeri Kaszab, 1975: 320. – Schawaller 1997a: 14;
Paratypes: Portuguise East Africa, Nyassa Prov- Iwan and Löbl 2008: 266.
ince: Meponda, August 1955, G. W. da Veiga Ferrei-
ra,135 ex. (TMNH). Type data. Unknown.
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Malawi, Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Mozambique, Zimbabwe. Löbl 2008): Asia: Bhutan; Nepal.

G. verrucosum (Fairmaire, 1849) G. woynarovichi Kaszab, 1973

Leichenum verrucosum Fairmaire, 1849: 418. Gonocephalum woynarovichi Kaszab, 1973: 33. – Schawaller 1997a:
Gonocephalum verrucosum (Fairmaire, 1849). – Gridelli 1939: 208; 14; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 266.
Blair 1942: 52; Kaszab 1942: 2, 1952a: 671, 1985a: 26.

Type data. Unknown.

Type data. Syntypes: probably in MNHN.
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Löbl 2008): Asia: Nepal.
GIONS: Fiji, Tonga Is.

G. wui Ren, 1995

G. vientianeum Kaszab, 1972
Gonocephalum wui Ren, 1995: 234.
Gonocephalum vientianeum Kaszab, 1972: 287. – Bremer and Fer-
rer 2002: 223.
Type data. Unknown.
Type data. Unknown. Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: Laos. Löbl 2008): Asia: China: Zhejiang (Chekiang).

G. villiersi Gridelli, 1948 G. zambesense Ferrer, 1995

Gonocephalum villiersi Gridelli, 1948: 17. – Ferrer 1993a: 84, 1995a: Gonocephalum zambesense Ferrer, 1995a: 67.
34; Lillig and Bremer 2002: 66.
Type data. Holotype: male (MNHN), “Mozambique,
Type data. Syntype: 1 male (MCSN), “Niger, Air, Zambeze, Env. De Chemba, Inhacoro, 1928 P. Lesne”.
Mts. Baguezans (1500–1600 m) VII.1947, Chopard leg.”. Paratypes: Mozambique, Zambeze, Env. De Chem-
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Burkina ba, Inhacoro, 1928 P. Lesne, 1 male (JFCS); Inhacoro,
Faso, Niger, Senegal, Sudan. prés de Chemba, 1938, B. Thénot leg., 1 male (MNHN).
302 D. IWAN, J. FERRER and M. RAŚ

Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Mozam- 1947: 96, 1962a: 233, 1962b: 210; Kaszab 1963a: 346; Kühnelt 1965:
37; Oromí 1982: 272; Grimm 1986a: 76.
Opatrum virgatum Erichson, 1843: 249. – Reitter 1904: 144 (syn.
Opatropis hispida Brulle, 1838).
Hopatrum virgatum Erichson, 1843. – Gemminger 1870: 1934.
G. zoltani nom. nov.

Gonocephalum parallelum Kaszab, 1952a: 606. – Kaszab 1968b: 20, Type data. Opatrum affine Billberg, 1815. Lecto-
1970c: 149; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 264; hom. nov. nom. preoccup., nec type (designated by Ferrer 2000b: 123): female (NHRS),
Gonocephalum setulosum var. parallelum Normand, 1936: 363. “Ins. Caffraria; 13–14 O. affine Bilberg Nov. Act. Ups.
Gonocephalum parallelum Kaszab, 1952a: 606. – Kaszab 1968b: 20, VII.1815, f. 4.”
1970c: 149.
Paralectotype: Ins. Caffraria; 13–14 O. affine Bil-
berg Nov. Act. Ups. VII.1815, f. 4, female (NHRS).
Type data. Holotype (HNHM).
Opatrum virgatum Erichson, 1843. Syntypes: 3
Material studied. Assur (coll. F. Hauser), 1889 (leg.
ex. (ZMHB), “O. virgatum Erichson (48035) Angola,
Fischer); Indien; Quellgebiet des Indus, Vale Range,
Kalabagh (leg. Koken).
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Angola,
Other depositories. BMNH (3 ex.), NHMA (3 ex.).
Cape Verde Is., Chad, Darfour, Gambia, Niger, Senegal,
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India, Sri Lan-
Sudan. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008):
ka. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008):
Europe: Greece (incl. Crete); Spain (incl. Gibraltar).
Asia: Afghanistan; India: Kashmir; Iraq; Pakistan. North Africa: Canary Islands; Egypt; Morocco (incl.
Western Sahara); Madeira Archipelago. Asia: Israel.
Remarks. Yemen.
Subgenus Opatropis Reitter, 1904

Opatropis Reitter, 1904: 159.

G. aalbui Ferrer, 2000
Type species. Opatrum hispidum Brullé, 1838 Gonoccephalum (Opatropis) aalbui Ferrer, 2000b: 125.
(= Opatrum affine Billberg, 1815).
Type data. Holotype: male (TMNH), “Somalie,
Hargeisa, IX.1959, C. Koch leg.”.
G. aethiopicum (Ardoin, 1965) Paratypes: Somalie, Hargeisa, IX.1959, C. Koch leg.,
Opatropis aethiopica Ardoin, 1965: 83. – Ferrer 1993a: 107.
1 male, 2 females (TMNH), 2 ex. (JFCS); Somalie: franç.
Gonocephalum aethiopicum (Ardoin, 1965). – Ferrer 1995b: 16. Railway de Harrar, km 90, 1909, A. Bonhoure leg., 3 ex.
Gonocephalum (Opatropis) aethiopicum (Ardoin, 1965). – Ferrer (MNHN); Djibouti: Lassara km 163, Dr Martin, Opatro-
2000b: 126. pis sp. Kaszab det., 11 ex. (HNHM); Ethiopie: “Abyss.
Raffray, no. 750, hispidum Brullé”, 1 ex. (MCSG);
Type data. Holotype: male (MNHN), “Ethiopie: Bogos, Keren, 1870, Beccari leg., 4 ex. (MCSG); Villag-
Meghelli, Sidamo, 20.X.1951, P. Jolivet leg.”. gio Issel, id., 1 ex. (MCSG); Top Sheik, 2.400 m, IX.1959,
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Ethiopia, C. Koch leg., 1 ex. (TMNH); Mandera, IX.1959, id., 4 ex.
Somalia. (TMNH), 1 ex. (JFCS); Escarp. Obbia Mudugh,
VIII.1958, id., 2 ex. (TMNH); Hudiso, VIII.1958, id., 1 ex.
G. affine (Billberg, 1815) Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: So-
Opatrum affine Billberg, 1815: 275.
Hopatrum affine Billberg, 1815. – Gemminger 1870: 1930.
Gonocephalum affine (Billberg, 1815). – Gebien 1910b: 322, 1939: 452;
Ferrer 1993a: 107, 2000b: 122; Grimm 1995: 43, 2002: 369; Lillig and G. blairi (Gebien, 1922)
Bremer 2002: 69; Lo Cascio and Scupola 2004: 116; Iwan and Löbl
2008: 266. Opatrum blairi Gebien, 1922: 276.
Opatropis affine (Billberg, 1815). – Ferrer 1991: 28. Gonocephalum blairi (Gebien, 1922). – Ferrer 1993a: 106, 1995b: 16,
Gonocephalum (Opatropis) affine (Billberg, 1815). – Ferrer 1994: 1996a: 61, 1998a: 16; Schawaller 2004: 451.
201, 2000b: 122. Gonocephalum (Opatropis) blairi (Gebien, 1922). – Ferrer 2000b: 126.
Opatrum hispida Brullé, 1838: 68.
Opatrum hispidum Brullé, 1838: 68. – Wollaston, 1864: 488, 1865: 413. Type data. Syntypes: (ZMHB), “Kenya, ins. Patta,
Hopatrum hispidum Brullé, 1838. – Gemminger 1870: 1932. 19.II.1903, Voeltzkov leg.”.
Gonocephalum hispidum Brullé, 1838. – Seidlitz 1894: 440; Español
1959: 113.
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Kenya,
Opatropis hispida (Brullé, 1838). – Reitter 1904: 144; Gebien 1911 Madagascar, Somalia. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan
(1912?): 64; Uyttenboogaart 1930: 235, 1931: 11; Español 1944: 18, and Löbl 2008): Asia: Yemen (incl. Socotra).

G. insulana insulana Ardoin, 1965 G. oculare Kaszab, 1952

Opatropis insulana insulana Ardoin, 1965: 80. – Ferrer 1993a: 107 Gonocephalum oculare Kaszab, 1952a: 622. – Ferrer 1993a: 107;
Gonocephalum (Opatropis) insulana insulana Ardoin, 1965. – Kaszab 1977: 257; Schawaller 1997a: 10; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 266.
Ferrer 2000b: 127 (stat. subsp.). Gonocephalum (Opatropis) oculare Kaszab, 1952a. – Ferrer 2000b:

Type data. Holotype: male (MNHN), “Ile Europe,

IV.1964, P. Malczy leg.”. Type data. Syntypes: 2 ex. (HNHM).
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Isl. Eu- Material studied. Calcuta (coll. Ind. Mus.); India or.
ropa. (leg. Atkinson); India (leg. E. J. Western); Lucknow, 21.
VI.1907 (leg. N. Annandale); Nepal, Sondrijal (coll. Ind.
G. insulana halsteadi, Ferrer, 2000 Other depositories. BMNH (7 ex.).
Distribution. ORIENTAL REGION: India. PALAE-
Gonocephalum (Opatropis) insulana halsteadi Ferrer, 2000b: 127. ARCTIC REGION (Iwan and Löbl 2008): Asia:; India:
Uttaranchal (Uttar Pradesh); Nepal.
Type data. Holotype: male (BMNH), “Botswana: Remarks. Pakistan (Ferrer 1993a).
Morva, 19.III.1968; P. Tylor leg. UV light, ADAS\SLL”.
Paratypes: Botswana: Morva, 19.III.1968; P. Tylor
leg. UV light, ADAS\SLL, 1 male (BMNH); Namibie: G. pilosa Ferrer, 2000
Oshikango, Okavango, VII.1948; C. Koch leg., 42 ex.;
Gonocephalum (Opatropis) pilosa Ferrer, 2000b: 124.
Oranjemund, 5.XI.1949; id., 1 ex.; Okavango, VI.1951,
Gonocephalum pilosum Ferrer, 2000b. – Iwan and Löbl 2008: 266.
id., 5 ex.; Kaukauveld, Eise River, VII.1951, id., 3 ex.;
Kuiseb Canyon, 22–23.I.1992; Endrödy-Younga leg., Type data. Holotype: male (NHRS), “Egypte: Cairo,
1 ex. (TMNH); Angola: 3 mils N Sta Clara, 30.III.1972,
1 ex.; 2 mils N Gweta (20°11’S, 25°15’E) Brit. Mus. Exp. Paratypes: “Aegypt, sericeum Hope”, 73817, O. vir-
1972, 1 ex. (BMNH); Afrique du Sud: Cape province: gatum Er. 48035”, 2 males, 2 females (ZMHB); Niger:
Lutzputs, 20.VI.1968, C. Besnard leg.\”Opatropis Agadés, 1909, Cirtier leg., 1 femelle (MNHN).
freudei n. sp. Ardoin det. 2 paratypes” (TMNH); Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Karroo, Jagbult, 1.I.1950, J. Brédo leg., 1 ex. (IRSN); Löbl 2008): North Africa: Egypt.
Duineveld, Elephant River, Kalahari Transv. Exp.
21.II.1957, 1 ex.; Kalahari, Matamata, IX.1957; C. Koch
leg., 5 ex. (TMNH); Nossob, Kalahari Gemsbok Park, G. somalica (Ardoin, 1965)
27.III.1990, J. Kimaszezsky leg., 5 ex. (TMNH); Orange
Free State: Verwoerd Dam, IX.1959, J. Potgieter leg. Opatropis somalica Ardoin, 1965: 80. – Ferrer 1993a: 106 (syn.).
H. Snyman, J. de Kock leg., 2 ex.; Transvaal: Soutpan, Gonocephalum ardoini Ferrer, 1993a: 106 (unjustified replaced name).
Gonocephalum (Opatropis) ardoini Ferrer, 1993. – Ferrer 2000b: 127.
Pretoria dist. II.1969, L. Schulze, Joens leg., 1 ex.
(TN); Mabolele state, 6.III.1973, Endrödy-Younga
Type data. Holotype: male (MNHN), “Somalie:
leg., 12 ex. (TMNH); Transkei: Butterworth, II.1950,
Mogadiscio, 1958, Patschnik leg.”.
N. Mitton leg., 1 ex. (TMNH); Natal: Amigal Game
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Somalia.
Reserve, X.1957, C. Koch leg., 5 ex. (TMNH); Mozam-
bique: Maniquenique, VI.1956, M.C. Rodriguez leg.,
1 ex. (TMNH).
Subgenus Myladanesthes Skopin, 1961
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Angola,
Botswana, Isl. Europa, Mozambique, Namibie, Republic Myladanesthes Skopin, 1961: 202.
of South Africa, Transkei..
Type species. Myladina fortidens Reitter, 1915.

G. mariei Chatanay, 1914

G. fortidens (Reitter, 1915)
Opatropis mariei Chatanay, 1914: 473. – Ferrer 1993a: 107, 2000b: 123.
Myladina fortidens Reitter, 1915: 282. – Iwan and Löbl 2008: 266.
Type data. Neotype (designated by Ferrer 2000b:
123): female (MNHN), “Madagascar (coll. Le Moul); Type. Unknown.
Museum Paris coll. Chatanay 1914”. Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION: Mada- Löbl 2008): Asia: China: Xizang (Tibet); Kazakhstan
gascar. (Almaatinskaya Oblast).
304 D. IWAN, J. FERRER and M. RAŚ

G. kalidii Skopin, 1964 Type data. Unknown.

Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION: Mon-
Myladanesthes kalidii Skopin, 1964: 282. – Iwan and Löbl 2008: 266.

Type data. Unknown.

Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Löbl 2008): Asia: Kazakhstan.
Incertae sedis

G. karatalica Skopin, 1966

G. brevicolle Philippi, 1860
Myladanesthes karatalica Skopin, 1966: 330 [= 1967: 209].
Gonocephalum karatalica Skopin, 1966. – Iwan and Löbl 2008: 266. Gonocephalum brevicolle Philippi, 1860: 172. – Gebien 1910b: 322,
1939: 452.
Type data. Unknown. Hopatrum brevicolle (Philippi, 1860). – Gemminger 1870: 1931.

Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and

Löbl 2008): Asia: Kazakhstan. Type data. Unknown.
Distribution. NEOTROPICAL REGION: Chile.

G. kazenasi Skopin, 1961

G. opacum Walker, 1871
Myladanesthes kazenasi Skopin, 1961: 203. – Iwan and Löbl 2008: 266.

Gonocephalum opacum Walker, 1871: 15. – Gebien 1910b: 324, 1939:

Type data. Unknown. 447; Schuster 1928: 989.
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION (Iwan and
Löbl 2008): Asia: Kazakhstan. Type data. The type of this species has been com-
pletely destroyed by Anthrenus, so it is impossible to
known the identitity (pers. com. Ferrer).
G. medvedevi Kaszab, 1965
Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION: Egypt.
Myladanesthes medvedevi Kaszab, 1965: 341.

Received: April 15, 2010

Accepted: June 20, 2010

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