Asynchronous Vs Synchronous Reset VLSI Interview Topics 1674364028 PDF

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Asynchronous versus Synchronous Resets

I Reset is needed for:

I forcing the ASIC into a sane state for simulation
I initializing hardware, as circuits have no way to self-initialize
I Reset is usually applied at the beginning of time for simulation
I Reset is usually applied at power-up for real hardware
I Reset may be applied during operation by watchdog circuits
Synchronous Resets

I Reset is sampled only on the clock edge

I Reset applied as any other input to the state machine
Synchronous Resets

I Sync reset advantages

I The flip-flop is less complex, thus smaller in area
I Circuit is completely synchronous
I Synchronous resets provide filtering for the reset line

I Sync reset disadvantages

I Combinatorial logic grows and may cancel out the benefit
I Reset buffer tree may have to be pipelined to keep all resets occurring
within the same clock cycle
I May need to pulse stretch reset so its is wide enough to be seen at a
clock rising edge
I Requires a clock to be present if reset is to occur
I If internal tri-state buffers are present, separate asynchronous reset
may still be required
I Reset signal may take the fastest path to flip-flops
Asynchronous Resets
I Asynchronous reset advantages
I Reset has priority over any other signal
I Reset occurs with or without clock present
I Data paths are always clear of reset signals
I No coercion of synthesis tool needed for correct synthesis
I Asynchronous reset disadvantages
I Reset deassertion to all flip-flops must occur in less than a clock cycle.
I Reset line is sensitive to glitches at any time
Asynchronous Resets

I Asynchronous reset synchronization circuit

I Synchronization circuit required with asynchronous reset
I Circuit will provide asynchronous reset and synchronous deassertion

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Asynchronous Resets
I Reset tree
I Routing and buffering of the reset tree almost as critical as the clock
I Reset goes to every flip-flop, possibly 100’s of thousands
I Capacitive load is very large
I Reset deassertion must happen within 1 clock cycle and allow time
for reset recovery time
Resetting FPGAs

I FPGAs are initialized during configuration: all FFs, and memory

I ASICs must have an explicit reset to achieve initialization
I What happens here in both environments?
module init_ffs (
input clk,
output q_out_b,
input d_in
logic q_out = ’0; //initalize flip flop
always_ff @ (posedge clk)
q_out <= d_in;
assign q_out_b = q_out; //assign output

I FPGA: FFs are initialized in hardware and simulation

I Hardware FFs get initialized by configuration
I Initialization statement resets simulation FFs
Resetting FPGAs

I What happens here in both environments? (cont.)

module init_ffs (
input clk,
output q_out_b,
input d_in
logic q_out = ’0; //initalize flip flop
always_ff @ (posedge clk)
q_out <= d_in;
assign q_out_b = q_out; //assign output

I ASIC: Synopsis design compiler says:

Warning: The ’declaration initial assignment’
construct is not supported. It will be ignored. (VER-104)
Resetting FPGAs

I Places for providing explicit reset

I High availability application requiring hot reset
I If clock drops out, need hard reset after PLL gets lock
I Comm channel: if it drops out, how do you reset the hardware?
I User push button reset
I Partial configuration will require reset of new logic
I IP (esp from ASIC sources) may require it
I Migration to ASIC from FPGA
I Reset not needed for some logic (pipelines)
I Reset is always needed for any logic with feedback

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