QCVN 032012BXD Vietnam Building Code On Classifications and Grading of Civil and Industrial Buildings and Urban Infrastructures

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QCVN 03:2012/BXD
National Technical Regulation on Rules of Classifications and Grading of Civil and Industrial Buildings
and Urban Infrastructures
1.1. Scope
1.2 . Subjects of application
1.3. Determining the level of works
1.4. References
1.5. Explanation of words
2.1. Classification of civil, industrial and urban technical infrastructure
2.1.1. General principles
2.1.2. Housing classification
2.1.3. Classification of houses and public buildings
2.1.4. Classification of industrial works
2.1.5. Classification of urban technical infrastructure works
2.2. Decentralization of civil, industrial and urban technical infrastructure
2.2.1 General principles
2.2.2 Some requirements when decentralizing civil, industrial and urban technical infrastructure Housing Houses and public buildings Industrial works Urban technical infrastructure works
Appendix A

QCVN 03:2012/BXD compiled by the Institute of Architecture, Urban and Rural Planning, submitted by
the Department of Science, Technology and Environment, appraised by the Ministry of Science and
Technology, and promulgated together with the Circular by the Ministry of Construction. No. 12/2012/TT-
BXD dated December 28, 2012 of the Minister of Construction.
QCVN 03:2012/BXD replaces QCVN 03:2009/BXD issued under Circular No. 33/2009/TT-BXD dated
September 30, 2009 of the Minister of Construction.


National Technical Regulation on Rules of Classifications and Grading of Civil and Industrial
Buildings and Urban Infrastructures
1.1. Scope
This standard prescribes general principles for classifying, grading and determining the grade of civil,
industrial and urban technical infrastructure works (referred to as classification and classification of works)
in order to serve as a basis for determine economic and technical solutions when formulating and
approving investment, design and construction projects.
1.2. Subjects of application
This regulation applies to organizations and individuals involved in construction investment activities of
civil, industrial and urban technical infrastructure.
1.3. Determining the level of works
The grade of works or work items in a new construction or renovation investment project shall be
determined by the investor and must be approved by the investment decider.
1.4. References
The documents cited in this standard include:
QCVN 02:2009/BXD, National technical regulation on data of natural conditions used in construction.
QCXDVN 05:2008/BXD, Vietnam Construction Code- Housing and public works- Life and health safety.
QCVN 06:2010/BXD, National technical regulation on fire safety for houses and works.
NOTE: In case the documents cited in this regulation are amended, supplemented or replaced, the latest
version shall apply.
1.5. Explanation of words
In this standard, the following terms are construed as follows:
1.5.1 Construction works
Products are made up of human labor, construction materials, equipment installed in the works, are linked
and positioned with the ground, may include the below ground, above ground, lower part. water surface,
the part above the water, built according to the design.
1.5.2 House (building)
Construction works whose main function is to protect and shield people or objects inside; normally cover
part or building n sets and is built in a fixed position.
1.5.3 Civil works
Construction works include all kinds of houses, houses and public works.
1.5.4 Types of construction works
Construction works are classified according to the purpose of use of the house and the building (house,
school, hospital, cement factory, water supply...). An investment project can have many types of works.
1.5.5 Building level
The concept expresses the economic and social importance of the work and the level of safety for people
and property during the operation, exploitation and use of the work.
1.5.6 Individual housing
The work is built on the premises of residential land under the use right of households and individuals
according to the provisions of law , including the case of construction on the land lot of the housing
1.5.7 Villas
Individual houses have a garden (trees, lawns, flower gardens, ...), fences and separate entrances.
1.5.8 Condominiums
Houses with two floors or more have walkways, stairs and infrastructure systems for common use for
many family and individual apartments.
1.5.9 Multi-purpose building (multi-purpose complex)
The work is arranged in the same building with groups of rooms or floors with different uses (offices,
audience rooms, catering services, commerce, rooms and functional rooms). other capabilities).
1.5.10 Building height
The height is calculated from the height of the ground where the work is located according to the
approved planning to the highest point of the building, including the pitched roof or the pitched roof . For
works with different ground levels, the height is calculated from the lowest ground level according to the
approved planning.
NOTE: Technical equipment on the roof: antenna masts, lightning rods, equipment using solar energy,
metal water tanks, etc., are not included in the building height.
1.5.11 Number of floors
The number of floors of the building includes all floors above ground (including technical floors, attic
floors, pitched roofs) and semi-basement floors.
NOTE: Basements are not included in the number of floors.
1.5.12 Floor above ground
The floor whose floor elevation is higher or equal to the ground level where the work is located according
to the approved planning.
1.5.13 Basement
The floor whose more than half of its height is below the ground level where the work is located according
to the approved planning.
1.5.14 Half-basement floor
The floor whose half of its height is above or below the ground level where the work is located according
to the approved planning.
1.5.15 Technical floor
Floor layout of technical equipment of the building. The technical floor can be the basement, semi-
basement, attic or the middle floor of the building.
1.5.16 Attic floor
The floor is located inside the space of the sloping roof, the whole or part of its facade is created by the
inclined or folded roof surface, in which the vertical wall (if any) is not higher than 1.5 m above the floor
1.5.17 Urban technical infrastructure works
Urban technical infrastructure works include: water supply, drainage, electricity supply, lighting, petroleum
and gas supply works, communication, solid waste collection and treatment system, cemetery , urban
traffic works.
1.5.18 Sustainability
General characteristics of the durability, stability of the house and the building during the period of
exploitation and use.
1.5.19 Fire Resistant Grade
The fire-resistance characteristics of houses and buildings according to the standards are determined by
the fire-resistance limits of the main construction structures.
1.5.20 Fire resistance limit
The time (in hours or minutes) from the beginning of the fire resistance test according to the standard
temperature regime of the samples until the appearance of one of the limit states of the structure and
components is as follows:
- Loss of bearing capacity;
- Loss of integrity;
- Loss of insulation.
1.5.21 Building life
The ability of the construction to ensure the physical and mechanical properties and other properties
established in the design and to ensure the normal conditions of use throughout the service life.
2.1. Classification of civil, industrial and urban technical infrastructure
2.1.1 General principles Classification of civil, industrial and urban technical infrastructure works is determined according
to the use function. In each classification group, there are works with specific names (See Appendix A). For civil, industrial and urban technical infrastructure works not mentioned in this regulation, the
classification of works shall be regulated by the Ministries managing specialized construction works.
2.1.2 Classification of housing Housing is classified into the following two types:
- Apartment buildings;
- Single house. Depending on the structure of rooms in an apartment, apartment buildings are classified into:
- Independent and self-contained apartment buildings;
- Dormitory (dormitory).
2.1.3 Classification of houses and public buildings Depending on their functions and specialized uses, houses and public works are classified into
the following types:
- Educational works;
- Medical works;
- Sports facilities;
- Cultural works;
- Commercial and service works;
- Communication and telecommunications works;
- Railway station;
- Public service works;
- Offices, head offices of agencies;
- Other public works. Works with multiple uses (multi-purpose buildings) must be classified separately for each item of
such work.
2.1.4 Classification of industrial works Industrial works are places in which industrial production processes and production services take
place, located in factories, enterprises, industrial parks, including production houses
(workshops); production operator; works for production (medical, dining, daily life, rest, entertainment,
study, culture, services, warehouses, traffic...) and technical works (electricity, water supply - drainage) ,
ventilation, waste treatment, fire prevention, etc.). Industrial works are classified by production industry, including the following industries:
- Construction material production works;
- Coal and ore mining works;
- Oil and gas exploitation and processing works;
- Heavy industrial production works;
- Light industrial production works;
- Fishery processing works;
- Other industrial works.
2.1.5 Classification of urban technical infrastructure works Urban technical infrastructure works are classified as follows:
- System of urban water supply works;
- System of urban water drainage works;
- System of urban power supply works;
- System of urban lighting works;
- The system of urban petroleum and gas supply works;
- System of urban information works;
- Solid waste collection and treatment system;
- Funeral homes and urban cemeteries;
- System of urban traffic works. For the system of urban traffic works, in addition to the division by use function, the traffic nature
of the works must also be taken into account.
2.2. Decentralization of civil, industrial and urban technical infrastructure works
2.2.1 General principles Each type of work is divided into five grades, including special grade, grade I, grade II, grade III
and grade IV. Level of works is determined according to each type of work, based on the importance, scale,
construction technical requirements, service life of the works and safety level for people and property in
the works. there. Work grade is determined for each work (or each work item) of a construction project. The importance of a work is determined on the basis of its impact on people, property or the
community when there is an incident; or its influence in the socio-economic development of a certain
territory. When the grade of a construction work is specified according to different criteria, the grade of the
work is determined according to the criteria of the highest level. In a construction project, works with different functions have different levels of works, but priority
must be given to high-level works for the main building block. Construction grade is determined based on the following requirements:
- The level of safety for people and property;
- Durability, the life of the building during its service life, resistance to all adverse effects of climatic
conditions, physical, chemical and biological effects;
- The safety in case of fire is within the allowable fire resistance limit. The determination of the grade of civil works (including houses, houses and public works) must be
based on the concentration of people and the requirements on fire resistance levels of the houses and
works specified in Clause 2 of this Article. QCVN 06:2010/BXD. The safety and sustainability of the work must be determined on the basis of the safety
requirements on the bearing capacity of the building (foundation, structure); safety when using, exploiting
and operating the works; fire prevention and fighting safety (fire-resisting grades of major parts of the
building such as columns, walls, floors, roofs). The sustainability of the construction is divided into 4 levels as follows:
- Level I: The service life is over 100 years;
- Level II: The service life is from 50 years to 100 years;
- Level III: The service life is from 20 years to less than 50 years;
- Level IV: The service life is less than 20 years. The sustainability of the work must ensure stability, no settlement, cracks, deformation beyond the
allowable limit, affecting the life of the work and neighboring works during the construction and operation
into exploitation. Building structure and foundation must be calculated with the most unfavorable loads and load
combinations acting on them, including destructive loads over time. In which the loads related to natural
conditions must comply with QCVN 02:2009/BXD. The stability of the structures must be calculated in accordance with all factors affecting them
such as wind loads, flooding due to storms, sea level rise, landslides, earthquakes, corrosion,
thunderstorms lightning and other adverse factors. Materials used must ensure long-term durability, meet use requirements, are not deformed, be
suitable for local climatic conditions and must ensure health and safety requirements as specified in the
regulations. specified in QCXDVN 05:2008/BXD. Fire resistance levels of buildings and structures include 5 levels, determined by fire resistance
limits of building components as specified in Table 1.
Table 1- Fire resistance levels of buildings and structures

Fire resistance limit of building structure, not less than

The The Floors between Roof unit without attic Staircase
bearing outer floors
part of wall is (including attic
Fire the not and basement Roofing Truss, Indoor Ladder
Resistant house load- floors) sheets beams, staircase boards
Grade bearing (including purlins wall and
roofing ladder
sheets with mats

I R 150 Е 30 R Е I 60 R Е 30 R 30 R Е I 150 R 60

II R 120 Е 15 R Е I 45 R Е 15 R 15 R Е I 120 R 60

III R 90 Е 15 R Е I 45 R Е 15 R 15 R Е I 90 R 60

IV R 30 E 15 R Е I 15 R Е 15 R 15 R Е I 30 R 15

DRAW No specified

1. The fire-resistance limit of a building element is denoted by REI, EI, RE or R together with the
corresponding indicators of the time under fire in minutes (min), in which:
- R- bearing capacity of the member;
- E- integrity of the component;
- I - insulation capacity of the structure.
2. A building member may have to maintain one, two or all three bearing capacity, integrity and
insulation during the duration of fire impact. The grade of the building must be consistent with the requirements on sustainability and fire
resistance level of the building and structure as specified in Table 2.
The construction grade of the network of water supply and drainage pipelines, manholes, motorways and
urban railways must be consistent in terms of sustainability as specified in Table 2.
Table 2- Grades of buildings according to sustainability and fire resistance levels of buildings and

Building Construction quality

Sustainability Fire Resistant

Especially Level I: Service life of more than 100 years Level I

II Level II: Service life from 50 years to 100 years Level II

III Level III: Service life from 20 years to less than 50 years 50 Level III, level IV

IV Level IV: The service life is less than 20 years Level IV

NOTE: For works of special grade (class higher than grade I), in addition to the requirements specified
in this Table, special technical requirements (load and impact, safety fire, explosion…) is prepared
specifically for the design and construction of works. Based on the building grade, design solutions must be developed to meet the requirements of
each type and grade of work.
2.2.2 Some requirements when decentralizing civil, industrial and urban technical infrastructure
works Housing When classifying housing, it is necessary to take into account the level of danger for the safety
of people and the ability to escape when there is an incident. Apartment buildings are classified as houses of fire danger group F1.3. Individual houses
belong to fire hazard group F1.4. The requirements for functional fire hazard are specified in QCVN
NOTE: F – designation of building grouping based on functional fire hazard. For an apartment building with up to 25 floors, it must be built with a construction grade not less
than grade II. An apartment building with more than 25 floors (over 75 m) must be built with a construction
grade of not less than grade I and the fire resistance limit of major parts of the building is not lower than
the following values:
- The bearing part of the house: R 180;
- Non-load-bearing outer wall: E 60;
- Floors between floors (including attic and basement floors): REI 90;
- Indoor staircase wall: REI 180;
- Ladder board and ladder mat: R 90.
NOTE This regulation also applies to houses and public buildings. For separate houses, the building grade of houses with 3 floors or more must not be less than
grade III. Houses and public buildings For historical monuments, museums and archival buildings, when determining the grade of
works, the safety level of precious and rare assets preserved and stored in the works must be taken into
account. . The following houses and public works must be of grade I or higher:
- Houses and works of international and national stature, works of special significance in terms of
security, defense and diplomacy;
- Buildings of the headquarters of Party offices, the National Assembly, state administrative agencies at
the central level and at the level of provinces and centrally run cities;
- Works directly serving search and rescue, rescue and emergency work in case of natural disaster, fire,
explosion, epidemic. Industrial works Industrial works in the main production technology chain must be classified according to the
requirements of safety for people and technological equipment, the degree of toxicity to the environment,
the level of danger and fire. explosion as specified in QCVN 06: 2010/BXD. Industrial works with a high level of danger, having great impacts on people, property or the
community when there is an incident, must have a construction grade not less than grade I: works that
use or storing radioactive substances, production or storage works of toxic chemicals, explosives. In case other works are part of the investment project to build industrial works but are not in the
main production chain such as the operator, administration, canteen, etc., when determining the grade of
the work, the construction level must be determined. comply with the same regulations as for public
works. For technical infrastructure works (water supply, wastewater treatment, urban transport
infrastructure, technical tunnels, ...) belonging to industrial construction projects when determining The
construction grade determination must comply with the same regulations as for urban technical
infrastructure works. Urban technical infrastructure works The civil works under the urban technical infrastructure construction project are taken according
to the corresponding civil works grade. Industrial works under the urban technical infrastructure construction project are taken
according to the corresponding industrial construction grade. The decentralization of the system of urban traffic works, in addition to complying with the
provisions of 2.2.1, must also take into account the following requirements:
- Design speed or average design vehicle traffic day and night (converged cars/day and night).
- Transport capacity and safe transportation. For waterway works such as cargo terminals, passenger terminals, wharves and ship lifting and
lowering works, shipyards and ship repair, port protection works, shore reinforcement, ship locks for
When determining the construction grade, the ship height must be taken into account.
1. The height of the work is calculated from the height of the top of the wharf to the height of the
bottom of the work.
2. Temporary works are classified into grade III.
3. Works may be ranked one level higher in the following cases:
- The project is of special importance.
- Built in adverse natural conditions.
- For the first time applying new construction and structural technology. The classification of airport works must be in accordance with the regulations of the
International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO.
3.1. When formulating a work construction investment project, the investor has the right to consider and
select the work grade and be approved by the investment decider.
3.2. State management agencies in charge of construction are responsible for guiding, inspecting and
supervising the implementation of this Regulation during the formulation and approval of investment
projects, licensing, construction and acceptance of works put into operation. utilization.
3.3. The Ministries managing specialized construction works shall coordinate with the Ministry of
Construction in the classification and decentralization of specialized construction works.
3.4. The classification and classification of civil, industrial and urban technical infrastructure works in
approved construction investment projects shall be applied according to current regulations until this
regulation is officially published. effect.

Classification of civil, industrial and urban technical infrastructure
A.1. Housing classification
A.1.1. Apartment
- High-rise apartment buildings;
- Multi-storey apartment building;
- Low-rise apartment buildings;
- Mini apartment;
- Mixed apartment buildings (function in combination with offices and other public services).
A.1.2. Individual houses
- Villas: detached villas, duplex villas, luxury villas, tourist villas;
- Townhouses: townhouses (townhouses), townhouses with gardens;
- Traditional rural houses.
A.2. Classification of houses and public buildings
A.2.1. Education projects
- Kindergarten (kindergarten, kindergarten);
- High schools (primary schools, junior high schools, high schools, high schools with many levels of
- Colleges, universities, institutes;
- Professional secondary school;
- Vocational schools (vocational colleges, vocational secondary schools, vocational training centers);
- Other types of fields.
A.2.2. Medical works
- General hospital;
- Specialized hospital;
- Regional polyclinic and specialized examination;
- Medical stations, maternity houses;
- Nursing home;
- Center for rehabilitation and orthopedics;
- Nursing homes;
- Centers for disease prevention;
- Preventive medical center;
- Reproductive health center;
- Center for social diseases;
- Center for testing pharmaceuticals, vaccines, cosmetics and foodstuffs;
- Animal breeding area for experimental animals;
- Other medical facilities.
A.2.3. Sports facilities
- Stadium;
- Sports ground (with stands and without stands): Separate sports ground for each subject; Multi-sport
sports ground;
- Sports house (practice and competition): General sports house for many subjects; Separate sports hall
for each sport;
- Swimming pool (practice and competition): serving water sports such as diving, swimming, diving, water
polo, artistic swimming;
- Sports Palace;
- Sports and fitness center;
- Racecourse, shooting range.
A.2.4. Cultural works
- Convention centers, theatres, cultural houses, clubs, cinemas, circuses, television studios and radio
studios with audiences;
- Museums, libraries, exhibitions, galleries and other buildings;
- Works of historical and cultural relics;
- Amusement and entertainment works;
- Cultural park- rest;
- Monument.
A.2.5. Commercial works and services
- Trade center;
- Supermarkets;
- Market;
- Retail stores;
- Restaurants for food and beverage...;
- Logistics center.
A.2.6. Communication and telecommunications works
- Telecommunications, radio and television broadcasting and receiving towers;
- Information service houses (post offices, post offices, information equipment installers, air stations);
- Microwave station;
- Satellite earth station;
- Communication and telecommunications works in direct service of Party, Government and State
- Communication works in service of natural disaster prevention, rescue and rescue.
A.2.7. Station
- Airport terminal;
- Waterway traffic wharf;
- Railway station;
- Car station.
A.2.8. Public service works
- Hotel;
- Guest house;
- Hostels and inns;
- Bank.
A.2.9. Office, head office
- State administrative agencies at all levels: Ministries and ministerial-level agencies; agencies attached
to the Government, People's Committees - People's Councils of provinces (cities directly under the
Central Government), People's Committees - People's Councils of districts, towns, provincial cities, and
Provincial People's Committees People's Committees - People's Councils of communes, wards and
- Working offices of the National Assembly, the Government and the President;
- Research institutes and research centers;
- Working houses of professional agencies, businesses, socio-political organizations and other
A.2.10. Other public works
- Religious works: churches, pagodas, monasteries;
- Probation works: prisons, detention camps, re-education camps;
- The building is used for storage purposes.
A.3. Classification of houses and industrial buildings
A.3.1. Construction material production works

- Cement factory ;

- Factory producing ceramic tiles (Ceramic, Granite, ceramic tiles);

- Factory producing baked clay bricks and tiles;

- Factory producing sanitary ware;

- Glass factory;

- Factory producing concrete mixes and concrete structures;

- Quarry for quarrying.

A.3.2. Coal and ore mining works

- Underground coal mines;

- Opencast coal mines;

- The factory chooses to wash and select coal;

- Underground ore mines;

- Opencast ore mines;

A.3.3. Oil and gas works

- Drilling rigs for exploration and exploitation at sea;

- Drilling rigs for exploration and exploitation on land;

- Refinery and petrochemical plants;

- Gas processing plants;

- Petroleum depot;

- Liquefied gas storage;

- Gas and oil pipelines;

- Natural gas production plants;

- Stations, distribution centers, gas filling.

A.3.4. Heavy industrial production works

a) Manufacturing and metallurgical plants

- Non-ferrous metallurgy factory;

- Black metallurgy plant;

- Ore selection and ore enrichment plants;

- Factory producing alumina;

- Steel mills and rolling mills;

- Mechanical factories manufacturing dynamic machines and machine tools of all kinds;

- Factory manufacturing industrial equipment and complete equipment;,

- Automobile assembly plant;

- Factory manufacturing and assembling motorcycles.

b) Energy works

- Thermal power plant (center);

- Hydroelectric power plants;

- Atomic power plants;

- Wind power plant;

- Lines and substations.

c) Electronic and informatics industrial works

- Electronic assembly plants (TVs, computers and similar products), refrigeration (air conditioners,
refrigerators and similar products);

- Factory manufacturing information and electronic components and spare parts (electronic printed
circuits, ICs and equivalent products).

d) Chemical production works

- Fertilizers and plant protection chemicals

- Complex Urea, DAP, MPA, SA, NPK factory;

- Plants producing all kinds of phosphate fertilizers (superphosphate, fused phosphate);

- Factory producing mixed NPK, microbial fertilizer;

- Chemical plant protection products.

- Basic chemical products

● Factory producing Ammonia, acid, caustic soda, chlorine of all kinds;

● Soda factory;

● Factory for the production of inorganic salts and inorganic oxides;

● The factory produces all kinds of pure and pure inorganic chemicals.

- Producing rubber and cleaning products

● Factory producing tires for automobiles - tractors (Tyre Standard 900-20);

● Factory producing tires for motorbikes and bicycles;

● Conveyor factory;

● Technical rubber factory;

● Factory producing cleaning products (washing cream, washing powder, shampoo, scouring water,

- Electrochemical products, paints, chemical mining materials

● Battery factory;
● Battery factory;

● Factory producing all kinds of paints, alkyd and acrylic resin materials;

● Factory producing chemical mining raw materials (apatite ore collection).

- Petrochemical products and other chemicals

● Petrochemical factory (PP, PE, PVC, PS, PET, SV, yarn, DOP, Polystyrene, LAB, neoprene;

● Industrial gas production plant;

● Factory producing welding rods, teflons, steel fibers;

● Pharmaceutical and drug manufacturing factories;

● Chemical and explosive material manufacturing plants;

● Factory producing chemicals and cosmetics.

- Chemical storage
A.3.5. Light industrial production works
a) Food

- Dairy factory;

- Factory producing confectionery, instant noodles;

- Frozen warehouse;

- Factory producing cooking oil, flavoring;

- Factory producing wine, beer, beverage;

- Canning factory: fish, meat, fruit;

- Tobacco factory.

b) Remaining works

- Yarn factory;

- Textile factory;

- Textile dyeing factory;

- Finished dyeing factory;

- Factory producing garment products;

- Factory of tanneries and production of leather products;

- Factory producing plastic products;

- Factory producing crockery and glass;

- Pulp and paper mills.

A.3.6. Seafood processing works

- Seafood processing factory.
A.3.7 . Other industrial works
- Industrial solid waste collection and treatment works;
- Shipbuilding and marine works;
- Works on exploitation and processing of forest products;
- Factory of rolling stock;
- Aircraft repair and maintenance factory;
- Warehouses;
- Storage warehouse;
- Logistic works.
A.4. Urban technical infrastructure works
A.4.1. System of urban water supply works
- Works to exploit raw water: surface water, underground water;
- Pumping station;
- Supply water treatment station: types of settling tanks, filter tanks, storage tanks, water tanks;
- Water supply network: water supply pipe.
A.4.2. System of urban drainage works
- Pipeline network (collection and transport): rain water, wastewater, dirty water;
- Pumping station: drainage of rain water and domestic wastewater;
- Types of visit wells, step-change wells, rainwater collection wells;
- Waste water treatment works (urban, regional or local): settling tanks, filter tanks, biological lakes, septic
tanks, sludge treatment works;
- Other works: conditioning reservoir, wastewater storage tank, drainage culvert, outlet of treated
wastewater to the receiving source.
A.4.3. System of urban power supply works
- Substations;
- Low voltage network (supplying electricity to the loads): line
NOTE: Refer to A.3.4, clause b of this Regulation.
A.4.4. System of urban lighting works
- Urban traffic lighting: streets, intersections, bridges, tunnels in urban areas;
- Lighting of public spaces in urban areas: squares, flower gardens, public play areas, public parking lots,
outdoor sports facilities;
- Decorative lighting, advertising and other types.
A.4.5. System of urban petroleum and gas supply works
- Gas stations: houses of gas stations, storage tanks, pipelines;
- Urban gas station: Liquefied petroleum gas station (LPG station) and Natural gas station.
NOTE: Refer to A.3.3 of this Regulation.
A.4.6. System of urban information works
Refer to the provisions of A.2.6 of this Regulation.
A.4.7. Solid waste collection and treatment system
- Transfer station;
- Solid waste treatment works: treatment complex, treatment station for processing into microbial fertilizer,
landfill, incinerator
A.4.8. Funeral homes and urban cemeteries
- Cemeteries: the nation and the people;
- Funeral home;
- Universal incarnation station.
A.4.9. System of urban traffic works
A.4.9.1. Urban road
- Urban highways;
- Urban trunk roads, urban trunk roads;
- Inter-regional roads, regional roads;
- Internal streets: pedestrian paths, bicycle paths;
- Parking: above ground, underground;
- Bus station;
- Toll stations, repair stations.
A.4.9.2. Rail
- Subway;
- Overhead railway;
- Inner city railway.
A.4.9.3. Bridge in the city
- Road bridges (automobile roads, railways);
- Pedestrian bridge;
- Bridges for all kinds of urban technical infrastructure pipelines.
A.4.9.4. Traffic tunnels in urban areas
- Car tunnels;
- Railway tunnels;
- Pedestrian tunnels for pedestrians.
A.4.9.5. Inland waterways
- Wharfs, works for lifting and lowering seaport ships;
- Ports, docks for ships, shipyards, ship repair;
- Locks for ships;
- Port protection works, shore reinforcement.
A.4.9.6. Airline
- Runway
A.4.10. Other works
A.4.10.1. Technical background
- The tunnel contains power cables, communication cables, water supply pipes...
A.4.10.2. Fire station

The full text of the National Technical Regulation (QCVN 03:2012/BXD) Principles of classification and
classification of civil, industrial and urban infrastructure works, is published on the website of the Ministry
of Construction at the address. : www.moc.gov.vn from the date of signing.

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