Met304 DDM Syllabus

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MET304 PCC 3 1 0 4

Preamble: This course focuses on important topics of dynamics of machinery and design of
machine elements. It covers the topics namely force of four bar mechanisms, design of
flywheels, welded joints, riveted joints and spring. Design of machine elements due to
impact, shock and fatigue loading are covered in the syllabus. Analysis of free and forced
vibration of single degree of freedom systems and a brief introduction about free vibration of
two degree of freedom systems is also included.

Prerequisite: EST100 Engineering Mechanics

Course Outcomes: After the completion of the course the student will be able to:

CO 1 Do engine force analysis and to draw turning moment diagrams

CO 2 Analyse free and forced vibrations of single degree of freedom systems
CO 3 Determine the natural frequencies of a two degree of freedom vibrating system and to
calculate the stresses in a structural member due to combined loading
CO 4 Design machine elements subjected to fatigue loading and riveted joints
CO 5 Design welded joint and close coiled helical compression spring

Mapping of course outcomes with program outcomes

PO PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO PO PO
1 10 11 12
CO 1 3 3 2
CO 2 3 3 2
CO 3 3 3 2
CO 4 3 3 2
CO 5 3 3 2

Assessment Pattern

Bloom’s Category Continuous Assessment Tests End Semester Examination

1 2
Remember 10 10 10
Understand 20 20 20
Apply 20 20 70
Mark distribution

Total CIE ESE ESE Duration


150 50 100 3 hours

Continuous Internal Evaluation Pattern:

Attendance : 10 marks MECHANICAL ENGINEERING

Continuous Assessment Test (2 numbers) : 25 marks
Assignment/Quiz/Course project : 15 marks

End Semester Examination Pattern: There will be two parts; Part A and Part B. Part A contain 10
questions with 2 questions from each module, having 3 marks for each question. Students should
answer all questions. Part B contains 2 questions from each module of which student should answer
any one. Each question can have maximum 2 sub-divisions and carry 14 marks.

Course Level Assessment Questions

Course Outcome 1 (CO1):

1. Explain D’ Alembert’s principle.

2. Determine analytically the forces such as piston effort, force in the connecting rod and side
thrust on the cylinder walls of a reciprocating engine.

3. Draw the turning moment diagram of IC engine.

4. Derive an expression for the coefficient of fluctuation of energy.

5. Derive an expression relating the stress in a flywheel and its linear speed.

Course Outcome 2 (CO2)

1. Explain the energy method and Newton’s method to determine the natural frequencies of a
single degree of freedom system.

2. Derive an expression for the logarithmic decrement.

3. Find the forced response of a damped single degree of freedom vibrating system subjected to
a harmonic excitation.

4. Distinguish between motion transmissibility and force transmissibility.

5. What is whirling? Derive an expression for the critical speed of a shaft.

Course Outcome 3 (CO3):

1. Find the natural frequencies and mode shapes of a two degree freedom vibrating system.

2. What do you mean by eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a multi degree freedom vibrating

3. What are the steps in the design process?

4. Define stress concentration factor. How can we minimize it?

Course Outcome 4 (CO4):

1. Explain Goodman’s criterion.

2. Explain Soderberg’s criterion.

3. Define endurance limit and factor of safety. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING

4. Derive an expression for the impact stress due to a freely falling body.

5. Describe the modes of failure of a riveted joint.

6. What are the different efficiencies of a riveted joint?

7. Classify the riveted joints.

Course Outcome 5 (CO5):

1. What are the different types of welded joint?

2. Describe AWS welding symbols with neat sketches.

3. Determine the weld size of a joint subjected to axial, bending and twisting loads.

4. Derive an expression for the shear stress in the spring wire.

5. Derive an expression for the deflection of a helical compression spring.

6. Why concentric springs are required in certain applications?





Maximum: 100 Marks Duration:3 hours

Use of Machine Design Data Book is permitted.


Answer all questions, each question carries 3 marks

1. Describe briefly the dynamic force analysis of a reciprocating engine.

2. Derive an expression for the coefficient of fluctuation of energy.

3. Derive an expression for logarithmic decrement.

4. Define whirling speed of a shaft.

5. Explain the mode shapes of a vibrating system.

6. What are the steps in the design process?

7. Define endurance limit. What are the factors affecting it?

8. What are the failure modes of a riveted joint?

9. Describe the AWS welding symbols.

10. Explain i) surge ii) resilience and iii) curvature effect ENGINEERING
of a spring. (10×3=30 Marks)


Answer one full question from each module


11. a) Describe with a neat sketch the turning moment diagram for a four-stroke internal
combustion engine (4 marks)

b) The turning moment of an engine is given by the equation: 2500 + 750 sin 3θ Nm
where θ is the crank angle in radians. The mean speed of the engine is 300 rpm. The
flywheel along with other rotating parts attached to the engine have a mass of 500 kg
at a radius of gyration of 0.8 m. Determine i) the power developed by the engine and
ii) the percentage of fluctuation of speed of the flywheel (10 marks)

12. a) State and explain D’ Alembert’s principle. (4 marks)

b) The ratio of connecting rod length to crank length of a vertical gasoline engine is 4.
The engine bore and stroke are 8 cm and 10 cm respectively. The mass of the
reciprocating parts is 1 kg. The gas pressure on the piston is 6 bar, when it has moved
40° from the inner dead centre during the power stroke. Determine the following:

i. Net load on the piston

ii. Net load on the gudgeon pin and the crank pin
iii. Thrust on the cylinder walls
iv. Thrust on the crank bearing

The engine runs at 2000 rpm. At what engine speed will the net load on the gudgeon
pin be zero? (10 marks)


13. a) A machine of mass 1000 kg is acted upon by an external force of 2450 N at a

speed of 1500 rpm. To reduce the effect, vibration isolators made of rubber having a
static deflection of 2 mm under the machine load and an estimated damping factor of
0.2 are used. Determine the following:
i. Force transmitted to the foundation
ii. Amplitude of vibration of machine
iii. Phase lag between the transmitted force and the displacement ENGINEERING
(9 marks)
b) Distinguish between motion transmissibility and displacement transmissibility. (5 marks)

14. a) A damped spring mass system has mass 3 kg, stiffness 100 N/m and damping
coefficient 3 Ns/m. Determine the following:
i. Damping ratio
ii. Damped natural frequency
iii. Logarithmic decrement
iv. Ratio of two successive amplitudes (8 marks)
b) Describe briefly Newton’s method and energy method used for obtaining the
natural frequencies. (6 marks)


15. Find the natural frequencies and mode shapes of a two degree freedom system shown
in figure. The masses are m1 = m2 = 10 kg and the stiffness values are k1=k2=2

16. a) Define stress concentration factor. How can it be minimized? (5 marks)

b) Calculate the stress at point A on the fixed end of a rod of length 80 mm and
cross-sectional area 30 mm2 shown in figure. (9 marks)


17. a) Distinguish between Soderberg and Goodman criteria. (5 marks)

b) A round bar is subjected to the following variable loads. Torque varying from
2kNm to 5 kNm, bending moment varying from 10 kNm to 12 kNm. Calculate the
size of the bar if it is made of C40 steel with yield stress of 324 MPa. Yield stress in
shear is 50% of that in uniaxial loading. Adopt a factor of safety of 2.5 on yield stress
for shear. (9 marks)

18. a) What are the advantages of riveted joint over welded joint? (4 marks)

b) Design a double riveted butt joint with equal widths of cover plates to join two
plates of thickness 10 mm. The allowable stress for the material of the rivets and for
the plates are as follows: For plate material in tension, σt = 80 MPa, for rivet material
in compression, σc = 120 MPa, for rivet material in shear, τ = 60 MPa (10 marks)


19. a) Describe with neat sketches the different types of welded joints. (5 marks)

b) An eccentrically loaded bracket is welded to a support as shown in figure. The

permissible shear stress for the weld material is 80 MPa. Determine the size of the
weld. (9 marks)

20. a) Derive an expression for the axial deflection of a close coiled helical spring.
(5 marks)
b) A bumper consisting of two helical springs of circular section, brings to rest a
railway wagon of mass 1500 kg moving at 1.2 m/s. While doing so, the springs are
compressed by 150 mm. The mean diameter of the coil is 6 times the wire diameter.
The permissible shear stress is 400 MPa. Determine i) the maximum force on each
spring ii) wire diameter of the spring, iii) mean diameter of the coils and iv) the
number of active coils. Take G=0.84 x 106 MPa. (9 marks)

Module 1

Dynamic force analysis- D’ Alembert’s principle –four bar mechanism- engine force analysis
(reciprocating engines)- piston side thrust-connecting rod force-piston effort- dynamic force
analysis considering mass of the connecting rod-analytical method.

Flywheels-turning moment diagrams for four stroke internal combustion engine and multi
cylinder engines-coefficient of fluctuation of speed-coefficient of fluctuation of energy-
design of flywheels.

Module 2

Introduction- free vibration of single degree undamped systems- natural frequency-energy

method- Newton’s second law (free body diagram)-damped systems- logarithmic decrement.

Forced vibration-single degree of freedom systems-harmonic excitation-vibration isolation-

transmissibility-whirling of shafts.

Module 3

Introduction to two degree of freedom systems- natural frequencies and mode shapes.

Introduction to design-definition, steps in the design process, materials and their properties-
elastic and plastic behaviour of metals, ductile and brittle behaviour, shear, bending and
torsional stresses, combined stresses, stress concentration factor.
Module 4

Shock and impact loads- fatigue loading- Gerber, MECHANICAL ENGINEERING

Goodman and Soderberg criteria,
endurance limit stress, factors affecting endurance limit, factor of safety.

Deign of riveted joints- material for rivets, modes of failure, efficiency of joint, design of
boiler and tank joints, structural joints.

Module 5

Design of welded joints-welding symbols, stresses in fillet and butt welds, Butt joint in
tension, fillet weld in tension, fillet joint under torsion, fillet weld under bending,
eccentrically loaded welds.

Springs- classification, spring materials, stresses and deflection of helical springs, axial
loading, curvature effect, resilience, static and fatigue loading, surge in spring, critical
frequency, concentric springs, end construction.

Text Books

1. Ballaney, P. L. Theory of machines and mechanisms. Khanna Publishers, 2010.

2. Rattan S S, Theory of Machines, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2005.

3. Bhandari V B, Design of Machine Elements, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2010.

Design Data Books (permitted for reference in the university examination)

1. Mahadevan, K., and K. Balaveera Reddy. Design Data Handbook; Mechanical

Engineers in SI and Metric Units. CBS Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi, 2018.
2. NarayanaIyengar B.R & Lingaiah K, Machine Design Data Handbook, Tata McGraw
Hill/Suma Publications, 1984
3. PSG Design Data, DPV Printers, Coimbatore, 2012

Reference Books

1. Charles E Wilson and J Peter Sadler, Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery, Tata
McGraw-Hill Education, 2008.

2. Amithabha Ghosh and Asok Kumar Malik, Theory of Mechanisms and Machines, East
West Press, 2011

3. Robert L Norton, Design of Machinery, Tata Mc Graw-Hill, 2005

4. P C Sharma and D K Aggarwal, Machine Design, S K Kataria & Sons

Course Contents and Lecture Schedule


No. of Lectures
1.1 Dynamic force analysis- D’ Alembert’s principle –Four bar 3
1.2 Engine force analysis (reciprocating engines)- piston side thrust- 4
connecting rod force-piston effort- dynamic force analysis
considering mass of the connecting rod-analytical method.

1.3 Flywheels, turning moment diagrams-four stroke internal 3

combustion engines and multi cylinder engines
1.4 Coefficient of fluctuation of speed-coefficient of fluctuation of 2
energy-design of flywheels
2.1 Introduction- free vibration of single degree undamped systems- 3
natural frequency-energy method- Newton’s second law (free
body diagram)-damped systems- logarithmic decrement.

2.2 Forced vibration-single degree of freedom systems-harmonic 3

excitation-vibration isolation-transmissibility-whirling of shafts.

3.1 Introduction to two degree of freedom systems- natural 3
frequencies and mode shapes.

3.2 Introduction to design-definition, steps in design process. materials 3

and their properties- elastic and plastic behaviour of metals,
ductile and brittle behaviour
3.3 Shear, bending and torsional stresses, combined stresses, stress 4
concentration factor.

4.1 Shock and Impact loads, fatigue loading- Gerber, Goodman and 2
Soderberg criteria, endurance limit stress, factors affecting
endurance limit, factor of safety.

4.2 Deign of riveted joints- material for rivets, modes of failure, 3

efficiency of joint, design of boiler and tank joints, structural

5.1 Design of welded joints-welding symbols, stresses in fillet and 3
butt welds, butt joint in tension, fillet weld in tension,

5.2 Fillet joint under torsion, fillet weld under bending, eccentrically 2
loaded welds.

5.3 Springs- classification, spring materials, stresses and deflection of 3

helical springs, axial loading, curvature effect, resilience, static
and fatigue loading
5.4 Surge in spring, critical frequency, concentric springs, end 3

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