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Tu-154M Brief Flight Manual

This document is a short version of the real Tu-154M Flight Manual that was compiled for Project Tupolevs
(www.protu-154.com) Tu-154M pilots and students of the PT Flight School. All sections in this Flight Manual de-
scribe normal flight operations and do not include operations in emergency situations, aircraft systems description
and other sections of the real Tu-154MFlight Manual which will not be considered during primary training pro-
gram. This Flight Manual is also not applicable for PT Tu-154B2.
Its based on the English FCOM of Syrian Airlines Tu-154M.
Chapter 1. Limitations

1.1 Weight restrictions

Maximum taxi weight 100 500 kg

Maximum take-off weight 100 000 kg
Maximum landing weight 80 000 kg
Maximum zero fuel weight 74 000 kg
Maximum pax/cargo load 18 000 kg
Maximum fuel load 39 750 kg

Operation of the aircraft is allowed for up to 100 000 kg MTOW.

In case of an urgent necessity, landing is allowed even with weight exceeding maximum landing weight 80 000
kg at captains discretion.

1.2 Take-off and landing restrictions

Airport (runaway) elevation -305 - +3000 m

Friction coefficient 0,3
Runway covered with:
- ice Not Allowed
- water 10 mm
- slush 12 mm
- dry snow 50 mm
Headwind, Tailwind component 30m/sec, 5 m/Sec
Crosswind component
- dry runway 17 m/Sec
- precipitation layer on the runway  3 mm See table below
- precipitation layer on the runway  3 mm 5 m/Sec
- in case of hydraulic system nr. 2 failure (dry runway) 10 m/Sec
Max runway gradient 2%

Relation between the allowed crosswind component and runway friction coefficient can be found in the following

Friction coefficient 0,3 0,35 0,4 0,45 0,5 0,55 >0,6

Crosswind component (m/Sec) 5 7,2 9,3 11,3 13,6 15,8 17

1.3 Center of gravity (CG) restrictions

1.4 Power Plant

Engines are allowed to work at take-off thrust setting for the purposes of flight safety, however, for no longer
than 15 minutes.

In case of flight level change at altitudes Н8000 m, thrust should be advanced to nominal first - for engines nr.
1 and 3; and after 6 seconds of climb also for engine nr. 2, provided the situation allows nominal or take-off
thrust for all three engines. Under such conditions, RPM and EGT should be monitored closely.

1.5 Airspeeds and M-speeds

1.6 Minimal allowed airspeed

1.7 Angle of attack (AoA) indicator setting

Flap angle З=45, slats extended, V alarm = 1,13*V stall;

Flap angle З=28, slats extended, V alarm = 1,13* V stall;
Flap angle З=15, slats extended, V alarm = 1,16* V stall;
Flap angle З=0, slats extended, V alarm = 1,17* V stall.

1.8 Landing gear restriction

Minimum aircraft turn radius on ground - 7 m. Front landing gear turn radius - 23 m.

Turning the aircraft on the ground by locking or applying full braking action one of the main landing gear bogies

1.9 Allowed G-force and bank angles

G-force (Nу) min/max:

- Flaps/Slats retracted Manuveringlimits operational -1 to +2,5 0,5 - 1,8
- Flaps/Slats extended Manuveringlimits operational 0- 2,0 0,5 – 1,8

Bank angle () max :

- for Н250 m or V340 Km/h on take-off / V280 on landing +-15
- in all other cases +-33
- while executing SID with an initial turn at Н50 m 25

Bank angle alarm will sound:

- on take-off and landing when exceeding 152
- in cruise when exceeding 334

Bank angle alarm modes will change automatically when:

- “LANDING PREPARATION” switch - “ПОДГОТ. ПОСАДКА” is on and the altitude 250 m
- “LANDING PREPARATION” switch - “ПОДГОТ. ПОСАДКА” is off and the speed :
i) on take-off reaches 340 Km/h
ii) on approach decreases to 280 Km/h

1.10 APU (ВСУ) restrictions

- maximum altitude for start-up 3 000 m
- Vmax during start-up and/or flying with APU running 525 Km/h
- max running time (not interrupted) 5 hours

EGT at start-up:
- normal conditions 680С
- emergency conditions until automatic stop oc-
curs, but 720С

Flying with the APU not running and the APU ram door open, other than the time required for preparing the APU
for start-up, is FORBIDDEN!

If the electrical system is fed by batteries, repeated APU start-up in cruise is FORBIDDEN!

1.11 Various restrictions

Avoidance of cumulonimbus clouds shall be done by maintaining at least 15 km distance from the nearest radar
contour indication.

Avoidance of frontal cloud systems shall be done by flying between separated storm centres, where the dis-
tance between radar contour indication is at least 50 km. When flying above such weather, minimal vertical dis-
tance of 500 m above the upper cloud border must be maintained.

1.12 Maximum flight altitudes related to aircraft weight

1.13 Control restrictions

Stabilizer and slats may be moved from one end position to the other and vice versa up to five times with 1 mi-
nute pause before each next movement (if so needed, one of the pauses may be shortened to 3 seconds).

Approach without touchdown may be repeated up to 10 times.

After the stated cycle has been completed, the slat and stabilizer equipment has to be cooled using at least 1
hour without any equipment activity.

In order to ensure stable engine performance, advance thrust setting during take-off from high-altitude airports
(Н700 m) as follows:
- in 3-5 seconds all 3 engines to 0,4 of nominal thrust;
- in 10 seconds all engines to nominal thrust;
- in 2-3 seconds engine nr. 1 and 3 to take-off thrust;
- in 2-3 seconds engine nr. 2 to take-off thrust.

Rolling take-off at airports with high runaway elevation (Н700 m) is FORBIDDEN!

1.14 Temporary restrictions

Throttling up the engines to take-off thrust after line-up and take-off clearance, shall be done as follows:
- Allow 3-5 seconds to advance the thrust levers until engine air bleed valves close;
- Verify sucessful closure of the air bleed valves on the flight engineers panel (control light “BLEED VALVES” -
- Wait 2-3 seconds, and advance thrust levers to take-off thrust setting.

Operation of the aircraft on a glide slope with an angle higher than 4 is FORBIDDEN!

Chapter 2. Normal operations

2.1 Pre-flight preparations

Check and analyze the meteorogical conditions. In case of temperature inversion, calculations are made using
the maximal temperature taken from the range 0 m – 150 m and adding 150 m to the barometric airport altitude.

Determine maximum take-off weight (MTOW) and maximum landing weight. Choose appropriate method for

Determine V1, VR, V2, VREF speeds.

Determine the aircraft’s Centre of Gravity (CG) position. For a flight with less than a full load of passengers cal-
culate the aircraft load using CG 27–28 % MAC.

2.2 Preparations for take-off

ATTENTION! The F/E is obliged to check the performance of the fuel system at all flight phases and report any
discrepancies to CPT.

2.2.1 Preparation for taxi.

Upon receiving start-up clearance, the CPT commands the F/E to start-up the engines.

Before commencing taxi, all equipment must be checked and be in a correct position or show correct parame-
ters. The navigator aligns the gyroscopic equipment (ТКС-П2), the F/O turns on the beacon lights, reads the
“Before taxi Checklist” and requests taxi clearance from ATC.

2.2.2 Taxi

2.2.3 Preparation for take-off

“PITOT HEAT” - “Обогрев ППД” should be turned on 1 minute before commencing the take-off roll in tempera-
tures above zero, and 3-5 minutes before commencing the take-off roll in temperatures at or below zero.

(rem.: Refers to the window-heaters)

If take-off is expected in icy conditions (rain, snow, fog, drizzle, low clouds at temperatures equal to, or below
+5С), “PITOT HEAT” - “Обогрев ППД” should be turned on before taxi. In case of a delay (10 minutes or
more) it has to be turned off to ensure the cooling down of pitot tubes. Heat should be turned on again 3-5
minutes prior to commencing the take-off roll.

2.2.4 Holding point procedures

Check control surfaces movement. During their movement, the hydraulic pressure in all systems need not fall
below 180 kg/см ;

Extend flaps for take-off and verify the take-off/landing mode control light - “ВЗЛЁТ. ПОС. РВ” turns on.

Read the checklist, make sure all altimeter settings are correct.

Request line-up clearance.

2.2.5 Procedures on the runway.

Taxi along the runway centreline for 5-10 meters, then switch the front gear mode to “10” - after which, the
control lights “FRONT GEAR 63” - “РАЗВОРОТ 63” and “NOT READY FOR TAKE-OFF” - “К ВЗЛЁТУ НЕ
ГОТОВ” should turn off.

IT IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN to take/off with the control light “NOT READY FOR TAKE-OFF” - “К ВЗЛЁТУ

In case the control light “NOT READY FOR TAKE-OFF” - “К ВЗЛЁТУ НЕ ГОТОВ” goes on during the take-off
roll the CPT shall proceed as follows:

- if VV1 abort take-off;

- if VV1 continue with take-off. When reaching traffic pattern altitude, decide upon further action (land at depar-
ture airport/continue flight) based on the circumstances and the causes of the failure.

Control light “NOT READY FOR TAKE-OFF” - “К ВЗЛЁТУ НЕ ГОТОВ” lights up when:
- nose gear steering mode is at “63” position;
- inner spoilers locking mechanism is open;
- main/cargo doors locking mechanism is open or passenger/service door latches are closed;
- emergency/back-up doors and emergency hatch latches are closed;
- “BOOSTER CONTROL” - “БУСТЕРНОЕ УПРАВЛЕНИЕ”(rem: Refers to the flightcontrols hydraulic boosters)
switches lid is open;
- slats retracted and flaps unextended for take-off configuration.

When the nose gear steering mode is set to “10”, the control light “NOT READY FOR TAKE-OFF” - “К
ВЗЛЁТУ НЕ ГОТОВ” will only flash if the inner spoilers or main door and cargo locking mechanisms are open.

2.3 Take-off

2.3.1 Take-off in normal conditions.

CAUTION! In case the alarm sounds after setting thrust levers to take-off position, it is mandatory to abort take-
off and check that slats and flaps are extended.

CAUTION! Take-off with airplane’s CG position at the front limit and MTOW requires bigger deflection angle of
the elevator at the moment of rotation. Therefore in case of more intense rotation the angle of the elevator may
even reach its limit. Because of high pitch on such take-offs it is required to precisely observe all take-off speeds
– such take-offs should be executed as pure instrument take-off starting at the moment of rotation until full re-
traction of the flaps.

After rotation, accelerate the airplane while climbing so that when reaching 10,7 m AGL, the IAS equals or ex-
ceeds V2.

Max speed for lights out: 340 km/h

At 5-10 m AGL retract the landing gear and continue climbing while accelerating to V2+40 Km/h. Maintain this
speed until 120 m, and when IAS reaches 330 Km/h begin flaps retraction to 15. When the IAS reaches 340
Km/h continue flaps retraction to 0. IAS at clean configuration should be 380-400 Km/h.

Note: The moment the flaps retract from 28 to 15 neither slats nor the stabilizer move. This takes place only
when “FLAPS” - “ЗАКРЫЛКИ” lever is set to zero.

During take-off at turbulent conditions the AoA signalization alarm may sound.

Remark: If the standard departure chart requires a turn before flaps retraction, such a turn shall be executed at
a height no lower than 50 m AGL at IAS= V2+40 Km/h while climbing. In case of turns exceeding 15 bank if the
bank limit alarm sounds, special attention should be paid to the artificial horizon working condition and 25 bank
limit shall not be exceeded. Flaps retraction should be executed after turn completion on a straight portion of the

REMARK: PT-Tupolev flightschool Normal T.O.:
Perform standard T/O procedure at nominal thrust, as following:
- flaps 28* position;
- set nominal thrust that is about 93,5% RPM;
- rotate at Vr;
- accelerate to 330-340 km/h until 120 meters AGL;
- retract flaps from 28* to 15* not lower than at the height of 120 meters and at IAS not less than 330 km/h.
- retract flaps from 15* to 0* position at IAS not less than 360 km/h with intention to have 410 km/h < IAS < 430
km/h when flaps fully retracted.
Perform crosswind turn at (200) meters AGL.
At (450) meters AGL reduce thrust to the regime which is required to maintain in the level flight at IAS = 380-400
km/h (about 74% RPM).

Rem: “Corridor” means the SID : standard instrument departure

Climbing shall be performed using one of following modes:
- Maximum climb gradient (high speed) mode: for Н9 750 m maintain V=575 Km/h; for H9750 m maintain
- Maximum distance mode: for Н9450 m maintain V=550 Km/h, for Н9450 m maintain М=0,8.

At 450 m, reduce thrust to nominal. For low TOW it is allowed to reduce thrust to nominal at lower heights to
avoid exceeding IAS limits, however thrust reduction shall not be made lower than 260m.

3. Never use autothrottle in T.O., climb, cruise or descent, on approach only on full ILS-approaches.

In case the ground proximity (ССОС) alarm sounds before the moment of flap retraction, immediately stop the
descent, if such occurs - and ensure that the aircraft starts to climb. In case the ground proximity (ССОС) alarm
sounds after flaps retraction while flying over mountainous areas, swiftly manoeuvre the aircraft for a more
steep trajectory (while watching that G-force and AoA limits are observed), set take-off thrust and maintain it un-
til the alarm ceases to sound. At turbulent conditions it is possible that ground proximity (ССОС) alarm may
sound up to 2 seconds without requiring the flight crew to change the flight trajectory.

At transition altitude set standard pressure (760 mm) for all altimeters, and check the indication accuracy on all
of them.

2.3.2 Short stop take-off.

Take-off roll which starts before engines take-off thrust has been reached is allowed at airports with runaway el-
evation up to 700 m and runaway visual length not less than 400 m.

Read checklist “On holding point” during taxi to line-up.

Simultaneously release brakes and advance thrust levers for take-off position.

CAUTION! In case an alarm sounds after setting thrust levers for take-off position, it is mandatory to abort the

The moment take-off regime is reached (N1), the F/E reports “take-off thrust set” - “Режим взлётный” (Rezhim

At IAS=150 Km/h navigator calls about accelerating to control speed - “Контрольная” (Kontrol’naya). If there is
no call about crossing the control speed before take-off thrust has been reached, it is mandatory to abort the

CAUTION! If a headwind component is more than 15 m/Sec take-off thrust could be reached after passing
IAS=150 Km/h.

Further actions after the calls “Control speed” and “Take-off thrust set”, as well as in case the ground proximity
(ССОС) alarm sounds are similar to standard take-off procedure.

2.3.3 Non-stop take-off (Rolling takeoff).

Read the checklist during taxi along the runaway centerline without short stops and on idle thrust. CPT com-
mands to commence the take-off right after the checklist is complete.

Such take-off is allowed at airports with runaway elevation up to 700 m and runaway visual length no less than
400 m. Required take-off distance is increased by 120 m when performing non-stop take-off.

2.3.4 Take-off with flaps 15.

Such take-off is performed with the same stabilizer position as with flaps 28º. Determine take-off speeds for
flaps 15. Take-off roll, rotation, landing gear retraction are similar to take-off in normal conditions. The takeoff
itself (ground detachment) takes place at a higher AoA ( 1-2).

After the landing gear retraction accelerate to V2+40 Km/h and continue climbing until 120 m. At Н120 m ac-
celerate to 360-380 Km/h, retract flaps reaching 380-400 Km/h at the moment of full retraction.

Further actions are similar to take-off in normal conditions.

2.3.5 Take-off in crosswind and tailwind conditions.

Maximum crosswind and tailwind components should not exceed figures mentioned in the table on page 2. Dur-
ing take-off roll aircraft turns against the wind. Push the yoke away, maintain the take-off direction by using rud-
der pedals deflection. At rotation speed set the rudder pedals at neutral position and simultaneously pull the
yoke. During and after rotation the plane may bank a little. Keep the take-off direction after rotation by maintain-
ing the original course (compensate for drift).

The take-off procedure with tailwind component is similar to take-off in normal conditions.

2.3.6 Take-off with noise abatement procedure.

Remark: In PT flightschool a different noise abatement procedure is being used:

flaps 28*, t/o thrust;
- at the height of (260) meters (850 feet) AGL reduce thrust and maintain V2+20 km/h with vertical speed
3-4 mps until (900) meters (2962 feet) AGL;
- at (900) meters (2962 feet) set nominal thrust and accelerate on schedule.

2.3.7 Take-off at nominal regime.

2.3.8 Take-off in wind sheer conditions.

Take-off procedure with information about wind sheer:

- determine strength of wind sheer and make a decision for take-off. If there is a strong or sharp wind sheer
take-off is FORBIDDEN!
- take-off should be performed at take-off thrust using the longest runaway with the lowest possible flap angle;
- in case of a rapid decrease in acceleration, it is mandatory to abort take-off if V1 was not reached;
- rotation speed should be 10-15 Km/h higher than the speed determined during flight preparation;
- after rotation keep the speed no lower than V2.
ATTENTION! Decreasing the pitch angle for acceleration purposes does not allow to achieve a maximum climb
gradient therefore it could be used at heights that guarantee a safe trajectory to avoid obstacles.
- retract flaps/slats after leaving the wind sheer area.

Take-off procedure with no information about wind sheer :

- in case of a quick decrease of acceleration it is mandatory to abort take-off if V1 was not reached;
- if wind sheer occurs, rotation speed should be 10-15 Km/h higher than that calculated during flight preparation;
- if take-off is originally performed at nominal regime, advance thrust levers for take-off position;
- when wind sheer occurs after rotation, follow the same guidelines as above.

- For an airport having obstacles higher than 120 m at the take-off direction, retract flaps and slats and acceler-
ate using the maximum climb gradient recommendations.

- In case the ground proximity (ССОС) alarm sounds during acceleration, immediately stop the descent, ensure
that the aircraft starts to climb and(or) execute a turn keeping a speed no lower than the allowed minimum.
- If the standard departure chart requires a turn before flaps retraction, such a turn shall be done at height no
lower than 50 m AGL at IAS= V2+40 Km/h while climbing. In case of turns exceeding 15 bank if the bank limit
alarm sounds, special attention should be paid to artificial horizon working condition and 25 bank limit shall not
be exceeded. 25 bank decreases the vertical speed approximately by 1 m/Sec. Flaps retraction should be exe-
cuted after turn completion on straight portion of flight.

2.4 Climb


Best Range Cruise

2.6 Descent

2.7 Approach

2.7.1 Approach procedure in normal conditions.

Execute the approach maneuvers with bank up to 25, bank on final turn in automatic or FD modes is up to 20.

At traffic altitude before landing gear extension and IAS 400 Km/h determine the required setting for the “Stabi-
lizer Position Lever” - “ЗАДАТЧИК СТАБИЛИЗАТОРА”.

Abeam the outer marker (or at a distance of 25 km from the threshold in case of 400 m AGL circuitheight or 30
km and 500/600 m circuitheight for straight-in approach) extend the landing gear. 20-25 second after the last
green light of landing gear position indicator ППС-2МК turned on and after pressure recovery in hydraulic sys-
tem nr. 1 (up to 200-220 kg/cm ) set landing gear lever to neutral position and fix it.

Base turn is performed with a bank of not more of 30 at IAS=380-370 Km/h.

On base reduce to 360 km/h (or at a distance of 18-20 km from the threshold for straight-in approach) extend
flaps to 28 maintain s speed of 300 Km/h. Assure that the adjusted stabilizer position was set. 4/3 km before
glideslope interception set final approach flaps (36 or 45 deg according landing datas).

- If traffic pattern width is 12 km landing gear extension is allowed on base before flaps are extended to 28;
- If traffic pattern width is 8 km and a bank of up to 25 is required for approach maneuvers, landing gear exten-
sion is allowed above of outer marker, provided the completion of all procedures prior to base turn.

On final at IAS300 Km/h before FAF (3-4 km before FAF in automatic mode) extend flaps to 45, reducing the
speed down to VREF according to the table below:

Control the stabilizer deflection and check its adjusted position (elevator indicator should be inside the green
sector of the gauge; i.e. in the range of 3-10).

If the aircraft is stabilized and the elevator indicator shows a deflection outside the 3-10 range, make correc-
tions to the stabilizers position.

In case the elevator indicator is below the green sector push the electrical trimmer to “Nose Down” - “ПИКИР”

In case the indicator is above the green sector:

- if the stabilizer position angle is less than 5,5 set “Stabilizer Position Lever” - “ЗАДАТЧИК
СТАБИЛИЗАТОРА” to forward CG position in combined mode or use the manual stabilizer setup lever -
- if the stabilizer was already set for 5,5 increase VREF by 10 Km/h.

If the above measures did not lead to an elevator angle correction to the appropriate value, then it is necessary
to execute a go-around procedure and change CG in horizontal flight.

If it is impossible to change CG, execute the approach and landing with flaps at 28º and stabilizer at a 5,5 an-

When necessary the go-around procedure can be performed with 28 flaps position without any change of the
stabilizers position.

The stabilizers position during go-around can be changed either through manual or combined mode - before
flaps retraction.

In case the CG is between forward and central (28% MAC) or central and rear (35%) position and the stabilizer
angle is 3, it is allowed to continue approach with elevator angle indication up to 12.

- Approach with partially used enroute fuel reserve is done at VREF+10 Km/h.
- If the elevator indicator is around 10 it is recommended to start flaring at H=8 m;

- Approaching airports at FAF altitude higher than 400 m, it is allowed to start flaps extension to 45 in steady
descent and no lower than at H=400 m;
- Landing with flaps 28 position is allowed in case the runaway satisfies the Flight Manual requirements.

If before FAF the aircraft is not in landing configuration, it is mandatory to execute the go-around.

Thrust should be stable prior to overflying the outer marker.

Thrust corrections to adjust vertical speed should not exceed 2-3% fan speed, and any vertical offsets should
be corrected by yoke movement.

- Thrust correction within 5% leads to a difficulty in stabilizing the approach and is undesired for the final flight
stages. Thrust reduction by 10% is unacceptable because it may lead to a vertical speed increase of 8-10
m/Sec in comparison with the determined Vy for descent on the glide slope. That’s why thrust should be set
precisely and be invariable, especially after overflying the middle marker.
- Avoid swinging the aircraft in yoke control (hand fly) mode when performing maneuvers for vertical profile ad-
justments, do not make thrust correction if the IAS had changed within 10 Km/h.
- All vertical maneuvers must be finished before the middle marker, and this rule relates to any glide slope an-
gle. Otherwise execute a go-around procedure.
- Above the middle marker, descent should be stabilized, vertical speed should be kept within 1 m/Sec range.
Offsets which do not exceed the boundaries of the aircraft silhouette on the PNP-I gauge (the little plane repre-
sented in the centre of the HSI) - should not be corrected, keep the descent on the extended glide slope.
- If the conditions above are not met it is mandatory to execute a go-around procedure.

In case of a ground proximity system alarms immediately decrease vertical speed and control vertical profile as
well as landing gear position – if it is not extended, the go-around is mandatory. In case of a ground proximity
system alarms before visual contact is established, the go-around is mandatory.

Note: Cruising at low altitudes or in turbulence conditions as well as approaching airports with hard relief (REM:
Rocks etc.) on final, including high angle glide slopes, short term alarms of ground proximity system that has 2
seconds duration are possible. It does not require any actions for correction of descent trajectory.

2.7.2 The late landing gear and flaps extension approach procedure.

Execute the approach maneuvers with bank up to 25, bank on final turn in automatic or FD modes should be
up to 22.

At traffic altitude before landing gear extension and IAS=400 Km/h determine the required setting for the “Stabi-
lizer Position Lever” - “ЗАДАТЧИК СТАБИЛИЗАТОРА”.

Base and final turns are performed at IAS≥380 Km/h.

On final at a distance of 6 km from the FAF extend the landing gear reducing airspeed to IAS360 Km/h. After
the last green light on the landing gear position indicator ППС-2МК turns on, extend flaps to 28 reducing air-
speed to IAS=280-300 Km/h. 20-25 seconds after pressure recovery in hydraulic system nr. 1 (up to 200-220
kg/cm ) set the landing gear lever to neutral position and fix it.

- If it is impossible perform the base turn so that there is a 6 km distance from the FAF after the final turn, or in
case of hydraulic system nr. 1 failure - extend the landing gear on base leg;
- Descending on glide slope at IAS≤300 Km/h extend flaps to 45 position and assure that the adjusted stabilizer
position was set accordingly. Flaps extension to 45 should be started at H≥350 m. Further piloting is similar to
the standard approach procedure.

2.7.3 Features of steep glide slope approach (glide slope angle from 331 to 4)

Flaps and slats should be fully extended before FAF in case of a steep glide slope.

In automatic or FD mode as well as during NDB approach it is necessary to start descent on the glide slope ear-

For all approach modes it is necessary to execute a go-around procedure in yoke control mode if vertical speed
- for glide slopes from 331 to 400:
i) 10 M/sec – to intercept the glide slope;
ii) 7 M/sec – flying on glide slope before Decision Height.

Autothrottle is allowed to be used in automatic mode before flare height. If the aircraft tends to accelerate on the
glide slope with a constant thrust setting, switch off the autothrottle.

Maximum lateral offsets from runaways centerline at decision altitude:

Glide slope angle ≤331 331≤400
Decision altitude, м 100 80
Offset, m 80 50

2.7.4 Visual approach features.

Visual approach is allowed if the runaway or its reference objects are visible.

Entering the airport area is performed according to STAR procedures, approach and descent [profile] towards
the visual approach IAF are performed using all the available airport navigation aids.

Extend landing gear and flaps to 28 before the IAF.

Usually, a visual approach route is not defined. Visual approach is performed, generally, inside the visual con-
tact area of the runaway according to traffic pattern at traffic altitude but no lower than MDA.

Extend landing gear, extend flaps to 28 position

Extend flaps to 45, maintain traffic altitude (not lower than Minimum Descent Altitude)
Initial Approach Fix

Final Approach Fix


If visual contact with the runway or reference objects is not established at the assigned IAF altitude, roll out the
aircraft to a horizontal flight until visual contact is established.
After visual contact was established, the CPT must inform ATC “Runaway In Sight” and coordinate the type of
visual maneuver.

Note: If the runaway is not in sight or visual contact is lost, it is necessary to execute a turn towards the runaway
climbing up to traffic altitude and a go-around procedure according to the defined scheme for the particular air-
port, followed by an IFR approach.

For a visual approach, a bank of up to 30 is allowed.

Before turning towards the runaway at HMDA it is necessary to:
- extend flaps to 45 position;
- set IAS to VREF + 10 Km/h;
- read the “Before Glide Slope Capture” checklist.

Final turns are done descending at IAS=VREF+10 Km/h. Vertical speed should not exceed -5 M/sec before final
approach fix altitude. Recommended bank is 20 but not more than 30. Height at final approach fix should not
be lower than 150 m AGL.

ATTENTION! When executing the final turns, “MAXIMUM LEFT(RIGHT) BANK” - “КРЕН ЛЕВ (ПРАВ) ВЕЛИК”
alarm indication is permitted.

On final the CPT should be aware of the aircrafts position relative to the runaway and determine the offsets. If
the offsets are within the permissible limits, reduce the airspeed to VREF.

The CPT flies the aircraft after VDP. The F/O monitors the flight parameters and notifies the CPT if a maximal
30 bank is reached.

2.8 Landing

2.8.1 Landing in normal conditions

- During pre-flare thrust reduction is intolerable due to a possibility of hard landing;
- Yoke movement “away from” prior to or during pre-flare is intolerable because can lead to hard landing.

In case of ballooning, keep the yoke fixed and avoid nose dropping. Land again on the main gear, extend spoil-
ers in case they had not been extended, pull down the front landing gear, move the yoke to full forward position.
Make sure that touchdown occurred in the landing area, runaway condition and brakes permit effective braking
and residual runaway length is sufficient for a safe stop, cut off reverse thrust at V115 Km/h (for aircraft w/o au-
tomatic flap/slat devices control system) or on V100 Km/h (for aircraft with automatic wing flap/slat control sys-

- Engines operations time in reverse mode must not exceed 1 minute.
- In case of necessity use reverse thrust until the aircraft comes to a complete stop.
- If reverser doors don’t return to forward thrust position within 7-9 seconds (control light “REVERSE LOCK” -
“ЗАМОК РЕВЕРСА” turned on), increase engines thrust up to 67% high pressure fan speed (N1), and the con-
trol light should turn off. If it has not turned off within another 5 seconds, cut off the engine.
- Braking should be carried out by smooth synchronous pressure on brake pedals at speeds in the range of lim-

If friction coefficient is less than 0,4 apply full braking starting from speed 150 Km/h. Maintain the direction on
landing roll using rudder, on dry runaway light differential braking is allowed.

If the aircraft skids sideway off the centerline and is at risk of overrunning the runway :
- immediately reduce reverse thrust of both engines to idle regime, stop braking;
- using rudder pedals and ailerons as well as differential brakes on dry runaway, direct the aircraft towards the
- if the aircraft keeps skidding, switch off nose gear “GEAR STEERING”- “РАЗВОРОТ КОЛЕСА” to self-
orientation mode (disable nose wheel steering) . After the aircraft skids no longer, set the rudder pedals at neu-
tral, switch on “GEAR STEERING”- “РАЗВОРОТ КОЛЕСА” again and steer the aircraft parallel to the runaway
- after full control of the aircraft is regained, and its running along the centerline, apply brakes and, if necessary,
advance reverse thrust until it comes to a complete stop;
- do not apply differential reverse thrust to correct the skid;
- do not allow S-shaped maneuver of the aircraft on landing roll.

Approaching a runaway with low friction coefficient, keep estimated VREF and control threshold crossing height
very strictly.

In case of one engine reverse failure and risk of overrunning the runaway, reduce reverse for both engines. Af-
ter regaining control over the aircraft apply the reverse thrust on the fault-free engine again.

At the finish of landing run:

- switch nose gear mode switch to “63”;
- retract flaps and ensure that the stabilizer has moved to adjusted position;
- retract spoilers;
- switch off “PITOT HEAT” - “ОБОГРЕВ ППД”.

CAUTION! In case of the reverse thrust usage until full stop as well as landing on a runaway covered with snow
or dirt, do not retract flaps/slats until parking. On parking ensure the absence of ice and dirt on flaps, slats and
spoilers, then retract control surfaces and lights.

It is allowed to retract flaps to 28 position before parking.

2.8.2 Landing in crosswind conditions.

2.8.3 Landing in wind sheer conditions.

Approach is FORBIDDEN in case of wind longitudinal components on ground and at 100 m AGL differ by 15
m/Sec or more. Approaching in wind sheer conditions, increase IAS by 10-15 Km/h if it has not been increased
for other reasons.

Keep speed on glide slope with small corrections of thrust level in the range of 5% N1 (high pressure fan
speed). Thrust level should be also corrected if IAS changed by 15 Km/h after the aircraft had stabilized on the

ATTENTION! Simultaneous elevator deflection and thrust level correction could result in a misbalance on final
approach and aircraft swinging.

If the required thrust at 200 m height or below is higher than nominal regime (92,5%) or less than 70%, it is nec-
essary to execute a go-around procedure.

2.8.4 Correction of lateral offsets from runaway centerline in automatic or FD approach modes.

Upon reaching decision height CPT must verify a lateral offset from centerline and offset from glide slope. Max-
imum lateral offsets from centerline are listed in the table below:

Height, м 100 80 60 45 30
Distance before runaway threshold,
1950 1500 1050 700 400
Maximum lateral offset from center- 30 (but no more than 1/2
100 70 40 30
line, m runaway width)

The lateral offsets are estimated are based on the aircraft position relative to runaway landing lights or other vis-
ible objects.

If maximum lateral offset are reached, CPT must:

- In automatic mode press the “GO-AROUND” button on the yoke;
- In FD mode: cancel flight by flight directors and start go-around procedure in automatic or FD mode.

If lateral offset is within the limits, the CPT must switch off ABSU and auto throttle and start maneuvers for cor-
rection of the lateral offset.

At 60 m AGL or above:
- Execute S-shaped maneuver composed of two coupled turns towards runaway centerline. First turn (towards
centerline) should be executed with a bank of 10-12 and counter turn with a 6-8 bank. Maximum bank should
not exceed 15 in the beginning of this maneuver and 2-3 over the runaway threshold.

From 60 m AGL to 30 m (including):

- Approach is accepted as correct if at decision height a ground speed vector is directed inside the limits of run-
away width. If at decision height a lateral offset is in the red lights area of the stop way (12-15 m), decision on
landing can be made with no visibility of the runaway threshold, landing is executed without correction of lateral
offset. If the lateral offset does not exceed 30 m but not more than ½ runaway width decision on landing must
be made with clear visibility of the runaway threshold. In that case landing is performed by applying a correction
using a single turn towards the centerline at an angle of 1-3 with a bank that not exceeding 5. Touchdown be-
tween centerline and runaway side lights from the side of the lateral offset with further correction to get running
on or along centerline. Touchdown across the centerline increases the risk for overrunning.

Maximal offset on glide slope at decision height should not exceed the boundaries of the “aircraft silhouette” in
the centre of the PNP-I (HSI) gauge, which may result in an approximate landing distance extension of up to
100 m.

2.8.5 Go-around procedure with all operating engines or one faulty engine.

A safe missed approach is possible:

- before starting pre-flare;
- during pre-flare;
- at 4-6 m, or at 10 m AGL with one faulty engine.

- Altitude lost (“dive depth”) while aborting a balanced approach for a go-around procedure equals to:
i) 4 - 8 m at Vy=-3,5 ÷ -4,0 m/Sec;
ii) 10 - 12 m at Vy=5,0 m/Sec;
iii) 15 - 18 m at Vy=6,0 m/Sec;
iv) 20 - 24 m at Vy=7,0 m/Sec;
v) 28 - 32 m at Vy=8,0 m/Sec.
- When executing a go-around from an unstable approach (yoke movement, thrust correction, swinging) there is
a possibility for doubled depth.
-When executing a go-around at 25 m height or less, the depth decreases due to an increase in ground effect.

Executing go-around procedure CPT:

- after the go-around decision is made, notifies the crew, starts pulling up the aircraft and commands to advance
thrust levers to take-off position;
- commands to retract flaps to 28º in case they had been set for 45 or to 15 if flaps were at 28, maintain the
current speed from the moment the go-around procedure is commenced;
- after reaching a positive vertical speed commands to retract landing gear;
- climb while accelerating 300-310 Km/h (З=28) or 320-330 (З=15) Km/h;
- when IAS reaches 300-310 Km/h (З=28) or 320-330 Km/h (З=15) commands to start flaps retraction to 0
decreasing angle of ascent while retracting the flaps to accelerate to 340-400 Km/h;
- control flaps retraction and stabilizer movement to the adjusted position;
- climb to traffic pattern altitude at 340-400 Km/h ;
- at traffic pattern altitude reduce thrust and execute another approach.

Note: If go-around procedure requires a turn before flaps retraction, such a turn shall be done after flaps retrac-
tion from 45 to 28 or from 28 to 15 at a height no lower than 50 m at IAS 300 Km/h or higher while climbing.
In case of turns exceeding 15 bank if the bank limit alarm sounds, special attention should be paid to artificial
horizon working condition and 25 bank limit shall not be exceeded. Flaps retraction should be performed after
turn completion on a straight portion of the flight.

2.8.6 Taxi to gate.

After leaving the runaway, F/E should pump over the remaining fuel from tanks nr. 3 to tanks nr. 2 and, if neces-
sary, start APU.

After completing the landing roll and engines cooling on idle mode for 1 minute it is recommended to cut off en-
gine nr. 2 or nr. 2 and nr. 3. Before cutting off the engine nr. 2 switch on the electrical pump of hydraulic system
nr. 2.

Prior to stop at gate assure normal braking and normal pressure in hydraulic systems (200-220 kg/sm ).

2.9 Training flights

2.9.1 Take-offs.

For training flights purpose it is allowed to execute take-offs on take-off or nominal thrust.

During series of take-offs CPT must control spoilers retraction to zero position, null position of spoiler lever and

2.9.2 Go-around procedure.

For training flights purpose it is allowed to execute go-around on take-off or nominal thrust.

Nominal thrust is allowed to be applied:

- in case all engines are running and weight does not exceed 75 000 kg;
- for training with an engine failure simulation and weight that does not exceed 70 000 kg;
- landing with 28 flaps position and weight that does not exceed 92 000 kg.

In case of one engine failure during take-off on nominal regime with weight no more than 70 000 kg it is neces-
sary to advance thrust levers for take-off position.

Note: At any stage of go-around procedure at nominal regime it is allowed to increase thrust to take-off regime.

2.9.3 Touch and go procedure.

Conditions for touch and go procedure:

- Initial landing weight should not exceed 80 000kg, flaps at 45 in each approach and landing;
- All flights should be executed with the extracted landing gear, flight duration should not be less than 15
minutes, a time interval between flights not more than 10 minutes.

CAUTION! When performing flights with the extracted landing gear it is necessary recycle the “GEAR STEER-
ING” - “РАЗВОРОТ КОЛЕСА” switch, so as to avoid landing with the turned nose gear.

On landing run usage of reverse thrust is mandatory.

IAS for start braking should not more be than 160 Km/h. Braking action should not be intensive, ½ of brake
pedals travel that relates to a pressure of 50-60 kg/cм2 in braking system.

The number of such flights should not exceed:

- 5 if ground temperature is +20C or lower;
- 3 if ground temperature is in the range +20C ÷ +30C.

For training flights in the above conditions, the runaway length should not be less than 3 500 m.

2.10 Piloting at maximum airspeeds or M-speeds

Minor forces on control column during acceleration caused by elevator position should be fully relieved by the
trimmer. Aircraft “behavior” should be normal. Turns execution on maximum airspeed or M-speed should not
present difficulties. In case of unpremeditated acceleration to M=0,88 decrease M-speed by reducing thrust.

At H=11 000 and M=0,7-0,8 there is a direct aircraft reaction on rudder deflection, at M>0,895 there is a back
reaction, i.e. deflecting left rudder pedal the aircraft rolls to the right, deflecting right rudder pedal it rolls to the
left, but due to good cross controllability the back reaction does not complicate piloting.

CAUTION! In order to avoid airframe vibration when flying at high altitudes and airspeeds it is necessary to
avoid violent maneuvers and overriding G-force more than 1,2g-1,3g.

2.11 Piloting at minimum airspeeds

At all stages of flight an airspeed decreasing lower than recommended value for respective configuration is not
allowed. In case of an unpremeditated airspeed decrease down to minimum airspeed the AoA indicator shall
sound an alarm. If the AoA indicator has alarmed take an action to increase airspeed.

During flights in any configuration at low airspeeds there should be no airframe vibration, aircraft behavior
should be normal. Maneuvers at speeds that are close to minimum require increased attention, perform smooth
deflection of the control column and yoke to prevent high G-force value. Bank should not exceed 20.

2.12 Aircraft piloting in intensive turbulence conditions

Upon entering into a zone with intensive turbulence (G-force>1,5g):

- set IAS=500 Km/h; and at Н10 750 set М-speed=0,8;

- switch off automatic mode of ABSU;
- execute soft control of aircraft;
- do not aim at maintaining precise altitude and airspeed, execute piloting by smooth deflection of control axes
using average values.
- do not allow high pitch and don’t exceed 10-15 bank.

Execute turns near frontal cloud systems at M0,8. When entering strong upward blast keep a constant pitch on
the artificial horizon. If an intensive airframe vibration arise, deflect the control column forward, not changing
thrust levers position and not allowing the maximum airspeed or M-speed to exceed.
Entering into a strong downward blast (quick altitude loss), continue descent keeping all control axes in bal-
anced position, do not allow maximum airspeed or M-speed to exceed. If adhered to, a stall is almost impossi-

In case of stall, immediately push the control column to the full forward position. After AoA decreased and air-
craft accelerated to minimum airspeed + 50-70 Km/h, pull up aircraft to horizontal flight reaching G-force not
more than 1,2g-1,3g. Altitude loss should not be more than 650 m.

In case of engine surge reduce thrust to idle. If after thrust reduction, normal operation of the engine was not re-
stored, cut off the engine. Start the engine over again on normal AoA if EGT during the surge has not exceeded

2.13 Night flights

2.13.1 Preparation for night take-off.

During preparation for night take-off (additionally to standard operations):

- check pilot console lighting, set brightness;
- check position lights/strobes;
- extract and check “LANDING” - “ПОСАДОЧНЫЙ” and “TAXI” - “РУЛЁЖНЫЙ” lights;
- “DAY-NIGHT” - “ДЕНЬ-НОЧЬ” switch to “NIGHT” - “НОЧЬ” position;

Upon receiving clearance to taxi, extend and turn on “TAXI” - “РУЛЁЖНЫЙ” light. When necessary, it is al-
lowed to use “LANDING” - “ПОСАДОЧНЫЙ” light for over viewing a taxiway but its usage should not be more
than 5 minutes.

On holding point ensure sufficient lighting of all gauges.

2.13.2 Night take-off features.

Take-off is executed with landing lights turned on. Hold visually the take-off direction based on visibility of runa-
way centerline lights and displacement of side lighting. After rotation guide yourself by runaway lights, PNP, arti-
ficial horizon, IAS and vertical speed indicators with further transition to pure instrumental flight. At H=50 m
switch off and retract the landing lights.

2.13.3 Night approach and landing procedures.

Approach procedure at night is similar to standard approach procedure.

Extend wing and fuselage lights prior to reaching FAF. Landing lights should be turned on at H=100-150 m after
a visual contact with landmark was established.

CAUTION! Approaching in fog, haze or atmospheric precipitations the landing lights could be switched on upon
CPT decision. In case of light reflection immediately turn off the light.

Landing is similar to standard landing procedure.

Upon finishing a landing run switch light to “TAXI” – “РУЛЕЖНЫЙ” .

2.14 Piloting features if CG 32-40% MAC

Such CG is allowed if it’s not possible to move CG forward. At that, take-off weight should not exceed 80 000
kg. Stability and controllability of aircraft at CG >32% MAC are almost the same in comparison to forward CG,
But it is necessary to take into account the following terms:
- on taxi short differential braking is needed to turn the aircraft;
- significant force needs to be applied on the control column during pull up on take-off and landing;
- stabilizer should be set to “REAR” - “З” position at CG >35% MAC;
- maximum flight level is 10 100 m.

Chapter 3. Aircraft characteristics. Auxiliary tables.

3.1 Crosswind, headwind and tailwind components

Wind Angle
0  10  20 30  40 50  60  70  80  90
Wind speed
0 1 1,5 2 3 3 3,5 4 4 4
4 m/Sec
4 4 4 3,5 3 3 2 1,5 1 0
0 1 2 2,5 4 4 5 5,5 6 6
6 m/Sec
6 6 5,5 5 4 4 2,5 2 1 0
0 1,5 3 4 5 6 7 7,5 8 8
8 m/Sec
8 8 7,5 7 6 5 4 3 1,5 0
0 2 3,5 5 6,5 8 9 9,5 10 10
10 m/Sec
10 10 9,5 9 8 6,5 5 3,5 2 0
0 2 4 6 8 9 10 11 12 12
12 m/Sec
12 12 11 10 9 8 6 4 2 0
0 2,5 4 7 9 11 12 13 14 14
14 m/Sec
14 14 13 12 11 9 7 4 2,5 0
0 3 5,5 8 10 12 14 15 16 16
16 m/Sec
16 16 15 14 12 10 8 5,5 3 0
0 3 6 9 11,5 14 16 17 18 18
18 m/Sec
18 18 17 16 14 11,5 9 6 3 0
0 3,5 7 10 13 15 17 19 20 20
20 m/Sec
20 20 19 17 15 13 10 7 3,5 0
0 4 7,5 11 14 17 19 21 22 22
22 m/Sec
22 22 21 19 17 14 11 7,5 4 0

In the upper row the crosswind component is indicated, and in the lower row the headwind or tailwind components depending on wind direction are

3.4 Take-off distance (Flaps 28)

3.6 Take-off distance (Flaps 15)

3.7 Wind and runaway slope correction for required T/O distance, m

3.9 Recommended flight level

For other weights, regime and tempratures refer to the Syrian Airlines Manual


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