58 Circular 2023

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के न्द्रीय माध्यशमक शिक्षा बोर्ड

(शिक्षा मं त्रालय, भारत सरकार के अधीन एक स्वायत्त संगठन)


(An Autonomous Organisation Under the Ministry of Education, Gov t. of India)

CBSE/ACAD/JS(AHA)/2023 Date: 01.05.2023

Circular No: Acad-58/2023

All the Heads of Schools Affiliated to CBSE

Subject: International Al-Beruniy Chemical Olympiad at Uzbekistan – regarding

Sir / Madam,

The Republic of Uzbekistan has forwarded the information about upcoming International
Al-Beruniy Chemical Olympiad which will be held offline in Khiva (Uzbekistan) on 11-17
June, 2023. Following are detailed information about the Olympiad –

i. Participants must be between 15-18 years old (inclusive)

ii. All teams of the participating countries consist of 5 people – 4 participants and 1 team
leader. Several teams from every country can participate in the International Olympiad.
iii. Participation is free of charge.
iv. The Organizing Committee of the Olympiad will cover all the expenses
(accommodation, meals and transportation within the country) for team members and
their leaders (5 person in total), Air fare of the Team will not be borne by the Organizing
v. Registration is open till 27.05.2023.

3. A copy of Regulation for the organization and conduct of the International Olympiad in
Chemistry is attached at Annexure ‘A’ for further details of the Olympiad.

4. The schools are requested to share the above information with the students of their school
and facilitate their participation.

Dr. Joseph Emmanuel

Director (Academics)

Copy to the respective Heads of Directorates, Organizations and Institutions as indicated below
with a request to disseminate the information to all the schools under their jurisdiction:
1. The Commissioner, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, 18 Institutional Area, Shaheed Jeet
Singh Marg, New Delhi-16
2. The Commissioner, Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, B-15, Sector-62, Institutional Area,
3. The Secretary, Eklavya Model Residential Schools (EMRS), Ministry of Tribal Affairs,
Government of India.
4. The Secretary, Sainik Schools Society, Room No. 101, D-1 Wing, Sena Bhawan, New

‘शिक्षा स दन’ , 17 राऊ ज़ एवेन्यू ,इं स्टीटू िनल एररया, नई ददल्ली–110002

‘Shiksha Sadan’, 17, Rouse Avenue, Institutional Area, New Delhi – 110002

फ़ोन/Telephone: 011-23212603 वेबसाइट/Website :http://www.cbseacademic.nic.in ई-मेल/e-mail: mailto:[email protected].

के न्द्रीय माध्यशमक शिक्षा बोर्ड
(शिक्षा मं त्रालय, भारत सरकार के अधीन एक स्वायत्त संगठन)


(An Autonomous Organisation Under the Ministry of Education, Gov t. of India)

5. The Chairman, Odisha Adarsha Vidyalaya Sangathan, N-1/9, Near DoordarshanKendra,

PO Sainik School Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar, Odhisha-751005.
6. The Director of Education, Directorate of Education, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Old
Secretariat, Delhi-110 054
7. The Director of Public Instructions (Schools), Union Territory Secretariat, Sector 9,
8. The Director of Education, Govt. of Sikkim, Gangtok, Sikkim –737101
9. The Director of School Education, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar –791 111
10. The Director of Education, Govt. of A&N Islands, Port Blair – 744101
11. The Director of Education, S.I.E., CBSE Cell, VIP Road, Junglee Ghat, P.O.
744103, A&N Island
12. The Director, Central Tibetan School Administration, ESSESS Plaza, Community
Centre, Sector -3, Rohini, Delhi
13. The Additional Director General of Army Education, A –Wing, Sena Bhawan, DHQ,
PO,New Delhi-110001
14. The Secretary AWES, Integrated Headquarters of MoD (Army), FDRC Building No.
202, Shankar Vihar (Near APS), Delhi Cantt-110010
15. All Regional Directors/Regional Officers of CBSE with the request to send this circular
to all the Heads of the affiliated schools of the Board in their respective regions
16. The Director of School Education, Ladakh, Room No. 101, 102 Ground Floor, Council
Secretariat, Kurbathang, Kargil-Ladakh
17. The Director of School Education, Andhra Pradesh, 3rd Floor, B block, Anjaneya
Towers, VTPS Rd, Bhimaraju Gutta, Ibrahimpatnam, Andhra Pradesh PIN : 521456
18. All Joint Secretary/ Deputy Secretary/ Assistant Secretary/SPS / Analyst, CBSE
19. All Head(s)/ In-Charge(s), Centre of Excellence, CBSE
20. In charge IT Unit with the request to put this Circular on the CBSE Academic Website
21. In-Charge, Library
22. The Head (Media & Public Relations), CBSE
23. DS to Chairperson, CBSE
24. SPS to Secretary, CBSE
25. SPS to Director (Academics), CBSE
26. SPS to Director (Information Technology), CBSE
27. PPS to Controller of Examinations, CBSE
28. SPS to Director (Skill Education), CBSE
29. PPS to Director (Professional Examinations), CBSE
30. PS to Director (Training), CBSE
31. PPS to Director (CTET), CBSE
32. SPS to Director (EDUSAT), CBSE
33. Record File

Director (Academics)

‘शिक्षा स दन’ , 17 राऊ ज़ एवेन्यू ,इं स्टीटू िनल एररया, नई ददल्ली–110002

‘Shiksha Sadan’, 17, Rouse Avenue, Institutional Area, New Delhi – 110002

फ़ोन/Telephone: 011-23212603 वेबसाइट/Website :http://www.cbseacademic.nic.in ई-मेल/e-mail: mailto:[email protected].

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