23 Circular 2024
23 Circular 2024
23 Circular 2024
Dear Principal
As per provisions of RTE Act 2009, it is mandatory on the part of local authorities to maintain
the data and record in prescribed proforma. To meet the requirements of RTE Act, UDISE+
(Unified District Information System for Education Plus) has been developed to maintain
data and provide unique UDISE+ code to schools to meet the requirement of RTE
provisions. Therefore, non-submission of data in time in UDISE+ is in contravention to
provisions of RTE Act.
It has been reported that States are facing difficulties in filling CBSE schools’ data in
UDISE+ portal as the States do not have regular interaction with CBSE Schools.
In view of above, all the CBSE affiliated schools are requested to fill the data on UDISE+
portal in time. The last date for completion of data for UDISE+ 2023-24 is 15.03.2024 and
final submission including data verification, data validation and certification is 31.03.2024.
‘शिक्षा सदन’ ,71 राऊज़ एवेन्यू ,इं स्टीटू िनम एररया, नई ददल्मी –110002
‘Shiksha Sadan’, 17, Rouse Avenue, Institutional Area, New Delhi – 110002
Director (Academics)
‘शिक्षा सदन’ ,71 राऊज़ एवेन्यू ,इं स्टीटू िनम एररया, नई ददल्मी –110002
‘Shiksha Sadan’, 17, Rouse Avenue, Institutional Area, New Delhi – 110002