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Factors effecting interpersonal relationship

Compatibility. Two individuals in a relationship must be compatible with each other.

There should be no scope of conflicts and mis understangings in the relationship.
Individual from similar backgrounds and similar goals in life do extremely well in
relationships. People with different aims, attitudes, thought processes find it difficult
to adjust and hence fail to carry the relationship to the next level.
Communication It plays a pivotal role in all types of relationships whether
personal or professional. Feelings must be expressed and reciprocated in
relationships. Individuals needs to communicate with each other effectively for better
understanding. Do not stay mum as it leads to problems and misunderstandings. In
professional relationships, colleagues must communicate well for a better bonding.
Sit with your co-workers and discuss issues face to face to reach to a mutually
acceptable solution. Recipient must understand what the sender intends to
communicate and vice versa. Clarity of thoughts is essential in relationships.
Honesty. Be honest in relationships. Do not lie or hide things from your partner.
Remember every problem has a solution. Think before you speak. Transparency is
important in relationships
Stay calm. Do not overreact on petty things in relationships. Stay calm. Be the first
one to say “Sorry”. It will solve half of your problems.
Forgiving. An individual needs to be a little more forgiving in relationships. Do not
drag issues unnecessarily. Fighting over small issues is foolish and makes the
situation all the more worse.
Smile. As they say “Smile is the curve that makes everything straight”. Flash your
smile more often. It works. Take care of your facial expressions while interacting with
the other person.
Time. Time plays an important role in relationships. Individuals in any relationship
must spend time to know each other better. Even in organisation, individuals must
spend time with their coworkers to strengthen the bond amongst themselves. Make
your coworker feel important. Appreciate him or her whenever he or she does
something good. Praise your coworker in from of other. Sit with your team and try to
sort out the differences amicably. Don’t be too rigid.
Case study. As rightly said, the boss communication was not clear. He did not gave
the timelines, when does he wants the report. What is the urgency of the report. He
lacked empathy. There were two events back to back. There was a national
conference and there was a review meeting scheduled. Probably how he was busy,
there may also be chances that secretory was also equally busy. Boss is looking only
rom his perspective. He has a review meeting n now non submission of report may
make him look bad. Another factor is the yelling of boss which definitely breaks the
interpersonal relationship. Now Rekha will have a strong feeling the the boss has
been disrespectable to her instead of thinking on how she will improve in future.
Knapp's Relationship Escalation Model is a theoretical framework that describes the
stages of relationship development. It provides a useful tool for understanding the
different phases of a relationship and the challenges that individuals may face as
they progress through these stages.
The initiating stage is the first stage of Knapp's Relationship Escalation Model.
During this stage, individuals become acquainted with one another and make a
favorable first impression. This stage is characterized by small talk and polite
conversation, as individuals try to establish a connection and determine whether they
want to pursue a relationship.
The experimenting stage is the second stage of Knapp's Relationship Escalation
Model. During this stage, individuals engage in small talk to explore common
interests and deepen the connection. This stage is characterized by a sense of
curiosity and exploration, as individuals try to learn more about each other and
determine whether they have a strong enough connection to move to the next stage.
The intensifying stage is the third stage of Knapp's Relationship Escalation Model.
During this stage, individuals share personal information, express feelings, and
engage in more intimate communication. This stage is characterized by a sense of
emotional closeness and vulnerability, as individuals begin to develop a deeper
connection and trust each other more.
The integrating stage is the fourth stage of Knapp's Relationship Escalation Model.
During this stage, individuals become a couple and develop a shared identity. This
stage is characterized by a sense of commitment and partnership, as individuals
begin to build a life together and make plans for the future.
The bonding stage is the fifth stage of Knapp's Relationship Escalation Model.
During this stage, individuals make a public commitment to the relationship. This
stage is characterized by a sense of permanence and stability, as individuals publicly
declare their commitment to each other and their relationship.
The differentiating stage is the sixth stage of Knapp's Relationship Escalation Model.
During this stage, individuals begin to assert their individuality, and the relationship
may experience some conflict. This stage is characterized by a sense of tension and
uncertainty, as individuals try to balance their own needs and desires with the needs
and desires of their partner.
The circumscribing stage is the seventh stage of Knapp's Relationship Escalation
Model. During this stage, communication decreases, and individuals create
boundaries to protect their individuality. This stage is characterized by a sense of
distance and detachment, as individuals begin to withdraw from the relationship and
focus more on their own needs and desires.
The stagnating stage is the eighth stage of Knapp's Relationship Escalation Model.
During this stage, the relationship becomes stagnant, and individuals may feel bored
or dissatisfied. This stage is characterized by a sense of frustration and
disillusionment, as individuals begin to realize that the relationship may not be
meeting their needs or expectations.
The avoiding stage is the ninth stage of Knapp's Relationship Escalation Model.
During this stage, individuals may avoid each other, and communication becomes
infrequent or nonexistent. This stage is characterized by a sense of detachment and
disengagement, as individuals begin to distance themselves from the relationship
and focus on other aspects of their lives.
The terminating stage is the final stage of Knapp's Relationship Escalation Model.
During this stage, the relationship ends, and individuals go their separate ways. This
stage is characterized by a sense of closure and finality, as individuals come to
terms with the end of the relationship and begin to move on with their lives.
In conclusion, Knapp's Relationship Escalation Model is a valuable tool for
understanding the different stages of relationship development. By following the tips
and strategies outlined in this presentation, individuals can navigate the challenges
of relationship development more effectively and build stronger, more fulfilling
Social Exchange Theory is a social psychological and sociological perspective that
explains social change and stability as a process of negotiated exchanges between
parties. It is a theory that explains how people make decisions based on the costs
and benefits of their actions, and how these decisions affect their relationships with
others. In this presentation, we will explore the basic principles of Social Exchange
Theory, the different types of exchanges that can occur within social exchange
relationships, and the various applications of this theory in different contexts.
The basic principles of Social Exchange Theory are rewards, costs, and outcomes.
Rewards are positive outcomes that result from an exchange, while costs are
negative outcomes that result from an exchange. The overall result of an exchange
is determined by the balance of rewards and costs, which is known as the outcome.
Understanding these basic principles is essential for understanding how social
exchange relationships work and how they can be improved.
Social exchange relationships can involve different types of exchanges, such as
economic and emotional exchanges. Economic exchanges involve tangible
resources, such as money or goods, while emotional exchanges involve intangible
resources, such as love or support. Understanding the different types of exchanges
that can occur within social exchange relationships is important for understanding
how these relationships work and how they can be improved.
Social norms play an important role in shaping social exchange relationships. Social
norms are shared expectations about appropriate behavior in a given social context,
and they can influence what is considered appropriate behavior and what is not.
Understanding the role of social norms in social exchange relationships is important
for understanding how these relationships work and how they can be improved.
Power dynamics can have a significant impact on social exchange relationships.
Power dynamics refer to the distribution of power within a social exchange
relationship, and they can affect the distribution of rewards and costs within that
relationship. Understanding the role of power dynamics in social exchange
relationships is important for understanding how these relationships work and how
they can be improved.
Equity Theory is a related theory that explains how people perceive fairness in social
exchange relationships. It is closely related to Social Exchange Theory, as it explains
how people make decisions based on the perceived fairness of an exchange.
Understanding the relationship between Equity Theory and Social Exchange Theory
is important for understanding how these theories can be applied in different
Social exchange relationships can form networks between individuals or groups.
These networks can impact the exchange process by influencing the types of
exchanges that occur and the distribution of rewards and costs. Understanding the
role of social exchange networks in social exchange relationships is important for
understanding how these relationships work and how they can be improved.
Trust and commitment are important factors in social exchange relationships. Trust
refers to the belief that another person or group will act in one's best interest, while
commitment refers to the willingness to maintain a social exchange relationship over
time. These factors can influence the exchange process by affecting the willingness
of individuals or groups to engage in exchanges and the types of exchanges that
Social support is an important factor in social exchange relationships. Social support
refers to the provision of emotional or instrumental resources to another person or
group, and it can impact the exchange process by influencing the types of
exchanges that occur and the distribution of rewards and costs.
Cultural differences can have a significant impact on social exchange relationships.
Cultural differences refer to differences in values, beliefs, and norms between
different cultures, and they can impact the exchange process by influencing what is
considered appropriate behavior and what is not. Understanding the impact of
cultural differences on social exchange relationships is important for understanding
how these relationships work and how they can be improved.
Social Exchange Theory has many different applications in different contexts. It can
be applied to interpersonal relationships, organizations, and marketing to understand
how people make decisions about their relationships with others, their work, and
their purchases. Understanding the various applications of Social Exchange Theory
is important for understanding how this theory can be used to improve outcomes in
different contexts.
In conclusion, Social Exchange Theory is a powerful tool for understanding social
change and stability. By understanding the basic principles of this theory and the
various factors that can influence social exchange relationships, individuals and
organizations can improve their relationships with others and achieve better
outcomes. Suggestions for further research include exploring the impact of social
exchange relationships on health and well-being, and examining the role of social
exchange relationships in conflict resolution and peacebuilding.
Uncertainty Reduction Theory is a communication theory that explains how
individuals use communication to reduce uncertainty in initial interactions. This
presentation will provide an overview of the theory, its theoretical framework, and its
applications in various settings.
The theoretical framework of Uncertainty Reduction Theory includes the concepts of
uncertainty, information seeking, and social norms. These concepts help to explain
how individuals use communication to reduce uncertainty in initial interactions.
Individuals use various strategies for reducing uncertainty, including passive, active,
and interactive strategies. Interactive strategies, such as direct communication, are
the most effective in reducing uncertainty.
Interpersonal communication plays a critical role in reducing uncertainty. Verbal and
nonverbal communication can convey information, emotions, and attitudes, and can
be influenced by cultural norms and expectations.
Culture can have a significant impact on uncertainty reduction. Communication
styles and norms vary across cultures, with high-context cultures relying on indirect
communication and low-context cultures relying on direct communication.
Technology has changed the way we communicate and can impact uncertainty
reduction. Social media can provide information about a person or situation, but can
also create uncertainty by presenting a curated version of a person's life. Online
communication platforms can facilitate direct communication and reduce uncertainty,
but can also create uncertainty by limiting nonverbal cues.
Uncertainty Reduction Theory has many applications in healthcare, including doctor-
patient communication and patient education. Effective communication can reduce
uncertainty and improve patient outcomes, while patient education can provide
information to patients and improve patient satisfaction.
Uncertainty Reduction Theory also has applications in business, including customer
service and employee training. Effective communication can reduce uncertainty and
improve customer satisfaction, while employee training can provide information to
employees and improve job satisfaction.
Uncertainty Reduction Theory can also be applied in educational settings, including
teacher-student communication and student orientation programs. Effective
communication can reduce uncertainty and improve student outcomes, while
orientation programs can provide information to students and improve student
Uncertainty Reduction Theory has been criticized for its applicability to diverse
populations and its focus on initial interactions. Cultural differences in communication
styles and norms can impact uncertainty reduction, and other theories may be more
applicable in ongoing relationships.
There are many potential areas for future research on Uncertainty Reduction Theory.
Online communication and cross-cultural interactions are two areas that could
benefit from further exploration.
In conclusion, Uncertainty Reduction Theory is a valuable tool for understanding how
individuals use communication to reduce uncertainty in initial interactions. By
understanding the theoretical framework, strategies for reducing uncertainty, and
applications in various settings, individuals can improve their communication skills
and reduce uncertainty in their interactions with others.
Interpersonal relationships are essential in both personal and professional settings.
This presentation will introduce the interpersonal relationship model and provide
actionable information on how to build and maintain healthy relationships.
Effective communication is essential in building and maintaining healthy
relationships. By using active listening, effective verbal and nonverbal
communication, individuals can better understand and connect with others.
Trust is a critical component of healthy relationships. By consistently demonstrating
honesty, respect, and reliability, individuals can build and maintain trust over time.
Boundaries are an important aspect of healthy relationships. By identifying and
communicating personal boundaries, individuals can establish clear expectations
and avoid misunderstandings. Additionally, respecting others' boundaries is essential
for building trust and maintaining healthy relationships.
Conflict is a natural part of any relationship, but it can be managed and resolved
effectively. By using active listening, collaboration, and emotional regulation,
individuals can work together to find mutually beneficial solutions and strengthen
their relationships.
Emotional intelligence is a critical skill for building and maintaining healthy
relationships. By understanding and managing emotions in oneself and others,
individuals can communicate effectively and respond to others' needs with empathy
and compassion.
Empathy is a key component of healthy relationships. By developing and practicing
empathy skills, individuals can better understand and connect with others, and
respond to their needs with kindness and compassion.
Self-care is an essential aspect of healthy relationships. By prioritizing personal
needs, setting boundaries, and seeking support when needed, individuals can
maintain their physical and emotional well-being and build stronger relationships with
Diversity and inclusion are essential for building healthy relationships. By recognizing
and addressing biases and promoting inclusivity, individuals can create a more
welcoming and supportive environment for all.
Understanding the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships is
essential for building and maintaining healthy relationships. By identifying and
addressing red flags, individuals can avoid toxic relationships and build stronger,
more fulfilling connections with others.
Case studies provide real-life examples of how to apply the interpersonal relationship
model in different scenarios. By using the skills and strategies discussed in this
presentation, individuals can build and maintain healthy relationships in a variety of
In conclusion, building and maintaining healthy interpersonal relationships requires
effort and skill. By using the interpersonal relationship model and applying the skills
and strategies discussed in this presentation, individuals can improve their
relationships and enhance their overall well-being.
Now what are relationhips. It is not just an superficial interaction. Relationships takes
time to build. Interpersonal relationship is like planting a tree. What does farmer do
when he plants a tree. He has to first get the soil ready. He plants a healthy sead,
then he nurtures it with water fertiliser and sunlight. He even protects it from pests.
So if u not prepare the soil for interpersonal relationship, you will not get love, trust
and support in the relationship. You have to feed it with respect, you have to feed itb
with empathy genuineness and care.
The first strategy is exercising self awareness. Self awareness is nothing but how
much you know about yourself. How u feel about yourself. These evaluations
depends upon six things
Self concept. Its an idea that is constructed from the belief that one holds about
himself or herself or from the responses from others. Ex: if I think that I have great
communication skills, I will be more receptive to the person who believes the same
about me.
Value system: This is more about your upbringing or your background, your culture
norms. Ex: One culture says to have dinner before sunset. Other says, its too early
for me to have dinner that time
Frame of reference: Value system, past experience will further develop into a frame
of reference for perceiving others around.
Defence mechanism: are the behaviour that people adopts to separate
themselves from unpleasant events or actions of others. Now these psychological
measures may help people put distance between themselves and threats or
unwanted feelings such as guilt or shame. This can be useful for short time but can
also effect interpersonal relationship.
Interpersonal relation needs: Each of us may have different needs.
Feelings: are emotions that have direct impact on behaviour.
Build good commn skills
Effective communication is essential in building and maintaining healthy
relationships. By using active listening, effective verbal and nonverbal
communication, individuals can better understand and connect with others. Ex of
importance of verbal commn is, If I say “Where do you get this weard idea from”
versus If I say “Your idea is good but it may not be relevant to the context we are
presently talking about”. So when you frame your sentence the other person
becomes more receptive or defensive accordingly. Another important take away is,
asking ‘why’ question in place of ‘what’. Ex: why did you do this or say what had
happened. So why question may bring the person in more defensive category and
what question allows more room for consideration. It makes the person more
receptive and open.
Now non verbal communication includes your eye contact, your expressions and
body language. Ex: lets say you are in a meeting and you disagree with the speaker.
Even just sitting there on your chair and rolling your eyes at him, would have actually
communicated your disagreement. And the fact that you have rolled your eyes would
have actually triggered a negative emotion on the speaker. Hence knowingly or
unknowingly, at times you communicated more with your non verbal behaviour the
with your verbal behaviour.
Now what is paralanguage. It is the tone or pitch or pacing of your voice. Ex asking a
question like “why are u late” and asking a question shouting “Why are you late”. So
if you are yelling at someone, its definitely have different impact on the other person.
Another example: If you heard cricket commentrator, they talk really fast. The idea of
talking fast is to create excitement. And if you listen to late night radio jockey hosting
a show, he talks very low and softly. Thus, paralanguage has lots of impact on your
mood, your emotions and how you feels certain things.
Be respectful to others. This is very important. If you communicate disrespect in
any form, its simply an end of relationship. Now some times we are so perturbed in
our own thoughts or own points of view that we conclude in our mind that other
person is wrong because I am evaluate that person based on my perception. So
when we are judgeing a person based on my likings or dislikings or perception, my
behaviour towards that person will be effected even if that person is good. For
example, if I am a non smoker or non drinker, I am likely to treat a person differently
if he is frequent visitor of bar, and is likely to hamper my relation with that person. So
first thing is to stop judgeing anyone based on your perceptions without knowing him.
Stop dewelling in the past. For example, if a person has done something in the past.
Now that may be due to some circumstances, or by mistake or that is the only time
that person has done something of that time. But if I always carries that thing in my
mind without understanding the circumstances, my relationship with him is likely to
hamper in future also. Labelling a person in your thoughts or communication is also
harmful to the interpersonal relationship, For example that person is always like this
like is very talkative, or don’t take things seriously. So if you have already lebelled a
person, how can you ensure good interpersonal relationship. Last one is stop
stereotyping. For example, all workers of that dept are irresponsible. Now you have
already stereotyped a particular, Now anything happens in company, you will say its
because of that dept, even if some workers of that dept are very sincere and
Now what should you do... study from slides.. last point.. don’t take credit.. even
when we are doing research, we always gives credit to the author who has actuall
done the job
Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. Ex: why are
you close to your mother or spouse or best friend because you know that no one
other then this person understands you in a much better way. So when you
emphasise you are actually sowing seeds for a healthy relationship.
Engage in active listening. Example many of us are so eager to talk in a meerting or
discussion that we want to put our point even when some is already speaking
without listening to him or without he put up his point completely. Hence active
listening involves listening to everyone, having patience and commitment to listen.
This shows not onlu you care but also shows respect for that person.
Authenticity.. is more about consistency. We have often heard people saying that
person is Hippocratic or is having double standard. For example, in my previous unit,
one officer didn’t gave leave to an airmen whin his wife was in final stage of
pregnancy. Now when same situation appeared infront of him when his wife was in
final stages, that officer applied for one month of leave to take care of his wife. This
means that office is not authentic, is having two different standards. This type of
behaviour severly effects interpersonal skills
Behave and speak appropriately. For example if you spouse or best friend shares
some personal talks and if u discuss it openly, definitely your spouse or friend will
feel bad. Not only what to talk but how to talk is also important. For example calling
water by blowing a whistle...
Manage conflicts..
Case study.. Disagreement was mainly on the workload. There were two issues in
the communication. First one is with the principle who was not able to make teachers
understand that why NAAC accreditation is so important for the teaching staff,
students and for the college. Next one is from the teacher Sneha side.. the statement
made was very sarcastic. Also, she offended one of the senior teacher. Sneha’s
comments was very generalised with no evidence given, no specifics given, no
details given like when what had happened in the past and with whom. Also
comments were so sarcastic that too in a common or open forum. The concerns
could have been taken separately.
So next important topic is how to manage conflicts
Face conflicts. Remember conflicts is not fighting but is basically difference of
opinion. Hence conflict.. neither hide in the shell nor become too aggressive. One
has to be assertive that means one has to develop courage to open. Remember an
unresolve conflict may either derail or delay the project and also leads to disruption
in IR
Focus on behaviour and events not person. For example, in above case study,
another teacher after going back to staff room makes a open statement that Sneha is
like this only. By saying so, now you are indicating that you already have bad
impression about Sneha in your mind. May be Sneha is having bad communication
skills or may be she is having genuine point...
Take time to listen, think and analyse. Sneha case.. Don’t jump to put your point.
Listen carefully, understand the point and then talk it out after understanding the
Work together Stop blaming each other and work together
Apologise when at fault
Choose your battles. Sometimes we just disagree without any reason and derail or
delay the entire process. No point in getting into arguments which generally does not
serve the purpose.
Work to minimise conflict. Providing clarity at the onset, define the set process.

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