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Impact of strategies to encourage bicycle use on work trips: a case study

involving employees of Companhia Riograndense de Saneamento •

Fernando Schultz Peña Rodrigues a, Ana Margarita Larranaga a, Helena Beatriz Bettella Cybis a, Julián Arellana b

& Shanna Trichês Lucchesi a

Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Industrial and Transportation Engineering Department, Porto Alegre – RS, Brazil.
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Universidad del Norte, Departamento de Ingeniería Civil y Ambiental, Barranquilla, Colombia. [email protected]

Received: May 19th, 2021. Received in revised form: June 25th, 2021. Accepted: July 13th, 2021.

This study identifies the most valued factors for potential bicycle users on work trips and evaluate the impact of implementing different strategies
to improve bicycle use. We applied an online stated-preference survey from 127 Companhia Riograndense de Saneamento (CORSAN) employees
in Porto Alegre (Brazil). Then, we formulated hybrid ordered logit models to estimate the probability of bicycle use under different hypothetical
scenarios. The results showed that locker rooms, bicycle parking, bike-sharing systems (bike loaner programs run by the company), training for
employees in bicycle use and the presence of bike paths for access to CORSAN all encourage bicycle use. The availability of locker rooms proved
to be the most important variable. The joint implementation of locker rooms, bicycle parking and bike-sharing systems (loaner programs) would
increase demand by 66%. The strategies discussed in this article can easily be adapted to other contexts where there is a desire to increase shared
bicycle commuting to workplaces.
Keywords: hybrid choice models; bicycle use; stated preference; transport policies.

Impacto de las estrategias para incentivar el uso de la bicicleta en viajes

al trabajo: un estudio de caso con empleados de la Companhia
Riograndense de Saneamento
Los objetivos de este estudio son identificar los factores más importantes para estimular el uso de la bicicleta en viajes al trabajo y evaluar el impacto
de la implantación de diferentes medidas. Los empleados de la Companhia Riograndense de Saneamento (CORSAN) fueron utilizados como estudio
de caso en Porto Alegre (Brasil), a través de una encuesta de preferencia declarada. La probabilidad de uso de la bicicleta en diferentes escenarios se
estimó mediante modelos híbridos logit ordenados. Los resultados mostraron que la implantación de vestuarios, estacionamiento de bicicletas,
sistemas de bicicletas compartidas (programa de préstamos de bicicletas realizado por la empresa), capacitación de los empleados en relación al uso
de bicicleta y la presencia de ciclovías para el acceso a CORSAN, fomentan el uso de la bicicleta. La disponibilidad de vestuarios resultó ser la
variable más importante. La implementación conjunta de vestuarios, estacionamiento de bicicletas y sistemas de bicicletas compartidas (programas
de préstamo) aumentaría la demanda en un 66% en este caso. Los procedimientos adoptados podrían aplicarse fácilmente en otros contextos donde
se desee incrementar la proporción de viajes hacia los lugares de trabajo.
Palabras clave: modelos híbridos de elección discreta; uso de bicicleta, preferencia declarada; políticas de transporte

1. Introduction In recent years, some companies have developed a variety of

initiatives to improve their employees' mobility [4]. The
Companies play an essential role in mobility since they creation of bicycle incentive programs is an example of these
are considered primary producers of daily commutes [1-3]. corporate mobility initiatives. Many European countries,

How to cite: Rodrigues, F.S.P., Larranaga, A.M ., Cybis, H.B.B., Arellana, J. and Lucchesi, S.T., Impact of strategies to encourage bicycle use on work trips: a case study involving
employees of Companhia Riograndense de Saneamento.. DYNA, 88(219), pp. 59-67, October - December, 2021.
© The author; licensee Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Revista DYNA, 88(219), pp. 59-67, October - December, 2021, ISSN 0012-7353
Rodrigues et al / Revista DYNA, 88(219), pp. 59-67, October - December, 2021.

including Germany, Belgium, Denmark, France, the developed in the same region [25,26]. We determined the
Netherlands and Great Britain, developed incentive programs survey sample size by calculating proportion estimators in
with different inducements. Some of them are economic, simple random samples, specifying a minimum of 125
such as tax exemptions, payments per kilometer and financial respondents. The confidence level adopted was 95% with 5%
support for bicycle purchase [2,5,6]. In Brazil, efforts to average permissible error.
promote the use of bicycles for commuting to work are very Online surveys were issued during October 2016, using
recent. Some cities are expanding their bicycle path network the Survey Gizmo virtual questionnaire tool [27]. The
and promoting actions to stimulate this type of transportation. questionnaire was sent to all employees at CORSAN
However, the projects and actions lack previous studies headquarters, resulting in 222 complete responses. We
to analyze employee behavior and the impact that stimulus eliminated some responses by considering the following
measures could cause. criteria: (i) inclusion of only those employees who
Bicycle use offers several benefits for the individual: it considered themselves able to use a bicycle and did not
improves physical fitness, increases cardiorespiratory declare physical or health limitations that made it impossible
capacity, and reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular to use this mode (7 respondents excluded); (ii) inclusion of
diseases, obesity, and depression [7-11]. Daily use of the employees who consider that they reside at a cycling distance
bicycle for commuting presents greater advantages than from the workplace (78 respondents excluded); and (iii)
leisure use, only at weekends, since the benefits observed are exclusion of employees who already use this mode to go to
more significant when there is regularity [8,12]. This mode work (10 respondents excluded). These employees would not
of transport helps individuals to be physically active in their be affected by the proposed strategies. The treatment of the
daily routine and helps to replace trips currently performed data resulted in a total of 127 respondents for the analysis,
by motorized modes. representing 17.71% of CORSAN headquarters’ employees.
The benefits of cycling are not limited to users of this
mode of transportation and society. Studies show that the 2.2 Experimental design
regular use of this mode of transport brings gains for
companies. From the companies' perspective, these benefits Stated preference techniques use experimental projects to
are related to improving the quality of life of its employees, construct hypothetical alternatives to be presented to
generating a reduction of absences from work, turnover respondents. The experimental project considers five
reduction, increase in productivity, and improvement of staff attributes, with two levels each. The levels indicated the
state of mind [13]. presence or absence of the considered attributes. We selected
A variety of studies in the international literature have the attributes based on a bibliographic review of international
analyzed bicycle transport [14], even in the Brazilian context literature. The selected attributes were:
[15-17]. However, these studies mainly analyzed cyclist I. Locker room: changing rooms with shower and
behavior, identifying factors that influence route choice and closet [27-31];
frequency of bicycle use. This information helps determine II. Bicycle parking: internal and secure bicycle rack
policies and strategies to favor cyclists, even if they are not [29,30,33,34];
regular users [18]. Few of these studies refer to bicycle trips III. Training: training to cycle on the street [35,36];
exclusively to work [19]. IV. Loaner: bicycle loaner programs that allow
This study aims to identify the issues most valued by the employees to use a bicycle to commute
potential users of cycling in work trips and evaluate the [9,11,37,38];
impact of stimulus strategies on bicycle demand. For this, a V. Bicycle path: bicycle path in the main access routes
case study was carried out with Companhia Riograndense de to work [9,10,39,40].
Saneamento (CORSAN) employees in Porto Alegre, Brazil, We did not include financial incentives to employees in
through a stated preference survey. The adopted technique the survey because CORSAN is a public company. The
allows the analysis of the users' preference against non- possibility of providing differentiated payments for some
existent conditions and quantifies the impact of the employees would need to be discussed in collective
implantation of strategies. Discrete choice models were agreements, with the risk that the measure would be
estimated to determine the choice of bicycle use and analyze judicially challenged, causing damages to the company.
the likelihood of use in different scenarios [20-22]. The experimental design was built using efficient designs
Ordered logit models [23] were estimated since the [41] and implemented in the NGene software [42]. We chose
response alternatives have an ordered nature that provide efficient designs to generate parameter estimates with
additional information for the model specification [24]. standard errors as small as possible, improving the model
estimates' accuracy. Efficient designs require initial values
2. Method for utility function parameters. As there was no previous
information available on the parameters, a usual procedure
2.1 Sample was adopted in these situations, involving the following steps
[41]: (i) Initial design - considering only the parameter sign
The analysis population comprises 717 employees of of each attribute. From these values, we generated the first D-
CORSAN Headquarters, who carry out their activities in 3 efficient design. (ii) Pilot survey – we conducted a pilot study
distinct buildings, located in the historic center of Porto with 60 individuals using the initial design. (iii) Parameter
Alegre. Details of the study area can be found in studies estimation – we estimated multinomial logit models to update

Rodrigues et al / Revista DYNA, 88(219), pp. 59-67, October - December, 2021.

perception of the route was added to the discrete choice

model as a latent variable, combining the classical choice
model with the structural equations approach for the latent
variables. ICLV updates the classical choice models by
incorporating latent variables describing attitudes and
perceptions of individuals to represent the decision-making
process more adequately.
We used perceptual indicators about the route between
the home and workplace questions (third section of the
questionnaire) to represent the latent variable Route
perception (reflexive model). In particular, the indicators
referred to visual attractiveness of the route (Attractiveness),
Figure 1. Example of the SP choice situation. slope of the terrain (Slope), public security (Security), traffic
Source: Own elaboration safety (Safety), route quality (Quality) and general perception
of the route (General perception). These indicators were
modeled using an ordered choice model. Figure 2 shows the
the initial values of the parameters used in the initial design. model structure adopted.
(iv) Final design – we used the new parameters to generate a For modeling purposes, we consider the questionnaire
final D-efficient design. response of the SP alternatives as an ordinal variable,
The final design resulted in 12 choice situations. The represented by a probability distribution among the five
measure of efficiency adopted was the D-error, which is the response categories presented, assuming the values 1, 2, 3, 4
determinant of the variance-covariance matrix (AVC), for and 5 if the individual chose ‘certainly not’, ‘probably not’,
only one individual. The D-error of the final design was 1.3 ‘perhaps’, ‘probably yes’ and ‘certainly yes’, respectively.
[42]. The response categories are separated by four intermediate
thresholds, defined as µj, where j ranges from 1 to 4 [24].
2.3 Survey Equation 1 presents the generalized probability of the
discrete choice model for the individual q being in a given
The survey contains three sections: (i) characteristics of category [24]:
individuals and personal habits; (ii) perception of the route
between home and workplace; and (iii) stated preference µ µ
(µ −V )− F (µ ) e V e V
− q
− q
j j −1

experiment (SP). P =F −V q = − , j = 1,2,3,4,5 (1)

1 + eµ V 1 + eµ V
jq j q j −1 − −

The first section involved questions about respondents'

j q j −1 q

socioeconomic characteristics, such as age, gender,

education, family income, neighborhood of residence, and Wherein, Piq is the probability of choice of the subject q
children. This step also included questions on commuting being in the category between the thresholds (j-1) and j; F(ε)
habits and daily activities, such as after-work appointments, is the logistics cumulative function (for j=5, the function F(µj-
the distance between home and workplace, modes of 1 -Vq ) adopts the value 1, and for j=1, the function F(µj-1 -Vq )

transportation used, commuting time, availability of bicycles, adopts the value 0); Vq is the representative component of
the existence of bike-sharing stations close to home, use of utility for the individual q; and µj, and µj-1μj-1 are the upper
bicycles, self-assessment of cycling ability, and the existence and lower limits of the category analyzed.
of cycle paths between the residence and CORSAN. We divided the observed independent variables into two
The second section focused on the perception of the route categories: (i) those related to strategies to stimulate the use
between home and CORSAN. The interviewees were asked of bicycles presented in the SP experiment and (ii) the
to evaluate the best possible route on a ten-point Likert scale, socioeconomic habits of individuals, used as control
according to the quality and availability of cycle lanes, road variables. The selection of the independent variables
safety, public safety, slope, and visual attractiveness.
The third section consisted of the presentation of the 12
choice situations to the respondents. In each situation, the
respondent was asked if they would perform at least two bicycle
trips a week if certain strategies were implemented. The answers
were requested on a probabilistic scale: (1) certainly not; (2)
probably not; (3) perhaps; (4) probably yes and (5) certainly yes.
The questionnaire presented images illustrating the choice
situations to facilitate the understanding of the scenarios. Figure
1 shows an example of the SP choice situation (in Portuguese).

2.4 Modeling θi: parameters SP for atribute i; η1: structural term for route perception; ɤ11
to ɤ61:indicator parameters; βi: individual and trip characteristics
We estimated an integrated choice and latent variable parameters ; ζSa, υ1 and ɛ: error terms.
(ICLV) model to study the bicycle use decision. The Figure 2. Model structure
Source: Own elaboration

Rodrigues et al / Revista DYNA, 88(219), pp. 59-67, October - December, 2021.

included in the model was based on a backward elimination Table 1.

process, using a significance level of 5%. Model Variables and Parameters
Assumed values and Sample
The structural equation model, to specify the latent Variable
meanings Proportion (%)
Coeffic. (β) t-Test
variable and its indicators, was added to the formulation of Ordered logit model
the discrete choice model. The parameters of both models Locker room
1: yes 50,00%
1,69 17,00
were estimated simultaneously by the maximum likelihood 0: no 50,00%
1: yes 50,00%
method using the Pandas Biogeme software [42]. Bicycle parking
0: no 50,00%
1,09 11,30
The estimated coefficients do not directly reflect the 1: yes 50,00%
Training* 0,17 1,81
impact of the independent variables on the chances of being 0: no 50,00%
in a higher category. To compare the effect of the observed Loaner
1: yes 50,00%
1,02 10,40
0: no 50,00%
independent variables, measured at different scales, the 1: yes 50,00%
marginal effects of these variables on the probability of Bicycle path
0: no 50,00%
0,89 9,22
bicycle use were calculated [24]. The marginal effects of Income_greater_10
1: Income > R$ 10.000 39,00%
-0,26 -2,57
individuals were aggregated using the sample enumeration 0: other 61,00%
Between home and the Mean = 5,43
method [21]. The marginal effect reported the impact of a Distance (km)
workplace SD = 4,10
-0,03 -2,2
variation of the observed independent variable on the 1: yes 46,00%
Children -0,51 -4,17
probability of using a bicycle and is presented in Equation 2: 0: no 54,00%
1: go by bus to work 43,00%
Bus -0,48 -3,68
∂P 0: other 57,00%
Efm jx
[ (µ
= f
j −1
) (µ
−V q − f
−V q )]β xq (2) 1: back and forth to work
q Car_bf by car -0,81 -5.56
0: other 76,00%
1: have a bike at home 45,00%
wherein Efm jx is the marginal effect in category j caused Bike_home
0: other 55,00%
0,52 4,45
by variable x; f is the logistics distribution function; βxq is the 1: bike sharing station
value of the variable x for the individual q; and P jq, Vq, µj , 37,00%
Bike_sharing near the residence 0,40 3,16
and µj-1 are defined in Eq. 1. 0: other 63,00%
The model was validated with the same sample used in 1: yes 28,00%
Cyclist 0,82 5,78
0: no 72,00%
the estimation of the models. The validation was based on Not
two metrics: Pearson's Chi-Square test [44] and the Sprague Threshold 1 (𝜇𝜇1) categories 1 and 2 -0,53 -1,96
and Geers metric [44]. Threshold 2 (𝜇𝜇2) categories 2 and 3
1,12 18,80
2.5 Simulation of scenarios Threshold 3 (𝜇𝜇3) categories 3 and 4
2,38 19,60
Threshold 4 (𝜇𝜇4) categories 4 and 5 4,00 21,40
We simulated seven policy scenarios using the estimated applicable
Sructural equations measurement equations
model. These scenarios have made it possible to assess the Route perception Latent variable 0,15 3,86
impact of CORSAN policies on bicycle use. The evaluated 1: very unsatisfied to 5: Mean = 3,43
Attractiveness 0,429 9,34
scenarios considered implementing several strategies to very satisfied SD = 1,25
stimulate bicycle use, individually and jointly, combining Slope
1: very unsatisfied to 5: Mean = 3,34
0,29 6,14
very satisfied SD = 1,26
those that presented the greatest impact. These scenarios 1: very unsatisfied to 5: Mean = 2,05
were compared to the current situation, with no strategies Security
very satisfied SD = 1,07
1,44 7,5
implemented. 1: very unsatisfied to 5: Mean = 2,04
Safety 1,79 9,47
very satisfied SD = 1,07
3. Results 1: very unsatisfied to 5: Mean = 2,48
Quality 1,22 10,8
very satisfied SD = 1,20
1: very unsatisfied to 5: Mean = 2,80
General perception 0,79 9,16
Table 1 presents the model estimates to represent the very satisfied SD = 0,98
probability of cycling to work at least twice a week. The table Threshold 1 (𝜇𝜇11)
categories 1 and 2 Not
-3,52 -31,6
also shows the descriptive statistics of the significant (indicators) applicable
categories 2 and 3 Not
variables in the final model, sample proportions for Threshold 2 (𝜇𝜇21) (indicators) applicable
-1,87 39,70
categorical variables, and the mean and standard deviation Threshold 3 (𝜇𝜇31)
categories 3 and 4 Not
-0,03 50,5
for the continuous Distance variable. (indicators) applicable
categories 4 and 5 Not
The first five variables in Table 1 present a sample Threshold 4 (𝜇𝜇41)
(indicators) applicable
1,51 37,90
proportion of 50% to balance the effects produced by the * Significant at the 93% confidence interval
controllable factors in the analyzed responses. Balancing is Number of Observations = 1524
desirable in the design of experimental projects to meet Adjusted Rho-square = 0.324
statistical requirements, making analyses more robust. A Final value of Maximum Likelihood = - 15076,76
The indicators threshold were significant at the 95% confidence level. SD:
sample proportion of 50% refers to the number of scenarios
Standard Deviation
in which the variable was included in the SP Survey. Source: Own elaboration
The model adjustment indicated by the Pseudo-R² = 0.324
was satisfactory, considering that values above 0.4 are
considered great adjustments for these types of models [20]. the 95% confidence level (p-values less than 0.05) [21], except
Most of the model variables were statistically significant at for Training, which was significant at the 93% confidence level.

Rodrigues et al / Revista DYNA, 88(219), pp. 59-67, October - December, 2021.

Table 2.
Marginal effects of model variables
1 2 3 4 5
Analysis Variables
Certainly Not Probably Not Perhaps Probably Yes Certainly Yes
Locker room (1: yes, 0: no) -11,4% -14,3% -5,4% 7,5% 23,6%
Bicycle parking (1: yes, 0: no) -7,6% -8,6% -3,1% 4,3% 15,1%
Training (1: yes, 0: no) -1,2% -1,3% -0,4% 0,6% 2,3%
Loaner (1: yes, 0: no) -7,2%5 -8,0% -2,8% 4,0% 14,0%
Bicycle path (1: yes, 0: no) -6,3% -6,6% -3,0% 3,1% 12,7%
Control Variables (observed variables)
2,40% 2,09% 0,44% -1,34% -3,59%
(1: Income > R$ 10.000, 0: other)
Distance (km) 0,36% 0,32% 0,07% -0,20% -0,55%
(1: yes, 0: no) 3,29% 2,91% 0,63% -1,85% -4,98%
5,95% 5,76% 1,61% -3,18% -10,14%
(1: go by bus to work, 0: other)
8,74% 8,11% 1,90% -4,92% -13,84%
(1: back and forth to work by car, 0: other)
0,15% -0,26% -0,36% -0,22% 0,69%
(1: have a bike at home, 0: other)
0,47% 0,27% -0,07% -0,33% -0,34%
(1: bike sharing station near the residence, 0: other)
-2,54% -3,94% -1,97% 1,16% 7,28%
(1: yes, 0: no)
Source: Own elaboration

The Chi Square Pearson test showed a value of 4615.52, implementation of locker rooms with showers and lockers
below the critical value of the distribution for 95% (Locker room) is the most effective measure in encouraging
confidence (χ 95%, 19812 =20140.55) showing the suitability of bicycle use, and the availability of training for employees
the model. The Sprague and Geers metrics showed the (Training) is the one that causes less impact.
following values: 0.3 corresponding to the magnitude of the A cycleway in the main thoroughfares (Bicycle path) had
error (MS&G), 0.27 the magnitude of the phase (PS&G) and the second smallest marginal effect among the analysis
0.4 the global error (CS&G). These values are lower than 0.4 variables, behind the variables Locker room, Bicycle parking,
(equal for CS&G), which is the value proposed as a reference and Loaner. This result differs from those obtained in other
for the model to present an acceptable fit. Table 2 studies [10,31,45], which indicates that a well-connected
summarizes the marginal effects of the independent variables bicycle network is the primary stimulus factor for bicycle use.
on the probability of cycling. This difference can be explained by the urban context of
CORSAN, which already has a connected cycling network that
4. Discussion and simulation of scenarios allows access to different places in the city. Thus, other
facilities in the workplace can be perceived as a priority,
Contrary to traditional linear regression or multinomial logit presenting a greater impact in this modal stimulus.
models, the signal or magnitude of the coefficients estimated in The analysis of the marginal effects of control variables
the ordered models is not that informative about the effect of indicates that employees with higher incomes (greater than
the explanatory variables. However, positive signs refer to R$10,000, corresponding to middle/high income), who live at
higher probability of using the bicycle while negative to lower a greater distance from work and have children, are less likely
ones. to adopt a bicycle for trips to work. The existence of children in
The effect of the change on a variable in the model depends the family (Children) was the variable that presented the
on all other parameters, the observed data, and the category of greatest impact among these socioeconomic variables, being a
interest [24]. Thus, the analysis of the impact of independent critical element for discouraging the use of bicycles on the work
variables should be performed by calculating the marginal trip. This result is in line with the studies observed in the
effects. A positive effect indicates growth in the probability of literature [27,45]. The negative impact of this variable may be
choice of the analyzed category, while a negative impact related to the performance of chained journeys; that is,
indicates a decrease [24]. employees may not carry out work-to-work trips directly when
The analysis of the signs of the marginal effects presented moving, or intermediate stops are required to leave or pick up
in Table 2 shows that the implantation of locker rooms, bicycle their children.
parking, bicycle loans, bicycle training for employees, and the Income_greater_10 (middle/high income) also presented a
presence of cycle paths for access to CORSAN, stimulate high impact, as observed in other studies [11,49-51]. Distance
bicycle use for work trips. These variables present a positive showed a marginal effect of low magnitude, contrary to the
sign in the marginal effects of categories 4 and 5, indicating an literature [49,52,53]. This behavior may be explained because
increase in the probability of bicycle use. This result coincides we removed individuals residing too far from their workplace
with those reported in other studies in the literature [9- from the sample. Therefore, the employees who composed the
11,32,35,37-39]. The comparison of the magnitude of effects, sample reside reasonably close to CORSAN, reducing the
represented in categories 4 and 5, indicates that the variability of this variable and reducing its importance. Studies

Rodrigues et al / Revista DYNA, 88(219), pp. 59-67, October - December, 2021.

show that distances between 5 and 7 km are the ideal radius for indicators. The importance of these aspects is in line with the
urban cycling trips [54,55]. results of previous studies performed in Global South cities
Although some studies point to a reduction in the likelihood [25,58,60-62].
of bicycle use among women [11,49,56], no relationship was Comparing the impact between the analysis variables
found between gender and the odds of cycling, so this variable included in the SP experiment and the control variables, showed
was not included in the final model. that the former had a higher effect than the second. This result
Regarding the impact on users who use buses and cars for was also reported by other studies found in the literature
their usual commuting, the results show that the use of buses or [38,63].
cars in daily commutes decreases the chance of adopting a The reported marginal effects represent the impact of each
bicycle. Two elements can explain this decreasing tendency for variable in an average situation, that is, considering an
bus users. On the one hand, due to bus terminals near increment in the variable under analysis and keeping the
CORSAN, offering a wide range of itineraries in the region, remaining variables in their mean values. Thus, the value of the
favoring bus use and generating resistance to the change of effect varies when calculated at different points in the
pattern of the displacements. On the other hand, people who do probability distribution curve. We performed a scenario
not pay for their travel tend to be more resistant to changing analysis by applying the estimated model and computing the
their transport mode [44,46]. CORSAN provides transportation demand to verify the impact of different strategies concerning
vouchers to its employees, obeying the legal limits of discount, the current situation of CORSAN, considering the sample
it being, for some employees, a perceived benefit. The characteristics.
relationship between car use and the decrease in cycling Seven scenarios were simulated and compared to the
probability is in line with the literature [46,53]. current situation of CORSAN. The SP experiment did not
The availability of bicycles at home or near bike-sharing include any of the strategies of this scenario analysis. The first
stations (Bike_home and Bike_sharing) presented a low impact, five scenarios assess the specific impact of implementing
not representing a limitation or a stimulus for bicycle adoption strategies such as (1) locker rooms with shower and closet; (2)
on work trips. This result is contrary to some studies that internal and secure bicycle parking; (3) training to use the
suggest a positive relationship between availability and bicycle bicycle on the street; (4) bicycle loaner program; and (5) bicycle
use [9,11,37,38]. However, in the survey, most of the path in the main access routes to work. Scenario 6 refers to
employees surveyed (61%) reported having bicycles available, evaluating the joint implantation of locker room and bicycle
either themselves or at bike-sharing stations near their parking, while scenario 7 verifies the impact of the locker room,
residence, influencing the impact of this variable. In addition, bicycle parking and loaner program, simultaneously.
the purchase price of a bicycle is lower than that of automobiles Table 3 summarizes the impacts observed in each of the
and does not represent a barrier to the adoption of bicycle mode. seven scenarios. The table presents the Base Situation (SB), the
Individuals who regularly cycle, represented by the Cyclist Impact of the Measure (IM) and the Future Situation (SF), with
variable, showed a greater propensity to use the bicycle for the distribution of probabilities in the five response categories
commuting. This result was expected since these individuals analyzed. We represent the probabilities as follows:
are characterized by a favorable behavior to this modality P1- Certainly Not performing bicycle trips;
[52,58]. P2- Probably Not performing bicycle trips;
Regarding the latent variable Route Perception, the results P3- Perhaps performing bicycle trips;
show that this variable positively influences the utility of P4- Probably performing bicycle trips;
cycling. People who consider the route between home and P5- Certainly performing bicycle trips.
CORSAN in better conditions are more likely to cycle to work. The probability of cycling at least twice a week to travel
Also, the results suggest that the observed indicators adopted to work corresponds to the sum of P4 and P5, indicated in the
(regarding quality and availability of the bike lanes, road safety, table as PUB (Probability of Bicycle Use). The minus sign
public safety, slope, and visual attractiveness) reflect the effects indicates a reduction in the probability.
of the latent variable. Safety and Security are the most important
Table 3.
Probabilities of bicycle use
S cenarios P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 PUB
0 SB Current situation of CORSAN 37,8% 33,3% 17,0% 9,0% 2,9% 11,9%
IM Impact of the Locker Room deployment -25,9% -8,3% 8,6% 15,31% 10,37% 25,68%
1 SF Future Situation with Locker Room 11,9% 25,0% 25,6% 24,3% 13,2% 37,5%

2 IM
Impact of the Bicycle Parking implantation -18,9% -2,9% 7,2% 9,4% 5,1% 14,57%
SF Future Situation with Bicycle Parking 18,9% 30,4% 24,3% 18,4% 8,0% 26,4%
IM Impact of Training implementation -3,4% 0,3% 1,3% 1,2% 0,5% 1,8%
SF Future Situation with Training 34,4% 33,6% 18,4% 10,3% 3,4% 13,7%
IM Impact of Loaner implantation -17,9% -2,4% 6,9% 8,7% 4,7% 13,3%
SF Future Situation with Bicycle Loaner Program 19,9% 30,9% 24,0% 17,75% 7,5% 25,28%

5 IM
Impact of bicycle paths on main roads -16,1% -1,6% 6,3% 7,5% 3,9% 11,4%
SF Future Situation with bicycle paths on main roads 21,7% 31,7% 23,33% 16,5% 6,7% 23,3%
IM Impact of the implementation of the Locker Room and Bicycle Parking -33,1% -19,5% 4,4% 22,7% 25,5% 48,2%
SF Future Situation with Locker Room and Bicycle Parking 4,7% 13,8% 21,4% 31,8% 28,49% 60,1%
IM Impact of the implementation of the Locker Room, Bicycle Stand and Loan -35,9% -26,9% -3,9% 21,0% 45,6% 66,6%
7 SF
Future Situation with Locker Room, Bicycle Parking and Bicycle Loaner Program 1,9% 6,4% 13,2% 30,0% 48,4% 78,5%
Source: Own elaboration

Rodrigues et al / Revista DYNA, 88(219), pp. 59-67, October - December, 2021.

The PUB in the current situation (SB), without any of the 5. Conclusions
proposed strategies, corresponds to 11.9%. The previous percentage
corresponds to 15 individuals considering the sample of 127 The study showed the impact of stimulus strategies onbicycle
employees. This result is in line with that obtained in the research, use on work trips through a case study with Companhia Rio-
in which 12 employees reported using a bicycle for commuting to grandense de Saneamento (CORSAN). The estimated models
work, verifying the suitability of the estimated model. showed that the implementation of locker rooms, bicycle
Analyzing the implementation of the individual strategies, the parking, a bicycle loaner program, training for employees in
placement of locker rooms would represent an increase in bicycle bicycle use and the presence of bicycle paths for access to
use of 26%, making the bike market share reach approximately CORSAN, encourage cycle use for commuting. The company
38% of the employees. The implementation of other strategies itself can implement the first four strategies, while the last one
would lead to smaller market shares, up to 15%. The joint (bike paths) depends on government actions.
implementation of strategies shows that locker rooms and bicycle The analysis of the magnitude of the marginal effects
stands would increase the market share to 60%. By adding the indicated that the implantation of locker rooms with showers and
bike loaner program, the market share would be 78%. These closets is the most effective measure to stimulate bicycle use in
percentages would correspond to 76 employees (60% of 127 commuting. The provision of bicycle paths on the main access
respondents) and 100 employees (78% of 127 respondents), routes would have a minor impact on the increase in this mode
respectively. Figure 3 shows the impact of the three joint market share, probably due to a current connected cycling
strategies deployed and the distribution of probabilities in each network in the CORSAN environment. The results showed that
response category, compared to the current scenario, without any automobile use in the daily commutes decreases the tendency to
of the proposed improvements. adopt bicycles for commuting. Disincentives to car use could be
The quantification of this market share in absolute value considered in the region to encourage bicycle use.
for the population cannot be inferred from the results. Still, a The implementation of locker rooms, bike stands, and bicycle
range of variation can be estimated by adopting some availability for bike loans to employees would increase the
hypotheses. Assuming that the proportions of physically and market share to 78%, representing a significant percentage
spatially limited employees (residing at a non-cycling increase compared to the current situation (a 66% increase over
distance) observed in the sample remain in the population the current situation). Implementing these strategies would
analyzed, the number of employees eligible for cycling motivate 99 (pessimistic scenario) to 330 (optimistic scenario)
would be 440. Considering an optimistic scenario, that the employees, out of a total of 717, to adopt bicycles to commute at
total of this population has an interest in using the bicycle, least twice a week. Locker rooms and bike parking could be
the results would indicate that 343 employees would use a offered without involving high costs. Locker rooms would be
bicycle at least twice a week to travel to work. Considering a easily implemented with upgrades to the company's existing
pessimistic scenario, in which only the sample studied is toilets, while the bike parking could be allocated somewhere
interested in cycling, this result would represent 99 presently idle inside the buildings. The availability of bicycles for
employees who would use a bicycle to travel to work. lending involves higher costs due to the need to purchase
equipment and the availability of maintenance staff. This
measure can be implemented in a second stage, according to the
observed demand.
The procedures adopted in this paper can be easily applied in
other companies, expanding research of this nature in different
contexts. Also, variables related to the type of adjacent vehicle
traffic, climate, built environment (such as slope and public
safety) could be added. Understanding individuals' behavior in
their daily commutes can help develop strategies to stimulate
active transport in other institutions, such as companies and
Figure 3.a: Distribution of Probabilities in the current situation.
schools. Their role in encouraging active modes is vital,
Source: Own elaboration
promoting environmental and economic benefits and
contributing to a better quality of life for the population.


The authors thank the CNPQ for the financial support



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