A Level Physics BL Lesson Plan - Dark Matter

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Progression: Explain how the lesson feeds into the larger unit/topic

Following on from lessons introducing Kepler’s laws (4.3 (a)-(c)) and calculation’s using period and orbital speed (4.3 (d))
Leading to lessons describing the Doppler relationship and double body systems (4.3 (g) –(j)) Date:
Lesson Topic/ Dark matter GCE Physics Unit 4.3 (e) + (f)
Specification coverage
Learning Explain how orbital speeds of objects in spiral Resources: Blended learning resources Orbits and the wider
Objectives: galaxies implies the existence of dark matter. universe - Blended Learning
Describe how the Higgs boson may be related to Knowledge organiser WJEC-ALevel-Physics-unit4-3.pdf
dark matter. Revision notes 17-18_1.27_U4_Physics_Eng.pdf
(wjec.co.uk) page 23-24
Open, Rotations, Close
Whole Group Open Direct/Teacher Independent/Online Collaborative Whole Group Close
Introduction Remediate/Accelerate Practice/Assess/Inquire Explore/Create/Action Reflect
Revise the previous Teacher to revise the Complete the questions in the Show a graph of the Exit ticket:
lessons: derivation of Kepler’r 3rd blended learning resource. observed speed and the Sketch a graph showing how the predicted and the
Learners to answer on law, introducing the predicted speed of matter observed speeds of objects orbiting in a spiral galaxy
miniature white boards equation: Complete the past paper in a spiral galaxy, such as change with increasing distance from the centre.

and show their answers GM question and self-assess using in the blended learning Explain any differences between the lines.
What are Kepler’s laws? v= the mark scheme. resource. Learners to
r discuss the differences Teacher to assess and correct any misconceptions in the
As an intermediatory
between the lines. next lesson.
step and how it is
relevant to the orbits of
Read the knowledge
objects in spiral galaxies.
organiser, Revision notes
page 23-24 and the
Introduce the Higgs
blended learning
boson and its link to the
resource. Summarise how
mass of particles
the observed speeds are
including dark matter.
different to the predicted
speeds and explain why.
Learners to present their
findings to other groups.

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