DR Shilpa Hiremath, Quality Standards For Dronapushpi

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Published online in http://ijam.co.

in ISSN No: 0976-5921

International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, Vol 14 (1), 2023; 219-224

Some quality standards for
Dronapushpi Panchanga (Leucas aspera Spreng) Powder
Research Article

Shilpa Hiremath1*, Pradeep2, Sunil Kumar KN3

1. Department of Dravyaguna, SBG Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Belagavi, Karnataka, India.
2. Department of Dravyaguna, SDM Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka, India.
3. Department of Pharmacognosy, Siddha Central Research Institute (CCRS, Ministry of Ayush, Govt. of India),
Arumbakkam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.

Background: Dronapushpi (Leucas aspera Spreng) of Lamiaceae is found as a weed throughout the country. It
is described in various Nighantus. To maintain the effectiveness of crude drugs, the standardisation and proper
identification of the plant is very important. Fresh juice of Dronapushpi is efficacious in malarial fever, collyrium
prepared from the juice is used in jaundice, the decoction of the herb is used to ulcer as wash liquid, also applied
externally to poisonous insect bites and also useful in worm infestation, inflammation, bronchitis, asthma and cough.
In this study Dronapushpi panchanga (whole plant) was studied systematically to evaluate its quality standards.
Methods: Macro-microscopic features, physico-chemical and phytochemical investigation were performed as per
Pharmacopoeial procedures. Results: The pharmacognostic study revealed the macroscopic characters,
physicochemical constants and phytochemical nature of Donapushpi. The extracts which were screened for its
phytochemicals showed the presence of constituents like coumarin, flavonoids, carbohydrates, phenols and tannin in
both the ethanolic and aqueous extracts. HPTLC profile was developed as fingerprint of extracts. Conclusion: Results
of the present investigation L. aspera plant will help in validation of this crude drug.

Key Words: Diaphoretic, Extraction, HPTLC, Inflammation, Jaundice.

Introduction Shilpa Hiremath

Ayurveda is an oldest system of medicine Department of Dravyaguna,
bestowed on humanity by great Rishis (sages) of India, SBG Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital,
which has influenced all other system of medicines Belagavi,
either directly or indirectly. (1). Karnataka, India.
Dronapushpi (Leucas aspera Spreng) of Email Id: [email protected]
Lamiaceae is found as a weed throughout the country. It rheumatism, chronic skin eruptions of psoriasis leaves
is easily available and described in various Nighantus are found to be helpful and also various parts of plant are
(lexicons). Various pharmacological actions like Shopha utilised as an antipyretic, insecticide, stimulant,
(swelling or inflammation), Kamala (jaundice), emmenagogue, expectorant, aperient and diaphoretic.
Tamakashwasa (bronchial asthma) and Kasajit External application of are found to be useful in snake
(alleviates cough) are mentioned in Kaiyadeva Nighantu bite (2,7).
and Bhavaparkasha Nighantu (lexicon) In Brhat trayi there is no description about
(2-4). Dronapushpi. Even in Dhanvantari nighantu we do not
Every year about 20,000 deaths happen due to come across Dronapushpi. Sodhala indicated it in
liver disorders. The plants as sources of medicines have Kamala (liver disease), Krimi (worm infestation) and
shown to preserve the standard functional level of the Sopha (inflammation). In one context he emphasized its
liver (5). Eighty per cent of population in the world use in Pakshaghata (hemiplegia). Adhadamalla
depends on plant origin traditional medicine (6). commented Dronapushpi as Nahula or Guma. This plant
L. aspera is found throughout India from is known as Guma in North India (8).
Himalaya to Ceylon as weed. In case of chronic Drug evaluation is done for authentication of its
identity and confirmation of its quality and purity and
identification adulteration if any. Over the recent years,
* Corresponding Author: systemic changes took place in the analysis of crude
drugs. Besides its morphological and microscopic
Published online in http://ijam.co.in ISSN No: 0976-5921

Shilpa Hiremath et.al., Some quality standards for Dronapushpi Panchanga (Leucas aspera Spreng) Powder

evaluation, active constituents of the crude drugs are also 10: 2.5: 0.5 and were visualized in UV 254, 366, under
estimated by chemical evaluation of the crude drugs. white light and then derivatised with vanillin sulphuric
Both qualitative and quantitative evaluation can be acid and scanned under UV 254 and 366 nm. R f, colour
performed with the development of separation of the spots and densitometric scan were recorded (14).
techniques and instrumental analysis (9). In the present
study, Dronapushpi panchanga (L. aspera whole plant)
was screened for its macro-microscopic characters, Results
physico-chemical and phytochemicals examination for Macroscopic study
deriving some quality standards for the drug. Whole plant powder is fine, slightly fibrous,
greenish yellow in colour (Fig. 1B) with faint distinctive
odour and moderately bitter taste.
Materials and methods Powder microscopy
Collection and authentication Powder of whole plant showed presence of bundle of
The test drug Dronapushpi Panchanga was trichomes (Fig. 2A), trichomes with striation (Fig. 2B),
procured from the natural habitat from Hassan district of multicellular covering trichomes (Fig. 2C), glandular
Karnataka and authenticated at SDM centre for Research trichomes (Fig. 2D), fragments of simple trichomes (Fig.
in Ayurveda and Allied science, Udupi (10). The 2E), pitted parenchyma (Fig. 2F), fragments of
standard procedure was followed to prepare the Churna epidermis in surface view (Fig. 2G), sclereids (Fig. 2H),
(powder) at SDMCAH, Hassan, Karnatak’s Rasashastra fragments of vessels (Fig. 2I), bundle of pitted fibres
and Bhaishajya Kalpana Department (11). The plant (Fig. 2J), thin-walled fibres (Fig. 2K) and pitted
material was shade dried before powdering (Fig. 1A). tracheids (Fig. 2L)

Macroscopic study Figure 1. Macroscopy of Panchanga (whole plant) of

Photographs of plant parts from natural habitat Leucas aspera
were taken. Macroscopic characters of Panchanga
(whole plant) of L. aspera were analysed systematically
and made a note of its size, shape etc morphological

Powder microscopic study

With chloral hydrate solution, the powder sample
was heated and mounted, using glycerine, on a
microscopic slide. The diagnostic features recorded and Fig 1A. Fresh whole pnat Fig 1B. Powder
photographed using Zeiss’s AXIO Trinocular
microscope which is attached with Zeiss AxioCam Physicochemical tests
camera under bright field light. Scale- bars indicated the
Physicochemical parameters such as loss on
magnifications of the figures.
drying (moisture content), total ash, acid insoluble and
water soluble ash, alcohol and water soluble extractive
Physicochemical evaluation standard were ascertained (Table 1).
As per the Pharmacopoeial protocol,
physicochemical examinations like loss on drying Table 1. Physico-chemical parameters of Panchanga
(moisture content) at 1050C (LOD), water and ethanol
(whole plant) of Leucas aspera
soluble and successive extractive values, total ash and
Parameter % w/w
acid insoluble ash values were ascertained (12).
Loss on drying at 105oC 8.81
Total ash 7.71
Qualitative chemical tests
Acid insoluble ash 0.97
Basic phytochemical examination was performed Water soluble ash 3.07
to find out different types of phytochemicals present in Water soluble extractive 10.77
the plant using the established color tests(13). Alcohol soluble extractive 8.78

Phytochemical analysis
HPTLC fingerprinting
Qualitative screening of present study was
With the help of 10 ml of ethanol 1 gram of
performed for ethanolic extract showed the appearance
powder was extracted. Using Linomat 5 TLC applicator
of phytochemicals like coumarin, flavonoids,
5, 10µl of the above extract was transferred on a
carbohydrates, steroids, phenols and tannin (Table 2).
precoated aluminium plates with silica gel F254 to a
band width of 7mm using a Hamilton syringe. The plate
was developed in Toluene: Ethyl acetate: Formic acid

Published online in http://ijam.co.in ISSN No: 0976-5921

International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, Vol 14 (1), 2023; 219-224

Table 2. Preliminary phytochemical test results of
alcoholic and water extracts of Panchanga (whole
plant) of Leucas aspera
Test Ethanol
Alkaloid -
Amino acids -
Coumarin +
Flavonoids +
Carbohydrate/ glycoside +
Steroid +
Phenol +
Tannin +
Terpenoid -
Resins/ Wax -
Saponins -
Quinone -
Figure 2. Microscopy of powder of Panchanga (whole plant) of Leucas aspera

HPTLC fingerprinting 0.05 L UV- light- derivatisation

GreenUV 0.05 Blue
Fingerprint of chloroform fraction of total ethanol
0.14 L Green 0.14 F Blue - -
extract of L. aspera was carried out by making use of
- - - 0.16 Violet
toluene: ethyl acetate: formic acid (10:2.5: 0.5) as 0.19 L Green 0.19 F Blue 0.19 L 0.19 Violet
solvent system. Under short UV it showed 9 spots; under Yellow
long UV there were 11 spots; under white light it - 0.24 L Green 0.24 Violet
showed 7 spots and under white light postderivatisation,
there were 15 spots (Table 3, Fig. 3). 0.27 L Green 0.27F Red - 0.27 Brown
On densitometric scan of the plate at UV 254 nm, 0.30 Green - - 0.30 Brown
13 peaks were detected with 3 of them were major - 0.32 F L Blue - -
accounting to 18 to 33 % area (Fig. 4) and even at - - 0.34 Yellow 0.34 Brown
366nm, 13 peaks were detected, 4 of them were major - - - 0.38 Brown
accounting to 10 to 17 % area (Fig. 5) and at 540 nm, 9 - 0.41 F L Pink - -
- - - 0.43 L Blue
peaks were detected, one with R f 0.68 was the major
- 0.50 F Pink - 0.50 L Blue
peak with area % of 43.52 (Fig. 6).
0.55 L Green 0.55 F Red 0.55 Green 0.55Violet
0.64 L Green 0.64 F Red 0.64 Green 0.64 Violet
Table 3. Rf value of alcohol extract of - - 0.71 L Green -
Panchanga (whole plant) of Leucas aspera 0.75 Green 0.75 F Red 0.75 Green 0.75 L Green
Under short Under long Under white Post –

Published online in http://ijam.co.in ISSN No: 0976-5921

Shilpa Hiremath et.al., Some quality standards for Dronapushpi Panchanga (Leucas aspera Spreng) Powder
- 0.89 F Blue - 0.89 L Blue Figure 5. HPTLC Densitometric scan of alcohol
0.98 L Green 0.98 F Green 0.98 Yellow 0.98 Blue extract of Panchanga (whole plant) of Leucas aspera
L - Light, F- Fluorescent at 366 nm
Figure. 3. TLC Photo documentation of alcohol
extract of Panchanga (whole plant) of Leucas aspera

At UV 254 At UV 366 Under white Post

nm nm light derivatisation
Solvent system – Toluene: Ethyl acetate: Formic acid
(10: 2.5: 0.5)

Figure 4. HPTLC Densitometric scan of alcohol

extract of Panchanga (whole plant) of Leucas
aspera at 254 nm

Figure 6. HPTLC Densitometric scan of alcohol

extract of Panchanga (whole plant) of Leucas aspera
at 540 nm

Discussion and Conclusion

To maintain the efficacy of the plant derived raw
drugs, standardisation of a raw drug and right
identification of the same is vital. The medicinal plant in
fresh form can easily be identified but the same in dried
state become difficult since most of the identifying
features will change. Botanical source of the drug and
adulterants or substitutes can be identified by macro-
microscopy. TLC is a fundamental of every herbal
monograph. By investigating standardisation parameters
like macroscopic, microscopic, physicochemical,
phytochemical and HPTLC fingerprinting the quality of
a plant medicine can be ensured along with adulteration
and substitution, if any (14,15).
Published online in http://ijam.co.in ISSN No: 0976-5921

International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine, Vol 14 (1), 2023; 219-224

Many powdered materials are pushed into market 3 of them were major accounting to 18 to 33 % area and
to mask its true identity. Addition of foreign matter also even at 366 nm, 13 peaks were detected, 4 of them were
goes undetected when a raw drug is marketed as powder. major accounting to 10 to 17 % area and at 540 nm, 9
An organoleptic and microscopic analysis can identify peaks were detected, one with Rf 0.68 was the major
any such practices. The panchanga churna (whole plant) peak with area % of 43.52.
powder is slightly smooth, fibrous and colour is pale The HPTLC finger print profile of ethanol extract
greenish with faint distinctive odour and moderately of L. aspera showed maximum compounds under white
bitter and sweet in taste. Bundle of trichomes, trichome light post- derivatisation. On densitometric scan of L.
with striation, multicellular covering trichomes, aspera ethanol extract, showed the maximum peaks at
glandular trichome, fragment of simple trichome, 366 nm. The HPTLC fingerprint developed in this study
parenchyma, pitted parenchyma, epidermal fragments in will be an effective identity test for chemical
surface view, sclereids, fragment of vessels, bundle of identification of this plant.
pitted fibres, thin walled fibres, pitted tracheids were Previous reports on powder microscopic
observed in powder microscopy. evaluation of Leucas aspera showed the presence of
Examination of physico-chemical composition as fragments of epidermal cells of leaf, stem, petal and
per international standards using pharmacopeia sepals, patches of collenchyma, sessile and stalked
procedures is a productive technique in developing glandular trichomes, single celled and multicelled
quality standards of herbal drugs (14, 15). Deterioration nonglandular trichomes, stomata vessels, tracheids, hairs
and shelf life of the drug depends on its water content, of sepal, palisade cells, pollen grains, fragments of fibers
even the preservation of the drugs will also be affected if and seed (21) and in comparison to previous work,
the moisture content is very high. The loss on drying present study revealed the presence of bundles of
(moisture content) at 105ᵒ C was 8.805 % w/w indicating trichomes, trichome with striation, multicellular covering
moisture and volatile matter. Total ash value (7.71 % trichomes, fragment of simple trichome, parenchyma,
w/w) is suggestive of the total inorganic content after pitted parenchyma, epidermal fragments in surface view,
incineration in drug. Acid insoluble ash (AIA) value sclereids, fragment of vessels, bundle of pitted fibres,
0.974 % w/w revealed the presence of siliceous thin walled fibres, and pitted tracheids. Earlier reports on
substance, minimum AIA value means less content of preliminary chemical examination of L. aspera showed
siliceous matter resulting from proper washing of raw the presence of triterpenoids in whole plant and the
drugs, especially underground raw drugs. Water soluble aerial parts of the plant showed the presence of
ash (3.07 % w/w) indicated the amount of ash which is phytochemicals such as alkaloids, carbohydrates,
readily soluble in water. Water (10.77%) and alcohol reducing sugars, proteins, phenolics, tannins, steroids,
soluble (8.78%) extractive values indicated active flavonoids and glycosides. In addition to above
constituents soluble in water and ethanol respectively phytochemicals like flavonoids, carbogydrate, steroid,
(15-17). phenol, tannins; the whole plants showed positive result
Chemical composition from the secondary for coumrin in alcoholic extract of whole plant in this
metabolite of plant drugs is responsible for the action of study (22-33).
drugs on target disease. Various organic functional Results of these investigations are useful for
groups can be detected by the phyto-chemical tests that authentication of L. aspera plant powder and the data
indicate the group of phytochemicals occurring in the will help in monograph preparation and can be utilised
plant. These tests show the presence discrete class of as source guide for this plant.
components present in the extract (18-20). The
phytochemical analysis on the alcoholic and water Acknowledgements
extract of L. aspera revealed presence of coumarin, The Authors are grateful to revered President, Dr.
flavanoids, carbohydrate/glycoside, steroids, phenol and D. Veerendra Heggade and Dr. B. Yashovarma,
tannins in alcoholic extract of Dronapushpi Panchaga Secretary, SDM Educational Society for constant
curna. encouragement. The Authors acknowledge Dr. Prasanna
For micro-analytical separation and determination N Rao, Principal, Dr. Girish K J, Research Co-ordinator,
of natural products, TLC and HPTLC techniques are SDM College of Ayurveda, Hassan for constant support.
important analytical tools. HPTLC is a finest evolution Authors thank Dr. B. Ravishankar, Former Director,
of TLC principle which is useful in qualitative and SDM Center for Research in Ayurveda and Allied
quantitative analysis, that requires short time and has sciences, Udupi for providing the facilities and B
better resolution (9). Fingerprint of chloroform fraction Sangeetha, Research Officer, pharmaceutical chemistry
of total ethanol extract of L. aspera was obtained by for their guidance.
using suitable solvent system. Under short UV it showed
9 spots; under long UV there were 11 spots; under white Conflicts of Interest of each author/contributors: Nil
light it showed 7 spots and under white light post-
derivatisation, revealed 15 spots. On densitometric scan
of the plate at UV 254 nm, 13 peaks were detected with

Published online in http://ijam.co.in ISSN No: 0976-5921

Shilpa Hiremath et.al., Some quality standards for Dronapushpi Panchanga (Leucas aspera Spreng) Powder

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Published online in http://ijam.co.in ISSN No: 0976-5921

Shilpa Hiremath et.al., Some quality standards for Dronapushpi Panchanga (Leucas aspera Spreng) Powder



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