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Quality Control Parameters of Arogyavardhini Rasa Prepared by Classical Method

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Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicine 2016; 2(4): 104-111

Research Article Quality Control Parameters of Arogyavardhini Rasa prepared

J. Ayu. Herb. Med. by classical method
2016; 2(4): 104-111
July- August 1 2 3 4
Yuga Raj Sapkota* , Prashant Bedarkar , V.J. Shukla , P.K Prajapati
© 2016, All rights reserved 1 Ph.D.(Ayu) Scholar, Dept. of Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, I.P.G.T. & R.A., Gujarat Ayurved University,
www.ayurvedjournal.com Jamnagar-361008, Gujarat, India
2 Asst. Prof, Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, I. P. G. T. and R. A, Jamnagar, Gujarat, India
3 Head, Dept. Pharmaceutical Chemistry, I.P.G.T. & R.A., Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar-361008, Gujarat,
4 Professor and Director, I.P.G.T. & R.A., Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar-361008, Gujarat, India


Background: Arogyavardhini Rasa (AVR) is a well-known An Ayurvedic herbo-mineral formulation, indicated for
treatment of broad spectrum chronic diseased conditions commonly used by physicians whose details of
pharmaceutical processing are yet to document. Current research is first effort to document quality control parameters
of this important formulation. Aim: To study the Pharmaceutical and physicochemical Quality Control Parameters
profiles of Arogyavardhini Rasa. Materials & Method: AVR was prepared in one pilot and 3 main batches as per
classical reference of Rasaratnasamucchaya. Its Physico-chemical parameters, qualitative tests for functional groups,
Chromatography and quantitative elemental estimation were investigated. Results & Discussion: An average of 2500ml
Swarasa was required for optimum Mardana for preparation of AVR from Avg. 506 gms of powdered Raw drugs, leading
to an average yield, % yield (as that of powdered drugs) % wt gain of 605gm, 119.56%, 99 gm and 19.56% respectively.
Functional groups Cardiac Glycosides, Alkaloids, Tannins and Phenols, Proteins, carbohydrates, steroids, Flavanoids,
Saponins, Amino acids, Starch and Sugar were present. HPTLC study revealed a total of 11 and 8 bands at 254 nm and
366 nm in AVR. Conclusion: There is uniformity among results of observed and test parameters, among 3 batches.
Pharmaceutical process, Results of pharmaceutical study, Physico-chemical tests, Presence of functional groups and
HPTLC profile in present study may be considered as Standard manufacturing process of Arogyavardhini Rasa.

Keywords: Arogyavardhini Rasa, Bhasma, HPTLC, Heavy metal, Organometallic, Rasaushadhi.


Arogyavardhini Rasa is widely practiced Kharaliya Rasaushadhi used for the treatment of different types
of Jvara (fever), Kushtha (skin disorders), Medoroga (obesity), Kamala (jaundice) and other Yakrit vikara
th [1]
(liver disorders). It has been described in text by Rasa Vagbhatta in 13 century and many other classical
texts including Ayurvedic Formulary of India . Rasaushadhi (formulations containing metallominerals and
mercurials) are important formulation in Ayurvedic therapeutics due to lesser therapeutic doses,
enhancement of action of other ingredients of formulation, quicker action and palatability and more
stability/ shelf life as compared to formulations prepared from drugs of plant or animal origin. Toxicity
studies and in vitro and in vivo efficacy studies of Arogyavardhini Rasa has been carried out. It has been
[5, 6]
proven safe on liver, kidney, and brain through earlier studies . Another study conducted on albino rats
for acute, sub-acute and chronic toxicity and Hepatoprotective effect revealed non toxic effect on vital
organs in therapeutic dose, even in four times higher doses and with good hepatoprotective activity
against CCl4 induced liver injury . But scientifically studied published data on Pharmaceutico analytical
profile is lacking. Hence present research work was carried out to establish Pharmaceutical and analytical
profiles of classical Arogyavardhani Rasa (AVR) .


*Corresponding author:
Yuga Raj Sapkota Collection and authentication of raw materials
Ph.D.(Ayu) Scholar, Dept. of
Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Fresh roots of Chitraka and leaves of Nimba (as per requirement) were collected from botanical garden
Kalpana, I.P.G.T. & R.A., Gujarat of University and other raw materials were procured from Pharmacy (Table 1). All herbal raw drugs were
Ayurved University, Jamnagar- authenticated by Pharmacognosy laboratory. Analysis was carried out by employing different
361008, Gujarat, India. physicochemical parameters for raw material as well as finished products.
Email: yugasa[at]gmail.com

Processing of raw materials OBSERVATION AND RESULTS

Roots of chitraka were dried and powder was prepared by pounding in The pilot study inferred that Initially 1500 ml Swarasa was required to
iron pounding apparatus and grounded by household mixer grinder levigate 500 gm of raw material and approximately 5 times of volume
and sieved before packing. Shodhana of Guggulu (fig 1a) was carried of Swarasa was required for optimum levigation for two days (Table 2).
out by Swedana method using Triphala Kwatha . Herbal ingredients During levigation, colour of Swarasa started changing after addition of
were powdered by Grinding and sieving(fig 1b) and passed through mixture of raw material. Subhavita Lakshana were observed on third
sieve no # 80 . Fresh NimbaPatra Swarasa was prepared by grinding day after complete trituration with Characteristic smell, taste and
and squeezing . Dhatukajjali (Kajjali, LohaBhasma, AbhrakaBhasma colour i.e light brown ultimately turned to blackish brown with
and TamraBhasma) was prepared by sequential Mardana semisolid consistency and finally mass became non sticky. During wet
(trituration) . grinding process no foul smell was noted. While drying, part in contact
to air was turned darker in colour than that of one which was in
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Process of AVR contact with tray. Total time taken in drying process depends on
season, in summer it dries fast in comparison to winters and rainy
All the ingredients were accurately weighted. Dhataukajjali was taken season. Bitter test was felt in mouth and throat while powdering and
in polythene bag with addition of powdered drugs and mixed sieving of finished product. Percent yield of AVR was found to be
thoroughly by shaking. Then mixture was added little by little in a increased than that of initial weight of material ( Table 2). An average
butterfly wet - grinder initially containing mixture of Guggulu, Shilajatu of 2500 ml Swarasa was required for optimum Mardana for
and Swarasa. Required quantity of Nimba patra Swarasa for optimum preparation of AVR from Avg. 506 gms of powdered Raw drugs,
levigation was added till the mixture gets immersed completely leading to an average yield, % yield (as that of powdered drugs), wt
(Samyagpluta). Approximately 200 ml Swarasa was added 4 hrly. gain and % wt gain of 605gm, is 119.56%, 99 gm and 19.56%
Grinding and soaking was carried out for 12hr */d for 2 days. Final respectively.
material was subjected for complete drying in an oven bellow 70 C
and was Powdered, weighed, packaged, labeled and stored in glass Organoleptic Evaluation
container. Total three batches of AVR were prepared (Table 2) (fig 1c -
1j). Organoleptic characters of raw material used for the preparation of
AVR and final product of test drug sample are presented in (Table
All the Batches of AVR were analyzed by employing various analytical 3).
Physicochemical parameters:
Organoleptic evaluation
The results of Physiochemical analysis of media and Procured bhasmas
[12, 13]
Observed organoleptic characters (texture ,color, odor, taste etc. ) are mentioned in the Table 4 and Table 5 respectively where as Final
of raw materials and final product of AVR are presented in Table. product of AVR mentioned in Table 6.

Physico-chemical evaluation Preliminary Qualitative Tests

Physico-chemical parameters for the evaluation of drug mentioned in Evaluation of preliminary Qualitative tests for functional groups in AVR
Ayurvedic pharmacopeia of India were carried out . The results of revealed the presence of Cardiac glycosides, Alkaloids, Tannins,
Physiochemical analysis of procured raw material, media and final Steroids, Flavonoids, Carbohydrates, Starch and sugar etc in the sample
product AVR are mentioned in the Table below. of AVR ( Table 7).
[15, 16]
Preliminary Qualitative tests for functional groups . Elemental analysis

Common functional groups in ingredients of formulation were studied. Elemental analysisof major inorganic elements present in ingredients
of Arogyavardhini Rasa revealed 1.5226%, 0.59%, 1.086% and 1.656%
Elemental analysis . of Hg, Si, Cu and Fe respectively (Table 8).

Percentage of major inorganic elements present in ingredients of HPTLC

Arogyavardhini Rasa were analyzed by Inductively Coupled Plasma
method at Sophisticated Analytical Instrumental facility, IIT Powai, In HPTLC of finished products of AVR where 11 Rf bands were seen at
Mumbai. 254 nm, while 8 Rf bands were seen at 366 nm (fig 2a, 2b) (Table 9).

High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) 


Methanolic extract of sample of AVR was spotted on Precoated Silica In the present study ingredients of Arogyavardhini Rasa are same in all
Gel GF254 aluminium plate (20 cm × 10 cm with 250 m thickness) available references except chitramula (Plumbago zeylanica linn)
using Camag Linomate V sample applicator fitted with a 100μ L whose interpretation differs as per AFI apart from other
Hamilton syringe. The plate was developed using optimized mobile commentators and proportion of ingredients varies among classical
phase using solvent system Toluene :Ethyl acetate: Formic acid(7: 2: textsand commentaries. Method of Mardana in view of persistency of
0.5 v/v) in twin trough development chamber. After development, triturition (2 days) is not clearly mentioned in textual reference . As
Densitometric scanning was performed with a Camag TLC scanner III in liquid media is prescribed for Mardana, hence the process can be
reflectance absorbance mode at 254 nm and 366 nm equipped with correlated with Bhavana (wet levigation). In this study, 12 hr is
Win‑CATsoftware . considered as a day, hence the process of Mardana (including duration
of staged immersion) was completed in 48 hrs where total duration of
Mardana was 24 hrs. Method of preparation of liquid for Bhavana is

not mentioned, however maximum commentators take it as fresh leaf
juice of Azadirachta indica. In Bhavana, staged levigation is mentioned

J Ayu Herb Med ǀ Vol 2 Issue 4 ǀ July- August 2016

ie levigation in sunlight and keeping mixture standstill at night hours. media. Qualitative tests are used to detect the presence of functional
Percent yield of AVR found to be increased by 19 % (as that of raw groups, which plays very important role in the expression of biological
material) which may be due to lavigation with Nimba patra swarasa activity thus tests for functional groups in AVR revealed the presence
whose total solid content (Table 5) help to increase the weight of final of Cardiac glycosides, Alkaloids, Tannins, Steroids, Flavonoids,
product. Carbohydrates, Starch and sugar etc in the sample.

Arogyavardhini rasa whose data on Pharmaceutico analytical Elemental analysis (ICP-AES)of major inorganic elements in sample of
standardization is lacking. Although study by Padhar et al evaluated AVR, shows presence of mercur, silicon, copper and iron which is
Pharmacognostic and phytochemical parameters of “Arogyavardhini obvious and percentage of inorganic elements; Hg, Si, Fe and Cu is
compound” but this is not classical formulation and the parameters of helpful for differentiation from other Ayurvedic formulations with
standardization would be significantly different from classical ingredients of only Plant or mineral origin. Mamata N.G carried out a
formulation as it levigated with equal amount of Garlic . Physico- study in Arogyavardhini Vati by Chromatographic, Spectroscopic
chemical analysis data of AVR indicates an average LOD in sample was techniques (AAS) and X-ray diffraction to find paradedosha (impurities)
4.85% w/w, which shows that the value of moisture content is within remain in Rasaushadhi . In a one analytical study a rapid, simple,
the limit. Excess of water in drug encourage microbial growth, accurate and specific HPTLC method for estimation of tannin, kutkoside
presence of fungi or insects and deterioration following hydrolysis. pH and steroid present in the Rhizome of Picrrorhiza kurroa and
value is one of the main factor which may influence the quality of drug. Arogyavardhinivati has been developed . In HPTLC profile of AVR
pH of 5% aqueous solution shows 3.5 which indicates acidic nature of shows 11 Rf bands at 254 nm and 8 Rf bands at 366 nm. These
AVR while of media used Nimba patra Swarasa and Triphala Kwatha possible compounds of the matrix which may possess its therapeutic
ware found to be basic and acidic in nature with total solid content of effect. These findings may help to generate qualitative and quantitative
3.95% and 16.98% respectively. Ash values are the criteria to judge the standards to determine the quality and purity of the drug formulation.
identity and purity of crude drug, where total, water soluble and acid
insoluble ashes are considered as parameter to be carried out. Analysis CONCLUSION
shows AVR contained average of 15.34% w/w of total ash, 2.59 % w/w
acid insoluble ash and 8.89% w/w water soluble ash. The result There is uniformity among results of observed test parameters, among
revealed that AVR is free from unwanted organic and inorganic 3 batches. An average of 2500 ml Swarasa was required for optimum
compounds and sample free from dust and other soil matters etc. Mardana for preparation of AVR from an Avg. of 506 gms of powdered
Water-soluble extractive and alcohol-soluble extractive were found to Raw drugs, leading to an average yield, % yield (as that of powdered
be 31.40 % w/w, 23.82% w/w respectively which reveals that the drug drugs), wt gain and % wt gain as- 605gm, 119.56%, 99 gm and 19.56%
have fairly good solubility in water and the average percentage of respectively.
carbon disulphide soluble extractive was found to be 1.118 %w/w.
which found to be decrease as that of initial qty. used in formulation Pharmaceutical process, Results of pharmaceutical study, Physico-
i.e. 2.2727%. Thus this % decrease of sulpher may be formation of new chemical tests, Presence of functional groups and HPTLC profile in
chemical moieties due to Mardana of drug ingredients with liquid present study may be considered as quality parameter in further study
and also in manufacturing process of Arogyavardhini Rasa.

Table 1: Ingredients used in the Preparation of Arogyavardhini Rasa

S. No. Name of the Ingredients Latin Name / English Name (AVR) Part / Type use Prportion
1. Shuddha Parada Processed Mercury - 1Part
2. Shuddha. Gandhaka Processed Sulphur - 1Part
3. Lauha Bhasma Calcinated Iron - 1Part
4. Abharaka Bhasma Calcinated Mica - 1Part
5. Tamra Bhasma Calcinated Copper - 1Part
6. Triphala Churna Terminalia chebula Retz Dried Fruit Rind 2*3 part
Haritaki Terminaliabellirica (Gaertn.) Roxb
Bibhitaka Phyllanthusemblica L
7 Shuddha.Shilajatu Processed Black Bitumen Processed product 3part

8 Shuddha. Gugguluu Processed Commiphora wightii (Arn.) Bhandari Processed Niryasa (Resinous gum) 4part
9 Chitraka Moola Plumbago zeylanica linn Dried Root 4part

10 Katuki Moola Picrorhiza kurroa Dried Rhizome 22part

Royle ex Benth.
11 NimbaPatra Swarasa ( for 2days Mardana) Azadirachta indica A.Juss Leaf Juice (for wet Lavigation) q.s

J Ayu Herb Med ǀ Vol 2 Issue 4 ǀ July- August 2016

Table 2: Results of AVR preparation

AVR Batch AVR Batch AVR Batch

Parameter Pilot Batch

Swarasa utilized (ml) 2400 2500 2500 2500

Duration of levigation for each Batch 12hr * 2 day 12hr * 2day 12hr * 2day 12hr * 2 day
Duration of Soaking for each Batch 12hr * 2 nights 12hr * 2 nights 12hr * 2 nights 12hr * 2 nights
Initial Weight of product 506 506 506 506
Final weight of product (g) 600 605 608 602
weight gain(g) 94 99 102 96
% of Weight gain 18.577 19.565 20.158 18.972
Colour of final product Browish black Browish black Browish black Browish black

Table 3: Oragnoleptic charactersof raw materials and finished product

Parameter Sparsha (touch) Rupa (colour) Rasa (taste) Gandha(odour)

Katuki Smooth Dustygrayish Bitter (++) Characteristic
Chitrak Smooth creamy Katu (pungent Characteristic
Triphala Smooth greenish brown Kashaya Amla Characteristic
Guggulu Hard Lumps Black Tikta,Katu Aeromatic
Neem swarasa Slippery Green Bitter Characteristic
Shilajatu Hard Black Tikta Characteristic
Tamra Fine Dark blue/Black Tasteless Not specific
Abhrakh Fine Brick red Tasteless Odourless
Loha Fine Blood red Tasteless Odourless
Kajjali Fine Black Tasteless Odourless
AVR Fine Brownish black Bitter Characteristic

Table 4: Physicochemical parameters of Bhasma (Arogyavardhini Raw material)

Test parameter Tamra Bhasma Abhraka Loha Kajjali

Bhasma Bhasma
Physico-chemical LOD at 1050 C (%) 0.97 0.66 00.31 0.39
parameters Total Ash (%) 97.42 99.18 99.63 0.56
Acid insoluble ash (%) 2.29 33.74 27.80 96.18
Ayurvedic Parameter Lusterless (Nischandrika) +ve +ve +ve +ve
Fineness (fine enough to enter in lines of finger – Rekha +ve +ve +ve +ve
Floats on water (Varitara) +ve +ve (partially) +ve +ve
Tasteless (Niswadu) -ve, (metallic taste +ve +ve -
Special test Dadhi amla Pariksha colour change + NA NA NA
(+ve ) – Positive, (-ve) – Negative, (-) – Not done , and (NA)- Not applicable

Table 5: Physicochemical parameters of media

Parameters Nimba patra Swarasa Triphala Kwatha

Total solid content (%) 3.95 16.98
pH 6.23 3.7
Sp. Gravity 1.0013 1.0522
Reaction with Litmus Paper Basic Acidic

J Ayu Herb Med ǀ Vol 2 Issue 4 ǀ July- August 2016

Table 6: Physicochemical parameters of finished product

S. No. Parameter (%w/w) AVR

Batch 1 Batch 2 Batch 3 Avg
1 pH (5% aqueous sol) 3.4 3.6 3.5 3.5
2 LOD (at 110oC) 3.96 5.02 5.58 4.85
3 Ash value 15.94 14.90 15.17 15.34
4 Water soluble ash 8.77 9.07 8.92 8.92
5 Acid insoluble ash 1.21 3.98 2.58 2.59
7 Water soluble extractive 33.23 29.13 31.85 31.40

8 Alcohol soluble extractive 24.76 24.77 21.95 23.82

9 Percentage of Sulfur 0.78 1.88 0.695 1.118

Table 7: Results of qualitative test for various functional groups

S. No Functional gp. Test/ Reagent Observation AVR

1. Cardiac glycosides Legal’s test Color change +ve
Brontager’s test Fluorescence +ve
2. Alkaloids Dragendorff’s reagent Orange Brown ppt +ve
Wagner’s reagent Reddish brown ppt
Hager’s reagent Yellow ppt
3. Tannins and Phenols 5% FeCl3 sol. Deep blue black colour +ve
Lead acetate sol. White ppt +ve
Acetic acid sol. Red colour sol. +ve
Potassium dichromate sol. Red ppt +ve
Iodine sol. Red colour +ve
4. Proteins Biuret reagent No color change -ve
5. Carbohydrates Molish’s test Violet ring is formed at the junction +ve
6. Steroids Liebermann-buchard First red, then blue and finally green color appears -ve
Salkowoki Greenish yellow fluorescence +ve
7. Flavanoids Shinoda test Yellow ppt +ve
Vanillin HCl test Pink colour -ve
8. Saponins Shaking in test-tube Frothing with honeycomb appearance +ve
9. Amino acids Ninhydrin test Purple or bluish colour observed -ve
10. Starch Iodine test Bluish colour appeared +ve
11 Sugar Fehling test Red ppt +ve
(+Ve)- Positive, ( -ve)-Negative test for Functional group (-)- not done

Table 8: Heavy metal analysis (ICP - AES)

Sample/Element (%) Mercury (Hg) Silicon (Si) Copper (Cu) Iron (Fe)
AVR 1.5226 0.59 1.086 1.656

Table 9: HPTLC Finger print Profile

Toluene : Ethyl acetate: Formic acid (7: 2 : 0.5 v/v) as solvent system
S. No. Samples Conditions No. of spots Rf Value
1 Arogyavardhini rasa Short UV - 254 nm 11 0.09, 0.2, 0.32 ,0.35
0.40,0.45, 0.51, 0.68 0.73, 0.84, 0.93
Long UV – 366 nm 8 0.09, 0.22, 0.25, 0.32
0.40, 0.63, 0.73,0.93

J Ayu Herb Med ǀ Vol 2 Issue 4 ǀ July- August 2016

Figure 1: AVR preparation

J Ayu Herb Med ǀ Vol 2 Issue 4 ǀ July- August 2016

Figure 2: TLC profile and AVR peak at different range

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Sapkota YR, Bedarkar P, Shukla VJ, Prajapati PK. Quality Control Parameters of
Arogyavardhini Rasa prepared by classical method. J Ayu Herb Med

J Ayu Herb Med ǀ Vol 2 Issue 4 ǀ July- August 2016


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