Designing The PSOW v2017 Vivek

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P/S/A - Prescribed/Suggested/Additional Design a PSOW

Insert the time you

would allocate for the
BOLD/RED SHADED type are prescribed practicals. Skills are activities. The time will
P=practical YELLOW SHADED (not all of which have to be on the PSOW). In Excel, drag the yellow lab titles you would select for your be added automatically
S=skill Blank spaces for your input. In Excel, drag the yellow lab titles PSOW programme to the blue box. This can be used in at the bottom for SL, HL
A=application to the blue box. conjunction with the Teaching scheme document. and the options.
P/S/A Topic Prescribed/Suggested/Additional labs Selected labs Time
S 1.1 Microscopy of tissues (magnification)
Calculation of magnification of drawings, actual size of
P1 1.1 structures from drawings or micrographs
Electron micrographs, identify organelles/function in
S 1.1 prokaryotes and eukaryotes
P2 1.4 Estimation of osmolarity in tissues
S 1.6 Mitosis stages/Mitotic index/root squash
A 1.4 Gelatin cube cell model
2.1 Identification of biochemicals (food tests)
Calorimetry to investigate thermal properties of water /
A 2.2 methane

S 2.3 Molecular visualisation software of cellulose, starch & glycogen

S 2.3 Calculate BMI
S 2.4 Denaturation of proteins

P3 2.5 Investigation of a factor affecting enzyme activity (see 8.1)

S 2.5 Effect of pH/temp/conc on enzyme activity (Design)
S 2.5 Immobilised lactase
S 2.6 Isolation of DNA
S 2.8 Respirometer/germinating seeds/invertebrates

P4 2.9 Separation of photosynthetic pigments by chromatography

S 2.9 Limiting factors of photosynthesis
A 2.8 Yeast/Yoghurt fermentation
P/S/A - Prescribed/Suggested/Additional Design a PSOW

S 3.1 Genbank database for base sequence differences
S 3.2 Karyogram activity/Trisomy
Use of databases to identify the locus of a human gene and its
S 3.2 polypeptide product
S 3.3 Observation of meiosis
S 3.4 Predicted/actual outcomes of genetic crosses
Design of an experiment to assess one factor affecting the
S 3.5 rooting of stem cuttings.
P5 4.1 Attempting to create a sealed mesocosm

S 4.1 Quadrats and use of Chi-squared test,significance testing

S 4.3 Analysis of air monitoring data
A 4 Counting frames
S 4

A 5.2 Simulation of natural selection

S 5.3 Classification of one species
S 5.3 Plant and animal group recognition features
S 5.3 Construction of a dichotomous key

5.4 Analysis of cladograms to deduce evolutionary relationships

S 6.1 Dialysis tubing gut model
Identification of tissue layers in transverse sections of small
S 6.1 intestine microscope slides or micrographs
S 6.2 Blood vessel histology
S 6.2 Heart dissection
Monitoring of ventilation at rest and after mild and vigorous
P6 6.4 exercise
P/S/A - Prescribed/Suggested/Additional Design a PSOW

A 6.4 Peak flow meter

A 6.4 Recovery rate

S 6.5 Analysis of oscilloscope traces for resting and action potentials

A 6 Heat loss modelling
A 6 Reaction timer
Using molecular visualization software to analyse the
S 7.1 association of DNA/Histone in nucleosomes
S 7.2 Identification of polysomes
Using molecular visualization software to analyse the structure
7.3 of tRNA & eukaryotic ribosomes
S 8.1 Use of databases to identify anti-malarial drugs
8.1 Calculating and plotting rates of reaction from raw data
S 9.1 Xerophyte/Halophyte adaptation
S 9.1 Transpiration stream modelling
S 9.1 Xylem/Phloem/Stem/Root histology
Measurement of transpiration rates using potometers and
P7 9.1 atmometers
Design an experiment to test hypotheses about the effect of
S 9.1 temperature or humidity on transpiration rates
S 9.1 Drawing xylem vessels
9.2 Identification of phloem and xylem
Micropropagation of plant tissues on nutrient gels with plant
S 9.3 hormones
S 9.4 Seed structure
S 9.4 Flower structure
S 9.4 Factors affecting germination
A 9 Shallot onion root growth
S 10.2 Chi squared test ondata from dihybrid crosses
P/S/A - Prescribed/Suggested/Additional Design a PSOW

11.1 Identification of state of contraction of sarcomeres
Measurement of sarcomere from microscope slides or
S 11.1 micrographs
S 11.4 Gonad histology

S Opt A 3 Eye dissection

S Opt A 4 Invertebrate behaviour labs
S Opt B 1 Grams staining
S Opt B 1 Zone of inhibitiondue to bactericides
S Opt B 1 Fermenter
S Opt B 5 Use of software to align two protein sequences
S Opt C 1 Transect
Investigate the effect of an environmental disturbance on an
S Opt C 2 ecosystem
S Opt C 4 Simpson's Index
S Opt C 5 Capture-mark-release
S Opt C 6 Nutrient content of soil sample
S Opt D 1 Determination of food energy content by combustion
S Opt D 1 Dietary analysis using databases
S Opt D 4 Heart Rate lab
S Opt D 4 Analysis of epidemiological data on CHD
Identification of pneumocytes, capillary endothelium and blood
S Opt D 6 cells in light micrographs
Individual Investigation Individual Investigation 10
P/S/A - Prescribed/Suggested/Additional Design a PSOW

Group IV Project Group IV Project 10

40 hours for SL, including the G4P and Individual Investigation
Total time (SL) 20
60 hours for HL, including the G4P and Individual Investigation
Total time (HL) 20
Options 0
Grand total 20

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