Ergonomic Endeavours To Enhancing Safety and Healt

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Ergonomic Endeavours to Enhancing Safety and Health in the Transportation


Article  in  Journal of Ergonomics · January 2017

DOI: 10.4172/2165-7556.1000.S6-e003


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In-Ju Kim
University of Sharjah


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l of Ergono
Kim, J Ergonomics 2017, 7:S6

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DOI: 10.4172/2165-7556.1000.S6-e003

ISSN: 2165-7556
Journal of Ergonomics
Editorial OMICS International

Ergonomic Endeavours to Enhancing Safety and Health in the

Transportation Industry
In-Ju Kim*
Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, College of Engineering, University of Sharjah, PO Box 27272, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
*Corresponding author: In-Ju Kim, Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, College of Engineering, University of Sharjah, PO Box 27272,
Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, E-mail: [email protected]
Received date: October 23, 2017; Accepted date: October 27, 2017; Published date: October 30, 2017
Copyright: © 2017 Kim IJ. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Introduction systems are conceived to be effective through user-centred design

developments. In this sense, ergonomic involvements seem to be a
A modern transportation system provides a vital role to the necessary step to develop defensive and/or corrective measures for the
economic, environmental, and societal challenges faced around the avoidance and reduction of injuries and incidents in the transportation
world [1]. With continued innovations and improvements, new industry.
technologies for the transportation system have been introduced. The
new developments have implemented for delivery of improved
operational performance, interoperability, and reputation but all
Safety and Health Issues in the Transportation
ultimately for the purpose of safety and health improvements [1]. Workforce
Despite the continued efforts to enhance overall safety practices,
Transport workforce
workers from the transportation industry are exposed to a number of
unhealthy working conditions which put them at frequent dangers for The transportation industry is growing older at a larger rate than the
injuries and accidents. They are uncovered to the high risks of general working population. For example, around 68% of workers in
developing musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) amongst other the transportation workforce from European Union (EU) countries
indispositions such as ocular, gastric, and psychological disorders [2]. were aged between 25 and 49 and 26% were in the 50 to 64 age group
They are simply unprotected to unfavourable working circumstances. in 2006 [6]. Only 6% of workers in the sector were under 25 years old,
in comparison with 11% in the overall EU workforce, and the ratio of
For example, exposure to heavy vibrations, extreme temperatures,
young workers has been more than halved over less than 10 years in
frequent raisings and carrying, and handling loads without any aids
several EU nations [6].
from other workers or devices, and working more than 8-hour per day
are all factors that may result in work-related musculoskeletal Such demographic changes raise the question as to how to best
disorders (WMSDs). Another frequent contributor to this WMSD certify the transportation industry will contribute to the development
problem is specialization or requiring a worker to perform only one of skills amongst older workers, whilst maintaining employability,
function or movement for a long period of time and/or recurrently. motivations, and skills of workers as they become old [6].
Furthermore, the presentation of a number of new technical
The injuries perceived as a consequence of working under such
applications such as electronic planning and remote monitoring
detrimental environments can stimulate earlier arrival of the worker'
systems and mobile channels of communication has changed the
ageing, thus affecting occupational performance [3,4]. Because safe
content and workload of the transportation worker.
working conditions and satisfactory practices allow the maintenance of
health and workability throughout the advanced age, it is important For those reasons, transportation workers need to adjust complex
that recognizing risk factors in the transportation workplace and working conditions. As a result, they have been requested to conduct
industry is an essential step to correct hazards and improve worker periodic and adapted training that keeps up with confronting
protections. organisational and technological changes and increasing customer
demands. In addition, more considerations should be offered to the
Injuries and fatalities amongst the transportation workers generally
ergonomics of workplaces, as it is a known fact that some health
arise from their tasks such as driving, loading/unloading, tarping, and
problems, including MSDs, increase with age and seniority, at least
bolting. These tasks involve various ergonomic risk factors, including
because of the length of exposure and unsatisfactory working
heavy lifting, pulling, pushing, reaching, bending, and combined with
conditions [6-9].
sitting in a static position for a prolonged period in a vibrating vehicle.
Sudden shocks when travelling over rough terrains further increases
the risk. Musculoskeletal disorders in transportation workers
Therefore, a systemized assessment of workability is required to Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are injuries or pains in the
identify possible agents associated with occupational symptoms, human musculoskeletal system, including the joints, ligaments,
injuries, illnesses, and stresses amongst the workers in the muscles, nerves, tendons, and structures that support limbs, neck, and
transportation industry [4,5]. To assess such types and degrees of back [10-13]. MSDs are one of the main health problems faced by
WMSDs and other related injuries in the transport sector, ergonomic workers nowadays and may force them to an inability to perform
approaches seem to be a good starting point. With the application of activities due to the repetitive use of movement or maintenance of
ergonomic concepts, principles, and tools, the likelihood of WMSDs awkward postures at work [14]. As a result of MSDs, workers may
and associated sufferings can be significantly reduced if transit control

J Ergonomics, an open access journal Ergonomics in Product Design and Development ISSN: 2165-7556
Citation: Kim IJ (2017) Ergonomic Endeavours to Enhancing Safety and Health in the Transportation Industry. J Ergonomics 7: S6-e003. doi:

Page 2 of 3

experience symptoms such as discomfort, pain, numbness, tingling, anticipate individual adaptability of the equipment or the working
weakness, and restricted movement. environment by workers [6].
Musculoskeletal injuries also include muscle and joint symptoms The recent reviews suggest that transportation workers are also
such as muscle strains, tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and rotator more exposed to repetitive movements during driving such as
cuff syndrome. Thus, eliminating employee's unsafe and unhealthy collecting fares, pulling and pushing of loads, and getting on and off
work postures and/or habits is an important and essential matter for the vehicle [6]. It is also found that transportation workers are more
the treatment of musculoskeletal damages [14]. exposed to loud noises. There are important noise sources in and
around vehicles and some of the highest noise levels observed at
Amongst a variety type of professions and industries, workers in the
workplaces may result from them, not only in road and rail transport
transportation business are exposed to highly susceptible working
but also on planes or large boats and/or ships. When they drive,
environments that can cause to MSD developments from their work
perform loading and unloading, and board vehicles, transportation
activities such as long hour and/or long distance driving, frequent
workers may be exposed to high background noise levels.
loading/unloading operations, day/night works, sleepiness and/or loss
of vigilance, and scheduled delivery rounds. These tasks involve Noise may also interact with exposure to dangerous substances such
various ergonomic risk factors, including heavy lifting, pulling, as exhaust gases and organic solvents, increase fatigue and reduce
pushing, reaching, and bending, combined with sitting in a static attention, thus leading to higher accident risks [6]. Therefore, it is
position for a prolonged period in a vibrating vehicle [15]. necessary to put ergonomic attempts to prevent vibrations, noise and
physically draining jobs for the workers in the transportation industry.
Unexpected shocks when voyaging over rough terrain further
increases the risks. Exposure to a whole body vibration syndrome
through their working conditions can result in numerous short- and Ergonomic Involvements for the Transportation
long-term symptoms including interruptions to circadian rhythms, Industry
increased heart rate, and disorders of the spinal, digestive, nervous and
Ergonomic concepts, principles, and tools can be applied to study
reproductive systems, and psychosocial risks such as driving stress and
workers and works in the transportation industry. More specifically,
fatigue [15].
ergonomics is the science of designing the job to fit the worker, rather
Moreover, drivers who spend long hours sitting in a static or fixed than physically forcing the worker’s body to fit the job [16-20].
position whilst driving are at a greater risk of developing lower back Adapting tasks, workstations, tools, and equipment to fit the worker
pain, which is a typical symptom of the MSDs. The current literature can help reduce physical stress on a worker's body and eliminate many
also shows that MSDs contribute to approximately 60 to 70% of lost potentially serious WMSDs and other related injuries.
time injuries amongst workers in the transportation sector [15]. In this
As discussed in the above, workers in the transportation industry
sense, working conditions of the transportation industry clearly need
are exposed to a number of factors which put them at high chances of
to improve the protection of their employees from MSDs. Therefore, it
injuries. For example, exposure to heavy vibrations, extreme
is essential to put ergonomic efforts to prevent and identify MSDs
temperatures, frequent lifting, carrying and handling loads without
according to the physical demands and psychosocial risks of each work
supports from other workers or devices, and working more than 8-
in the transportation industry.
hours per day are all the elements that may result in WMSDs.

Vibrations, Noise and Physically Exhausting Work Another frequent contributor to this problem amongst the workers
in transportation sectors is specialization or requiring an employee to
perform only one function or movement for a long period of time
Transportation workers, especially drivers, are more exposed to and/or repeatedly. Hence, recognizing ergonomic risk factors in the
vibrations than any other average working population. Whole body transportation workplace is an indispensable step to correct hazards
vibration and prolonged sitting or standing are prevalent problems, and improve worker protection against injuries including MSDs.
which increase the chances of MSD development, especially back
Creating an ergonomic-based task force should be based on solid
disorders, amongst transport workers. For example, the full body
information such as observations and evaluations of body working
vibration caused by the driver’s cabin can have an effect on cognitive
postures, employee interviews, inputs from in-house safety
faculties such as the vision, coordination, and the overall functional
specialist(s), and workers’ compensation claims. The task force also
ability of the workers [6].
needs to devote times on the jobs with field employees to monitor
Heavy lifting tasks are another important occupational risk within workplace conditions and routines.
the transportation sector, especially during loading and unloading of
Furthermore, ergonomic approaches need to focus on preventable
vehicles, in service tasks such as catering and maintenance of vehicles,
accidents. Perhaps, one of the most important issues to practising good
ships and trains, and on the delivery of parcels and goods, and at
ergonomics is that it should be able to increase an opportunity of
airport check-in desks [6].
accident avoidance. For example, exercising sound ergonomics
In addition, lifting aids and ergonomic and safety equipment may improves driver comforts, which can decrease fatigues so that it
not be available or the workers may depend on the equipment at the becomes a key contributor to unnecessary accidents.
site of delivery or on the unforeseen shape or weight of the loads,
In this way, it becomes clear that well-prepared proactive ergonomic
making it difficult to lift or carry them in an ergonomically acceptable
efforts can provide practical and feasible solutions in the
way. It often depends largely on the arrangements with customers and
transportation industry with direct benefits such as reduced workers’
the awareness of occupational safety and health (OSH) risks whether
compensation costs, improved driver productivities, and decreased
conditions are adapted or not. Thus, precautions should be given to

J Ergonomics, an open access journal Ergonomics in Product Design and Development ISSN: 2165-7556
Citation: Kim IJ (2017) Ergonomic Endeavours to Enhancing Safety and Health in the Transportation Industry. J Ergonomics 7: S6-e003. doi:

Page 3 of 3

fatigue-induced operator errors, and lessened employee MSD injuries 6. European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (2011) OSH in figures:
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This article was originally published in a special issue, Journal of Ergonomics

handled by Editor(s). Thaneswer Patel, North Eastern Regional Institute of
Science and Technology (NERIST), India

J Ergonomics, an open access journal Ergonomics in Product Design and Development ISSN: 2165-7556

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