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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 04 Issue: 12 | Dec-2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Study on Discomfort in Mobile Crane Operation

K. Muthukumar1, K. Sankaranarayanasamy2, A.K. Ganguli3
1Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Bannari Amman institute of technology, Tamilnadu, India
2Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tamilnadu, India
3Sr. DGM, Occupational Health Services, Bharat heavy Electricals Limited, Tamilnadu, India

Abstract - The study tends to confirm that the operators of operators are facing many problems which include fatigue
the mobile cranes experience musculoskeletal discomfort at and discomfort which finally can result in the injury and
elevated rates to the low back, neck, and shoulders. The even disability. Lower back, knee, neck and ankle troubles
results of the discomfort study revealed that uncomfortable are more prevalent in auto rickshaw drivers increasing age,
features of the cabin is associated with the risk of adverse work experience, maximum working hours per week,
health effects on neck, right shoulder and lower back. 9-75 increased left shoulder to handle distance and greater driver
tonnes capacity and 3-35 years old seven different make seat vibrations are increasing the risk of MSD and restricted
cranes were taken for the study. During the operation 20 lower cabin space and reduced shoulder to handle distance
operators were observed in different shifts, all operators are on right side also increasing the risk of musculoskeletal
expressed that the most uncomfortable part is neck as the disorder Rahul Shaik (2012)[2].
load has to be observed very keenly during handling . The next
most discomfort level is shoulder (70.9%) and lower back Mobile crane operators are continuously confronted
(60%). Frequency of reported discomfort over a week, 1 or 2 with new challenges and dangers as their work
Times 30%, 3 or 4 Times 35%, Every Day 15% and Several progresses. In a typical industrial setting, workers are
times a Day 20%. Out of seven different make mobile cranes exposed to the same environment and hazards every day.
studied, the highest acceptance level of the cabin is 70.97% but The crane cabin design also affects the operator’s health and
the discomfort level of neck 60% lower back 50% and shoulder safety. Different crane cabin characteristics cab design
57.14% is recorded in the crane. It is concluded that the cab of characteristics that are more structural in nature, such as
mobile crane have to be improved to reduce the occurrence of seat characteristics (e.g., back and lumbar support,
the musculoskeletal disorders, modification of cab adjustable, tilt capability), armrest characteristics (e.g., are
characteristics that can enhance the overall safety and health they present, adjustable, etc.), and egress means are to be
of the operators. considered in the design. Poorly designed driver seat affects
the driver health and psychological condition of mind
Key Words: Mobile Crane, Discomfort, Ergonomics, (Hanumant N et al, 2015)[3]. It has been found that the taxi
Musculoskeletal disorders, Frequency, Intensity. cabs used in Nigeria for public transport exists in several
variety of models sourced from advanced countries. These
1. INTRODUCTION vehicles evidently were designed without due consideration
for the peculiarities of anthropometric variable of Nigeria
user population (Onawumi, A. S et al., 2012)[4]. The
Driving and handling of materials in the mobile crane is
automotive industry strongly encourages research in the
a complex task which requires execution of physical, psycho-
field of objective comfort assessment, of seat and the related
motor, and sensory skills. To ensure maximum performance
postures (Gyi, D. E., Porter, et al 1998)[5]. Some other
of the operator and for safe operation of the vehicle, optimal
important factors that should be considered in the design of
driver–vehicle interaction (DVI) is of utmost necessity.
in-vehicle elements are related to human body dimensions of
Mobile Cranes add a complex dimension to the normal
the drivers particularly in designing of automobile seat,
working environment. There are many hazards including
dashboard, steering wheel, pedals, knobs, levers, and doors
ergonomic hazards that are affecting the operator’s health
(Onawumi, A. S et al.02012)[6]. Work of driver is highly
and safety. Ergonomic hazards will have both physiological
stressful and many factors like prolonged sitting, whole body
and psychological effects on the operator’s health which can
vibration etc. make taxi drivers distinct from other
further disturb his safety at the workplace, the ergonomic
professions in terms of exposure to risks of work related
design of the cabin is very much important at this juncture.
musculoskeletal disorder. (Saumya et al-2012)[7]. Poor body
An ergonomic cabin is required so that the mobile crane
posture and inadequate seat support have been described as
operator can sustain under extreme circumstances. Seat of
cofactors in the pathogenesis of MSD of the spine in
driver should be ergonomically designed according to the
operators (Burdorf. 1992)[8]. Seating discomfort can be
contours of human body and head restraint so that it could
highly subjective as different people may assess it differently
provide necessary support to head & neck and leads to
based on factors like environment, the nature of the task at
decreases the chance of injury. (Ankit Jhinkwan
hand and other internal conditions (O.O. Okuribido, et al
2015)[1] Musculoskeletal disorders are the most complaints
2007)[9]. Performance was reduced when drivers were in an
among the operators which are again the result of the
uncomfortable seat in the presence of vibration. (Wassim El
ergonomic hazards and the poor design of the crane
cabin. Because of the musculoskeletal disorders the

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1162
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 12 | Dec-2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Though the use of the mobile cranes have solved many

problems in handling the heavy loads in all of the work
situations the crane operation adds an another complex
dimension to the workplace environment which can effect
crane operators’ health and safety. The aim of the project is
to relate the discomfort level of the mobile crane operator
and individual muscle strain to their psychological effect. To
meet the aim, discomfort assessment was carried out with
the mobile crane operators who are the subjects of the study.

1.1 Mobile Crane

Cranes are a generally used for material handling in

all industries. Cranes are of many types vis. EOT, Gantry,
Mono rail, Jib, Tower, Mobile cranes etc., here mobile crane is Fig -3: Mobile crane operation1
taken for study. Mobile crane is a) used primarily for raising
or lowering a freely suspended load; b) capable of travelling
without the need for fixed runways and c) relies only on
gravity for stability. Mobile crane operation mainly involves
the a)motion controls- Marching lever, Swinging lever,
Brake b) Lifting controls- Boom control, Hook control. The
mobile cranes are two types a) Crawler mounted and b.
truck mounted. Though the truck mounted crane is having a
drivers cabin for movement, a separate cabin is available for
the crane operation. Fig. 1,2,3,4 shows the crane operation.

Fig -4: Mobile crane operation2

Table -1: Mobile Crane Details and cabin dimensions

Mobile Cranes Cabin Dimensions in Cm

Sl. Make Capacity Age 1 2 3 4 5 6

No. (tonnes) (years)

1 Tata P&H 75 35 60 105 45 40 60 44

Fig -1: Mobile crane cabin 955 alc
2 Tata P&H 12 35 55 90 38 40 35 38
3 Fmc link belt 35 15 56 102 47 47 42 50
4 Rowther 40 25 57 100 50 43 54 47
5 Coles 35 13 50 90 43 41 42 45
krane lh300
6 Ace cranes 9 3 50 80 37 35 23 35
7 Grove cranes 30 20 38 105 44 50 25 70

Fig -2: Mobile crane foot pedal, hand lever

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1163
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 12 | Dec-2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Table -2: Mobile Crane Seat, Brake and Pedal dimensions 2. Hazards Associated with Mobile Crane Operation

Cranes seat centre to seat centre to 2.1. Ergonomic Hazards

controls in Cm brake/pedals in
Ergonomics (or human factors) is a way to work
Sl. Make 7 8 9 smarter, more efficiently with less effort and discomfort to
No. a b c the human body. Musculoskeletal disorders occur where
1 Tata P&H 27 15 17 80 105 the demands of the job exceed the capabilities of the person
955 alc doing the job Ergonomic hazards may include:
2 Tata P&H 320 66 66 66 85 110
 Physiological factors include the human
3 Fmc link belt 53 53 53 95 90 activities like static sitting, awkward postures,
4 Rowther cranes 80 70 76 82 76 repetitive motions which will develop
5 Coles krane lh300 54 54 54 60 100 Musculoskeletal disorders.
 Psychological factors are mental workload, job
6 Ace cranes 60 50 50 75 90
satisfaction, work stress etc.,
7 Grove cranes 65 58 60 85 75  Social factors like teamwork, participatory
system, organizational structures, and
The basic details required for all the cranes are taken, on cooperative work were considered.
which twenty operators are working. The details comprise
of seat height(1), total height(2), seat width(3), seat Out these Musculoskeletal disorders are the main complaints
length(4), backrest height(5), backrest width(6), seat centre among crane operators.
to controls(7): a=control 1, b=control 2, c=control 3, seat
centre to brake/pedals(8), seat centre to the window(9). All 2.2 Musculoskeletal Disorders
the measurements are taken in centimeters and shown in
Table 1 and 2. “Musculoskeletal Disorders are the result of Poor
Ergonomics”. Typically, musculoskeletal disorders are not
1.2 Subjects sudden "injuries", but are rather "illnesses" that develop
gradually over time. Job-related musculoskeletal disorders
Though there are number of drivers available for are reported frequently above all is low back pain in many
industrial trucks, lorries and busses but mobile crane working group’s causative to a big financial failure to
operators are very limited since the mobile cranes are less. persons and for society too. Trained drivers are prone in
Twenty operators participated in this study. The operators emerging such harms due to long time sitting and vibratory
are divided into three groups based on their age worked in exposure. (Aslam et al, 2016)[11]. Along with various types
two shifts operation. (Table 3) of musculoskeletal disorders, may be, drivers of buses have
low back pain which is widely reported in past studies, bus
Table 3 Details of mobile crane operators Age group wise drivers were more prone to lower back pain. Past researches
also tells us that male drivers of trucks had four times more
prone to lumber disc hernia if compare with deskbound
Age Num Parameter Min Max Mean Standard
Group ber imu imu Deviation workers group. Many factors are known, those are
years (%) m m ±
significant work related stressors and are causative of low
back problems and musculoskeletal disorders, other than
<40 10 Age years 21 33 26 3.52 this, the postural tension and continuous experience of full
50 Height Cm 155 170 164 5.5 body vibration are the two most important factors. It is to be
41-50 5 Age years 43 49 46.2 2.58 considered that the threat becomes more complex, when
25 Height Cm 167 179 167.2 7.2 Manual materials handling is also experienced by the driver
51-60 5 Age years 51 60 56.4 3.38
along with postural stress and full body vibrations. Call for
medical cure and Effect of a variety of uneasiness on
25 Height Cm 150 176 161.6 9.7
occupations daily life were also interrogated, because these
21-60 20 Age years 21 60 38.0 13.8 components point out severe musculoskeletal injuries.
Over 100 Height Cm 150 170 164.2 6.8 (Szeto GP etal.,-2007)[12]. Subjective discomfort in specific
all body location was predicted with help of conditional
discomfort model through dichotomised physiological
responses and anthropometry to predict subjective
discomfort in specific body location. (Peter Le,
2014)[13]. Improper design and unbalanced pressure
distribution lead to the problem of pain, shoulder pain, lower
back pain and injury from lifting increased, overall contour

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1164
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 12 | Dec-2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

and proper designing directly and indirectly will have effects regular intervals namely, before the starting of work,
on human life (Nishant Srivastava 2014)[14]. before mid morning tea, before lunch, before afternoon
Musculoskeletal disorders’ do not include musculoskeletal tea and before the end of work, throughout the day to
injuries or disorders that are the direct result of a fall, struck study the growth of discomfort during their work. Colour
by or against, caught in or on, vehicle collision, violence, etc., coding of the discomfort scores was used for the numerical
rating scale ( 0-4).
For the crane operator the risk factors for musculoskeletal
disorders are: 0- No discomfort

Crane cabin characteristics and the task characteristics: 1- Minimal discomfort

the interface between the design of the equipment and cab 2- Moderate discomfort
interior (e.g., location of controls, windows, and mirrors)
and characteristics of the task (e.g., duration of the task, 3- Severe discomfort
location of the task that dictates the viewing angle). Thus, 4- Maximal discomfort
the design of the cab interior may influence the possible risk
factors of musculoskeletal disorders. Design of interior of a
Measurement of the intensity of discomfort has
cabin of a truck is importance considering ergonomics,
usually been attempted by asking the worker to rate the
comfort and aesthetics for existing driving conditions in
intensity of discomfort for each part of the body at regular
India (Kishor Powar[15].
intervals on a scale commonly termed a subjective scale.
Verbal rating scale is the one in which nouns or adjectives
Static posture: operators have to sit for long periods of time
are used to indicate the intensity of the discomfort as no
in the same posture while lifting heavy objects which will
discomfort, minimal, moderate, severe and maximal
lead to the different musculoskeletal disorders. The working
discomfort. Operators were asked to note or indicate one of
postures of the operator can be influenced by many factors,
the levels of discomfort. Analysis of the obtained data was
such as workstation layout, location and orientation of work,
carried out by the frequency distributions. Numeric rating
individual work methods and the workers' anthropometric
scale is used to rate the intensity of discomfort in terms of
characteristics (N.K. Kittusamy and et al. 2004)[16].
numbers (0-10) where 0 indicates no discomfort and 10
indicates maximal discomfort.
Work intensity: the amount of physical effort required to
perform different tasks like operating controls for lifting the
The frequency i.e., how many times the worker is
heavy objects or to maintain control of the crane.
experiencing the discomfort per day/ week was found out
to get a correct rating of discomfort of the worker. For this
High resistance controls: different controls were used in
operators’ whole working day for a week was considered
the mobile crane operation namely swinging control,
and the discomfort level of the whole week was taken by
marching control, boom control, hoist control, brake.
interviewing the worker with the help of a questionnaire.
Increasing age, work experience, maximum working hours
Repetitive motions: performing the same motion or per week, increased left shoulder to handle distance and
series of motions frequent for an extended period of greater driver seat vibrations are increasing the risk of MSD
time and restricted lower cabin space reduced shoulder to
handle distance on right side also increasing the risk of
Awkward postures: repeated or prolonged positions musculoskeletal disorder(Rahul Shaik[18]. 78%
that place stress on the different parts of the body, such of car drivers reported lower back pain for at least one day
as, bending forward or to the side, twisting, etc., will finally during past 12 months (Begum Nurun Nahar[19].
lead to musculoskeletal disorders. The driver’s position in Professional driving in industry is associated with an
the cabin is closely related to the dimensions of the increased risk of work-related LBP. (Massinmo Bovenzi
workstation and to the adjustability of the seat, in et.al2006)[20]. Discomfort Score for a week and Number of
particular, standard seats have been seen to be unsuitable operators response for different Age Groups shown in
for both small and heavy drivers (M. Massaccesi et al. - Table-4
4. Results and discussion
3. Discomfort Study
While comparing the discomfort level for all the body
Discomfort study was done mainly for assessing parts at different time intervals. The discomfort level
location of discomfort, intensity of discomfort and increases up to afternoon before lunch break, but again goes
Frequency of discomfort. Location of discomfort can be down after the rest period of one hour where as at the end
accessed by a body map, further the operators were asked of the shift the discomfort level is high, in between after
to indicate the part / parts of the body which was most morning tea break and evening tea break a little reduction in
uncomfortable in order. This procedure was carried out at the discomfort level, a small break in the continuous

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1165
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 12 | Dec-2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

operation will have more effect this shows there is a need for
short break to reduce the discomfort level (Chart-1).

As per the colour coding body part mapping was carried

out to show the intensity of the discomfort level Corlett and
Bishop’s method of body mapping (1976) [21], is one of the
most commonly and widely accepted methods of obtaining
information about body pain the same is used for this study
Fig. 4,5 and 6.

Chart -1: Mean sore of the discomfort level Vs body parts

Table-4: Discomfort Score for different Age Groups

Frequency of reported discomfort over a week

Age Group 1 or 2 3 or 4 Every Several
(years) Times in Times in Day times a
a week a week Day
Fig -4: Discomfort mapping Age<40 years
<40 1.6±0 3.7±0 12±0 46±17.34
41-50 2.6±0.71 7.5±4.80 17.7±8.80 55.3±11.33
51-60 1.9±0.68 9.4±3.30 25.0±6.95 56.2±9.98
Overall 2.3±0.78 7.4±4.72 18.3±8.25 54.0±11.02
No. of 6(30%) 7(35%) 3(15%) 4(20%)

Specific cab design acceptance level and the discomfort

scores are shown in Table 5. For the neck and lower back,
the majority of the crane operators scored ≥60%, whereas 4
cranes operators scored for shoulder ≥50%. The crane 6
operators scored less than 50% for all three body parts.
Crane 1 and 2, operators scored for neck, lower back
Fig -5: Discomfort mapping Age 41-50 years and shoulder ≤60 discomfort. The other operators
complained mainly about the lower back (static sitting,
prolonged working hours) scored 64.29% and suggesting
that the cabins have to be improved in all points of view.
Though the Crane no.3 in the table is better designed and
scored 70.97% acceptance level by all the operators but
the discomfort is 60% neck, 50% lower back and 57.14%
shoulder respectively which shows the psychological
factor also influencing in this.

Fig -6: Discomfort mapping Age 51-60 years

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1166
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 12 | Dec-2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

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Dr. Muthukumar. K, Deputy General
Manager, (Rtd). Bharat Heavy Electricals
Ltd., Tiruchirappalli-620014. Professor,
Industrial Safety Engineering, Department
of Mechanical Engineering, Bannari Amman
Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam-
thor 638401. India.

Dr. Sankaranarayanasamy K, Professor or

Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Industrial Safety, National Institute of
Technology, Tiruchirappalli-620015, India.

Dr. Ganguli A,K, Sr.Deputy General

Manager, (Rtd.) Ms. Bharat Heavy
Electricals Ltd., Tiruchirappalli-
620014,India. Currently Faculty,
Rammohan College.

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1168

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