Ki & Aikido Examination Criteria - Ki Examinations PDF

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Ki & Aikido examination criteria

Ki examinations

Shokyu 1. Standing
2. Sitting seiza
3. Sitting cross legged (Agura)
4. Putting out one hand (Palm facing down)
5. Breathing exercise (Kokyuho)
Chukyu 1. Standing Kenko Taiso (Health exercise)
2. Sitting seiza 1. Turning the trunk while swinging the arms.
3. Sitting cross legged (Agura) 2. Stretching the trunk to the side.
4. Putting out one hand (Palm facing down) 3. Bending backward and forward.
5. Breathing exercise (Kokyuho) 4. Shoulder blade exercise.
5. Stretching the neck to the sides.
Kenko Taiso 6. Stretching the neck forward and backward.
Jokyu 1. Standing 7. Turning the head side to side.
2. Sitting seiza 8. Bending at the knees and standing on tiptoe.
3. Sitting cross legged (Agura) 9. Stretching the knee.
4. Putting out one hand (Palm facing down) 10. Rotating one arm.
5. Standing with one foot forward 11. Rotating both arms.
6. Leaning backward 12. Rotating both arms while bending the knees.
7. Bending forward leaning
8. Standing on one foot and putting out one hand Chukyu – Examinee must do Kenko Taiso in the
9. Standing up and sitting down in seiza correct order.
10. Breathing exercise (Kokyuho)
Jokyu – Examinees must keep timing and
Kenko Taiso rhythm with examiners count.
Shoden 1. Standing
2. Sitting seiza Shoden/Joden/Chuden/Okuden -
3. Sitting cross legged (Agura) Examinee must count with the correct rhythm.
4. Putting out one hand (Palm facing down)
5. Standing with one step and one arm forward (test pull
the wrist)
6. Standing with one foot forward
7. Leaning backward on a partner
8. Bending forward leaning on a partner
9. Standing on one foot and putting out one hand
10. Standing up and sitting down in seiza
11. Unraisable body
12. Walking forward, while being held from behind
13. Sitting cross legged (Agura) and be pushed by partner
from front
14. Both hands up
15. Breathing exercise (Kokyuho)

Kenko Taiso
Chuden A, Disciplines 1-14
B, Kenkotaiso
Joden A, Disciplines 1-14
B, Kenkotaiso
Okuden A, Disciplines 1-14
B, Kenkotaiso

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Ki & Aikido examination criteria

Kyu examinations
Hitoriwaza Kumiwaza
5 Kyu 1.Udefuri waza 1. Katate Kosadori Kokyunage
2.Udefuri Choyaku waza 2. Katatedori Tenkan Kokyunage
3.Tenkan waza 3. Katatedori Ryotemochi Kokyunage Tobikomi
4.Sayu waza 4. Katatedori Ikkyo irimi
5.Sayu Choyaku waza 5. Zagi Ryotedori Kokyunage irimi
6.Ushiro Ukemi waza
7.Zempo Kaiten waza

4 Kyu 1.Ikkyo waza 1. Katatedori Shihonage (irimi/tenkan)

2.Zengo waza 2. Yokomenuchi Shihonage (irimi/tenkan)
3.Happo waza 3. Katadori Ikkyo (irimi/tenkan)
4.Zenshin Koshin waza 4. Katatedori Ryotemochi Kokyunage Eundo
5.Zenshin Koshin Choyaku waza 5. Shomenuchi Koteoroshi
6. Muna tsuki Koteoroshi
3 Kyu 1.Funakogi waza 1. Katadori Nikkyo (irimi/tenkan)
2.Nikkyo waza 2. Katate Kosadori Makikaeshi
3.Koteoroshi waza 3. Ryotedori Kokyunage (get rid of hold)
4.Sankyo waza 4. Katatedori Kokyunage irimi
5.Ushirotori waza 5. Munatsuki Ikkyo
6. Munatsuki Zemponage
7. Yokomenuchi Kokyunage
8. Shomenuchi Kokyunage
9. Ushirotekubitori Kokyunage (Uragaeshi)
10. Ushirotekubitori Zemponage
11. Ushirotori Kokyunage
2 Kyu 1.Kaho Tekubi Kosa waza 1. Katadori Sankyo (irimi/tenkan)
2.Joho Tekubi Kosa waza 2. Katate Kosadori Kirikaeshi
3.Ushiro Tekubitori zenshin waza 3. Ryotedori Tenchinage (irimi/tenkan)
4.Ushiro Tekubitori koshin waza 4. Ryotedori Kokyunage
5. Ushiro Tekubitori Ikkyo
6. Ushiro Tekubitori Koteoroshi
7. Ushiro Tekubitori Kubijime Sankyo (both side)
8. Katatedori Ryotemochi Kokyunage (irimi/tenkan)
9. Shomenuchi Ikkyo (irimi/tenkan)
10. Yokomenuchi Zemponage
11. Zagi Ryotedori Kokyunage (3 techniques)
1 Kyu 1.Shikko 1. Katadori Yonkyo (irimi/tenkan)
2. Yokomenuchi Koteoroshi (irmi/tenkan)
3. Shomenuchi Zemponage
4. Katatedori Kaitennage (irimi/tenkan)
5. Munatsuki Kaitennage
6. Katatedori Ryotemochi Zemponage (3 techniques)
7. Ryotedori Zemponage (3 techniques)
8. Ushiro Ryokatadori Kokyunage (3 techniques)
9. Zagi Handachi Shomenuchi Kokyunage.
10. Zagi Handachi Munatsuki Koteoroshi
11. Zagi Handachi Yokomenuchi Zemponage

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Ki & Aikido examination criteria

Dan examinations

Shodan Katatedori 6 Techniques

Katatedori Ryotemochi 6 techniques
Yokomenuchi 6 techniques
Ushirodori 6 techniques (incl. Ushirotekubitori, Kubishime)
Suwariwaza 6 techniques
Tsuzukiwaza 21, 25, 29
Nidan Ryotedori 6 techniques
Shomenuchi 6 techniques
Munatsuki 6 techniques
Zagi Handachi 6 techniques
Tsuzukiwaza 18, 22, 23, 26, 30
Sandan Tsuzukiwaza 4, 7, 12, 13, 17, 24, 27, 31, 10
Yondan Hitoriwaza: Aiki Hitoriwaza
Tsuzukiwaza 19, 20, 28, 32, 33

Shokyu after minimum 4 month practise

5 Kyu min. 4 month practise after Shokyu
4 Kyu min.4 month practise after 5 Kyu
Chukyu min 4 month practise after 4 Kyu
3 Kyu min. 4 month practise after Chukyu
2 Kyu min. 4 month practise after 3 Kyu
Jokyu min. 4 month practise after 2 Kyu
1 Kyu min. 4 month practise after Jokyu
Shoden min. 8 month practise after 1 Kyu
Shodan min. 8 month practise after Shoden
Chuden min. 1 year of practise after Shodan
Nidan min 1 year of practise after Chuden
Joden min. 2 year of practise after Nidan
Sandan min. 2 year of practise after Joden
Okuden min. 2 year of practise after Sandan
Yondan min. 2 year of practise after Okuden
Godan min 5 year of practise after Yondan
Rokudan min 5 year of practise after Godan
Nanadan min. 5 year of practise after Rokudan
Hachidan min. 5 year of practise after Nanadan

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