Powerflow Example: ECE 422: Power Systems Analysis Session 6 Page 1/7 Spring 2016

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ECE 422: Session 6; Page 1/7

Power Systems Analysis Spring 2016

Powerflow Example
j  120deg
a  1 e 1 1 1  pu  1 MVA  1000kW
 2 
A012   1 a a 
 ∠ ( mag ang)  mag cos ( ang deg)  j  mag sin ( ang deg)
1 a a 
The system shown below has two synchronous generators.
 Line impedances are on a 138kV, 100MVA base

Z 25 = j 0.35 p.u. 5 Z 3 5 = j 0.35 p.u.

B 25 = 0.035 p.u.
B 35 = 0.035 p.u.

Z = j 0.05 p.u. GEN 2

A B = 0.005 p.u. B
23 4
1 2 3
TRANS 1 TRANS 2 13.8 kV
13.8 kV 200 MVA 200 MVA 200 MVA
200 MVA  Bus 1 is slack bus
13.8 kV : 138 kV 138 kV : 13.8 kV
 Set |V1| = 1.0pu
Zgr1 =1.0pu X = 0.1 p.u. X = 0.1 p.u.
 Set PG2 to 50MW
SB  100MVA  Set |V4| to 1.0pu
(generator 2 terminal
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Power Systems Analysis Spring 2016

Set line impedance parameters (set zero sequence line impedances to 3 times the positive sequence values):
ZL23  j  0.05pu Bc23  0.005 pu

ZL25  j  0.35pu Bc25  0.035 pu

ZL35  j  0.35pu Bc35  0.035 pu

Transformer 1 Change of base (zero sequence impedances match positive sequence):

 SB 
Xt11  0.1   Xt11  0.05 pu Xt10  Xt11
 200MVA 
Transformer 2 Change of base (zero sequence impedances match positive sequence):

 SB 
Xt21  0.1   Xt21  0.05 pu Xt20  Xt11
 200MVA 
A. Assuming, the load at Bus 5 is 100MW at 0.9 lagging power factor, perform a power flow solution. Use the voltage at
Bus 3 as your angle reference
(1) Solve the power flow equations for the entire system using Mathcad solve blocks
(2) Use Powerworld or a similar load flow problem (at least to check results)

 In order to use V3 as the reference angle, use the angle for V3 from the power flow solution
and shift the slack bus angle such that the new angle at Bus 3 is 0.

(1) Solve Full Powerflow Solution Using MathCAD Solve Block

 Positive sequence Y bus for power flow calculations (ignore phase shifts for the moment):
1 1
Y11  Y12   Symmetry assumed
j  Xt11 j  Xt11
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Power Systems Analysis Spring 2016

1 1 1 j  Bc23 j  Bc25 1 1
Y22      Y23  Y25 
j  Xt11 ZL23 ZL25 2 2 ZL23 ZL25

j  Bc23 j  Bc35 1 1
1 1 1 Y34  Y35 
Y33      j  Xt21 ZL35
j  Xt21 ZL23 ZL35 2 2

1 1 1  j Bc25 j  Bc35 
Y44  Y55     
j  Xt11 ZL25 ZL35  2 2 

 Y11 Y12 0 0 0 
   20i 20i 0 0 0 
 Y12 Y22 Y23 0 Y25   20i 42.8371i 20i 0 2.8571i

YbusPF   0 Y23 Y33 Y34 Y35   
  YbusPF  0 20i 42.8371i 20i 2.8571i 
 0 0 Y34 Y44 0   0 0 20i 20i 0 
   
 0 Y25 Y35 0 Y55   0 2.8571i 2.8571i 0 5.6793i 

P2  0 P3  0 P4  0.5pu P5  1.0pu

Q2  0 Q3  0 Q5  P5 tan ( acos ( 0.9) ) Q5  0.4843 pu

V1  1 V4  1 a1  0
 P5 and Q5 are negative injections since they represent a load
 Initial guesses
V2  1 a2  0deg

V3  1 a3  0deg
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Power Systems Analysis Spring 2016

a4  0

V5  1 a5  0deg


P2 = V2 V1 Im  Y12  sin ( a2  a1)  V2 V3 Im  Y23  sin ( a2  a3)  V2 V5 Im  Y25  sin ( a2  a5)

P3 = V3 V4 Im  Y34  sin ( a3  a4)  V3 V2 Im  Y23  sin ( a3  a2)  V3 V5 Im  Y35  sin ( a3  a5)

P4 = V4 V3 Im  Y34  sin ( a4  a3)  Need to add additional terms to include
transformer phase shift
P5 = V5 V2 Im  Y25  sin ( a5  a2)  V5 V3 Im  Y35  sin ( a5  a2)

Q2 = V2 Im  Y22  V2 V1 Im  Y12  cos ( a2  a1)  V2 V3 Im  Y23  cos ( a2  a3)  V2 V5 Im  Y25  cos ( a2  a5)

Q3 = V3 Im  Y33  V3 V4 Im  Y34  cos ( a3  a4)  V3 V2 Im  Y23  cos ( a3  a2)  V3 V5 Im  Y35  cos ( a3  a5)

Q5 = V5 Im  Y55  V5 V2 Im  Y25  cos ( a5  a2)  V5 V3 Im  Y35  cos ( a5  a2)

X  Find ( V2 a2 V3 a3 a4 V5 a5)

mV2  X0 mV2  0.9819 pu θ2  X1 θ2  1.459 deg

mV3  X2 mV3  0.9819 pu θ3  X3 θ3  1.459 deg

mV5  X5 mV5  0.8687 pu θ4  X4 θ4  0 deg

θ5  X6 θ5  13.2983 deg
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Power Systems Analysis Spring 2016

 Note, that if we include the transformer phase shift, we need to subtract 30 degrees from the voltages at Bus 1 and Bus 4:

θ1_LV  a1  30deg θ1_LV  30 deg

θ4_LV  θ4  30deg θ4_LV  30 deg

 Finally, we need to shift the angle, by subtracting the angle of θ3 to each of the bus angles such that angle at Bus 3 = 0.

θ1_p  θ1_LV  θ3 θ1_p  28.541 deg

θ2_p  θ2  θ3 θ2_p  0 deg

θ3_p  θ3  θ3 θ3_p  0 deg

θ4_p  θ4_LV  θ3 θ4_p  28.541 deg

θ5_p  θ5  θ3 θ5_p  11.8393 deg

 Calculate generator currents (note that you need to account for transformer phase shift)

V1 ej  θ1_p  mV2 ej  θ2_p  e j  30deg

Igen1    Igen1  0.6216 pu arg  Igen1  64.9864 deg
 j Xt11
j  θ1_p 
Sgen1  V1 e  Igen1 Sgen1  ( 0.5  0.3692i)  pu

V4 ej  θ4_p  mV3 ej  θ3_p  e j  30deg

Igen2    Igen2  0.6216 pu arg  Igen2  64.9864 deg
 j Xt21
j  θ4_p 
Sgen2  V4 e  Igen2 Sgen2  ( 0.5  0.3692i)  pu
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Power Systems Analysis Spring 2016

Powerworld Implementation and Results

 The system was entered into Powerworld, with the system MVA base set to 200MVA
 Slack bus angle (angle of V1) was changed to - 28.538 degrees so Bus 3 would be at 0 degrees after first solution.

100 MW
48 Mvar
0.87 pu
-11.84 Deg



50 MW s lack
A A 50 MW
37 Mvar 37 Mvar

1.00 pu
1.00 pu 0.98 pu 0.98 pu
-28.54 Deg
-28.54 Deg 0.00 Deg 0.00 Deg

 Earlier we had
Power flow results:
VBus1  1.0 ∠ 28.54 V1  1 θ1_p  28.541 deg

VBus2  0.9819 ∠ 0.00 mV2  0.9819 θ2_p  0 deg

mV3  0.9819  The results match, so the
VBus3  0.9819 ∠ 0.00 θ3_p  0 deg
currents will match
V4  1
VBus4  1.0 ∠ 28.54 θ4_p  28.541 deg
mV5  0.8687
VBus5  0.8688 ∠ 11.84 θ5_p  11.8393 deg
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Power Systems Analysis Spring 2016

  j  30deg 
Ybus with phase shifts included: 1 e
 Y11 0 0 0 
 j  Xt11 
 j  30deg 
 1 e Y22
1 
 j Xt11 ZL23 ZL25 
 
j  30deg
Y1Bus   0
 1 e 1 
 ZL23 jXt21 ZL35 
 
 1 e
 j  30 deg 
 0 0 Y44 0 
 
 1 1 
 0
ZL25 ZL35
0 Y 55 
 

 20i 10  17.3205i 0 0 0 
 10  17.3205i 42.8371i 20i 0 2.8571i

 
Y1Bus  0 20i 42.8371i 10  17.3205i 2.8571i 
 0 0 10  17.3205i 20i 0 
 
 0 2.8571i 2.8571i 0 5.6793i 

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