Environmental Compliance Form - English - 5

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Office Use Only




As per the terms of the Resource Consent for your mining activity, you are required to submit a Work
Programme. Please complete the following form and return to Council (contact details below). A site
inspection may also be required to confirm that your plans are acceptable.
Please ensure that you refer to your resource consent as you complete this form.
Once approved, Council will send you a letter confirming this. If you require this letter to be sent to other
agencies then please note this on the front of this form.
Remember to:
• Fill in all parts of the form as applicable
• Sign and date the annual work programme (below)
• Ensure requested maps are attached to this form
• Attach any other documentation also to this form
• Send the original to the West Coast Regional Council ( contact details below)
• Keep a copy for yourself
If you have any queries regarding this form please contact a member of the West Coast Regional Council Compliance
Team on (03) 768 0466 or 0508 800 118.

Signature Date


Timeframe: This work programme is planned for the period:


Section A: General Information - Resource Consent Details

Resource Consent
Name of Consent Holder

Address for service

Primary contact person/s

Email address

Phone number/s Home: Mobile:

Mining Permit Details

Mining Permit Number(s)

Name of Permit Holder

Location of Operation

388 Main South Road, Paroa, Greymouth

Mail to: PO Box 66, Greymouth 7840
Freephone: 0508 800 118 Phone: 03 768 0466
Email: [email protected] Website: www.wcrc.govt.nz
Who will carry out the mining? [tick the relevant box/es]

Permit Holder Consent Holder Contractor

If you ticked Contractor, provide details for that person/firm:

Name of Contractor

Address for service

If the mining is going to be carried out by someone other than the consent holder, have they been provided with a
copy of the resource consent(s)?

Yes No

Will there be a site/mine manager?

Yes No

If you ticked Yes, provide details for that person:

Name of Manager

Contact phone number(s)

Whose land will the work be carried out on?

Private Land

State Coal Resource (MED)

Department of Conservation (DoC)

Other Crown Land (LINZ)

Other (please describe briefly)

If you ticked other, please provide details:

388 Main South Road, Paroa, Greymouth

Mail to: PO Box 66, Greymouth 7840
Freephone: 0508 800 118 Phone: 03 768 0466
Email: [email protected] Website: www.wcrc.govt.nz
Section B: Maps

Attach the requested maps to the end of this form. If you need assistance with obtaining the appropriate maps or aerial
photographs please contact Compliance Staff at the West Coast Regional Council.

Work Location:
Using a map, show the proposed mining site location with:

• Boundaries which adjoin neighbouring properties

• Existing roads, tracks, buildings
• Drainage (streams, rivers, drains)
• Any wetlands and/or wildlife habitats

Site Plan:
Present an accurate plan for the proposed mining site:

For earthworks show:

• maximum area to be worked
• proposed direction of mining
• topsoil pile
• overburden pile
• washing area
• settling ponds
• buffer zones along waterways
• fuel store

For streamworks show:

• water uptake point
• stream diversion point
• post treatment discharge point
• dam/s

388 Main South Road, Paroa, Greymouth

Mail to: PO Box 66, Greymouth 7840
Freephone: 0508 800 118 Phone: 03 768 0466
Email: [email protected] Website: www.wcrc.govt.nz
Section C: Work Methods

In this section comprehensive details about your onsite operations are required. If requested information is not applicable
to your planned activity, put n/a in the relevant space. Otherwise write in the spaces indicated or tick boxes. If there is
insufficient space for your answers please attach further pages to the document.

Type of mining activity? [tick the relevant box/es]

Alluvial goldmining Opencast coalmining Underground coalmining

Mining method(s):

Please indicate which method(s) you intend to use:



Small suction dredging

Floating Dredge & Hydraulic excavator

Land based

Other (please describe briefly)

If you intend to use a Suction Dredge please give the following specifications:

Dredge power rating Hp KW

Nozzle Diameter millimetres

Maximum depth dredge can work to metres

Other information about this dredge

388 Main South Road, Paroa, Greymouth

Mail to: PO Box 66, Greymouth 7840
Freephone: 0508 800 118 Phone: 03 768 0466
Email: [email protected] Website: www.wcrc.govt.nz
Management of earthworks on site

What will the maximum area of disturbed, i.e. non-rehabilitated, land be at any one time?

The area will be (amount of hectares)

What is the method of work you will use for earthwork disturbance activities on site? Describe below and ensure key
points are noted on Section B: Maps (Site Plan). Sample phrases are: “bulldoze a track to work area from property
boundary” “start stripping at northeast corner and work across slope” “truck topsoil to stockpile at X” “form bund for fuel
store at…. ” etc

Will you need to construct any new access tracks within the site?

Yes No

If Yes, ensure mark on Section B: Maps (Site Plan) and describe briefly here

When stripping the site, what will you do with the vegetation layer?
NOTE: This may depend on the requirements of the owner

When stripping the site what are the predicted thicknesses for?

The topsoil depth Metres

The overburden depth Metres

The wash depth Metres

Total depth Metres

388 Main South Road, Paroa, Greymouth

Mail to: PO Box 66, Greymouth 7840
Freephone: 0508 800 118 Phone: 03 768 0466
Email: [email protected] Website: www.wcrc.govt.nz
Where will you place your stockpiles? As relevant, describe in spaces below and ensure they are marked on
Section B: Maps (Site Plan)

Vegetation layer

Topsoil layer

Overburden layer

Any large rocks

Management of water use on site

Describe below all onsite activities utilizing water and ensure key points are noted on Section B: Maps (Site Plan).
Sample phrases are, “divert water for screening at X on map” “have 3 settling ponds in series” “discharge treated
water back into creek at Y” “divert creek between P and Q” etc

Where will you get your processing water-supply from? (Tick as appropriate)

Stream running through the site? Specify name:

Stream outside the site? Specify name:

Recycled from settling ponds?


Other (describe briefly)?

If you plan to take stream water, what proportion of the mean stream flow will you take? %

Will this be a continuous take?

Yes No

388 Main South Road, Paroa, Greymouth

Mail to: PO Box 66, Greymouth 7840
Freephone: 0508 800 118 Phone: 03 768 0466
Email: [email protected] Website: www.wcrc.govt.nz
Do you plan to use recycled water from a sediment settling pond?

Yes No

If Yes, show pond location/s on Section B: Maps (Site Plan)

Do you plan to construct a dam?

Yes No

If yes, please attach diagrams to this application showing key specifications, i.e. dam catchment area, dam height, crest
width, spillway width or overflow pipe diameter.

How will you manage the sediment produced by your operation? (Tick as appropriate)

Settling ponds
Both ponds & flocculants

If you intend to use settling ponds, please ensure that you outline their location, number and approximate dimensions
on Section B: Maps (Site Plan).

Will water from the settling ponds be discharged: (Tick as appropriate)

Directly to water?
Via overland flow?
Via seepage to groundwater?

How will the settling ponds be maintained to ensure they are operating effectively?

Do you plan to divert the stream at any time?

Yes No

If yes, ensure the location of this is shown on Section B: Maps (Site Plan) and describe briefly:

388 Main South Road, Paroa, Greymouth

Mail to: PO Box 66, Greymouth 7840
Freephone: 0508 800 118 Phone: 03 768 0466
Email: [email protected] Website: www.wcrc.govt.nz
What is your planned stormwater management for this site?

What is the planned width of the buffer zone of undisturbed land you will be leaving between mining activities
and any permanently flowing waterway?

Site rehabilitation

A condition of resource consent will be that the site must be rehabilitated post mining. You will also be required to pay a
bond to council to ensure rehabilitation is carried out satisfactorily.

As relevant, has the subject of post mining land use been discussed with the landowner, and where relevant, the

Yes No

If yes, what has been decided regarding post mining drainage, e.g. leave changes/diversions made or revert to original
watercourses/drainage, fill in dredge and settling ponds etc, landscape to give particular slope angle etc?

If no, why not and/or what other plans are there for the site?

388 Main South Road, Paroa, Greymouth

Mail to: PO Box 66, Greymouth 7840
Freephone: 0508 800 118 Phone: 03 768 0466
Email: [email protected] Website: www.wcrc.govt.nz
What uses will the owner or occupier put the rehabilitated land to? (Tick option choices)

Farm pasture
Exotic Forestry
Indigenous Forestry
Native Restoration
Other (describe briefly)

Will you be carrying out the rehabilitation work? (tick your choice)

while mining is in progress?

at the end of the operation?

Give a reason for your choice:

Important information – please read carefully

Official information

The information you provide is public information.

Your information is held and administered by the West Coast Regional Council in accordance with the Local Government
Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the Privacy Act 1993. This means that your information may be disclosed
to other people who request it in accordance with the terms of these Acts. It is therefore important you let us know if this
form includes trade secrets, commercially sensitive material or any other information you consider should not be disclosed.

388 Main South Road, Paroa, Greymouth

Mail to: PO Box 66, Greymouth 7840
Freephone: 0508 800 118 Phone: 03 768 0466
Email: [email protected] Website: www.wcrc.govt.nz

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