Review Paper - Abstract and Literature Review L

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1) Impact of social media marketing on brand awareness

Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms and websites to advertise a
product or service. Although the phrases e-marketing and digital marketing are still
prominent in academia, social media marketing is growing increasingly popular for both
practitioners and scholars. Most social media sites provide bulletin data analytics
capabilities, which let firms to monitor the development, performance, and engagement of
ad campaigns. Companies target a variety of stakeholders via social media marketing,
including present and future customers, current and potential workers, journalists, bloggers,
and the general public. Growing popularity of social media pushed the marketers to consider
about this medium together with conventional functional areas of marketing. Social media is
built mostly on internet or cellular phone-based apps and tools to distribute information
among people. The number of social media users is larger than the population of some of
the nation’s nowadays. Impact of social media on marketing may be determined by
comparing marketing before the social media and marketing after the introduction of social
media and kind of technology utilized in social media. The study found that there is
significant of difference among level of influence of social media marketing in social media
marketing attributes.

Literature Review
ChihChen -Shih and Chich-PengLin (2019) the impacts of social media marketing on
extended purpose, through social identification and perceived worth and satisfaction, the
effects of social media marketing activities on continuance, involvement and purchase intent
have been presented." An online poll uncovered 500 active participants on various social
media platforms. Social media marketing has an indirect effect on client satisfaction via
social identity and perceived worth. There is also a clear correlation between feelings of self-
worth and the desire to continue participating, which is influenced by social identity and
perceived value. Frandsen et al (2013) investigated the viability of employing social media
for appointing a community sample of smokers for participating in clinical trials. They used
both traditional media (flyers, newspapers) and social media (Facebook) to recruit treatment
seeking smokers The demographics, smoking characteristics, and related expenses of the
participant-samples were compared, and it was shown that both kinds of media performed
equally well, with a particular mention on social media being more favourable than
conventional recruiting methods. In a review of the literature on social media marketing in
healthcare, Gupta et al. (2013) note that few research have examined the mole of this media
type. When it comes to discussing public health problems in general and during times of
crisis, they see social media as a blessing. They consider it to be the most suitable alternative
for educating the general public about health-related issues and making them literate about
them. Saravana Kumar and Sugandha Lakshmi (2012) divide social media and its forms
across eight different categories to emphasize its utilization by different types of businesses
to promote their brands and interact with their customers to achieve maximum exposure
and visibility. They rank social media highly as an impactful marketing media. Cambria et al
(2012) offer an SMM tool in their study that uses artificial intelligence and semantic
techniques to capture and manage user opinions and sentiments over the web. They
propose for it to be useful for marketers as well as the users themselves for effectively
managing information on brands and products available via social media.

Vivek Bajpai et al (2012) emphasised the usage of viral marketing methods that go beyond
the present social media platforms As a result, creating a strong community may benefit
your marketing and initiative-buying efforts. There is a distinct ecology for each social media
site. While setting up a basic social media presence is simple, persuading your network to
take action is far more complex. In order for customers to locate you when they want your
services, verify sure your website is included in local business directories Customizing
messages across sites not only gets the message out there, but it also keeps users from
getting repeated messages.

Kelman's (1958) Online survey methods were utilised to gather data from people from all
around the world, with functional incentives serving as the theoretical underpinning. This
study's conceptual model aimed to examine how functional incentives (such as
responsibility, engagement, and internalisation) affect sustainable behaviours including
recycling, organic food purchases, green transportation usage, and anti-materialistic beliefs.

Vinerean, Cetina. Dumitrescu, and Tichindelean (2013) examined exploration of primary

data, based on the behaviour of Romanian university students on social media platforms, to
optimise the impact of online marketing strategy on distinct kinds (depending on their
online behavioural features) of an audience. Different factors associated with online users
and social networking sites were analysed in a linear model to see whether they had a
favourable influence on how the audience perceived online Social Media Marketing: Study
On Impact Of Social Media On Marketing A Brand advertising.

Petty (2012) discussed on social media have been launched against a number of
corporations. There are a few things businesses should be aware of, according to the
authors: monitoring relevant social media material, imposters, and carefully policing any bad
social media threads. Most of their focus is on prudent use of legal resources to counter
negative publicity about them on social media.

Shen and Bissell (2013) look at how top beauty firms utilise Facebook to communicate with
their consumers and create an influence on the market. They research various beauty
companies by examining the Facebook pages of those businesses and the information that is
posted on those sites. According to the findings of the research, using electronic word of
mouth as a key aspect of branding tactics to improve brand image has become a standard
practise for most beauty businesses.

2) Impact of social media marketing on brand awareness

Social media provides a way to connect people, share our opinions. Picture and video
extensions on social media are a great way of passing time similar to TV, hence it has gained
much importance in the field of marketing. Most of the companies in recent times are
showing interest on interacting with their customers via social media and promoting their
products on different platforms of social media. The current study focused on the role that
social media plays in creating the brand awareness among its users and it aimed to find out
if the level of brand awareness influences the purchase intension of the customers. The
results indicate that the creative content posted by brands, pre/post purchase support that
the brands provide online, user responsiveness, brand attitude, brand offerings can motivate
customers to interact with brands via social media and create awareness about the brand. It
also shows that the level of brand awareness can influence the purchase intension of the

Literature Review
As social media has now become an important part of one's lifestyle its data is being
analysed in many different disciplines. (Stefan Stieglitz et al.'s 2018) studied about the
challenges that are faced in social media analytics and found that volume of the data was
more challenging for the researchers. One's motivation to share information on social media
as said by (Afra Putri Ghaisani et al.'s 2017) is consistent on what type of matter to be shared
say it a sensational, political or personal information which is to share the response of the
users. Socialization is the main factor that motivates user to share info on social media.

As per (Aizhan Tursunbayeva et al., 2017)'s findings social media is also involved to actively
or passively listen to citizen's opinions. The main objective for which social media was used
by the e- Government are mostly related to Bertot et al.'s (2010) categories of transparency,
accountability and democratic participation, lesser emphasis on collaboration and
evaluation. When (Radhika Sharma et al 2017) aimed to study the impact of content in the
Facebook that was posted by 5 online apparel brands, on building trust among consumers.
The results depict the positive relationship between trust and no of posts. comments and
According to (Alev Kocak Alan, Ebru Tumer Kabadayi, 2016) generation Y are more prone to
social media, an individual who is more extrovert are more likely to interact through social
media to socialize and individuals with high level of neuroticism, agreeableness and
conscientiousness are less prone to accept social media. Firms need to understand the
personality traits of Generation Y's social media usage to reshape their market offerings.
(C.F. Hofacker, D. Blanche 2016) in his research highlights eight areas within social media
marketing that create challenges for marketers they must be used in the context of
increasing the social media use and information sharing. Campaigning through social media
can also help marketers to create awareness in a better way (G. Sampogna et al., 2016) in
their research have found that in 2009-2014 in England it has created more awareness and
reduce mental health stigma. (Rendan Liu, Ayoung Suh 2017) referred the concept of self-
branding through social media and found that social media provides more opportunities for
people to establish their brands and market themselves in the line and mostly women who
can also use increase their awareness on their rights.

(Nur Syakirah Ahmad et al., 2015) has found that in recent times firms have included social
media as a part of their marketing strategy and are aiming to create awareness and promote
their brands to the customers via social media. Social media content marketing has a major
role in branding strategies that help the firms to increase their brand health score.
Moreover, It has become important in recent times that companies must have an online
presence and they need to observe what's happening in the social media. World wide web
and social media are making the world more convenient for all the participants without any
language, cultural or economic barriers. Cultural differences in terms of trust are very less or
sometimes non-existent. (Dr.Klaus Nicholas Schmidt, Ms Kamakshi S. Iyer. 2015)

Social media has also gained importance in health care sector on the decisions taken by both
patient and professionals. The benefits of social media in health care as per (Alma Petrescu,
et al., 2015) is that patients get prompt answers for their questions and on the other hand it
helps patients to interact with other patients with same health problem and also get
emotional support.

(Efthymios Constantinides 2014) outlined present status of social media and explained the
two mujor mles it plays as a part of marketing strategy and using them as different
marketing tools; however, he proposed two possible marketing strategies 1. as a source of
customer voice and marketing intelligence, a direct marketing channel. Also, when
(Christos Giannakis- Bompolis, Christina Boutsouki 2014) have attempted to find the level of
customer engagement on social media found that when companies active participation on
social media the level of customer satisfaction has increased. (Ruohan Li, Ayoung Suh 2015)
examined the factors that influence individual's perceived information credibility on social
media and found that interactivity, medium dependency and argument strength are main
determinants of information credibility. However, in an attempt to study the role of social
media content marketing in marketing strategies (Nur Syakirah Ahmad et al 2015) has known
that it can increase the brand health score which can be an indicator to measure brand
awareness. (Zulkifli Abd. Latiff and Nur Ayuni Safira Safice, 2015) in their study focused on
branding of home-based businesses that were setup on Instagram and their findings depict
that Instagram is current best platform for aspiring business owners before venturing into
offline and the platform provides expected profits even. (Cerchia Alina Elena 2015) aimed to
analyse how social media supports the development of customer relationship management
and the analysis emphasized that an organization with a social CRM is able to build better
relationship with their customers and gain trust also information shared by customers online
would help them in product development.

(Luisa Struriale, Alessandro 2013) aimed to study the involvement of social media actions
into the agrifood system and have found that it acts as a communication media to share the
purchase experience but it depends on the environment whether online or offline. When
(Melanie E. Zaglia 2012) attempted to investigate the existence of different brand
communities within social networks their results depict their existence and also found that
social media is advantageous for brand management to implement brand communities with
less time and financial effort.

3) Social media Marketing and it’s Impact

As social media networking sites are emerging websites now days, the mobile users are
increased tremendously day by day. This social media plays an important role in
communication way to connect with family, friend and office colleagues. The technology like
audio mix, video mix, etc., are used by people for sharing the information to others in forms
like video, audio, text, etc., hence most of the companies are used as a tool in any social
networking sites to create their brand awareness among the people. This paper will discuss
about the key role of social media marketing and its impact on today’s world. It will include
recent controversies, advanced technology, environment, etc on social media marketing.
This paper also deals with factors that influence the effectiveness of targeted customer,
brand reputation, social impact on today’s world.

Literature review
ature Review Stefan Stieglitz, Milad Mirbabaie , Björn Ross , Christoph Neuberger Stated
that ‘ at present most of the people makes social media in their day to day lives and they
pointed out social media data is being analyzed in four different disciplines- data
discovery, collection, preparation and analysis.
Marouane Birjali *, Abderrahim Beni-Hssane, Mohammed Erritali Stated that ‘Social
media provides organization ability to survey feelings towards the contents and events
associated to them in real time which would be a sentiment analysis.
Devakunchari R, Valliyammai C Stated that ‘Big social data analysis is an
interdisciplinary domain that analytics to identify the key influence in a communication
network that shrinks and grows rapidly in a real time fashion especially for the enterprises.

4)The effect of social media to the brand awareness of a product of company

Social media is an online media, where the users can easily participate, share and create any
content such as banner, posters, videos and advertisement. Many companies use these
social media as a tool to promote their products and make customers aware with their
brand. On the other hand, not at companies succed to market their products and make their
products are at their customer awareness. The result of this research is to share that
marketing via social media can give impacts of company’s revenue. The summary of this
research was is to get significant information about the effect of social media toward
company brand awareness through quantitative and explanative research method due to
the rising of social media.
Literature review
Research conducted by N.P Kartikasari, suggests that the marketing communications
variables influence the Brand Equity products. This proves that the marketing
communication of a company plays an important role in selling the company’s product.

Research conducted by D.Kirkpatrick, Simon and Schuster supported the research. This
research proves the influence of advertising messages on Facebook fan page, which is a
social media, to the awareness of companies product. This has implications for the
company’s marketing communication strategy.

4) Impact of Social Media Marketing on Brand Awareness

Social media provides a way to connect people, share our opinions. Picture and video
extensions on social media are a great way of passing time similar to TV, hence it has gained
much importance in the field of marketing. Most of the companies in recent times are
showing interest on interacting with their customers via social media and promoting their
products on different platforms of social media. The current study focused on the role that
social media plays in creating the brand awareness among its users and it aimed to find out
if the level of brand awareness influences the purchase intension of the customers. The
results indicate that the creative content posted by brands, pre/post purchase support that
the brands provide online, user responsiveness, brand attitude, brand offerings can motivate
customers to interact with brands via social media and create awareness about the brand. It
also shows that the level of brand awareness can influence the purchase intension of the

Literature review
As social media has now become an important part of one's lifestyle its data is being
analysed in many different disciplines. (Stefan Stieglitz et al.'s 2018) studied about the
challenges that are faced in social media analytics and found that volume of the data was
more challenging for the researchers. One's motivation to share information on social media
as said by (Afra Putri Ghaisani et al.'s 2017) is consistent on what type of matter to be shared
say it a sensational, political or personal information which is to share the response of the
users. Socialization is the main factor that motivates user to share info on social media.
As per (Aizhan Tursunbayeva et al., 2017)'s findings social media is also involved to actively
or passively listen to citizen's opinions. The main objective for which social media was used
by the Government is mostly related to Bertot et al.'s (2010) categories of transparency,
accountability and democratic participation, lesser emphasis on collaboration and
evaluation. When (Radhika Sharma et,al 2017) aimed to study the impact of content in the
facebook that was posted by 5 online apparel brands, on building trust among consumers.
The results depict the positive relationship between trust and no of posts, comments and
reactions. According to (Alev Kocak Alan, Ebru Tumer Kabadayi, 2016) generation Y are more
prone to social media, an individual who is more extrovert are more likely to interact
through social media to socialize and individuals with high level of neuroticism,
agreeableness and conscientiousness are less prone to accept 3 social media. Firms need to
understand the personality traits of Generation Y's social media usage to reshape their
market offerings. (C.F. Hofacker, D. Belanche 2016) in his research highlights eight areas
within social media marketing that create challenges for marketers they must be used in the
context of increasing the social media use and information sharing. Campaigning through
social media can also help marketers to create awareness in a better way (G. Sampogna et
al., 2016) in their research have found that in 2009- 2014 in England it has created more
awareness and reduce mental health stigma. (Rendan Liu, Ayoung Suh 2017) referred the
concept of self-branding through social media and found that social media provides more
opportunities for people to establish their brands and market themselves in the line and
mostly women who can also use increase their awareness on their rights. (Nur Syakirah
Ahmad et al., 2015) has found that in recent times firms have included social media as a part
of their marketing strategy and are aiming to create awareness and promote their brands to
the customers via social media. Social media content marketing has a major role in branding
strategies that help the firms to increase their brand health score. Moreover, It has become
important in recent times that companies must have an online presence and they need to
observe what's happening in the social media. World wide web and social media are making
the world more convenient for all the participants without any language, cultural or
economic barriers. Cultural differences in terms of trust are very less or sometimes non-
existent. (Dr.Klaus Nicholas Schmidt, Ms Kamakshi S. Iyer. 2015) social media has also gained
importance in health care sector on the decisions taken by both patient and professionals.
The benefits of social media in health care as per (Alma Pentescu, et al., 2015) is that
patients get prompt answers for their questions and on the other hand it helps patients to
interact with other patients with same health problem and also get emotional support.
(Efthymios Constantinides 2014) outlined present status of social media and explained the
two major roles it plays as a part of marketing strategy and using them as different
marketing tools; however, he proposed two possible marketing strategies 1. as a source of
customer voice and marketing intelligence, a direct marketing channel. Also when
(Christos Giannakis- Bompolis , Christina Boutsouki 2014) have attempted to find the level of
customer engagement on social media found that when companies active participation on
social media the level of customer satisfaction has increased. (Ruohan Li, Ayoung Suh 2015)
examined the factors that influence individual's perceived information credibility on social
media and found that interactivity, medium dependency and argument strength are main
determinants of information credibility. However, in an attempt to study the role of social
media content marketing in marketing strategies (Nur Syakirah Ahmad 2015) has
known that it can increase the brand health score which can be an indicator to measure
brand awareness. (Zulkifli Abd. Latiff and Nur Ayuni Safira Safiee, 2015) in their study
focused on branding of home-based businesses that were setup on Instagram and their
findings depict that Instagram is current best platform for aspiring business owners before
venturing into offline and the platform provides expected profits even. (Cerchia Alina Elena
2015) aimed to analyze how social media supports the development of customer
relationship management and the analysis emphasized that an organization with a social
CRM is able to build better relationship with their customers and gain trust also information
shared by customers online would help them in product development. (Luisa Struriale,
Alessandro 2013) aimed to study the involvement of social media actions into the agrifood
system and have found that it acts as a communication media to share the purchace
experience but it depends on the environment whether online or offline. When (Melanie E.
Zaglia 2012) attempted to investigate the existence of different brand communities within
social networks their results depict their existence and also found that social media is
advantageous for brand management to implement brand communities with less time and
financial effort.

5) Literature review
brand communities, and social media the term Web 2.0 has been used since 2005, when it
was first proposed by O’Reilly (2005). Constantinides and Fountain define Web 2.0 as “a
collection of open-source, interactive and user-controlled online applications expanding the
experiences, knowledge and market power of the users as participants in business and social
processes. Web 2.0 applications support the creation of informal user networks, facilitating
the flow of ideas and knowledge by allowing efficient generation, dissemination, sharing and
editing/refining of the informational content.” Web 2.0gives businesses new opportunities
for getting and staying in touch with the markets, learning about the needs and opinions of
their customers as well as interacting with them in a direct and personalized way
Constantinides and Fountain,2008 marketers have recognized these opportunities and are
increasingly engaging this concept as part of their marketing strategy . According to
Constantinides and Fountain (2008), there are five main categories of Web 2.0: blogs, social
networks, forums, content aggregators, and communities. One type of community based on
Web 2.0 is brand communities. Muniz andO’Guinn 2001 Muniz andO’Guinn 2001 define
brand community as “a specialized, non-geographically 329 Brand strategies in social media
and community, based on a structured set of social relationships among admirers of a
brand.” A brand community is a collective of people with a shared interest in a specific
brand, creating a subculture around the brand with its own values, myths, hierarchy, rituals,
and vocabulary. Holly Paquette In today’s technology driven world, social networking sites
have become an avenue where retailers can extend their marketing campaigns to a wider
range of consumers. Chi (2011, 46) defines social media marketing as a “connection between
brands and consumers,[while] offering a personal channel and currency for user centered
networking and social interaction.” The tools and approaches for communicating with
customers have changed greatly with the emergence of social media; Syed Zeeshan Zahoor,
Ishtiaq Hussain Qureshi IUP Journal of Marketing Management 16 (1), 2017 While about
one-third of world's population is currently using social media, it has fundamentally changed
the landscape of marketing and the way product and company information is exchanged
between company and customers. It has provided extended channels and interaction points
among customers and between customers and company, which are beyond the traditional
marketing and business models. It is turning out to be more powerful than traditional
marketing tools and, therefore, needs special attention from marketers to be competitive in
the market. It has in particular affected the way consumers are influenced by the external
sources of information, other than company designed, sponsored and controlled. It is greatly
influencing the way consumers develop their brand preferences and choices and thus brand
loyalty and equity. Therefore, there is a great need for marketers to study and establish the
relationship between these concepts in order to be competitive in the future. Against this
backdrop, the current paper makes an attempt to study the relationship between the social
media marketing and the brand equity and proposes a framework wherein the relationships
between the underlying variables of the two constructs are established in the light of
available literature. Elena Alves, Cristina Fernandes, Mário Raposo Psychology & Marketing
33 (12), 1029-1038, 2016 This study carries out content analysis and systemizes articles on
social media marketing in the Web of Science database. Forty‐four studies were analysed in
accordance with a variation on the systematic review approach, involving synthesis‐ and
interpretation‐based assessment. The results demonstrate how most of the studies analysed
focus on the consumer perspective in terms of usage, share, and influence of social media
on consumer decisions, and perceptions. The studies focusing on the firm's perspective
cantered not only on the usage of social media, but also on their implementation,
optimization, and measurement of results. The majority of studies are quantitative and
published in recent years. This study not only reached certain conclusions for both theory
and practice, but also defined future lines of research according to the gaps detected by the
study's results. Nikolaos Misirlis, Maro Vlachopoulou International Journal of Information
Management 38 (1), 270-276, 2018 The purpose of this study is to present a mapping
literature review and a classification for research articles regarding social media metrics and
analytics in marketing. The review covers 52 articles from peer review journals and
international conferences, from 2010 to 2016. These 52 articles are classified in 5 distinct
categories based on their: methodology of research, type of analysis, field of study,
marketing objectives and social media type/platform used. The findings of the study reveal
which is the most used subcategory for each classification, trends and tendencies. This
review provides a base classification for researchers and an editable and continuously
augmenting typology for further research in the area. The effect of social media marketing
on brand trust and brand loyalty for hotels Şahika Burçin Tatar, İrem Eren-Erdoğmuş
Information Technology & Tourism 16 (3), 249-263, 2016 Web 2.0 as a personalized and
communicative form of Internet technology is an essential tool for firms to improve their
online marketing skills. In the context of this study, hotels are chosen as an exemplary field
since it is one of the key leading economic sectors in Turkey. Building and maintaining brand
loyalty and trust are the important themes for every firm in such a competitive environment.
Hotels, in this case, have made many efforts on branding to gain brand loyalty and brand
trust from their customers and recently they have carried their efforts to social media to
survive in an online environment as well. But, in general hotels are booked via mediators like etc., thus hotels’ own websites are not visited as an online store. The aim of
this study is to identify the effect of social media marketing efforts on brand loyalty and
brand trust for hotels, especially on hotels’ own websites. The effect of social media
marketing efforts including (1) a clear website, (2) website security, (3) active and updated
social media tools, (4) online interactivity and (5) collaboration with other useful websites on
brand loyalty and trust were tested by using structural equations model. The results show
the positive effects of a clear website, website security, online interactivity and collaboration
with other useful websites on brand trust and the effect of brand trust on brand loyalty. The
study is believed to be helpful to marketing managers of the hotels in terms of protecting
their own online stores and meeting their visitors first at their own websites. Also, crafting
right online strategies to compete with other hotels and mediators is an important aim. The
results of the study is believed to add to the extant literature in terms of social media
marketing. Developing a conceptual model for examining social media marketing effects on
brand awareness and brand image Man Lai Cheung, Guilherme D Pires, Philip J Rosenberger
III International Journal of Economics and Business Social-media marketing has attracted
increasing attention from marketers, being regarded as one of the most important channels
to communicate information about brands to consumers. Despite its growing importance,
limited research has examined the influence of social-media marketing communications on
consumers' brand knowledge. This paper addresses this gap in the literature, proposing a
conceptual model for examining the impact of social-media-marketing dimensions on brand
awareness and image across products with different involvement levels. The model seeks to
enhance understanding of the influence of social-media-marketing communications on
brands, across products with different involvement levels. Suggestions for the empirical
investigation of the model are made. Nisha Anupama Jayasuriya, SM Ferdous Azam, Ali
Khatibi, Halinah Atan, Isuri Roche Dharmaratne Global Journal of Management and Business
Research, 2018 The purpose of this study is to outline the past researchers in relation to the
impact of social media marketing on consumer-based brand equity and finding out gaps in
knowledge. Although there is a large body of research in social media marketing, little
research has been done on this topic. The limited awareness of using social media as a
strategic tool, restricted business firms in utilizing it appropriately. To address this gap, this
review paper summarises the scattered scholar's writings and empirical findings on social
media marketing (SMM) and consumer-based brand equity (CBBE). This research contributes
to the academia and industry by identifying some research voids in extant research and
providing directions for future research.

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