CLF 12 Learning Packet No. 1

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Tel No. 034-4951441


SUBJECT: Christian Life Formation

TOPIC: What is Liturgy?

Grade 12

Prepared by:
Sr. Estela C. Estorninos, SSJ

Welcome to our CLF 12 2020-2021! Hope

you’re doing well today. In the midst of
an on-going pandemic we have been
graced to start our distance learning with
enthusiasm and joy. With me as your
moderator and with the assistance of your
parents, you are expected to finish the
tasks assigned to you while at home.

For your opening prayer, please bow your head and pray the prayer below:

“In the name of the father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, loving father, I acknowledge
your presence at this very hour. I thank you for gracing me to participate on this distance learning. I
am fully aware of possible distractions and so I ask of your guidance and right understanding of being
a responsible learner today. May you grant me the wisdom to know and to do with interest the work
that I have to accomplish today and days to come. This I ask in Jesus name, Amen.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I give you my heart and my soul. Amen.

Please read the learning competency stated below and fill-up the chart that follows:


At the end of this lesson you are expected to:

 Learn the meaning and purpose of liturgy.

 Bear witness to a life of worship through active participation in liturgical celebrations; and
 Pray that you may appreciate the beauty and richness of the liturgy.
From the learning competency stated above, write on the first column of the chart below your personal
learning targets. Fill-up the second and the third colum after finishing all the tasks.

At the end of this lesson, I CAN… I was able to achieve my I was not able to achieve
learning targets because my learning targets
Example: add functions ________________________ ________________________
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1. What is your knowledge of liturgy?

2. Describe what happens during every liturgical celebrations.

Now let’s keep going. Enjoy learning about
Liturgical Celebrations. There are enabling
activities that will help you study the
The important concept they to understand in this lesson is how to make the liturgical celebration
alive and meaningful.

Study the following:


 The term liturgy comes from the combination of two Greek Words “ergos” which
means work and “leiton”, an adjective of leos-laos, which means people. Leitorgia
means “public work”. Thus, from its root words, liturgy signifies “public service”
in the sense of serving/worshipping God as a people or a community.
 It is always in the first place of communion or fellowship with Jesus Christ. It is
known to be central to Christianity because for in it and through it the mystery of
our salvation is remembered, celebrated and dispensed.
 It is a celebration of our life with Christ. It is a celebration of meeting Christ. It is
a solemn yet joyful celebration because we are invited by Christ to be His guests
in that spiritual meal.
Sacred objects used in the liturgical celebration

ch Answer the activity below to check your knowledge on liturgy and sacred objects used in the mass.

1. How these sacred objects help you grow in your faith?


2. How you can actively involve in church services in this time of pandemic?

In the liturgy, we are the guest of Jesus partaking to His sacred meal. We
welcome and accept it with full joy, celebrating with Him in the sacred
liturgy (Holy Mass).

1. As a young catholic student, how does the liturgy affect you in your growth as a

2. As a Christian disciple how can I concretely express my being of a disciple in

the practice of my faith?

It’s time to demonstrate what you have learned.

Answer the questions / do the activities that follow
and compile them in your portfolio.

Instruction: Answer the following in at least five sentences.

1. What is liturgy

2. Why do we need to go to mass?


3. What’s the role of the sacred objects in the Deeping of your Christian faith?

Well done! Keep using

your strategies! You’re
making good progress!

References: Stay With Us (Liturgy and Sacraments), Book 3, pages 2-8, Panganiban and De Guzman,

Materials: Power point Presentation, Video and Learning packet

Summary and Reflection
Kindly write what you have learned and realized for this week’s lesson and activities.

August - Compassion (Commitment to the Less Privileged Sectors of Society)

We are in a pandemic; an unprecedented time in our history. This has dramatically changed our everyday
lives, and unfortunately many got ill, lost loved ones, and experienced financial crisis. Together we are
experiencing isolation, fear, anxiety and many more uncertainties and unknowns about now and the future.
However, if we look out there, many members of our society are suffering the effects of this pandemic
more than we do; poverty and hunger are across the land. This situation calls us to spread kindness and

Compassion literally means: “suffering together”, being in solidarity with. When we feel and understand
distress in others, compassion gives us the courage and wisdom to do something about it. Compassion is
not the same as empathy, though the concepts are related. While empathy refers more generally to our
ability to take the perspective of and feel the emotions of another person, compassion is when those
feelings and thoughts include the desire to help. It motivates us to help, to be kind, and to give support to
others who are suffering because we know instinctively what they need to ease that struggle. Compassion
has a powerful energy, it makes us stretch our hands to help others, to walk extra miles to bring goodness
to those who need it. When there is so much around us that remains unknown, our compassion, kindness
and humanity give us certainty and safety.

Being compassionate and kind is, however, not just about giving to others. We need to be compassionate
and kind to ourselves, otherwise it is incomplete. We must try not to judge ourselves so harshly in our
relationships, as students, children, parents, or friends. This is a time to appreciate who we are as
individuals, to recognize and value our different strengths, and accept our common humanity. We are all
less than perfect and we are all doing the best we can in the circumstances we find ourselves in. If we start
being compassionate to ourselves, it would be much easier for us to reach out to others.

Most people are already feeling low, let us stop the hate. Kindness and compassion will conquer this
pandemic. Let us begin in our homes, and share the light to the world.

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