The Effect of Darrieus and Savonius Wind Turbines Position On The Performance of The Hybrid Wind Turbine at Low Wind Speed

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International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET)

Volume 11, Issue 2, February 2020, pp. 56-72, Article ID: IJMET_11_02_006
Available online at
ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359
© IAEME Publication


Nawfal M. Ali, Dr. Abdul Hassan A. K and Dr. Sattar Aljabair
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq

This paper presents an experimental and numerical simulation to investigate a
hybrid vertical axis wind turbine model highly efficient which can be worked at low
wind speed by studying the aerodynamic characteristics of four models of hybrid
VAWTs. The hybrid WT consists of the SWT having two blades and the DWT type
straight having two blades. Four models were constructed to study experimentally and
numerically to choose the best model. Two models were DWT in the upper and SWT in
the lower, also two models were SWT in the upper and DWT in the lower. The phase
stage angle between the turbines is 0o and 90o. The experimental and numerical
results showed that the performance of hybrid WT where DWT in the upper and SWT
in the lower with phase stage 90o is better than in the other models, it can be started to
work at a wind velocity of 2.2 m/s. At the wind velocity 3 m/s, the values of the
parameters are the rotational speed (198 rpm), the CP (0.3195), the CT (0.2003), the
TSR (1.6) and self-starting rotation at this value of wind velocity (3 m/s). The
efficiency of extracting the wind power by hybrid WT is (51.2 %).
Keywords: Hybrid wind turbine, Vertical axis wind turbine, Low wind speed.
Cite this Article: Nawfal M. Ali, Dr. Abdul Hassan A. K. and Dr. Sattar Aljabair, The
Effect of Darrieus and Savonius Wind Turbines Position on the Performance of the
Hybrid Wind Turbine at Low Wind Speed. International Journal of Mechanical
Engineering and Technology 11(2), 2020, pp. 56-72.

P Static pressure
A Hybrid swept area (m2) T Dynamic torque (N.m)
As Swept area of turbine (m2) Ta Ambient temperature (K)
Cp Power coefficient Tor Torque (N.m)
CT Torque coefficient TSR Tip speed ratio
c Darrieus blade chord (mm) w Distance between turbines (mm)
d Savonius blade chord (mm) ⃗ Relative velocity of fluid
D Savonius rotor diameter (mm) DWT Darrieus wind turbine
e Shaft distance (mm) HWT Hybrid wind turbine 56 [email protected]

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The Effect of Darrieus and Savonius Wind Turbines Position on the Performance of the Hybrid
Wind Turbine at Low Wind Speed

F Force (N) RANS Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes

h Savonius blade height (mm) SST Shear Stress Transport
H Darrieus blade height (mm) SWT Savonius wind turbine
N Rotational speed (rpm) VAWT Vertical axis wind turbine
R Darrieus rotor radius (mm) WT Wind Turbine
Rg Gas constant (287 J/kg.K) ⃗⃗⃗ Rotational speed (rpm)
Position vector  Viscosity (Pa.s)
rp Radius of pulley (mm) ρ Air density (kg/m3)
Patm Atmospheric pressure (Pa)  Angular velocity (rad/s)
PAV Available power in the wind (W) Sui Centrifugal and Coriolis force
PT Power produced from turbine (W) τij Average shear stress

In recent years, the wind energy has become one of the most economical renewable energy
technologies. Today, electricity-generating wind turbines employ proven and tested
technology and provide a secure and sustainable energy supply. At good, windy sites, the
wind energy can already successfully compete with conventional energy production. Many
countries have considerable wind resources, which are still untapped. So, the wind energy has
to compete with many other energy sources in the future. To compete with others, it had to
cope with the least affirmative conditions to maximum positive conditions. The usual
challenge for the wind turbine is performing at low wind speed [1].
A hybrid vertical axis wind turbine (HVAWT) is designed by the combination of two
types of vertical turbine Darrieus and Savonius (on a common shaft) that can work in sites
having low wind velocity. The benefits of this design are starting at low wind speeds and
obtain a good efficiency. This model can be used to the wind power available on the highways
caused by the movement of the vehicles. [2] studied the characteristics of the parameters by
numerical simulation for a hybrid wind turbine (3 blades Savonius and 3 blades Darrieus)
with various overlap conditions and compared with previous experimental results. The results
showed that the maximum CP (0.377) is at an overlap ratio of 20%, maximum CT (1.271) at
an overlap ratio of 30% and maximum TSR (0.414) at an overlap ratio of 16.2%. [3]
investigated the parameters of a combined VAWT, including dynamic torque, starting torque
coefficients and power performance that was simulated and analyzed. DWT is straight-bladed
and airfoil type NACA0012 the number of blades is 4, SWT with 2 buckets. The results
showed that the power produces at all TSRs, that means the power performance for the
combined VAWT improved at a low rotational speed field. The dynamic torque performance
increased at the low TSR. [4] studied the performance of a hybrid VAWT by experimental
work procedure. DWT H-type with three blades and airfoil was DU06W200 combined with
an SWT that has two conventional buckets. The results depicted that the combining between
Darrieus and Savonius WT makes an efficient hybrid WT, it has improved the self-starting
with a higher power coefficient. [5] investigated aerodynamics and the starting performance
for a hybrid VAWT with the assistance of CFD simulations. Hybrid VAWT consists of DWT
H-type with 3 blades and airfoil NACA0021, SWT with 3 blades and different distances
between blade and center of rotation (d = 0, 50, 100, 150) mm, the wind velocity is 9 m/s. The
results showed that the CP of the hybrid VAWT decreases when increasing the distance, while
the starting torque can be improved. The position of the Savonius blade for the installation is
very important. [6] studied the design of hybrid VAWT that can be started at low wind speed
(4.8 m/s) and obtained a good efficiency. The results showed that the efficiency of hybrid
VAWT reached up to 37% at a TSR of 0.9 and with no overlap. When increasing TSR, the CP
and overall efficiency increase. TSR and CP decrease when the wind velocity increases. The
effect of geometrical and operational parameters (CP), (CTS) and (CT) on the performance of 57 [email protected]

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Nawfal M. Ali, Dr. Abdul Hassan A. K. and Dr. Sattar Aljabair

hybrid WT was studied by [7]. Four models of HWT were taken to experimental tests. Wind
velocity range in experimental tests was from (0-12) m/s. The results showed that the turbine
power of the model (3 blades Savonius with 3 blades Darrieus) is very good at wind velocity
range 2-8 m/s compared with the other models, also the CP for this model is 0.23. [8] studied
the evaluation of the optimal design of Darrieus vertical axis wind turbine by CFD analysis
and experimental tests, through analyzing six models of Darrieus wind turbines, number of
blades and tip speed ratio. The airfoil profile used in the turbine blades was DU06W200 and
constant geometry dimensions to turbines. The types of six models of DWT were straight,
twisted 70o and helical 120o, all types with two and three blades. The results showed that
Darrieus WTs straight types can be self-started at the wind velocity 3 m/s, but the twisted
types started over 5 m/s and the helical types started over 6 m/s. The performance of Darrieus
WT with 2 blades rotor is better than the other models. At low wind velocity (3 m/s) the value
of CP is (0.2495), the CT (0.174), the rotational speed (198 rpm) and can be self-started at this
wind velocity. The efficiency of extracting the wind power by Darrieus WT is (39 %). [9]
used Savonius WT with semi-circular profile blades and single-stage having a various
numbers of blade (two, three and four). The fourth model has two blades with two stages, the
phase angle between stages one and two is 90o. The overlap distance is zero for all models.
The experimental and numerical results showed that the performance of Savonius WT having
two blades is better than the other models at low wind speed. The maximum experimental Cp
and CT for two blades rotor are 0.23 at TSR 0.685 and 0.402 at TSR 0.175, respectively. The
efficiency of extracting the wind power by Savonius WT is (38.81 %).
In this study, a comparison was execute between four models of hybrid wind turbine to
study the behavior and performance of these models at wind speed range (3-7.65) m/s,
especially at (3 m/s) with different tip speed ratios. Experiments and numerical analyses were
carried out to choose the best model that can be worked at the low wind velocity conditions (3


The performance of Hybrid VAWTs is explained by (CT), (CP), () given by [3,7]. Figure (1)
shows the geometry and dimensions of the hybrid wind turbine:

Figure 1 The geometry and dimensions of the hybrid wind turbine

The swept area for HWT (A) is
=∑ + = 2RH + Dh (1.1)

 = (1.2) 58 [email protected]

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The Effect of Darrieus and Savonius Wind Turbines Position on the Performance of the Hybrid
Wind Turbine at Low Wind Speed

= (1.3)

= = = =  (1.4)

In this study, four models are taken to study and make a comparison between them to find
out the best model of HWT, the study condition is at low wind velocity (3 m/s).


The four models of experiments tests are named as the following, the dimensions of HWTs
are listed in the table (1).
 Case 1 represented the hybrid WT that consists of Darrieus WT upper and Savonius WT lower
with phase stage 90o. Figure (2-a) shows the geometry of Case 1.
 Case 2 represented the hybrid WT that consists of Darrieus WT upper and Savonius WT lower
with phase stage 0o. Figure (2-b) depicts the geometry of Case 2.
 Case 3 represented the hybrid WT that consists of Savonius WT upper and Darrieus lower
with phase stage 90o. Figure (3-a) shows the geometry of Case 3.
 Case 4 represented the hybrid WT that consists of Savonius WT upper and Darrieus lower
with phase stage 0o. Figure (3-b) reveals the geometry of Case 4.

Table 1: The dimensions of hybrid WTs (all Cases)

Number of D d h R c e w
blades (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
350 175 380 250 100 25 70

(a) (b)
Figure 2 Hybrid WT type Darrieus (upper) and Savonius (lower) model: (a) phase angle 0o and (b) phase angle 90o . 59 [email protected]

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Nawfal M. Ali, Dr. Abdul Hassan A. K. and Dr. Sattar Aljabair

(a) (b)

Figure 3 Hybrid WT type Savonius (upper) and Darrieus (lower) model: (a) phase angle 0 o and (b) phase angle


4.1. Experimental Setup
Experiments were conducted using a subsonic wind tunnel under an open type test section,
shown in fig. (4 - a,b,c) with the test section containing the turbine model and the
measurement devices assembly with a cross-section of frontal view of 1m x 1.25m. Double
butterfly valve was used to control and regulate the airflow rate, and the airspeed range was (0
- 9) m/s. The turbine models were fixed at 250 mm between the rotor shaft and exit of the
wind tunnel. Digital tachometer used to measure the rotational speed of the wind turbine.
Digital force gauge was utilized to measure the force (F) produced from the rotor shaft, the
torque can be calculated by:
Tor = F x rp (1.5)
Where, the radius of pulley (rp) = 50 mm.
The static pitot tube was used to measure the airflow speed in the wind tunnel, it was
connected with a macroscopic manometer. The digital thermometer was utilized to measure
the ambient temperature. The pressure gauge was used to measure atmospheric pressure. The
air density is given by:
(1.6) 60 [email protected]

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The Effect of Darrieus and Savonius Wind Turbines Position on the Performance of the Hybrid
Wind Turbine at Low Wind Speed

Figure 4-a A subsonic wind tunnel

Figure 4-b: Schematic diagram for wind tunnel with the dimensions details

Figure 4-c: The test section rigs with the turbine model and dimensions details 61 [email protected]

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Nawfal M. Ali, Dr. Abdul Hassan A. K. and Dr. Sattar Aljabair

To obtain a successful design and suitable geometry for the VAWT rotor, modeling styles
should be applied. ANSYS-CFX software was used in this study for simulation and
validation. The results were compared with experimental and numerical data, and the error
was assessed. Transient conditions were considered for these modeling. Figure (5-a) shows
the 3D computational domain for the turbine rotor model. Two parts are separated by a sliding
interface in the domain. Wind tunnel testing zone represents the stationary, that is the first part
of the domain. The dimensions of the wind tunnel (stationary domain) are 4 m x 4 m x 8 m.
Figure (5-b) displays the mesh on the rotating domain, the mesh on the rotor and the mesh on
the endplate in the rotor, also it appears the mesh near the blade showing the boundary layers.
The flow around the rotor is turbulent, thus the simulation of CFD around the rotor is
complex. Simulations of CFD were applied to solve the cases based on 3D steady finite
volume incompressible Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations. Controlling the
equations of turbulence flow are continuity and Navier - Stokes equations, these equations in
conservative forms are [10,11]:
=0 (1.7)
( ) (̅̅̅ ́ ́ ) (1.8)
= - [2 ⃗⃗ ⃗ ⃗⃗ (⃗⃗ )] (1.9)
̅̅̅ = - ( ̅̅̅ ̅̅̅
) (1.10)
To solve the case of the flow field around the rotor numerically, the turbulence models
were added in RANS CFD solvers. The best model is that gives accepted results and
agreement with the experimental results.

5.1. Boundary Conditions

The boundary conditions in simulations of this study are:
 Wind velocity at the entrance stationary domain is 3 m/s, and distance from the axis of the
rotational domain is 1.5 m.
 The pressure in the outer face is equal to the atmospheric pressure.
 The blade of the rotor is set as a non-slip smooth wall. To obtain good results and more
strictly study the flow in the boundary layers of rotor blade in this study, a prismatic mesh was
applied on the sides of rotor blades to obtain correctly the boundary layer. Accordingly, the
density of meshes was higher near the wall of rotor blades than the other parts.
 The walls (sides and top) of the stationary domain are set as opening to the atmospheric
 The base of the stationary domain is set as a non-slip smooth wall.
 The SST k- turbulence model is applied in numerical simulation.

5.2. Turbulence Models

The precedent studies used a 3D SST k- turbulence model which agrees with the
experimental work of [12,13,14]. This model employs to analyze the transient forces that
affect DWTs. The advanced turbulence models used in this work need a very fine mesh near
the wall so that Y+ < 5 [15,16], to get a good result. So in this study, the SST k- turbulence
model was applied in numerical simulation. 62 [email protected]

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The Effect of Darrieus and Savonius Wind Turbines Position on the Performance of the Hybrid
Wind Turbine at Low Wind Speed

Figure 5-a : The 3D computational domain for the stator and turbine rotor. Figure 5-b: The mesh of
rotating domain


The effect of model types and phase angle between the turbines is shown in Figs. (6.1) to
(6.9). The power coefficient (CP) value increases with the increase of TSR value for all cases
at constant wind velocity (3 m/s) for experimental results. Figure (6.1) illustrates the
relationship between the CP of the HWT cases with various values of TSR for the
experimental results at wind velocity (3 m/s), the CP for case 1 is higher than other cases at
TSR more than 1.4. The relation between CP and wind velocity (u) is evinced in Fig. (6.2), the
CP values increases with increasing (u) value for all cases, and it is noted that the cases 1 and
2 can be worked at wind velocity 2.2 m/s (self-starting). The CP value of case 1 is higher than
case 2 for all (u) values. Figure (6.3-a and b) shows a comparison of the relation CP - TSR at
constant wind velocity (3 m/s) between the experimental and numerical results for cases 1 and
3, respectively, the values of CP for experimental and numerical results are convergent values.
Table (2) lists the experimental results of the (CP) at various wind velocities for HWT cases,
from the table, it is noted that cases 1 and 2 can be worked self-starting at wind velocity 2.2
m/s and this is the improvement on HWT.

Table 2 The CP at various wind velocity for HWT cases

HWT Wind velocity (m/s)

2.2 3 4 4.5 5.15 6.45 7.65
1 0.1965 0.3195 0.3243 0.3392 0.3442 0.3691 0.3897
2 0.1001 0.2440 0.2489 0.2530 0.3217 0.3541 0.3649
3 ---- 0.3242 0.3336 0.3436 0.3482 0.3681 0.3886
4 ---- 0.2672 0.2709 0.2768 0.3051 0.3379 0.3679
The torque coefficient (CT) value at the experimental results increases with increasing the
TSR value for all cases at constant wind velocity (3 m/s). Figure (6.4-a) manifests a
comparison of the relation CT - TSR at constant wind velocity (3 m/s) between the HWT cases
for the experimental results. Figure (6.4-b) shows a comparison of the relation CT with various
wind velocities between the HWT cases for the experimental results, the value of the CT
increases to a certain extent, then the value decreases and increases again for all cases. Figure
(6.5-a and b) elucidates a comparison of the relation CT - TSR at constant wind velocity (3 63 [email protected]

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Nawfal M. Ali, Dr. Abdul Hassan A. K. and Dr. Sattar Aljabair

m/s) between the experimental and numerical results for cases 1 and 3 respectively, the values
of CT for experimental and numerical results are convergent values. Table (3) lists the
experimental results of the (CT) at various wind velocities for HWT cases, also cases 1 and 2
can be worked at wind velocity 2.2 m/s.

Table 3 The CT at various wind velocities for HWT cases

HWT Wind velocity (m/s)

2.2 3 4 4.5 5.15 6.45 7.65
1 0.1665 0.2003 0.2003 0.1923 0.1888 0.1947 0.2043
2 0.1329 0.1772 0.1778 0.1746 0.1835 0.1945 0.2015
3 ---- 0.1885 0.2136 0.1884 0.1835 0.1921 0.2114
4 ---- 0.1675 0.1773 0.1543 0.1630 0.1783 0.2021
The value of CT for case 1 is higher than in other cases for experimental results at wind
velocity (3 m/s).
Performance parameters in terms of (CP, CT) for hybrid WT case 1 are shown in Fig. (6.6-
a and b) related to TSR for the experimental and numerical results. Figure (6.6-a) shows the
experimental results, both CT and CP values increase with the increase of TSR value. Figure
(6.6-b) demonstrates the numerical results, both CT and CP values increase with increasing the
TSR value to a certain value and then they decrease with increasing the TSR. Figure (6.7-a)
represents the relationship between the rotational speed (N) and wind speed (u) for the HWT
cases, it is noted that HWT cases 1 and 2 can be worked at the wind speed 2.2 m/s. The
rotational speed (N) increases with the wind speed (u) increase for all cases. Figure (6.7-b)
shows a comparison of the relation N - TSR at constant wind velocity (3 m/s) between the
experimental and numerical results for cases 1, the values of N for the experimental and
numerical results are convergent. Table (4) lists the experimental results of the (N) at various
wind velocities for HWT cases.

Table 4 The rotational speed (N) at various wind velocities (u)

HWT Wind velocity (m/s)
cases 2.2 3 4 4.5 5.15 6.45 7.65
1 102 198 249 305 375 485 575
2 65 168 215 250 360 465 545
3 ---- 210 240 315 390 490 550
4 ---- 195 235 310 385 485 545
The rotational speed (N) is in (rpm).
The HWT case 1 and 2 can be worked at a wind velocity of 2.2 m/s, but case 1 has better
performance than case 2. Figure (6.8-a) shows a comparison of the relation CP - TSR at
constant wind velocity (2.2 m/s) between the experimental and numerical results for case 1,
the values of CP for experimental and numerical results are convergent. Figure (6.8-b) depicts
a comparison of the relation CT - TSR at constant wind velocity (2.2 m/s) between the
experimental and numerical results for case 1.
Performance parameters in terms of (CP, CT) for hybrid WT case 1 are shown in Fig. (6.9-
a and b) related to TSR for the experimental and numerical results at constant wind velocity
2.2 m/s. Figure (6.9-a) shows the experimental results, both CT and CP values increase with
the increase of TSR value. Figure (6.9-b) exhibits the numerical results, both CT and CP values
increase with increasing the TSR value.
From the results in the tables (2, 3 and 4), it is shown that the performance of HWT (case
1) is better than in other cases, it can be started to work at the wind velocity of 2.2 m/s. When 64 [email protected]

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The Effect of Darrieus and Savonius Wind Turbines Position on the Performance of the Hybrid
Wind Turbine at Low Wind Speed

the wind velocity is 3 m/s, the values of the parameters for HWT case 1 are the rotational
speed (198 rpm), the CP (0.3195), the CT (0.2003), the TSR (1.6) and self-starting rotation at
this value of wind velocity (3 m/s). The values of the parameters for HWT case 1 at wind
velocity 2.2 m/s are the rotational speed (102 rpm), the CP (0.1965), the CT (0.1665), the TSR
(1.18) and self-starting rotation at this value of wind velocity (2.2 m/s). The efficiency of
extracting the wind power by HWT is 51.2 %.

The present study showed experimentally and numerically the effect of the combination
between the two types of wind turbines (Savonius and Darrieus). The main conclusions from
the results are as the following:
 The CP and CT values increase with increasing the TSR value for all cases at constant wind
velocity (3 m/s) for the experimental results.
 The CP values increase with increasing (u) value for all cases, case 1 and 2 (Darrieus at the
upper and Savonius at the lower part with phase stage 90o and 0o, respectively) can be worked
at wind velocity 2.2 m/s (self-starting).
 From the comparison of the relation CT with various wind velocities between the HWT cases
for the experimental results, the value of the CT increases to a certain extent, then the value
decreases and increases again for all cases.
 The value of CT for case 1 is higher than in other cases for the experimental results at wind
velocity (3 m/s).
 The performance of the hybrid WT case (1) is better than the other cases. At low wind
velocity (3 m/s), the value of CP is (0.3195), the CT (0.2003), the rotational speed (198 rpm)
and can be self-started at wind velocity 2.2 m/s.
 The efficiency of extracting the wind power for the Hybrid WT case (1) is 51.2 %.

Figure 6.1: Experimental relation between Cp and TSR for all cases at a wind velocity of 3 m/s 65 [email protected]

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Figure 6.2: Experimental relation between Cp and u for all cases at various wind velocities

Figure 6.3-a: A comparison between experimental and numerical results for Case 1

Figure 6.3-b: A comparison between experimental and numerical results for Case 3 66 [email protected]

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The Effect of Darrieus and Savonius Wind Turbines Position on the Performance of the Hybrid
Wind Turbine at Low Wind Speed

Figure 6.4-a: Experimental relation between CT and TSR for all cases at wind velocity 3 m/s

Figure 6.4-b: Experimental relation between CT and TSR for all cases at various wind velocities

Figure 6.5-a: A comparison (CT) between experimental and numerical results for Case 1 67 [email protected]

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Nawfal M. Ali, Dr. Abdul Hassan A. K. and Dr. Sattar Aljabair

Figure 6.5-b: A comparison (CT) between experimental and numerical results for Case 3

Figure 6.6-a: Performance parameters in terms of (Cp, CT) for Hybrid WT Case 1 (Experimental

Figure 6.6-b: Performance parameters in terms of (Cp, CT) for hybrid WT Case 1 (Numerical results) 68 [email protected]

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The Effect of Darrieus and Savonius Wind Turbines Position on the Performance of the Hybrid
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Figure 6.7-a: Relationship between the rotational speed (N) and wind velocity (u) (Experimental

Figure 6.7-b: A comparison between experimental and numerical results for case 1 at constant wind
velocity (3 m/s)

Figure 6.8-a: A comparison between experimental and numerical results: the relation between Cp and
TSR for case 1 at wind velocity 2.2 m/s 69 [email protected]

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Nawfal M. Ali, Dr. Abdul Hassan A. K. and Dr. Sattar Aljabair

Figure 6.8-b: A comparison between experimental and numerical results:the relation between CT and
TSR for case 1 at wind velocity 2.2 m/s

Figure 6.9-a: Performance parameters in terms of (Cp, CT) for HWT case 1 at wind velocity 2.2 m/s
(Experimental results)

Figure 6.9-b: Performance parameters in terms of (Cp, CT) for HWT case 1 at wind velocity 2.2 m/s
(Numerical results) 70 [email protected]

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The Effect of Darrieus and Savonius Wind Turbines Position on the Performance of the Hybrid
Wind Turbine at Low Wind Speed

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