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Alternate Barbarian

The Barbarian
The massive half-orc let out a blood-
curdling battle cry as he leaped from the
roof onto the back of the gargantuan blue
dragon. As the great foe flew into the sky,
he gripped the dragon's spines with a near-
supernatural level of strength. No matter
how much it twisted and turned, the dragon
could not shake the warrior from his back.
As the monster tired, the half-orc drew his
greatsword and plunged it into the neck of
the beast. After the dust cleared, the warrior
emerged victorious from the crumpled heap of
blue scales that had once terrorized the kingdom.
As the goblins began to come over the ramparts,
the young warrior emptied her mind and gave herself
over to the bloodlust of battle. Her massive axe severed
the head of the first goblin to climb the wall, and before its
head hit the ground she had another goblin by the throat. As
her foe begged for his puny life she let out a guttural roar and
threw him from the top of the walls. Minutes later, she would
come to her senses surrounded by the fallen bodies of those
who had dared to assault the citadel of her ancestors.
A rag-tag group of adventurers fled the collapsing tomb, a
hulking white dragonborn leading the way. He could see the Creating
exit ahead, but his instincts told him that he was the only one Your Barbarian
fast enough to make it out before the roof caved in. Drawing
upon the ancestral draconic fury in his blood, he shouldered When creating a barbarian, the most important thing for you
the stone mantle of the doorway. When his final companion to consider is how they first awakened their Rage. Did a lust
made it safely through, he let out a roar of triumph and the for blood overtake you when your farm village was raided by
weight of the entire front wall of the temple fell behind him. bandits? Is your Rage fueled by a burning desire for revenge
The three characters described above are examples of the against a monster that killed someone you loved? Or, is your
primal warriors known as barbarians. Drawing upon primal Rage a desire for someone who can match your strength?
instinct and the fury of their Rage, they become unstoppable Also, consider how your barbarian's Rage manifests itself
forces of destruction when they take to the battlefield. in battle. Is it a frothing bestial fury that causes you to lose
your sense of self? Is it an ancient trance passed down from
Primal Instincts the elders of your tribe so that you may defend your people?
Not all warriors learn to fight from expert soldiers or formal Or, does it manifest as a supernatural instinct in battle that
schools of war. Those known as barbarians are born with a allows you to predict the weak points of your enemies and
lust for battle in their blood. They are able to wield weapons shrug off deadly blows that would slay any other mortal?
of war with deadly force based on pure instinct. What they
lack in technique, these wild warriors make up for with pure
brute force. Like an animal backed into a corner, a barbarian Multiclassing and the Barbarian
will fight with near-supernatural strength and ferocity. If your group uses the optional multiclassing rule,
here's what you need to know when you choose to
Unbridled Rage take your first level in the barbarian class.
Ability Score Minimum. As a multiclass character,
The source of every barbarian's prowess in battle is the white you must have a minimum of 13 Strength to take
hot Rage deep within their soul. How this Rage manifests is your first level in the barbarian class, or to take a
different for each primal warrior. For some barbarians, it is level in another class if you're already a barbarian.
an irresistible lust for blood that only subsides when each of Proficiencies. If barbarian isn't your initial class,
their foes lays slain at their feet. For others, their Rage is an here are the proficiencies you gain when you take
emotionless trance that allows them to ignore any emotions, your first level in the barbarian class: all simple
loyalties, or injuries that would interfere with their fight. weapons, all martial weapons, and shields
No matter how this primal Rage manifests itself, it grants Exploits. If you learn Exploits from more than one
all barbarians near-supernatural levels of might and allows of your class, subclass, or other features, follow the
them to shrug off blows that would fell a lesser warrior. The rules and table linked below to determine the total
number and size of your Exploit Dice, and the total
wild fury of Rage drives a barbarian to be the first to engage number of Exploits Known from each feature that
their foe, no matter how deadly. Many barbarians spend their grants you Exploits: Alternate Martial Multiclassing.
lives seeking ever-greater foes to test the limits of their Rage,
only satisfied when facing one who can match their strength.
The Barbarian
Exploits Exploit Exploit
Level  PB  Features Rages Known Die Dice
1st +2 Rage, Unarmored Defense 1 ─ ─ ─
2nd +2 Danger Sense, Savage Exploits 1 2 d4 2
3rd +2 Primal Path 1 2 d4 2
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 1 3 d4 2
5th +3 Extra Attack, Reckless Attack 2 3 d6 3
6th +3 Primal Path Feature 2 4 d6 3
7th +3 Feral Instincts 2 4 d6 3
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 2 5 d6 3
9th +4 Improved Critical (19) 2 5 d6 3
10th +4 Primal Path Feature 2 6 d6 3
11th +4 Critical Strike, Relentless Rage 2 6 d8 4
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 2 6 d8 4
13th +5 Improved Critical (18) 2 7 d8 4
14th +5 Primal Path Feature 2 7 d8 4
15th +5 Persistent Rage 2 7 d8 4
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 2 7 d8 4
17th +6 Improved Critical (17) 3 8 d10 5
18th +6 Indomitable Might 3 8 d10 5
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 3 8 d10 5
20th +6 Primal Champion Unlimited 8 d10 5

Class Features Rage

Hit Points In combat, you can fight with an unparalleled primal ferocity.
Hit Dice: 1d12 per barbarian level Starting at 1st level, you can use a bonus action on your turn
to enter a Rage. While your Rage lasts, you gain the benefits
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + your Constitution modifier. listed below, so long as you aren't wearing heavy armor:
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + your Constitution
modifier per barbarian level after 1st You have advantage on any Constitution checks, Strength
checks, and Strength saving throws that you make.
Proficiencies When you hit with a melee or thrown weapon attack that
Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields uses Strength, you deal a bonus 1d4 damage on hit. As
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons you gain levels in this class, this damage bonus increases
Tools: None to match the Exploit Die column on the Barbarian table.
Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution You resist all bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
Skills: Choose two of the following: Animal Handling, You cannot cast spells or concentrate on spells or effects.
Athletics, Intimidation, Nature, Perception, and Survival Your Rage lasts for 1 minute. Your Rage ends early if you
Equipment are incapacitated, or if you end your turn and have not done
You start with the following equipment. one of the following since your last turn: attacked a creature,
taken damage, used the Dash action to move as close as you
(a) a greataxe, (b) greatsword, or a (c) maul can toward a hostile creature, or made a Strength check.
(a) two handaxes or (b) any simple weapon Once you enter a Rage, you must finish a short or long rest
hide armor, an explorer’s pack, and four javelins before you can do so again. As you gain barbarian levels, you
Alternately if your group uses the starting wealth rule to can Rage additional times between each short or long rest, as
purchase equipment, a barbarian starts with 2d4 x 10 gp. shown in the Rages column on the Barbarian table above.
Quick Build Unarmored Defense
You can make a barbarian quickly by using these suggestions. Also at 1st level, so long as you aren't wearing armor, your
First, make Strength your highest ability score, followed by Armor Class is equal to 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your
your Constitution. Second, choose the outlander background. Constitution modifier. You can use a shield with this feature.
Danger Sense Reckless Attack
Beginning at 2nd level, you have advantage on initiative rolls. You can throw aside concern for defense to attack with fierce
If you are surprised when you roll initiative you can choose to desperation. Starting at 5th level, when you make an attack
act normally so long as you Rage as part of your first turn. on your turn, you can choose to attack recklessly. Doing so
gives you advantage on melee or thrown weapon attack rolls
Savage Exploits that use Strength for the rest of the turn, but until the start of
Also at 2nd level, your lust for battle unlocks savage abilities your next turn, all attack rolls targeting you have advantage.
that enhance your martial skill, both on and off the battlefield. Feral Instincts
Exploit Dice The primal power that fuels your Rage in combat has honed
The Barbarian table shows how many Exploit Dice you have your senses as well. At 7th level, you gain the benefits below:
to perform the Exploits you know. To use your Exploits, you
must expend one of your Exploit Dice. You can only use one Your Rage lasts for 10 minutes, and it only ends early if
Exploit per attack, ability check, or saving throw. You regain you are incapacitated or you choose to end it.
all expended Exploit Dice at the end of a short or long rest. You have advantage on Dexterity saving throws against
Your Exploit Dice begin as d4s and increase in size as you effects that you can see (such as traps and spells) so long
gain levels in this class, as indicated in the Barbarian table. as you are not, blinded, deafened, or incapacitated.
Exploits Known Improved Critical
At 2nd level, you learn two Savage Exploits of your choice Your unchecked anger increases the ferocity of your attacks.
from the list at the end of this class. The Exploits Known Beginning at 9th level, both your melee and thrown weapon
column of the Barbarian table shows when you learn more attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 on the d20.
Exploits of your choice. To learn an Exploit you must meet At certain levels this range increases: at 13th level you
any prerequisites that it may have, such as a score a critical hit on a roll of 18-20, and at 17th level you
minimum Ability Score or barbarian level.                  score a critical hit on a roll of 17-20 on the d20.
Each time you gain a barbarian level, you
can replace one of the Savage Exploits you
know with another Exploit of your choice, for
which you must also meet any barbarian level
or minimum ability score prerequisites.
Saving Throws
If one of your Exploits requires a creature to make a saving
throw, your Exploit saving throw DC is calculated as follows:
Exploit save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice)
Primal Path
At 3rd level, you choose the Primal Path that best represents
how your Rage manifests: Path of the Berserker, Path of the
Brute, Path of the Champion, or Path of the Totem Warrior.
Your Primal Path grants you features at 3rd level, and again
when you reach 6th, 10th, and 14th level in this class.
Primal Exploits
Each Primal Path includes a list of Exploits that each warrior
of that Path learns at the levels noted in its description. They A Raging half-orc
don't count against your total number of Exploits Known, and barbarian recklessly
they can't be replaced when you gain a level in this class. If attacks his foe!
you don't meet their prerequisites, you learn them regardless.
Ability Score Improvement
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice
by 2, or two ability scores by 1. As normal, you can't increase
one of your ability scores above 20 using this feature.
Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once,
whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Critical Strike
Your ferocity in battle drives you to exploit every weakness of Primal Paths
your foes. Starting at 11th level, when you score a critical hit Choose the Primal Path that best represents the ferocity and
while Raging, you can immediately use one Exploit you know skills of your barbarian: the Path of the Berserker, Path of the
without expending an Exploit Die as part of that attack. Brute, Path of the Champion, or Path of the Totem Warrior.
Relentless Rage Path of the Berserker
The white hot fury of your Rage burns ever brighter. At 11th The savage warriors known as berserkers live for the chaos
level you gain the following benefits while you are Raging: of battle. For these barbarians, their Rage is a manifestation
If you drop to 0 hit points, but you do not die outright, you of their lust for violence and destruction. Often found on the
can choose to end your Rage to drop to 1 hit point instead. front lines of battle, berserkers only feel fully alive when they
When you are forced to make an Intelligence, Wisdom, or are risking life and limb to test their might against their foes.
Charisma saving throw you gain a bonus to your roll equal Berserker Exploits
to your Constitution modifier (minimum of +1). You learn certain Exploits at the barbarian levels noted in
Persistent Rage the table below. These don't count against your number of
Exploits Known and can't be switched upon gaining a level.
You have mastered your Rage, becoming one with the anger Barbarian Level Exploit
within. Starting at 15th level, your Rage lasts for 1 hour and
it only ends if you fall unconscious or you choose to end it. 3rd feral senses, menacing shout
5th bloodthirsty critical, savage rebuke
Indomitable Might
9th roar of triumph
Your physical power and stamina rival the heroes of legend.
Starting at 18th level, if you make a Strength or Constitution Frenzied Rage
check and the result of your roll is lower than your Strength When you choose this Primal Path at 3rd level, can unleash
score, you can use your Strength score in place of result. wild fury. When you Rage, you can enter a Frenzied Rage.
Primal Champion For the duration of a Frenzied Rage you can make a melee
weapon attack as a bonus action on each turn, including the
You embody the raw power of the primal wilderness, and bonus action you used to enter your Frenzied Rage.
have exceeded the physical limits of normal mortals. At 20th You can use this feature once with no negative effects, but
level, both your Strength and Constitution scores increase by for each additional time you do so before you finish a long
4, and your maximum for both of those scores is now 24. rest, you suffer 1 level of exhaustion at the end of the Rage.
Brutish Exploits
You learn certain Exploits at the barbarian levels noted in
the table below. These don't count against your number of
Exploits Known and can't be switched upon gaining a level.
Barbarian Level Exploit
3rd imposing presence, take down
5th concussive blow, greater hurl
9th disorienting blow

The Wrong Crowd

Beginning when you choose this Primal Path at 3rd level, if
you spend a night carousing in a settlement of any size, you
have advantage on ability checks to gather information on
that settlement, its culture, factions, and important figures.
Unarmed & Dangerous
A dragonborn You have honed your body into a deadly weapon. Beginning
berserker works at 3rd level, your unarmed strikes deal bludgeoning damage
to collect some equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier on hit. If you have two
outstanding free hands, the d4 damage die becomes a d6.
debts Moreover, you gain the following benefits while Raging:
When you take the Attack action on your turn and make
only unarmed strike attacks, you can make an additional
unarmed strike as part of that same Attack action.
Once per turn, when you hit with an unarmed strike, you
can attempt to grapple the target as part of that same
attack, so long you have a free hand to grapple the target.
Mindless Rage
You give yourself over completely to your Rage. Beginning at Fists of Fury
6th level, you cannot be charmed or frightened while you are The force of your strikes sends your foes reeling. Starting at
Raging. If you are charmed or frightened when you enter a 6th level, when you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, you
Rage, the effect is suspended for the duration of that Rage. can use concussive blow without expending an Exploit Die.
Moreover, while you are in a Frenzied Rage, you can ignore You can use concussive blow in this way number of times
the effects of any levels of exhaustion you currently have. equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of once), and
you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Intimidating Presence Additionally, while you are Raging, your unarmed strikes
Your imposing presence strikes fear into the hearts of your count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistances
enemies. Starting at 10th level, you can use menacing shout and immunities to nonmagical attacks and damage.
without expending an Exploit Die a number of times equal to
your Constitution modifier (minimum of once). You regain all Iron Grip
expended uses of this feature when you finish a long rest. Once you have a hold of something it is nearly impossible for
it to escape. At 10th level, you gain the following benefits:
Primal Restoration The size of creatures that you can grapple increases by
You can draw on the spark of fury within you to restore your one size. When you grapple a creature more than one size
body. Also at 10th level, when you finish a short rest, you can larger than you, it can move as normal, but you move with
choose to reduce your current level of exhaustion by 1. it so long as there is an unoccupied space adjacent to it.
Once you use this feature to reduce your exhaustion level While you are dragging a grappled creature that is one
you must finish a long rest before you can do so again. size larger than you or smaller, your speed isn't reduced.
Furious Retaliation While Raging, the damage die for your unarmed strikes
Starting at 14th level, when you take damage from a creature becomes 1d6, or 1d8 if you have two free hands.
that is within your reach, you can use your reaction to make a You gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed.
single melee weapon attack against that creature. Brutish Determination
Path of the Brute You can shrug off physical blows that would devastate others.
Beginning at 14th level, when you make a Strength, Dexterity,
While most barbarians hail from the wild places of the world, Constitution, or death saving throw, you add 1d4 to your roll.
brutes discovered their Rage in the underbelly of civilization. Should you roll a 20 or higher on a death saving throw, you
Their abilities stem from a combination of street smarts and instantly regain consciousness and stand up with 1 hit point.
pure grit. All those who follow this Path share one thing in Finally, the damage die for your unarmed strikes becomes
common, they prefer to solve their problems with their fists. 1d8, or 1d10 if you have two free hands.
Path of the Champion
At the front of every great fighting force stands a Champion.
These elite warriors are masters of battle who stand as
paragons of honorable combat and fair play. Often, they
seek out the most powerful of their foes and look to swiftly
end conflicts with honorable duels or athletic competitions.
Champion Exploits
You learn certain Exploits at the barbarian levels noted
in the table below. They don't count against your number
of Exploits Known and can't be switched upon gaining a level.
Barbarian Level Exploit
3rd feat of strength, mighty leap A human
5th thunderous blow, warrior's challenge takes to the
9th resilient body battlefield!
Fighting Style
When you choose this Primal Path at 3rd level, you enhance
your Rage with martial technique. You learn a Fighting Style
of your choice from the list below. You can't learn a Fighting
Style more than once, even if you gain this feature again.
Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can switch your
Fighting Style for another option from the list below. Remarkable Athlete
Dual Wielding You can regularly perform feats of athleticism that would be
When you take the Attack action while two-weapon fighting, impossible for most mortals. Starting at 6th level, whenever
you can make a single additional attack with your off-hand you use either feat of strength or mighty leap, you can roll a
weapon as part of your action instead of your bonus action, d6 and use it instead of expending an Exploit Die.
adding your ability modifier to the damage of this attack. When you reach 14th level, this d6 becomes a d8.
Great Weapon Fighting Invigorating Critical
When you roll a 1 or 2 on the damage die for an attack you A solid strike renews your fighting spirit. Starting at 10th
make with a two-handed or versatile melee weapon that you level, when you score a critical hit with a melee or thrown
are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the damage die. weapon attack, you regain hit points equal to your Exploit
You must use your new roll, even if it is a 1 or a 2. Die + your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 hit point).
Improvised Fighting
You are a nearly perfect specimen of physical vigor and have
You gain proficiency with improvised weapons. Once per become exceedingly hard to kill. Beginning at 14th level, you
turn, when you hit with a non-magical improvised weapon gain temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier
attack, you can roll the damage die twice and take the higher (minimum of 1) at the beginning of each of your turns.
roll. When you do so, the improvised weapon is destroyed
and cannot be used for further attacks. Path of the Totem Warrior
Strongbow Barbarians who follow the Path of the Totem warrior seek to
You can use your Strength modifier, in place of Dexterity, for align themselves with powerful spirits of nature. Taking the
your attack and damage rolls with longbows and shortbows. forms of wild animals, these spirits bestow barbarians with
primal totems that enhance their Rage with spiritual magic.
Martial Training In turn, totem warriors decorate their bodies, weapons, and
Also at 3rd level, your training grants you increased combat armor with symbols reminiscent of their bestial totem spirit.
skills. Your total number of Exploit Dice increases by one.
In addition, when you use an Exploit while Raging, the size Totemic Exploits
of that Exploit Die increases by 1, to a maximum of a d12. You learn certain Exploits at the barbarian levels noted in
the table below. These don't count against your number of
Mighty Blow Exploits Known and can't be switched upon gaining a level.
Starting at 6th level, you can draw upon your Rage to fuel a Barbarian Level Exploit
single mighty blow. When you hit a creature with a melee or
thrown weapon attack while Raging, you can instantly end 3rd mighty leap, primal intuition
your Rage and turn that attack into an automatic critical hit. 5th crippling critical, trampling rush
Once you use this feature you must finish a short or long
rest before you can do so again. 9th savage defiance
Spirit Guide Totemic Attunement
Your Totem Spirit teaches you to communicate with beasts. At 14th level, you gain a final supernatural ability based on
When you adopt this Primal Path at 3rd level, you learn to your Totem Spirit animal. You can choose the same Totem
cast beast sense and speak with animals as ritual spells. Spirit animal you selected previously or a different one.
Totemic Spirit Bear. The spirit of the bear impels your enemies to attack
You have forged a bond with a Totemic Spirit of the natural you. While Raging, any creature you hit with a melee weapon
world. At 3rd level, you choose a Totemic Spirit animal from attack has disadvantage on any attack roll it makes against
the options listed below, gaining its accompanying feature: creatures other than you until the start of your next turn.
Bear. The spirit of the bear increases your endurance and Eagle. The spirit of the eagle empowers you with bursts
allows you to take significant punishment. While Raging, you of flight. While Raging, you have a flying speed equal to your
are resistant to all damage except force and psychic damage. walking speed. This flight works only in short bursts; you fall
Eagle. The spirit of the eagle grants you the ability to move if you end your turn if nothing else is holding you aloft.
swift as the wind. While Raging, so long as you aren't wearing Wolf. The spirit of the wolf allows you to disable your foes.
heavy armor, you can take the Dash action as a bonus action, While Raging, you can use a bonus action to knock a creature
and opportunity attacks against you have disadvantage. that is one size larger than you, or smaller, prone, so long as
Wolf. The spirit of the wolf enhances your ability to lead you hit that creature with a melee attack on that same turn.
your allies. While Raging, allied creatures have advantage on
attack rolls against hostile creatures within 5 feet of you. Savage Exploits
Totemic Aspect Below are the Exploits available to barbarians. If an Exploit
Upon reaching 6th level, you gain a primal benefit based on has a prerequisite, like a minimum Ability Score or level, you
your Totem Spirit animal. You can choose the same Totem can learn it at the same time you meet the prerequisites.
Spirit animal you selected at 3rd level, or a different one. 1st-Degree Exploits
Bear. The spirit of the bear grants you wondrous strength.
You count as one size larger for the purposes of your carrying Exploits of the 1st-degree are minor techniques slightly more
capacity and for the size of creatures you can grapple. complicated than swinging a weapon. They can be learned by
Eagle. The spirit of the eagle grants you superior eyesight. warriors with modest training and have no level prerequisite.
You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks based Aggressive Sprint
on your sense of sight, and you can see up to 1 mile away As a bonus action on your turn, you can expend an Exploit
with no difficulty, able to discern even fine details as though Die to draw upon your battle fury and move up to your full
looking at something no more than 100 feet away from you. speed toward a hostile creature you can see.
Wolf. The spirit of the wolf grants you exceptional hunting
abilities. You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to Bonebreaker Critical
track creatures that are below their hit point maximum, and Prerequisites: Strength of 11
you can move stealthily while traveling at a normal pace. When you score a critical hit, you can expend an Exploit Die
Spirit Walker to cripple your target. For the next minute, the creature deals
You have learned to call upon your Totem Spirit for guidance. only half damage with weapon attacks that use Strength.
Starting at 10th level, you can cast commune with nature as a The creature can make a Constitution saving throw at the
ritual spell, beseeching your Totem Spirit for information. start of each of its turns, ending this effect on a success.
Brace Up Mighty Leap
Prerequisites: Constitution of 11 Prerequisites: Strength of 11
You steel yourself for combat, preparing to take incoming When you make a running or standing jump, you can expend
blows. As a bonus action, you can expend an Exploit Die to an Exploit Die to increase your jump distance by a number of
gain temporary hit points equal to 1 + your Exploit Die. feet equal to 5 times the Exploit Die roll (minimum of 5 feet),
even if this distance would exceed your remaining speed.
Crushing Grip
Prerequisites: Strength of 11 Mighty Thrust
When you grapple a creature, you can expend an Exploit Die Prerequisites: Strength of 11
to enhance your grip. When you initiate this grapple, and at In place of an attack, you can expend an Exploit Die to force
the start of each of the grappled creature's turns, the target a creature within reach to make a Strength saving throw. On
takes bludgeoning damage equal to your Exploit Die. a failure, it is pushed away from you a number of feet equal to
5 times your Strength modifier. Creatures more than one size
Destructive Strike larger than you have advantage on their saving throw.
Prerequisites: Strength of 11
When you hit a nonmagical object with an attack, you can Primal Intuition
expend an Exploit Die, adding it to the damage roll of that Prerequisites: Wisdom of 11
attack, and causing that attack to deal maximum damage. Whenever you make a Wisdom (Animal Handling), Wisdom
(Medicine), or Intelligence (Nature) check, you can expend an
Feat of Strength Exploit Die and add it to your roll. You can use this Exploit
Prerequisites: Strength or Constitution of 11 after you roll, but before you know if you succeed or fail.
Whenever you make a Strength or Constitution-based ability
check or saving throw, you can expend an Exploit Die and Ruthless Strike
add it to the result of your roll. You can use this Exploit after Prerequisites: Strength of 11
you roll, but before you know whether you succeed or fail. When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can
expend an Exploit Die and add it to the damage of the attack.
Feral Senses You can use this Exploit after you know if your attack hits.
Prerequisites: Wisdom of 11
Whenever you make a Wisdom (Perception) or Wisdom Take Down
(Survival) check, you can expend an Exploit Die and add it Prerequisites: Strength of 11
to the result of your roll. You can use this Exploit after you As a bonus action, you can expend an Exploit Die to make
roll, but before you know whether you succeed or fail. a Shove or Grapple attack against a creature in your reach,
adding your Exploit Die to your Strength (Athletics) check.
Heroic Fortitude
Whenever you are forced to make a Strength, Dexterity, or 2nd-Degree Exploits
Constitution saving throw, you can expend an Exploit Die and Exploits of this degree represent the absolute peak of savage
add it to the result of your roll. You can use this Exploit after skill that is achievable without dedicated training. 2nd-degree
you roll, but before you know whether you succeed or fail. Exploits can be learned by barbarians of 5th level or higher.
Prerequisites: Strength of 11 Bloodthirsty Critical
In place of an attack, you can expend an Exploit Die to throw Prerequisites: 5th level, Strength of 13
an object you are holding at a target you can see within 60 When you score a critical hit, you can expend an Exploit Die
feet, forcing it to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed to immediately make one additional weapon attack.
save, both the target and the object take bludgeoning damage If you score a critical hit with the attack granted by this
equal to your Exploit Die + your Strength modifier. Exploit, you can't use this Exploit to make another attack.
Imposing Presence Concussive Blow
Prerequisites: Strength or Charisma of 11 Prerequisites: 5th level, Strength of 13
Whenever you make a Strength (Intimidation) or Charisma When you hit a creature with a melee attack, you can expend
(Intimidation) check, you can expend an Exploit Die and add an Exploit Die to empower your attack, and force it to make a
it to the result of your roll. You can use this Exploit after you Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target suffers
roll, but before you know whether you succeed or fail. the following effects until the beginning of your next turn:
Its speed becomes 0
Menacing Shout It can speak only falteringly.
As a bonus action, you can expend an Exploit Die and force It cannot take actions, bonus actions, or reactions.
a creature within 30 feet that can see or hear you to make a It has disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws.
Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, it is frightened of you
for one minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at Crippling Critical
the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success. Prerequisites: 5th level, Strength of 13
The fear effect ends early for the target if the frightened When you score a critical hit, you can expend an Exploit Die
creature sees you take damage of any kind. to disable your foe. For 1 minute, its speed is reduced to 0.
The creature can make a Constitution saving throw at the
start of each of its turns, ending this effect on a success.
Execute Warrior's Challenge
Prerequisites: 5th level, Strength of 13 Prerequisites: 5th level
In place of an attack, you can expend an Exploit Die to try to As a bonus action, you can expend an Exploit Die and force
execute an incapacitated or prone creature within 5 feet of a creature within 30 feet that can see or hear you to make a
you. Make an attack roll with a melee weapon and add your Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, it has disadvantage
Exploit die to the attack roll. If your attack roll exceeds the on any attack roll it makes against targets other than you for
target's remaining hit points, its hit points are reduced to 0. one minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the
end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success. This
Greater Hurl effect ends early if you attack a creature other than the target.
Prerequisites: 5th level, Strength of 13
As an action, you can expend an Exploit Die and attempt to 3rd-Degree Exploits
throw a creature that is within your reach and at least one These Exploits are masterful feats of savagery, and can only
size smaller than you. It must succeed on a Strength saving be learned by barbarians of 9th level or higher. Each Exploit
throw or be thrown at a space of your choice within 30 feet. of 3rd-degree can only be used once per short or long rest.
If the target lands in an unoccupied space that cannot
support it, it falls, takes falling damage, and lands prone. Destructive Slam
If the target hits another creature, the other creature must Prerequisites: 9th level, Strength of 15
succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take bludgeoning In place of an attack, you can expend an Exploit Die to strike
damage equal to your Exploit Die + your Strength modifier. the ground at your feet, forcing creatures in an adjacent 20-
If a feature causes you to count as one size larger for the foot cube to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save,
purposes of carrying capacity, or the size of creatures you can creatures take bludgeoning damage equal to two rolls of your
grapple, you also count as one size larger for this Exploit. Exploit Die + your Strength modifier and fall prone. On a
Immovable Stance success, they take half damage and don't fall prone. Objects
Prerequisites: 5th level, Strength or Constitution of 13 within this area take the maximum amount of damage.
As a bonus action, you can expend an Exploit Die and plant The area of the 20-foot cube becomes difficult terrain until
your feet in an immovable stance. Until you move from that a creature takes 1 minute to clear it.
space, a creature that would move you, or move through your Disorienting Blow
space, must succeed on a Strength saving throw to do so. Prerequisites: 9th level, Strength of 15
Savage Rebuke When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can
Prerequisite: 5th level expend an Exploit Die to strike with overwhelming force. The
When a creature you can see hits you with a melee attack, creature takes additional damage equal to twice your Exploit
you can use your reaction to expend an Exploit Die and make Die and it suffers the effects listed below for 1 minute:
a single melee weapon attack against that creature. Its speed is halved and it cannot take reactions.
Its Armor Class is reduced by 2.
Shattering Slam Its Dexterity saving throw bonus is reduced by 2.
Prerequisites: 5th level, Strength of 13 On its turn it can only take an action or a bonus action.
In place of an attack, you can expend an Exploit Die to strike It cannot make more then one attack during its turn.
the ground at your feet, forcing creatures within 5 feet of you The creature can make a Wisdom saving throw at the end
to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, creatures of each of its turns, ending these effects on a success.
take bludgeoning damage equal to your Exploit Die + your
Strength modifier and are knocked prone. On a successful Resilient Body
save, creatures take half damage and do not fall prone. Prerequisites: 9th level, Constitution of 15
If the area you strike is loose earth or stone, it becomes When you take damage from a source you can see, you can
difficult terrain until a creature uses its action to clear it. expend an Exploit Die to reduce the damage by twice your
Exploit Die + your Constitution modifier. Any hit points not
Thunderous Blow consumed by the attack become temporary hit points.
Prerequisites: 5th level, Strength of 13
When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can Roar of Triumph
expend an Exploit Die and force it to make a Strength saving Prerequisites: 9th level
throw. On a failure, it takes additional bludgeoning damage When you score a critical hit, you can expend an Exploit Die
equal to your Exploit Die and is pushed away from you a to let out a cry that can be heard up to 300 feet away. You and
number of feet equal to 5 times your Strength modifier. A a number of creatures of your choice that can hear you equal
creature larger than you has advantage on its saving throw. to your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1) gain temporary
hit points equal to your level + your Constitution modifier.
Trampling Rush
Prerequisites: 5th level, Strength of 13 Savage Defiance
When you move at least 20 feet toward a creature and hit it Prerequisites: 9th level
with a melee weapon attack, you can expend an Exploit Die As an action you can expend an Exploit Die to issue a savage
and attempt to trample the creature, forcing it to make a challenge. Creatures of your choice within 60 feet that can
Strength saving throw. On a failed save, it is knocked prone hear you have disadvantage on any attack they make against
and takes bludgeoning damage equal to your Exploit Die. creatures other then you until they target you with an attack.
War Cry 5th-Degree Exploits
Prerequisites: 9th level
As an action, you can expend an Exploit Die and issue a Exploits of the fifth degree are feats of savage skill that rival
mighty cry, forcing any hostile creature in an adjacent 30-foot those of great monsters. These Exploits can only be learned
cone that can hear you to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a by barbarians of 17th level or higher, and each 5th-degree
failed save, creatures drop whatever they are holding and are Exploit can only be used once per short or long rest.
frightened of you for one minute. If a creature ends its turn in Cataclysmic Slam
a location where it doesn’t have line of sight to you, it can Prerequisites: 17th level, Strength of 19
repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on a success. In place of an attack, you can expend an Exploit Die to strike
4th-Degree Exploits the ground at your feet with legendary power. A shockwave of
earth and thunderous force erupts from you, forcing any
Exploits of this degree can only be learned by barbarians of creatures within 30 feet to make a Constitution saving throw.
13th level or higher, and each 4th-degree Exploit that you On a failed save, creatures take bludgeoning damage equal to
know can only be used once per short or long rest. three rolls of your Exploit Die + your Strength modifier and
are knocked prone. On a successful save, creatures take half
Devastating Critical as much damage and don't fall prone. Any objects within this
Prerequisites: 13th level, Strength of 17 area take the maximum amount of damage.
When you score a critical hit, you can expend an Exploit Die The area becomes difficult terrain, and a creature can use
to shatter the creature's focus. If it was concentrating on a its action to clear one 5-foot square of this difficult terrain.
spell or another effect, it automatically loses concentration.
For the next minute, the creature has disadvantage on Vorpal Critical
Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws, and Prerequisites: 17th level, Strength or Dexterity of 19
Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration. When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon attack, you
The creature can make a Constitution saving throw at the can expend an Exploit Die to attempt to behead the target. If
start of each of its turns, ending this effect on a success. the creature's remaining hit points are equal to your level +
your Strength (or Dexterity) score, or lower, you instantly cut
Staggering Blow off one of the creature's remaining heads.
Prerequisites: 13th level, Strength of 17 The creature instantly dies if it cannot survive without the
When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can lost head. A creature is immune to this effect if it is immune
expend an Exploit Die to strike with near-supernatural force. to slashing damage, or it
The creature takes additional bludgeoning damage equal to doesn't need a head.
three times your Exploit Die, and it has disadvantage attack
rolls and ability checks, and can't take reactions for 1 minute.
The creature can make a Wisdom saving throw at the end
of each of its turns, ending these effects on a success.
Strength of the Colossus A dragonborn totem
Prerequisites: 13th level, Strength of 17 warrior sports his
As an action you can expend an Exploit Die to attempt greataxe and a
a feat of godlike strength. For this action, the bear-skin cloak
amount of weight you can push,
drag, pull, or lift is equal to 50
times your Strength score.
Moreover, when you use this
Exploit, you can expend Hit Dice to
increase your strength even further.
You can expend a total number of your
Hit Dice, up to your Strength modifier,
multiplying the amount you can push, drag,
pull, or lift by 10 for each Hit Die you expend.
For each size category you are above Medium, the amount
of weight you can move as part of this Exploit doubles.
For example, a Medium sized barbarian with 20 Strength
could expend 1 Hit Die as part of this Exploit, multiplying
their 20 Strength by 60, to lift up to 1,200 pounds. If they
were Large, they would double this to 2,400 pounds.
Prerequisites: 13th level, Constitution of 17
When you take damage that would reduce you to 0 hit points,
even if that damage would kill you outright, you can use your
reaction to expend an Exploit Die to fall to 1 hit point.
Alternate Primal Paths Alternate Battlerager
Below are changes to official Primal Paths so they work with Charge into battle adorned with your signature spiked armor!
the Alternate Barbarian: the Paths of the Ancestral Guardian, Full subclass found in the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide.
Battlerager, Storm Herald, Zealot, Beast, and Wild Magic. Battlerager Exploits
Any Primal Path features not listed below can remain Additional 3rd-level Battlerager feature
unchanged when used with the Alternate Barbarian class. You learn certain Exploits at the barbarian levels noted in
Alternate Ancestral Guardian the table below. These don't count against your number of
Exploits Known and can't be switched upon gaining a level.
Draw upon the power of mighty spirits to defend your allies! Barbarian Level Exploit
The full subclass is found in Xanathar's Guide to Everything.
3rd crushing grip, imposing presence
Ancestral Exploits 5th bloodthirsty critical, immovable stance
Additional 3rd-level Ancestral Guardian feature
You learn certain Exploits at the barbarian levels noted in 9th savage defiance
the table below. These don't count against your number of
Exploits Known and can't be switched upon gaining a level. Savage Smith
Barbarian Level Exploit Additional 3rd-level Battlerager feature
When you choose this Primal Path, you learn the smithing
3rd heroic fortitude, primal intuition skills necessary to maintain your unique armor. You gain
5th crippling critical, greater hurl proficiency with both smith's tools and heavy armor.
You can also Rage in heavy armor without any drawbacks.
9th resilient body
Spiked Armor
Spirit Shield Updated 3rd-level Battlerager feature
Updated 6th-level Ancestral Guardian feature You have learned to modify your armor so you can use it as a
You can call upon your guardian spirits to protect your allies. weapon. Over the course of an hour, which can be during a
As a reaction, when a creature you can see within 30 feet short or long rest, you can use smith's tools to affix spikes to
takes damage, you can reduce that damage by an amount a set of armor, turning it into Spiked Armor. Spiked Armor
equal to one roll of your Exploit Die. has the following properties when worn by you:
If you use this reaction while Raging, you can reduce the It is as a martial melee weapon with a reach of 5 feet,
damage by an amount equal to two rolls of your Exploit Die. and on hit, the Spiked Armor deals piercing damage
equal to your Exploit Die + your Strength modifier.
While you are Raging, you can use a bonus action on
your turn to make a single Spiked Armor attack.
The deadly weaponized When you successfully initiate a grapple, the grappled
boots of a dwarven creature takes damage equal to your Exploit Die.
Reckless Abandon
Updated 6th-level Battlerager feature
The wild thrill and danger of battle ignite your fighting spirit.
Whenever you Reckless Attack while Raging, you also gain
temporary hit points equal to your Exploit Die. These
temporary hit points vanish when your Rage ends.
In addition, you can turn magic armor into Spiked Armor.
Spiked Retribution
Updated 14th-level Battlerager feature
When a creature hits you with a melee attack while you are
Raging and wearing your Spiked Armor, it takes piercing
damage equal to your Strength modifier.
If you are conscious, you can use your reaction to replace
this damage with the damage from a Spiked Armor attack.

Optional Rule: Dwarves Only

In some settings, only dwarves can train to become
Battleragers - known as Kuldjarghs in Dwarvish. The
GM can elect to use this restriction depending on
the setting and various cultures in your game.
Alternate Storm Herald
Empower your Rage with the primal power of the elements!
The full subclass is found in Xanathar's Guide to Everything.
Heraldic Exploits
Additional 3rd-level Storm Herald feature
You learn certain Exploits at the barbarian levels noted in
the table below. These don't count against your number of
Exploits Known and can't be switched upon gaining a level.
Barbarian Level Exploit
3rd destructive strike, feral senses
5th shattering slam, thunderous blow
9th destructive slam

Storm Aura
Updated 3rd-level Storm Herald feature
You emanate an elemental aura in a 10-foot radius while you
Rage. Choose one of the following elemental effects for your
aura: Desert, Sea, or Tundra. When you enter a Rage, one of
the elemental effects below takes place. While Raging, you
can use a bonus action to activate the effect again.
You can change the elemental effect of the aura each time Alternate Zealot
you gain a level in this class. If your aura forces a creature Fuel your Rage with the undying divine fury of your deity!
to make a saving throw, it uses your Exploit save DC. The full subclass is found in Xanathar's Guide to Everything.
Desert. When activated, creatures, other than yourself,
within your aura take fire damage equal to your Exploit Die. Zealous Exploits
Sea. When activated, you force a creature of your choice Additional 3rd-level Zealot feature
within your aura that you can see to make a Dexterity saving You learn certain Exploits at the barbarian levels noted in
throw. It takes lighting damage equal to your Exploit Die + the table below. These don't count against your number of
your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1) on a failed save, Exploits Known and can't be switched upon gaining a level.
and half as much lightning damage on a successful save. Barbarian Level Exploit
Tundra. When activated, creatures of your choice within
the aura gain temporary hit points equal to your Exploit Die. 3rd feat of strength, menacing shout
5th savage rebuke, thunderous blow
Elemental Strikes
Additional 6th-level Storm Herald feature 9th war cry
The elemental power that fuels your Rage empowers your
strikes. When you use an Exploit that deals damage while Divine Fury
Raging, you can cause it to deal elemental damage that Updated 3rd-level Zealot feature
reflects your Storm Aura, instead of the normal damage of Starting when you choose this Primal Path, you can channel
that Exploit: Desert (fire), Sea (lightning), or Tundra (cold). divine fury into your weapon strikes. The first creature you
hit with a weapon attack on each turn while you are Raging
Raging Storm takes bonus damage equal to your Exploit Die + your
Updated 14th-level Storm Herald feature Constitution modifier (minimum of 1).
The power of the elemental storm that fuels your Rage grows The type of this bonus damage changes depending on your
ever mightier, rebuking your foes. The effect is based on the alignment: Good (radiant), Neutral (thunder), Evil (necrotic).
element you chose for your Storm Aura.
Desert. As a reaction when a creature within your aura Rage Beyond Death
hits you with an attack, you can force it to make a Dexterity Updated 14th-level Zealot feature
saving throw. On a failure, it takes fire damage equal to your Having 0 hit points doesn’t knock you unconscious so long as
Exploit Die + your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1). you are Raging. While in this state, you still make death
Sea. Once per turn, when you hit a creature within your saving throws as normal, and you suffer the normal effects of
aura with an attack, you can force that creature to make a taking damage while at 0 hit points.
Strength saving throw. On a failed save, it is knocked prone. If you fail three death saving throws, you must succeed on
Tundra. Whenever the effect of your Storm Aura is a Constitution saving throw at the start of each of your turns
activated, you can force one creature you can see within your to maintain your Rage. The DC of this saving throw is 10 for
aura to make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, its the first turn, and it increases by 5 for each additional turn.
speed is reduced to 0 until the beginning of your next turn. If your Rage ends, and you still have 0 hit points, you die.
Call the Hunt
Updated 14th-level Beast feature
When you Rage, you choose a number of willing creatures
that can see or hear you within 30 feet of you equal to your
Constitution modifier (minimum of 1). You gain 5 temporary
hit points for each creature that accepts this feature. Once
per turn, until your Rage ends, the chosen creatures can deal
additional damage equal to one roll of your Exploit Die when
they hit a creature with a weapon or spell attack.
Once you use this feature you must finish a short or long
rest before you can use it again. When you have no uses left,
you can expend an Exploit Die to use this feature again.
Alternate Wild Magic
Your Rage boils forth from a spring of chaotic magic within!
The full subclass is found in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything.
Wild Exploits
Additional 3rd-level Wild Magic feature
You learn certain Exploits at the barbarian levels noted in
the table below. These don't count against your number of
Exploits Known and can't be switched upon gaining a level.
Barbarian Level Exploit
3rd imposing presence, mighty leap
5th immovable stance, thunderous blow
Alternate Beast
9th savage defiance
Empower your Rage with the bestial spark within your soul!
The full subclass is found in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything.
Magic Awareness
Bestial Exploits Updated 3rd-level Wild Magic feature
Additional 3rd-level Beast feature As an action, you can open your awareness to the presence of
You learn certain Exploits at the barbarian levels noted in magic. Until the end of your next turn, you know the location
the table below. These don't count against your number of of spells or magic items within 60 feet that aren't behind total
Exploits Known and can't be switched upon gaining a level. cover. When you sense a spell, you learn its school of magic.
Barbarian Level Exploit You can use this feature once per short or long rest at no
cost, after which you must expend an Exploit Die to use it.
3rd mighty leap, primal intuition
5th bloodthirsty critical, savage rebuke
Wild Surge
Updated 3rd-level Wild Magic feature
9th roar of triumph When you Rage, you roll on the Wild Magic table on the
following page to determine the magic effect you produce.
Savage Mastery If the Wild Magic effect requires a saving throw, targets
Additional 6th-level Beast feature make their saving throws against your Exploit save DC.
Each time you Rage, you manifest two of the natural weapons
from of your choice Form of the Beast. At 10th level, you Bolstering Magic
manifest all three of your natural weapons when you Rage. Updated 6th-level Wild Magic feature
As an action, you can touch a creature, including yourself,
Infectious Fury and confer one of the following benefits to that creature:
Updated 10th-level Beast feature Choose an ability score, for 10 minutes, when the target
When you hit a creature with your natural weapons while makes an ability check or saving throw with that ability
Raging, you can curse your target with rabid fury. The target score it gains a bonus to its roll equal to your Exploit Die.
must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your Exploit The creature gains temporary hit points equal to your
save DC or suffer one of the following effects of your choice: level + your Exploit Die. For as long as the temporary hit
The target must use its reaction to make a melee attack points last, the target is immune to Wild Magic effects.
against another creature of your choice that you can see. You touch a target an expend any number of Exploit Dice.
The target takes 2d12 psychic damage. The target regains an expended spell slot of a level equal
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your to the number of Exploit Dice you expend.
Constitution modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
uses each time you finish a long rest. If you have no uses left, Constitution modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all
you can expend an Exploit Die to use this feature again. expended uses each time you finish a long rest.
Wild Magic Surge Table
Path of Wild Magic Barbarian
d20 Wild Magic Effect d20 Wild Magic Effect
Creatures of your choice that you can see For the duration of your current Rage, you gain
within 30 feet of you must succeed on a resistance to the last instance of damage you took,
Constitution saving throw or take necrotic until you take another instance of damage.
01 11
damage equal to two rolls of your Exploit Die. For example, if you take fire damage from a red
You then gain temporary hit points equal dragon's fire breath, you are resistant to fire damage
to two rolls of your Exploit Die + your level. until you take another type of damage
You teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied For the duration of your current Rage, every hair
space you can see. Until the end of your on your body grows by one foot at the end of
02 12
current Rage, you can use this effect again each of your turns. When your current Rage ends,
on each of your turns as a bonus action. all of your hair falls out.
A bolt of radiant light shoots from your chest.
An orb of wild magic explodes at a point
A creature of your choice that you can see
that you can see within 30 feet. Creatures
within 30 feet must succeed on a Constitution
within 5 feet must succeed on a Dexterity
saving throw or take radiant damage equal to
03 saving throw or take force damage equal 13
your Exploit Die and be blinded until the start
to your Exploit Die. Until the end of your
of your next turn. Until the end of your current
current Rage, you can use a bonus action
Rage, you can use this effect again on each of
to cause this effect to happen again.
your turns as a bonus action.
Magic infuses one weapon of your choice that For the duration of your current Rage, you can
you are holding. Until your current Rage, the walk through solid objects and creatures as if
weapon's damage type changes to force, and it they were difficult terrain. If you end your
04 gains the light and thrown properties, with a 14 movement inside a creature or object, you are
normal range of 20 feet and a long range of instantly shunted to the nearest unoccupied
60 feet. If the magic weapon leaves your hand, space, taking 1d10 force damage for each 5
it appears in your hand at the end of your turn. feet that you were forced to travel.
Whenever a creature hits you with an attack Roll a d10. Your age changes by a number of
roll before the end of your current Rage, it years equal to the roll. If the roll is odd, you get
05 15
takes force damage equal to your Exploit Die, younger (minimum 1 year old). If the roll is even,
as magic lashes out in retribution. you get older.
Until the end of your current Rage, you are
For the duration of your current Rage, any flammable
surrounded by multicolored, protective lights;
06 16 object you touch that isn't being worn or carried,
you, and allied creatures within 10 feet of you,
instantly bursts into flame.
all gain a +1 bonus to your Armor Class.
Flowers and vines temporarily grow around
Your limbs grow strangely long. For the duration
you; until the end of your current Rage, the
07 17 of your current Rage, the reach of your melee
ground within 15 feet of you is considered
attacks increases by 5 feet.
difficult terrain for creatures of your choice.
Roll another d20. On an even roll, your size grows
Your muscles are engorged with wild magic.
by one category as if by the enlarge part of the
For the duration of your current Rage, all
08 enlarge/reduce spell. On an odd roll, your size is 18
creatures have disadvantage on any saving
reduced by one category as if by the reduce part
throws to resist the effects of your Exploits.
of the enlarge/reduce spell.
You can't speak for duration of your current For the duration of your current Rage, the distance of
09 Rage. Whenever you try, a small bird flies 19 your long and high jumps is tripled, even if this extra
out of your mouth and flies toward the sun. distance would exceed your remaining movement.
You are transported to the Astral Plane until
the end of your next turn, after which time You instantly regain all expended
10 20
you return to the space you previously uses of your Rage.
occupied or the nearest unoccupied space.
The Alternate
Become the unstoppable destructive force you
were meant to be with this alternate take on the
Barbarian for 5e! Includes Forty Savage Exploits
and Ten New and Revised Primal Paths.

Version 1.2.3 - Created by /u/laserllama

Artist Credits:
Covers - Johanness Voss - Survivor
Page 1 - Randy Vargas - Ragefire
Page 3 - Francisco Miyara - Critical Hit
Page 4 - Andrew Mar - Plundering Barbarian
Page 5 - Tuan Duong Chu - Ziatora's Envoy
Page 6 - Ryan Pancoast - Haktos the Unscarred
Page 7 - Manuel Castañón - Blizzard Brawl
Page 10 - Svetlin Velinov - Rage of Ancients
Page 11 - Jung Park - Brawler's Plate
Page 12 - Johann Bodin - Akroan Crusader
Page 13 - Andre Kuzinskiy - Defend the Celestus
Page 14 - Liiga Smilshkalne - Magnum Opus

Expanded Options for the Alternate Barbarian,

including additional Exploits, Barbaric Feats, and
Eight new Primal Paths can be Found Here!

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can be found for free on GM Binder.

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Path of Beauty for the Alternate Barbarian!
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