FS1-learning Episode 2

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Learners Diversity:
Developmental, Characteristics,
FS 1 2 Needs and Interests


Activity 2.1 Observing learners characteristics at different stages

Resource Teacher: Jasmine G. Molato Teacher’s Signature:

School: Liceo de San Jacinto Foundation Inc. Grade/ Year Level: Grade X-Emerald

Subject Area: Science Date:

To realize the Intended Learning Outcomes, I will work your way through these steps:

Step 1. Observe 3 groups of learners from different levels ( preschool, elem., and high school)

Step 2. Describe each of the learners based on my observations.

Step 3. Validate my observation by interviewing the learners.

Step 4. Compare them in terms of their interests and needs.


Activity 2.1 Observing learners characteristics at different stages

Record the data you gathered about the learners’ characteristics and needs in this matrix. This
will allow you to compare the characteristics and needs of learners at different levels. The items
under each domain are by no means exhaustive. These are just sample indicators, You may add
other aspects which you may have observed.

Development Preschooler Indicate Elementary High school

Domains age range of children Indicate age range Indicate age range
observed: (3-4) of children of children
observed: (5-8) observed: (10-15)

Physical They are energetic They are They are now more
and playful, like to participative and engaged in playing
Gross-motor skills walk around and run interactive in outdoor sports and outdoor
Fine-motor skills back and forth. They activities. They also activities. Their
are still dependent to show good skills in drawing and writing
Self-help skills their guardian/s. drawing, coloring or skills improved.
molding with clay.

Social They have They start to develop They already have

mischievous attitude. circle of friends circle of friends and
Interaction with They share every little especially with the always enjoy being
Teachers discovery and share same gender. with them. They can
Interaction with their snacks to their now cooperate with
classmates/friends classmates. others on working
out a task.


Emotional They easily cry when They can now They are now feel
they get hurt or express their frustrated. They
Moods and someone showed emotions, feelings, suffer anxiety and
temperament negative attitude. ideas and even their stress to their
expressions of They also get upset imaginations. activities.
feelings when something's
Emotional wrong happened.


Cognitive They copy or imitate They start knowing They are now logical
what the adults are how to write and in making their
Communication skills showing to them. memorizing alphabet decisions. But still
Thinking skills They can easily adopt as well as counting need a guidance
what the adults talk numbers. They can from their parents.
Problem- solving about. read little by little but
skills struggling in


Write the most salient developmental characteristics of the learners you observed. Based on
these characteristics, think of implications for the teacher.

Level Salient Characteristics Implication of the

Observed Teaching/Learning Process

Preschool They imitate or copy adult's The teacher must show

actions. kindness and patience to the
Age range of the learners preschooler.
observed ( 3-4 )
The teacher must correct and
explain to a child his/her

Elementary They are more interactive in The teacher should

playing outdoor games. incorporate Performa-based
Age range of the learners activities in every lesson.
observed ( 5-7 )

High school Mood shifts occur in almost The teacher must be patient
every situation. and flexible, understand is
Age range of the learners also needed.
observed ( 11-5 )


Answer the Questions:

1.While you were observing the learners, did you recall your own experiences when you were
their age? What similarities or differences do you have with the learners you observed?

 I see the young me when I observed these learners. Just like a normal preschooler, I was
also energetic and always wanted to play outside. I am a little bit naughty and spoiled by
my parents, yet, I grew up responsibly. During elementary, I had few friends that made me
happy. We helped each other to passed the quizzes and exams. But sometimes, I couldn't
handle disappointments that made me sad and felt a surge of anxiety. Fortunately, I was a
consistent achiever, so I can easily handle the situation. During high school, I've became
moody and irritable. But with the help of my parents, teachers and friends, I was able to
manage my emotions. I am an introvert person, yet, I am a consistent achiever. I also had
friends that influenced me to step forward and never left out.

2.Think of a teacher you cannot forget for positive or negative reasons. How did she/ he help or
not help your needs? How did it affect you?

 He was my teacher during high school. He often motivated and strengthened me. I
remember what he said before our graduation, “You are my student who is very simple,
very humble but very intelligent. Be confident, you're actually capable enough.” I really
admire him, he's well dedicated in teaching, a very energetic one and a very consistent
teacher. He actually taught me how to be a strong person. He gave me advices when I am
in trouble. He is the best teacher I ever had.

3.Shows insights here:

 Dealing with diverse learner is a difficult job. So as teachers, we should always be aware
to our students need. We should accept their differences and never misjudged their
behavior. Appreciation of effort is important, equality and fairness must prevail.
Additionally, We must be patient, understanding and consistent. Be a role model! Most
importantly, encouragement must be present at all times.

Link Theory to Practice

Direction: Read the items given below and choose the correct answer.

1. A 14- year old felt ignored by her crush whom she believes is her one true love. She is
crying incessantly and refuses to listen and accept sound advice that the teacher is
offering. Her refusal to accept is become __________.
A. She thinks what she feels is too special and unique, that no one has felt like this
B. the teenager's favorite word is “no” and she will simply reject everything the teacher
C. 14- year old are not yet capable of perspective talking and cannot take the teacher's
D. Teenager’s never listen to an adult advice
2. A preschool teacher is thinking about how best to develop the fine motor skills of the 4-
year-olds. Which of the following should he best consider?
A. Provide daily book coloring activities.
B. Ask the children to do repeated writing drills everyday.
C. Encourage children to eat independently.
D. Conduct a variety of fun and challenging activities involving hand muscles daily.
3. Science Teacher Rita showed her class a glass of water with an egg in it. She asked the
class: “ What happens to the egg if I add three-tablespoon salt to the glass of water?” This
is hypothesis formulation. What can you infer about the cognitive developmental stage of
Teacher Rita's class?
A. Formal operational stage
B. Concrete operational stage
C. Pre-operational stage
D. Between Concrete and Operational stage

SHOW your LEARNING Artifacts

Which is your favorite theory of development? How can this guide you as a future teacher?

 Development influences learning. As we go through different stages of life, our skills and
abilities strengthens and increases. There are different theories of development that may
lead us to improve ourselves. One of my favorite theories of development is the cognitive
theory of John Piaget. Because it will guide us to become a better future teacher. This
theory can help us to guide our students’ think critically. It also enable us to identify
their needs and responds to it appropriately.
This theory also suggest in giving students an opportunity in exploring hypothetical
questions wherein it requires them to think critically.

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