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Journal of Hazardous Materials 377 (2019) 142–151

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Journal of Hazardous Materials

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Polydopamine modified polyaniline-graphene oxide composite for T

enhancement of corrosion resistance

Ning Yanga,b,c, Tao Yangd, Wei Wanga,b,c, Huaiyin Chena,b,c, Weihua Lid,
Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao, 266071, PR China
Open Studio for Marine Corrosion and Protection, Pilot National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology, Qingdao, 266000, PR China
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100039, PR China
College of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Sun Yat-sen University, Zhuhai, 519082, PR China


Keywords: In this study, the composite of two-dimensional graphene oxide (GO) nanosheets and button-shaped polyaniline
Polydopamine (PANI) was synthesized and further modified by polydopamine (PDA). The obtained PDA-PANI-GO composite
Polyaniline was used to enhance the corrosion protection ability of nontoxic water-based alkyd varnish (WAV). The chemical
Graphene oxide composition, functional groups and surface morphologies of GO, PANI-GO and PDA-PANI-GO composites were
Alkyd varnish
characterized by XRD, FT-IR XPS and SEM. The anticorrosion performance was demonstrated by electrochemical
Electrochemical measurements
Corrosion resistance
impedance spectroscopy measurements and polarization tests. Due to the physical barrier effects and surface
hydrophobicity of PANI-GO composite, the approaches of the caustic substances to the surface of the metal was
inhibited, while the highly adhesive PDA molecules reinforced compatibility between fillers and WAV. As re-
sults, PDA-PANI-GO composite introduced WAV enhanced corrosion prevention performance. Under the optimal
conditions, where the ratio of PDA to PANI-GO was kept at 2:1, the impedance values increased by over two
orders of magnitude compared with bare steel.

1. Introduction with low content of VOCs have become the leading anticorrosion
methodology [11,12]. Due to their susceptibility to environmental
Corrosion leads to multitudinous potential security matters and conditions, it is difficult for traditional water-based coatings to achieve
pollution issues simultaneously costing extraordinary losses of eco- ideal effects of corrosion protection [13,14]. Therefore, enhancing the
nomics every year. Corrosion products contain quantities of heavy resistance to corrosion of water-based coatings is a situation demanding
metals, such as chromium and nickel, which negatively affect people's prompt solution. Alkyd resin, with good comprehensive performance,
health in rather small amounts [1]. Among all the treatments used to ample resources in raw material, low cost and low toxicity, is one of the
slow corrosion damage to materials, organic coating is a very com- most extensively used organic coatings, accounting for about 25% of all
monly used approach depends primarily on its high cost performance coatings in recent years [15]. Deficiencies of alkyd varnish show up
and excellent corrosion resistance [2,3]. Its working mechanism can be mainly in low hardness, lacking weather resistant and poor corrosion
generalized as mechanically isolating materials from the aggressive resistance [16]. Meanwhile, alkyd resin molecular structures consist of
corrosive substances. The most commonly used organic coatings in- ester groups, hydroxyl groups, carboxyl groups and unsaturated double
clude epoxy, acrylics, urethanes, et cetera. However, organic solvent- bonds which lead to the supreme versatility for alkyd resin to be
based coatings consist of liquefying agents that are meant to release modified by reacting with various functional monomers [17].
contaminative volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into atmosphere Graphene, a monolayer layer of sp2-hybridized carbon atoms ar-
during production, transportation and use [4–6]. The toxic VOCs are ranged in a two-dimensional hexagonal lattice, has been touted as one
associated with many health risks and environmental problems, for of the strongest known materials [18]. Graphene presents many striking
instance, respiratory diseases and ozone depletion [7]. Environmental characteristics like size effects [19], hydrophobicity [20] and con-
protection department of many countries have established regulations ductivity [21]. A variety of functional groups such as hydroxyl, car-
to limit the emissions of VOCs [8–10]. To reduce the environmental bonyl, and carboxyl groups distribute on surfaces and edges of gra-
impacts and lower toxicity releasing, eco-friendly water-based coatings phene [22]. In order to improve the mechanical strength as well as the

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (W. Li).

Received 17 July 2018; Received in revised form 3 April 2019; Accepted 25 May 2019
Available online 28 May 2019
0304-3894/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
N. Yang, et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 377 (2019) 142–151

corrosion protection ability of coatings, many attentions have been paid practical applications of the coatings.
to use graphene as reinforcement [23]. A physical insulation layer can
be formed by filling the stacking graphene nanosheets into flaws of the
coating or superimposing these nanosheets in the coating, the surface 2. Experimental
energy of the coating decreased while the hydrophobicity of the coating
enhanced, the migration of the corrosive substances to the metal sub- 2.1. Reagents and apparatus
strate could be hindered effectively [24]. In addition, the electrical
conductivity of coatings can be improved due to the appearance of Graphene Oxide (GO, purity > 96%) supplied by Leader Nano Tech
these graphene, electrons transferred from the anodic sites of the metal L.L.C. (Jining, China). Aniline and tris(hydroxymethyl) aminomethane
to the coating rapidly, the precipitations of the metal ions could be hydrochloride (Tris-HCl) were supplied by Aladdin Industrial
prevented and the formation of rusts could be hindered. Graphene was Corporation (Shanghai, China). Ammonium persulfate (APS), per-
added into waterborne polyurethane composite coating, the antic- chloric acid, concentrated hydrochloric acid and sodium chloride were
orrosion mechanism was also proposed, that is, the movement of the purchased from Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd. (Shanghai,
polymer chain in the coating can be limited by steric effect of the China). Dopamine hydrochloride was supplied by Sigma-aldrich, Co.,
graphene, the permeability of corrosive substances decreased and the 3050 Spruce Street, (St. Louis, Mo, USA). Alkyd varnish was purchased
corrosion resistance of the coating was significantly improved [25,26]. from Lehua Inc. China. All the reagents were of analytical grade and
Whereas, recent advances showed that there is a lack of compatibility used without further process. Deionized (DI) water obtained from a
between graphene and resins, which has restricted the application of water purification device (Aquapro ultrapure water system, Ever Young
graphene in coating industry [27]. Due to the functional groups on the Enterprises Development. Co. Ltd., Chongqing, China) was utilized in
surfaces and edges of the nanosheets, graphene oxide (GO) is now all experiments.
proved to be an important functionalized graphene derivative with XRD tests were performed on an Ultima IV X-ray Diffractometer
extraordinary performances [28]. Ramezanzadeh et al. [29] prepared (Rigaku Ltd., Japan); FT-IR spectroscopy was tested on a Tensor 27 FT-
graphene oxide/polyurethane coating, covalent bonds formed between IR spectrophotometer (Bruker Company, German) and XPS analysis was
polyisocyanate with graphene oxide, the corrosion resistance was conducted on a K-Alpha X-ray photoelectron spectrometer (Thermo
greatly improved by adding 0.1 wt% GO in polyurethane coating. Fisher Scientific, China). SEM was examined using JSM-6700 F machine
Krishnamoorthy et al. [30] found that by adding graphene oxide in (JEOL, Tokyo, Japan).
alkyd resin as fillers and the obtained composite coating was char- The working electrodes were custom-made by Q235 steel with a
acterized by acid immersion test, electrochemical measurements and working area of 1 cm2 in the process of electrochemical corrosion tests.
antibacterial test. The results show that the composite coating had good Prior to use, all samples were sequentially treated with emery paper
acid resistance performance and could inhibit the growth of Escherichia 300, 500, 1000 grits. After washed by ultrasonic cleaner for 5 min in the
coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Though these absolute ethanol solution, the samples were rinsed in acetone for
composites modified coatings present excellent functional character- 10 min. The coating was coated on the pre-treated electrode samples by
istics, the binding force of individual elements may not be strong en- a spin coater (KW-4A/5 spin coater, the Institute of Microelectronics,
ough due to the linear polymer chains and eventually those factors lead Chinese academy of sciences, China), and the thickness of coating was
to unsatisfactory in corrosion protection performance [31]. obtained using EC-770 coating thickness gauge (Yuwese Company,
The conducting non-linear polyaniline(PANI) and GO composites Shenzhen, China).
have been applied in many aspects such as supercapacitors [32–34], All the electrochemical measurements were carried out using CHI
sensors [35–37], microwave absorption [38], electromagnetic absorp- 604E electrochemical workstation (Shanghai CH Instrument Company,
tion [39], attributes to their mechanical properties, electrorheological China). The water contact angles of the samples were operated on a
performance and barrier performance [40]. Polydopamine shares si- JC2000C goniometer and the tape-peeling test was performed by a
milar geometry with the main component of viscous proteins secreted perpendicular scratches knife (QFH-HG600, Guangdong) and a
by molluscs, mussel, et cetera [41,42]. With plenty of functional groups, Permacel P99 tape. The tensile test was performed on the MTS
polydopamine can undergo reactions organic polymers or biomolecules 810 Material Test System Rack.
to form organic polymer coatings or biomolecule coatings, further
functionalized the surface of the substrate [43–45]. Aisheng Huang’s 2.2. Synthesis of PANI-GO composite
group [46] prepared highly stable GO-membranes by using poly-
dopamine (PDA) as a novel covalent linker. The aforementioned char- GO powder was mixed with 100 mL of 1.0 M HClO4 solution in ul-
acteristics are making PDA the perfect candidate to enhance the ad- trasonic stirrer for 30 min until mixture became stable and uniform.
hesion between fillers and coatings, further improving the corrosion Aniline (5 mmol) was then added in the above mixture. 10 mL of 1.0 M
protection performance of water-based alkyd varnish with PANI-GO HClO4 within 0.76 g of APS was rapidly added into the above solution
composite. to start the polymerization reaction. The reaction was continued for 6,
This study aims to provide a cost-effective way to improve the anti- 12, 18, 24 h at room temperature. The solid product was obtained after
corrosion efficiency of environmentally friendly nontoxic WAV. The centrifugal separation and rinsed by DI water and absolute ethanol.
PDA-PANI-GO composite was prepared by a facile method including Finally, the emerald precipitate was air-dried and grounded. By chan-
just mechanical mixing and stirring and then the above composite was ging the reaction time, different morphology of PANI-GO composites
added into WAV to coat onto steel electrode (Scheme 1). The optimal can be obtained [47].
proportion between PDA and PANI-GO was explored while morpholo-
gical structures and compound identification of the obtained PDA-
PANI-GO composite were characterized by scanning electron micro- 2.3. Synthesis of PDA-PANI-GO composite
scopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared (FT-
IR) spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The an- Tris-hydrochloride (Tris-HCl) buffer solution was prepared and the
ticorrosion performance of PDA-PANI-GO composite introduced WAV pH of the buffer solution was adjusted to 8.5. The as-prepared PANI-GO
(PDA-PANI-GO/WAV) was examined by electrochemical corrosion composite was dissolved in the buffer solution under continuous stir-
testing methods. In addition, the tape peeling and tensile test were ring. After that, dopamine was added into the mixture to start self-
performed in order to characterize the mechanical durability and me- polymerization [41]. The ratio of PDA to PANI-GO in the system was
chanical strength, and these tests are helpful for further exploration in kept at 1:4, 1:2, 1:1, 2:1 and 4:1, respectively.

N. Yang, et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 377 (2019) 142–151

Scheme 1. The schematic illustration of preparation and coating process for PDA-PANI-GO/WAV.

2.4. Preparation of PDA-PANI-GO/WAV unmodified GO and PDA-PANI-GO composite and high-magnification

SEM image of button-shaped bulge was inserted in Fig. 2b. The PDA
1 mL (1 mg/mL) PDA-PANI-GO aqueous suspension was mixed with formed into a translucent film covering the surface of PANI-GO com-
10 g WAV (additive/coating = 0.01 wt %) and then stirring con- posite. The addition of PDA had little effect on formation of the hier-
tinuously till acquired a homogeneous mixture. The obtained coating archical micro-nanostructures [52].
was coated on pre-treated electrode samples, air dried for 72 h and then
coated again. This process was repeated three times to keep the coating
thickness at about 100 ± 0.5 μm. The pure WAV, PDA/WAV and PANI- 3.2. XRD spectrum of the GO, PANI-GO and PDA-PANI-GO composite
GO/WAV were prepared by same method.
The typical structural evolution during the composite synthesis was
2.5. Electrochemical measurements investigated by XRD. As illustrated in Fig. 3, the intense and sharp peak
at 2θ = 11.8° of GO corresponds to an interlayer distance of 0.753 nm
After immersion of the electrodes for 7 days, the electrochemical [53]. This value can be assigned to the (001) reflection peak, depending
impendence measurements and polarization tests were performed in on the method of preparation and on the number of layers of water in
3.5% NaCl solution. A three-electrode system was assembled by a silver the gallery space of the GO. In the case of PANI-GO, the peak of GO
chloride reference electrode, a platinum counter electrode and the stacking disappeared and two new peaks of PANI-GO centered at 19.8°
Q235 steel working electrode [48]. The open circuit potential (OCP) and 26.03°, which are the characteristic Bragg diffraction peaks of PANI
measurement was carried out until the potential value remained un- indicating the GO had almost no aggregation and was fully used as the
changed to create a system that was not affected by irrelevant factors. substrate of PANI nano-bulge to produce hierarchical nanocomposites
Then alternating current impedance tests were performed at certain [54]. The PDA with amorphous structure cannot be displayed by XRD
corrosion potential with frequency range from 0.01 Hz to 105 Hz. Fi- and the successful synthesis of PDA was certificated by the following
nally, potentiodynamic polarization tests were implemented within the characteristic tests.
voltage range of ± 300 mV relative to OCP.

3.3. FT-IR spectrum of the GO, PANI-GO and PDA-PANI-GO composite

3. Results and discussion
The structural characteristics of the composites were investigated by
3.1. Morphology of the GO, PANI-GO and PDA-PANI-GO composite
FT-IR spectrum as shown in Fig. 4. The FTIR spectrum of GO (Fig. 4a)
with main peaks at 3428 cm−1 (—O—H stretching), 1647 cm−1 (—C]
The surface morphologies of PANI-GO composites prepared with
O stretching), 1406 cm-1 (CeOH bending), 1205 cm-1 (epoxide CeOeC
different reaction times were obtained by SEM with working distance of
stretching and C(O)−OH bending), and 1096 cm-1 (—C—H stretching)
7.8 mm and accelerating voltage of 3.0 kV values at room temperature
provides evidence of the hydroxide groups, carboxyl groups and ep-
are shown in Fig. 1 [49,50]. PANI grew into uniform button-shaped
oxide groups. Comparing with the FT-IR spectrum of PDA-PANI-GO and
bulges with diameter about 50 ± 5 nm. A few bulges distributed on the
PANI-GO, a new weak absorption band at 1586 cm-1 and a strong ab-
slight wrinkles of the GO nano-layer surface after 6 h (Fig. 1a) and 12 h
sorption band at 1490 cm-1 are associated with the C]C stretching
(Fig. 1b) of the reaction. By extending the polymerization time to 18 h,
vibration in quinoid and benzenoid aromatic rings, respectively. And
more uniformly and densely arranged structure emerged (Fig. 1c).
conjugation moves absorptions of the υ(C]O) to lower wave numbers
Continuing increasing the reaction time to 24 h, the composites grew
and eventually merged with υ(C]C). The peaks at 1310 cm-1 and
into a disorganized cylinder structure, as shown in Fig. 1d. By modeling
1246 cm-1 in Fig. 4b are assigned to the characteristic peak of the NeH
lotus leaf with hierarchical micro-nano surface structure, regularly ar-
bending vibration corresponding to the aromatic secondary amine in
ranged surface bulges can effectively decrease the surface energy,
PANI-GO [50]. While in Fig. 4c, the red shift of the NeH bonds
thereby improving the corrosion resistance of the GO fillers [51].
(1373 cm-1 and 1301 cm-1) in PDA-PANI-GO caused by steric hindrance
Therefore, 18 h-grown PANI-GO composites was selected to further
of the molecular chains of the PDA approved the successful synthesis of
PDA-PANI-GO [55–57].
Fig. 2 shows comparison between surface morphology of the

N. Yang, et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 377 (2019) 142–151

Fig. 1. SEM images of PANI-GO with polymerization time = 6 h (a), 12 h (b), 18 h (c), 24 h (d).

3.4. XPS spectrum of the GO, PANI-GO and PDA-PANI-GO composite

To provide further evidence for the formation of PANI-GO and PDA-

PANI-GO composites, the samples were characterized by XPS with
monochromatic Al Kα radiation at 1486.8 eV, as shown in Fig. 5a. The
XPS band of the C1s core level of GO was deconvoluted into four
components (Fig. 5b); that is, the sp2 carbon (284.8 eV), CeOH or α-C
in –C−COOH (286.3 eV), OeC]O (290.09 eV) [58–60]. This also
confirmed the existence of carbonyl, carboxyl acid and hydroxyl groups
in the GO sheets, which was in good agreement with the FT-IR results.
After the synthesis of the PANI-GO, the C1s spectrum (Fig. 5c) revealed
a new peak at 286.0 eV, corresponding to the amide carbon in CeN and
the peak at 290.1 eV may be assigned to the presence of HOeC]O
[61]. Compared with the PANI-GO, the peak at 287.44 eV in the final
target composite indicates the presence of NeC]O, which confirms the
polymerization of PDA introduced the N-heterocycle onto the na-
nosheets (Fig. 5e) [62]. This result is consistent with that of FT-IR
Fig. 3. The typical XRD patterns of GO (a), PANI-GO (b) and PDA-PANI-GO (c).
spectrum. Meanwhile, there is a larger quantity of oxygen in PDA-PANI-
GO, which belongs to the hydroxyl groups of PDA. Additionally, the
high-resolution N1s spectra can be deconvoluted into one peak locating 3.5. Electrochemical measurement
at 399.8 eV assigning to pyridinic N, which widely exist in PANI and
PDA (Fig. 5d, 5f) [57,63]. EIS measurements were used to evaluate the anticorrosion perfor-
mance of coatings. Bare steel electrode, steel electrodes coated with
taken measurements orderly for comparison. All the EIS tests were

Fig. 2. SEM images of pure GO (a) and PDA-PANI-GO (b). Insert: magnification of one PDA-PANI-GO button-shaped bulge.

N. Yang, et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 377 (2019) 142–151

the deviation of the electrode potential is called polarization. Polar-

ization curve described the relationship between current density and
potential, is one of the most utilized methods for determining corrosion
rate [67,68].
Polarization curves in Fig. 6b indicate the corrosion potentials
ranked by numerical value from smallest to largest: steel electrode with
electrode. The extrapolation of the linear Tafel regions was calculated
by CHI 604E electrochemistry software. The results of corrosion current
density and protection efficiency (η) in Table 1 are consistent with the
above conclusions [69].
The efficiency of decreasing corrosion rate can be described as
protection efficiency, expressed by formula [70,71]:

icorr − icorr
η= 0
× 100

Fig. 4. FT-IR spectrum of GO (a), PANI-GO (b) and PDA-PANI-GO (c). Where icorr and icorr are corrosion current density values of the bare steel
electrode samples and coating samples.
Based on the above-mentioned results, PDA-PANI-GO/WAV has
performed in 3.5 wt % NaCl solution after 7 days immersion at room
shown superior performance of corrosion prevention. The goal now is
temperature [64].
to extend the above results to explore the exact ratio of PDA to PANI-
As Nyquist plots shown in Fig. 6a, in compared with that of the bare
GO which maximizes corrosion protection ability of PDA-PANI-GO/
electrode, the capacitive arc diameters significantly increased. The
WAV. Five kinds of the composites containing ratio of PDA and PANI-
impedance values at low frequency of 0.01 Hz (|Z|0.01 Hz) of bare steel
GO from 1:4, 1:2, 1:1, 2:1 to 4:1 are selected as samples. EIS mea-
electrode, steel electrodes with pure WAV, PDA/WAV, PANI-GO/WAV
surements and potentiodynamic polarization measurements were also
and PDA-PANI-GO/WAV are 6.64 × 102 Ω cm2, 5.83 × 103 Ω cm2,
applied to characterize electrochemical performance of PDA-PANI-GO/
1.95× 105 Ω cm2, 6.162 × 105 Ω cm2 and 8.485 × 105 Ω cm2, re-
WAV with different proportions of PDA-PANI-GO. In Fig. 7a, with in-
spectively. It was not reaching the maximum value until PDA-PANI-
creasing of PDA and PANI-GO ratio, the diameter of the semicircle in
GO/WAV covered on the electrode surface, directly reflected the ex-
Nyquist plot increased at first and then decreased, reaching a maximum
cellent anticorrosion performance of PDA-PANI-GO filler.
when ratio of PDA to PANI-GO was kept at 2:1. Further increased the
Potentiodynamic polarization measurements were used as supple-
content of PDA, capacitive arc diameters was instead of continually
mental evidence to verify whether or not PDA-PANI-GO can sig-
increased, slightly decreased. The exact |Z|0.01 Hz value of PDA-PANI-
nificantly enhance corrosion resistance of the WAV. Corrosion rate,
GO/WAV with ratio of PDA to PANI-GO from 1:4, 1:2, 1:1, 2:1 to 4:1
another way to characterize corrosion protection performance, depends
are 5.298 × 105 Ω cm2, 5.7716 × 105 Ω cm2, 7.0595 × 105 Ω cm2,
on the absolute value of the corrosion potential and corrosion current
9.4069 × 105 Ω cm2 and 8.485 × 105 Ω cm2, respectively. The fitting
density [65]. When corrosion occurs, currents flow through electrode
results of Tafel plots in Fig. 7b and Table 2 support the above results.
and lead to a deviate of the potential from the equilibrium value
The corrosion potentials, corrosion current density and protection ef-
[28,66]. As a result, the irreversible electrode reactions cause the
ficiency of PDA-PANI-GO/WAV reached the best when ratio of PDA to
rusting of the material. Due to current passing through the electrode,
PANI-GO was kept at 2:1. This is because a certain amount of PDA can

Fig. 5. XPS spectra of GO, PANI-GO and PDA-PANI-GO (a) and the corresponding high resolution C1s spectrum of GO (b), C1s spectrum and N1s spectrum of PANI-
GO (c, d) and PDA-PANI-GO (e, f).

N. Yang, et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 377 (2019) 142–151

Fig. 6. Nyquist plots (a) and Tafel plots (b) of bare steel electrode, steel electrodes coated with pure WAV and WAV with different fillers.

Table 1 Table 2
The fitting data of Tafel plots for electrode without fillers and with pure WAV, The fitting data of Tafel plots for electrode coated with PDA-PANI-GO/WAV
PDA/WAV, PANI-GO/WAV, and PDA-PANI-GO/WAV. having different ratio of PDA to PANI-GO.
Fillers Ecorr(mV) icorr (μA βa(mV/dec) βc(mV/dec) η(%) Ratio of PDA to Ecorr(mV) icorr (μA βa(mV/dec) βc(mV/dec) η(%)
/cm2) PANI-GO /cm2)

Blank −565 385.7 6.598 3.465 — Pure AV −498 89.7 5.039 5.184 —
WAV −498 89.7 5.039 5.184 76.74 1:4 −482 22.1 4.364 6.978 75.36
PDA/WAV −495 43.6 10.008 7.678 88.70 1:2 −425 18.3 4.917 5.081 79.60
PANI-GO/WAV −385 34.2 4.785 6.182 91.13 1:1 −387 12.6 5.031 4.938 85.95
PDA-PANI-GO/ −244 5.99 4.473 6.051 98.45 2:1 −245 1.48 4.827 5.268 98.34
WAV 4:1 −299 3.70 4.493 7.982 95.88

evenly cover the surface of PANI-GO while excessive PDA is unable to

play a role in improving compatibility.
To simulate electrical characteristics, equivalent circuit analysis was where Y0 is proportionality factor, j is the imaginary unit, ω is radian
used to analyze the EIS data [72,73]. The equivalent circuit model R(Q frequency, n (0 < n < 1) is CPE exponent, which describes an ideal
(R(QR))) is shown in Fig. 8, where Rs (Ω cm2), defined as solution re- capacitor in the case of n = 1 while describes a pure resistor in the case
sistance, keeps a fixed value in the same reaction solutions. In actual of n = 0 [74]. The related data was shown in Table S1 and Table S2
situations, Rs would slightly changes according to different conditions. (Supporting Information). The sum of Rct and Rc indicate the total
Rigorous operation makes the change as small as possible and little impedance of the coating system, showing the corrosion protection
effect would be exerted on the experimental results. Rct and Rc (Ω cm2) performance of the coatings.
represents charge transfer resistance of the electrode interface and The corrosion protection mechanisms of pure WAV and WAV with
coating resistance, that varies inversely with corrosion rate. Cc (F PDA-PANI-GO composite were shown in Fig. 9a and 9b.
cm−2) refers to coating capacitance. Cdl (F cm−2) indicates constant The addition of PDA-PANI-GO composite exhibits excellent che-
phase elements (CPE) of the electrode/solution interface, which models mical properties that combined two advantages: 1) the π-electron
the behavior of a double layer. CPE is an ideal equivalence element of backbone and amino groups of polyaniline and oxygen-containing
the capacitor, presenting capacitive behavior in inhomogeneous elec- functional groups of two-dimensional graphene oxide nanosheets
trodes. compound together with strong covalent bonds, presenting striking
The impedance of the CPE is calculated by following equation [70]: barrier and active inhibition properties [74,75]; 2) highly reactive and

Fig. 7. Nyquist plots (a) and Tafel plots (b) of bare steel electrode coated with fillers having different ratios of PDA and PANI-GO.

N. Yang, et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 377 (2019) 142–151

Fig. 8. The equivalent circuit diagrams of bare steel electrode (a) and steel electrode coated with PDA-PANI-GO/WAV (b).

adhesive PDA that wrapping on the PANI-GO surface greatly reinforce provided.
the adhesion and compatibility of fillers and coatings (Fig. 9c) [41].
As shown in Fig. 9a, due to the low surface tension of the WAV, the 3.7. Visual Results of the corrosion test
coating prone to engender micro defects and shrinkage cracks during
curing process. In corrosive environment, caustic substances penetrate Fig. 11 exhibits the digital images of bare Q235 steel electrode (a)
coating easily through the micro defects and then corrode the substrate and steel electrode coated with PDA-PANI-GO/WAV (b) before and
badly [76]. The structure of PDA-PANI-GO composite is nano-layers after immersion in 3.5 wt% NaCl solution for 7 days. All the electrode
with uniform button-shaped bulges which providing physical barrier samples were custom-made with a working area of 1 cm2. The working
effects and surface hydrophobicity (Fig. 9b). As a result, increased area of electrode samples were sequentially treated with emery paper,
difficulty of caustic substances to contact and corrode the materials. and then washed in the absolute ethanol and acetone solution. After
Also, the composite with rigid structure and highly adhesive PDA could soaking in NaCl solution for 7 days, no visible bubbling and peeling of
fill the defects and cracks of pure WAV. PDA-PANI-GO/WAV surface was seen [68]. The steel electrode re-
mained generally clean and glossy after scratching off the coating. The
3.6. Contact angle test slight discoloring of the electrode edges might be attributed to defects
caused by coating process [31]. As a contrast, the steel electrode
In order to evaluate the surface hydrophobicity of the modified without coating presented multiple brown rust spots, indicating the
coating, a contact angle meter with the syringe needle gauge of 27 G excellent anticorrosion performance of PDA-PANI-GO/WAV.
and the droplet volumes of 2 ± 0.1 μm was used to measure contact
angle (CA) [77]. The static CA of the distilled water was measured 3.8. Tensile test
threefold repetition on the specimens using sessile drop measurement at
temperature of 23 °C ± 2 °C and humidity of 30 ± 2%. The static CA Tensile test is a commonly used method to study mechanical
of water on bare Q235 steel electrode surface was only 73.02°, as shown strength of the coating [78–80]. Fig. 12 shows the stress-strain curves of
in Fig. 10a. After the coverage of pure WAV on the steel electrode, the the pure WAV and PDA-PANI-GO/WAV. The tensile tests of the coatings
corresponding CA value increased to 81.60° (Fig. 10b). While covering were measured at 5 mm/min strain rate with a load of 1 kN. The
the WAV with PANI-GO, the CA value increased to 98.93° (Fig. 10c). maximum tensile strength of the coating introduced PDA-PANI-GO
With addition of PDA-PANI-GO, the surface hydrophobicity distinctly composite was 83.0 MPa, about 63.9% higher than that of pure WAV.
improved CA value to 105.75° (Fig. 10d), attributing to the formation of Meanwhile, the maximum elongation at break increased by 47.1%
the hierarchical button-shaped PANI nano-bulges on the surface of the compared to pure WAV. The addition of PDA-PANI-GO composite of
GO-layers and the better compatibility of filler and coating that PDA coating makes the resistance to deformation and fracture greatly

Fig. 9. The schematic illustrations of anti-corrosion mechanism of pure WAV (a) and PDA-PANI-GO/WAV (b) in corrosive environment and magnification of
molecular interaction of PDA-PANI-GO composite (c).

N. Yang, et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 377 (2019) 142–151

Fig. 10. The contact angles of bare steel electrode (a), with pure WAV (b), with PANI-GO/WAV (c) and with PDA-PANI-GO/WAV (d).

Fig. 12. The stress-strain curves of the pure WAV and PDA-PANI-GO/WAV.

to ASTM D 3359-97 standard, indicating good adhesion between the

Fig. 11. The digital images of bare steel electrode (a) and steel electrode with
PDA-PANI-GO/WAV (b) before and after immersing in 3.5 wt. % NaCl for 7 coating and the substrate.
4. Conclusion
enhanced under external forces.
A facile process was used to prepare PDA-PANI-GO composite for
enhancing corrosion protection performance of the water-based alkyd
3.9. Visual results of the tape-peeling test varnish. Uniformly and densely button-shaped PANI bulges were
growing on the GO nanosheets and then the composites were covered
Tape-peeling test was performed to assess the mechanical stability with PDA. The GO nanosheets enhanced strength of the coating and
and adhesion of the as-prepared PDA-PANI-GO/WAV to the metal provided impermeability and physical barriers, on which homogeneous
substrate according to ATSM D3359-97 [81]. The lattice patterns were PANI bulges increased the path distance of the corrosive substances to
obtained by two perpendicular scratches and the pressure sensitive tape surface of the metallic subtract. Meanwhile, PDA, wrapping on the
was pressed onto the as-cut surface by fingers for 120 s to ensure good PANI-GO surface, improved compatibility between alkyd varnish and
contact, and then the tape was peeled off from the substrate. Fig. 13 fillers. With synergy among three ingredients, anticorrosion ability
exhibits the digital images of PDA-PANI-GO/WAV before and after greatly improved by over two orders of magnitude. Thus, en-
peeling off the tapes. As shown in Fig. 13b, no delamination or de- vironmentally friendly non-toxic WAV could be transformed into a
tachment of the coating at the edges and within the square lattice was prominent corrosion resistant coating by adding only 0.01 wt % of the
observed and Fig. 13c shows no debris of the coating remained on the PDA-PANI-GO additives. This study is expected to reduce the corrosion
tape. The coating-substrate adhesion is close to the 5A level according of metals especially for situations such as buildings and equipment in

N. Yang, et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 377 (2019) 142–151

Fig. 13. The digital images of the PDA-PANI-GO/WAV as-cut samples (a), samples after peeling off the tape (b) and detail of the tape peeling off from the samples (c).

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