Douglas1966 The Sociological Analysis of Social PDF
Douglas1966 The Sociological Analysis of Social PDF
Douglas1966 The Sociological Analysis of Social PDF
Jack D. Douglas
[There are] two kinds of knowledge, which we may call for convenience
dynamical and statistical. The statistical method of investigating social questions
has Laplace for its most scientific and Buckle for its most popular expounder.
Persons are grouped according to some characteristic, and the number of persons
forming the group is set down under that characteristic. This is the raw
material from which the statist endeavours to deduce general theorems in
sociology. Other students of human nature proceed on a different plan. They
observe individual men, ascertain their history, analyse their motives, and compare
their expectation of what they will do with their actual conduct. This may be
called the dynamical method of study as applied to man. However imperfect
the dynamical method of study of man may be in practice, it evidently is
the only perfect method in principle, and its short-comings arise from the limit-
ation of our powers rather than from a faulty method of procedure. If we betake
ourselves to the statistical method, we do so confessing that we are unable to
follow the details of each individual case, and expecting that the effects of wide-
spread causes, though very different in each individual, will produce an average
result on the whole nation, from a study of which we may estimate the character
and propensities of an imaginary being called the Mean Man.
Clerk MAXWELL, Science and Freezvill.
(1) Lovejoy's classic study of the (2) E.A. BURTH'S classical work was
Great Chain of Being idea in Western one of the first to clearly apply this gener-
culture is one such conclusive demon- al idea to science. See his The Metaphys-
stration. ical Foundations of Modern Science,
(New York, Doubleday, 1954).
ArcHiv. europ. sociol., VII (1966), 249-275.
work in the history of science has led to the conclusion that once
scientific ideas have been accepted by the members of a scientific
discipline, these ideas in turn come to form the unexamined ground
and substance of the normal scientific works within that discipline.
Though these ideas thus have far more in common with common-sense
and humanistic discourse than most scientists would ever care to admit,
there are some important differences which are taken into consideration
by giving the established, unexamined ideas of sciences a different
name—that of paradigmatic ideas (3).
Though sociological thought is still to some extent in a non para-
digmatic stage of thought construction, it does seem reasonably clear
that since about the middle of the 19th century sociological thought
has been constructed both of unexamined or metaphysical ideas and
of paradigmatic ideas. Insofar as sociological thought has been para-
digmatic, it has been multiply paradigmatic: that is, sociological
thought has since that time normally been intentionally constructed in
such a way that it will be seen by members of the (roughly defined)
discipline to fit certain (multiple) ideas held by those members to
constitute "sociological thought" (4). These paradigmatic ideas were
the foundations upon which whole works were constructed. Some-
times one or two paradigmatic ideas formed the basis for a sociologist's
lifetime work (5). In general, however, those works were constructed
around a number of paradigmatic ideas, even though these ideas often
conflicted with each other when they were examined in relation to
each other (6).
Most of the twentieth century sociologists who have done works
(3) See Thomas S. KUHN, The Struc- vacillation on the part of some. Why did
ture of Scientific Revolutions (Chicago, "sociology" win out over the others, at
The University of Chicago Press, 1962). least in France? Did its generality allow
(4) Until the latter part of the 19th its proponents to gain the support of more
century the terms used instead of "sociol- traditions of thought in their political
ogy" were "moral statistics", "public struggles to found an independent profes-
hygiene", "medical statistics", "social sion in the academic setting? Was it the
statistics", etc. Since these various disci- failure to achieve such a general name
plines of thought actually constituted the that led to the death of moral statistics in
paradigmatic works for those works (such Germany? This whole critical question
as DURKHEIM'S Suicide) still treated as of the naming of disciplines awaits serious
sociological paradigms by sociologists, it investigation.
seems apparent that one should use the (5) Halbwachs has previously argued
term "sociological" in referring to them, that this is the key to understanding
even though the earlier authors did not Quetelet's many works. See La The'orie de
meet that often used rule-of-thumb test of Vhomme moyen : Essai sur Quetelet et la
the self-imputation of the name "sociol- statistique morale (Paris 1913).
ogy". This whole problem of naming (6) Rather than any synthesis of the
brings into sharp focus the whole ques- paradigmatic ideas, the early sociologists
tion of the processes by which this many were normally content to provide a unify-
faceted set of disciplines came to share ing theme to their work, which usually
the one name of "sociology". It is clear consisted of some general goal of social
that there was much conflict over the welfare, such as national power, alle-
whole question of naming that there was viating suffering, or eradicating evil.
suicidal actions are "immoral" actions, the paradigmatic thought of the "social
both in an absolute sense (as in Durkeim's mechanists" and some of the more
conception of "social pathology") and in extreme positivists who simply sought to
the sense that this is a universally shared use the theories of the natural sciences as
social meaning of suicide in Western paradigms for analyzing social actions,
societies. This idea was behind the expli- For an excellent treatment of the "social
cit theoretical idea that a breakdown or mechanists", see PITIRIM A. SOROKIN,
decrease in "social constraint" (or "social Contemporary Sociological Theories (New
organization", etc.) was in some way the York, Harper, 1928), pp. 3-63.
cause of the increasing suicide rates in (13) Johann Peter SUSSMILCH, Die Gott-
Western societies. liche Ordnung in den Veranderungen des
(12) This metaphysical idea sharply Menschlichen Geschlechts (Berlin 1761).
distinguished sociological thought from (14) For an excellent treatment of the
La statistique criminelle devient aussi positive, aussi certaine que les autres
sciences d'observation lorsqu'on sait s'arreter aux faits bien constates, et les
grouper de maniere a les degager de ce qu'ils offrent d'accidentel. Ses resultats
generaux se presentent alors avec une si grande regularity qu'il est impossible
de les attribuer au hasard. Chaque annee voit se reproduire le meme nombre de
crimes dans le meme ordre, dans les memes regions; chaque classe de crimes a
sa distribution particuliere et invariable, par age, par saison; tous sont accom-
pagnes, dans des proportions pareilles, de faits accessoires, indifferents en ap-
parence, et dont rien encore n'explique le retour (15).
(2) The stability of suicide rates indicates that these actions are
caused by some lawful factors external to or not controlled by the
individuals commiting them. Again, de Guerry had stated the case
rather well:
(3) The most important external factors causing these actions are
social factors (17).
general cultural development in the West- (17) Both de Guerry and Quetelet
em World, of the ideas and values of expressed this position well. Consider,
quantitative precision see G.N. CLARK, for example, the following statement by
Science and Social Welfare in the Age of Quetelet: "Society includes withing it-
Newton (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1949). self the germs of all the crimes commit-
(15) A.M. GUERRY, Essai sur la statis- ted, and at the same time the necessary
tique morale de la France (Paris 1833), facilities for their development. It is the
p. 9. social state, in some measure, which
(16) Ibid. p. 11. prepares these crimes, and the criminal
(4) The most important social factors in the causation of social rates
of suicide are the social meanings, especially the "moral customs" of
the social groups. This paradigmatic idea was clearly an explicit
formulation of one of the most important metaphysical ideas (18).
(5) There exists a reasonably small set of highly abstract social
meanings (called the "social system" or the "social structure") which
are the causes of specific patterns of social actions such as suicide
rates; and the only valid sociological theory of such patterns (or sui-
cide rates) will be one in terms of states of this set of abstract mean-
ings. Unlike the other paradigmatic ideas, this idea was not fully
developed until Durkheim's Suicide (19). As we shall show further
below, however, this idea, in the specific form used by Durkheim,
had slowly developed throughout the century.
(22) One of the finest discussions of ly on literary cases taken from the
this method in relation to other methods Romantics to construct his types of sui-
used by sociologists is by L.L. BERNARD cide. E. DURKHEIM, Suicide (Glencoe,
in The Development of Methods in So- The Free Press, 1951), pp. 227-294.
ciology, The Monisi, XXXVIII (1928), 292-
320. Montaigne discussed suicide at length (24) Voltaire's essay on suicide in the
in "Custom of the Island of Cea". It Philosophical Dictionary made use not
should be stressed that the use of literary only of the traditional historical cases but
and historical cases of suicide remained also of contemporary newspaper cases.
very important throughout the nineteenth From such sources he attempted to arrive
century. Such works as that of Legoyt at certain scientific conclusions about
were largely based on historical material suicide : 1) suicide is more frequent in
and in certain fundamental respects cities than in rural regions; 2) the expla-
this form of data was far more reliable nation of the greater urban frequency of
and valid than that of twentieth century suicide is that cities produce more melan-
sociologists. (See the extensive criticisms cholia (or depression) in individuals
of official statistics below.) Historical because they have more free time from
and literary case material still remains, physical labor to think; 3) suicide can
of course, the best source for studies of be physically inherited because moral
changes in the moral meanings of suicide. character is inherited (an idea which
Such material was used very well for this Morselli and many others most emphat-
purpose by W.E.H. LECKY in History of ically accepted); and 4) some suicides,
European Morals from Augustus to Char- such as Euripide's Phaedra, commit sui-
lemagne, 2 vols. (New York 1869). It was cide in order to get revenge against some-
used excellently in the finest study done one (an idea which became of great
thus far on the moral meanings of suicide, importance only in the twentieth century
A. BAYET'S he suicide et la morale (Paris, works on suicide).
Alcan, 1922).
Durkheim himself relied almost entire- et de la folie suicide (Paris 1856).
certain respects more valid than the statistical method used by the
sociologists of the latter part of the 19th century, still the method
involved far too simplistic a view of social meanings. For our pur-
poses here, it is sufficient to note that the method failed to consider the
complexity and difficulty of understanding one's self. It assumed far
too high a degree of self-awareness, rationality, and honesty on the
part of social actors. It was in part because of their realization of this
that the moral statisticians and, subsequently, the Durkheimian sociol-
ogists rejected the case study method of determining and analyzing
the social meanings of suicide. This was shown in two specific para-
digmatic ideas they both adopted and created in their analyses of the
works based on the case study method:
a) suicide itself is an irrational action, so that individuals who
commit suicide cannot be presumed to understand the meanings of
their own actions (26) ;
b) men are in general infinitely complex and/or irrational, so that
the whole case study method of analyzing meanings by taking the
statement and actions of individuals as the fundamental data is invalid.
There were, however, other reasons, probably more important
reasons, for the rejection of the case study method by these groups
of sociologists. For one thing, some of them were anxious to create
their own professional and academic discipline, and this seemed to
demand a method that was distinct from the common-sense methods
still used by the (philosophical and psychological) case study method-
ologists. As Durkheim said, " [...] if there is to be a social science,
we shall expect it not merely to paraphrase the traditional prejudices
of the common man but to give us a new and different view of
them" (27). Even more importantly, however, there was the distinc-
tive mathematical method, the statistical method, to which the moral
statisticians had become increasingly committed. The fundamental
idea of this whole mathematical method was that individual differences
must, for certain purposes, be eliminated or overlooked. Quetelet had,
to some extent, attempt to salvage consideration of individuals by his
(26) This idea was largely adopted placed the proposal to establish a regu-
from the psychiatric theorists, especially lar course in sociology in the Faculty of
from Esquirol's work (op. dt.) in which Letters at Bordeaux, enabled us to devote
suicide was considered to be a symptom ourselves early to the study of social
of insanity. science and, indeed, to make it our voca-
(27) The Rules of Sociological Method tion. Therefore, we have been able to
(Glencoe, The Free Press, 1962), xxxvu. abandon these general questions (of philo-
The importance of the new method for sophical sociology) and to attack a
the new academic discipline (or the other certain number of definite problems. The
way around) was indicated by DURKHEIM very force of events has thus led us to
himself in his Introduction to The Rules construct a method that is, we believe,
of Sociological Method : "A happy combi- more precise and more exactly adapted to
nation of circumstances, among the the distinctive characteristics of social
more important of which may rightly be phenomena" {Ibid. p. ix.).
(28) Durkheim dit not actually com- other intellectual forces leading in the
pletely eliminate data on individuals, even same direction : political theory had come
when consistency called for this. Through to treat the nation state as independent
his Aristotelian ideas concerning causality, of the individual members; race psychol-
Durkheim retained a form of negative ogy had developed ideas of extra-indi-
(nay-saying) causality for individuals. This vidual, meaningful forces causing actions
was a form of material causality whereas by individuals: and the organic analogy
the efficient causality, which is what con- was a powerful one throughout the nine-
cerns science, was society. For an anal- teenth century.
ysis of such aspects of Durkheim's argu- (30) See F. PICAVET, Les ideologues
ment see Appendix II, "The Individual (Paris 1891).
and Society in Durkheim's Suicide", of (31) Recherches statistiques sur le suicide
Jack D. DOUGLAS, The Social Meanings (Paris 1844).
of Suicide, forthcoming by Princeton Uni- (32) Du suicide (Paris T856).
versity Press, rg6y. (33) Die Moralstatistik (Erlangen 1882).
(29) The statistical method of argument (34) Die Gesetzmossigkeitin den scheinbar
would surely not be sufficient in itself to willhurlichen menschlichen Handlungen
explain this elimination of data on indi- (Hamberu 1864).
viduals. Besides the factors of founding (35) Cours tlementaires de statistique
an independent profession, there were (Paris 1895).
Durkheim did not clearly see the need for any scientific method of
determining and analyzing meanings: probably because he started
Suicide with a positivistic method which emphasized external (morpho-
logical) factors as the causes of social actions such as suicide (49). In
the course of the work he came increasingly to see the social meanings
of such categories or factors as being the critical causes or explanations
of the suicide rates, but he had no objective method of determining
social meanings other than the use of common-sense and the existing
juristic norms. In one part of Suicide he argued, as he had earlier,
that only the juristic norms were an adequate indication of the moral
meanings, since they were not subject to individual variations (50).
His whole argument, however, rested on the absolutely fundamental
assumption that the moral meanings of suicide do not vary within
Western cultures, since, otherwise, variations in suicide rates could
be explained by his own theory in terms of variations in these moral
meanings rather than in terms of variations in the social meanings of
anomie-fatalism and egoism-altruism. (Bayet saw how fundamental
Durkheim's assumption of the invariance in moral meanings was to
Durkheim's whole argument and proceeded to demonstrate in immense
detail just how unjustified Durkheim's assumption was for his own
society, France.) This meant that he was left with nothing but com-
(43) A. BAYET, Le suicide et la morale not, however, see the reasons for this in the
{Paris, Alcan, 1922), p. 3. very nature of Durkheim's positivistic
(49) Roger LACOMBE, in his excellent gen- method nor did he have a specific solution
eral critique of La me'thode sociologique de to offer to the problem.
Durkheim (Paris, Alcan, 1926) has argued (50) As Bayet {op. cit.) argued so excel-
that the fundamental weakness of Durk- lently, Durkheim's whole " realist" concep-
heim's whole method was his failure to tion of law and its relations to morality and
recognize the need for any scientific means actions is completely untenable. Bayet,
of determining the inner (psychological) however, did not see that this method of
meanings which Durkheim believed to be analyzing moral meanings was a necessary
the causes of social actions. Lacombe did outcome of Durkheim's whole method.
As to her causes (physical and moral) the greatest excess of men is found
in the group of vices, in that of financial embarrassments, and in weariness of
life, that is to say, amongst the egoistical motives, whilst among women, after
mental diseases, there predominate passions, domestic troubles, shame and remorse
(especially in cases of illegitimate pregnancy). Among the causes which urge
them to leave this life woman always exhibits that spirit of self-denial, that
delicacy of feeling and of love, which, inspire all her acts (51).
Now, Durkheim does not at all dispute the greater egoistic suicide rate
of men. Largely working with the same statistics on family associations
and suicide that Morselli used, Durkheim found more or less the same
statistical relations and, working in the same theoretical tradition, he
agreed, in his own way, that the difference was man's greater egoism.
But he then supplies a completely contrary (and very complex) com-
mon-sense interpretation of this supposedly greater masculine egoism,
an interpretation that happens to fit all of the details of his own theory:
This is also why woman can endure life in isolation more easily than man.
When a widow is seen to endure her condition much better than a widower and
desires marriage less passionately, one is led to consider this ease in dispensing
with the family a mark of superiority; it is said that woman's affective faculties,
being very intense, are easily employed outside the domestic circle, while her
devotion is indispensable to man to help him endure life. Actually, if this is
her privilege it is because her sensibility is rudimentary rather than highly
developed. As she lives outside of community existence more than man, she is
less penetrated by it; society is less necessary to her because she is less impregn-
ated with sociability. She has few needs in this direction and satisfies them
easily. With a few devotional practices and some animals to care for, the old
unmarried woman's life is full. If she remains faithfully attached to religious
traditions and thus finds ready protection against suicide, it is because these very
simple social forms satisfy all her needs. Man, on the contrary, is hard beset
in this respect. As his thought and activity develop, they increasingly overflow
(51) H. MORSELLI, Suicide, op. cit. p. 305.
these antiquated forms. But then he needs others. Because he is a more complex
social being, he can maintain his equilibrium only by finding more points of sup-
port outside himself, and it is because his moral balance depends on a larger
number of conditions that it is more easily disturbed (52).
the early case study method, this earlier method will not help much.
The 20th century case study methods of psychiatry and psychology are
also of little use, since they are based primarily on certain abstract,
predetermined, genetic theories of action (55) which leave out of con-
sideration almost all aspects of social meanings and, thereby, falsify
the nature of human action.
What is called for is a whole new sociological method for determin-
ing and analyzing the communicative actions which can be observed
and replicated in real-world cases of suicide. This method must retain
the emphasis on observation and description of the earlier case-study
methods, but it must also retain the emphasis on comparative studies
of patterns of meanings of the statistical method.
The ideal method would involve, at the first step of observation, the
exact recording of all verbal and non-verbal communicative acts involv-
ed in a case of suicide. The next step would be the preliminary
analysis of the patterns of invariant linguistic items (i.e. words, phrases,
sentences, facial expressions, etc.). Following this, one would next
analyze such communications to determine the varying structures in
which these linguistic items appear: that is, one would determine the
usages (or constructions—see below) made with these linguistic items.
One would then attempt to determine the relations between the general
situations or contexts of the social actors, as denned by the actors,
and the constructions appearing. Lastly, one would be ready to attempt
a more general theory relating meanings to each other and to actions.
We need hardly point out that this ideal is quite Utopian at this
time. At the present time the best approximation to the ideal method
which is practicable involves the careful use of the best cases of suicid-
al communications and actions recorded by psychiatrists and other
persons involved, such as the persons commiting the actions, analyzed
by one's common-sense understandings of the meanings of such com-
municative acts in our society (56). Such analyses of cases must be
comparative and must not be predetermined by some set of personality
or society categories assumed to be the only right categories for under-
standing the social world.
Such an analysis is clearly a very lengthy one that we cannot pos-
sibly fully undertake here, even though the details of the method will
not be clear until one can actually see a number of cases being compar-
atively analyzed. However, my previous analyses of just this sort have
led to conclusions which have fundamental implications for all socio-
logical investigations and theory and which, consequently, are especial-
(55) The inadequacies and the limits the social meanings of suicide in other
of usefulness of psychological and psychi- cultures poses very difficult problems,
atric case studies of suicide have been The best attempt to do so thus far is
analyzed at length in Jack D. DOUGLAS, G. DEVEREUX'S Mohave Efhnopsychiatry
The Sociological Study of Suicide, op. cit. and Suicide (Washington, U.S. Govt. Print-
PP- 377-406. ing Office, 1961).
(56) The determination and analysis of
(57) See Jack D. DOUGLAS, The Social live de suicide (Paris, Delachaux, 1954),
Meanings of Suicide, op. cit., Part. IV. pp. 9-59. For an analysis of these dimen-
(58) For a detailed presentation of the sions of meanings in the formal definitions,
various formal, theoretical definitions of see Jack D. DOUGLAS, Appendix II, The
"suicide" see P.B. SCHNEIDER, La tenta- Social Meanings of Suicide, op. cit.
members of the family and friends to argue with the official categorizers
to the effect that this instance of death should not be categorized as
a "suicide".)
This essentially problematic nature of the social meanings of "sui-
cide" means, for one thing, that there is no such thing as one definite,
necessarily valid (socially meaningful) " Suicide rate". The whole idea
of a given, necessarily valid (or invalid) "Suicide rate" for a Western
society is a complete misconception of the meaningful nature of "sui-
cide" in Western societies, even if one is only concerned with the
categorizations made by officials. (One would expect, however, that the
meanings are less essentially problematic among one group with a high
degree of shared experience than between different groups of this
nature). Whatever the state of reality, the "facts", one can construct
many different, equally "valid", socially meaningful counts of "sui-
cide", and this is true even if, for some totally arbitrary reason, one
attends only to the categorizations of officials. The problem with
statistics on suicide, therefore, is not at all one of simply devising
more accurate measurements. The fundamental problem is that of
determining and analyzing the social meanings of suicide must be solved
before one can attempt any quantitative analyses.
However, it is even more important to discover that, aside from
being essentially problematic, "suicide" is also situationally (or prag-
matically) problematic. That is, regardless of the abstract social mean-
ings given to the category of "suicide", the actual or realized imputa-
tions of the category in any given instance of death are dependent upon
many other factors, most especially upon the intentions of the partici-
pants. (An obvious instance of this which illustrates the difference
between the two types of problems of meanings is the individual who
specifically intends to commit what he imputes the category of "sui-
cide" but does it in such a way that the local officials will categorize
it as an "accident".)
Since there are no specific meanings imputed to all (or even most)
suicidal actions, the meanings of such actions must be constructed by
the individuals committing them and by the others involved through
their interactions with each other. Just what specific meanings are
realized or actually imputed will depend on the intentions of the various
actors, the socially perceived ways in which the actions are committed,
the specific patterns of suicidal meanings (see below) which are realiz-
ed, and the whole argument processes, before, during, and after the
"suicidal actions". (It should be- clearly noted that whether or not
actions are socially categorized as "suicidal" depends on precisely the
same sort of process. That is, individuals construct arguments involv-
ing behavior and statements in order to communicate to other arguers
the meanings which best fit their intentions. The obvious examples
are those individuals who construct situations which they believe will
be categorized as "accidents", with the intentions of avoiding "embar-
There are, first of all, the various criteria determining the plausibility
of arguments, which limit very greatly the meanings which can be
realized, though it is even most likely that in some instances individuals
even intend to have their arguments considered to be implausible or
irrational ("insane", "senseless", etc.). There are, secondly, rela-
tively few patterns of situated meanings which one finds playing impor-
tant parts in most of the realized meanings concerning "suicidal
actions" and which, consequently, are very generally used by indiv-
iduals to intentionally construct certain overall meanings. (Because
of their frequency it seems most likely that individuals must take these
patterns into consideration in some way in their attempts to construct
the meanings of their actions for others.) The most common patterns
of meanings of this sort in the Western World are those involving
"revenge" (59), "the search for help" (60), "sympathy", "escape",
"repentance", "expiation of guilt", "self-punishment", and "serious-
ness" (61).
We can best illustrate a part of the method of analyzing such mean-
ings of suicide (62) by briefly presenting a few comparative case
analyses. For this purpose we shall analyze the "revenge" meanings
of suicide.
As we have noted above, suicidal actions have, as one of their
potential dimensions of meaning, the meaning that something is funda-
mentally wrong with this situation. This means that suicidal actions
can be used reflexively to say that something is fundamentally to blame
for their situation. Because of the generally shared values against
hurting others, especially against pushing another person too far ("to
the brink"), individuals can use such reflexive meanings to achieve
goals while still alive through attempting suicide but "failing" to die
(or succeeding in not dying, depending on just what their goal is).
We can see this use of the reflexive meaning of suicide rather clearly
in the following case:
Mr. F. B., born 1902, had for several years before his admission to hospital
shown increasing irritability, suspiciousness and lack of inhibition. In 1945 he
became openly paranoid and depressed, and at the same time made excessive
In this case we can see quite clearly that the wife interpreted her
husband's suicidal actions as being a direct result of her separation
proceedings, that is, it was clear to her that this particular, immediately
preceding situation was a "cause" of his suicidal actions. In line with
her interpretation of his suicidal actions and her desire that he not
commit suicide, she changed the situation back to what it had been
before the "causing" situation.
However, there is also an "aggressive" possibility in this general
reflexive meaning of suicidal actions (64). By using various methods
of pointing out who or what is the cause (i.e., "to blame") for one's
suicidal actions one can produce negative social sanctions and self-
blame against specific entities and persons (65). In analyzing such
meanings it seems essential to begin comparing the more culturally
obvious instances and only after understanding the many details of
these to proceed to the more culturally involved, subtle cases. One
of the more culturally obvious cases of revenging oneself upon some
specific person(s) is the following:
A young clerk twenty-two years old killed himself because his bride of four
months was not in love with him but with his elder brother and wanted a divorce
so that she could marry the brother. The letters he left showed plainly the
suicide's desire to bring unpleasant notoriety upon his brother and his wife, and
to attract attention to himself. In them he described his shattered romance and
advised reporters to see a friend to whom he had forwarded diaries for further
details. The first sentence in a special message to his wife read: " I used to
love you; but I die hating you and my brother, too." This was written in a
(63) Quoted from STENGEL and COOK, missed the whole social nature of such
Attempted Suicide (London, Oxford Uni- an action.
versity Press, 1958), p. 56. (65) One can construct the meanings
(64) Psychologists and sociologists have of his suicidal actions in such a way as
very generally come to consider "suicide" to "blame the world"or "blame Hollywood"
to be one form of "aggression". See, for (as seems to have been partially true in
example, A.F. HENRY and J.F. SHORT, the death of Marilyn Monroe) and so on.
Suicide and Homicide: Some Economic, However, because our commonsense theo-
Sociological and Psychological Aspects of ries of persons tend to strongly emphasize
Aggression (Glencoe, The Free Press, 1954). persons as the causal factors in explaining
They have not seen, however, that the our actions, it is especially easy to see
success of such an aggressive intent is other individuals as the something that
due to the reflexive nature of the social is to blame for a suicidal action,
meanings of suicide. They have really
firm hand; but as his suicide diary progressed, the handwriting became erratic
and then almost unintelligible as he lapsed into unconsciousness. Some time after
turning on the gas he wrote: "Took my 'panacea' for all human ills. It won't
be long now." An hour later he continues: "Still the same, hope I pass out
by 2 a.m. Gee, I love you so much, Florence. I feel very tired and a bit dizzy.
My brain is very clear. I can see that my hand is shaking—it is hard to die
when one is young. Now I wish oblivion would hurry"—the note ended there.
Another note regretted the inconvenience to the landlady for using her prem-
ises as a death-house. Still another read: " 'To whom it may interest: The
cause of it all: I loved and trusted my wife and trusted my brother. Now I
hate my wife, despise my brother and sentence myself to die for having been
fool enough to have ever loved any one as contemptible as my wife has proven
to be. Both she and her lover (my brother) knew this afternoon that I intended
to die tonight. They were quite pleased at the prospect and did not trouble to
conceal their elation. They had good reason to know that I was not jesting.' "
The brother who is twenty-three years old spoke frankly to the police about
his friendship with his brother's wife. Though separated in childhood when the
parents had drifted apart, the two brothers had later on become inseparable
companions until shortly before the tragedy, when both fell in love with the
same girl. The younger man attempted suicide when his love was not returned
and upon his recovery, the girl agreed to marry him out of pity—but later on
she found she could not live up to her bargain. After a few weeks of married
life, the husband discovered the relationship existing between his wife and his
brother. He became much depressed and threatened suicide. The day before his
death, there was a scene and when assured that the two were really deeply in
love with each other, the clerk retorted: "All right, I can do you more harm
dead than alive" (66).
less direct means of blaming (i.e., so that they won't be clearly just
"aggressive") (69).
This analysis has also led us to see that social causality or "blame",
like "suicide" itself, is the result of suicidal argument processes be-
tween the many participants, real and imagined (70). (It also leads
us to expect that society as a whole must eventually be analyzed in
terms of such meaningful conflicts rather than in terms of assumed
patterns of shared meanings as is generally done today.)
As an example of the far more involved, subtle "revenge" meanings
that can be constructed for suicidal actions, we shall present and briefly
analyze the case of Marguerite as reported in Deshaies excellent work:
Thirty-eight years of age, divorced for several years, Marguerite S. had lost
her parents and a child. She lived alone and worked as a saleswoman in a
Parisian department store. Very pretty, refined, well-balanced, not at all emotion-
al, she had never had the least psychopathic trouble. Of normal intelligence, she
was very affectionate, obliging, gentle, devoid of all aggressiveness, on the whole
passive and somewhat listless. She had a coquetterie, self-confidence, and the
simpering, slightly childish manner common to pretty women. She scarcely
exploited her charms, and lived rather turned in upon herself, waiting for events
instead of preparing for them.
In 1938 there came an event. Chance linked her with an engineer, Guy, two
years younger than she. She became his mistress. Their liaison was not
interrupted by the war, on the contrary—it reinforced it, at least on Marguerite's
part. And then, these were the sad years of the occupation, with their anxieties
and common hopes. Even though they didn't live together, Marguerite strained
her ingenuity to better Guy's existence; their sexual understanding was perfect.
Marguerite was happy and loved passionately, without reserve, without after-
thought, with no eye to the future—even though their liaison was without a
formal engagement. (Guy, a methodical and prudent fellow, had taken care to
make this clear from the beginning.)
For Marguerite, Guy represented the universe. He was at the same time child
and lover, family and master, the reason for living and the aim of living. He
had bound up all her capacity for affection, filled the emptiness of an incomplete
existence, and made the ideal teacher around whom her deeper personality could
develop. It was not a matter of a thunderbolt, but of a slow, steady, building
up of layers which united her indissolubly to her object. The hold of the object
manifested itself in everything though without being anything of an obsession,
for the self had no place to struggle, its adhesion was complete. To give one-
self body and soul is not a vain image, the oblative form of love, the purest
perhaps, the proof, as in the present case, a fortunate passion, a normal passion.
Why must it be so rarely given out ?
A November evening in 1943 produced the catastrophe. With consideration,
but with decision, Guy announced to her the end of their liaison. Marguerite
experienced an intense emotion, with cardiac pain, facial congestion, tears, astenia.
"It's impossible, oh! no, it isn't true! Tell me it's nightmare! My Guy, my
Guy, you are everything for me, you are my God, you are my soul! Can one
live without his soul? It's not possible. You're all my life, everything [...] To
whom will I tell my troubles, my thoughts ? It's horrible! You are my sole
reason for living, without you I no longer have anything. I feel as if my head
will burst. Must I pay with all the tortures of the heart and mind for the few
(69) This whole analysis has been taken suicidal process has been given in Chap. V
from The Social Meanings of Suicide. of Part IV in Ibid.
(70) An extensive analysis of such a
hours of joy I've known? My darling, if you go away it's either madness or
death for me [...] I don't wish it, but I wouldn't have the strength to bear [...]"
Destroyed, poor Marguerite stopped working, stayed inside, and lost interest
in everything that wasn't the object of her passion. Her disarray was total, a
veritable cataclysm in which, at one blow, all the affective organization of her
life foundered, all her attachments were broken, all her interests vanished, her
whole future dissolved. The duration stopped at the threshold of the present,
burdened with a past which could no longer lead to anything. The weeks rolled
by, their alternating hope and despair determined by the attitude of Guy, who
was sometimes softened and charitable, sometimes hardened and pitiless accord-
ing to the predominance of his tender feelings or his rational will to carry out
his plan.
[...] Meanwhile Marguerite had gone back to work and was striving to reconquer
her lover. She was calm, with a normal deportment, no longer emotional; never-
theless, her passion remained unchanged. After a sad Christmastime, cruelly
nourished by the tender memories of the past, she appeared for the first time
animated by an aggressive tendancy which gave to the idea of suicide the charact-
er of vengeance. "I am suffering, I can't stand it any longer, I wish to die.
I wish I were able to hate you! I have given you everything and you have
given me a hard heart. Why haven't I met another man who had a heart less
hard? Why do I love you so much? I would like to hate, I would like to hate
you. I would like to kill you and then myself [...] Have pity!" "But I know
what I will do: it isn't you who will leave me, it is I. I shall die before you,
under your eyes, I want you to see me die. I want you to see me dead and
I want the image of me always between that woman and you." Jealousy explodes
and works against the unknown rival: "I will scratch that woman's eyes out.
I will kill her. I will kill her. She has no right to marry you. You are my
whole life, without you it's the end of the world, without you I can't go on
living." This aggressiveness was transitory and suicide continued to be seen as
a liberation from suffering and also a way to free Guy from the problems and
boredom she had created for him.
The idea of suicide was active and accepted, but Marguerite still hesitated,
perhaps from a lack of courage, but especially because a vague hope persisted,
since Guy continued to see her. Her sleep was troubled by expressive nightmares:
train accidents, falls down precipices; she is going to hide herself under the water,
deeper and deeper and she suffocates; she throws herself out the window of
Guy's building; Guy suddenly appears at her home and she tells him: "I shall
remain with you always" ; sometimes some sexual dreams, exceptionally dreams
of war (bombing at which she is impassively present).
Then all hope disappeared. Guy definitively maintained his decision and told
her to "remake her life" without him. And then since she could no longer live
either with him or without him, she decided to kill herself. She still loved Guy
as much, and in a letter which she addressed to him on April 29, 1914, she told
him again all her love, and very tenderly, with neither irony nor complaints, she
wished him happiness before telling him adieu. The next day they took her
body from the Seine (71).
The thing that seems most striking about Marguerite's suicide is the
great difference in the general "tone" or over-all meaning (that is, the
context of meaning determined by the dominant meanings) of the last
communication with her lover, her "farewell" letter, from the earlier
communications about her intention to commit suicide. In the earlier
stages of the struggle it was clear that she was fighting and that suicide
(71) G. DESHAIES, Psychologic du suicide 1947). (This case has been translated
(Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, by the author of this essay.)