Lexis and Grammar

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Lexis and Grammar

My answers are underlined.

A - Read this note written by Simon. There are six verbs tense mistakes. Can you find them
and correct them?

a) went
Dear Tom, b) was
Last Saturday I go to Fun Park with my friend
Peter. It is a beautiful day because the sun is
shining. The Park was very interesting and
there are many things which we could do.
When we buy some sweets, we see Paula.
Next time you can come with me.
c) was
d) were buying
e) bought
f) saw

B - Write sentences using the Present Perfect.

1. Cathy / already / buy / new / iPhone / a / .

Cathy has already bought a new iPhone.

2. George / just / send / an email to a friend / .

George has just send an email to a friend.

3. How long / your daughter / have / a Facebook acount / ?

How long has your daughter had a Facebook acount?

4. The students / not take / a selfie / yet / .

The students hasn´t taken a selfie yet.

C - Fill in the blanks with for, since, just, ever, already, never, yet.

1. He has just met his friends online.

2. We haven´t finished our project on techonology yet but I´ve already convinced the teacher
to give us some more time. We have been working on it for some days.

3. She has had a laptop since she was 9 years old.

4. Have they never spent a day without their mobiles?

5. My parents have _______________ told my brother he should spend less time on the
Internet. I think they should say something.

D - Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or Present Perfect.

1. We have never played (never/play) that video game.

2. I had (have) a problem with my iPad yesterday. My father has already repaired
(already/repair) it.

3. Have (you/finish) the report yet? No, I haven´t.

4. Alex has had (have) a Facebook acount since 2013.

5. Have they uploaded (they/upload) more photos last week? No, they haven´t.

6. My sister forgot (forget) her mobile phone at school two days ago.

7. They went (go) shopping last weekend but didn´t buy (not buy) the video game they had
seen (see) in magazine last Friday.

8. Has he ever tried (he/ever/try) this cool app?

9. I haven´t seen (not see) him at school for some days.

10. Somebody stole (steal) my bike.

E - Infinitive or Gerund?

1. Teenagers usually hate getting (get) up early.

2. I´m sorry for interrupting (interrupt) you.

3. Children who can´t stand being (be) bullied feel unhappy at school.

4. Do you feel like going (go) to a concert on Friday?

5. I look forward to see (see) you again.

6. I used to teach (teach) yoga to children, but now I don´t.

F - Complete these conditional sentences with the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple or

1. If they cook (cook) a new recipe, they´ll post a picture on Instagram.

2. If Amy decides (decide) to cut her hair vey short, she won´t like it at all.
3. Will you stop (you/stop) annoying me if I join your study group?

G - Choose the correct option.

1. Tanya and her sister didn´t / wouldn´t argue so much if they had separate bedrooms.

2. My friends would help me if I had / would have a problema with a bully.

3. The students would be in trouble if they don´t / didn´t do their homework.

4. Carl would be on time for class if he left / leaves home earlier.

5. You wouldn´t / didn´t have money for trainers if you bought those jeans.

6. Linda would watch TV if there are / were any interesting shows.

7. Our parents were / would be thrilled if we did more housework.

H - Complete the conditional sentences with the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or

1. If teenagers didn´t take (not take) so many selfies they would not be obsessed with their

2. Adam is so shy that he wouldn´t say (not say) anything if were the victim of bullying.

3. Fashion magazines would help teenagers with their self-esteem if they stopped (stop)
printing photoshopped pictures.

I - Join the sentences using a relative pronoun. Put the relative pronoun in brackets when it
can be omitted.

1. Where is the tech magazine? It was on the kitchen table?

Where is the tech magazine which was on the kitchen table?

2. Have you met that friend of mine? Her brother works for Microsoft.

Have you met that friend of mine who her brother works for Microsoft?

3. The student took a selfie. She is next to the head teacher.

The student who took a selfie is next to the head teacher.

4. I met a girl. Her father is a famous chef.

I met a girl that her father is a famous chef.

5. This is the boy. His friend broke an arm.

This is the boy who his friend broke an arm.

6. This is the girl. She had a car accident.

This is the girl who had a car accident.

7. She is reading the book. She bought it yesterday.

She is reading the book which bought yesterday.

8. This must be the presenter. I saw him on TV yesterday.

This must be the presenter who I saw on TV yesterday.

9. Do you know the girl? Her mother is a casting director.

Do you know the girl that her mother is a casting director?

J - Idioms: related to body. Fill in the gaps using a body part to complete the idioms.

1. Good luck with you job interview. I´ll keep my fingers crossed for you.

2. She asked me if I wanted to know the lastest gossip, so I told her I was all ears.

3. I have butterflies in my stomach because of my job interview. I´m so nervous.

K - Idioms: related to food. Complete the sentences with a food idiom. Make the necessary
verb changes.

1. Most of the kids in the class are nice and quiet, but there´s always one a bad egg.

2. You sent the wrong email to your boss!? Oh well… what´s done is done. There´s no point

3. Don´t worry abou the PE exam. I did it before and I found it really easy. It was a piece of

4. I have to admit that science fiction films are not my cup of tea. I prefer action films based on
real facts.

L - Write question tags.

1. The concert doesn´t finish late, doesn´t it?

2. Your friends went to a party, didn´t they?

3. I can use my phone here, can´t I?

4. Ben isn´t going out later, is he?

5. You weren´t studying, were you?

6. Anna has got a smartphone, hasn´t she?

7. We didn´t call Thomas, did we?

M – Write sentences with question tags. Remember to use the correct verb tense.

1. We / not / have got / a test / today

We don´t have got a test today, do we?

2. You / not / see / Adam / last /night

You didn´t see Adam last night, did you?

3. Paul / eat / dinner / now

Paul eats dinner now, doesn´t he?

4. Your friends / not / usually / play / tennis

Your friends usually don´t play tennis, do they?

5. Sarah / can / not / sing / very well

Sarah can´t sing very well, can she?

6. That concert / be / two months ago

That concert was two months ago, wasn´t it?

N - Complete the table.

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle

Begin Began Begun
Drink Drank Drunk
Ring Rang Rung
Sing Sang Sung
Swim Swam Swum
Bring Brought Brought
Buy Bought Bought
Build Built Built
Feel Felt Felt
Find Found Found
Keep Kept Kept
Leave Left Left
Lost Lost Lost
Make Made Made
Meet Met Met
Pay Paid Paid
Say Said Said
Sell Sold Sold
Send Sent Sent
Sleep Slept Slept
Spend Spent Spent
Teach Taught Taught
Tell Told Told
Think Thought Thought
Win Won Won
Drive Drove Driven
Eat Ate Eaten
Fly Flew Flown
Forget Forgot Forgotten
Give Gave Given
Go Went Gone
Grow Grew Grown
Know Knew Known
Ride Rode Ridden
Run Ran Run
See Saw Seen
Speak Spoke Spoken
Steal Stole Stolen
Take Took Taken
Wear Wore Worn
Write Wrote Written
Study Studied Studied
Cry Cried Cried
Be Was Been
Choose Chose Chosen

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