Soal2 Utbk Devita 2022

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( 2 tahun lalu ada di PPU sekitar 5 – 7 soal )

The song alive as night draws in.
2. UTBK 2021/TPS/ING/GEL.I/65
Beneath the blanket, between the fold
The word soothed in paragraph 2 in the
of cradling arms, in rooms across the
passage is closest meaning to…
world, a hidden chorus of caregivers fills
A. Aided = membantu
the night with song to an audience of
B. Calmed = menenangkan
children. They're singing lullabies. Across
C. Cheered
cultures, lullabies echo the histories of
D. Satisfied
those who sing them.
E. Entertained
There is a growing body of
research about how lullabies help
3. UTBK 2021/TPS/ING/GEL.I/66
soothe both caregiver and child. Laura
In the passage, there is a statement
Cirelli, professor of developmental
like this:
psychology atthe University of
In her most recent work, she found
Toronto, studies the science of maternal
that familiar songs soothed babies the
song. She found that when mothers
most- more than speaking or
sang lullabies, stress levels dropped not
hearing un familiar songs.
just for the baby but for mothers as well.
If unknown songs …. Babies will
In her most recent work, she found
not sleep so easily.
that familiar songs soothed babies the
A. Are delivered
most-- more than speaking or hearing
B. Are delivering
unfamiliar songs. However, lullabies
C. Delivered
tend to have collections of features across
D. Were delivered
cultures. The Harvard University's Music
E. To deliver
Lab project found that people can hear
universal traits in music--even when they
4. UTBK 2021/TPS/ING/GEL.I/67
are listening to songs from other
Lullabies…… be identified consistently
cultures. The project asked
by most participants in the Lab
29,000 participants to listen to 118
songs and identify whether it was a
A. Should = sebaiknya
healing song, a dance song, a love song, or
B. Could = bisa/dapat
a lullaby, with the findings statistically
C. Ought to = harus
showing that people are most consisten
D. Must = harus (wajib)
in identifying lullabies. Adapted
E. Would =akan

1. UTBK 2021/TPS/ING/GEL.I/64
According to the passage, singing
lullabies can ….. the stress level of
both mothers and children.
A. Remove
B. Recover
C. Replace
D. Reduce
E. Realease
5. UTBK 2021/TPS/ING/GEL.I/69
Sport refers to an activity The authors describe the effect of sports
involving physical activity and skill, on mental health in paragraph…
Sports are an integral part of human, A. 1
and there is great importance of sports B. 2
in all spheres of life, Sports have a C. 3
massive positive effect both physically D. 4
and mentally. E. 5
First of all, from the physical
point of view, sports strengthen the 6. UTBK 2021/TPS/ING/GEL.I/70
heart. They serve as an excellent The author would apparently agree
preventive measure against heart that the relationship between sports
diseases leading to an increased life and heart disease discussed in the
expectancy of individuals. They involve passage is similar to phenomenon
physical activity of the body, because of between…
the increase of flexibility of the wall of A. Players and their coach
the blood vessels. Such flexibility B. Ambulance and hospital
increases due to physical exertion, which C. Engine and cars
is the result of sports. D. Vaccine and Covid-19
1In addition, sports make a person
E. Windows and house
experience a good quality of
breathing. They strengthen the lungs
7. UTBK 2021/TPS/ING/GEL.I/71
of the body in particular ways. 3Sports The irrelevant statement in paragraph 3
are particularly helpful in making our is sentence…
body fit and slim. By escalating the lung A. 1
capacity end efficiency of the body, more
B. 2
oxygen enters the blood which is
C. 3
extremely beneficial. 5Furthermore,
D. 4
there are fewer chances of developing
E. 5
lung diseases due to sports.
Moreover, from the mental point
8. UTBK 2021/TPS/ING/GEL.I/72
of view, sports bring discipline in life.
Regarding the advantages of sports
They teach the values of dedication and
to people’s life, the more…. The
patience. In addition, they also teach
people how to handle failure because of
A. Time people spend for sports-life
a number of difficulties of movements
found in sports. The importance of
B. People inhale oxygen-possibility
following a time schedule is also present
they suffer from lung diseases
in sport, requiring people to be
C. Flexible the walls of their blood
vessels are-fats people will
Finally, sports reduce the stress
of mind. People who play sports would
D. People get involved in sports-
certainly experience less depression
people want to become
because sports can ensure the peace of
their mind. Most noteworthy, they
E. Difficilities people face in playing
bring happiness and joy in the life of
sports -their interest to do sport
people who play them.
will be
9. UTBK 2021/TPS/ING/GEL.I/73
Here are the jumbled
sentences from paragraph
that follows the above
paragraph. Please reorder the Apart from disaster response, Al also plays
following sentences. a critical role in the field of medicine including
a. A. sport is an aspect of human life research, training, and diagnosis of diseases.
that is of paramount importance Medical Al deals with the construction of AI
b. This is because it is as important systems and programs
as education
c. Everyone must perform at least
one sport activity on a regular
d. It certainly increases the quality of
human life
e. Therefore, it must be made
mandatory in schools
The best order of the sentences above
A. A-d-e-b-c
B. A-b-d-e-c
C. A-c-e-b-d
D. A-c-e-d-b
E. A-d-b-c-e I have a book. It is

Artificial Intelligence or Al is a
term which simply means the machine
intelligence. Lately, there has been a
popular debate whether Al is considered
as a threat or a benefit to humans.
Even though portrayed as a threat
account of the loss of jobs, Al is
promising solution in disaster response
and for medical applications with
efficiency and high precision compared
to humans.
AI has proven to be a solution to
natural disasters which affect different
places globally. The success of
humanitarian intervention depends on
quality information, which is in the
heart of the AI system. For example,
the Artificial Intelligence Disaster
Response has been applied in different
catastrophes. In this case, Al comes
handy as a partner in helping humans
prevent the aftermath of disaster.
Therefore, artificial intelligence is able
to solve tasks that are otherwise
complicated and time-consuming to
that can make diagnosis and Which of the following is NOT
therapy recommendations easier. correct according to the passage?
It is evident that AI has not only A. AI can be used to create jobs
revolutionized the medical field B. AI provides data to solve problems
but also promised its C. AI has negatice impacts for
sustainability. medical applicants
However, AI also presents D. AI has reduced oppurtuities for
the existential threat of loss of employment
jobs. Research predicts that E. AI helps us to execute complex
artificial intelligence already has tasks.
and poses an existential threat
to the labor market. The
emergence of intelligent
algorithm that controls robot has
led to the loss of jobs that are
otherwise tiring and monotonous
to humans. Even so, not all jobs in
entirety will be affected. Rather,
even the existence of AI in the
workplace would require the
support of experts, which is also
another frontier for job
creation. In sum, even though AI
poses a threat to the labor
market, it creates an avenue for
employment as well.
In conclusion, amid the fear
that AI is a threat, either now or
in the future it is clear that it has
substantial and critical benefits
for humans. Using the system
that mimic human and animal
intelligence is the next frontier in
solving problems within society.
(Adapted from:

10.UTBK 2021/TPS/ING/GEL.I/74
The authors assumes that humans
less…. Than AI
A. Accurate
B. Practical
C. Concreate
D. Punctual
E. Intelligent

11.UTBK 2021/TPS/ING/GEL.I/75
12.UTBK 2021/TPS/ING/GEL.I/76 C. AI can make accurate diagnoses
How does the author organize the D. AI still requires human’s
ideas in paragraph 2 and 3? intervention in decision making
A. Paragraph 3 gives example of E. People cannot compete with AI
jobs performed by AI to technology
support the arguments posed in
paragraph 2.
B. Paragraph 3 presents detail
information to emphasize the
explanation about AI in paragraph
C. Paragraph 3 explains the
importance of AI to counter the
doubt described in paragraph
D. Both paragraphs purpose what
AI needs to improve to solve
E. Both paragraphs present the use
of AI to solve problems

13.UTBK 2021/TPS/ING/GEL.I/77 Which

of the following best restates the
underlined sentence in paragraph 4?
A. It is predicted that the expansion
of AI has improved the quality
of labour skills
B. It is possible that the presence of
AI has jeopardized the labour
C. It is evident that the fast
growing of AI has reduced the
number of highly skilled
D. It is claimed that the existance of
AI has created job opportunities
for labours
E. It is certain that the emergence of
AI has positively influenced the
labour market

14.UTBK 2021/TPS/ING/GEL.I/78
From this passage we can imply
A. AI can replace humans in
medical field
B. People can rely on AI to
prevent natural disasters
The mass media have a event
powerful influence and control on A. Must
people's view of the world. Mass B. Might
media sources are newspapers, C. Should
televisions, and radios. They D. Would
frequently serve as the only link E. Shall
to the situations that occur
outside of one's neighborhood. 16.UTBK 2021/TPS/ING/GEL.II/65
We live in the global age. We live The word dispriting in paragraph 2
in a world that has become means…
thoroughly interconnected and A. Exhilarating
interdependent. Our life is B. Discriminating
communicated in the flows of
information and culture,
including news journalism.
For journalism in America
today, the news has been
encouraging and dispriting.
During a time of crisis or a
momentous event, the news
media can do a marvelous job.
Reporters play a vital role in
reporting the crisis, war or
conflict. A story covered by a
journalist or a reporter on an
event can be the exclusive
information presented to the
public. The news can bias the
public in support of one party,
or one solution over another. It
should build up the conflict or
cool it down.
Whenever people think
about news, they tend to think
about "crisis" report. In such
context, journalists are
participants in the reported
crisis. However, the journalist's
main goal is to inform accurately.
Consequently, they make every
suitable effort and attempt to be
"objective". This often leads
them to certain difficulties.

15.UTBK 2021/TPS/ING/GEL.II/64
The public….get exclusive
information offered by
journalist or reporter on an
C. Heartening D. The characteristics of journalists
D. Discouraging sent to the countries
E. Inspiring experiencing crisis
E. The dilemma faced by journalists
17.UTBK 2021/TPS/ING/GEL.II/66 assigned to the conflict-affected
According to the passage, the areas
news media can do a/an…
A. Monotonous occupation Even though honey comes from
B. Credible assignment a natural source, it is still an added
C. Extraordinary task sugar, like corn syrup or cane sugar. A
D. Typical operation lot of people feel better when they read
E. Unremarkable profession a food label and see honey instead of
sugar. However, the nuance is more
18.UTBK 2021/TPS/ING/GEL.II/67 meaningful to the mind than the body.
In the passage there are statement The body pretty much perceives sugar
like these: and honey added to food the same
Reporters play a vital role in reporting way.
the crisis, war or conflict. A story Certain terms on products-like
covered by a journalist or on an event "natural sugars," "no artificial sugars" or
can be the exclusive information naturally sweetened" -are often simply
presented to the public. marketing tactics. However, these terms
….., people will never be able to often shape the consumers' perception
know about this type of sweetener products.
what is happening in the world. It's important to consume honey
A. Unless reporters do their in moderation. You may think of a
assignments serving size of honey as about a
B. Had reporters been able to tablespoon. This much honey has about
present the news 64 calories and 17 grams of sugar. It
C. If reporters play their proper task aims to keep your daily intake from any
in getting the news added sugar under 100 calories a day for
D. Unless reporters refuse to be sent women and 150 calories a day for
to terrible war zones men.
E. Were reporters assigned to the 1Honey's flavor is largely what
countries with heavy conflicts distinguishes it from other sweeteners. 2It
is recommended to use it in ways that
19.UTBK 2021/TPS/ING/GEL.II/68 highlight flavour. 3Drizzle up to a
The paragraph following the passage tablespoon into tea, on top of yogurt,
most likely discusses… into morning oats or on peanut butter
A. The roles of journalists in getting toast 4For some people, honey is best
the up-to-date information from consumed before going to work.
the field 5Honey also works well in dressings.
B. The people’s beliefs about the The main types of honey are
heavy assignments of organic, dark, light, raw, and filtered, but
journalists in framing wars there are over 300 varieties of honey.
C. The story from journalists after The variety refers to where the honey
returning from their war comes from, basically the types of
assignments flowers bees have fed on. The color,
flavor and major nutritional properties of
honey all depend on the nectar
that the bees used.
(Adapted from:
20.UTBK 2021/TPS/ING/GEL.II/69 24. UTBK 2021/TPS/ING/GEL.II/73
The author would apparently agree Here are the jumbled sentence from
that the relationship between the paragraph that follows the
honey and other sweeteners in above paragraph. Please reorder the
paragraph 1 is similar to the following sentences.
phenomenon of… a) It is also easier to detect a
A. Corn and nuts genuine product if you can
B. Fruit and vegetable actually get your hands on
C. Fresh chili and chili sauce the honey itself
D. White meat and red meat b) When possible, try to buy
E. Non-organic and organic rice locally produced honey from
a place where you can see
21.UTBK 2021/TPS/ING/GEL.II/70 the honeybees
The author describes the unique taste c) Honey can be cut with other
sweeteners like corn syrup,
honey most effectively in
so always read the label to
determine what you are
A. 1
B. 2
d) When it comes to buying
C. 3
honey, it is important to do
D. 4
E. 5
e) True honey is thick, slow
moving, and should not
22.UTBK 2021/TPS/ING/GEL.II/71 Which
spread out like syrup
of the following statements is NOT
The best order of the sentences
relevant to the topic discussed in
above is..
paragraph 4?
A. d-a-c-e-b
A. Sentence 1
B. d-a-e-c-b
B. Sentence 2
C. d-a-e-b-c
C. Sentence 3
D. d-b-c-a-e
D. Sentence 4
E. d-c-a-e-b
E. Sentence 5

23.UTBK 2021/TPS/ING/GEL.II/72 Based

on the passage, if we consume a lot
of honey, we will…
A. Get more energy
B. Become fatter
C. Be healthier
D. Get stronger
E. Be filter

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