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SBMPTN Bahasa Inggris

Latihan Soal 3 - SBMPTN

Doc. Name: SBMPTNLAT03ING Doc. Version : 2016-04 | halaman 1

Text No 01-05 02. Which one id NOT TRUE according to

paragraph 2?
L.L Zamenhof would later say that he had
dreamed of a world language since he was a (A) Zamenhof created the early Esperanto
child. At first he considered a revival of Latin , in high school.
but after learning it in school he decided it was (B) Zamenhof had ever worked as a transla-
too complicated to be a common means of in- tor.
ternational communication. When he learned (C) Because of a censorship policy. Zamen-
English, he realized that verb conjugations were un- hof’s publication had been delayed.
necessary, and that grammatical systems could (D) Esperanto is spoken today.
be much simpler than he had expected. He still (E) The first Zamenhof book Unua Libro
had the problem of memorizing a large vocabu- has yet to be published.
lary, until he noticed two Russian signs labeled
Швейцарская – from швейцар, which 03. Why did Zamenhof decide to take his vo-
means porter’s house and porter, respectively – cabulary from Romance and Germanic lan-
and Кондитерская – from кондитер, which guages? Because….
mean a confectioner’s shop and confectioner, (A) Romance and Germanic languages had
respectively. He then realized that a judicious use difficult grammar.
of affixes could greatly decrease the number of (B) Romance and Germanic languages had
root words needed for communication. greater exposure to people.
He chose to take his vocabulary from Romance (C) Romance and Germanic languages had a
and Germanic , the languages that were most lot of strong vocabulary.
widely taught in schools around the world and (D) Romance and Germanic languages had
would therefore be recognizable to the largest many affixes.
number of people. (E) Romance and Germanic language learn-
Zamenhof taught an early version of the lan- ing were still limited.
guage to his high-school classmates. Then, for
several years, he worked on translations and po- 04. What can be inferred from paragraph 1?
etry to refine his creation. In 1895 he wrote, "I (A) L.L Zemenhof thought that Latin was
worked for six years perfecting and testing the too complicated to use globally.
language, even though it had seemed to me in (B) Latin language was not quite used by
1878 that it was already completely ready." When people anymore.
he was ready to publish, the Czarist censors (C) English was a global language.
would not allow it. Hampered, he spent his time (D) Russian language had a larger number of
in translating works such as the Bible and Shake- root words.
speare . This enforced delay led to continued (E) Verb conjugations in English was al-
improvement. In July 1887 he published his first ready much simpler.
book Unua Libro, a basic introduction to the lan-
guage. This was essentially the language spoken 05. What is the topic of the passage?
(A) the revival of Latin.
(B) the early creation of Esperanto
01. Who is L.L Zamenhof as stated in passage?
(C) L.L Zamenhof as a child
(A) He was a language teacher. (D) Esperanto versus English
(B) He was the creator of Esperanto. (E) the vocabulary of Esperanto
(C) He translated many languages to Espe-
(D) He was a fan of the Bible and Shake-
(E) He worked for a publishing company.

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Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
SBMPTN Bahasa Inggris, Latihan Soal 3 - SBMPTN
doc. name: SBMPTNLAT03ING doc. version : 2016-04 | halaman 2

Text No 06-09 07. The following are true according to the text,
If you’re a man, how much you eat may have
more to do with the gender of your dining com- (A) there are 105 participants in the research
panions than your appetite. A new Cornell Uni- (B) through observation, the researchers
versity study, published in the journal Evolution- wrote down how much the participants
ary Psychological Science, found that men will ate
eat significantly more food in the company of (C) women tend to eat the same amaount of
women than they will with other men. food when eating with either gender
For the study, researchers observed 105 adults (D) men tend to eat more when eating with
lunching at an all-you-can-eat Italian buffet over male friends
the course of two weeks. They recorded the (E) the research involves not only observa-
number of pizza slices and how many bowls of tion but also survey
salad each diner ate. Gender of each diner’s eat-
ing partner or partners was also noted. Before 08. What can replace the phrase ―in the com-
leaving the restaurant, the diners were inter- pany of‖?(paragraph 1)
cepted by a researcher to ask them to complete a (A) associated with
short survey indicating their level of fullness af- (B) from the same corporate with
ter eating, and their feelings of hurriedness and (C) with a group of
comfort while eating. (D) than
Men who dined with at least one woman ate (E) in a building with
92% more pizza and 86% more salad than men
who dined with only other men. The amount 09. What is the main idea of the text above?
that women ate didn’t differ when eating with (A) men will eat more food when eating
other women or with men. When they ate with with women than they will with other
men, many women indicated feeling that they man
overate and were rushed through their meal. (B) people will eat more food when eating
―These findings suggest that men tend to over- with a different gender
eat to show off – you can also see this tendency (C) many women overeat when eating with
in eating competitions which almost always have men
mostly male participants,‖ explains lead author (D) men tend to participate in eating com-
Kevin Kniffin, PhD, of Cornell University. The petitions
study was conducted by Kniffin, Ozge Sigirci, a (E) the study was conducted for two weeeks
former visiting scholar at the Cornell University
Food and Brand Lab, and Brian Wansink, pro- Text No 10-15
fessor and director of the Food and Brand Lab.
When parents have high hopes for their
06. According to the research, why does the man children’s academic achievement, the children
in the study tend to overeat? tend to do better in school, unless those hopes
are unrealistic, in which case the children may
(A) To show his habit.
not perform well in school, according to re-
(B) To gain admiration from all of their eat-
search published by the American Psychological
ing companions.
(C) To impress female eating companions.
―Our research revealed both positive and
(D) To get the full benefit from eating for
negative aspects of parents’ aspiration for their
children’s academic performance. Although pa-
(E) To satisfy their hungry stomach.
rental aspiration can help improve children’s aca-
demic performance, excessive parental aspiration
can be poisonous,‖ said lead author Kou Mura-
yama, PhD, of the University of Reading. The
study was published in the Journal of Personality
and Social Psychology®.

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Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
SBMPTN Bahasa Inggris, Latihan Soal 3 - SBMPTN
doc. name: SBMPTNLAT03ING doc. version : 2016-04 | halaman 3

Murayama and his colleagues analyzed data 10. Which one is TRUE according to the text?
from a longitudinal study from 2002-07 of 3,530 (A) parental aspiration may decrease stu-
secondary school students (49.7 percent female) dents academic achievement
and their parents in Bavaria, Germany. The study (B) children do better in school whather
assessed student math achievement as well as parental aspiration is high or not
parental aspiration (how much they want their (C) the US study has rebutted the german
child to earn a particular grade) and expectation study
(how much they believe their child can achieve a (D) the academic achievement measured in
certain grade) on an annual basis. the german study involves german and
They found that high parental aspiration led math achievements
to increased academic achievement, but only (E) ambitious parents always lead to ambi-
when it did not overly exceed realistic expecta- tious and more intelligent students
tion. When aspiration exceeded expectation, the
children’s achievement decreased proportion- 11. Which data are collected in the German re-
ately. search?
To reinforce the results, the researchers at-
(A) Math achievement and parental mathe-
tempted to replicate the main findings of the
matical performance.
study using data from a two-year study of over
(B) Some positive and negative aspects of
12,000 U.S. students and their parents. The re-
parental aspiration.
sults were similar to the German study and pro-
(C) Students’ math achievement, parental
vided further evidence that parents’ overly high
aspiration, and parental expectation.
aspirations are associated with worse academic
(D) Students’ math achievement, hope, and
performance by their kids.
Previous psychological research has found
(E) How parental aspiration can influence
the association between aspiration and academic
children’s academic performance.
achievement, but this study highlights a caveat,
said Murayama.
12. What is the goal of the US study as shown in
―Much of the previous literature conveyed a
paragraph 5?
simple, straightforward message to parents —
aim high for your children and they will achieve (A) to measured parental aspiration
more,‖ said Murayama. In fact, getting parents to (B) to change the results of the german
have higher hopes for their children has often study
been a goal of programs designed to improve (C) to support the results of the aforemen-
academic performance in schools. This study tioned German study
suggests that the focus of such educational pro- (D) to tackle the problems of low academic
grams should not be on blindly increasing paren- achievement in students
tal aspiration but on giving parents the informa- (E) to create an environment where stu-
tion they need to develop realistic expectations. dents can achieve higher in learning
―Unrealistically high aspiration may hinder
academic performance. Simply raising aspiration
cannot be an effective solution to improve suc-
cess in education,‖ he said.

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Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
SBMPTN Bahasa Inggris, Latihan Soal 3 - SBMPTN
doc. name: SBMPTNLAT03ING doc. version : 2016-04 | halaman 4

13 What make the German and Us studies dif-

ferent from much of the previous literature?
(paragraph 7)
The German and the US studies ….
(A) analyze academic achievement only
from math subject, while the previous
literature analyze academic achievement
from numerous school subjects.
(B) find that aspirations of parents may not
always result in good academic perform-
(C) provide association between parental
aspiration and students’ academic
(D) used data from Germany and the United
States, while the previous literature used
data from the rest of the world.
(E) propose that parents should lower their
aspiration toward students’ grades.

14. The passage mostly tells us that ...

(A) parents should not involve in children’s
academic performance
(B) parents should copy the experiment in
(C) parents expecting too much may harm a
child academic achievement
(D) a student must not take parental advice
to be a better performer at school
(E) parents need to aim higher for their chil-

15. The underlined word ―hinder‖ (last para-

graph) is mostly similiar to ...
(A) hamper
(B) facilitate
(C) affect
(D) increase
(E) enlarge

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