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Applied Subject
SY 202_ - 202_


Learning from Others and Reviewing the Literature

Mini Performance Task 3 - Answer Sheet (Online Template)

Name: GERSAN, Eunice B. Date: 11/22/2022

DIZON, Louisse Marianne
EVANGELISTA, Eizel Francine
KURASHIMA, Kharisma A.

Section: Grade 12 ABM - St. Julian Teacher: Mr. Almighty Tabuena

Note: Write your answer/s and/or response/s on the space provided below. You may exceed on
the allotted space provided for each task.

Proposed Research Title:

Effectiveness of Internet Advertising for Businesses and the Current Consumer Behavior
Trends in Social Media Platforms

Theoretical Framework

Theory (Concept, Law, Principle), Proponent, Year

Strong Theory. In this theory, advertising can influence a consumer's knowledge, views,
opinions, or behavior. It can also improve sales for a brand and result in a long-term shift in
customer behavior. A consumer moves from awareness to interest to desire to action (AIDA),
AIDA is created by E. St Elmo Lewis. It has the ability to persuade those who have never
purchased the product before to do so. According to the advertising conversion idea, non-
buyers can be persuaded to purchase something. This theory has drawn criticism because
many products do not cause buyers to have a strong urge (to buy) before taking any action
(buying). . Advertising is said to have such a strong impact on consumers that it might convince
potential customers to purchase the product.

Connection of the Theory in the Research Study

Our chosen theory and our research are connected since they both deal about how to convince
customers to buy products, whether they do it online or in person. The strong theory is about
persuading people to buy, even those who do not plan on buying, and it applies to our studies
on advertising and consumer behavior towards online shopping. The objective of both the
theory and the research is to persuade one individual to purchase a product at a single instant
for a specific product. Research and theory are strongly related. This assists in our
understanding of the topic's relevance and its relation to our daily lives. It is a way to look for,
evaluate, and take advantage of possibilities that will benefit us in the future.

Role of the Theory in the Research Study

Strong theory guides a researcher that develops a research question and this research helps
the strong theory to support the theories existence. This study is supported by the theories that
provide explanation, understanding, and meaningfulness in our study. It helps to identify the
problem in the research study. Strong theory also helps anticipate the facts of the research
study; it helps to design a research questioners and guide in processing the data. Strong theory
helps our research study to make it clear and to be more consistent with existing facts about
our study; to examine the research problem, to give our research directions, and to generalize
from our findings and show the relevance of our study.
Applied Subject
SY 202_ - 202_

Reference (in APA style)

MKTG2033 advertising. (2021, March 22). MKTG2033 advertising. myassignmenthelp.com. Retrieved November
23, 2022, from

Bhasin, H. (2021, October 12). Advertising theory. Marketing91. Retrieved November 24 2022, from

Conceptual Framework

In conducting the data, the researchers will utilize the Input-Process-Output (IPO) model. The
researchers will first gather the demographic profiles of the respondents such as their name
(optional), age, and gender. The input of the paper will also include the consumers’ opinions
and thoughts on today’s internet advertising businesses as well as the current consumer’s
behavior when it comes to the trends on the social media platform. Moreover, the process
frame includes the type of method that will be used such as descriptive research design. The
researchers will use a random sampling method in finding and conducting survey
questionnaires for the respondents. Hence, the researchers apply the use of the Likert scale
in conducting the study as it will be utilized for the collection, interpretation, analysis, and
evaluation of data with the variables in the study. Therefore, the output of the study will provide
consumers’ opinions and thoughts on the effectiveness of internet advertising and current
consumer behavior trends toward various social media platforms. Thus, providing consumers’
perception for the assessment for awareness of the consumers’ advertising and current
marketing will benefit the entrepreneurs as well as the future entrepreneurs who want to launch
their businesses online.
Applied Subject
SY 202_ - 202_


Activity 6: Literature Review (Mini Performance Task 3)

Notes: You need to come up with at least 20 abstracts (articles) for the literature review (as per
the requirement of this course). Be mindful of selecting your related materials. Be careful with
your sources; do a citation and list all the references cited in your work.

Proposed Research Title:

Effectiveness of Internet Advertising for Businesses and the Current Consumer Behavior
Trends in Social Media Platforms

Literature Review

Impact of Covid-19 to Online Advertising

A lot of people favor purchasing items that are inexpensive. Online advertising's primary goal is
to boost the number of consumers who buy your stuff. People utilize social media, a vast online
platform, to create an online community or peer interactions with others who share their interests
in activities, vocations, or connections in the real world (Roy, 2018). Countless of individuals use
social media to communicate and exchange information. Several businesses are rethinking their
media and advertising expenditures in order to maintain a steady flow of consumer attention and
spending while maintaining appropriate returns on media investments. As a result, their
advertising, branding, and marketing campaigns have been refocused (Li, 2020). The amount
invested in advertising has evolved as consumer behavior worldwide has altered. In other words,
the epidemic has massively accelerated the shift in media and business toward the Internet. The
tourism attractions, food, cosmetic products, workplace, and technology industries have profited
the most (Shahid, 2019). Covid-19 does have a significant impact on business growth and the
products that online advertising necessitates. The majority of us now prefer to shop online during
a lockdown, and it has even become such a habit. Businesses that operate on a global scale had
to face challenges imposed on by the pandemic (DiResta et al., 2020). All forms of commercial
revenue expansion were surpassed in Q4 2020, including internet, media platforms, contents,
videos, and auditory advertisements. Zenith, an agency, claims that the increasing trend would
continue till 2021. Even while it might not be as quick as it was during the epidemic, the digital
business is also anticipated to continue experiencing strong development (Spiske, 2021).

Internet Advertising for Businesses to Consumer’s Purchasing Behavior

Advertising is a type of communication that influences a consumer's behavior and decision to

purchase products. Nowadays, advertising is the most significant technique for promoting
products or services. In the middle of the 1990s, a brand-new tool for influencing consumer
perceptions and desires was highly influenced on the internet (Mishra and Mahalik, 2017). The
internet has become utilized by both buyers and sellers to purchase and sell their products and
services on different social media platforms. It is no longer merely used for informational
purposes. In light of the significant change in e-commerce, commonly referred to as electronic
commerce, there has been an increasing demand for information and education with regard to
consumers' online purchasing behavior (Bhakar et al., 2019). The concept of how businesses
manage their client connections and interactions as to what sort of business strategy could be
used for the consumers has become increasingly dynamic in the modern era (Ahmad and Gul.,
2021). In order to establish personal and lasting contact with consumers, some researchers also
Applied Subject
SY 202_ - 202_

suggested that having complete awareness of their preferences is essential. As a result, the
majority of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) as well as multinational corporations focused
on creating online marketing to immediately draw in large numbers of consumers (Mehmood and
Sabeeh, 2018). According to study findings by Rabeea Fatima et al. (2019), the majority of
consumers are interested in learning more important aspects about the particular products they
are seeking to buy as well as conducting product searches online. However, the majority of things
that are advertised on different social media platforms do not literally look from what they saw in
the advertisements. Hence, social media is filled with fraudulent advertisements, which harms
the business's reputation and competitive advantages (2019).

The Influence of Media Ads on Consumer Behavior

Internet advertising has many advantages in terms of cost-effectiveness. Additionally, Internet

advertising is much more targeted; its effectiveness can be tailored through the use of keywords
designed to target a specific audience and draw it to your ads. Additionally, it's easier to track
online advertising's effectiveness because advertisers can examine response patterns; this
information can then be used to create more effective future advertising campaigns (Wolters
Kluwer, 2020). Research of effectiveness of online advertising show the absence of agreed
factors of effectiveness. Focus has been placed on the click-through rates, rather than on
attitudinal responses, and it is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of online advertising from
a more comprehensive perspective. Online advertising has sizable effects on brand loyalty and
attitudes that can't be reflected in click-through (WordStream, 2021). Internet marketing involves
the use of digital media to inform the market of your business and to entice people to purchase
your products and services. The internet (and, by extension, mobile) is merely a vehicle to provide
greater reach for your advertising, promotional, and public relations efforts. Internet marketing
must be part of your integrated marketing approach. Internet marketing strategies should be
included within your company's overall marketing plan (Vanghese, 2021). Online advertising is
one of the most effective ways for businesses of all sizes to expand their reach, find new
customers, and diversify their revenue streams (Redsteer, 2017). Online marketers now view the
value of social media marketing for their business on a different perspective. There is a significant
explosion in the number of consumers who are using socials as a means of finding products and
services that they need. According to prestigious social consumer statistic (MKTG2033
advertising 2021).

Impact of Social Media Advertising to the consumer

Online advertising really has an impact on people; it’s easy to convince people to buy in what you
are selling, and mostly nowadays because online selling was the most effective way in this time
of pandemic (Rauschnabel et al., 2020). Online is increasingly becoming the most useful way of
purchasing an item, by the advertisement and promotion online it’s easy to persuade people to
buy, and by the customer who wrote a comment about the services and the quality of the item
people will surely buy, by the influences it affects, the consumer decision to influence other buyers
through reviews of products or services. (Costello, 2021) Social media advertisement
recommends their quality of the brand; people become more interested about the brand
reputation and to become a follower of your business, higher trust rating from the consumers and
product descriptions the higher company promotes can have. The more people who trust social
media advertisements, the wider their target consumer they can have. (Anwar, 2020) The
advertisements in Social Media Marketing provides the consumers quick and easy access of
information needed for the brand or product/services to be purchased. (De Jesus, 2019) The
number of consumers who are using socials as a finding products and services that they need.
It is easy for the consumer to purchase through online because even if they in their house they
Applied Subject
SY 202_ - 202_

can buy whatever they want. Social media users are becoming more engaged in sharing images
and liking them, good opportunity to grow the social signals that will give their brand a better
search rank and by using social media, your leads will find it easier to make a buying decision if
they see your brand within their friends’ social feeds.

To conclude, by online advertising it helps the businesses to grow, also the most important role
of social media has changed the way of how consumers and marketers communicate and social
media in the online environment allows them to appear more attractive to consumer. The
endorsement and use of other online stores are encouraged to increase the number of people
who are interested in the advertising and recognize the use of other social media to promote
market expansion. (Klieb, 2018)
Applied Subject
SY 202_ - 202_

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Applied Subject
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