Pathfit 2 Reviewer
Pathfit 2 Reviewer
Pathfit 2 Reviewer
Moderate physical activity is safe for 2. kilojoules (kJ) – how much energy you
most of you. But becoming more active get from consuming a food or drink
isn’t easy. Different students may have
various reasons for finding it hard to get 1 kcal is equal to 4.18 kJ or 4,184
moving. It's always a good idea to talk to joules (J)
your doctor before becoming more
active, especially if you haven't been FORMULA:
very active or have health problems 1. If you’re looking to convert
calories to Kj
DETERMINING CALORIE NEEDS 2. To convert kJ to calories
Keeping a healthy diet and using the Daily Calorie Needs = BMR X PAL
Harris-Benedict calculation and equation
to keep an eye on your BMR will make it
easier for you to stay in good health.
You will know the perfect amount of
THE RESTING METABOLIC RATE The thermic effect of food –
(RMR) calories while digesting your food
Activities of daily living (ADL) -
The Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) is calories burned during exercise
closely related to the basal metabolic or physical activity
rate (BMR) and it is the amount of
energy required to maintain the body's Your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is
normal metabolic activity, such as 60% to 75% of total energy expenditure.
respiration, maintenance of body Typically, the larger and more muscular
temperature (thermogenesis), and a person is, the higher the BMR is.
Why it's a winner: Like squats, lunges
Commonly accepted body mass index work all the major muscles of your lower
ranges are: body. They can also improve your
A) Underweight : under 18.5 kg/m 2 balance.
B) Normal weight : 18.5 to 25 kg/m2 Push-Ups
C) Overweight : 25 to 30 kg/m2 Why it's a winner: Push-ups strengthen
D) Obese : over 30 to 39.9 kg/m2 your chest, shoulders, triceps, and core
E) Severely Obese : over 40 kg/m2 muscles.
Bent-Over Row
Why it's a winner: work all the major force production to maintain
muscles of your upper back, as well as shoulder, hip, and spine strength,
your biceps. which enables your whole body to
Variety is the spice of life, which also lead to a healthier life long into
goes for your weekly exercise routine.8 your later years.
Exercise generally falls into four main FLEXIBILITY EXERCISES
types: cardiovascular endurance, Staying injury-free throughout the
strength, balance, and flexibility. sports season requires a proper
Choose a type that best suits the stretching program.
workout you're searching for. Flexibility is a key component to
preventing injury.20
CARDIOVASCULAR OR AEROBIC Stretching before athletic activity
EXERCISES helps prepare the muscles for
use your large muscle groups exercise.21
in rhythmic motion over a Stretching after exercise has
sustained period of time. proven to be even more important
An aerobic workout should follow for preventing injury.
a consistent pattern,14 get your Bouncing can cause muscle
heart pumping and you’ll strains and other injuries.
breathe harder than normal
and may even feel a little short BALANCE TRAINING
of breath. Balance training is an important
and effective part of falls
(RESISTANCE TRAINING) Balance training improves the
Muscular fitness includes both health, balance, and performance
muscular strength and muscular of everyone from beginners to
endurance.Strength training, also advanced athletes.
called resistance or power
training, builds up muscles with ELABORATE
repetitive motion using resistance KEY FITNESS TERMS EVERYONE
from free weights (barbells and SHOULD KNOW
dumbbells), weight machines,
elastic bands/tubing, medicine From HIIT to plyometrics,
balls, stability balls or your own understanding these phrases will
body weight. improve every workout.
It can help you build lean muscle
mass and rev up your 1. Active Recovery
metabolism. You may use your rest day in this
The more muscle you have, the manner. Make time for a low
less fat you have since your intensity exercise, such as yoga or
metabolism runs higher. light walking. Recovery is when
A higher metabolism leads to the true magic happens because
your muscles
more calories burned and fat lost.
2. Aerobic Exercise (Aerobics)
Resistance training also works on
During aerobic exercise, your (because they require more effort
body uses oxygen for energy, to complete), as opposed to
which helps keep you moving for isolation
an extended period of time, like a exercises, which focus on working just
long walk, run, one muscle group (like a bicep curl).