Freedom Fighters: Gandhiji Sardar Patel

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Gandhiji Sardar Patel India's Man of Steel. He gave Gandhiji's life was dedicated up his practise in order to fight to the ideals of Truth, Nonfor the freedom of the country. violence and Love. He was He was sent to prision. As the the architect of India's Deputy Prime Minister of free freedomand one of the India, he became the architect greatest men of this century of the integrity of India by mer- ging of hundreds of princely states with the Indian Union. Bal Gangadhar Tilak Ramaprasad Bismil "Swaraj is our brithright" A Brave revolutionary who up thundered Tilak, the Lion of his life smilingly for the sake India. He founded schools of the Motherland. He was and published newspapers all hunted by the police and for his motherland. He wore betrayed by fellow workers. him- self out till his last breath, He was the brave leader of to awaken his countrymen. Kakori Rail Dacoity Episode. Bhagath Singh Khudiram Bose It was this hero who threw te He is the symbol of the heroism of the youth of India. first bomb on the Bristish who A revolutionary. He threw a were crushing India. The boy bomb when the Legislature of sixteen defied the police. At was in session, to warn the the age of British Government. He was nineteen,hebecame a martyr, wiht the holy book the put to death but lives in the Bhagavadgita ( The Divine hearts of his countrymen. Song) in his hand and with the slogan ' Vande Mataram' on his lips. Tatia Tope Ashfaqulla Khan The pathan patriot who kissed the hangman's noose wiht the A hero of the fight for freedom name of Allah on his lips. A in 1857. His very name made youth endowed with a body of the mighty English generals iron and will of steel, he tremble. Deceived by his dedicated everything to the friend, he faced death like a service of India and of hero, for the sake of his freedom and challenged the country. cunning and the strength of an empire. Madame Cama The fiery patriot who first unfurled India's flag at an international assembly. She turned away from a life of luxury and lived an exile - to serve her country. And the mighty British Government grew afraid of her.

India was under the rule of the British for nearly 100 years, finally attaining complete freedom on the 15th of August, 1947. Common people from different parts of the country came forward to join the freedom struggle. There are many who have gone unnamed for their selfless acts to achieve a free India. These people may have not been given any award or credit, but they will always be remembered in the hearts of every Indian. But there are also those who are known for their courage and selflessness to lead the people by showing a united front. The first freedom fighter's name that comes up in any Indian's mind is Mahatma Gandhi. Born Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, he became popularly known as 'The Mahatma' or 'Gandhiji'. He gave the Indian people weapons such as non-violence and non-resistance to fight against the unjust British. Those following him were told to strictly adhere to them. Some of his famous campaigns against the tyrannical rule of the British include the Civil Disobedience, the Quit India movement, Dandi March and the Non-cooperation movement. His practices of Satyagraha or non-violent resistance has influenced leaders like former American leader Martin Luther King Jr., Myanmar's quest for democracy led by Aung San Suu Kyi and most notably anti-apartheid leader from South Africa, Nelson Mandela. Another prominent Indian freedom fighter was Lokmanya Tilak who was a teacher and scholar. He introduced prominent newspapers like "Maratha" and "Kesari" and spread the message of Swarajya and self-rule through them. He is well known for his statement - Swaraj is my birthright, and I shall have it. Subhas Chandra Bose is also recognized as one of the leading revolutionary freedom fighters of that era. He was jailed many times. He also founded the Indian National Army. Sardar Vallabhai Patel popularly known as the Iron Man of India was another great freedom fighter. Giving up his law practice he went on to fight for India's freedom. The first Prime Minister of free India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru's speech 'Tryst with Destiny' on the eve of Indian independence, will be a glorious moment in Indian history. A charismatic and radical leader, he was one of the youngest to lead the Indian National Congress and was a youth icon throughout the country. Revolutionary freedom fighters like Bhagat Singh and Khudiram Bose were eternally symbolized as courageous and brave individuals who laid down their lives for the country at an early age. Rabindra Nath Tagore and Swami Vivekanada, although not vocal in their participation towards the freedom struggle should nonetheless be mentioned for their contributions towards Indian independence in terms of prose and poetry. Ashfaqulla Khan, Ramprasad Bismil, Madame Cama, Aurobindo Ghosh, Suhdev, Surya Sen, Vijay Lakshmi Pandit, and many others will forever be etched into people's hearts for their countless acts of valor and bravery. As Indians, many of us fail to realize the impact of what these freedom fighters did for us nearly 60 years ago. Yet their heroic deeds are still engraved in people's minds. What we, as the future of India should always remember, is the struggle they went through just so that we could have a better future. The freedom that we take for granted today has been given to us by people who are no longer alive to tell us how they lived each day during those tough and trying times. Let us remember not only those freedom fighters who are well known, but also those who died in the freedom struggle without having their names honoured.

More resources for Indian Freedom Fighters and Mahatma Gandhi's biography.

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Ashoka The Wheel which adorns the The eldest of the Pandava flag of free India has kept his brothers, the heroes of the memory green. Lord of a vast great epic, the Mahabharatha. empire, after a great victory Yudhishtira lived for justice, sick of violence and took an and patiently suffered oath never to fight again.He humiliation and exile. was an Ideal ruler. Jhansi Lakshmi Bai Keladi Chennamma She ruled over a small state, The great heroine of the First Keladi for twentyfive years War of Indian Freedom. She (1671-1696). but proved herself lived for only twenty-two years. a great and heroic queen. She Jhansi, of which she was the protected the kingdom when queen, was in grip of cruel her husband failed his duty. British. she was a queen of And she faced the wrath of the small state but the empress of mighty Aurangazeb, and gave limitless empire of glory. shelter to Rajaram, Shivaji's son. Shivaji Kharavela The hero who escaped from A Great king of Kalinga who the prison of the Mughal ruled twenty-one centures ago. Emperor himself, to become Coming to the throne when the the ruler of a kingdom devoted state was in distress,he brought to Dharma and service of the confidence and self-respect to people.He was one of the the people. And he refused to wisest rulers as he was one of join hands with a Foreign army the greatest generals. against an Indian Prince. Dileepa Hakka-Bukka Hakka was the first ruler of the An illustrions king of the solar famous kindom of VIjayanagar, dynasty. an ancestor of Sri and Bukka his brother, the Rama. Though renowned for second ruler. They opposed the his valour. Dileepa tended the mighty Sultan of Delhi and celestial cow Nandini like a brought unity and freedom to cowherd. In an ultimate act of south India. They were great piety, he offered himself as not only as warriors but also as food to a lion to protect Nandini rulers. and thus proved his worthiness in a test posed by Nandini.


Sages,Rushis & Saints

Biographies of Great Indians & Hindus

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Shankaracharya Samartha Ramadas One of the greatest Shivaji's preceptor and guide, philosophers and savants of Ramadas imparted to him the Bharat. He established four message that till we fulfil the spiritual centres in the four required duty towards the corners of the country, thus motherland. he provide upholding the underlying unity succour and guidance to of the holy land of Bharat. thousands. Vasishta Madhwacharya Vasishta was a great ascetic. He is the saint who installed He was the preceptor of great the idol of Sri Krishna at Udupi men like Sri Rama and in Karnataka. The philosophy Harischandra. He had he preached was previously conquered anger and desire. known as 'Tattwavade'. Now it He was a great saint who is know as 'Dwaita' humbled insolent men. Veda Vyasa The 'Mahabharata' remains a marvel in the literature of hte worlod. Veda Vyasa was the sage who gave the world this storehouse of realism, wisdom and compassion. Ramana Maharshi Tukaram A Great Saint who lived only for his God Vittala. He faced varieties of difficulties wiht astonishing patience. His devotional songs are an invaluable contribution to Marathi spiritual literature. Swami Vivekananda

The Valiant monk who proclaimed in America the A Great Soul, He left home in greatness of Hinduism and of boyhood seeking knowledge Indian culture at a time when and peace. Ramana Maharshi the west regarded India as a was full of compassion for all land of Barbarians. The living beings. He became beloved disciple of Sri kindly light to all who came to Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. him seeking peace of mind. He was the great thinker and mighty man of action. Bharadwaja Dayananda Saraswathi A Sage of the Vedic period - a The founder of hte Arya great seer who attained Samaj. The great sage who extraordinary scholarship and sought to restore to Hinduism power of meditation. An its natural radiance and enlightened man who used wisdom. A fearless reformer. his might for punishing the he saved the man who wicked and protecting the poisoned him. so boundless poor and the weak. was his goodness. Parashurama Ramaujacharya Chief exponent of hte Parashurama - the epic hero Vishishtadvaita school of with an axe - was a real Vedanta and great social 'Yama' ( God of Death) to the reformer. " If i can bring evil and arrogant. He deliverance ot so many, I do traversed and earth twenty-

Savithri Draupadi She chose a noble young man The wife of the great for her husband. She knew he Pandavas. renowned alike for had only a year to live, but yet her loveliness and her granite she married him. Even the will. Volcanic, she reduced her God of Death bowed to her enemies to the ashes. But her love and devotion and restored story is a saga of suffering. her husband to life. Ekalavya Sister Nivedita A Student's distinction lies in his devout pursuit of knowYoung Margaret Noble came ledge, and not merely in his under the spell of Swami heritage. This manifests in a Vivekananda. She came from splendid manner in Ekalavya's distant Ireland to India to serve life. He worshipped an idol of the people of this land. She his 'Guru' mastered archery. was give the name of ' when his master desired his Nivedita' as one dedicated to right thumb as fee,he smilingly God. sacrificed it. Raja Rammohan Roy Rammanohar Lohia Raja Rammohan Roy has The Socialist leader of a come to be called the ' Maker fearless and dynamic of Modern India'. With out personality. Both before giving up what was good and independence and in free India noble in the past he laid the he went to prison several foundations for a great future. times for the sake of the HE was a great scholar and a people. independent thinker. Madhanlal Dhingra Veer Abhimanyu The matchless youth who won immortality by his shining Dhingra died young but his life heroism in the great was one of the heroism and Mahabharatha war. Pitted glory. In London, the heart of against the mightiest of the the British Empire, he killed an mighty in the enemies' ranks, enemy of India. He died gladly this warrior barely sixteen for his country. became sheet anchor of the Pandavas. Lakshmana Karna Younger brother of Sri Rama, A Great Hero of hte Lakshmana personifies 'Mahabharata'. Karna lived brotherly love and self such a life that he became effacement. When Sri Rama another name for generosity had to wage war against and loyalty. It was his Ravana to rescue Sita, he misfortune to be shunned as a whole heartedly collaborated person of low caste. He in hte venture. sacrifice his life for his master. Dr.Ananda Madana Mohana Malaviya K.Coomaraswamy Ananda K. Coomaraswamy The founder of Benaras Hindu who was born in Ceylon ( Sri University. His boyhood was Lanka ) and grew up in spent in utter poverty. By his England, taught the west the scholarship, pure life and

way to approach and selflessness he won such understand the arts of India. respect that he collected more His whole life was dedicated to that thirteen million rupees for the study and exposition of the university. Indian culture. Dr.M.Visvesvaraya Bhishma One of the most honoured One of the makers of modern figures of the Indian epic, the India. 'MV" was a genius. Mhabharata. He gave up Perfectly honest and devoted marriage and throne for his to his work, he set new father's sake. To the people of standards of efficiency. India he is the symbol of mature wisdom. Dadheechi Bhargiratha Dadheechi after acquiring spiritual knowledge, led a Thegreat hero who brought pious life. When prayed for by down the Ganga from the Indra and other gods, he heaven to the earth. readily sacrificed his life as Bhagiratha has become well as body, in order that the another name for a will of steel gods might win in their war that never accepts defeat. against demons. Vidura Dhondo Keshava Karve A Great man who shines even Maharshi Karve lived for a in the galaxy of the mighty hundred and four years. After characters of the ' he completed his education he Mahabharata'. Affection did pledged his life to the service not dim his wisdom. Fearlessly to others. He chose poverty he walked the path of and walked the pathe strewn righteousness. He showed the wiht criticism and opposition. same pathe to others. Bahubali Nandalal Bose Bahubali defeated his elder A Celebrated painter of brother who was puffed up modern India. A genius who with pride, but at that very was admired in many moment understood his life's countries. His was an aim. He gave back the attractive personaity, which kingdom to his defeated combined boundless learning brother and went away to and a unique genius with meditate the God. He enriched unaffected modesty and gentle the lives of his fellowmen with humour. the light he received. Lava-Kusha Keshava Baliram Hedgewar Sons of Rama and Sita. After Founder of Rashtriya Rama sent away sita who was Swayamsevak Sangh. His pregnant, to the forest the twin strong desire was that all the children were born to her in people should dedicate the hermitage of sage Valmiki. themselves for the service of Lava and kusha ties the horse the Motherland forgetting the of Rama and successfully differences of caste creed. etc fought Bharata, Lakshmana He shone simple and loving and Rama himself. At last are personality. finally reunited with Rama. Jijabai Chanakya The mother of Shivaji who was He vowed to dethrone the the protector of the country as haughty king who was

well religion. She was the embodiment of self - respect. That great mother suffered in silence and became a source of inspiration to her heroic son

harassing the people of the land. His 'Arthashastra' is a classic of statecraft and is reverently studied in Europe and else where.

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