SPC Appointment System - Chapter 3
SPC Appointment System - Chapter 3
Figure 3.2 shows the context level diagram of the SPC Appointment
System with entities that play important role in the system’s development
such as the student, registrar, cashier and accounting.
First, the student needs to register by providing valid information
before logging in to the system. After accessing the system, the student can
view the (3) available offices which are the registrar, cashier and accounting
for the students to make an inquiry. After the student make the choice
between the (3) offices, the student will need to add details of its information
to transact and for the staff to find the files so that they can provide the
concerns of the student.
Second, when the student chose the registrar, the registrar will need
the student information, like the name of the student or the ID number, which
is the common information in terms of getting the grades of the student.
Third, when the student chose the cashier, the cashier will also need
the student information to provide the remaining balance of the student.
Lastly, when the student chose the accounting, this office also need
the basic student information to give the status of the scholarship of the
student or to submit a promissory note.