Synopsis Format

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Format for synopsis of Project

 Title page: (Sample Attached)

 Acknowledgement (Sample Attached)
 Index
 Introduction to Project (should not exceed 3 pages)
Introduce the project in 12pt Times New Roman, its significance to the civil engineering
community and society at large and purpose of the study. Try to provide an adequate
background and potential impact of the reported work on the state of the art or state of practice,
avoiding a detailed literature survey or a summary of the results in the introduction.

 Objective (brief)
Identify and state the objectives of the project (based upon the literature review) that
summarize what is to be achieved at the end of the study/project. Try to closely relate these
to the research problem. It is possible (and advisable) to break down a general objective into
smaller, logically connected parts in the form of bullet points.

 Methodology/ Planning of work

Give a detailed description of methods and approaches that you are going to plan/use to
achieve the identified objectives.
 Facilities required for proposed work (if required)
 Benefits
 Limitations (If Any)
 Reference
Give a list of earlier research papers, books, and manuals etc. that are referred to formulate
the problem. 10 pts. Times new Roman font

Page Formatting
 16point Times roman for chapter number and name (center aligned)
 One space between heading and first paragraph.
 14point Times roman in Heading
 12point Times roman for text in paragraphs (justified)
 1.5 line spacing
 25mm paper margin on A4 paper
 Number all figures (as Fig 1, Fig 2, and so on) sequentially and cite in the text
wherever used in the paragraphs etc for explanation/discussion etc.
 Number all tables (as Table 1, Table 2, and so on) sequentially and cite in the text
wherever used in the paragraphs etc for explanation/discussion etc.
Title of study-(28point times roman)
Synopsis report submitted in partial requirement of
B.E Civil Engineering

Submitted by
(Name of the student in 18point times roman)
(UID of student)
Batch: 2018-2012 / 2019-2022(LEET)

Department of Civil Engineering

Chandigarh University Ghrauan, Mohali

The authors are highly grateful to the Dr. Harjot Singh, Associate Director,
Chandigarh University Mohali, for providing this opportunity to carry out the
Project. <title of project>

The constant guidance and encouragement received from Prof. (Dr.) Seema, Head,
Department of Civil Engineering & Er. Puneet Sharma Academic Co-ordinator,
Department of Civil Engineering, has been of great help in carrying out the project
work and is acknowledged with reverential thanks.

The authors would like to express a deep sense of gratitude and thanks profusely to
<Guide Name>without the wise counsel and able guidance, it would have been
impossible to complete the report in this manner.

The authors express gratitude to other faculty members of Civil Department,

Chandigarh University and Mohali for their intellectual support throughout the
course of this work.

Name of Students

I have gone through the content of the synopsis submitted by

_____________________________ and found it in order and fit to carry on the proposed

Dated Signature of the guide

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