01 - ASME IX QW-150 (2010 Add.2011) PDF
01 - ASME IX QW-150 (2010 Add.2011) PDF
01 - ASME IX QW-150 (2010 Add.2011) PDF
groove weld performance qualification as permitted in specimens required to represent the full thickness of the
QW-305 to prove the ability of welding operators to make weld at one location shall comprise a set.
sound welds. (d) When multiple specimens are necessary, the entire
thickness shall be mechanically cut into a minimum num-
ber of approximately equal strips of a size that can be
QW-144 Visual Examination
tested in the available equipment. Each specimen of the
Visual examination as described in QW-194 is used to set shall be tested and meet the requirements of QW-153.
determine that the final weld surfaces meet specified quality For pipe having an outside diameter of 3 in. (75 mm)
standards. or less, reduced-section specimens conforming to the
requirements given in figure QW-462.1(c) may be used
for tension tests.
QW-150 TENSION TESTS QW-151.3 Turned Specimens. Turned specimens con-
QW-151 Specimens forming to the requirements given in figure QW-462.1(d)
may be used for tension tests.
Tension test specimens shall conform to one of the types
illustrated in figures QW-462.1(a) through QW-462.1(e) (a) For thicknesses up to and including 1 in. (25 mm),
and shall meet the requirements of QW-153. a single turned specimen may be used for each required
tension test, which shall be a specimen of the largest diame-
QW-151.1 Reduced Section — Plate. Reduced- ter D of figure QW-462.1(d) possible for test coupon thick-
section specimens conforming to the requirements given ness [per Note (a) of figure QW-462.1(d)].
in figure QW-462.1(a) may be used for tension tests on (b) For thicknesses over 1 in. (25 mm), multiple speci-
all thicknesses of plate. mens shall be cut through the full thickness of the weld
(a) For thicknesses up to and including 1 in. (25 mm), with their centers parallel to the metal surface and not over
a full thickness specimen shall be used for each required 1 in. (25 mm) apart. The centers of the specimens adjacent
tension test. to the metal surfaces shall not exceed 5⁄8 in. (16 mm) from
(b) For plate thickness greater than 1 in. (25 mm), full the surface.
thickness specimens or multiple specimens may be used, (c) When multiple specimens are used, each set shall
provided QW-151.1(c) and QW-151.1(d) are complied represent a single required tension test. Collectively, all
with. the specimens required to represent the full thickness of
(c) When multiple specimens are used, in lieu of full the weld at one location shall comprise a set.
thickness specimens, each set shall represent a single ten- (d) Each specimen of the set shall be tested and meet
sion test of the full plate thickness. Collectively, all of the the requirements of QW-153.
specimens required to represent the full thickness of the
weld at one location shall comprise a set. QW-151.4 Full-Section Specimens for Pipe. Tension
specimens conforming to the dimensions given in figure
(d) When multiple specimens are necessary, the entire
QW-462.1(e) may be used for testing pipe with an outside
thickness shall be mechanically cut into a minimum num-
diameter of 3 in. (75 mm) or less.
ber of approximately equal strips of a size that can be
tested in the available equipment. Each specimen of the
set shall be tested and meet the requirements of QW-153. QW-152 Tension Test Procedure
QW-151.2 Reduced Section — Pipe. Reduced-section The tension test specimen shall be ruptured under tensile
specimens conforming to the requirements given in figure load. The tensile strength shall be computed by dividing
QW-462.1(b) may be used for tension tests on all thick- the ultimate total load by the least cross-sectional area of
nesses of pipe having an outside diameter greater than 3 in. the specimen as calculated from actual measurements made
(75 mm). before the load is applied.
(a) For thicknesses up to and including 1 in. (25 mm),
a full thickness specimen shall be used for each required
tension test. QW-153 Acceptance Criteria — Tension Tests
(b) For pipe thicknesses greater than 1 in. (25 mm), full QW-153.1 Tensile Strength. Minimum values for pro-
thickness specimens or multiple specimens may be used, cedure qualification are provided under the column heading
provided QW-151.2(c) and QW-151.2(d) are complied “Minimum Specified Tensile, ksi” of table QW/QB-422.
with. In order to pass the tension test, the specimen shall have
(c) When multiple specimens are used, in lieu of full a tensile strength that is not less than
thickness specimens, each set shall represent a single ten- (a) the minimum specified tensile strength of the base
sion test of the full pipe thickness. Collectively, all of the metal; or
Copyright c 2011 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME.
(b) the minimum specified tensile strength of the weaker specimen shall be tested and meet the requirements in
of the two, if base metals of different minimum tensile QW-163.
strengths are used; or QW-161.2 Transverse Face Bend. The weld is trans-
(c) the minimum specified tensile strength of the weld verse to the longitudinal axis of the specimen, which is
metal when the applicable Section provides for the use of bent so that the face surface becomes the convex surface
weld metal having lower room temperature strength than of the bent specimen. Transverse face-bend test specimens
the base metal; shall conform to the dimensions shown in figure
(d) if the specimen breaks in the base metal outside of QW-462.3(a). For subsize transverse face bends, see
the weld or weld interface, the test shall be accepted as QW-161.4.
meeting the requirements, provided the strength is not more
than 5% below the minimum specified tensile strength of QW-161.3 Transverse Root Bend. The weld is trans-
the base metal. verse to the longitudinal axis of the specimen, which is
(e) the specified minimum tensile strength is for full bent so that the root surface becomes the convex surface
thickness specimens including cladding for Aluminum of the bent specimen. Transverse root-bend test specimens
Alclad materials (P-No. 21 through P-No. 23) less than shall conform to the dimensions shown in figure
⁄2 in. (13 mm). For Aluminum Alclad materials 1⁄2 in. QW-462.3(a). For subsize transverse root bends, see
(13 mm) and greater, the specified minimum tensile QW-161.4.
strength is for both full thickness specimens that include QW-161.4 Subsize Transverse Face and Root Bends.
cladding and specimens taken from the core. Bend specimens taken from small diameter pipe coupons
may be subsized in accordance with General Note (b) of
figure QW-462.3(a).
QW-160 GUIDED-BEND TESTS QW-161.5 Longitudinal-Bend Tests. Longitudinal-
QW-161 Specimens bend tests may be used in lieu of the transverse side-bend,
face-bend, and root-bend tests for testing weld metal or
Guided-bend test specimens shall be prepared by cutting
base metal combinations, which differ markedly in bending
the test plate or pipe to form specimens of approximately
properties between
rectangular cross section. The cut surfaces shall be desig-
(a) the two base metals, or
nated the sides of the specimen. The other two surfaces
shall be called the face and root surfaces, the face surface (b) the weld metal and the base metal
having the greater width of weld. The specimen thickness QW-161.6 Longitudinal Face Bend. The weld is paral-
and bend radius are shown in figures QW-466.1, lel to the longitudinal axis of the specimen, which is bent
QW-466.2, and QW-466.3. Guided-bend specimens are of so that the face surface becomes the convex surface of the
five types, depending on whether the axis of the weld is bent specimen. Longitudinal face-bend test specimens shall
transverse or parallel to the longitudinal axis of the speci- conform to the dimensions shown in figure QW-462.3(b).
men, and which surface (side, face, or root) is on the QW-161.7 Longitudinal Root Bend. The weld is par-
convex (outer) side of bent specimen. The five types are allel to the longitudinal axis of the specimen, which is bent
defined as follows. so that the root surface becomes the convex side of the
(a) QW-161.1 Transverse Side Bend. The weld is trans- bent specimen. Longitudinal root-bend test specimens shall
verse to the longitudinal axis of the specimen, which is conform to the dimensions shown in figure QW-462.3(b).
bent so that one of the side surfaces becomes the convex
surface of the bent specimen. Transverse side-bend test QW-162 Guided-Bend Test Procedure
specimens shall conform to the dimensions shown in figure QW-162.1 Jigs. Guided-bend specimens shall be bent
QW-462.2. in test jigs that are in substantial accordance with QW-466.
Specimens of base metal thickness equal to or greater When using the jigs illustrated in figure QW-466.1 or figure
than 11⁄2 in. (38 mm) may be cut into approximately equal QW-466.2, the side of the specimen turned toward the gap
strips between 3⁄4 in. (19 mm) and 11⁄2 in. (38 mm) wide of the jig shall be the face for face-bend specimens, the
for testing, or the specimens may be bent at full width (see root for root-bend specimens, and the side with the greater
requirements on jig width in QW-466). When the width discontinuities, if any, for side-bend specimens. The speci-
of the weld is so large that a bend specimen cannot be men shall be forced into the die by applying load on the
bent so that the entire weld and heat affected zones are plunger until the curvature of the specimen is such that a
within the bent portion, multiple specimens across the ⁄8 in. (3 mm) diameter wire cannot be inserted between
entire weld and heat affected zones shall be used. the specimen and the die of figure QW-466.1, or the speci-
If multiple specimens are used in either situation above, men is bottom ejected if the roller type of jig (figure
one complete set shall be made for each required test. Each QW-466.2) is used.
Copyright c 2011 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME.