Hindou Soni
Hindou Soni
Hindou Soni
GABORIEAU Marc, Un autre islam Inde, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Albin Michel, 2007
P 169 : « Cette économie agraire requiert deux sortes de services. A un niveau élevé, les services religieux et intellec-
tuels : pour les hindous, ils sont fournis par des brahmanes, qui sont héréditairement prêtres et savants (voire
astrologues), et les renonçants destinataires obligés des aumônes et sources de bénédictions ; les musulmans ont
leurs oulémas, parfois simples imams villageois, et leurs soufis qu’on peut assimiler à des renonçants. Au niveau
inférieur - en ce sens qu’ils sont traditionnellement subordonnés aux cultivateurs - un large éventail d’artisans,
hiérarchisés selon des critères très stricts. Pour faire simple, on distingue trois strates. D’abord les artisans
respectables dont le métier n’est pas considéré comme polluant : orfèvres, forgerons, menuisiers, potiers,
chaudronniers, cardeurs, tisserands, fabricants de bracelets de verre ou de laque, etc. Puis les métiers modérément
polluants des barbiers, blanchisseurs, bouchers, presseurs d’huile, etc. »
J. V. Undevia, V. Balakrishnan, R. L. Kirk, N. M. Blake, N. Saha and E. M. McDermid, A Population Genetic Study of
the Vania Soni in Western, in Human Heredity, Vol. 28, No. 2 (1978), Karger AG, pp. 104-121
The Vania Soni is but one of the sub-divisions of the Vania in Gujarat Among the other sub-divisions are Kapol,
Nagar, Jain, Oswal Jain, Kha- dayata, Modh, Lad and Porvad. In all these sub-divisions endogamy is strictly
maintained. Within each of these sub-divisions there are further sub groups or 'gotras' which enforce exogamy, but
consanguinous marriage i not allowed among the castes in Gujarat, in common with other north Indian states.
Historical evidence [Jadía, 1972] indicates the Vania community migrated from Rajasthan. Their presence was
established in 682 AD in a once prosperous city, Shrimal (now called Bhinmal), and even today most of the Vania and
some Brahmin groups prefix their names with 'Shrimali'. Because of frequent conquests and the great famine of 1
176 AD the city of Shrimal is now in a much reduced and ruined condition. The Vanias and the Brahmins, however,
started to migrate from Shrimal in the 7th century and their exodus was complete by the 14th century
The present Shrimali Vania Soni are dispersed in the major towns of Gujarat and other Indian States, and many are
abroad in Africa, UK, and USA. Their chief occupation is craftmanship dealing with gold, silver and diamond
ornaments, money lending and trading. Their total population is estimated to be 200,000-250,000