Original Research Paper: PH.D., Research Scholar, Department of Sociology, Karnataka University, Dharwad
Original Research Paper: PH.D., Research Scholar, Department of Sociology, Karnataka University, Dharwad
Original Research Paper: PH.D., Research Scholar, Department of Sociology, Karnataka University, Dharwad
By many reasons vaddars do not have permanent property. They believes only on stone and soil of nature. By this belief
they have secure residencial places in southern states of Karnataka one on the other kings of Karnataka respect vaddars
and supported on their work, we can see hampi, badami, halebidu, somanath pura of vijayanagar dynasty given
importance for royal palces, castle, lake, buildings and sculpture sommanth pura temple which is famous for sculpture is
not been worshiped today. Because all idols are destroyed by some kings. So with this back ground Karnataka state has
given shelter for vaddar community by all these reasons vaddars have habitations on southern states of Karnataka.
Vaddar community is well known community In India; we can The Reform movement among the Waddars gained
see this community in India Andra Pradesh, Maharashtra and
momentum during the early 1940's and led to the formation of
Karnataka. They speak vaddar language originated from
caste associations at Chitradurga and Kolar in the first
Royal Seema which is also known as the land of rocks and hills
instance. The first caste association was started at Chitradurga
located in Southern India. These people belongs to vaddar
in 1940 with fifteen members and was known as the
are different from other caste people in terms of the dressing
Chitradurga District Waddara Sangha. For the first time
style, language, marriage system, festivals and other social
important members of different Waddar sub-castes were
brought together in one forum. It continues, to operate as a
district association.
In 1978 shri. G.Y.Krishanan member of lokasabha has brought
to the notice of all the members of lokasabha that is the
The origin of the vaddars is identified with the help of the
facilities of vaddar community belongs to old mysore districts
puranas, it is believed that lord Brahama created five sons for
should give to the vaddars belongs to north Karnataka too. He
his assistance thay are 1.Mannu ( potter ) 2.Maya (carpenter )
has suggested this point in parliament and he forced to the
government to add vaddar to scheduled caste in 1976 indian 3. Twashthi (kanchgar ) 4.ahilpi (sculpter-waddar )
government has passed this law to remove barriers of castes 5.akkasaliga ( gold smith ) with the help of these five Brahma
belongs to same districts. Scheduled caste and scheduled created the whole universe ( vishwa ) sri rudra bharat
tribe 1976 ( law no – 108-1976) has passed in parliament from brahmanda purnas the poet Raghavanka has used the word
that day vaddars community ( bhovi) is considred as waddar the waddais have priests from their own telugu tribe.
scheduled caste in Karnataka. (Thurston, Edgar: Castes and
Tribes of South India; Vol. IV, Government of Madras Press, As vaddars leading comfortable life and contact with other
Madras, 1909, P.207) castes increased, the values and life style of this community is
changed, the high caste influenced vaddars , even though
This law logistics on dated 27-07-1977 only in Karnataka, it did they stop observing within the community. They used to
not apply to other states, from 1977 all the barriers of a castes refuse to take food from communities like Muslims, Christians
were removed from all districts of Karnataka and these castes and untouchables and accept it only from those considered as
were considered as scheduled castes. The law which has equal or superior. The farmers accepted food from the
logistics by Indian government helped to the vaddrs of vaddars but later did not reciprocate, vaddar have their own
Karnataka it has given economical, educational, occupational, group in relevant areas. They have their own rules also but the
social and political opportunities of vaddars and created contact with other groups lacked functional significance and
opportunities for welfare of community. represented their ideal- system. Campbell and Einthoven
have given their opinions, “ Vaddars ranked below the
Vaddars are known by different names in India such as Mati, Brahmin, kshatriya, lingayat, jain, kuraba, govali and other
Kala, Patharvat, Jati, Bhoaj and so on. Sociologically and cultivating and crafts castes, but above the washer man,
economically this community is poor in Dharwad district. For walmikis, koravas, shikligars, helawas and untouchables.
the basic need these people are every now and then migrate
from all over the India. Most of the rural based people migrate Patriarch has given different names to this community as
near by the village where they get opportunity of employment yajamanadu, samayagadu, or boyadu, usually they speak
and various types of work. This community is a backward telugu boyadus decisionis the final in any kind of dispute or
community. Therefore, sociologically this research mainly difrrences.the good feature of this community is none will go
focuses on the vaddara community people located at to court of law for justice everything will be finalize in the
Submitted : 27th May,2018 Revised: 01st June,2019 Accepted: 24th July,2019 Publication : 15th September, 2019
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PARIPEX - INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH | Volume-8 | Issue-9 | September - 2019 | PRINT ISSN No. 2250 - 1991 | DOI : 10.36106/paripex
leadership of boyadu under local nayaka system. It is stated According to another vesion of the name legend recorded by
that up till none has ever approached the court for justice. nanjundaya and ananthkrishan iyer (1931:660) their (
However it is the medieval history of the area which is relevant waddars ) f irst man and woman were created by
to the present study,since the vaddars are said to have come to pramsehawara ( another name for shiva ) out of his own
south India along with Muslim unvaders as british travelers perspiration on a sultry day. While he and paravati were
and officers have referred to the honesty and praiseworthy wandering on the earth. Parameshawara gave them a crowbar
character of the vaddars as transports of goods(Campbell a pickaxe and a basket and asked the couple to dig a well to
1884:122 Thurston :1909 :122) in both peace and war the quench their (prameshawara and paravati) thirst when the
vaddras also traded with the general population in grain salt, gods were gratified they asked the couple what boon they
spices cotton and wollen clothes etc.during peace time and expected for the services rendered by them. The demand
became a useful means of transport between north and south made by the latter was so high that parameshwara got
the coastal regions and the upghat regions in the south itself disgusted with their cupidity and cursed them and their
(buchanan1807 vol II:144-187 CRAUFURD 1747 VOL II :90) descendants to earning their bread only through digging
wells and tanks.
Vaddar community had political heritage they belonged to
chandrapura varadhishwara mohavana emperor devendras Siddrama was the priest of vaddar community in 12TH
clan vatakeshwara linga was their deity. Vaddars given birth century he was called as miracle man and poets and
from throttle home of Aadhirudra this matter has mentioned in Allamaprbhu of this age called this hermetist person as vadda
the shri Rudrabharati Brahamanada purana and late there must be some reason for Siddaramas pen name “
M.M.vaddar has given link to his own explanation in his work KAPILA SIDDAMALLIKARJUN” .
“VADDRAS HOSA BELAKU “ these all explations gives
intimate ways to find out origin of vaddar community. Only from the script change the words like vaddara, waddar,
Dr. Shivaram Karanth said by explanations stone age of 3200 vadru, vadra, bhovi, bovhi, are in use but all these words
B.C.” Vaddaris start creating one or two centuries of Stone indicates vaddar community. To the extent of india odra,
Age.” todays odissa is the seminary of vadda community.
Vaddars believe in work is worship they work with soil and M.V.Rajgopal said that : the vadrangis are carepenters, boys
stone so they cannot educate their children. Children also Rajakar, Mangalas, kummars and vaddars “ by this statement
work with their parents in sun. So vaddars children are stay he has clear that who dig earth and stone cultters are called as
away from modern age and education. vaddars.
ORIGIN OF THE WORD “ VADDAR” The stone cutter were called pushnikas were as the masons
Many books have reference that the name vaddar is origin by were known as the selavaddhiki, the name of vaddhiki
the creation of sculpture, stone work, art work on stone. nayathara and dmas as selvaddhiki are found from nagarjuna
Vaddar s are migrated from odra, addra, of madras and hitel konda said by .M.L.Nigam.
said that the meaning of vadde vanu as slaves of lake diggers.
L.K.Iyer writes the name of the caste in vadda said to means
Dr. Shankar Narayan has mentioned castes in his K.G.S.N. the people of odra country, which is indentified with Orissa
book he has found panchala,as carpenter, goldsmith, potter the titles appended to their names are Raju ( Chieftain ) Boyi (
and vaddars. By saying this he has added vaddars into a carrier ) and gandu ( a head man ).
N.J.Usha Rao given refrence that vaddars are from odra place
Vaddars have got their name from oddra, oddra means todays and Raju, Gouda are the names of leaders of this community.
odissa and the out ward characteristics of vaddars are soft Above all mentioned books are given importance for place.
languid and innocent said by Hayavadan Rao. This word is the reason for getting a name vaddars.
Architecture sculpture quern are the works of vaddars rather
“ vaddayya, vadda, vaddar, bhovi, bovhi” all these terms are than they will not mention community name.
supposed to indicate the same meaning and refer the vaddar
community. These terms indicate Orissa state (Odhra desha) If we see the historical background of the word “ vaddar” duel
situated in the northern part of Madras. Odra, vaddar, odiya, opinions are explaining the origin of vaddar odra from north
odhra these terms generally refer the Orissa province, where side of odissa and madras are the origin of vaddars. If a
the Vaddar community is supposed to have originated. community origin from a particular palace or that community
lives long time in that particular place it is natural that that
Originally vaddars are “ dravidas” basically their language community gives back architecture and sculpture to these
was “VADDARI” but gradually with the influences of local play places, and made popular this places. The verification
back it had mingled with telagu language which is one among continues about community. A person who created history is
the pancha dravida language but light some differences are consider as guru of this community. “ Siddarama” was the
there in present vaddar language the relative matters of this priest of vaddar community. In 12TH century he was called
language has found in the book called sant, panta, vatanta of “ this miracle man and poet and allamaprabhu called this
CHAPAN” language study shri .M.Mate had mentioned hermetist person as “ Vadda” there must be some reason for
vaddari language in his study this language study gives siddarama s pen name kapila sidda mallikaarjun kapilavastu
sources to origin of vaddar language. is the capital of odissa. This kapilavastu place is donated by
kapil maharishi. This kapila maharshi blessed to siddarama
The stone cutter were called pushnikas where as the masons and kapilavastu and shri saila are the near by places so
were known as the selavaddhiki. The name of vaddhiki s i d d a r a m a b e l i ev e t h a t k a p i l a a s h i s g u r u a n d
nagathra and damas as selavaddhiki are found from channamallikarajun as his god. This community consider this
nagarajuna konda “. miracle man s name as community guru. The surname of
siddarama is vaddarama so this name may come to vaddar
L.K. IYER writes the name of the caste is vadda said to mean community.
the people of odra country which is indentified with Orissa
the title appended to their names are Raju ( Chieftain ) boyi ( a Residential places of vaddar community :
carrier ) and ( gauda ( a head man ) Most commonly vaddars are living in small villages as well as
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PARIPEX - INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH | Volume-8 | Issue-9 | September - 2019 | PRINT ISSN No. 2250 - 1991 | DOI : 10.36106/paripex
urban places of Karnataka state. Vaddars could not get works are called vadrani, vaddrageri, vaddar hatti, vaddar keri etc.
in small villages so they diverted to districts places, and get We may see today vaddar have one or two families in village.
good works in districts places and leading comfortable life in 100 families in urban area are living. Their home are very
their working places. small but they own it. There is a particular reason to contstract
small homes. The work of vaddars is not permanent. They may
By many reasons vaddars do not have permanent property. migrate to another ville on work. In such condition they leave
They believes only on stone and soil of nature. By this belief home and carry necessary things with them like this from one
they have secure residencial places in southern states of place to an they travel by cart with their things. So as much as
Karnataka one on the other kings of Karnataka respect possible they prefer small residence. In such streets temple is
vaddars and supported on their work, we can see hampi, compulsory, temple is placed center of the street. Toady the
badami, halebidu, somanath pura of vijayanagar dynasty influence of civilization made many changes in the life of
given importance for royal palces, castle, lake, buildings and vaddars.
sculpture sommanth pura temple which is famous for
sculpture is not been worshiped today. Because all idols are For such street , one person is consider as leader. The leader is
destroyed by some kings. So with this back ground Karnataka called as “ Baidu” the suggestions of baidu are very important.
state has given shelter for vaddar community by all these Everyone follows his words, vaddars work on out door and in
reasons vaddars have habitations on southern states of mine, and iron and steel weapons they use. In rainy seasons
Karnataka. mines will be fillwith rain waters, irons weapons may slip,
digging of soil or digging of well not be possible at rainy
WADDARS IN KARNATAKA : seasons. For these reasons vaddars get rest on rainy season,
In 1972, Havanur committee has introduced in Karnataka, they utilize this time. Every family of vaddars nourish a dog in
according to this committee report vaddar community should their home, in rainly seasons all males street goes for hunting
add to group of backward tribes, in 1975 committee has along with their dogs, not only dogs , they nourish cows, goats,
reported to government to recommend social, educational also women work with their leaders, if they don't have work,
and occupational reservation of vaddars. they go to forest to bring fodder their pets. And in summer
season they use to bring their saree to river or lake to catch
As often this community is facing many changes and fishes as such they go in unity and they show the unity of their
challenges, some of the leaders from vaddars community of community.
Karnataka like late. G.P.Vadeyaraj, K.S.Bilagi, late Gurappa
Sudi from Hubballi, and Lamani communities R.L.Nayak from To protect their street and pets. They surround street with
Hubballi, all these leaders had been fight for equality in f a g g o t wo o d b u n d l e by l e a v i n g s m a l l f o o t w a y.
community. They oppose to call various names for same Chandrashekar kambar said that “ there might be many
community. homes but the onlyu common way for street” the fodder for
their pets keeps in front of their homes and protect their pets
at rainy season with woods setter on yard.
The Waddars claim that they had a number of sub-castes of
which only nine exist today. They are Kallu Waddars (stone
Mainly three sub – divisions are there vaddar community and
breakers), Mannu Waddars (earth workers), UppuWaddars
many clans they have their own justice court. The office of
(salttraders), BandiWaddars (cart users), GiriniWaddars
headman who is known as yejamanadu, samayagadu, or
(grindstone makers). Raja Waddars (employed by royal
pedda boyadu, is hereditary and disputes, who cannot be
families), Aragu Waddars (Lac-sellers), Tudugu Waddars
settled at a council meeting or refrence to a balija deasai,
(thieves) and Oru Waddars (town-dwellers). All these sub- chetti, whose decision is final. In some cases the headman is
castes appear to have been named after their traditional assisted by officers china boyadu.
occupations. The first three sub-castes namely, Kallu, Mannu
and Uppu Waddars - form the bulk of the Waddars population In vaddar community the up coming priest is pre-decided.
in Karnataka State. The elder son or younger son of priest will take charge. This
activity developed from Hydrabad Karnataka then all other
Vaddar has sub caste the kallu vaddar is main sub caste. It has districts followed this priests family will take all the charges of
largest population among vaddars. The sub caste name worship.
derived from their traditional occupation of stone work. Their
works are cutting of grand stones, building constraction, stone The famous poet of kannada literature, kuvempu has written
quarries etc. the kallu vaddars are numerous in the districts of in his poem like “ Bagilolu kai mugidu ba yatrikane shileyali
banglore, bellary, chitradurag, kollar, shimoga, and dharwad. kaleya baleyu” these lines show that the contribution of
vaddars occupation to literature and music is adorable, poem
SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONS OF VADDARS says that occupation of vaddars partly got support by society.
Social organization of vaddar community is total different Recently sculptor shri. Hanumanth Balabhima Godake had
from other communities vaddars maintain unity among done beautiful works in maharastra umarga”s balaji temple.
themselves. Usually theey live east, north and west side of He has created elephants, conchs and shri ranga lying on the
village they ignore south side, vaddar are non vegetarians. head of adhishesha. These all kind of sculpture indicate that
The smell of non- veg meal should not reach to common still art and sculpture have life.
people. From east to west air will not wonder very fasyly, so
vaddars prefer east side for residence. The architecture work of vaddars amazing. While construct
home, the foot steps sound of Stanger who stands in front of
Uaually their homes are very small mud and stone houses out front door should rich kitchen. This kind of facility is miracle
side the village with flat roofs. Thurston said about homes “ many homes and cloisters having this kind of facility. It
who live in clutched settlements, building their huts in conical indicates weirdness of vaddars occupation.
or beehive from with only a low door of entrance.”
Architecture, sculpture and old buildings of india are the
The residences of vaddar community usually situated away reflection of vaddars unselfish efforts, and these works
from ville and different from ville. The quaries good or bad increase fame of india allover the world and it witness the
things about them self should not reach to people of ville. So different steps of luife and history of India.
they wants to live away from villes, but in many places stone
pounders ( kallu kutik ) live near by villes thse vaddars have Today” s mechanical life is spoiling life of vaddars especially
suspicious view on ville people. Such residence near by ville sculpture and architecture. Today blaster machines are using
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PARIPEX - INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH | Volume-8 | Issue-9 | September - 2019 | PRINT ISSN No. 2250 - 1991 | DOI : 10.36106/paripex
for stone cutting, walls are constructing by cement and bricks, down the forest which formed a protective barrier the city set
flor mills for blow mixer at home to blow, cement is use for lire to it and destroyed the fort bheema appears to have
idols all these kind of works stroke physical and intelligence perished either during this attack or at some time subsequent
works of vaddar community. The plagued of machines to this event “ it explains about vaddar community.
destroying ability of vaddars, in this kind of world vaddars are
facing many difficulty to lead a life. “ Karnataka history ws witnessed many freedom fighters late
vaddar yallappa is one among them yallappa fought for
In India contract based work started by vaddars. This kingdom and country brave queen chanamma struggle for
community is well known for unity physical strength and kittur vaddar yallappa was one among the army team of
intelligent work. By these qualities vaddars finish their work in channamma he struggle for mother and mother land, he had
time. So that they are able to get contract works.Vaddars main given his best to country vaddar yallappa was like lion of
occupation is architecture but to lead a life they depend on sangolli these fighters did not fear for british army. Vaddars
carpenter work and black- smith work etc. with the help of yallapa had a special quality that only by touching his ear on
carpenter work they make cart, bedstead and all other things earth he confirms status of enemy army. Yallappa was one
at home. With the help of black-smith work they make their among bodyguard army team of rani chanamma he fought for
weapons like chisel, hammer, phani, sickle, poniards, etc. country and become immortal” said H.R.Bandivaddar.
some vaddars interested in business also Thurston said that
the vaddars who have become Christians have for some time The main sculptor of veerupaksha temple pattada kallu has
past possed land and cattle of their own, and are well to written sacred work called “ manasare “ historical citation “
dopeople, one of the head men who was presented to be after marihal” says the famous sculptor kokoja was constructed
service said that he had 80 acres of land of his own. Some ishwara temple with the help of 7000 sub sculptors in only
oddes have settled down as agriculturists and contractors and seven days this citation focus on work and equality of vaddar
some are very prosperous by these lines Thurston explained community.
present condition of vaddar community.
Some Important Persons Of Vaddars Community ( Religious Late, Gurappa Sudi ids one among litterateurs of kalubaragi
Persons ) districts. He was leader of 1942 campaign of sudi village. He
served as primary school teacher and spent his last days in
Vaddars community believes in work is worship at 12TH
Shahabad village of kaluburagi districts, being a good
century siddarama who pen name was “ KAPILA SIDDA
lecturer sudi has tried to dispel the superstitions about
MALIKARAJUNA” earned name and fame as miracle man vaddar community and worked against exploitations with
religious person he belongs to sollapur vaddars considered many political parties he wandered country to get to know the
him as community mentor. The discussions about siddarama sattus of vaddar community. He worried and submitted his
had been taking place some books and inscriptions says that request to state and central government. In 1978 he has writer
siddarama belongs to shaiva, some says he belongs to veera as small thysis “ Apayada Anchinalli” Bhovi Jananga:
shaiva but records says he followed both shri narasimha
charaya has collected the sources of poet Raghavanaka Shri, H.R.Bandivaddar is a greatest writer of present time, he
Raghavanaka explained in his book “ Siddarama charitreya has earned nation and state awards. He is working as a teacher
Sangarha :” as siddarama wore ling by his guru and starts as well as warden of siddarama nilaya, he has writer” Nataka
following traditions of shaiva community. Tridala” and “Panchrati” books. Under the pen name “ Guru
siddarama” he is writibg paroles. Shri.Y.y.betageri is working
Like this study about siddarama continues poet Raghavanaka as lecturer in B.ed college and writer a book called “
had written “ Siddarameshwar purana “ here Raghavanaka Bharatadalli Bhavaikya,Bharatadalli Shikshana Paddati” .
explained in 21ST poem of 9TH section as siddarama sacrifice
himself to channamallikarajun at that time he had given his ARTISTS
kingdom to vaddars community shri narasimhacharaya Mrs.Ramadevi is famous actress of kannada film industry. She
explained this reference in his work or book. has witnessed various characters and be came famous actress
from vaddar community. She has concern about her own
Vaddarereya, vaddarodaeya, vadda are the words used for community. Shri. Tammanna, Davalappa Gadivaddar from
siddarama elder or leader is responsible for all the activities athani is a famous singer and workimg in “D” division artist in
of street. The words vadeya hiriya are used these words like “ Akashavani”.
Mrs. Shivaratana is artist of television and akashavani she was
Billesh bommayya was the disciple of siddarama he was from worked with Mrs. Siddaganganna in presentation of psalm.
odiya, (Orissa ) it arises suspicion that the an castors of Shivaratana is warded knighthood as “ kirtthan kogile “.
siddarama might be from Orissa in this case researches needs Lalita patrot is a artist, who acted in “ shri karishana parijata”“
to be give answer. kadli matti station master” she has earned name and fame in
belagavi, karwar, kolap[ur, dharwad districts.
1000 to 1350 “ Maharatra of Yadava age “ Marathi work Ambiger timmanna pujari from ambigeri, rona districts. He is
explains as yadav kulaparamparetil pavila vaddigaraja real artist of stone as well as on wood he creates beauty in
sambrala Krishna rastra kotacha samath hota “it means the wood,. No one creates beautiful wood chariot like timmanna.
first king of yadavas belongs to vaddars community billama
was the second son of king billamaa was very brave, The traditional vaddars group is also popular for its social
Rastrakuta kings appreciated bravery of billama they have organization which provides for complete control over the
given bride to billama this work explains vaddar community village by the community leaders who are popularly known
ruled as kings too. as Naik, Dalapati and panchamukh. The modem urban life
while supporting a highly segmented and individualist life is
Andrapradesh gazette has a refrence of king called bhima found to be not supporting such traditional institutions. Thus,
was ruled vadde amnu of mahebub city andrapradesh bhima it is important to understand the new institutions or the new
belongs to vaddars community according to M.V.Rajgopal “ practices that might have replaced the old traditional social
the capital of bhima ( vaddamanu ) unable to offer resistance organization among the vaddars.
fled to the forest accompanied by his mother brothers and
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