Entrep 3

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What inspires you to be creative? cite some situations or instances wherein you are pushed or forced to
be creative. Explain.

To be different among other’s and to create change is what inspires me to be creative. When we are
instructed to create a poster on our senior high days I’m not that creative to create even one concept
but i was forced to be creative since that was a contest. I start thinking or imagining things that is related
and based on the concept of the contest, so I could create in my most creative way by believing that my
output should inspires many.


Site at least 3 examples of successful innovated products made by Filipinos. and as an aspiring
entrepreneur , make a sound idea of an innovated product that you think will be marketable. Include
the process on how you will produce it.

Philippines has a lot of innovated products that contributed the most on the economy of the Philippines
including Patis that is made using galunggong (round scad) that's coated in salt, then left to ferment over
a couple of months to a year, another one is Banana Catsup is a popular Philippine fruit ketchup
condiment made from banana, sugar, vinegar and spices. Its natural color is brownish-yellow but it is
often dyed red to resemble tomato ketchup. Last one is yoyo, a toy consisting of an axle connected to
two disks, and a string looped around the axle, similar to a spool.

There are 3.6 million kilometers dedicated to coconut production in the Philippines, which accounts for
25 per cent of total agricultural land in the country. We heard coconut oil as one of an innovated
product from coconut, As an aspiring entrepreneurs my sound idea of an innovated product is through
the coconut water. It is said to be very useful for our health, if I could make coconut water into one of
drinking beverages then most of Filipino will not just be satisfy on their thirst but also will benefit to
their health. I will start on finding my resources like where I can buy coconut water then start on
preserving it well and start packaging it through bottle and give a brand name on it.


What do you think would be the impact of these myths in innovation to non-entrepreneurs like you?
what can be done to debunk these myths and persuade the people to undertake this activity?

I think the impact of these myths in innovation to non-entrepreneurs like me is somewhat confusing
and not that encouraging. The first myth said that It is about what we do behind close doors but instead
it is about our capacity to open new doors and create small ideas into great innovation. It said that
innovation just happen but it is always us that make it happen. Without you making decision and think
ways then innovation wouldn’t be possible. We need to reward innovation but most importantly we also
have to reward failures, because failures will lead into great innovation, it just mean that you are trying.
It is about working harder but the real is that it is about working smarter. Innovation is not just about big
ideas but also small ideas. There will never big ideas without small ideas. We should importance on the
small ideas that could lead to great innovation. We need people to think differently not just the

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