Transportation Engineering Problems With Solution Activities

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The document discusses different word problems and their solutions related to transportation engineering concepts like vehicle acceleration, highway design, and traffic data collection.

The document discusses two main activities - the first involves solving word problems related to stopping sight distance, vehicle acceleration, horsepower calculation, and horizontal curve design. The second activity involves solving problems related to traffic data collection using concepts like density, flow, and space mean speed.

To solve problems related to vehicle acceleration, the acceleration formula is given as du/dx = a - bu, where u is the speed, x is the distance, a and b are constants. Integration of the formula gives the distance or time to reach a given speed. Horsepower is calculated using the formula HP = Weight x Speed x Grade / 375.

College of Engineering Education

Transportation Engineering



(Word Problems)
Activity 1: Read and answer the following questions.
1. The design speed of a multilane highway is 60 mi/h. What is the minimum stopping sight distance
that should be provided on the road if (a) the road is level and (b) the road has a maximum grade of
4%? Assume the perception-reaction time = 2.5 sec.

2. The acceleration of a vehicle takes the form du/dx = 3.6 – 0.06u where u is the vehicle speed in ft
/sec. The vehicle is traveling at 45 ft /sec at time To.
(a) Determine the distance traveled by the vehicle when accelerated to a speed of 55 ft /sec.
(b) Determine the time at which the vehicle attains a speed of 55 ft /sec.
(c) Determine the acceleration of the vehicle after 3 sec.

3. Determine the horsepower developed by a passenger car traveling at a speed of 60 mph on an

upgrade of 4% with a smooth pavement. The weight of the car is 4500 lb and the cross-sectional
area of the car is 45 ft2

4. A horizontal curve is to be designed for a section of a highway having a design speed of 60 mi/h.
(a) If the physical conditions restrict the radius of the curve to 500 ft, what value is required for the
superelevation at this curve?

(b) Is this a good design?

For the highways located in rural areas with no ice or snow, the maximum superelevation rate is
0.10. However, the highways located in areas with ice or snow, the superelevation rate value
range from 0.08 to 0.10. The calculated superelevation rate exceeds the maximum limit.
Therefore, the design is not good with the given data.

5. Determine the minimum radius of a horizontal curve required for a highway if the design speed is
70 mi/h and the superelevation rate is 0.08.
Activity 2: Read and answer the following questions.
1. Data obtained from aerial photography showed six vehicles on a 600 ft-long section of road.
Traffic data collected at the same time indicated an average time headway of 4 sec. Determine (a)
the density on the highway, (b) the flow on the road, and (c) the space mean speed.

2. Two sets of students are collecting traffic data at two sections, xx and yy, of a highway 1500 ft
apart. Observations at xx show that five vehicles passed that section at intervals of 3, 4, 3, and 5 sec,
respectively. If the speeds of the vehicles were 50, 45, 40, 35, and 30 mi/h, respectively, draw a
schematic showing the locations of the vehicles 20 sec after the first vehicle passed section xx. Also
determine (a) the time mean speed, (b) the space mean speed, and (c) the density on the highway.


1 20.41
2 22.68
3 25.51
4 29.15
5 34.01


1 1, 478
2 1122
3 762.67
4 513
5 220

3. Determine the space mean speed for the data given in Problem 6.3 using the Garber and Sankar
expression given in Eq. 6.5. Compare your answer with that obtained in Problem 6.3 for the space
mean speed and discuss the results.

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