4 CE41 Sight Distances

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(Vertical Curves)
Stopping Sight Distance
- It is the distance required to see an object 150 mm high on the
- It is the total distance traveled during three times intervals:
a. The time for the driver to perceive the hazard
b. The time to react
c. The time to stop the vehicle after the brakes are applied.
*Based on the National Safety Council, average driver reaction
time is ¾ seconds.
• The stopping sight distance s The distance traveled during the reaction time of the
driver is just the speed of the vehicle times the reaction
depends on the reaction of the time, or
driver (including both perception dr = vtr
time and the time required to react
physically) and the braking distance where v = design speed
tr = driver’s reaction time
of the vehicle. That is, (including perception time)
s = dr +db
Braking distance can be computed by the formula,
Where: 𝒗𝟐
db =
𝟐𝒈 (𝒇±𝑮)
dr = the distance traveled during the
driver’s reaction time where db = braking distance
db = the braking distance g = acceleration of gravity
f = coefficient of friction between
tires and pavement
G = average grade, dimensionless ratio (m/m)
Conditions S.I. Units English Units
(h1 & h2 are substituted already)

Summit vertical parabolic curve S<L 𝐴𝑠2 𝐴𝑠2

a. Stopping sight distance L= L=
S.I English 200( ℎ1+ ℎ2)2 1400
h1=1.14 m h1 = 3.75 ft
h2=0.15 m h2 = 6 in

S>L 200( ℎ1+ ℎ2)2 1400

L = 2𝑠 − L = 2𝑠 −
Conditions S.I. Units English Units
(h1 & h2 are substituted already)
Summit vertical parabolic curve S<L 𝐴𝑠 2 𝐴𝑠 2
L= L=
a. Stopping sight distance 200( ℎ1+ ℎ2)2 1400
S.I English
S>L 200( ℎ1+ ℎ2)2 1400
h1=1.14 m h1 = 3.75 ft L = 2𝑠 − L = 2𝑠 −
h2=0.15 m h2 = 6 in

Sample Problems:
1. Determine the minimum length of a summit parabolic vertical curve
needed to join a 2% grade with a -3% grade on a section of
highway with an 80.49 kph design speed. Assume f = 0.30 and
perception reaction time of 2.5 s.
s = 135.51 m
L = 216.87 m
2. A vertical summit curve as tangent grades of 3% and -2%. Compute
the length of curve for a stopping sight distance of 120 m.
L = 170.05
Passing Sight Distance (for summit parabolic
vertical curve)
- It is the distance required to see an oncoming vehicle of a certain
minimum size. The normally concerns of these are only on two-way
b. Passing sight distance S<L 𝐴𝑠2 𝐴𝑠2
S.I. English L= L=
h1&h2 = 1.14 m h1&h2 = 3.75 ft 200( ℎ1+ ℎ2)2 3000

S>L 200( ℎ1+ ℎ2)2 3000

L = 2𝑠 − L = 2𝑠 −
b. Passing sight distance S<L 𝐴𝑠 2 𝐴𝑠 2
S.I. English L= L=
200( ℎ1+ ℎ2)2 3000
h1&h2 = 1.14 m h1&h2 = 3.75 ft
S>L 200( ℎ1+ ℎ2)2 3000
L = 2𝑠 − L = 2𝑠 −

Sample Problems:
1. A vertical summit curve has tangent grades of 2.5% and -1.5%.
Compute the passing sight distance if the length of curve is 182 m.
s = 205 m
2. A vertical summit curve has a length of 198 m long and has tangent
grades of +3% and -2%. Compute the length of passing sight
s = 190.29 m
Sight Distance – is the length of roadway
ahead visible to the driver.
Vertical sag parabolic curve S<L 𝐴𝑠 2 𝐴𝑠 2
(Sight distance ONLY) L= L=
122+3.5𝑠 400+3.5𝑠
𝑉2𝐴 S>L 122+3.5𝑠 400+3.5𝑠
L= L = in feet L= 2𝑠 − L= 2𝑠 −
46.50 𝐴 𝐴
A =/g1/+/g2/ V = max. velocity
of car moving in a
vertical curve,
in mph
Sample Problems:
1. A vertical sag parabolic curve has a length of 141 m with tangent
grades of -1.5% and 2.5%. Compute the length of the sight distance.
s = 152.4 m
2. Compute the maximum velocity of a car that could pass through a
vertical sag curve having tangent grades of -1.5% and 3.5%, if its has
a sight distance of 182.93m.
V = 81.83 mph
Summary of formulas
Conditions S.I. Units English Units
(h1 & h2 are substituted already)
Summit vertical parabolic curve S<L 𝐴𝑠 2 𝐴𝑠 2
a. Stopping sight distance L= L=
200( ℎ1+ ℎ2)2 1400
S.I English
S>L 200( ℎ1+ ℎ2)2 1400
h1=1.14 m h1 = 3.75 ft L = 2𝑠 − L = 2𝑠 −
h2=0.15 m h2 = 6 in 𝐴 𝐴

b. Passing sight distance S<L 𝐴𝑠 2 𝐴𝑠 2

S.I. English L= L=
200( ℎ1+ ℎ2)2 3000
h1&h2 = 1.14 m h1&h2 = 3.75 ft
S>L 200( ℎ1+ ℎ2)2 3000
L = 2𝑠 − L = 2𝑠 −
Vertical sag parabolic curve S<L 𝐴𝑠 2 𝐴𝑠 2
(Sight distance ONLY) L= L=
122+3.5𝑠 400+3.5𝑠
𝑉2𝐴 S>L 122+3.5𝑠 400+3.5𝑠
L= L = in feet L= 2𝑠 − L= 2𝑠 −
46.50 𝐴 𝐴
A =/g1/+/g2/ V = max. velocity
of car moving in a
vertical curve,
in mph

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