Subject Specific Syllabus For Conduct of Written Test For Recruitment To The Post of Veterinary Inspector

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1. Elementary Animal Husbandry

Common breeds of cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat, pig, horse and poultry; Animal production systems;
Principles of housing for farm animals; Routine managements practices for various categories of
livestock (calves, heifers, pregnant and lactating animals etc.) and sick animals; Introduction to methods
of castration; Milking techniques; Clean milk production concept, significance and factors affecting clean
milk production; Sanitation and hygiene practices; Routine farm practices including wallowing, watering
and bathing; Record keeping and responsibilities of veterinary inspector/ para-veterinarian; waste
management, Identification techniques in animals, Bio-security methods at livestock farm.

2. Elementary Livestock Handling

An overview of animal behavior, Common tools used for animal control; Methods of restrain and
handling of animals; Dentition, Farrier practices and shoeing, Hoof trimming in bovine; Prevention of
cruelty to animals, Preparing animals for show/animal fair.

3. Elementary Animal Nutrition

Principles of animal nutrition; Digestive systems including rumination; Nutritional important of

carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, minerals and water; Common feeds and fodders; Scientific
feeding and feeding schedule for different categories of livestock; Colostrums feeding- How, when and
why to feed colostrums to calves? Feeding practice of cow & buffalo-Ration balancing; Anti nutritional
factors; Feed additives; Hay and Silage making, Precautions in the storage of feed and fodder.

4. Basic Computer Applications

Knowledge about the computer accessories. Use of computer in handling and presenting veterinary and
livestock data. Working in Windows operating system. Working with MS Word, Spreadsheets using MS
Excel, Graphics and MS Power Point. Internet and World Wide Web, E-mail and internet services;
Computer viruses, antivirus. Practice in Farm data recording.

5. Elementary Anatomy and Physiology of Animals

Introduction to anatomy and physiology of musculoskeletal, digestive, cardiovascular, respiratory,

nervous, excretory, male and female reproductive and endocrine system; Mammary glands of domestic
animals; Body cavities (Thoracic, abdominal and Pelvic) and its related organs. Basic physiological
parameters of domestic animals.

6. Elementary Pharmacology

Introduction to Pharmacology, Nature and sources of drugs; Routes of drug administration; Dosage
forms; Pharmaceutical processes; Handling of hazardous substances; Common antiseptics and
disinfectants; Weights and measures; Pharmacy calculations; Classification of important drugs;
Important Indigenous and allopathic drugs.

7. Elementary Veterinary Epidemiology and Public Heath

Introduction to epidemiology, surveillance, and monitoring of common seasonal infectious diseases like
Brucellosis, Rabies, Cysticercosis, TB, JD, Anthrax, FMD, Food borne pathogens, Public health
considerations; Common zoonoses and their management; Disposal of cadaver; Concept of contagious,
notifiable diseases and outbreaks.

8. Elementary Poultry Science

Poultry types-Layer, Broiler; Common breeds/strains of poultry; Meat and egg productivity, and
production, Different housing/rearing systems; Management of layer and broiler farm; Brooding;
Hatchery routines; Cleaning of poultry sheds and litter management; Bio-security; Feeding and poultry
ration; Introduction to common poultry diseases; Vaccination.
9. Elementary Animal Husbandry Extension

Extension in rural welfare; Community development and rural sociology; Principles and objectives of
veterinary and animal husbandry extension; Qualities of extension worker; Extension teaching methods;
Extension and training programmers. Duties of veterinary inspector/ para-veterinarian; Communication
tools and Role of media, Set-up of Animal Husbandry Department, Record maintenance at Veterinary
Hospital, Government schemes for farmers benefits.

10. Elementary Animal Reproduction

Female genitalia of cattle, buffalo and goats, Reproductive cycle, Puberty, Oestrous cycle; Methods of
heat detection including fern pattern; Gestation in domestic animals; Methods of pregnancy diagnosis;
Abortion in domestic animals; Parturition and impending signs, Types of infertility in farm animalscauses
and remedies; Sexual health and herd health programme; Care and management of dam and new born
calf, Introduction to parturient problems in dairy animals.

11. Elementary Andrology and Artificial Insemination

Study of male genitalia and gonads; Puberty, Methods of semen collection and storage; Handling of
fresh/frozen semen; Artificial insemination including optimum time of AI; Diseases transmitted through

12. Elementary Parasitology

Introduction to common parasites I.e., protozoa (Theileria, Babesia, Anaplasma and Trypanosomes),
Tremetodes (Liver flukes, amphistomes and lung flukes), cestodes (Moneizia, Dipylidiumcaninum,
Taeniasis, Hydatid cyst), nematodes (Toxocare, Hemonchus, Lung worm, filarial nematodes etc) and
arthropods (Flies, Ticks, Mites, Fleas and myiasis) in livestock; Economic importance of parasitic diseases
of livestock.

13. Procurement, Handling and Testing of milk

History of dairy development in India. Three tier structure of dairy cooperative. An introduction to
Indian dairy industry with special reference to dairy sector in Punjab. Milk- definition, its composition,
factors affecting the quality of milk and standards. Milk collection systems and its handling
(transportation, reception and storage). Platform tests for quality analysis of milk. Important sanitary
and hygienic practices for milk handling. Cleaning and its importance. Introduction to common
detergents & sanitary agents. Milk pricing system and its concept.

14. Basic Livestock Health Management

Introduction to common diseases of livestock; Hemorrhagic Septicaemia. Brucellosis, Tuberculosis, Foot

and Mouth disease, Rabies, Johne’s disease, Glanders, Theileriosis, Classical swine fever, etc. Insecticide
toxicities. Preventive health measures for bacterial, viral and parasitic diseases in various species.

15. Veterinary Hospital Maintenance

Maintenance of case record and lig books of scheduled drugs Basic accounting; Preparation of bills and
maintenance of consumable and nonconsumable stock of hospital; History taking, Prescription reading
and dispensing of drugs, Preparation of animals for surgical operation; Care and maintenance of surgical,
anesthetic and other common equipments; Assisting veterinary surgeon in post-operative care; Hospital
hygiene, Sterilization of operation theatre; Surgical pack and surgical instruments; Types of suture
material, Categorization of biomedical waste, its disposal as per pollution control board regulations.

16. Elementary Veterinary Medicine

Introduction to digestive, respiratory, urinary and production systems and their diseases (Milk fever,
Ketosis; Haemoglobinuria); Preliminary knowledge about indigestion, bloat, constipation, diarrhea,
aspiration pneumonia and urinary incontinence, Mastitis; Common mineral and vitamin deficiencies,
Hoof care.

17. Elements of Wound care and Management

Wound causes, classification; Types of wound dressings; Basic concepts of abscess, ulcers, haematoma,
cyst, tumor and hernia; Clinical use of antiseptics, fly repellents, anti-maggot etc.; First aid in sick
animals including fracture cases. Management of bloat; Hoof care.

18. Basic Clinical Pathology and Laboratory techniques

Handling of laboratory equipment, glassware and chemicals; Cleaning and sterilizing of laboratory
wares; Basic microscopy principles; Blood collection techniques; Use of anticoagulants; Serum and
plasma separation; Urine collection, preservation and common physical and chemical tests; Collection,
preservation and dispatch of tissues for histopathology, Protocols for necropsy of mammals and poultry

19. Practical On-Farm/Farmer’s Door Training

Handling, management practices of Dairy farm, Stud Farm, Poultry Farm, Piggery Farm, Sheep and Goat
farm, Routine farm operations including vaccination etc. Communication with farmers; Use of audio and
visual aids for training for farmers; Organizing farmer interactions, Extension programmes viz.
KisanMela, Livestock shows, Animal markets and Animal welfare camps.

20. Practical In-Clinics Training

Handling and dealing with sick animals, Record keeping; History taking; Sampling of body fluid/tissues;
Medication; Pos-operative management of surgical patients; Care of pregnant animals; Vaccination;
Preparation of solutions, lotions, tinctures, ointments, mixtures (carminatives, laxatives, purgatives,
febrifuge etc.) Electuaries etc.

21. Practical Lab/Hospital Training

Handling of laboratory equipment; Methodology for transporting various samples to laboratory for
examination; Blood smear preparation; Staining; Complete blood count; Serum and plasma separation;
Preservations of serum, plasma and tissues; Urine examination; Preparation of smears for faecal

22. Practical Bull Centre Training

Management of breeding bull; preparation of dummy; Artificial vagina preparation; Preparation of

extenders; Handling of chilled and frozen semen, Storage of semen; Handling of liquid nitrogen including
its containers; Artificial insemination; Record keeping.

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