DLP Nutrition-Types

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The Heartfulness Learning Centre Academic Year 2023-24

Grade: 7 Subject: Science Chapter-Nutrition in Plants

Dates: Name of the Faculty:Manasa Priyanka.K

1. Process Objectives: 7E’s

Enthuse: Asking the children to form Groups 5 each ad then to share likes and dislikes and present in a chain exchange form.

Experiment: To observe growth of fungi on bread and note the observations on what happens.

Experience: How leaves prepare food for plants, analysing the method.

Explain: The process of conversion of CO2 & H2O into carbohydrates, in order to understand how autotrophs obtain nutrition.

Elaborate: The process of Photosynthesis with terms, chemical formulas and synthesis.

Explore: About nitrogen fixation in leguminous plants. How nutrition helps the plant with examples.

Extend: Environmental Awareness helps the student to ponder upon and helps in identification of their role as a human being.

Learning Objectives

● The student will be able to know about modes of nutrition – autotrophic and heterotrophic
● To know about nutrition in plants – photosynthesis
● To understand how food is prepared by the process of photosynthesis.
● To know about heterotrophic nutrition in plants – parasitic, saprophytic, insectivorous and symbiotic
● To understand how nutrients are replenished in the soil.
The Heartfulness Learning Centre Academic Year 2023-24

1. Words in focus: Nutrition, Autotrophs, Heterotrophs, Photosynthesis, Crop Rotation, Insectivorous plants, Parasitic plants,
Saprophytes, Symbiosis, Lichens.

2. Integrated Values for life/Heartfelt Experiences: Sharing, Caring.

3. Life oriented Experiences/Global Perspective: Soil enrichment by Nitrogen Fixation.

4. Cross Curricular Linkages: Plants in different types of Soils, Leaves and its colours.

5. 21st Century Skills: Cross Questioning, Switch roles(Autotrophs/Heterotrophs )

21st Century Skills

☐ Collaboration ☐ Communication
☐Critical Thinking

☐Information Literacy ☐ Media Literacy ☐ Technology Literacy ☐ Financial Literacy

☐ Leadership and ☐ Initiative and Self ☐ Social and Cross-Cultural

☐ Flexibility and Adaptability
Responsibility Direction Interaction
The Heartfulness Learning Centre Academic Year 2023-24

Date: 16/6/23 LP No:1

Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able : Domain Level

● To differentiate between autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition. Perception

● To examine different modes of nutrition in plants and animals. Receiving

● To evaluate if leaves red, purple other than green might show less photosynthesis Comprehension

Subtopic Teacher’s activities Students’ Activities Resources used Assessment

Nutrition-Types Introduction (5min) The student will raise his hand to answer. White Board, Oral questioning
1.The Teachers will begin asking Marker,Text
the students about the role of book,
plants in the environment and its Notebook,Smart
nutrition. Board.
2.Initiate the discussion on the
topic ‘Whether plants also
require food’.
3.Show them pictures of various
types of plants like herbs, shrubs,
trees, creepers, etc. and ask
whether they need food or not.
4.Develop an idea that all living
things including plants need
Exploration (10 Min)
1.Teacher will Inform the The student will be able to connect the things
learners that plants like other
The Heartfulness Learning Centre Academic Year 2023-24

living things require nutrients. that he/ she has seen.

2.Teacher will explain nutrition
The students will write the examples in their
by giving suitable examples.
3.Teacher will explain modes of notebook and share the same, when asked,
with the class.
nutrition and show pictures of
various types of plants belonging
to autotrophic and heterotrophic
nutrition groups. The students will write the examples in their
notebook and share the same, when asked,
In-text Activities(5 min) with the class.
The teacher will show the From the chart the student will Draw
pictures and ask them to group diagrams of autotrophs and heterotrophs.
them. (Art integrated learning).
Encourage them to think about
the parasitic plants, saprophytic, The students will write the answers, in one
insectivores and symbiotic plants. line, and share the same when asked.

Recapitulation(8 min)

The teacher will ask/ display the

following questions:

1.What is nutrition?
2. State the importance of The students will note down the task and
nutrients. submit after completion, on or before the due
3. What are the types of nutrition date.
in plants? Home
4. Where is the food prepared in Assignment
the plant body?
5.Why are the leaves reduced to Patch making
spines in desert plants? with paper
alphabet and
put on the leaf
of the plant.
The Heartfulness Learning Centre Academic Year 2023-24

Date: 17/6/23 LP No:2

Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to: Domain Level

● Elaborate the photosynthetic process in plants. Valuing

● Synthesis of food other than carbohydrates. Mechanism

● Analyse the whole process of photosynthesis. Analysis

Subtopic Teacher’s activities Students’ Activities Resources used Assessment

Autotrophic Introduction (5min) The student will write word equations for White Board, Ask the students
Nutrition 1.Teacher explains the process of chemical reactions, e.g., acid-base reactions; Marker to collect
where an organism prepares its corrosion; photosynthesis; respiration, etc. pictures of some
own food from a simple inorganic insectivorous
material like water, mineral salts The students draw a neat, labelled and plants/Draw –
colorful diagram of the cross-section of a
and carbon dioxide in the presence paste them in a
of sunlight (5min). leaf in the classwork and flow chart of the scrapbook and
2. Teacher will draw the structure write their
of the leaf and label it. names below
The students listen to the different steps of the pictures.
Explanation (10min): photosynthesis
Teacher will deliberate about the
Equation of Photosynthesis.
Teacher explains photosynthesis, The students write the notes on
the role of leaves in photosynthesis and its steps and practice
the equation in the classwork.
The Heartfulness Learning Centre Academic Year 2023-24

photosynthesis and its importance.

1.The students observe the experiment and
Activity: (20) write down the observation in the practical
1.Teacher will take two potted record.
plants of the same kind. Keep one 2.Perform iodine test with the leaves of both
in the dark (or in a black box) Fig. the plants as they did in Class VI.
1.2 for 72 hours and the other in 3.Record your results. Now leave the pot
sunlight. which was earlier kept in the dark, in the
sunlight for 3 – 4 days and perform the
Discussion & Recap (5min) iodine test again on its leaves.
4.Record your observations in your
5.The leaves other than green also have
6.The large amount of red, brown and other
pigments mask the green colour (Fig. 1.4).
Photosynthesis takes place in these leaves

Date: 20/6/23 LP No:3

Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to: Domain

The Heartfulness Learning Centre Academic Year 2023-24

● recognizes the Adaptation in plants. Adaptation

● tells the different plants to show different methods of nutrition. Responding

● describe the different types in heterotrophic mode of nutrition. Receiving

Subtopic Teacher’s activities Students’ Activities Resources used Assessment

Heterotrophic Introduction. (5min) The student will raise his hand to answer. White Board, Case study of
Nutrition Teacher will Show pictures of Marker, Smart Nitrogen Cycle
Noting down in the notes.
some parasitic plants and explain Board, The teacher will
nutrition in such plants. Ask the students to prepare a presentation provide the
on the topic “Heterotrophic nutrition in copy.
Elaboration:(10min) Teacher will plants” and present before the class in
elaborate the types-Parasitic, groups.
c-4 types.
Other groups silently male the note of the
*Video with examples Youtube: key points during the presentation.



Activity(5+5+10 min)(AI):
Teacher asks the students to form
4 groups, followed by reading the
The Heartfulness Learning Centre Academic Year 2023-24

text and discussion followed by


Recap Q&A (10min)

Give two examples of
heterotrophic nutrition in plants.
•What are saprophytes?
• Give an example of symbiotic
• Who do some plants eat
insects? Give examples of such
• What is the function of haustoria
in cuscuta?
• Explain photosynthesis and its
importance to plants.
• What will happen in the absence
of photosynthesis.

Date: 21/6/23 LP No:4

Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to: Domain Level

● Identifies processes and phenomena with causes. Receiving

● Assemble the information. Mechanism

● Compares the different processes of nutrition. Comprehensive

The Heartfulness Learning Centre Academic Year 2023-24

Subtopic Teacher’s activities Students’ Activities Resources used Assessment

How nutrients Introduction. (5min) The student will draw mind maps of White Board, Class test on the
are replenished Replacement of nutrients, Class nutrition and types, write word equation for Marker, Smart next successive
in the soil. 7 -- Science, How nutrients are chemical reactions, e.g., acid-base reactions; Board. day
replenished in the soil? corrosion; photosynthesis; respiration, etc.,
The teacher will show the video
and ask the children to analyse
and exhibit the same.
Book back Q&A
Explanation:(10 min)

1. Teacher will explain the process

by which plants trap insects.
2. Explains Nutrition in symbiotic
plants by giving suitable examples.
3.Teacher will draw 1 Mind Map
and ask the students to do the



Discussion (10min)
The teacher will discuss the
process followed by text book

Recap & Notes (10 mins)

The Heartfulness Learning Centre Academic Year 2023-24

Date: LP No:5

Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to: Domain Level

Identifies and summarizes the processes and phenomena with causes. Receiving/Evaluation

Subtopic Teacher’s activities Students’ Activities Resources used Assessment

Class Test Teacher provides Questions from Smart Board

the chapter for evaluating the Students will write/draw/ summarize the
concepts. given questions.

Teachers Reflection:
1. What went well:

2. Scope for improvement:

The Heartfulness Learning Centre Academic Year 2023-24

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