Theory Notes - Management of Beneficial Insects
Theory Notes - Management of Beneficial Insects
Theory Notes - Management of Beneficial Insects
Tq- Vaijapur, Dist- A.Bad
Course title-
Management of beneficial insect
Credit – 2 (1+1)
Name. ………………………………………………
4. Soil Builders:
Insects which live in soil make tunnels, creating channels for smaller organisms, water,
air, and roots to travel through.
Insects improves soil aeration, and earthworm activity can enhance soil nutrient cycle, the
soil physical properties, such as soil structure and tilth and activity of other beneficial soil
Small Dung beetles makes tunnel walls with dung and also make dung balls that helps in
maintaining the quality of the soil.
Excreta of insets also enrich the soil. Examples- Beetles, Ants, Cut-worms, Larvae of
flies, Crickets, Termites, Wasps etc
Introduction to Apiculture
In the animal kingdom honey bees belong to: Phylum-Arthropoda, Class- Insecta,
Order-Hymenoptera, Superfamily-Apoidea and Family-Apidae.
Honey is highly valued food produced by honey bees and it is also used as medicine. In
addition to honey, other products like bees wax, pollen, royal jelly and bee venom are
also produced by honey bees.
More than the producers of these hive products; bees play an important role in
pollination of plants while collecting their food from flowers in the form of nectar and
Pollination is involved in a chain of complex events significant to our economy.
Pollination by insects including honey bees is important for ecological balance.
Visitation by honey bees between distant varieties or cultivars promotes hybridization
and help sparse populations to survive. Their mutual dependency has resulted into great
degree of co-evolution.
The science of rearing honey bees or beekeeping is known as apiculture.
History of beekeeping
Primitive man used to rob bee colonies found in the cavities of hollow trees or on rocks
and in traditional mud houses (Fig. 1.1) and this is still being followed by some tribes
There was no development in beekeeping until 16th century.
Proper beekeeping started only when man started giving protection to colonies found in
the nature
Idea to keep bees in log hives has been reported to come from the fallen trees which were
nested by the cavity nesting bees.
Development of modern beekeeping has its origin between 1500 and 1851 when many
attempts were made to domesticate bees in different types of hives but were not
successful because bees attached their combs together as well as to the walls of hive and
combs required had to be cut for honey.
The discovery of the principle of bee space in 1851 by L. L. Langstroth in USA resulted
in first truly movable frame hive. This bee space was 9.5 mm for Apis mellifera.
This discovery was followed by subsequent innovations like comb foundation mill, honey
extractor, smoker, etc., which helped in the development of modern beekeeping we see
Beekeeping in India
In India first attempt to keep bees in movable frame hives was made in 1882 in Bengal
and then in 1883-84 in Punjab.
1. Head
Bears a pair of geniculate antennae
Two compound eyes on lateral side of head. Bees can distinguish different colours but are
red blind and can perceive ultraviolet rays
Head bears 3 ocelli (simple eyes) on top portion which perceive degree of light
2. Thorax
Consists of three segments: prothorax , mesothorax and metathorax, each bears a pair of
legs. Meso and metathorax, each bears a pair of wings. Legs and wings are locomotory
organs. In addition to locomotion legs in honey bees are also modified to perform
following functions:
Prothoracic legs serve as antenna cleaner. Basal part of basitarsus has a notch and a small
lobe projects from distal end of tibia (tibial spur). It is found in all the three castes.
On mesothoracic legs, bushy tarsi serve as brushes for cleaning of thorax. Long spine at
end of middle tibia is used for loosening pellets of pollen from pollen basket of hind leg
and also for cleaning wings and spiracles. Wax scales are also removed from wax pockets
of abdomen by these legs.
Hind or metathoracic legs differ from other legs in being larger in size and with broad
flattened form of tibia and basitarsus. In worker bees, smooth somewhat concave outer
surface of hind tibia is fringed with long curved hairs and forms pollen basket or
Two pairs of wings arise from sides of meso and metathorax. Fore wings are stronger
than hind wings. Series of upturned hooks (hamuli) are present on front margin of each
hind wing. Decurved fold on rear margin of fore wing works as coupling apparatus for
holding hamuli and this result in unity of action of the wings in flight.
3. Abdomen
First abdominal segment is united with the metathorax and forms anatomically a part of
thorax known as propodeum
Bee larva has 10 abdominal segments but in adult workers abdomen appears 6
segmented; segments 8-10 are reduced in size and first segment (propodeum) is
transferred to thorax during pupal stage
Abdomen bears sting, wax glands (on sternites 4 to 7) and scent glands (on last two terga)
and genitalia in addition to other viscera
In workers egg laying apparatus (ovipositor) is modified into sting
Queen uses ovipositor for egg laying and for stinging rival queen.
Bee Biology:
Every honey bee colony comprises of a single queen, a few hundred drones and several
thousand worker castes of honey bees.
Pollinating Plants
The importance of honey bee pollination varies per crop and can be classified as one of the
following: essential, great, modest, and little.
Crops that fall under modest honey bee pollination include: eggplant, jujube, 11uxili,
broad bean, service tree, sesame, elderberry, black currant, pomegranate, guava, prickly
pear cactus, mammee apple, sunflower, cotton, strawberry, hyacinth bean, coffee plants,
coconut, chestnut, caraway, sword bean, rapeseed, mustard, strawberry, and okra.
Life cycle:
Queen deposits egg at the base of cell and fastens with mucilaginous secretion. After 3 days
egg hatches and workers provide pearly white food in which “C” shaped larva floats. Cell is
sealed when larva is fully grown. In the sealed cell it turns into pupa from which adult
emerges. Larva sheds skin five times during development. The sealed cells containing
worker and drone brood and honey can be differentiated on the basis of appearance
Development: The developmental stages of honey bees are: egg, larva, pupa and the adult.
Lecture No. 3
Commercial Methods of bee rearing, equipments used, seasonal management of bees
Under summer management, information on indication of honey flow, method of supering,
honey extraction and management for dearth period has been provided.
What is honey flow? : It is the period when honey bees gather and store surplus honey in
the hive after attaining peak population in the colony. Honey flow is indicated by:
Whitening of honey cells of the comb due to deposition of fresh wax
Appearance of large quantities of burr and brace combs (freshly prepared pieces of combs)
Increase in weight of the colonies due to incoming nectar (a colony kept on a stage balance
in an apiary indicates the sudden increase in weight; such a colony is also known as balance
During this period colonies should be quite populous but without swarming instinct and
should gather maximum honey instead of only concentrating on brood rearing.
Colony morale should be high for honey collection.
With the first indication of honey flow, provide supers to the colonies. But before putting
supers, examine the colonies for disease; check whether queen is present or not and
whether laying satisfactorily because after the honey flow starts, the bee keeper becomes
too busy in putting and taking off the supers
Place queen excluder between brood chamber and super so as to prevent laying in the
super by the queen
Keep swarming under check by avoiding congestion in the brood chamber. Provide
empty combs at all the times until end of honey flow.
The space can be provided by removing sealed brood to super chamber
Supers should contain drawn combs. If these are not available, provide frames with comb
foundation sheets. In that case, also place at least one or two drawn combs with the comb
foundation sheets to attract bees for raising the combs on foundations
Supers can be of half or full depth. But full depth supers are more practical since frames
can be exchanged among different chambers
When first super is full and there is a need to put the second one, it should be added
between brood chamber and first super
If there is shortage of drawn combs and raising of new combs is likely to lower honey
production (since bees consume about 7kg of honey to secrete one kg of beeswax), the
fully sealed and two third sealed honey frames can be taken out for honey extraction and
empty combs can be returned for re-use
A strong colony can collect 4.5 to 10 kg of unripe honey in a single day during good
honey flow. Therefore, keep the supers ready for meeting colony demand. It is better to
supply at least one super ahead of needs of the colony.
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For honey extraction only sealed honey frames are removed. Do not extract uncapped honey
since it is unripe and due to higher moisture contents it is liable to ferment.
Time to remove supers: Early in the morning before bees start storing unripe honey in the
combs. If combs are well sealed, these can be removed at any time of the day.
All the management practices of honey bee colonies are ultimately directed to get better
quality hive products. It is, therefore, important that apiary honey is extracted properly so as
to retain its quality. The process of extraction should be hygienic and prevent any extraneous
material in honey.
Smoker, bee veil, hive tool, bee brush, empty super bodies, uncapping knife, boiling water,
drip trays, honey extractor, honey storage container, muslin cloth
Procedure of honey extraction:
To remove sealed honey combs, give few puffs of smoke to the colony and brush off
bees from the honey combs using soft bee brush (Fig. 10.1) or bunch of soft green grass
Place the honey combs in bee tight hive bodies and shift to honey extraction room
Never rob the colonies of their entire honey stores. Depending on strength, keep with
each colony at least 5-10 kg of honey in case of Apismellifera and 2-3kg with A. cerana
for summer and monsoon dearth periods
Honey extraction room should be bee tight. After bringing the honey frames for
extraction, these can be uncapped (Fig. 10.2) either with a steam heated double walled
uncapping knife or with ordinary uncapping knife by heating in boiling water.
Keep these uncapped frames in hive bodies with drip trays below, till extraction
Put the uncapped frames in honey extractor and work at about 150 revolutions per minute
for 1 to 2 minutes. Then reverse the sides of the frames and repeat the extraction process
Stock the emptied frames in hive bodies and return these to the colonies for cleaning.
Shorten the hive entrance to avoid robbing
Since freshly extracted honey is warm and easy to strain, arrangements for straining using
muslin cloth and packing should be promptly made so as to prevent subsequent heating
Clean the appliances and the place where honey is extracted Beeswax collected during
uncapping of honey frames should be allowed to drain off its honey. Then purify this
beeswax by putting in a muslin bag and boiling in a water bath. On, cooling pure beeswax
will float over the surface of water and all impurities will remain in the muslin bag.
Precautions during honey extraction
Remove only completely sealed or two third sealed combs of honey for extraction.
Never extract unripe honey
Keep sufficient food stores with the colonies as per strength and prevailing dearth
Do not rob the colonies of their whole stores.
Lecture No. 4
Bee Hives and their description, Bee Pasturage, bee foraging, behavior and
Modern frame hives
Frame hives fitted with moveable frames on which the bees are persuaded to build their
combs. They are usually composed of several boxes, one on top of the other, in which hives
frame are suspended. The lower boxes (1-2) are used for holding the brood and the upper
ones (1-2) are used for collection of honey, pollen and propolis.
The artificial comb was first introduced by Revd. L. L. Langstroth in 1851 in America.
Langstroth hives use standardized sizes of hive bodied ( rectangular boxes without tops or
bottoms placed one on top of another) and internal frames to ensure that partes are
interchangeable and that the frame s will remain relatively easy to remove ,inspect and
replace without killing the bees. Langstroth hive bodies aer rectangular in shape and can be
made from variety of materials that can be stacked to expand the usable space for the
bees.Inside the boxes frames are hung in parallel .
Langstroth frames are thin rectangular structures made of wood or plastic and which have a
wax or plastic foundation on which the bees draw out the comb. The frames hold the
beeswax honeycomb formed by the bees. Yen frames side-to-side will fill the hive body and
Honey bees collect nectar and pollen from flowering plants. Nectar is a sweet secretion from
the floral and extra-floral nectarines of flowing and is the raw material for honey. Pollen is
protein-rich food for the bees.
Bee Pasturage or bee forage
The plants than yield nectar and pollen are collectively called bee flora, bee pasturage or
bee forage.
The period when a good number of plants providing nectar and pollen are available to
bees is called honey flow period.
If the nectar yield is copious from a good number of plants of a particular species, it is
called major honey flow period.
When the amount of nectar to be collected is small, it is called the dearth period.
As nectar and pollen are basic raw material for beekeeping means managing honey bee
colonies in such a way to obtain maximum colony population for honey production and
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Plants which are good source of nectar are tamarind, moringa, neem, Prosopis juliflora,
soapnut tree, Glyricidia maculate, eucalyptus, Tribulus terrestris and pungam.
Plants which are good source of pollen are sorghum, sweet potato, maize, tobacco,
millets, coconut, roses, castor, pomegranate, and date palm.
Plants which are good source of pollen and nectar are banana, peach, citrus, guava, apple,
sunflower, pear, mango, and plum.
Foraging: Collection of pollen and nectar by bees is called foraging.
Nectar foragers: They collect nectar from flowers using lapping tougue and passes the
nectar to hive bees. Hive bees repeatedly pass the nectar between pre oral cavity and
tongue to ripen the honey later they drop the ripened honey into cells.
Pollen foragers: They collect pollen by passing through different flowers pollen stiking
to the body is removed by using pollen comb. Then it is packet using pollen press into
corbicula or pollen basket. Then the pollen is dislodged by middle leg into cells. Pollen is
mixed with honey and stored.
Floral fidelity: A bee visits same species of plant for pollen and nectar collection until
the source is exhausted. This is known as floral fidelity.
2. Amoebic disease
Causal organism: Malphigian gamoeba mellifera
Place of infection: Malphigian tubules
Nature of damage: It causes dysentery. The cysted amoeba are passed out from intenstine
with faeces and contaminate the healthy bees .
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Stage infected: Adult
Management: Sterilization of brood box and frames with glacial acetic acid or 40%
3. Nosema disease
Causal organism: Nosema apis
Place of infection: Stomach
Nature of damage: It invades the intenstinal tracts of adult bees and causes nosemosis and
Stage infected: Adult
Increase the ventilation through the hives and treating a hive with antibiotics.
Removing much of the honey from the beehive then feeding the bees on sugar water.
Sterilization of brood box and frames with glacial acetic acid or 40% formalin.
6. Chalk brood
7. Stone brood
Causal organism: Aspergillus fumigatus A. flavus A. niger
Place of infection: Alimentary canal
Nature of damage: Dead larvae turn black and become difficult to crush, hence the name
stone brood. Fungus erupts from the integument of larva and forms a false skin and larvae
are covered with powdery fungal spores
Stage infected: Larvae and adults
Management: Sterilization of the hive with formaldehyde fumes
4. Predatory wasps
Scientific name: Vespa orientalis V. magnifera
Nature of damage: Prey on bees. The wasps macerate the bees and feed their larvae.
Management: Destruction wasps nests by burning or with insecticides
5. Ants
Scientific name: Dorylus labiatus
Nature of damage: Take away honey and brood. Weaken and destroy the bee colony
Management: Destruction of ants nests by fumigation or with insecticides. Treating the legs
of the apiaries with a repellent
Lecture No. 6
Sericulture: Related terminologies, History and development of Silkworms in India,
Types of silkworms, Voltinism and biology of silkworms.
Related Terminologies
“Sericulture is the rearing of silkworms for the production of raw silk”.
“Cultivation of Mulberry plants are called moriculture”.
Cocoon : A protective covering made by the larvae of insects belonging to the group of
moths and butterflies.
Dupion : An irregular, rough silk reeled from double cocoons.
Green Cocoon : Freshly harvested cocoons with live pupa inside.
Inherited Genetic : Characters transmitted from the parents to offspring.
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Character Integument : Hard outermost layer of the insect body.
Metamorphosis : Complete change of morphology during the life cycle of the insects.
Mountage : A device used for support of making cocoons by the silkworm larvae.
Raw silk : Fibre made with combination of filaments from several cocoons.
Reelers : People who convert cocoons into silk yarn.
Urination : Silkworm larvae excrete water before formation of cocoon is called urination.
History and development of Silkworms in India
Sericulture, or silk production, from the moth, Bombyx mori (L.), has a long and colorful
history unknown to most people.
Although there are several commercial species of silkworms, B. mori is the most widely
used and intensively studied, and techniques for its rearing are the most improved.
This insect is the sole living species in its family, Bombycidae, and has been
domesticated for so long that it probably no longer survives in the wild.
World silk production has approximately doubled during the last 30 years in spite of man-
made fibers replacing silk for some uses.
China and Japan during this period have been the two main producers, together
manufacturing more than 50% of the world production each year.
China during the late 1970’s drastically increased its silk production and became the
world’s leading producer of silk.
The 1970’s were a period of tumultuous political and social upheaval in China, resulting
in various economic reforms.
Undoubtedly, these reforms are partially responsible for China’s increased silk
production. Thus the country that first developed sericulture approximately 4,700 years
ago has again become the world’s main producer of silk.
China, India ans South Korea are the major silk exporting countries, while exports from
Japan have declined over the years.
Types of Silkworms:
There are five major types of silk of commercial importance, obtained from different species
of silkworms which in turn feed on a number of food plants: Except mulberry, other varieties
of silks are generally termed as non-mulberry silks. India has the unique distinction of
producing all these commercial varieties of silk.
1. Mulberry:
The bulk of the commercial silk produced in the world comes from this variety and often
silk generally refers to mulberry silk.
Mulberry silk comes from the silkworm, Bombyx mori L. which solely feeds on the
leaves of mulberry plant.
These silkworms are completely domesticated and reared indoors.
In India, the major mulberry silk producing states are Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, West
Bengal, Tamil Nadu and Jammu & Kashmir which together accounts for 92 % of
country’s total mulberry raw silk production
2. Tasar:
Tasar (Tussah) is copperish colour, coarse silk mainly used for furnishings and interiors.
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It is less lustrous than mulberry silk, but has its own feel and appeal.
Tasar silk is generated by the silkworm, Antheraea mylitta which mainly thrive on the
food plants Asan and Arjun.
The rearings are conducted in nature on the trees in the open.
In India, tasar silk is mainly produced in the states of Jharkhand, Chattisgarh and Orissa,
besides Maharashtra, West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh.
Tasar culture is the main stay for many a tribal community in India.
3. Oak Tasar
It is a finer variety of tasar generated by the silkworm, Antheraea proyeli J.
In India which feed on natural food plants of oak, found in abundance in the sub-
Himalayan belt of India covering the states of Manipur, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh,
Assam, Meghalaya and Jammu & Kashmir.
China is the major producer of oak tasar in the world and this comes from another
silkworm which is known as Antheraea pernyi.
4. Eri:
Also known as Endi or Errandi, Eri is a multivoltine silk spun from open-ended cocoons,
unlike other varieties of silk.
Eri silk is the product of the domesticated silkworm, Philosamia ricini that feeds mainly
on castor leaves.
Ericulture is a household activity practiced mainly for protein rich pupae, a delicacy for
the tribal.
Resultantly, the eri cocoons are open-mouthed and are spun.
The silk is used indigenously for preparation of chaddars (wraps) for own use by these
In India, this culture is practiced mainly in the north-eastern states and Assam.
It is also found in Bihar, West Bengal and Orissa
This golden yellow colour silk is prerogative of India and the pride of Assam state.
It is obtained from semi-domesticated multivoltine silkworm, Antheraea assamensis.
These silkworms feed on the aromatic leaves of Som and Soalu plants and are reared on
trees similar to that of tasar.
Muga culture is specific to the state of Assam and an integral part of the tradition and
culture of that state.
The muga silk, an high value product is used in products like sarees, mekhalas, chaddars,
2. Multivoltines
Multivoltins races of silkworms are of great importance since they complete 5-6
lifecycles in year and develop non-hiberation eggs.
Multivoltines cocoons are hard however , their yield is poor in comparison to biovoltines.
Mysore multivoltines race is reared in Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Andhrapradesh, Nistari
multivoltines race is reared in West Bengal.
Nowadays, hybrids of multivoltines and biovoltines breeds are piopular in India and other
silk producing country.
Females of Mysore race and males of biovoltine KA, NB4D2 are hybridized.
Biology of Silkworm:
There are three main stages:
1. Egg
Eggs are laid in the night in clusters on the under surface of mulberry leaves.
A female lays about 300-400 eggs popularly called as silk seeds.
The eggs are small, pale white and seed like in appearance.
At the time of hatching they become black and hatch in 10-12 days during summer and
30 days during winter.
In the univoltine race, the eggs do not hatch during winter but remain in hibernation,
therefore, one generation is found in year in such case.
Such type of race found in European countries and Kashmir and Punjab in India.
Contrary to this, 2-7 generation are found in multivoltine races.
2. Larva
The caterpillar on hatching is white to dark in colour and about 3 mm in length.
There are three pairs of thoracic and 5 pairs of abdominal legs which are situated on the
3,4,5,6 and 10 the abdominal segments.
Young caterpillar are reared in trays on tender mulberry leaves at 25-270C.
Each day, the feed is provided 3-4 times with small quantity of leaves after 5 th day when
they become big, a net of small mesh in placed over them and succulent leaves are put on
the net.
The larvae on getting the fod crawl above through the meshes of the net.
The larva moults 4-5 times after every 6-7 days and become mature in 30-35 days.
The full grown caterpillar is creamy white in colour and about 75 mm long.
3. Pupa (Cocoon)
Lecture No. 7
Mulberry Cultivation, crop varieties, method of harvesting and preservation of
mulberry leaves
Mulberry (Morus spp., Moraceae)
The important character of the members of the family Moraceae (especially Morus spp.) is
the presence of idioblast, an enlarged epidermal cell in the leaf.
Ecological requirements
Mulberry can be grown upto 800 m MSL.
For the optimum growth of mulberry and good sprouting of the buds, the mean
atmospheric temperature should be in the range of 13Oc to 37.7Oc.
The ideal temperature should be between 24 and 28Oc with relative humidity of 65 to 80
percent and sun shine duration of 5 to 12 hours per day
Mulberry can be grown in a rainfall range of 600mm to 2500mm. Under low rainfall
conditions, the growth is limited and requires supplemental irrigation. On an average,
50mm once in 10 days is considered ideal for mulberry.
Slightly acidic soils (6.2 to 6.8 Ph) free from injurious salts are ideal for good growth of
mulberry plant. Saline and alkaline soils are not preferred.
Mulberry varieties
Irrigated : Kanva 2, MR 2, S 30, S 36, S 54, DD (Viswa), V1
Semi irrigated : Kanva 2, MR 2
Rainfed : S 13, S 34, RFS 135, RFS 175, S 1635
Propagation of mulberry
Mulberry is mostly propagated through cuttings.
The method of leaf harvest depends on the type of rearing practiced. It is preferable
to harvest the leaves during morning hours. There are three methods of harvesting of
mulberry leaves
Leaf picking
Individual leaves are harvested with or without petiole. Leaf picking starts 10 weeks after
bottom pruning and subsequent pickings are done at an interval of 7 – 8 weeks.
Branch cutting
The entire branches are cut and fed to the worms. Before that, topping is done to ensure
uniform maturity of the lower leaves.
Whole shoot harvest
The branches are cut at ground level by bottom pruning. Shoots are harvested at an interval
of 10-12 weeks and thus 5 to 6 harvests are made in a year.
Time of harvest
It is preferable to harvest the leaves during morning hours.
Preservation of leaves
Use leaf preservation chamber or wet gunny bags to store the leaves or cover the bamboo
basket with wet gunny bags to keep it cool and fresh.
Lecture No. 8
Rearing house and rearing appliances of mulberry silkworm, methods of
disinfection and mulberry leaves
Rearing House
A separate house is ideal for rearing of silkworm
The rearing house should have sufficient number of windows to permit cross ventilation.
Provision should be made to make it air tight for proper disinfection.
Rearing house has to be built in such a way to provide optimum temperature of 26-28º c
and RH of 60-70% for the growth of silkworm at minimum operational cost
Important principles
The most important principles to be remembered in silkworm rearing house are :
1. Avoid
Damp condition
Stagnation of air
Direct and strong drift of air
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Exposure to bright sun light and radiation
2. Ensure
An equable temperature and humidity
Good ventilation.
Rearing house should be built depending on the brusing capacity and the method of
The rearing area of 2 sq.ft/ dfl for floor rearing and 3 sq. ft/ dfl for shoot rearing is the
general criteria.
Rearing house should have a main rearing hall, an ante room (8 x 8 ft) and leaf
preservation room.
Maintaining a separate chawki room (a must for two- plot rearing system; rearing room of
size 10’ x 14’ with a height of 9-10 ft for an acre of garden) ideal.
Rearing house should face east-west direction.
Rearing houose should have facilities to maintain the required environmental conditions.
Growing trees around rearing house helps to maintain favourable environment
Rearing house should be constructed taking consideration he following points such as
effective is disinfection, washable floor, etc.
480 sq.ft area is required for rearing 100 dfls.
Preparation of rearing house
Rearing room is to be kept ready after disinfection atleast 3-4 days in advance of
commencement of rearing.
Preconditioning of the rearing house is essential ie, arrangement of rearing appliances and
provision of essential environmental conditions one day in advance.
Preparation for brushing
Before commencement of each rearing, the rearing equipments and rearing houses must
be thoroughly washed and disinfected with chlorine dioxide.
Chlorine dioxide is sprayed on equipments, walls, roof and floor uniformly to destroy the
disease causing organisms.
The rooms should be kept closed for about 24 hours after disinfection.
The doors and windows should be kept open at least for 24 hours before commencement
of rearing to avoid traces of disinfectants.
To disinfect rearing room and rearing appliances, chlorine dioxide can be used. 500 ml of
chloride dioxide is mixed with 50 g of activator and this is dissolved in 20 litres of water .
To this, 100 g of lime powder has to be mixed.
Rearing appliances
Non recurring (General)
Disinfection mask and protective gum shes
Sprayer for disinfection
Room heater
Water air cooler
Kerosene blow lap
Wet and dry thermometer
6” forceps
Spray 2 % formalin with 0.3% slaked lime or 2.5 % chlorine dioxide with 0.5 % slaked
lime @ 2 l/m2 area for disinfecting the rearing house immediately after completion of
rearing and three days before brushing.
Dip the rearing equipments in 2 % bleaching powder solution and sun dry before use.
Dust 5% bleaching powder with slaked lime powder @ 200 g/m2 around the rearing
house and passages and sprinkle water @ 1 lit / m2 floor area.
Incubation of egg and hatching
The egg sheets should be spread out as a single layer in a chawki tray.
Temperature of 25Oc and humidity of 80 per cent are maintained. For this, paraffin
papers and wet foam pads may be used.
When the eggs come to head pigmentation stage (about 48 hours before hatching), they
should be kept in dark condition by wrapping them in black paper or by keeping them in a
box (black boxing). On the expected day of hatching, eggs are exposed to light, early in
the morning to ensure uniform hatching. This facilitates uniform development of
Most of the eggs (90 to 95 per cent) will hatch in about 2 to 3 hours.
Low cost method of preservation of eggs
The eggs can be kept in an earthen incubation chamber.
Draw the diagram and observe how humidity is maintained in the chamber.
The hatched larvae should not be starved and they must be brushed on a paraffin paper in
a rearing tray or blue polythene sheet (Rearing bed).
This is done by sprinkling chopped tender mulberry leaves of size 0.5 to 1 cm2 over the
hatched larvae. The larvae crawl on to the leaves.
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After 8 to 10 minutes, the egg sheet is inverted over rearing tray and gently tapped.
Worms that are still attached to the egg sheets should be gently removed to the tray with a
A rearing bed is prepared and some more chopped leaves, if necessary, are sprinkled.
To prevent drying of leaves and to maintain the required humidity in the rearing bed, wet
foam pads and paraffin paper covering are provided.
Lecture No. 9
Silkworm Rearing, mounting, harvesting and marketing of cocoons.
1. Required rearing room floor area is more (by 30%)
2. Bed refusals will not be available as a cattle feed.
3. Planting materials (cuttings) will not be available.
In sericulture we are usually having two types of cocoon market:-
1. Seed cocoon market
2. Commercial cocoon market
a) Dry cocoon market
b) Green cocoon market
Lecture No. 10
Peat and Diseases of Silkworm and their management
1. Uzifly (Exorista soebillans)
Type of damage
Mature maggot causes reduction in yield of cocoons and cocoon quality.
Causes death of silkworm larva.
o Presence of creamy white oval eggs on the skin of larvae in the initial stage.
o Presence of black scar on the larval skin
o Silkworm larvae die before they reach the spinning stage (if they are attacked in the early
o In later stage, pierced cocoon is noticed.
Period of occurrence
o Throughout the year, severity is more in winter months
o Maintain sanitary and hygienic conditions in the rearing room.
o Provide physical barriers like wire mesh in the doors and windows of the rearing rooms.
o Spray 1 per cent benzoic acid over the larvae to kill the eggs of uzi fly.
o Dissolve the uzicide tablets in the water (2 tablets/l) to attract the adults.
o Release the gregarious, ectopupal hyperparasitoid, Nesolynx thymus (Eulophidae:
Hymenoptera) @ 1 lakh adults/100 dfls during night hours. Release the hyperparasitoid in
three split doses @ 8000, 16,000 and 76,000/100 DFLs during fourth and fifth instars and
after cocoon harvest.
2. Beetles (Dremestes cadeverinus) Coleoptera
Types of damage
The adults and grub and other dermestid beetls are attracted to the smell of cocoons in
They eat of cocoons, enclosed pupa and often the eggs of silkworms.
The females of these beetles lay their eggs in creviceps, organic and wooden boards.
Occasionally, the rooms could be fumigated with CH3 Br (Methyl bromide)
3. Ants
The attack on silkworms in earning trays.
Lecture No. 11
Lac Culture: Species of lac insects, morphology, biology, behavior, host plant.
Lac Culture:
“Lac culture is the scientific management of lac insects to obtain a high amount of
quality lac”.
This involves selection and maintenance of host plants, inoculation of host plants with
healthy lac insects, collection and processing of lac and protection against enemies.
“Lac is the resinous secretion of lac insects”.
Lac insect is a minute crawling scale insect which inserts its suctorial proboscis into
plant tissue, sucks juices, grows and secretes resinous lac from the body.
Its own body ultimately gets covered with lac in the so called ‘CELL’.
Lac is secreted by insects for protection from predators.
The head, thorax and abdomen are not clearly distinct.
Eggs hatch within a few hours of laying, and a crimson-red first instar nymph called
crawlers come out.
The crawler measures 0.6 x .25 mm in size.
At this stage, both male and female nymphs live on the sap of the trees.
They insert their suctorial proboscis into plant tissue and suck the sap.
The resin secreted is semi-solid which hardens on exposure to air into a protective
The nymphs molt thrice inside the cells before reaching maturity.
The duration of each instar is dependent on several factors, viz. temperature,
humidity and host plant.
Male and female are different from each other i.e., female is 3 times larger then male
2 types, winged or wingless
Only 1 pair of wings and winged males appear during dry season (Baisakhiand Jetwi)
Survives for 3-4 days and die after copulation
Elongate and slipper shaped
The males regain their lost appendages at the last moult
Short and spherical
After second moult, the female nymphs become swollen with no trace of segmentation
The posterior end of abdomen is bent upward and insect becomes roundish
Females never regain lost appendages
Mesothoraxis provided with a appendage through which spiracles are open
The male copulates with the female even while the later remains inside the cell
A copulated female grows up very fast and secretes lac abundantly and the size of the insect
The female cell size reach several times that of male cells
Thus, the female insects are the chief producers of the lac
Before egg laying, female develop 2 yellow spots posteriorly
Lac insects thrive on twigs of certain plant species, suck the plant sap, and grow all the
while secreting lac resin from their bodies, These plants are called host plants.
Although lac insect is natural pest on host plant, these insects enjoy the privileged
position not being treated as pest.
This is because: i) they yield a useful product, ii) the host plants are economically not so
important, and iii) the insects cause only temporary and recoverable damage to the host
About 113 varieties of host plants are mentioned as lac host plant.
Out of which the followings are very common in India:
1. Butea monosperma (Vern. Palas)
2. Zizyphus spp (vern. Ber)
3. Schleichera oleosa (Vern. Kusum)
4. Acacia catechu (Vern. Khair)
5. Acacia 50uxilia (Vern. Babul)
6. Acacia auriculiformis (Vern. Akashmani)
7. Zizyphus xylopyrus (Vern. Khatber- grown in part of M.P. & U.P.)
8. Shorea talura (Vern. Sal grown in mysore)
9. Cajanus cajan (Vern. Pigeon-pea or Arhar)
10. Grewia teliaefolia (Vern. Dhaman preferred in Assam)
11. Albizzia lebbek (Vern. Siris/Gulwang)
12. Flemingia macrophylla (Vern. Bholia)
13. Ficus benghalensis (Vern. Bargad)
14. Ficus religiosa (Vern. Peepal)
Of these host plants, palas, kusum, ber and khair are of major importance, while others
are of regional and minor importance.
It is also important to mention that the quality of Lac Culture lac is directly related to the
host plant and to the strain of lac insects.
Based on industrial parameters, kusumi lac is better and fetches higher price in market.
In this respect, ber tree as a potential kusumi lac host is already getting momentum.
This host species is available in plenty and can supplement and fulfill the kusmi brood lac
requirement in many areas.
Similarly, siris (Albizzia sp.) has also been identified as good host for kusumi brood lac.
The trees can be raised and utilized within a period of 5-6 years of plantation in
comparison to around 15 years for kusum.
Flemingia semialata is a bushy host plant and has also been identified as well as
established as a good kusumi lac host on plantation basis.
Thus, these three hosts viz., ber, siris, semialata and lately Prosopis juliflora (in Gujarat
areas) are expected to enhance kusumi lac cultivation.
Adoption of this activity may enhance lac production to the tune of 3-4%.
b) Improved practice:
To provide much needed rest to host plant safter harvest.
Trees are divided into coupesi.e., groups that consist certain number of trees.
Only few numbers of trees in a coupe are inoculated.
After harvest, these trees are made to rest and recoup the last vigor.
Other trees are ready with succulent twigs for inoculation.
Alternate groups of trees are put to lac cultivation.
Kusumis slowly growing, hence 18 months rest is given
The trees are divided into 4 coupes and inoculating each coupe once in two years
Plants of resting coupes are pruned
InRangeenihosts like Palasand ber, trees are divided into 3 coupes i.e., two large and
one small in ratio of 3:1:3
The baisakhicrop is raised in 2large coupes in alternate years
So that each coupe has a rest of 16 months in between and the katkicrop is raised in small
coupe every year allowing a rest period of 8months between two successive crops.
Selection of Site
a) Inoculation:
Propagation of lac insects is done by inoculation of newly hatched (brood lac) nymphs on
host plants
Lac sticks bearing alive mother cells which are about to oviposit are called as Brood Lac
One to 20 kg of brood stick is needed for inoculating a tree based on size of
kusumistrain, 0.4 to 5 kg in case of RangeeniNatural/self/auto inoculation: swarmed
nymphs infest the same plant again
Natural inoculation, repeated on the same host, makes the host plant weak nymphs do not
get proper nutrition
Uniform sequence of inoculation does not take place
b) Artificial inoculation:
The old weak and diseased twigs of host plants are pruned in January or June.
Induces host plants to throw out new succulent twigs.
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The cut pieces of brood twig (i.e., 20 x 30 cm in length) are tied to fresh twigs.
Each stick touches the tender branches at several places.
The nymphs swarm from brood and migrate to tender and succulent twigs and infest
Following swarming, brood twigs should be removed from the host plant to prevent pest
Composition of lac:
Lac resin –68%Lac wax –6% Lac dye-1-2%Others-25%
Types of lac
1. Stick lac: After harvest, lac encrustations are removed from the twigs of host plant by
The raw lac thus obtained is known as crude/scraped/stick lac
The optimum moisture content is 4% for storage of stick lac to avoid lump formation
2. Button lac:
lac formed into cakes shaped like buttons by melting and solidifying.
Button Lac is the preferred choice for French Polishing, Floor Finishing, tough &
moisture resistant finishes.
Button Lac contains wax and may not be as compatible as dewaxed shellac when being
used in combination with other finishing products like Polyurethane, Waterlox etc.
It is used in fruit coatings, e.g. for citrus fruits and apples, parting and glazing
for sweets, marzipan, chocolate etc. Also used as binder for foodstuff stamp inks,
e.g. for cheese and eggs.
It is used as binder for mascara, nail varnish additive conditioning shampoo, film
forming agent for hair spray, micro-encapsulation for perfumes.
It is used for enteric (i.e. digestive juice-resistant) coatings for tablets and as odour
barrier for dragées.
It is used in manufacturing of photographic material, lithographic ink and for
stiffening felt and hat material.
It is utilized in preparation of gramophone records.
Jewellers and goldsmiths use lac as a filling material in the hollows in ornaments.
It is also used in preparation of toys, buttons, pottery and artificial leather.
It is also used commonly as sealing wax.
4. Bleached shellac
Bleached shellac is non-toxic, physiologically harmless (edible), and is widely used
in the food industries, food packaging and allied industries.
Apart from the above, bleached shellac is also used for its qualities i.e. binding,
adhesive, hardening, gloss, odourless, fast drying, and extending shelf life (in
absence of refrigeration ) etc.
Clear and transparent or very light coloured alcoholic or water – alkali solutions can
be obtained from bleached shellac.
Bleached shellac is widely used in the following industry:
Paints (primer for plastic parts and plastic film)
Aluminium industry (primer for Aluminium and Aluminium foils)
Flexographic printing inks
Pharmaceuticals (for coating of pills, tables and gel caps and coating for
controlled release preparation)
Confectionery (in coating of confections, chewing gums, marzipan chocolates,
nutties, jelly- and coffee-beans etc)
Binder for food marking and stamping inks and Binder for egg coating
Barrier coating for processed food, vegetables, fruits and dry flowers
Textiles (used as textile auxiliaries and felt hat stiffening agents)
Cosmetics ( used in hair spray, hair and lacquers, hair shampoos, and binder for
Wood finishing (as binder for wood coatings and wood stains and as filler/sealer
for porous surfaces and cracks )
Antique frames for paintings and Wood polish (French polish)
Fire works and pyrotechnics ( as binder for fireworks, matches etc and used in
coating of magnesia
Electric (as binder for lamp cements)
Lecture No. 13
Biocontrol agents (Natural Enemies): Introduction of bioagents, Ideal characteristics of
bioagents, Successful examples of biological control
“Biological control or biocontrol is a method of controlling pests such as insects, mites,
weeds and plant diseases using other organisms”.
“Biological control has been defined simply as the utilization of natural enemies to reduce
the damage caused by noxious organisms to tolerable levels”.
Introduction of Bioagents:
Biological control agents are living organisms, including parasites, predators and disease
causing fungi, bacteria and viruses.
Lecture No. 14
General classification: Important insect orders bearing predators and parasitoids used
in pest control Identification of major parasitoids and predators commonly used in
biological control of crop pests.
Important insect orders bearing predators and parasitoids used in pest control:
Used in biological control of insects and mites . Most parasites and pathogens, and many
predators, are highly specialized and attack a limited number of closely related pest species.
Learn how to recognize natural enemies by consulting resources such as the Natural Enemies
Handbook and the.
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1. Parasites
A parasite is an organism that lives and feeds in or on a host.
Insect parasites can develop on the inside or outside of the host’s body.
Often only the immature stage of the parasite feeds on the host.
However, adult females of certain parasites (such as many wasps that attack scales and
whiteflies) feed on and kill their hosts, providing an easily overlooked but important
source of biological control in addition to the host mortality caused by parasitism.
Although the term “parasite” is used here, true parasites (e.g., fleas and ticks) do not
typically kill their hosts.
Species useful in biological control, and discussed here, kill their hosts; they are more
precisely called “parasitoids.”
Most parasitic insects are either flies (Order Diptera) or wasps (Order Hymenoptera).
Parasitic wasps occur in over three dozen Hymenoptera families.
For example, Aphidiinae (a subfamily of Braconidae) attack
aphids. Trichogrammatidae parasitize insect eggs.
Aphelinidae, Encyrtidae, Eulophidae, and Ichneumonidae are other groups that parasitize
insect pests.
It’s important to note that these tiny to medium-sized wasps are incapable of stinging
people. The most common parasitic flies are the typically hairy Tachinidae.
Adult tachinids often resemble house flies. Their larvae are maggots that feed inside the
2. Predators
Predators kill and feed on several to many individual prey during their lifetimes.
Many species of amphibians, birds, mammals, and reptiles prey extensively on insects.
Predatory beetles, flies, lacewings, true bugs (Order Hemiptera), and wasps feed on
various pest insects or mites.
Most spiders feed entirely on insects.
Predatory mites that feed primarily on pest spider mites include
Amblyseius spp., Neoseiulus spp., and the western predatory mite, Galendromus
3. Pathogens
Natural enemy pathogens are microorganisms including certain bacteria, fungi,
nematodes, protozoa, and viruses that can infect and kill the host.
Populations of some aphids, caterpillars, mites, and other invertebrates are sometimes
drastically reduced by naturally occurring pathogens, usually under conditions such as
prolonged high humidity or dense pest populations.
In addition to a naturally occurring disease outbreak (epizootic), some beneficial
pathogens are commercially available as biological or microbial pesticides.
These include Bacillus thuringiensis or Bt, entomopathogenic nematodes, and granulosis
Additionally, some microorganism by-products, such as avermectins and spinosyns are
used in certain insecticides; but applying these products is not considered to be biological
Lecture No. 15
Major parasitoids: Trichogramma sp., Chelonus blackburni, Cotesia (Apanteles) sp.,
Bracon sp., Epiricania melanoleuca, Goniozus nephantidis, Campoletis chloridae,
Major predators: Chrysoperla sp., Australian lady bird beetle Cryptolaemusmontrouzieri
Weed killers: Zygogramma bicolorata, Neochetina spp.
Major parasitoids:
1. Trichogramma sp.
Trichogramma is a genus of minute polyphagous wasps that are endoparasitoids of insect
eggs. Trichogramma is one of around 80 genera from the family Trichogrammatidae,
with over 200 species worldwide.
Although several groups of egg parasitoids are commonly employed for biological
control throughout the world, Trichogramma spp. Have been the most extensively
studied. More than a thousand papers have been published on Trichogramma species,
and they are the most used biological control agents in the world.
Trichogramma spp. Have less than 10,000 neurons, approaching the size limit of how
small an insect can be, determined by how few neurons they can fit in their central
nervous systems, yet exhibiting a complex behavior to sustain their lives.
Biological control:
Trichogramma spp. Have been used for control of lepidopteran pests for many years.
They can be considered the Drosophila of the parasitoid world, as they have been used
for inundative releases and much understanding today comes from experiments with these
Entomologists in the early 1900s began to rear Trichogramma spp. For biological
control. T. minutum is one of the most commonly found species in Europe and was first
mass reared in 1926 on eggs of Sitotroga cerealella. T. minutum has been investigated as
a method of biological control of the Choristoneura fumiferana, a major pest of spruce
and fir forests.
Nine species of Trichogramma are produced commercially in insectaries around the
world, with 30 countries releasing them.
Trichogramma wasps are used for control on numerous crops and plants; these include
cotton, sugarcane, vegetables, sugarbeets, orchards, and forests. Some of the pests
controlled include cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera), codling moth (Cydia
pomonella), lightbrown apple moth (Epiphyas postvittana), and European corn borer
(Ostrinia nubilalis).
Trichogramma species vary in their host specificity.
This can lead to nontarget hosts being parasitized.
This, in turn, can cause problems by reducing the amount of parasitism of the target host,
and depending on the rate of parasitism, nontarget effects could be significant on
nontarget host populations.
Research is being done on the use of Trichogramma wasps to control populations of
spruce bud moth (Zeiraphera canadensis), which damages white spruce trees.
2. Chelonus blackburni
Taxonomic position
Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Cheloninae
Egg-larval parasitoid of several lepidopterous pests like potato tuber moth, Phthorimaea
operculella, cotton bollworms, Hellula undalis, Plutella xylostella, etc. It has been used for
the biological suppression of P. operculella in Maharashtra, Earias vittella (Fabricius) in
Karnataka, E. insulana Stoll. (=E. fabia) in Maharashtra, Pecinophora
gossypiella (Saunders) in Maharashtra and Helicoverpa armigera (Huebner) on cotton and
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other host plants in many states. It is becoming an important component of IPM systems on
potato, cotton, etc.
Mass production
This parasitoid is commonly mass produced on the standard laboratory host, Corcyra
cephalonica (Stainton) and the potato tuber moth, Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller). It could
also be multiplied successfully on Achroia grisella (Fabricius) and Spodoptera
exigua (Huebner). Detailed production and release procedures are outlined in Singh
Field release
The following release dosages are often adopted, depending on the pest.
Potato tuber moth: Two releases @50,000 adults/ release in the field and 5 adults/kg
potatoes in godowns.
Cotton bollworms: 50,000 adults/ week, first release coinciding with sighting of eggs in
the field.
Helicoverpa armigera at weekly intervals, first release coinciding with sighting of eggs in
the field.
5. Gonious nephantidis
Goniozus nephantidis is a gregarious larval ectoparasitoid of the coconut black-headed
caterpillar, Opisina arenosella Walker (=Nephantis serinopa Meyrick) (Lepidoptera:
Xylorictidae). It is apparently host-specific, but may have a broader host range. Remadevi et
al. (1996) reported Anigraea albomaculata as an alternate host. Krombein (1996), after
examining a paratype from Tamil Nadu, India, bearing the label ‘par. On cotton bolls’, has
also suggested this possibility.
Field Application
The adults are released either in the crown region of coconut palms or on the trunk,
preferably early in the season before the build up of O. arenosella. Usually, releases of G.
nephantidis are recommended as part of the following package: 20.5% of G. nephantidis,
49.4% of Elasmus nephantidis (pre-pupal parasitoid) and 31.9% of Brachymeria
nephantidis (pupal parasitoid). Four releases of G. nephantidis @10/palm are recommended
to get good control.
6. Campoleties chloridae
Larval parasitoid of Noctuidae, particularly Helicoverpa armigera (Huebner)
and Spodoptera litura (F.). It is a key parasitoid of the early-instar larvae of H.
armigera throughout India. Its numbers in nature appear to have come down drastically in
recent years, possibly due to indiscriminate use of insecticides and other factors.
Field Application
The recommended dosage is 15000 adults / hectare. One to three releases are necessary
depending on the population density of young larvae in the field. Field utilization of this
parasitoid is severely limited due to the lack of effective mass production techniques and the
highly male-biased sex ratio.
Major Predators:
1. Chrysoperla sp.
Chrysoperla carnea, known as the common green lacewing, is an insect in
the Chrysopidae family. Although the adults feed on nectar, pollen and aphid honeydew, the
larvae are active predators and feed on aphids and other small insects. It has been used in
the biological control of insect pests on crops.
Weed Killer:
1. Zygogramma bicolorata
Zygogramma bicolorata, variously referred to as the Parthenium beetle or Mexican
beetle, is a species of leaf beetle in the subfamily Chrysomelinae, native to Mexico.
Z. bicolorata is a small lead beetle with a brown head, brown and yellow
graduated pronotum and yellow elytra marked with characteristic elongated brown
stripes. The pattern on the elytra is greatly variable – in a study of 478 beetles, 29
variations on this pattern were identified.
Economic benefits of biological control by Z. bicoorata
In a conservative estimate, the beetle controlled 200-hectare land infested
with Parthenium within three years of its release at Jabalpur.
The cost of most effective herbicide metribuzin for one time application for 200 hectares
accounted to be about Rs 5,40,000/-.
It is also to be noted that during rainy season, about 70-80% Parthenium germinates at
different time after commencement of rains.
Hence, at least two applications are required to control Parthenium which might have
costed Rs 10,80,000/- in a season.
By fourth year of release, beetle was estimated to control 900 –hectare land that
amounted to be worth of Rs 2.43 million of herbicide. If the same area has to be removed
manually or mechanically, it will be about three times more of the herbicide cost.
Therefore, it was concluded that biological control through Z. bicolorata has great
potential at least in higher rainfall areas to manage Parthenium.
The economic benefits will increase many-folds, if we take into consideration the indirect
benefits derived in the form of environmental safety and increase in people health.
Time of release :
The ideal time for carrying out releases is after the commencement of the rains during
rainy season.
During that time plenty of succulent Parthenium plants are available in nature.
There is no benefit in undertaking releases between Novembers to May when they
normally do not breed.
However, beetles can be released in dry season also in those sites where sufficient
moisture allows the continuous germination of new Parthenium.
Such sites may provide suitable microclimate for the beetle to multiply.
2. Neochetina spp.
Neochetina is a genus of weevils known as water hyacinth weevil which are native
to South America.
Neochetina feed almost exclusively on the highly vigorous water hyacinth
(Eichhornia spp.). There are at least two species: N. eichhorniae or mottled water
hyacinth weevil which gets its name from the plant it feeds on and N. bruchi or chevroned
water hyacinth weevil which is characterized by a chevron–shaped marking on its back.
Both weevils have been introduced extensively in countries around the world to help
control water hyacinth growth which threatens to choke numerous waterways and lakes
Use of Trichocards:
After parasitization, 6 days old parasitized cards become ready for shipment/ field releas.
A coat of 10% gum 69uxili is applied on the grids (G1-30) and the eggs are sprinkled
uniformly in a single layer with the aid of a tea strainer.
The excess eggs pasted are removed by gently passing a shoe brush over the card after
sufficient air drying under fan.
The egg cards are placed into polythene bags of suitable size and the nucleus card
of Trichogramma are introduced in it. The easiest way to accomplish this is to place a
piece of ‘Tricho egg card’ containing parasitized eggs (i.e. pharate adults) that are ready
to yield the adults and to hold them in subdued light for 2 to 3 days.
The emerging parasites readily parasitize the fresh eggs. The parasitoid – host ratio is
adjusted accordingly to 1:6 get effective parasitism.
The parasitized eggs in the Tricho Card turn back in 3 or 4 days and the adult parasitoids
emerge in 8 to 10 days from the date of parasitization.
The parasitized eggs in which the parasitoids in the larval or pupal stage (i.e. before or
after turning black) can be stored in the refrigerator (at 50C) for about 3 weeks without
any loss in emergence.
Field release
The parasitoids are released in the pharate stage or when few adults begin to emerge from the
host egg during the evening hours. The cards are cut into bits neatly along the grids with
least damage to the eggs and stapled beneath the foliage in the upper canopy level. To
maximize the field parasitization it is recommended to release the parasitoids is as many
locations as possible. Recently scientists are beginning to advocate the release of cards @
1/5m row length.
Poor quality of mass reared Trichogramma can result in control failures.
The artificial conditions of mass rearing can select for genetic changes that reduce the
effectiveness of the Trichogramma in the field.
Such rearing conditions include rearing multiple generations on unnatural host eggs, the
absence of plants, crowding and interference, rapid generation time, and failure to
rejuvenate genetic stock.
Except for obvious problems such as lack of adult emergence or wing deformities,
growers and pest consultants cannot detect poor quality Trichogramma prior to release.
Commercial suppliers are responsible for maintaining desirable characteristics necessary
for good performance in the field.
Production colonies should be periodically replaced with individuals from a stock culture
maintained on the natural or target host.
Suppliers also should assess the per cent host egg parasitization, adult emergence, and the
sex ratio of emerged adults to be sure they are within acceptable standards.
Standards for established cultures on Corcyraare 95±5 per cent egg parasitization, 90±5
per cent adult emergence, and a sex ratio of 1 to 1.5 females per male.
6. Epiricania melanoleuca:
Epiricania melanoleuca is an important ectoparasitod on nymphs and adults of sugarcane
pyrilla Pyrilla perpusilla (Walker). The parasitoid does not multiply in sufficient numbers in
dry period and as the temperature drops to 16C, the females lay eggs in trash for
overwintering. The redistribution of E. melanoleuca for the management of sugarcane pyrilla
has proved a notable success in many areas of the country
The initial culture of Epiricania melanoleuca is started by collecting the cocoons of the
parasitoid from the field.
The cocoons are kept in 5 cm petridishes the bottom of which is lined by filter paper.
The moths emerge in 5-7 days and mate immediately.
The females readily lay eggs on the filter paper provided. The larvae from these eggs
hatch within a week.
5 day old 100 nymphs / adults of pyrilla and 200-400 freshly emerged larvae of the
parasitoid are kept in a glass tube (15 x 5 cm) for 15-30 minutes.
Lecture No. 17
Mass multiplication and field release techniques of important predators:
Chrysoperla sp., Australian lady bird beetle, Weed predators/killers: Zygogramma
bicolorata, Neochetina sp.
1. Chrysoperla sp:
In India, 65 species of chrysopids belonging to 21 genera have been recorded from
various crop ecosystems.
Some species are distributed widely and are important natural enemies for aphids and
other soft bodied insects.
Amongst them,Chrysoperla carnea is the most common.
It has been used in cotton ecosystem for protection from aphids and other soft bodied
insects. C. carnea is now used extensively all over the country.
Morphology and Biology
The eggs are stalked and green in colour.
The length of the egg in various species ranges between 0.7 to 2.3 mm and that of the
stalk between 2 to 26 mm.
The eggs are laid singly or in clusters.
Eggs turn pale whitish and then black before hatching.
Egg period lasts 3-4 days. The larva is white in colour on hatching.
The larva has 3 instars which are completed in 8-10 days.
The larva spins a cocoon from which the adult emerges in 5-7 days.
Adults on emergence mate repeatedly.
Generally, pre-oviposition period lasts for 3-7 days.
Adult females start laying eggs from 5th day onwards and peak egg-laying period is
between 9-23 days after emergence.
The male longevity is 30-35 days and female can even live up to 60 days.
Fecundity is 600-800 eggs/female.
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The sex ratio Male: Female is 1: 0.85.
The adult males and females live 41 and 53 days, respectively.
Production procedure
In mass production, the adults are fed on various types of diets.
The larvae are either reared in plastic tubes or empty injection vials or in groups in large
containers or in individual cells.
The adults are collected daily and transferred to pneumatic glass troughs or G.I. round
troughs (30 cm x 12 cm).
Before allowing the adults, the rearing troughs are wrapped inside with brown sheet
which act as egg receiving card.
About 250 adults (60% females) are allowed into each trough and covered with white
nylon or georgette cloth secured by rubber band.
On the cloth outside three bits of foam sponge (2 dripped in water is kept.
Besides an artificial protein rich diet is provided in semisolid paste form in three spots on
the cloth outside.
This diet consists of one part of yeast, fructose, honey, Proteinex R and water in the ratio
The adults lay eggs on the brown sheet.
The adults are collected daily and allowed into fresh rearing troughs with fresh food.
From the old troughs, the brown paper sheets along with Chrysopaeggs are removed.
2. Australian lady bird beetle:
montrouzieri has been introduced from Australia for the control of Coccus viridis on
But the predator has established on many species of mealybugs and green shield scale.
In the field its practical use for the suppression of mealybugs viz., pink mealy
bug, Maconellicoccus hirsutus, citrus mealy bug Planococcus citri, tailed mealy
bug Ferrisia virgata and mealy scale Pulvinaria maxima on citrus, coffee, grapes and
several other fruit crops and ornamentals has been demonstrated.
Use of C. montrouzieri is the break through in applied classical biological control.
The coccinellid predator is native of Australia.
In 1892, it was introduced into California by Albert Koebele for the control of citrus
mealy bugs.
Following the success, the beetle was introduced into India in 1898 by New Port.
It has given effective control of mealy bugs in fruit crops like citrus, grapes, guava, etc.
C. montrouzieri is one of the outstanding examples in the biological control history. Its
importance is also evident by its growing commercialization in India.
In the laboratory, the life cycle is completed in approximately 30 days.
The premating and preoviposition periods are about 5 and 10 days respectively.
The oviposition is about 10 days.
Eggs are laid from late evening to early morning.
They are pale yellowish white, the surface being smooth and shiny.
It is oval to cylindrical, both the ends beings smoothly rounded.
Incubation period ranges from 5 to 6 days but extended in winter months.
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Viability of eggs is 90 to 100 per cent.
The newly hatched grub is sluggish but becomes active after 3 to 4 hours.
The tiny grub is pale 75uxilia with white lines across the body along intra segmental
These white lines become prominent after few hours and white wax strands develop after
a day. The grub has four larval instars, and the larval stage occupies about 20 days.
They feed on all stages of mealy bugs.
Duration of first, second, third and fourth instar grubs are 3-4, 4, 4-5-7-8 days
Grownup grubs are entirely covered with white wax strands.
When the grub is disturbed, it exudes a yellow fluid from the dorsal surface of the body
for defensive purpose.
The prepupal period is 2 to 4 days when it suspends feeding activities.
The pupal period varies from 7 to 9 days.
The adult spends about one day in the pupal case before it emerges.
It is covered with a white powder like substance for a day.
The male could be distinguished from the female by the colouration of first pair of legs.
The first pair of legs in the case of male is brown and the latter two pairs being black,
whereas in the female all the three pairs are black.
Male to female ratio is 1 : 1. Adults are also known to attack and feed the mealy bugs.
Longevity of adults ranges from 50 to 60 days and the fecundity is about 200-220 eggs.
Weed Predators:
1. Zygogramma bicolorata:
Adults and larvae of Z.bicolarata feed on parthenium leaves.
The eggs are laid single or in small groups of up to five mostly on the undersurface of the
leaves and egg period lasts four five days the early stage larvae feed on the terminal and
75uxiliary buds and move on to the leaf blades as they grow.
The full grown larvae enter the soil and pupate ,larval and pupal periods last 10-15 days
and 8-10 days, respectively.
Each female is capable of laying up to 1,786 eggs (mean 836.13).
Production procedure:
10 pairs of adults (male and female)is placed on bouquets of parthenium leaves in
14×12cm transparent plastic container.
After observance of egg laying such leaves are replaced and fresh bouquets in egg laying
jars can be repeated for one month.
Small parthenium plants are removed from soil and transplanted in 45×60×90cm cages
with zinc sheet trays at bottom.
These trays are filled with soil and parthenium plants are transplanted and water daily.
Once plants start growing, leaves with egg of Z.bicolarata are placed over theme.
Around 100-150 eggs can be transferred in one such cage. On hatching leaves and pupate
in soil. In such process they consume all plants inside cages.
Generally ration is 10-15grubs to one plant. This way around 15-20 small plants are
provided in each cage.
Such cages yield around 100-125 adults.
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It can also be bred in open field cages by releasing 1 pair/2 plants .
Such cages can accommodate around 100 plants. And yield about 300 adults.
Field releases;
For inoculative raleases 500 adults of zygogramma bicolarata are released per hectare
coinciding with the start of monsoon showers. The beetles spread automatically to the
adjoining fields.
Lecture No. 18
Importance species of pollinator and scavengers with their importance
Important Species Pollinators
Pollinators are Bees, Butterflies, Hummingbirds, and other animals which feed from flowers,
transferring pollen in the process. Nearly 80% of all flowering plants need pollinators to
transfer pollen in order to produce fruits, seeds and vegetables. One out of every three bites
of food we eat depends on the work of pollinators.
1. Native Bees – There are 3,500 native bee species in North America and they are the
most important group of animal pollinators. Native bees are more effective pollinators
than non-native honeybees and their body structure plays a role. Some bees pack pollen
into baskets on their legs. Most native bees are like tiny flying dust mops. Pollen clings to
hairs on their bodies and easily brushes off. In this way, flowers get pollinated more
completely. Native bee behavior can also play a roll in pollination. Unlike honeybees,
native orchard bees are willing to fly when it’s cold and damp. And while honeybees will
visit a single fruit tree, methodically going from flower to flower, orchard bees fly from
tree to tree, resulting in the cross-pollination some trees need to set fruit.
2. The Bumble Bee Is the only true social native bee with worker bees to care for the hive.
Bumble bee species are known to pollinate many important food crops. When other
pollinators are inactive due to cold temperatures, bumble bees are able to shiver which
warms their wings enabling them to fly. Bumble bees also do something called “buzz
pollination.” They vibrate their flight muscles at the exact frequency needed to shake
pollen loose from the plants anthers. Tomatoes for example, don’t really need bees
because they self-pollinate but when tomatoes get regular visits from “buzz pollinators”,
they produce larger fruit and more of it. Bumble bees are also more effective than
honeybees at pollinating crops grown in greenhouses. A mated queen is the only bee in
the colony to survive over winter. She emerges from hibernation each spring to start a
new hive.
3. Solitary native bees are also important pollinators. They include squash bees whose
pollination includes cucumbers, melons, and squashes; mason bees who pollinate many
orchard crops such as apples; green sweat bees who pollinate many flowers including
strawberry; and mining bees who are generalists, pollinating many plants. Solitary bees
are not aggressive since they have no hive to defend. They do not sting. 70% of solitary
bees nest in the ground. Some species nest in holes excavated by beetles in logs and snags
or in hollow plant stems.
4. European Honeybees are managed by beekeepers in specialized hive boxes. They were
imported from Europe in the early 1600’s to pollinate introduced crops and for honey and
beeswax. Farmers depend on honeybees to pollinate many food crops from pumpkins to
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……..BEST LUCK……..